
Saturday, February 22, 2014


Does it matter? -- losing your sight?... Sassoon

Ed. Note: Here's an e-mail reaction to last week's post.

Kudos for skewering Dolan and Cekada. A home run.  They can't wriggle out after that. (How do you spell hypocrisy? Simple: S-G-G.) I hate to say it but you are wasting your time. No matter how hard you try you will never change the minds of their blind acolytes. Normal Catholics cannot stomach S.G.G. after a couple of years, but the Gertrudians are abnormal. They relish the circus of reinvention and double standards. It pleases them to think their leaders are "special." The few good people who were there left in disgust. The dregs of humanity remain with their "depraved indifference" to all the unacceptable behavior. It makes me want to tear my hair out when I think about how these "Catholics" refuse to see the truth!

We operate under no illusions about our fellow man. We live in post-moral America where core values have disappeared. This is the land where Bill Clinton continues to exercise a major influence in spite of all his tawdry prevarication, and that harridan of wife can run for president in spite of Travelgate and all the other messy scandals that trace her trajectory over American life. A decent society would have driven these two rogues into hiding for the rest of their lives once they left the White House. Better still, a decent society would have cast them into the outer darkness after the first term.

The hard fact is, we live in neither a "shame culture" nor a "guilt culture." Our meritless leaders no longer find it necessary to purchase men's good esteem with proven virtue, nor do they yearn after the enjoyment of a quiet conscience. In truth, they have no respect for public opinion. What's more, they take comfort in knowing that a jaded, amoral, celebrity-obsessed populace won't punish their transgressions. How, then, can Trad World be all that different from the larger society in which it exists? That would be asking too much of folks with limited education, perverse judgment, and an underdeveloped conscience.

Insofar as we've received similar e-mails from other fans, this may be the time to explain why we continue to blog about the sharp-elbowed Terrible Trio who still manage to hang on by their nails after so many unsavory revelations. Our primary aim, everyone should realize, is not to change anybody's mind. Mind-changing is secondary, and our expectations for it are modest.  Our principal objective is to get on the record the truth about the cult masters, to offer a different narrative to challenge their one-sided, highly colored account of themselves. Simply put, our aim is to make available an alternative view, supported by unvarnished, unassailable facts and robust analysis. What the consumer does with all our documentation depends on his/her own moral formation and innate sense of decency.

That said, to profess we have little interest in changing minds would betray a lack of candor. There is a very tiny cultie cohort whom (we think) we might be reaching. To identify this exceedingly small population, we first must give you an ethnogeographical tour of the foreboding region in Trad World that we call Tradistan, where the cult masters reign in terror:
All Tradistan is divided into three parts. The Sede Troglodytes, the majority, inhabit the first and largest part. Squatting in filthy caves and putrid holes, terrified of the light and the fresh air of truth, they are a cowardly, foul, and entirely blind species, feeding off their viper masters and screeching like bats when good people oppose the cult. The second part, half as large as the territory of the Sede Trogs, is occupied by the Moral Pygmies, uncouth cave dwellers like the Trogs. Capable of some barely articulate speech, they are blind in one eye, with thimble-sized crania but large oral cavities for echoing their masters' propaganda; neurologists have discovered in their pea brains the absence of the right temporo-parietal junction, the portion of  the normal human brain where the moral compass is found. The Traddie Scatophagi occupy the third and smallest part of Tradistan. Their numbers are very few but not zero. They are not blind, merely myopic. In their search for the true faith, they stumbled into Tradistan, got lost, and came under the deadly spell of the cult masters.  Enslaved, they were told to believe they must consume cultic waste by the gallon-load as the price of sanctification.  They dwell uneasily on Tradistan's fringes, haunted by the gnawing suspicion that something is very wrong with its clergy. Of all these three races, the least depraved are the Scatophagi, for they have not quite yet surrendered their souls along with their wallets.
The first population hardly seems humanoid, let alone human. Examples of the species are found in many of the commenters raging against our posts.  The second is best illustrated by a scapegrace of our acquaintance. He and his brow-beaten woman conspicuously left the cult in late 2009 after witnessing an alarming instance of Dannie's bad form. This ethical dwarf vowed never to return again. (As token of his constancy, he advertized to one of the Readers his self-proclaimed rectitude.) Later, he returned to the cult masters because "they do a good job" of putting on a show. The Moral Pygmies are as lost as the Sede Trogs, and more culpable, for at least they have one good eye they could use. No one can redeem either one of these degenerate groups.

Hope is not lost for the third race, because its members' consciences, albeit weak, have already been pricked. We believe our laser-surgery posts can help the Scatophagi see the horror of the mortally dangerous SW Ohio cult (and get them on a better diet as well). Although we do not blog with them uppermost in our minds, we are sure that some, as they read our exposés, have grown in doubt. Eventually the burden of accumulated misgivings may be enough to move one or two of them to affirm: IT'S OKAY TO WALK AWAYBut we won't be put out if they don't. You see, we face the same dilemma with them as traditional Catholics do with good friends and dear relatives who still cling remora-like to the Novus Ordo.

All of you know it's impossible to fathom how outwardly decent, God-fearing people, who sense something's amiss, will not walk away from the Novus Ordo's destruction of the liturgy, teaching of outright heresy, hatred of tradition, Modernist leadership, and brutalization of sacred architecture. If you were to grab them by their lapels and cry aloud, "Open your eyes, you fools! You know this is a all wrong! You've said it yourselves! Get out now!" they still would remain in their hideous temples with their malformed, debased Father Bobs and Father Bills. If you allow the criminal complacency of the blind get to you, as it seems to be sorely distressing our frazzled correspondent, you're just a Xanax away from a fatal attack of the screaming meemies.

Well, that's no way to run a resistance, and besides it's bad for your mental health. Pistrina's content with putting the truth out in plain sight:
Tony Baloney is neither a scholar nor a theologian; ignore everything this blundering non-entity says;
Li'l Dan's priestly and episcopal orders are by no means certainly valid, and he must seek re-ordination; stay away from the uncertain sacraments he offers until he gets fixed;
the rector is an inconsequential, whiny gas-bag, wrong at every turn, and the swampland pesthouse with its loser completers like the Skipper, Scut the Prefect, the Frenchman, Lurch, Squirmin' Herman, and the Toady should not be called a Roman Catholic seminary; don't waste one red cent of your hard-earned money on mammonite "champagne wishes and caviar dreams."
Our Bottom Line: If some culties receive the grace to see the light, then they have a chance. If not, they're in deep doo-doo. Either way, we've done our sacred duty, and we'll continue doing it to make sure the truth about the cult masters is out there for any soul who will open his eyes and see.


  1. In light of today's post, I'd like to hear your opinion about the future of Tradistan in general. Such a conjecture is fallible, naturally, but it serves a point in 2 different ways: 1. It would illustrate the need for new suckers (as members leave the cult they need to be replaced otherwise the scheme collaspes financially) 2. The cultmasters fruitless works might open some eyes.

    IMO unlike Archbishop Lefebvre they did not intend to build something lasting. The cultmasters were in this in order to possess a comfortable living and to advance their own kooky brand of a "mystical" Traditional Catholicism which does not bear a serious or even fleeting resemblance to the real thing. They are grifters of the worst sort and that is why Abp Lefebvre lost his patience with them in 1983. Look at their hangers-on for proof of my statement after all as the commercial states You're known by the company you keep.

    I wasted too much of my life on them and am grateful to you for your efforts.

    1. We completely agree with your analysis. Their "apostolate" was just a gig to get these undereducated and unaccomplished flaneurs the life of ease, esteem, and creature comforts they could not have managed to achieve in the real world. They knew they wouldn't get ahead in the SSPX -- the competition was too tough. After the rupture, they knew they couldn't hack it in the newly formed SSPV. The superior had their number from the beginning, so they "went rogue."

      As you noted, we won't be able to fix an exact timetable for Tradistan's demise, but we can, in a general way, outline the arc of its collapse. "One Hand" will soon be 63 years old, and first-hand reports say he's wearying of all the problems. The shoddily designed and built cult center is aging fast, necessitating expensive repairs. Collections have never returned to pre-SGG School scandal levels. Stories from France and Mexico indicate that his relations with local priests have cooled down considerably. In a recent "Bishop's (?) Corner," he identified a priest as "independent," rather than suggest the man was somehow still attached to the cult: this may indicate that the priest took umbrage at previous suggestions and demanded the record be set straight.

      In brief, then, Dannie's world is coming down all around him. He knows that when he leaves there will be nobody who can sustain the SW Ohio cult, which only manages to keep plugging along because he alone has a core group of cultlings who still believe in him and the "'mystical' Traditional Catholicism" he invented. (BTW, that's a brilliant insight of yours into Dannie's new religion, and explains why his operation is not a sect but a cult.) Without Dannie's prattling on about the weather, eviscerated bunnies, feral cats red in tooth and claw, pot-lucks, over-the-top liturgical spectacles, saccharine nonsense, and empty pieties, the hard-core supporters won't continue to pay up. He knows he is the force that makes these savages sacrifice their family treasure for him and his gang. However, we suspect that the effort is getting harder and harder for the cultie trash.

      Our guess is that he'd like to retire now to cap off a life of ease with a lot more *dolce far niente* in artsy New Mexico. The fact that he can't without the loss of a major source of income must weigh heavily upon him.

      We think the burden will soon become intolerable, and he'll make the leap anyway. When he does, the cult has less than a decade.

      Remember that his fan base is retiring, too, and they won't have the income to maintain the place at the same level as before. Without Dannie to wheedle for more money, they won't pony up. (The McNewbie, Lurch, and the Forlorn Finn haven't the fundraising chops, and Checkie wants to check out when Dan does: he knows he wouldn't last a New-York minute without his patron to save him from the enraged sede peasantry.) Plus the cultie kids are growing up, and many of them are sure to leave the cult upon emancipation. (The kids see the problems better than their parents.) Recruiting new cult members is getting more difficult because more and more people are becoming aware of the cult masters' loathsomeness. The system can't take so many pressures before falling apart like the house of cards it is. (And when it does, the rector's little enterprise is on the way out, too.)

    2. While we're predicting the future, can you please give us some predictions about the future of Pistrina or its "new lay movement"? Has it grown at all beyond the one mysterious person who writes this blog? Does it have any clergy that work according to its "Model Bylaws for Lay Governance"? Has this "movement" gone beyond being anything more than an anonymous website? Will it ever?

    3. Trolls like Anon 5:08 keep me coming back for more of Pistrina's Punchy Saturday Night Animadversions Against the Gertrudians.

  2. Replies
    1. Very close guess, but no, that's another commentary.

      The quotation came from "De Beluis Tradilandiensibus," a larger and more terrifying work.

    2. A terrifying title fitting to the traditionalist monstrosities. I can only advise to read that tome before getting to close to these beasts...

    3. Excellent advice for all, from someone with a classical education. How refreshing amidst all the illiterate emails we've received demanding to know the meaning "Scatophagi."

    4. “Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary” (unabridged) defines a SCATOPHAGE as “an animal that eats dung, especially a fly or a beetle.” I hope that this satisfies the curiosity of the illitterati who were e-mailing Pistrina and demanding to know what it meant. So, for them (and for “Anonymous 5:08”), there you have it – mystery solved! The only thing I’s add at this point is that I do not compare these people to those creatures: I wouldn’t insult ANY self-respecting fly or beetle that way!

    5. You know, Craig, your multiple personality disorders can get pretty weird sometimes. You remind me of Gollum in the Tolkein movies the way you talk to yourself.

    6. Dear Anonymous 5:19,

      I'm not sure why you referred to me (Anon 5:08) in your discussion of the word "scatophage". My post didn't ask about that word — I knew what it meant. But I guess it's a good thing you learned a new word today. Now you can use it to insult people you feel superior to, like Craig does here, and that'll show how mature you are.

      I asked about the projected future of "Pistrina" or this "New Lay Movement" or whatever you want to call it. Where is it going? Still waiting for some kind of answer.

    7. For Anon 10:06:

      As we have said time and time again, when Pistrina makes a reply to a comment, it comes by way of "The Reader" or "Pistrina Liturgica." We have no need to post under a different handle: this blog has numerous highly literate fans with real college degrees, who have their own resources and, most importantly, their own voices.

      For Anon. 10:24:

      The state of the lay governance movement is strong and growing ever stronger, thank you. (Ask your friends and relatives.) It's the cult masters who're passing the hat and competing against each other for funds. (From what we've heard, they're both hitting up the same prospective donors. My, my. Not very nice -- or coordinated either!) We don't have a prediction, but we do have a promise: The end is nigh for the sclerotic cult, and we'll be here to pick up the pieces when the grasping, ill-trained, dubious, mammonite clergy ride out to the sunset on a rail.

  3. Sorry! I made a "typo"! In my comment (Anonymous, 5:19 PM), "I's" should read "I'd" (as in "I would").

    1. No apology necessary. Aliquando bonus dormitat Homerus!

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