
Friday, December 24, 2010


A long line of case studies shows that it is not merely of some importance, but is of fundamental importance that justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done. Viscount Hewart

Pistrina has watched with convulsive amusement as the red-neck cult’s organ of disinformation, the St. Gertrude the Great Weekly Bulletin, tries in vain to prop up Anthony Cekada’s collapsed reputation as a man of learning. Hilariously, the cult’s Grand Panjandrum himself, “One-Hand” Dan, last week singled him out as “another hidden talent.” Now, let’s admit it: All anyone will find under Anthony’s bushel is a smoldering, fetid meadow muffin.

Still, cult leaders endeavor to convince us otherwise, with their strained (and contrived?) anecdotes of intellectual prowess. Yet no amount of spin will alter the opinion of honest men and women who know better. This Yuletide, thankfully, we have observed unmistakable signs that many people are coming to their senses. The best portent was the early arrival of St. Nick in the company of the very resolute Krampus. With the latest defection of a priest from the SGG cult’s miasmic influence, the Blunderer and the Pooh-Bah got a big bundle of switches and a stocking full of lumps of coal.

How satisfying is Santa’s justice!

Savor the moment, then, and join us as we congratulate the Reverend Father Carlos Ércoli on his recent escape from the West Chester-Brooksville cabal. We wish him a speedy recovery and every success in his new chapel. Father is a very talented man, who speaks four languages; he is also a decent priest deserving of everyone’s support. (Jolly old St. Nicholas knows who’s been good!)

If you are a traditional Catholic heavy laden under the cultists’ yoke, look to Father Ércoli for the inspiration to break free. If you are a traditional Catholic who views sedevacantist priests with a jaundiced eye, you now have proof that not all these men are ethically and intellectually challenged.

Our only question is, Why didn’t the Krampus take the bad children away in his sack?

Now that would have been the best gift of all.

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