
Saturday, May 10, 2014


Editors's Note: We continue last week's post with additional comments from Dannie's apple-polishing bootlicker, who was so bent out of shape by our highly acclaimed reporting on "Dannie's Excellent Adventure":

Here in Mexico, and you know very well, we do not have the same laws with respect to fasting and abstinence as in the United States. What is worrisome is that today many false teachers arise who want to control the clergy...This is not the spirit of the Church!!!*

When "One-Hand Dan" crossed over into Mexico, he didn't enter into another dimension. He didn't move "into a land of both shadow and substance," where he was forced to act against his will. No weird power mysteriously transported him to a posh Argentine eatery and compelled him to gorge on "copious quantities of meat." Wee Dan easily could have honored gringo Lenten practice without offending a soul (except perhaps the free-loading native priests who craved a barbecued meat-and-offal eating extravaganza at somebody else's expense). 

If "One Hand" did eat at the elegant Cambalache restaurant, he could've ordered the costly 10-ounce tuna steak, the Norway salmon, or the whole whitefish, while his carnivore dining companions wolfed down, say, the 28-ounce rib eye and/or the equally massive tenderloin or perhaps greedily devoured the heroically proportioned mixed grill. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean to have to do it. To abandon the stricter yanqui discipline during his exotic spring holiday abroad showed a singular contempt for piety. Invoking a petty legalistic excuse to interrupt the soul-purifying rigors of Lent is certainly not the spirit of the Church.

And speaking of the spirit of the Church, we question the standing of this self-serving priest to appeal to it:
✭Is it the spirit of the Church for an expelled seminarian to defy his lawful superior's explicit, direct command not to wear the cassock when he returned to his own country?
✭Is it in the spirit of the Church for the same expelled seminarian to return and lodge a civil charge against his superior for discrimination?
✭Is it in the spirit of the Church for seminary rejects to go hunting for priestly orders elsewhere after being so decisively judged by competent authority?
Would "Big Don" countenance this behavior from one of the pesthouse inmates?

Certainly not. This is the problem with the sedes: The rules always apply to somebody else, never to them. In the on-going ecclesial crisis, the spirit of the Church is almost invisible, and it's plain as day that sede cult clergy haven't the wherewithal to preserve it.

The spirit of the Church has never allowed the clergy to exercise their own whims unchecked. Guidance, oversight, and direction of the clergy is, in fact, a hallmark of the Roman Catholic Church. Everyone is accountable. Consequently, absent a visible and divinely established hierarchy, malformed, clericalist, and mammonite priests must be regulated by the next best thing -- the laity who pay all the bills. If the spirit of the Church still flourished, many a sleaze-bag hypocrite would never have received holy orders.

What's ironic is that our priestly correspondent once had the grace to condemn Dannie's parasitic ways. Years ago, after several lay people once complained to him about Wee Dan's manic "alms" gathering for St. Gertrude's, he aggressively barked, "St. Gertrude is in heaven! She doesn't need alms!" Well, we suppose that financial dependency "doth make cowards of us all," so now this false-faced chilote bolsero busies himself with carrying water for the gringo cult masters who scooped him out of the gutter and dumped him into their own reeking cesspool.

As his reward for mounting this laughable defense, maybe "One Hand" will ask him to tag along on his upcoming trip to Tijuana. We double-dog dare this shameless aprovechado to ask Dannie to prove who's paying for this new foreign junket. We triple-dog dare him to tell the people of Tijuana that "One Hand" may not even be a priest let alone a bishop.

*Aquí en México,y Ud. lo sabe muy bien,no tenemos las mismas leyes con respecto al Ayuno y Abstinencia como en Estados Unidos. Lo preocupante, es que hoy surgen muchos seudo-doctores que quieren controlar a los Clérigos  Este no es el espíritu de la Iglesia!!!.

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