
Saturday, July 21, 2012


There are two central tasks the board must accomplish during the long months while the beast starves. The first is to establish a new non-profit corporation in your state and then apply for IRS  501(c)(3) status. Filing for state incorporation is relatively inexpensive, and the costs for applying for 501 (c)(3) status (tax-exemption for non-profits) can be considerably reduced by doing it yourself with the help of Legal Zoom. This ploy is not merely to pressure the priest and his episcopal handlers. When you take over the chapel, you will then be able to transfer all accounts to the new charitable corporation to make certain that the old corporation and its inherently evil structure are forever abolished.

The second task is to begin looking for a replacement priest. The bishop-commissars who control your current priest will never really suffer the laity to take complete control. (They despise laymen.) Therefore, even if your priest agrees to stay, unless you secure from him a written contract whereby he forswears any and all connections with these rogue bishops, you must plan for his eventual replacement.

Good and willing  priests are not as scarce as the cult masters would have you believe. Soon there'll be even more available if the SSPX reunites with the Vatican establishment. Don't worry: none of those newly available society priests will affiliate with "One-Hand Dan" or the rector. For one thing, even the youngest of them knows he possesses a superior spiritual and theological formation (and better general education, too). No, they'll cleave to the dissenting SSPX bishops who will abandon Fellay.

If you don't want an ex-society priest, there are many other traditional bishops around who can put you in contact with a priest who may be willing to serve your chapel, either as a resident or as a missionary. Don't worry about any distracting slanders that such priests are under- prepared. Nowadays, outside of the SSPX, no one is trained well (as the failed MHT completers have so ably proved).  Anyway, today we only need priests who can offer Mass correctly, hear confessions (without abusing the tribunal of penance in the interest of thought-control), and competently perform burial rites.

That's the bottom line: a basic Catholic life without all the noise introduced by control-freak wandering "prelates" who hope to fatten their retirement funds.


  1. In July 2012, Mass at St. Anthony's will be celebrated on the following 3 Sundays: July 1, July 8, & July 15.
    No Mass will be celebrated on Sunday, July 22 and Sunday, July 29, 2012.

  2. Your Excellency! Glad you've surfaced.

    (The awkward irony and the .de extension were dead giveaways.)
