
Saturday, March 8, 2014


Hypocrisy is the most difficult and nerve-racking needs an unceasing vigilance and a rare detachment of is a whole-time job. Maugham

Ya gotta love a guy who pins targets on himself. For a watchdog blogger, "One-Hand Dan" is the gift that keeps on giving and giving: every time he puts pen to paper, he validates Pistrina. A perfect example is his Sexagesima Sunday weather report cum agitprop (a.k.a. "Bishop's [?] Corner"). It's replete with the cult's hallmark hypocrisy, spiteful mischief-making, and bold-as-brass revisionism.  See for yourselves:


Wee Dan recounts an incident where a pesthouse completer he "ordained" encounters an SSPV priest while on a visit to a shut-in. As "One Hand" spins the story, the SSPV priest lectured the cultist gofer about "Thucite bishops," whereupon Li'l Dan's tongue-tied lackey "quietly withdrew." Then Dannie rehearses the SSPV position on the invalidity of the Thục line and sums up the Blunderer's account of Bp. Méndez's disputed ordination of the SSPV priest, making sure to add that the cult masters "fear" the offensive priest "may not be validly ordained, either, come to mention it." (Pistrina covered the ordination account in its Nov. 17, 2013, post Perished Counsel.)

Inspired, Wee Dan seizes the occasion to offer this pious exhortation:
Schism is splitting the very Body of Christ, one of the many sins with which we are chastised during these days of the Church’s eclipse. If all we can do is to withdraw in dignified silence, let us do that, adding a prayer.
And then he waxes all warm and squidgy in this high-minded sermonette:
There have always been scandals and splits (knowing Church history is such a consolation), but a persevering charity on our part could go a long way towards a solution. Smile, be charitable, and leave the past to God’s mercy. Pray, and highly value these dear souls. Remember the saints teach us that our enemies who speak and act against us are our real friends, not the friends who are kind and sweet to us. Treat your enemies as though they were your best friends, and maybe one day they will be!
Let's put aside the fact that Dannie should have kept quiet about the possible defect in form of the priest's orders, considering his own priestly orders are questionable owing to a grave defect in matter, which has nothing to do with his Thục lineage. The real issue here is that he should have kept the whole episode to himself, if the Christ-like response to an insult is "dignified silence" while leaving "the past to God's mercy." As usual, Double-standard Dan preaches lofty Christian virtues but in practice plays the low street ruffian ever ready for a hurtful payback.  Some good soul should remind Deacon Dan that in Matthew's Gospel it does not read, "but if one strike thee on the right cheek, turn on him and bloody his %@?*#^$ nose!"


One of the pleasures of reporting on this clerical buffoon is watching his clownish schemes go up in smoke. Dinky Dan is really the Ralph Kramden of cult masters, isn't he? With his fatal shortcomings, none of the half-incubated stratagems he hatches stands a chance of success. Take, for instance, the following paragraph, where "One Hand" unhelpfully dredges up the agonizing past for the disedification of the souls under his thumb :

Speaking of schisms*, another sad split, fresh enough to be still quite sore, is the St. Albert Chapel started by Fr. Ramolla and now maintained by Bishop Pivarunas as St. Thérèse of Lisieux Church. This small group of our former parishioners meet in different hotels and are surely very devoted to their cause. These souls are cared for by the CMRI Fathers, who come in from a great distance. They are very hard working priests. I am sure they must have many scattered faithful who do not have the Mass every Sunday as we do in Cincinnati, and so many Masses.  
You'd think he'd be embarrassed at how patently obvious he's being here. C'mon, Dan-O! Where is your game? Only debased zombie culties can't see through you like a broken window!  This heart-on-his-shirtsleeves plea surfaced on the very Sunday when the rival prelate was in the West Chester area for confirmations. As any child can see, Dannie's floating a not-so-subtle insinuation that the efforts of the competing bishop's priests might be better deployed elsewhere since the SW Ohio region is so rich in traditional Mass centers.

"One Hand Dan's" probably counting on the faithful's crawling back to cult central loaded down with their weekly offerings and building fund, should the unwelcome bishop take the hint and pull up stakes. It must have really galled Li'l Dan to no end that another bishop, especially one so admired by many rank-and-file Traddies, has pitched his big tent in the cult's back yard. That explains the cringe-worthy attempt to shoo off the frightening (and despised) competition.

"One Hand" humiliated himself, however, to no advantage. On the very same day his message appeared, the lay leaders of the breakaway chapel announced they had "identified a church property in Lebanon [Ohio] that is a very real possibility for us to purchase." When those fine Catholic folks close on the property, Dannie's nemesis will be firmly planted in the SW Ohio area for good, something he's dreaded for many years. That's when the mass exodus from SGG will begin again in earnest. Solid pastoral care without soul-killing squabbles over trivialities will trump mammonite show-time any day of the week. All that egg on Wee Dan's face doesn't go well with those ostentatious, overpriced pontificals, does it?**


As "One Hand" was busy wounding and confusing "the faithful, young or old" by recalling "disagreements" reeking of "a strong personal element," he encapsulated his bitter, decades-old feud with the SSPV in these loaded words:
It all has something to do with saintly Archbishop Thuc, whose Latin was excellent, and Bishop Mendez or Gonzalez, who repeatedly stumbled over an essential word in the form of the Ordination rite years ago.
Hold your horses there, Dirtbag Dan! What was that? "Excellent" Latin??? Yet in Two Bishops in Every Garage, "Peregrinus" -- you all know who that loser goof-ball is -- described the language of Thục's 1982 Declaratio as "extremely crude — hardly what one would expect from someone who holds a Roman doctorate in canon law."

As you know, we haven't allowed that footling masquerader to get away all that claptrap. On our page "Pilgrim's Fine Mess," Pistrina demonstrated that the Latin in the archbishop's Declaratio was competent. (We couldn't say excellent, if the word means "being of the highest or finest quality"; however, we understand that Dannie admits more elastic definitions of English words when needed. And why not! None of the depraved sede Trogs will call him out.) Notwithstanding our arguments, there wasn't a squeak, a hiss, or a chirrup out of Dannie or the Blunderer regarding the archbishop's Latinity until last year, when we noticed the first signs of their convenient revisionism after the Blunderer's appearance on internet radio.

One day Thục's Latin is "extremely crude." Then the next day, when it suits the cult masters, his Latin becomes "correct" and soon afterward "excellent." In actually what do the cult masters firmly believe, besides their own interests? Don't get us wrong. Absolutely, it's laudable to change your mind in light of evidence that a former opinion is in error. In fact, it's intellectually virtuous. However, intellectual honesty obliges us to admit our change of mind and at the same time to disavow our former opinion. And we have to do it in public if we've written publicly.

Once the Readers' textual analysis appeared, Wee Dan should have directed Tony Baloney to walk back his mistaken evaluation. The Bonehead had publicly flip-flopped on his negative assessment of the Thục lineage, so why not do the same thing for the archbishop's Latin? But, true to form, there's been no mea culpa on this matter. It must have been inconvenient: better to pretend they believed it all along.

All this distortion of the record calls to mind a celebrated episode at the beginning of chapter 9 in Nineteen Eighty-Four. There Orwell describes how an Inner Party orator smoothly transitions from denouncing the party's old enemy, Eurasia, to condemning its brand-new enemy, Eastasia. With a similar disregard for consistency, Dannie and the Cheeseball, without a trace of self-consciousness, now praise Thục's Latin without so much as an excuse-me. What's hilarious is they think no one noticed.

As we said, a muck-racking investigator can't ask for a better subject. Li'l Dan makes our job so much easier because he furnishes an inexhaustible supply of fresh examples to back up our every contention. We hope he keeps on writing so the handful of cult-enslaved souls still in possession of a rudimentary conscience realize that not only is it okay to walk away, but it's morally right to take flight from the cult.

*The separation that occurred in 2009 -- precipitated by "One Hand's" ill-advised actions and inaction -- is not schism. Schism is "the crime of one who separates himself from the Catholic Church to form another sect under the pretext that the Catholic Church errs or approves disorders and abuses" (Parente). "One-Hand Dan's" cult is not the Church, and he's not the pope. (He may not even be a bishop or a priest.) Consequently, although many people fled the cult owing to errors, disorders, and abuses, their leaving was not schismatic. It was a righteous deliverance motivated by moral outrage and disgust.

** You can help speed "One Hand" on his way out of town by donating to the chapel's building fund.  Send a generous contribution to the following address:
St. Therese the Little Flower
11711 Princeton Pike #341-205
Springdale, OH 45246

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