
Saturday, February 14, 2015


Hark! Hark! The dogs do bark,/The beggars are coming to town;/Some in rags, some in tags, /And some in velvet gowns. Nursery Rhyme

The begging, cajoling, wheedling, soliciting, cadging, and hustling at St. Gertrude the Great Cult  just won't stop.

This week we learned that on top of all the recent fund-raising appeals, the cult masters are now demanding an additional $5,000 - $6,000 to buy a replacement electronic organ "not only to maintain and expand our current musical program, but also for the sake of our upcoming generation of young organists, now 12 and 15."

Dannie and Tony Baloney are always playing the "kiddie card" when they need money for special pet projects. (Remember Dannie's video appeal for SGG School --  "It's for the children"?  And then in 2009 he defended the principal after the teachers exposed ill treatment of the little ones.) Why do the faithful have to underwrite the musical instruction of others' children? There must be many other local practice venues with state-of-the-art instruments for talented young keyboard musicians. And what ever happened to the former St. Clare chapel's organ, which the cult masters had in storage? 

Why can't that instrument be used to replace their "current 30-year-old electronic organ"? If it was sold off after St. Clare's was forced to close because all the decent folk had left, why can't the proceeds from the sale or auction be applied toward the purchase of the replacement instrument? (Or has that money already been wasted on dumb projects or travel abroad?) Furthermore, is the current organ really "slowly dying" or does the Checkmeister simply want a fancier toy?

If the cult really does need a another organ, how, then, could "One-Hand Dan" have in good conscience traveled to Tijuana and Mexicali, Mexico, last week (as he announced in his "Bishop's (?) Corner" on February 8)? If he paid for travel expenses, wouldn't it have been more appropriate to put that money toward the purchase of the replacement  organ? As of February 11, $2,375 had already been collected or pledged, and Dannie's trip will no doubt total at least $2K or more. For Pete's sake! That makes almost the whole amount they're asking for! 

For their own peace of mind and financial survival, Gerties must stop the cult masters' forever collection campaign. Dirtbag Dan himself may have shown the way: In the same "Corner" where he announced his trip to Mexicali, he wrote the following:
Do you have any questions you would like answered in a sermon sometime? Let me know. I’ll try to organize a Q and A Box for the vestibule, and maybe some Sunday Q and A sessions in Helfta Hall.
 If His Fecklessness ever does get around to "organizing" a suggestion box, we've got a perfect set of questions for a sermon answer, or better still, for a question-and-answer session in public:

Who paid for the 2015 pre-Lenten winter vacation to Mexico -- Dubious Dan or the Mexican faithful? If the Mexican faithful, can "One Hand" produce documentary proof? If Li'l Dan "shared" the costs, how much did he pay and how much of that was the chapel's money? Finally, if it was the chapel's money, why wasn't it used toward the purchase the replacement organ?



  1. Just read the Bishop's Corner. The man is either a liar or a nitwit. He reports that 'Fr. McKenna said Mass by Bismarck, ND & that people came from as far away as Powers Lake, ND., which used to be a true traditional powerhouse of Catholicism'. He's never heard of all the terrible things that went on there? Hard to believe. True Catholics were hurt there so maybe he's a lying nitwit.
    Also, what's he doing horning in on SPPX territory anyway? That's the only place in ND that the SPPX says Mass & this is where he sends McKenna?! Why didn't McKenna go to Powers Lake? It also would have saved those people a long trip.
    Then he writes that the shrine is gone now & it's nice to see the continuity! If the shrine is gone where's the continuity? Yes, it appears that there must be still Catholics that kept the faith there, but that's not because of the shrine, which was destroyed physically & spiritually, but the individuals themselves.

    1. What terrible things went on in Powers Lake?

    2. Yes, we'd like to know the whole story, too.

      Dannie's always horning in on somebody else's territory. That's what he's been doing this last week and today in Mexicali, Mexico, and that what he's doing in Rochester, MN, with "Uneven-Steven McFaker."

      There won't be much true Catholicism up there with the malformed McFaker who hasn't even attended one of the "Play Skool" seminaries in Tradistan.

  2. I shall have to find & dig into my folder, but in a nutshell there was child abuse, I think also homosexuality but will have to confirm that, & the raiding of the treasury to support a gambling habit. Will get names & dates later. It could have been a beautiful oasis but was destroyed by hidden vices which were eventually exposed. Just another very sad trad story . Don't know if anyone can find it on the internet but the shrine was called Our Lady of the Prairies.

    1. How do people put up with all this?! The laity must vet their clergy before signing on.

    2. Sorry to say that all my info was on another computer that crashed & I didn't print out the info. Just looked thro my bulging folder on questionable priests & that story isn't there:-( I only have a few notes on paper. One of the priests there had some disease - I think it was diabetes - & he said he had to have his legs massaged for relief, so he got one of the boys to do this & it went on & up from there if you get my drift. The boy described what happened - finally- to an investigator.
      One note I have says that there was an investigation against Fr. Wm. Allen of Powers Lake for Theft by Deception dated 9/3/2004. He's the one with a gambling addiction & would take money from the till to go to an Indian Casino some distance south of Powers Lake. Can't remember what his excuse was for 'needing' the money.
      The last note said that even Ryan Scott was there in 2003! Ryan is the fake priest of 9 lives. When he's exposed in one state he moves to another to set up camp. Don't know how many states he's had his 'Abbeys' in. I don't think that he was at Powers Lake for very long.
      Perhaps I was a bit harsh with the Bishop as I think Our Lady of the Prairies might have been good in the 70's & later went bad. I can't recall the whole story. They put out a nice little magazine, the Maryfaithful, that a friend subscribed to in the late 70's. I know a family that sold their California home to move there & work in the school but soon realized something was amiss & moved back to Cal. This was probably in the early 80's.
      As far as vetting the clergy, we need to realize that this was the very beginning of the evils & people were still trusting of all priests. It hadn't exploded yet. This family's faith was shaken to be sure. I've lost touch with them so don't know how they're doing now. It was hard getting information out of them.

    3. We understand how people were trusting some 40 odd years ago. We were fooled, too, for a short while. But now there's so much out there about all these film-flam artists that there's no real excuse for tolerating clerical bad behavior. We're supposed to learn from our mistakes.

  3. In viewing the photo of the current organ at SGG, it appears to be an Allen Digital instrument--a very long-lasting American-made product. The Allen doesn't "slowly die" as all the parts are modular--take out a PC board (computer) and put in a new one. The Allen in my own church was installed in 1982 and (with as-needed maintenance) still plays perfectly! And the repairs don't cost as much as a new/used Allen. Just a thought!

    1. Thanks for the professional information. It explains so much about the cult masters. Those poor Gertie souls!

  4. But, but... Anon 8:59PM, you know how boys hanker after the latest toys! LOL

    1. Absolutely correct! Nothing satisfies children more than novelty and unnecessary spending. It makes them feel "special."
