
Friday, July 30, 2010


For those who would like to read a knowledgeable, theological commentary on one aspect of the liturgical reform that led to the Mass of Paul VI, we suggest the following link:

This masterly article by Fr. Stefano Carusi puts Work of Human Hands to shame. Paragraphs are structured, compact, and coherent; the commentary is lucid, profound, and groundbreaking; the language, even in translation, is accessible without irrelevant, snarky asides and a profusion of impenetrable slang; the details are judiciously selected; the tone is serious; the author's personality is virtually invisible, except for the very pleasant impression that we are under the wise guidance of a genuine expert; most important, the conclusions are soberly drawn and thought provoking.

Here we see what a trained and solid mind can produce and how such a mind can thereby advance, not impede, the discussion. Here we find competent theological insight. Here is authentic liturgical analysis. Unlike our experience with WHH, we come away from our reading informed and enlightened. But don't take our word for it: go to the Philothea Press website and read one of the "sneak-peek" excerpts. Then go to the Rorate Caeli blog and read several paragraphs of Fr. Carusi's article. You'll see for yourself that WHH is not merely inferior: it's without any substantive value.

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