
Saturday, April 13, 2013


You're dethpicable! Daffy Duck

In the four years or so since "One-Hand Dan" suicidally delivered the death blow to his and the rector's stick-figure brand of sede-ism, all the cult's cartoonish claims have been unveiled as utter fictions, the cheesy product of reckless aspiration, fit only for the consumption of quickly duped hayseeds and profoundly warped social outcasts. The biggest of the myths -- and it was a real whopper, believe you us! -- was the brazen narrative of legacy and legitimacy.

The Toon-Town cult masters weren't content to insist they were the best of the motley and scattered sede characters. No. That was too relative. They wanted to be the best absolutely. In fact, they went for equivalency with the past: In their minds, they definitely were identical to the pre-conciliar Church. With this fiction in hand, they devoted all their meager talents and a great amount of the suckers' contributions to convincing the gullible, the guileful, and the thuggish into agreeing they were the real McCoy, that they had the right stuff, that they were -- how shall we put it? Ah, yes! -- dinkum (as some of their abettors might say).

And, for a while, you know, it really, really worked

The unsavory clergy got a pass on all their antics because they had marketed themselves, with a wink and a nod and a tongue-clucking, chin-wagging, mock coyness, as the genuine article. Through the alchemy of phony self-promotion, intellectual wooden nickels were circulated as coin of the realm in Traddielandia. The one-dimensional Blunderer was passed off as a scholar, a liturgist, a Latinist, and a theologian of the first water. (We can scarcely type without laughing -- or retching!)  Nowadays, irrationally driven by his ticlike hatred of his better-educated critics, the marginalized Blunderer stalks internet chatrooms talkin' trash (only to be firmly put, time and again, in his place by intellectually superior laymen).

The irrascible rector once also had a big, exaggerated rep. Why, he was not only the embodiment of pre-conciliar standards but also was a penetrating socio-political analyst to boot -- until "One-Hand's" folly brought about his exposure as "the great pretender."

Li'l "One Hand" was largely inked as an individual of wide culture, a connoisseur of fine cuisine, a man of letters, an accomplished orator, and a large-souled, kindly, gentleman-prelate, overflowing with grandfatherly blarney and ersatz-Hibernian good will. Better still, he was (almost) a Fulton Sheen redivivus -- but only better. (Oh, indeed, yes, they all thought.) Well, his behavior in late 2009 ripped off that mask.

As for the "sermon in stone" LOL -- we mean the crumbling cult center -- it was to be a destination site, where toothless, pink-eyed Traddie trogs, awestruck at this grimy, sede Shangri-la, could see what a Catholic church was really supposed to look like. (Yeah, right! Engineers predict it won't last another decade. But the cult will be finished well before the authorities condemn the structure.)

Oh, yes (we can almost hear the cult masters whisper to one another), they were the heirs of pre-conciliar Catholicism, and that gave them the right -- correction, the bounden duty -- to call the shots, to play the stern, little Miss Bossy-Boots, even if they knew they had no right. But they knew the people didn't know, and, soooo (they must have mused in triumph), who were they to dash the masochistic dreams of the sheep, anyway? Everything considered, you see, it was all for their own salvation, wasn't it? People need direction, don't they now! And, well (they would have concluded, with a flourish of the whip hand), that's what we were ordained for, right? Why else would the archbishop have gainsaid wiser heads?

Looking back, it's hard to imagine how so many Catholics fell for this caricature of the sacred priesthood and hierarchy. It was all just make-believe, and considerably less real and credible than Max Fleischer's Koko the Clown and his dog.  At the very best, it was nothing more than liturgical performance art.

Live and learn, we always say. The point is, it's all over now, thanks to "One Hand." Even the cult's supporters don't really believe the myth any longer. It's broken. Sure, they may still show up and surrender some cash, but in the back of their empty, troubled, bigoted minds lurks gnawing doubt. And why not? Trad World has come a long way since 2009.

First, we know that the under-credentialed Blunderer doesn't rise to the level of an ungifted amateur. His Work of Human Hands has been shown to be a sloppy, error-filled, ill-written piece of junk scholarship. His other endeavors, like trying to prove one-handed ordinations are kosher, have also been annihilated. Second, "One Hand" is not the urbane and cultivated churchman portrayed in the cult's puerile marketing campaign. (He may not even be a bishop if his one-handed priestly ordination proves to be invalid in the eyes of the institutional Church.) Third, the rector's unschooled errors of technical language and fact underscore that everything was just hype (and they explain the systematic malformation of his pesthouse completers).*  Maybe that's why his big $30K proposal was dead on arrival. Lastly, we know that the mirthless cult center proper, decaying visibly by the month in a shabby industrial park, is a shoddily constructed white elephant and bottomless money pit. Everything these cartoon characters did was motivated by an icy, arriviste ambition to get ahead on your dime.

Everyone at last understands that the cult masters are not-- and never were -- the exquisites of their over-wrought and under-informed imaginations.** Rather than haute cuisine, the wannabes would prefer to scarf up an oily, roiling bowl of fondue Néo-Mexicaine*** washed down with a couple of aggressively effervescent "big 24 oz." plastic bottles of Château de "Phaigeaux."**** All that collection money spent on chic restaurants -- *sigh!* -- was just image-making to keep the hill jacks in awe (and deep in debt).

Comical "One Hand" brought an end to these Traddie Toons. In the words of the immortal Porky Pig ... well, we'll let him speak for himself: (click here)

* We've got a hot, steaming, fetid, fresh example or two of his ignorance for next week. So, come on back!

** There's a very telling anecdote of the time when a small group of Traddie-trash clerics went to an Italian-American restaurant in Michigan. The owner, mistaking the priests for men of taste and experience, sent them over a complimentary plate of fried calamari. It went untouched, but not until after two barbarian ingrates giggled and grimaced in disgust. One of their table companions, a South American of Italian descent, was too intimidated to sample what he knew to be a fine dish.  He chickened out and allowed the uncouth losers to deprive him of a fine dining experience.  That's the cult for you! The lowest common denominator rules.

*** That's microwaved, store-brand processed cheese smothered with a bottle of extra-mild generic salsa, served with extra-salty, no-name, imitation tortilla chips.

****A richly sweetened, grape-flavored beverage imported from Detroit made from a variety "that goes 'pop'" when trodden "in a vat."


  1. It seems as if you did indeed pay heed to that which I had written a month or so ago:

    "You have strayed from the original object of your critiques of this blog: the book of Fr. Anthony Cekada on whatever he fancies liturgical study to be.

    "I understand you believe that all in the tome has been obliterated by your critical analysis and those of others. However, there is still something greater that you seem to be missing.

    "The tome in question is an ultra-textual artifact that betrays the embarrassing realities of the Œconomia nova whereupon I have written above. Forsooth, the Ecclesia abortiva, which such sectarians as the aforementioned Priest have proposed unto the credulous to be the Church established by Jesus Christ, is itself a work of human hands.

    "That is the most sickening irony of that movement, as seen particularly in its pseudo-liturgical praxes together with the theological and canonical aberrations used by these amateur dilettantes to explain away their novelties.

    "There is a 'smack of Hamlet' (as Wordsworth would say) in certain acephalous and vagrant clerics (and in their contumacious adherents) amongst the Alphabet Soup Sects of the extra-institutional traditionalist movement: an œdipal rage and a puerile Stockholm Syndrome that has debased and transmogrified them into frustrated and mutilated personalities that are bereft of humanity.

    "It makes for fascinating case-studies for the student of empirical psychology and sociology, but it is saddening and harrowing for the student of ascetical and mystical theology. How can the super-nature of grace build upon such fragmented and abject refraction of human nature? This is yet another explanation for the scandals which have been exposed here and elsewhere."

    You are discreet and discerning reader, so I offer the following counsel: if you wish to penetrate deeper into the mysterium stultitiæ of these characters, a study of Dr. A. W. Richard Ripe's analyses of the psychodynamics of the "clerical boys' club" mentality will illustrate yet further those things that you have come to understand.

  2. Thank you for the suggestion. We'll try to get a copy of Ripe's work as soon as possible. It sounds as though its insights will very valuable for our purpose. Furthermore, it looks like the analysis will also shed light on the rector as well as on Tony Baloney. (("One Hand" is a non-entity, worthy of consideration only for his supportive role in the whole sede débâcle.)

    Please understand that we will never lose our focus on exposing sede clerical imposture. We know we won't convert the brainwashed, but we're sure we can change attitudes, even if only slightly. In the next few weeks, we'll focus on the rector, because we find him to be one of the chief enablers of what you have so brilliantly termed the "Œconomia nova."

    Again, we are in your debt.

  3. Anonymous, 4/14 @ 3:05

    Is the name of the gentleman you referenced "Sipe" rather than "Ripe"?

  4. Please excuse the mistake: indulge mihi. Yes, it is Dr. Sipe.

    The work I especially recommend is the following:

    Although he espouses certain heteredox views on moral teachings, his observations of the psychology of clerics and seminarians in the institutional Catholic Church regarding the subject of celibacy are equally applicable to the vagrant and acephalous clerics and their "seminarists" of the Alphabet Soup Sects.

    Dr. Sipe gives practical advice regarding celibacy that is more sound than any of the amateurs, upon whom you write, could ever give. But that would not be fair, as I would be comparing a renowned doctor to prurient & neurotic children.

  5. Can you please provide a nutshell account of what took place at SGG in 2009 for those of us far removed from the center?

  6. Unfortunately the archives detailing the whole scandal are no longer available online. However, in a nutshell, here's what happened:

    Beginning in 2008, there were complaints about the way the SGG School lay principal treated students. The complaints were brought to "One Hand," who did nothing at first. Throughout 2009 the scandal raged on cathinfo. Finally, the cultmasters announced in the fall that they would replace the lay principal with a priest, one Markus Ramolla. Later in the fall, one of the teachers spoke frankly to "One Hand" about the intolerable situation at the school; soon after, he was suddenly fired via email. Just before Fr. Ramolla was to take over the principalship in November, he was summoned by "One-Hand" and peremptorily dismissed.

    That was the last draw for many of the faithful, who left SGG to start a new chapel, St. Albert the Great. In the SGG satellite chapels, many also left to form other chapels. The Wisconsin chapel split, and the Columbus Chapel closed.

    Again, this is just the "nutshell" version. The details are far more revealing.

  7. With the Vatican II sect destroying souls by the millions, you have nothing better to do than attack the work of an erudite priest (Fr Cekada) and a good bishop (Bp. Dolan)? If ordination with one hand is "dubious" or "invalid" would you please direct me to a solid refutation of Fr. Cekada's article "The Validity of Ordination Conferred With One Hand"? It should be able to refute, point by point, the arguments raised by Fr Cekada and have relevant citations. Otherwise you're just blowing hot air.

    1. We have refuted a major portion of the Blunder's article on our page entitled "Lost in Translation." (BTW, he is definitely not erudite: just read our critiques of his error-filled "Work of Human Hands," beginning July 2010.) The Blunderer based much of his argument on his faulty translation of Pius XII's apostolic constitution. You may find our analysis on our home page, at the top. If you read it carefully, you'll see our point: the Blunderer completely overread the Latin, and therefore his point is null.

      As to his citations of authors in support of one-handed ordinations, we simply say that they are theological opinions and do not have the endorsement of the Church. (The anecdote about the Holy Office is actually nothing but hearsay testimony.)

      "Sacramentum ordinis" is really quite explicit: for a deacon, the matter is the "impositio manus" but for a priest, it's "impositio manuum," Together with the text of the Pontificale Romanum ("Pontifex...imponit simul utramque manum"), there's no easy getting around the fact that both hands were stipulated for the matter.

      Until the Church can decide, positive doubt remains.

  8. Dear “Introibo ad Altare Ignorantiae”:

    You say “erudite”? How about this “word”: “R - U Daft”? (as in, “Are you kidding?”). Calling Cekada “erudite” is like calling Whoopi Goldberg “glamorous” (and I don’t think Whoopi would argue that point). If “BS” (Bovine Byproduct) were bricks, WHH would have enough to build the Taj Mahal (and your posted “comment” would make an ample – and apt -- outhouse for it). Get serious, moron!

    “The reader” could have “cut you to pieces,” but, inexplicably, he chose to be merciful with you; I, however, will not be. You deserve even more contempt that Cekada and Dolan put together – and that’s “a lot”! The “dynamic duo” are the laughing-stock of traddieland; and with the addition of you, that would make a appropriate triumvirate.

    Cekada’s WHH is almost as bad as his “treatise” on Schiavo -- the latter being the all-time benchmark for “BS” (and to refresh your memory on Schiavo, I suggest that you read the LAY PULPIT article, dated April 20, 2013, to ascertain the ENORMITY of that “benchmark”). I also suggest that the two of you -- you and phony Tony – undergo FULL LOBOTOMIES, so that you become functionally illiterate (thereby insuring that you can’t POSSIBLY embarrass yourselves anymore – at least “in print”).

  9. Wow. Just wow. Um, Jim, you really should have your friend Craig take both the quotation mark and Caps Lock keys off your keyboard before you post on this site. You clearly have no idea how to use either of them.

  10. Please read my post of April 22, 2013 regarding this issue.

  11. In May, a new series will explore the topic of one-handed ordinations in greater detail. Perhaps commenters will share their insights about why "One-Hand" failed to cure the defect when it would have been so easy to beg the rector for conditional orders -- just to be on the safe side. It boggles the mind why he didn't act, since there's no one who can tell us for certain whether the defect resulted in invalidity or not. The Blunderer's mistranslation only has aggravated the uncertainty, creating positive doubt now.

  12. Dear “Anonymous” (or should I say “An anal mass”):

    Idiots like you seem to delight in (supposedly) divulging the identities of your adversaries; it’s a classic case of “ignore the message, shoot (or expose) the messenger.” The reason that quotation marks are used is the emphasize and/or get the point across to brain-bereft bits of toxic protoplasm like you. Besides, the “comments” section of this blog does not allow for italics or bold print; therefore, using quote marks and CAPITALIZING are the only options open for use.

    The next time around, I suggest that you refrain from divulging identities, and instead confine your comments to the subject being discussed, Chris. Also, I suggest that you unhitch your wagon from those sinking sodomites whom you keep (unsuccessfully) defending, and try standing up for truth, justice, and charity for a change. And – oh yeah – go back to school and learn some grammar.
