
Saturday, January 3, 2015


Toga! Toga! "National Lampoon's Animal House"

In his squalid "Bishop's (?) Corner," written right before Christmas, "One-Hand Dan" indulged in his wonted (and unwanted) oversharing.  There he left us with this stomach-turning, but significant, revelation:
...the fortnight before Christmas a mouse in the house of the young fathers had stirred himself right into the fridge. How we are not sure, but there he was feasting away all night long like the priests of Dagon in Daniel. Well, we set a trap, and...plugged with a pen the smallest of holes, and the dike is holding. Our tasty leftovers (thank you, Cucina cooks) are again safe.
Now a decent person brought up in a normal, middle-class home would exclaim in disgust, "Eeeewwww! Gross! Why would you ever make public such a story!?"

From Dannie's graphic remarks, you'd have to conclude the residence is a filthy pigs' sty teeming with nests of house mice so cheeky that they breezily make themselves at home in the refrigerator to snack on rotting discards (that were probably put away uncovered). "One Hand's" detailed description makes it painfully easy to imagine the stench of that dump, the uncleanliness of which must surely attract all kinds of diseased critters. A genteel mind doesn't even dare think of how contaminated that unhygienic fridge must be, let alone consider storing food there ever again. The vision Dannie's given us is enough to gag a maggot on a gut wagon: hantavirus haven, that's for sure!

Dirtbag Dan leaves the impression that the whole trashy place must look like a misfit frat house on double-secret probation after an unspeakably gruesome pledge week, doesn't it? His barf-inducing account suggests three things: (1) the absence of adult supervision, (2) the alarmingly accelerated decay of the cult's dreary, industrial-park campus, and (3) a fresh money-raising campaign on the horizon.

Since (1) is a no-brainer, let's briefly consider (2) and (3).

Dannie's report of a raccoon infestation in the cult center's walls has been a "Corner" obsession for several long weeks. It looks like the problem's getting worse, for in the same pre-Christmas "mice-in-the-icebox" message he confided:
The church wall raccoons have sublet, I fear, to even noisier beasts, and are bickering all during Mass and Vespers, roaming all through the house. Animals are territorial, aren’t they?
The whole incompetently designed, cheaply constructed rat-trap has been on its last legs for several years now. Now, it seems, it's been taken over by varmints known to carry rabies, roundworm, and leptospirosis. That's why public-health officials warn people to rid themselves of these foul pests as soon as possible after detection. Under no circumstances should rabies-vector species be permitted to go "roaming all through the house." In the meantime, the more civilized Gerties are advised to keep their children away from the cult center until such dangerous wildlife can be removed and all areas -- including the scandal-scarred school -- are thoroughly disinfected by certified professionals. There are probably raccoon latrines scattered throughout the entire crumbling structure!

Since cult revenue gets squandered, there can't be any funds for regular maintenance, and apparently there's no ready-money to call in a licensed pest-control firm. So Dannie has the perfect set-up for an early-winter fund raiser to tax the already grumbling and tapped-out cultists:  More donations to buy an expensive, new refrigerator and hire an exterminator to clean up the unsanitary mess.

We expect to hear the first call for cash before the end of January, around the time when final planning gets under way for "One Hand's" Mexicali, Mexico, winter getaway cum dining extravaganza -- oops! we mean "apostolate." (Surely there'll be enough donations to set aside a nice portion for the south-of-the-border escapade, especially if they buy a second-hand, low-efficiency fridge for the woebegone "priests" of Daniel. Why, there might be enough for a quickie side trip to chic Old Santa Fe.)

When the cult masters come begging, tell 'em to clean up their act and use their own Christmas money if they want to rid their shabby living quarters of vermin. Meanwhile, put into action your resolution to leave the cult in 2015. Have a frank talk with the whole family this weekend. Tell 'em it's time to be cleansed of these clerical pests infesting your bank account.

Tell 'em it's time for a normal, wholesome, thrifty Catholic life.


  1. I've never ever heard of finding a mouse in the fridge. Do they come & go at will or was the poor thing trapped in there? If he was trapped, then when they opened the door did the mouse jump out. And yes, if he was eating the stuff then things would have had to be uncovered unless they were in there long enough to gnaw thro plastic containers. Can someone go in there to clean and snap some pictures, please? Is this kitchen or rectory physically connected to the church?. If so, the next thing you know the mice will start making nests in the vestments. Then how will the Show go on?

    1. All great questions. Maybe "One Hand" will engage in some more oversharing soon. According to one source, residence of the "young fathers" is separate from the main building with the raccoon infestation

  2. "When does the new website drop, bro?"

    Breh, these "traditionalists" aren't going to adopt a normal wholesome thrifty Catholic life. Someone needs to put all the puzzle pieces together and clean up the whole mess. Until then, there is all kinds of speculation and wandering "clergymen" and so on.

    Pistrina! Put your energies into pursuing this comprehensive solution, and forget about people's personalities and shortcomings! There can be no "independent" chapels when there is a clear pope and clear opposition to Vatican 2 without room for dissent! All possible solutions must be compiled and the true one will win out by prayer and study!

    1. The new website -- well, the return of the old ones -- will drop within a couple of weeks. Our webmistress is still in Mexico, and when she comes back, she just has to build a new template for the site. We've been Skyping with her, and she's sketched out the basic design. She just doesn't have the new FTP software and all the old files with her down there. (In fact, all she has are her cell and tablet.) The format won't be fancy -- we simply want the old info back online -- so it shouldn't take too long once she returns.

      We're grateful for your candid advice, but all of us feel that there's more than "personalities and shortcomings" in this mess. If there is a solution to be had, it will not come from the cult masters of Tradistan. In fact, we believe they are an obstacle to any meaningful solution. Our opposition, then, is preparatory to compiling "all possible solutions." Indeed, we can only contemplate real solutions when the traditional movement is freed from influence of mammonite, self-serving clergy.

      Still, we're grateful for your input.

  3. Dolan's lack of decency is probably the reason why so many people are able to see through the front of the pious Irish Catholic bishop that he has going for him among his culties. After all, what bishop would go after his enemies and label them as mentally ill? What bishop would issue an "apology" and then make it into a festival of self-pity and make the victim into the enemy? What bishop would in the bulletin week after week about the adventures of his feral cats?

    After reading this blog for years, I'm convinced that neither Dolan or Cekada would have been ordained if the seminary system of the 1950s were still around. Instead, they would have been thrown out and told to find means of alternative employment. Had that happened they wouldn't have wreaked havoc on Tradistan for nearly forty years.

    1. We agree with you entirely. More disturbing than Dirtbag Dan's behavior toward his manufactured enemies is the people's acquiescence to such a shameful display of low-class peeve.

      We agree that that they wou;dn't have made it into the system back in the '50s. And if by chance they had made it into some rinky-dink disocesan semninary, they would have been weeded out pronto. They should have been bounced from Econe. A pity Fr. Ward went unheeded.

    2. I think that most people are not willing to leave the cult because they are used to the show that they are being given every week. After all, what other traditional parish in Cincinnati, Ohio, will give you a pre-1950s Pontifical High Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve?

      Of course, some people willfully blind themselves to what they see in front of them. Some parishioners have closed their eyes to Dolan and Cekada's behavior for so long that they view it as completely normal. That's probably the reason why there isn't any outrage when the feral cats go and murder some rabbits or when the bishop casually mentions the fact that there are raccoons residing in the parish church. After all, it's just part of the show and the show must go on.

      The thing that puzzles me the most is why the people behind Restoration Radio are so interested in supporting Dolan, Cekada, and Sanborn. Stephen Heiner and his fellow workers seem like intelligent people. They work as lawyers, doctors, and businessmen. , but when it comes to Traditionalism they side with The Three Stooges for no other reason, I suppose, than the fact that The Three Stooges have schedules that are so free that they are available to answer questions on the air when every other priest worth his salt is saying Masss, making sick calls, and taking buses and airplanes to his next stop on the mission circuit.

    3. The Heiner business is a mystery. It should be patently clear that the Terrible Trio are not the real thing. And why he hasn't ejected Uneven-Steven McFaker is an even greater mystery. Maybe he's not a smart as his PR alleges.

    4. Heiner is very good at PR for his various business ventures (a tutoring business, a Paris walking tour company, etc.). This is probably explains a lot about why the Three Stooges support him. They desperately need the PR and the money which they will not receive from their culties and he needs the bona fides to run his radio network.

      The McFaker's ejection hasn't occurred because he's probably too scared to incur the wrath of the Stooges, as it were, so he just gives him an interview every few weeks about Pastoralia and then Lurch comes on to talk about something else every other week, etc.

    5. Thanks for the background. It explains a lot. At least we haven't seen any more explanations of the Summa. I think even Heiner must now know not to go there any more.

  4. Heiner is smart but lacking a bit in common sense. Also he was raised NO & so has no grounding in Tradition. He sees the Show & thinks that's it. When he 'converted' he went to an independent chapel under a priest who too, was raised NO & had the veneer of tradition with no underpinnings to gird him & truly know what tradition REALLY is.

    1. Very good "intelligence." We suspected he really didn't know what tradition was, and this explains it. Plus he probably enjoys being a heckova lot smarter than the clergy.

    2. He also went the Byzantine route for a bit. I think a lot of us are wading through the confusion. As mentioned above, if he's tending to other successful business ventures he's working on, maybe he doesn't have the time to research further into a lot of different issues, etc.

      However I would encourage you to get in contact with him. He's responded to my email before. Ask him to stop pairing up with various trads and post results.

  5. Where does Pistrina get its nutty followers? Cats "murdering rabbits"? But that's par for the course because Pistrina is a nutty web site.

    1. Our followers just get their facts from Dannie's "Bishop's (?) Corner," where he delights in tales of his cats' dragging home freshly slain bunnies. Honestly, no one would want to make up such nonsense.

      Dannie himself puts it on display almost weekly. Since you don't like the company on this blog, why don't you read Dannie's column. He publishes every week on Saturday or Sunday at Then you'll really see some nutty stuff.

  6. So why are you here wasting your time?

  7. Anon 1:52, you've got it backwards! This blog isn't nutty. It reports on the nutty things at SGG. I know, it's a dirty, thankless job but someone has to do it. You're shooting the messenger & not getting the message! If SGG would shape up & fly right, Pistrina wouldn't have to talk about cats & rabbits & doubtful consecrations, now would they?.
    P.S. The question,"Why are you wasting your time here?" was directed @ you.

  8. Reader you missed the point. You are so blinded by your own perversion that you failed to see that the point of the comment was that to accuse a cat of murder exhibits a shallow undrstanding of the morality of acts. Animals cannot commit murder. And so I repeat, some of your readers are nutty. And they are attracted to your nutty website.

    1. Oh, brother! Come off it!

      Dannie talks about those two marauding tomcats of his in anthropomorphic terms all the time. Haven't you ever read his weirdo "Corner"? Our readers are just imitating the "nutty" language of Wee Dan.

      We're afraid you're the one who's missed the point. Do yourself a favor and stay with the cult. You're way out of your depth over here.

  9. Reader, I agree. I don't think that Anon 1:17 really is that stupid tho. I think he just wants to be antagonistic for whatever reason.

  10. I am always wondering if Cekada, Dolan, etc. read this blog and others like it and what they think of it.

    Anyone forward them links? I might...

  11. Cats murdering rabbits. And people are supposed to be "outraged" by this and they're not.

    Really intelligent. Maybe I should punish my dog for digging a hole to bury a bone on Sunday because he's doing unnecessary servile work. I'll nail a calendar to the wall of his dog house so he'll know when the holy days of obligation are, too.

    And then we have the author of this blog defending this dumbassery.

    Hey, why don't you losers just ... you know ... pray, pay and obey, and leave the running of your local church to the priests, the way God intended? You think you're the intelligentsia of the Catholic Church, and in reality you're just a bunch of dumbasses.

    1. We didn't defend Dannie's idiotic tendency to give these beasts a human cast, and neither did our readers who satirized his ridiculous meme.

      We don't like to speculate on divine intentions, but we're fairly certain the malformed, money-mad, morons who call themselves "priests" were never meant to be in charge of Catholic souls.

  12. Anon., Jan.5,1:52 P.Mp., Anon. Jan.7, 1:17 P.M., and Anon., Jan.8, 8:39 A.M.: You bozos (who are probably one and the same) are typical cerebral flat-liners from Cultland, USA. To think that the “Reader” actually thinks that a cat is “guilty” of murder shows your blatant bias, which in turn shows either abysmal STUPIDITY and/or willful HYPOCRISY. Using the expression “murdering bunnies” is just that -- an EXPRESSION, and is obviously not meant to be taken in the legal, literal sense. Only someone ANTAGONISTICALLY predisposed would misconstrue those words (as you did).

    Why don’t you crawl back in your hole -- and STAY there, until you have something RATIONAL to say. (This, BTW, sounds like Tony sounding off again – or someone who reasons just like him). As far as being “nutty,” what could be nuttier than Dannie’s quip about his school principal’s boys watching porn on the school computer: “Boys will be boys.” That’s not only nutty; it’s PERVERSE. (And, BTW, if you need any more examples of Dannie’s “nuttiness,” we have DOZENS.)
