
Saturday, October 25, 2014


Editor's Note: This little nasty gram is particularly of apropos in light of the synod that ended last week in Rome.
You SWcandal Mongers with your lurid Revelations about the Traditional Movement have destroyed the Faith. Pope Francis is going to split the Church right down the Middle. There will be no place for the People to go because of you. When they get on line and start reading your Gossip and Insinuations and Detraction and Muckraking they will stay away from the Traditional Mass. I know several families who wanted to attend one of Bishop Sanborns Parishes but were scared off. Another family refuses to go to Bishop Dolans Masses because of what you say about his Validity. You need to make Reparation to save your Soul!! Maybe you will receive Forgiveness. Don't you understand we need Priests and should be grateful for the few we have??? "Mockery and Reproach are of the Proud, and Vengeance as a Lion shall lie in wait for him (Ecclus. 21, 27)"
A capital letter if there ever was one!

Posting at the close of the infamous 2014 Extraordinary Synod on the Family, we are inclined to agree with our correspondent at least on one count: there might be a schism, although probably not "down the middle." A majority of today's Novus Ordites are in favor of Bergie's liberalizing, "feel-good" views. Nevertheless, if a rupture occurs, a sizable number could exit.

We disagree, however, with the writer's presumption that the leavers would reflexively flock to sede chapels owned and controlled by mammonite cult masters. The principal beneficiary of any schism would be the SSPX (and the FSSP, if it also should sever ties to Frankie). The events of last week will make it hard for the progressives in the SSPX to align with Papa Pancho now. But even if Fellay prevails, a split would produce an entirely new traditionalist dispensation. Perhaps there would emerge several umbrella groups -- a Roman neo-latitudinarianism as it were -- so as to accommodate the entire spectrum of conservative Catholicism, from new-massers with deep, abiding moral values to Tridentine enthusiasts sick of a half century of reckless and wicked innovation.

That means most, if not all, of the people who'd abandon Bergoglio's brave, new, World-Church would find a home somewhere other than in Sedelandia.  For that reason, few would have a motive to seek refuge in the justly abhorred SW-Ohio-Brooksville cult. In our view, if a schism were to occur, more people would leave Tradistan than would enter. Traddies could unload a ton of clerical baggage by going elsewhere, where legitimacy appears more certain. At a neutral venue, they might even be able to find common ground with long-estranged family members who refuse to sing "Kumbaya" with Bergie. 

But it's foolish to speculate. All sorts of earth-shaking wonders could materialize in the next year or so. That's still no reason to endure all the nonsense of the cult masters. And you don't have to put up with "psychologically fragile" indie priests either. Both the lone-wolf nut jobs and cult intriguers are poison to the Catholic soul. Priests are supposed to be spiritual fathers, not solitary basket cases or whip-cracking, pocket-lining plantation overseers. Better none than to suffer the damage wrought by isolated depressives and uneducated gangs of money-mad control freaks who don't know what they're doing. (Plus, remember that a large number of Tradistani clergy have doubtful orders, so what's the difference between those cruds and N.O. priests?)

There are still salutary traditional communities available to people who do not want to join the cult. Near many large cities, competing traditional chapels unaffiliated with Traddie cult masters or shaky, independent loners offer real alternatives. For instance, in Tampa, Florida, traditionalists can join the charming Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel, faithfully cared for by humane, level-headed priests from Argentina.

Finally, by way of a correction to our exercised correspondent, we answer that we Readers never engage in gossip, which is defined as a trifling, often groundless rumor of a personal, sensational or intimate nature, or just plain idle talk. Our content is serious and solidly rooted in facts obtained by meticulous inquiry before we post. We take as our guide another verse from Ecclesiasticus: "Before thou inquire, blame no man: when thou hast inquired, reprove justly" (11:7).

We, therefore, have always had a just and sufficient reason -- the good of souls and the material well-being of traditional Catholics -- for revealing what we do, so we're not guilty of unjust detraction, calumny or rash judgment. Our consciences are clean. As for muckraking, well, we're proud to belong to the distinguished company of vigilant watchdogs of the public's welfare. And we wouldn't mind it either if our correspondent had characterized our apostolate as "yellow journalism," though we'd have to wait until our circulation reached the millions before we could justly lay claim to that coveted title of honor. Had Tradistan raised up a Lincoln Steffens or an Ida Tarbell years ago, traditional Catholics would be considerably better off today, both spiritually and financially.


Dateline -- October 25, 2014, Lawrence, MA: Next week we'll interrupt our fall-mailbag series to report on an unsavory back story to today's joyous (and valid) priestly ordination here in the Bay State. 

It seems some unidentified sede scumbag rent-seekers were frightened at the prospect of strong competition from a traditional bishop based in Latin America.

You'll see that nothing's too low for the gringo sede trash.

Fortunately, the clandestine ecclesiastical freebooters now can't get their greedy hands on the chapel -- a real Catholic church, not a tarted-up Quonset hut -- along with its community's assets.

Tune in and be prepared for bowel-twisting, moral outrage!


  1. I suggest you find some letters with a tad less insouciance.

    Also, freebooters!
    My Navy veteran friend can't stop laughing now

    1. I should have typed a bit more but I was busy laughing at unrepeatable stories from the U.S. Submarine Service.

      Beauty is truth and truth beauty, and that is all you need to know.
      Even if that truth could be considered "ugly" objective reality should not be denied.

      I wish Bernadins' diocese had someone like yourselves (and access to what was then DARPAnet) before my cousin entered a den of sodomy misnamed as a seminary several decades ago. I'll spare you the stories of what a heterosexual faithful Catholic young man had to endure under Mr. "Seamless Garment"

    2. Yes, we got a kick out of the letter and thought it deserved publication before all others. That one had a special animus we couldn't resist.

      There were some hardy souls who tried to expose the vile Joseph Bernardin, but he was untouchable. How strange that Cook changed his mind. I guess you have to get permission first to go after big-name sleazeballs. The law applies only to the powerless -- just like in Tradistan.

    3. By the way, are you familiar with this old Tradistan story?

      This was quite a few years before the school scandal but was it foreshadowing perhaps?

      Just for the record, while I enjoy reading Jones's work and view his research as solid, I disagree strongly with his lumping Sedevanantism in with Bayside, Medjugore and the like. He may have a bit of a blind spot regarding the V-II Papal claimants or might be succumbing to ad vericundiam regarding their contradictory pronouncements. In any case I'm not trying to derail your post nor am I attempting to bash the principles of Sedevacantism by posting a Jones link. If you think this is too far off topic please feel free to delete my comment.

    4. Yes, we'd heard of it, but not in so much detail. Thanks very much for the link. As far as we're concerned, your comment is spot on the topic. We hope others read the article. Nothing changes in Tradistan, does it?

      Again, much obliged, and your personal observations make a lot of sense.

    5. Anonymous, you should post your cousin's experience in the seminary. All of what has gone on in the Church should be documented as they are trying to rewrite recent Church history.


  2. What a sad, sad story! Marisue probably did have a vocation. Just when we really need nuns, it's a great shame she had to get involved with those people. Imagine all the lost vocations just because of all the power plays going on in Traddieland. Pride goeth before a fall & if some of those men had even an ounce of humility, think of what could have been. With priests like those men, it's a wonder that any of us are still Catholic!

  3. You've broached a theme that always been on our mind: What would have happened if there had been just one, good, able, and decent man with leadership ability instead of the vile and petty lowlifes who afflict us today?

    Based on the crud-balls that control the movement, one might think that Providence must despise traditional Catholics.Perhaps we must endure this plague so as to strengthen our resolve. Let us hope that with that strengthened resolve comes the strong will to toss these creeps out and start afresh. Perhaps we can be our own deliverer, if we act on our conscience and send the bums packing.

  4. No, Providence doesn't despise trads. We brought this wasteland on ourselves. We took sooo much for granted when things were going well. We didn't appreciate what we had. We grew lukewarm & Christ warned us what Him would do to the lukewarm, didn't He? We are reaping our just desserts. Weep for your children for they're the ones that are really going to take the brunt of this. We at least had a foundation. Most of them have nothing.

  5. P.S. Please take note that Our Lord had already said where the fornicators & murderers, etc. were going - or rather, where they WEREN'T going. He also said that it would be BETTER for those who harmed innocent children to have a millstone tied around their necks & thrown in the sea. He must have had something much worse in store for them and it would be a place with no turning back.
    So now Our Lord, is speaking to us Trads who think that we have a ticket to ride just because we're Catholic.

    1. A sound reading of the situation.

      Perhaps, then, the majority of Trads were naturally complacent and didn't want to be bothered to defend what they had by making sure the clergy stayed on the straight and narrow.

      The 2009 SGG School Scandal was a solemn warning if there ever was one, yet only about half the Trads left the cult. Then when things went south with "the Rev." Marvelous Ebola, some crawled back to SGG. These people are not just lukewarm: they're stone cold dead, spiritually and morally speaking.

      You are so right when you said that Trads are reaping their just desserts. The price of the faith, like liberty, is eternal vigilance. Catholics closed their eyes at Vatican II, and they kept them shut in Tradistan.

      They kept their eyes shut for more than 30 yearss, and now they turn a deaf ear to the thundering divine counsel to run as fast as they can from the cult masters.

      GAME OVER. Time to reset and start again with all new players.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. We deleted the above comment because of some inappropriate language that might offend the delicate sensibilities of some of our Traddie audience.

    However, we don't want his/her criticism to go unregistered or unanswered, so here's the basic message they sent:

    Anonymous October 29, 2014 at 9:48 PM
    "You #$@!%-ers think your know it alls, but you don't know the bible. Your quote should be "Before thou enquirEST."

    Well, Anon. 10/29 9:48 p.m., we invite you to open up any available Douay version to Ecclesiasticus 11:7 (say, the TAN or the Haydock), and you'll find "inquire," not "inquirest" as you so ignorantly demand. (You must be a sede cult priest, you're so far off base.)

    Now, we'll go a step further and tell you why you're wrong and the Douay translators were right. The archaic morpheme with "thou" (i.e., -[e]st ) is for the indicative mood. But since the original Latin of the Vulgate used the subjunctive mood (an ideal limit in a temporal clause), the Douay carefully employs the English 2 per. sg. subjunctive "inquire."

    Go back to your cult and crawl in a hole.

  8. Thank you for deleting offensive language. I've never allowed foul language in my home & won't allow it entering through the computer either.

    But honestly, what's going on in our world today that almost everyone can't talk/write without using foul language?!
    Is their vocabulary that deficient that they have to resort to such low-level language?

    1. The cult-loving defenders, who are deficient in more than vocabulary, are among the filthiest-mouthed correspondents we have, and we often must heavily edit before we publish e-mails we receive. We think that Tradistan appeals to the kind of trash who haven't the verbal skills to communicate without using gutter language.

      We usually recommend to these potty mouths some of the excellent dictionaries of insult and invective that are available from Amazon. But that would be too intellectual for these bottom feeders and their clown clergy. They suffer from too much rage.

      Anon. 10/29 9:48 not only had a limited vocabulary, he had an empty head, too. The moron didn't even verify the citation before he shot of his dirty mouth. If he didn't have the book, he could have checked online.

      BTW, we weren't just being nasty when we supposed the author to be a sede priest. Way back in the day at Écône, one well-known member of the Americans studying there was notorious for his dirty mouth, once repeating over and over a shocking obscenity to an English seminarian who had objected to the use such foul language.

  9. Please don't tell us that he was ordained. What's that quote from the Bible about 'the things which proceeds out of the mouth, come forth from the heart..'? If he didn't leave the seminary or was told to leave, then what are we fighting for? He's as bad, if not worse, as an NO.

    1. He remained there until the archbishop ordained him to the priesthood, and he is very active today in the traditional movement with his own chapel and missions. Of course, nowadays he's full of pious talk. The past is merely a gauzy memor that probably didn't happen at all, thank you!

      Besides, he really doesn't care since even if there were an audio or video recording of the incident, his followers would refuse to believe their own ears and eyes.

      That's the story of the Trad movement. The truth is out there and often comes floating to the surface, but the cultists deny it and cling to their unworthy shepherds.

      Right now we're certain that this foul-mouth's followers would offer a thousand excuses for his behavior were they to learn of it. They would all stay with him and damn the people revealing his sordid past as sinful detractors.

    2. I think in most cases like this they would stay at their chapel because they wouldn't consider something like that a sufficient reason to leave.

    3. Agreed. They're without any sense of morality.

    4. Do you think someone should leave their chapel because of a story like this from this priest's seminary time?

  10. If you can't or won't name names, what state is he in?

    1. We'd prefer not to identify this unworthy cleric at this point. We will tell you that he is located in the Midwest. We are not the only ones who know the story. Several years ago, a Catholic writer circulated a letter among Trad bishops telling this and another unseemly story. From the looks of it, most of these bishops still associate with the man.

      There are always second acts in Sedelandia. You should note that the ex-con priest who impregnated a young woman receiving counseling from him is still in good standing with a number of sedes, and still actively serves several chapels. In fact, last summer he was out and about on the East Coast creating mischief for a traditional Catholic community. The priest who sponsors him and the laity who receive the sacraments from him apparently aren't concerned with the fact that the young woman testified in court that after she procured an abortion, he expressed relief.

      Names aren't really necessary to come to the conclusion that Sedelandia is a sewer. Before attending any chapel, the laity should perform due diligence on the clergy. The info is out there. And when they learn of any bad behavior, they have to stay away. If they cannot, for some reason or another, then at least they must not give any financial or moral support to such men, not even a stipend.

      We understand the sacrifice this is. The Readers have all had to leave their chapels because they could not in good conscience condone priestly bad behavior, whether it be blackmail with the sacraments or insatiable greed or hypocrisy.

    2. Wasn't he out on the West Coast for awhile a few years ago?


    3. No. He first was in New York but then settled in the Mid West. However, he has several missions and a bit of a following.

  11. The only explanation I can think of is "birds of a feather...' for anyone who follows bad priests.

    1. Yes, lowlife always recognize kindred spirits, and they band together in rebellion against civil society. There's no helping the dyed-in-the-wool cultists.
