
Saturday, January 19, 2013


Till old experience do attain/ To something like prophetic strain. Milton

As expected, A.D. 2012 did not witness the fulfillment of the so-called Mayan "prophecy" of Tortuguero. Near the conclusion of the 13th  b'ak'tun, however, we did see two events that will assuredly bury "One-Hand's" and the rector's long-dead aspirations to lead the Traddie world.

The first, which we have already discussed, was the refusal of the SSPX to unite with the conciliar Church. There's ample reason to suspect that the self-deceived Duo had secretly hoped  a rapprochement would send legions of disaffected their way. The society, as most savvy observers had predicted, held firm to tradition, and so that laughable pipe dream of domination vanished like a dyspeptic belch in a wind storm.

The second took place from December 17-21, when ten priests of the Resistance movement assembled in northern Kentucky to attend a retreat given by Bp. Richard Williamson. There they acknowledged His Excellency as the moral authority under whose guidance they will work in a loosely structured federation with other like-minded organizations to resist the conciliar Church and restore tradition. They also announced that they will open a seminary on the retreat grounds in September 2013.

Now, everyone -- including our detractors -- can see that this group wants nothing to do with "One Hand" or the rector, despite the fact that the two were ordained out of Écône.  After all,  "One-Hand" is just across the border. Why did they need to fly in Bp. Williamson, if the SW Ohio cult is supposedly the "real thing"? Moreover, they obviously want nothing to do with the swampland pesthouse, or else why did they feel the need to start a new institution for priestly formation? 

As we've said before, nobody (except permissive troglodytes) gives them any credence.

But the good news doesn't end with the close of 2012. In 2013,  there are persistent rumors that Bp. Williamson is set to consecrate three new bishops. In fact, among the cognoscenti, there's a great deal of anticipatory chat. Without a doubt, one or two will be Americans, and when that happens, the U.S. Traddie world will change drastically.  As one wise and witty long-time observer has put it, the Duo has gone to great pains and expense to promote themselves loudly, but to little effect. Yet, "one whisper from Bp. Williamson" and the Traddie world is aflutter with expectation.

We predict that priests and people and money will flock to these new bishops, who actually will represent the real thing.

The beast is well on its way to the charnel house.

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