Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. Finley Peter Dunne
Editor's Note: Yeah, yeah. We know we promised to launch our serial discussion of the saltus this week. But we have a good excuse for postponing it. On Wednesday, Time magazine announced its "Person of the Year," none other than Papa Pancho. As conscientious web journalists, Pistrina's staff strives for timeliness. So we stopped the presses, so to speak, to upload right away the following seasonal meditation on the Man of the Year.
First off, let's make one thing perfectly clear: We're ready to believe anything negative about Jorge Bergoglio. (Except, of course, for the rector's idiotic characterization of him as ignorant and stupid.) Yes, he's an enemy of the liturgy. Sure, he's probably a crypto-Marxist. Of course, he's a Modernist through and through, and he's absolutely not a Catholic. And right you are, he's a flaming heretic. No doubt about it: His mission is to put an end to whatever little of tradition remains in the corrupt Vatican Establishment.
That said, we have to confess that if his "pontificate" lasts for, say, five years, he'll drive a stake through the lucre-loving, cold-as-stone hearts of the Mammonite cult masters of Traddielandia.
Here's why.
Bergie's a past master of the affective bias, the transformative language, and the calculated media postures introduced by Vatican II. He understands how to play to the crowd, which at his level comprises the world. In other words, he's thoroughly adept at manipulating symbols and archetypes to achieve his objectives. The malformed, sub-educated, shortsighted Traddie cult masters aren't. They have neither the brains nor the will power. They're only conniving and willful.
This truth about Bergie came home to us on the morning of Saturday, December 7, 2013, during a break at an editorial meeting, when we turned, with mouths only partially filled with the vigil's sparing frustulum, to the Wall Street Journal's opinion section. We were leafing through the 'paper looking for a piece on Papa Pancho's anti-capitalist exhortation.
There, accompanying Peggy Noonnan's column, was a color photo, filling perhaps a sixth of the page. In a tight shot, Bergoglio embraces a man afflicted with neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorder. The man's features are buried in Pancho's bosom. Visible are the man's matted hair and the grotesque tumors the disorder produces. What flesh we see is an ill-stitched quilt of hideous carbuncles. For us, benumbed by revulsion, horror, and pity, the graphic pic was almost too much to stomach at breakfast time. We wanted to turn the page. Yet to a man we kept on looking, staring as though it were a rare renaissance woodcut from some early medical textbook.
Jorge Bergoglio, in profile, looks serene. No theatrical mugging to telegraph sympathy. No pursed lips or exaggerated rictus of feigned compassion aimed at the massive audience he realized was peering in at the pair of them from the other side of the lens. In that photo, and in others like it, he calmly beholds this disfigured child of God, a soul sorely tried here on earth, and cradles him as a father would an infirm, weeping son.
To the churched and the unchurched, to the maudlin and the cynical, to Bergie's fans and his ardent detractors like us, it is a shining image of the Gospel, full of pathos yet -- owing to Bergoglio's steady, unaffected gaze -- miraculously unsentimental.
Now, as we said, we'll believe anything bad about this so-called pope. We're sure the ol' Bergomeister knew the TV cameras were rolling and would capture this PR triumph. He probably planned the photo op. It wouldn't have been hard.
When we were in Rome this fall, we think we saw the poor wretch several times as we strolled up the straight and broad Via della Conciliazione on our way to St. Peter's or to the Vatican museums or to our favorite hole-in-the-wall arancini joint in the Borgo. He was just one of the many professional cripples and bums who inconveniently block the way of self-absorbed tourists. Each time we spied him, he was kneeling on the dirty sidewalk, face to the concrete, his hands -- sun-browned, filthy, gnarled -- raised above greasy wisps of blackish hair and cupped in expectation of alms.
Wincing and holding our breath, one time only, we gingerly dropped degli spiccioli -- some small change --onto his cracked, soiled palms. Then we tripped away, trusting our miserly charity and unsettling sympathy would charm away the memory of a ghastly sight on a bright, Roman autumn day. On our return hours later, we strategically crossed to the other side of the via, on the pretext of visiting the Carmelite church of Santa Maria in Traspontina, but really because we were resentful he was still there -- and because we hadn't the courage to eye him again.
So, you see, it wouldn't have been hard for Pope Pancho to command a few Sisters of Charity to collect the beggar so he could be ready for his close-up.
And, wow, Mr. DeMille, what a close-up it is!
Bogeyman Bergoglio the heresiarch, cunning enemy of the faith, without betraying alarm or repugnance or smugness, enfolded an unsightly -- no, let's say it to our own discredit -- appalling creature. He caressed the deformed and wounded flesh. He may have lightly kissed his forehead. He imparted the warmth of a hale, human frame to someone whom most men would regard a latter-day leper, a diseased outcast from whose slightest touch they would recoil in shivering disgust.
What a super-human act of the will! What focused purposefulness to fulfill an agenda! To herd more souls into the deadly Modernist fold, to bewitch them into believing its falsehoods, to alienate them from truth and tradition, he walked the path that only a few great saints have trodden. The whole scene might have come from some 1950's Hollywood sword-and-sandal B-movie set in Roman Judaea at the time of our Lord's ministry, except for the absent over-acting and over-wrought orchestral score.
To overcome the reflexive impulse to push the man away took real gumption. Authentic self-control. Singular self-possession. True grit.
How, we ask, can Trads defend against such an unforgettable, heart-tugging image? What can they offer as a visual response? Globe-trotting, aspirational prelates more at home at Gammarelli's than at Gethsemane? Undereducated priests hawking half-baked, scandalously cruel "theological opinions" about the Terri Schiavo tragedy? Loud-mouth bluffers in shimmering pontificals panhandling for more and more money for more ill-constructed Quonset huts in disguise?
Traddie cult masters are either busy kicking the faithful out of their chapels for attending an "una-cum" Mass, or they're breathlessly updating the bill-paying laity on their excellent adventures in fine dining and spa hopping. They spend their time planning for and practicing elaborate but largely unattended ceremonies or hatching tacky fund-raising schemes. Their preference is to comfort the well-heeled who suffer from "affluenza."
These Trad-World amateurs can't even camouflage their motives in order to achieve their ends. That's why after almost four decades they have so little to show. They haven't the steely discipline of Papa Pancho to lay aside for a higher purpose their jealousies, pet peeves, pathetic neediness, backbiting, and divisiveness. They can barely abide each other let alone suffer the gruesomely afflicted to come unto them.
That one, almost certainly stage-managed, Galilean-inspired gesture of Papa Pancho is worth a thousand ill-written, error-filled articles by half-educated phonies with no real Latin. It's worth a hundred thousand hellfire-and-brimstone homilies condemning Catholics to eternal perdition for attending the "wrong" chapel. That stunning image will rake in more cash and corral more followers than multiple lifetimes of cult-master cajolery and menace.
Chief among those bewitched by Bergie's publicity coup will be the younger Traddie generation. The kids are sick unto death at the cult masters' behavior. In their minds' eye, they will imagine that Provincial- Superior Bergoglio would have put an end to the SGG School principal's tenure after the 2008-2009 scandal erupted. Novice-Master Bergoglio would have dismissed irascible Scut the Prefect for driving guiltless, traumatized young seminarians out into the dead of night over the silly rector's wet cat. Archbishop Bergoglio would never have required a parishioner to leave his church because he took a job with a competitor of a big donor: he wouldn't whine about the bread taken from his mouth; he'd worry about feeding his sheep. And lastly, Trained-Scientist and Real-Seminary-Theology-Professor Bergoglio would never have been so misinformed as to claim that a feeding tube constituted extraordinary means to preserve life and imposed a grave burden on society.
The young will rush out of the cult as soon as they're emancipated from money-wastin', Kool-Aid-guzzlin' ma and pa.
It's Advent. Don't let Bergie win. Resolve to starve the beast this Christmas, and send your cult masters packing. Replace 'em with caring, certainly valid priests and bishops.
I commend the author on this excellent article. How true! Jorge, as he likes to be called, can be accused of many assaults against the Traditions of the Church, and the Faith, BUT stupid he is not. The only stupid ones are those than cannot see his true genius, as they are too wrapped up in their own PRIDE..
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kind words and insight. As one correspondent e-mailed us today, we haven't seen ANYTHING yet of Bergoglio. Sanborn's wildly wrong assessment of this formidable adversary just shows how wrong traditional Catholics are to support him. All these puffed-up fools are overmatched.
ReplyDeleteOver-the-top GENIUS of an article!! I've known this all along but couldn't find the words like this!!!
ReplyDeleteWe appreciate the kind words. We hope others will see these men for who they are.
ReplyDeletePeople who would follow a man simply because he hugs a beggar aren't looking for the truth. They're just looking for what makes them feel good. Of course people like stuff like what Bergoglio does here! They like it a lot better than hearing him condemn their sins and warning them about eternal damnation. So that's why Bergoglio tells them everyone is going to heaven, including the gays and the atheists and the adulterers. And then he hugs this beggar, and people flock to him. Those people aren't trying to serve God, they're following him because he makes them feel God.
ReplyDeleteJesus cured many people in the Gospels, but He told them repeatedly that they should be more concerned about the diseases of the soul, and how many followers did He have in his lifetime? By the time He died He was down to about three or four.
So if people leave the Church because the priests make them feel uncomfortable in their sins (and really, that's the only reason people leave the Church, contrary to what you want people to think), that's their problem and it's not the fault of the clergy you love to attack.
DeleteThe end of the first paragraph should have said, "makes them feel good," not "feel God."
Bergoglio certainly doesn't make anyone feel God.
The cult masters make people feel bad when they don't support the maverick enterprise with money. But if you give these crumbs money, they make sure that you'll feel really, really good and holy. They'll cut you every break, lavish every privilege, hand out every get-out-of-jail-free pass. You can even flaunt the rules that everyone else has to follow, because money, not sanctification, makes you worthy. They count on your spiritual poverty and psychological dependencies to keep themselves awash in luxuries far above their station in life.
DeleteThat's why we hold them up for the hypocrites they are. At cultie "Clerical Farm," some souls are more equal than others. That means they get special treatment, personal dispensations, as long as Mr. Moneybags keeps the gelt flowing.
For instance, one cult magnate demanded a "TV indult" (forbidden to the normal cult trash) to watch Sunday football, and his womenfolk got to wear denim when the hoi polloi were forbidden that sin-inducing fabric.
Come off it! The cult masters are only concerned about the laity's reluctance to part with their hard-earned money. The only thing they've developed is a minor talent to separate hillbillies from the little hard currency that comes their way.
No, Jorge doesn't make people "feel God," but he may make them feel less abused when he doesn't make it plain that only the well-off count.
Bergie's not so dumb as to let on that his favorites are above the law.
That's the real threat to Traddies.
Wow. What are you so mad about? I don't even know what your long tirade has to do with what I said anyway. I was saying people follow Bergoglio for the same reason they follow any other false prophet: because he tells them what they want to hear.
DeleteI don't know what this has to do with rich people supposedly getting special treatment at St. Gertrude's anyway. Someone got "permission" to watch football on Sunday? Who ever said it's a sin to watch football on Sunday? I certainly don't believe any clergy at SGG ever said such a thing. As far as women wearing jeans goes, they do tell the people in sermons not to do that because many women's jeans are tight to the point of immodesty, but at the same time they know everyone does it anyway and probably feel like that one's a losing battle. But they don't have any control over what people wear at home, so I don't believe anyone got "permission" to let their "womenfolk" wear jeans either.
If all they care about is money, then please explain why they named the grotto of Our Lady on the grounds (if my memory serves me correctly) after a poor, simple man who used to be their janitor but had a heart of gold.
They look down on the poor? You're the one who brags about traveling around Rome and eating fancy food all the time. You also despise the people at St. Gertrude's as "hillbillies" who are stupid and beneath you.
Please don't be so parochial. This blog covers all the cult satellites and their misdeeds. Not every instance we bring up necessarily refers to the ridge-running SW Ohio cult. Some pertain to richer, more upscale affiliates. Hence the references to the TV and denim.
DeleteThe grotto is easy: As the old cowboy song says, you've got to prime the pump before you can drink. That is, sacrifice a little now to get a rich reward later. Thus, dedicate the grotto to a simple, humble man, convince the blind, low-life trash that your bad reputation is unearned, and reap the increased collection. (Then laugh at them for their gullibility.) A classic PR move worthy of all rascals under fire.
We have never bragged about eating large and luxuriously in the Eternal City. Arancini is peasant food -- delicately sauteed balls of rice. (Delicious! We're sure it's better and more healthful than the greasy road-kill you may be accustomed to!)
We don't despise the zombie Gertrudians because they're hill jacks -- that's their state in life: we despise them because they associate with and submit to pariahs. Less debased folk would have awakened long, long ago.
"Please don't be so parochial. This blog covers all the cult satellites and their misdeeds. Not every instance we bring up necessarily refers to the ridge-running SW Ohio cult. Some pertain to richer, more upscale affiliates. Hence the references to the TV and denim."
DeleteUm, okay, but I thought I was talking about the clergy of SGG? Don't they also serve their "affiliates"? So if this happened at one of their mission chapels, aren't we still talking about the same clergy? And you didn't answer any of my questions about what happened, either, about watching football on Sunday or women wearing jeans.
"The grotto is easy ..."
Wow, that's pretty cool that you can read their minds. Can you read what I'm thinking about you now?
"convince the blind, low-life trash that ..."
You are a bitter, lonely old man and I feel sorry for you that you talk about other people the way you do.
"We have never bragged about eating large and luxuriously in the Eternal City. Arancini is peasant food"
Okay, that's good to hear that you are a pauper who travels to Rome and eats cheap food. How frugal of you.
"the greasy road-kill you may be accustomed to"
That's a shame that you have such contempt for the great salt-of-the-earth country folk of this nation who built this country out of the dirt to make it the greatest, most powerful, most free nation in the history of the world. If you despise these people that's your loss. You're the one who's a loser.
"We don't despise the zombie Gertrudians because they're hill jacks -- that's their state in life"
I think you just refuted yourself. No further comment necessary.
You may have been talking about the SGG "clergy," but we weren't in that portion of the blog. You really need to control that wild inference engine of yours.
DeleteSorry. We thought your question was rhetorical. We were referring to a certain out-of-the-Buckeye-State cult boss's ban on television viewing and wearing denim -- a prohibition applying to all except to the ones who bankrolled the place.
It's you who inferred our poverty. We were just correcting another one of your wild-'n'-crazy inferences. Actually, since YOU brought it up, when in Italy, we do enjoy more than tasty, inexpensive street food for a *spuntino.* In fact, we usually dine at the city's top-rated restaurants, but we don't expect poor Catholics to foot the bill, and we don't sermonize about our adventures in good eating.
You seem to be from Ohio, so you should know the very great cognate difference between "bein' country" and "bein' hillbilly." "Country" folk are wholesome, savvy, principled, and clear headed. We love 'em and socialize with 'em. Some help us out here. They would never let cheesy city slickers pull the wool over their eyes, and they'd walk away the minute they smelled the stink of a cult.
Hill jacks are...well, we don't need to define them for YOU and YOUR crowd, do we?
Si documentum requiris, circumspice (with apologies to the shades of the Wrens).