
Saturday, August 20, 2011


Ed. Note: The Reader knows that for some, who haven't been around the Triple Threat of "One-Hand," the rector, and the Blunderer, it's very hard to conceive how Catholic clergy can be so wrongheaded. Therefore, to overcome any misgivings you might have had about how accurately we have been reporting their antics, this week we bring you external commentary in the words of one of their own priests (and a pesthouse completer, you'll be pleased to learn).

The original text arrived by way of an e-mail last week (it had been found in the trash by a very alert layman). Dated March 27, 2009, it came as a PDF of an e-mail message. We won't quote it all this week, but the few lines we cite will confirm everything we have asserted. Just for the fun of it, we've replaced names with our preferred epithets, and, to be sure, we've withheld the name of the author.

On the Need for Priests and the Boneheaded Un-gleesome Threesome

"...there is certainly an enormous need for priests today. But now consider my situation: I'm going to be ordained, and where am I needed? Obviously not in [my home state]. And not in Cincinnati either, although ["One Hand"] and [the Blunderer] always tell us about how overworked they are. If they needed me they would have made the very reasonable compromise that [the rector]proposed of having me in Cincinnati for two years. But they didn't want to do that because they said if I were there, they would begin new projects to have me work on, and then when I left they would have trouble continuing that work. I said I could just ease their burden for two years without them starting anything significant for me to do, or even if I did, there are other priests coming down the pipeline after me who could take my place after I left...There were several reasonable ideas that could have been worked out, but [the Blunderer] would not even discuss them with me."

On New Priests and the Newbies' Travails

"... the parish clergy are not willing to work with [newly ordained priests], so they have nowhere to go...I think we do not say Mass in enough places; we need more to do, more people, and more money. [The rector] has known about this problem for a long while now, but nothing has really been done. It also makes a bad impression on the laypeople too, because they see a new priest get ordained, and he ends up staying at the seminary to teach instead of working in a parish as they expected. And if they knew all the politics that went into my staying at the seminary, that bad impression would be infinitely worse."

On the Pesthouse and its Strange Goings-on

"Another thing is that I am beginning to lose faith in this seminary as an institution. [The rector] told me that if I stayed there I would have to avoid saying anything against the positions or discipline of the seminary. (I was never told that anti-una-cumism was an official position of the seminary, though I think that is going to change.) As far as the discipline, I approved of the rules of the seminary on the whole, with the exception of one or two details, but now I'm starting to hear about strange things being done."

"The pattern I see emerging here is that we are forbidden even to speak to people whom [the rector] doesn't like. This is a trend that I did not notice in the past, and it disturbs me...So if nonsense like that goes on in the two years that I'll be here as a teacher, I will have to verbally support the seminary in situations that may possibly get weirder and weirder as time goes on."

Ed. Note: Honestly, you can't make this stuff up. Their own people know that everything is rotten with the three stooges of Traditional Catholicism. Now don't worry. We won't leave you hanging. In a future post, we'll continue with the first-hand account of all the weirdness. In the meantime,


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