Or, Drudgeries on the Liturgy: Misadventures in the Blunderland of Anthony Cekada's Work of Human Hands: A Theological Critique of the Mass of Paul VI together with an Extended Critique of the Substandard Most Holy Trinity "Seminary" in Brooksville, Florida, and an On-going Critical Analysis of the Conferral of Priestly Orders with One Hand
Saturday, November 24, 2012
As we commented recently, our tour in Europe confirmed that Pistrina has been on the right track in its analysis of the resurgence of traditional Catholic feeling, which might become the basis for a restoration movement. We are confident that this growing trend will render it unnecessary to affiliate with the half-educated, egotistical, Mammon-crazed sede wandering bishops who have plagued the faith for the last quarter of a century.
That's why we have been so insistent in urging everyone to starve the beast. Any money you throw their way is surely lost on a bad cause, the aim of which is to feather nests, not foster the Catholic faith. One of the worst donations you can make is to a sede seminary, because in a short time, there'll be no demand for their malformed products.
The reason we can make such a bold assertion is based on a recent visit we made to a European seminary. What a difference between their faculty and seminarians and those at the swampland Pesthouse and other Traddie disgraces! These professors possessed genuine, advanced academic degrees from world-renowned institutions. All were full-time professional instructors whose principal duty was to educate. Many had published in refereed journals and other recognized academic periodicals, and several were authors of books that had been printed and distributed by a reputable imprint, not by a vanity-press outfit. All were exceptionally well qualified for the subject matter they taught. We were especially impressed with the professor of Sacred Scripture, who knew Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic in addition to Latin. How different from the lumpen "professiorate" at Traddie institutions who barely have Latin (as we've demonstrated with the Pesthouse "faculty").
The seminarians were studious, self-confident, and mature. All had been graduates of accredited secondary schools; quite a few had won academic awards while in high school or university. None had been home-schooled, and none bore the uncertain look of fear and bewilderment that so often characterizes a Traddie seminarian. The seminarians we interviewed were split 50-50 between continuing their studies at the graduate level and entering parish work. Not one was a wild-eyed adherent of Vatican II; in fact, they all spoke openly of the importance of re-evaluating the council. Moreover, everyone we spoke to looked forward to learning how to celebrate the Tridentine rite so that he could offer it, at least upon occasion, after ordination. When we asked if they thought they were unique in their traditionalism, they said no: they had many friends and acquaintances in other seminaries who shared their opinions and aspirations.
If, indeed, there are many more like this small sample we spoke with, then a sea change is underway. These young men will join a conservative vanguard, which will soon sweep away the Pesthouse completers and their unfortunate brethren. In our estimation, the current cohort of ordained Pesthouse spawn will not be able to retire from the active priesthood inasmuch as the faithful will abandon them in a few years once they see how inferior they are to the likes of the would-be Levites we met.
This means that, if you support the Pesthouse and other Traddie enterprises like it, your money is going to waste. These underachievers are dumber and less prepared than their cynical, poorly formed masters, who themselves are on the verge of retirement (or at least eagerly planning for it). Decide today to stop listening to the appeals for seminary support. For the good of the sede enrollees, these institutions must fail so that the ungifted young men can seek vocational training that will give them some kind of a future lest they become dependent on the government. They simply cannot compete with the new priests who are coming out of the reformed establishment seminaries.
Save your money and invest in your family. Giving to a Traddie seminary is like investing in a program to train people for hot-metal typesetting. So keep walking past those open hands and don't listen. You'll be doing the young men a favor.
Craig, you are an egotistical fool. By your own admission we are in no man's land. So why trash those who are providing the Traditional Mass and sacraments to the faithful who have nowhere else to go. It is not the perfect solution but until your pie in the sky solution is available why deprive the faithful of some comfort. Don't you see that you come across as an insufferable know it all.
ReplyDeleteDid you learn anything about irony whilst traveling in Europe, Craig?
ReplyDeleteDid you tell the Seminarians you met that you know so much about the dismal failure and disturbing pathology of the American sedevacantist movement because you yourself a product and prototype thereof?
Were you not a faculty member of St. Athanasius Seminary, which you abandoned after the embarrassment brought about by a boy-crazy bishop and the English bovine who attempted to cover up his juvenile antics; and that you failed miserably in your post there only to betray the poor young men who had the misfortune of ever making your sorry acquaintance?
You are no better than Dolan, Cekada, Sanborn, Petco, &c.: precisely because you are worthy of their pedigree, Toth.
You are doomed to irrelevance, obscurity and the curses of those who know what truly happened a year ago. You are not even good enough for mild entertainment anymore.
Like Dolan's prostate, you have only a surgeon's knife to save you. Even then, you shall still be as absurd and useless as a vagrant bishop's prostate.
Lay off the booze and the blogging. Time to quit, ol' timer, 'cos you are a joke that stopped being funny a long time ago...
Anonymous 7:44 p.m.
ReplyDeleteheu, miserande puer, si qua FACTA aspera rumpas, tu Marcellus eris!
(with apologies to the Mantuan)
Moreover, everyone we spoke to looked forward to learning how to celebrate the Tridentine rite so that he could offer it, at least upon occasion, after ordination...'
ReplyDeleteYou forgot the name of the seminary, so we could critically evaluate it, as you have been so kind to the "swamp", and so that the "swamp" might "dialogue" with it tovimprove its standards. Or, do you not care about the "swamp"?