
Saturday, February 1, 2014


When the money keeps rolling out, you don't keep books:/You can tell you've done well by the happy, grateful looks./Accountants only slow things down; figures get in the way. "Evita" (lyrics by Tim Rice)

Recently, "One Hand" took a pricey junket to Argentina to perform confirmations and at least one tonsure. Apparently, a chapel down there couldn't get another bishop, so they finally found a willing candidate (read chump?) in Deacon Dan to spend a pleasant holiday showing off for strangers who don't know his history. (From what Dannie wrote, it looks as though he was, at best, the third bishop invited.)

Although confirmation isn't necessary for salvation, we wouldn't begrudge Wee Dan a little escape from the blank faces and polar cold of SW Ohio cult central to enjoy some summertime swaggering and strutting south of the equator -- as long as the inviting organization (or Dannie himself) footed the bill, not the cash-strapped cult members.

A front-page story about Argentina's financial crisis in the January 24 Wall Street Journal got us to wondering if the two Argentine sibling-priests who invited him were even in a position to pay for the trip. For quite some time, Argentina has been experiencing capital flight and at the same time has been burning through its foreign-exchange reserves.  The situation is complex, but it all boils down to what the WSJ called a "dollar crunch."

Part of the continuing problem stems from the difference between the official exchange rate (6.5 Argentinian pesos per U.S. dollar when Li'l Dan was vacationing) and the rate available on the black market (around 10 per U.S. dollar at the time). People, always guided by prudentia carnis, were taking advantage of the spread: when a friend or relative from abroad intended to visit, they would buy his ticket in Argentina at the official exchange rate. When the traveler arrived with the dollar value of the ticket in cash, he then sold those dollars on the black market, pocketing a handsome, tidy profit. The government soon got wise and prohibited such enterprising speculation altogether.

Therefore, it's not too big a stretch to suppose that "One Hand" bought his ticket in the U.S. Nowadays, the price of a round-trip plane ticket from cult central U.S.A. to Argentina represents a huge amount of money down there. Based on Dannie's report about the poverty he encountered, it doesn't look as though his hosts could have reimbursed him -- either in dollars or in pesos.

In fact, it's highly improbable that "One Hand" would have accepted reimbursement in pesos (and if he did, he's dumber than we think). Sadly for this wonderful country, the Argentine peso is now almost worthless. So, dollars would have been the only option, and unless the two inviting priests had some greenbacks squirreled away, they would've had to buy dollars on the black market with cold, hard cash. The amount of local currency needed for the transaction would have been substantial. In our view, it would have amounted to a big sacrifice for something that was not absolutely necessary. (We must admit, though, that such an expenditure might make sense if the two priests were sending an oblique message to the other bishops who usually work with them.)

Now, if it is the case that "One Hand" acquired his own ticket, we have this question: Where did the money come from? Did Dannie use his own money or his accumulated airline miles? If the funds came from his own personal resources (frequent-flyer points, stipends, holiday gifts, salary etc.), then fine and dandy. However, if the money came from offerings the culties made to support their chapel and if the Argentines didn't reimburse "One Hand," then that's another matter altogether. It's always easy to be generous with someone else's money, isn't it?

When there are serious money/infrastructure problems in SW Ohio, it's tough to see how anyone could justify such an expenditure from the chapel's treasure to administer a sacrament not necessary for salvation in a far-away land that has its own bishop. "One-Hand Dan" didn't have to put on his travelin' shoes. The two priests could have waited until the traditional bishop living in Argentina was able to journey to their city. It's a simple matter of accountability despite the fact that the cult masters control all their chapels' assets, lock, stock, and barrel.  

Pistrina advises cult members to ask "One Hand" point-blank who paid for this unnecessary excursion. (They should also insist on getting documentary evidence.) After all, the faithful deserve to know how their hard-earned money is being spent; in justice, the cult masters owe their flock an accounting. Money is too tight here in the U.S. to sponsor therapeutic getaways to beautiful South-American locales just so Wee Dan can escape his stateside problems by pretending his failed "apostolate" is not on life support and he's still useful. Everybody knows he's as useless as aspirin in a leper colony.

If "One Hand" wasted his own money on this ego-boosting jaunt, then all you can do is pity the needy beggar. However, if it turns out that the cult center paid the freight, we advise each contributor to withhold weekly offerings until he or she individually recoups the total amount of the ticket. Thus, assuming the ticket cost $1,200, if only ten decent people were to participate, the cult would suffer a $12,000 decline in income in a short time. We bet the loss would make them think twice about their improvident ways in the future. 

Now, just think what would happen if there were 50 upright souls taking part!



  1. None of this will ever “sink in” with the fulsome fools of Fool Control Central (Dannie’s cult center), but it doesn’t matter: the rest of traddieland IS waking up and taking notice (along with the rest of us who have known the embarrassing truth for some time). Denarius Dan and Hand-in-the-till Tony have been vacuuming the wallets of the SGG drudges for so long that the latter have come to expect the treatment – and to CRAVE bending over and getting their fiscal enemas – so I wouldn’t get too excited about the prospect of them waking up and realizing what they’ve been taking up the tailpipe. But – who knows? – miracles DO happen; and one of SGG's Stepford children just might surprise us one day – but don’t hold your breath.

    1. Are you back, Eamon? I thought you had quit drinking.

    2. You poor wretch. You refuse to listen to the voice of truth. You are being taken for a ride by the cult masters.

    3. I'm a wretch? Eamon hurled obscenities at old women on Cathinfo, and in the same thread made threats to a man that he would cut off his genitals and force him to eat them.

    4. How can you be sure of the identity of the commenter? You're a typical cultie who jumps at conclusions without the slightest evidence. For all you know, the writer could have been your best friend.

    5. I'm not sure if this is a serious question, but I'll answer just because. I know it's Eamon because his style of writing is unique and unmistakable. The sentence patterns, use of punctuation, word choice and so on are his, and his style is very ... um ... let's just say there aren't many traditional Catholics who write like he does, and leave it at that.

      I know it's not one of my friends because my friends don't speak in the filthy, disgusting manner that Eamon does. And most traditional Catholics can manage to get through a paragraph without talking about what people do in the bathroom.

      The fact that you defend him on this site says a lot about you and your cause.

      Would you care to comment on my previous post about what Eamon said on Cathinfo?

    6. We can confirm positively that your guess is incorrect, although we applaud your appeal to stylometric analysis to hazard a conjecture.

      Your inference engine, however, is out of control. We defended no named individual. We affirmed the writer's conclusion, and we reproached you for treating a guess as a fact.

    7. "We can confirm positively that your guess is incorrect"

      Really? When someone makes a claim that other people can't verify, it's customary to offer some proof for it. Otherwise people have no way to know it's even true, and there's really no point making such an assertion at all.

      Can you please comment on Eamon's vile behavior on Cathinfo, which I mentioned above? I'm not sure why you're shying away from that topic.

    8. Oops, my bad. It's Jim Gebel. LOL. Not Eamon Shea. I just figured it out. You were right.

      Anyway, back to Eamon. What about his comments on Cathinfo?

    9. The exclusive subjects of this blog's commentary are vile, cult-mad, inept clergy.

    10. I would like to point out to “Anonymous” (who originally posted Feb. 15, at 10:52 P.M.) a couple of things: first, after TOTALLY IGNORING what Pistrina (and the other anonymous commenter) had to say, you then went off on a tangent, attacking a commenter for the use of “bathroom” terminology, and then WRONGFULLY guessing who you thought that commenter was. First off, the use of “bathroom” language does not discredit or deprecate one in any way. In fact, the Bible itself often makes use of terminology that is even MORE graphic. Anonymous, your original comment (and all those that followed) has absolutely NO relevance. Yours was a TEXTBOOK case of the sorry old “ignore the message, shoot the messenger” theme. Are you for real, dummkopf? Don’t you ever learn? Secondly, you (again) played the tired old game of trying to guess who it was whom you were attacking (as if that lends any relevance or credence to your arguments).

      I suspect that Dannie and Tony have, of late, instructed their SGG apologists to refrain from “commenting” on Pistrina, as this has only resulted in more free advertising for Pistrina – and more embarrassment for themselves. But they apparently overlooked YOU. So, Numbskull, I suggest that you muzzle yourself, since the verbal arrows you shoot Pistrina’s way only turn out to be like so many BOOMERANGS that come back to skewer both you and the Rialto Road Reptiles that you think you are defending. In closing, I will only say that I will NOT duplicate your ignorance by trumpeting to the world who I think you are (although I DO know), because it is of little importance and of absolutely NO RELEVANCE. I will only add that I am eternally grateful to you for your once again making a complete fool out of yourself – and once again demonstrating to the world what kind of IDIOTS the vipers of SGG have for apologists.

  2. Yeah, the docile drones may never get over their obsession with bundt cakes for Dannie's bake sales,

  3. Pistrina el pasaje se lo pagó el mismo UNA MANO ya que los hermanitos Espina no tienen dinero para semejantes show litúrgico, y estoy seguro que UNA MANO les dejo estipendios para dos o tres Misas Gregoriana, asi trabajan los Espina.

    1. Muchísimas gracias, don Sebastián. Ud. ha confirmado nuestras adivinanzas.

      For our followers who don't read Spanish, the translation is as follows:

      "The same ONE HAND paid the airfare since the Espina brothers don't have the money for such liturgical shows, and I am sure that ONE HAND left them stipends for two or three Gregorian Masses -- this is the way the Espinas work."
