
Saturday, July 4, 2015


"Painters and poets have always had an equal right to dare whatever they please." We understand, and we beg this indulgence, and, in turn, we grant it. Horace

Of all the stomach-churning obscenities of America's sede wasteland,  there is none more indecent than the creepy wandering bishops of Tradistan and their cult-crazed bedfellows. They're a motley crew of malformed, ignorant, talentless, arrogant, money-hungry, hypocritical, contemptible louts. What's more, they're practically useless, as we pointed out in 2012 (click here).

They can't rule or teach; they aren't really needed for blessings; priests can confirm; and holy oils can be extended for quite a long time. Actually, when you think about it, these self-elected buckets of lukewarm puke have practically nothing to offer. About the only reason to tolerate the vulgar parasites seems to be for the purpose of ordination. (Although one quaking pipsqueak is too afraid to ordain.)

But ... what if some well-educated, traditional Catholic could make the case that, given the current crisis, priests can ordain?

Then TradWorld could be free of the scurvy rascals! That would be a real INDEPENDENCE DAY.

Now, before you mad-dog cultlings start snarling and snapping in inarticulate protest, you should realize that the idea is not at all preposterous.

The Jesuit Bernard Leeming wrote, " seems demonstrated that the Pope has given power to simple priests to ordain deacons and even priests."Antonio Piolanti (born 1911), once rector of the Pontifical Lateran University and vice-president of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas, also affirmed that a simple priest can be the extraordinary minister of orders if the pope gives him the power.** Moreover, Fr. Leeming tells us  that  Corrado Baisi's 1935 "book on the subject [of the extraordinary minister of sacramental orders] merits thoughtful consideration."***

All that remains, it seems, is for a bright, formally trained soul in Greater Traddielandia to come up with a plausible justification for getting around the sticky business of papal involvement. In any event, that shouldn't prove too great a challenge.  Sedeville has always been creative at justifying its opinions, what with its inventions of new dogmas and mortal sins together with a generously elastic application of the principles of epikeia, cessation of the law, necessity, excusing cause, etc. So why not exercise this creativity now in the matter of ordination?

For a starting point, we suggest this as-yet unknown, daring intellect might want to expand upon an idea from Big Don Sanborn's seminary rule (at least as he quoted it in a 2004 letter):
In these times in which the Church is deprived of a hierarchy endowed with jurisdiction, the Seminary makes no claim to possess an ordinary legal legitimacy, but claims to be only a part of the extraordinary continuation of the Church's mission to save souls. Since the priesthood is necessary for the salvation of souls, the existence of the seminary, as well as of the ordination of priests, is justified.
Couldn't a case be made, especially under the looming threat of  doubtful sede episcopal orders, that "[s]ince the priesthood is necessary for the salvation of souls," simple priests, as "part of the extraordinary continuation of the Church's mission to save souls," have been given the power, by reason of necessity, to ordain? Oh, sure, a lot of thoughtful groundwork will have to be done, especially with regard to powers in the moral, physical, and ontological orders. But, then, motivated sedes are really good at pulling out of thin air rationalizations for their bold-as-brass incursions, like the Blunderer's reasons for wantonly suppressing the Leonine Prayers. Why, in one instance, we've heard the claim that a famous but simple-minded episcopus vagans is a "missionary bishop" with universal jurisdiction!

Consequently, if these sorry unworthies can claim they're espicopal material, and if any idiot with bishop's orders will consecrate them but for the asking, then the laity shouldn't find it difficult to accept a closely reasoned, well-researched argument that the current ecclesial crisis, in the absence of a legitimate Roman pontiff, has endowed any undoubtedly valid priest with the power to ordain.****

The man or woman who comes up with a persuasive case will certainly deserve every Trad's gratitude. (And that of Trad priests as well! A lot of them are itching to do away with control-freak "bishops," especially with the one who won't let a young "priest" out West buy fast food.) Take our word for it, there could be no greater charity rendered to the faithful than to rid Sedelandia -- and even Tradistan -- of the intolerable plague of uneducated yet insolent "prelatasters." 

To that noble end, the Readers hereby establish what will become the coveted


There are two important caveats. Contestants will not be permitted to alter infallible papal teaching through perverse translation, as Phony Tony did in his error-scarred monograph "The Validity of Ordination Conferred with One Hand." Furthermore, inaccurate translations of theologians' opinions, as we have found passim in the Blunderer's œuvre, will result in immediate disqualification.

In addition to the winner's receiving a laminated copy of the medallion pictured above, Pistrina will publish the winning monograph on scribd.  The contest is open until a winner is selected. Send submissions to our email address above.

On your mark ... Get set ... THEOLOGIZE!

(If Checkie and Big Don can do it, so can you -- and anybody else.)

*Principles of Sacramental Theology (1956), p. 241
** I Sacramenti (1990), pp. 484-488.
*** Op. Cit. n. 117, p. 524
**** Of necessity, all Dolanite ordinati must be excluded until Dannie gets fixed and re-ordains them.


  1. I don't know - I think you may be opening up a can of worms with this, along with Pandora's box. It's bad enough that we have some bad or questionable bishops running around loose. With this, priests will be added to the mix. I must be missing something but it seems you're going down instead of up in this crisis. It will be interesting to see what heads that are better than mine have to say about this.

  2. Well, with "One Hand Dan," we've got questionable priests anyway. But, we agree with you: let's see what better heads than ours have to say about this.

    Note that we're not advocating that priests' ordain priests. We've just thrown out an opinion from the good old days and asked that someone come up with a way to free TradWorld of the "bad and questionable bishops running around loose," as you so aptly put it. We mean, with these bad actors choosing priests, it can't get much worse, can it? Wiith dubiously ordained priests, the situation is already at rock bottom.

    And anyway, whatever -- if anything -- materializes will only be an opinion about the sacrament of orders. Just an opinion.

  3. Oh my, that almost sounds like a challenge worthy of attempting. Besides Baisi's Il ministro straordinario degli ordini sacramentali I'll also recommend F. Gillmann's Zur Lehre der Scholastik vom Spender der Firmung und des Weihesakramentes (Paderborn 1920), K.A. Fink's Zur Spendung der höheren Weihen durch den Priester (ZSKA 32 [1943] and Cappello's Tractatus Canonico Moralis de Sacramentis, II, 3: De Sacra Ordinatione (Rome 1935).

    Key notes to the problem may be found in St. Albert the Great's works and Petrus Aureolus' canonical analysis. How to get around the jurisdictional dilemma, I have no clue. But in Sedelandia, all roads lead to ordination.

  4. Among all possible contestants, Tarquinius, you could do the job. You have everything needed: the languages, the education, the access to superb libraries, and the motivation. Would that you enter the lists to unhorse (or, rather, "un-donkey," Li'l Dan, Big Don, and the other social misfits playing prelate.

    You're on to something in your last sentence, and answering our challenge would be the Royal Road to orders, wouldn't it? Sure it would be an opinion, but so what? Yours would at least be grounded in sound research and fact, whereas sede opinions are manufactured at whim and based on erroneous data and false translation.

  5. I've often wondered if there is anything such as sacerdotal lines. My archbishops lines are the usual old catholic and even canonical orthodox but I'd much prefer his Protestant Episcopal sacerdotal lines.

    I'll be interested to see what you gentlemen find.

    BTW, do you know if it's true that bishop Dolan has made use of the ministration of Old Roman Catholic prelates?

    Gratias plurimas!

    1. All we know is that "bishop" Dolan was consecrated by Mark Pivarunas, who had been consecrated by Moises Carmona of the Thuc line. There is no indication that Pivarunas conditionally re-ordained Dolan a priest before he consecrated him a "bishop" in the Thuc line. It seems that Pivarunas had been ordained a priest by the Thuc line bishop Musey.

  6. Is Old Roman Catholic the same as Old Catholic?? And by old catholic are you referring to Old Catholic (the sect)?

  7. Close but they consider themselves sort of a pro-Uniate rite. Unlike the Utrecht Old Catholics they do not allow female ordination, and accept all the papal decrees pre-Vat II.

    They were around long before sedevacantism, but advocated the use of the Knott Missal in English and seemed to have provided an ecclesiastical haven for those alienated from the official church.

    Your pal, Cekada+, wrote a scathing article about all the OCs which can be found on the net.interesting that he abides in a glass sacristy too.

    Pax bonumque!

    1. Interesting. So at what point did they break from the Catholic Church?

  8. I think by now everyone who reads this blog understands that whatever Cekada writes isn't worth a bucket of warm spit.

  9. Thank the good Lord for your website.Are you aware that there are a number of men that Pivarunas has ordained(?) in the last few years that have only had 3 years "seminary" training?We have heard of one certain man who is working downunder who has caused much scandal and has used and fleeced well meaning people and then dumped them.These good people have turned to the SSPX or Diocesan Masses or have given the whole thing away after having their Faith Destroyed.Several have had Mental Breakdowns.The SSPX priests of New Zealand and Australia are shocked at the behaviour of this lying fraudster who is in the process of being exposed.You should put a warning out about him and warn people to have nothing to do with him.If they are duped and then fleeced after giving him funds,meals,etc,they will only have themselves to blame.It appears he has set up a website to fleece people to claim to offer Masses for the Holy Souls.

    1. Thanks for your comment.His name is Julian Gilchrist and we hear he is over in the USA again attending Pivarunas meeting in Omaha.We attend the SSPX down here in Australia and have been shocked of what has been told to us by our priests about this lying fraudster who has fleeced large sums of money,airfares,etc and then dumped good people over in New Zealand.BE WARNED PEOPLE IN AUSTRALIA,HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM.He only had 2 1/2 years training under Pivarunas and he has been proven to be totally inadequate in regards to the Liturgy,morals,etc.

  10. So what's his name? How can PL, or anyone else for that matter, warn about him if they don't know his name? First one I thought of was Ryan St. Anne but he's not down under - or is he??

  11. Also, what's his website?

  12. Maybe he only needed less than 3 years training because he had been in another seminary before going to CMRI?

  13. No,he had not been to any other seminary.

    1. We live in Newcastle,NSW,Australia and have already known about this bogus scumbag for quite sometime.It appears Gilchrist loses people where ever he goes.Yes,Traditional Catholics here in Australia keep away from him or you will be hurt.

    2. The problem of formation in American sede "seminaries" is very grave. The standards are dreadful, and the hastily manufactured "priests" are a scandal. It would be wise to keep away from anyone who claims to have been "trained" in these American diploma mills. They are unprepared academically and pastorally. What's worse is that there is now a "priest" ordained by "One Hand" who didn't even attend one of these awful places. He supposedly "studied" independently with a priest out West for a while, and then with another in Tradistan.

      The only truly trained priests in the Catholic resistance are those ordained out of SSPX seminaries. The FSSP are well formed, but many Trads reject them owing to their embrace of Rome and Bergie.

      Tradistan's seminaries need to be shut down, the affiliated chapels closed, and the attached schools shuttered to save the faithful from garbage like this.

    3. Our SSPX priest here in Sydney said that Gilchrist's main center in New Zealand was taken over by the SSPX after the people there find out about his double
      standards and lies.How could any one trust a bogus priest like that.A number of Souls asked for his help and he refused to visit them.It appears that Pivarunas visited Australia back in 2013 but never went to visit them over in New Zealand after he had given a number of them Confirmation back in 2009.

    4. Yes a group of us here in Melbourne know all about this man's background.It appears the duped family
      in Kersbrook,South Australia are leaving their house,etc to Pivarunas if you read the May 2013 Adsum online at the CMRI website.We pray they wake up.It appears Pivarunas thinks this will be a long term plan for a future "seminary"Is he going to have Gilchrist "teaching"From what we understand,the Archdiocese of Adelaide has sent a warning letter out about him and he is now under investigation.Keep up the good work on this Excellent website.

    5. This behavior is so typical of sede trash clergy, and these rotten "bishops" are incapable of exercising control over their own reptilian creatures. The faithful beg for bread, and these reprobates give them stones and scorpions.

      We hope the Australian authorities and the archdiocese expose this waste of skin. Privately we have heard a number of shocking reports that, if true, should open the eyes of Catholics. Some of these stories have their origin from the United States.

      However, as we have written so often, it's really the foolish laity like the blind Kersbrook family who are responsible for the continuing depredations. Probably a full fledged exposé wouldn't change these poor souls' mind.

      Sadly, the cult mentality is not confined to the low-class Americans who are susceptible to the influence of these malformed, unworthy "bishops." And that's reason enough for strengthening our will to keep on blogging against them. Maybe we alone won't change the minds of the lost, but perhaps our efforts will enlist the aid of others to warn the victims personally. The cumulation of small victories will weaken the sede cult masters and one day end their vicious enterprise.

    6. Hi there.We are a family here in Australia and know all about this bogus "priest".It appears he also lost two CMRI groups in Fiji who we believe are either now with the SSPX or gone back to the mainstream Church.A family over in Wanganui,New Zealand used to pay his airfares,give free acommodationand food and Gilchrist started to moan that he didn't like the area.Why did he become a "priest" if he is not interested in Souls.Pivarunas says in his May 2013 Adsum that there are number of familes in Brisbane.Rubbish,there is only one.He also praises the "Excellent"(????????) pastoral work that Gilchrist has been doing here in Australia.What a scumbag.Yes;we need your website to expose these scum.

    7. At last people are starting to talk about this lying gangster.I live in Sydney and attend the FSSP at Lewisham-Maternal Heart of Mary Chapel.News had even reached our priests about Gilchrist.He is a laughting joke.We were told that he buried someones wife and then a few weeks later when this poor grieving soul in his eighties tryed to contact Gilchrist by leaving messages on his cell phone,he never returned the calls.This individual and his late wife had given much funds,meals,etc.It is so hard to believe that a so called "priest" could behave like that.It goes to show that his so called "Bishop" does not care what his "clergy" do to people.

      One of the FSSP seminarians who was visiting here a few months ago from the Seminary at Denton told us horror stories about Mater Dei "Seminary" at Omaha.Reader,are you aware that the food there is garbage while Pivarunas eats out at steak houses.One fomer CMRI "seminarian" over heard him boasting to someone that he is much bigger then the days when he had just been made a "Bishop",it must be all the steak meals he said laughting.The "Seminarians" are also forced to drink fermenting apple juice that they juice from one of the many apple picking afternoons.They are forced to eat the disgusting leftovers(sometimes a week old) at the meals.You would get better food at a local soup kitchen.

      Go and look at some of the Adsums and you will see Pivarunas's belly hanging over his alb cincture.

      Are you also aware the so called school at Mt St Michael is in steady decline.They don't have enought students now to compete in local sports events,the enrollement has declined 25% in one year.

    8. We've heard reports about the terrible conditions at the "seminary," but none in such great detail. It appears as though living conditions are as rotten as the academic standards.

      We had not heard directly of the school's decline -- only bits and pieces of information. We hope it's the result of the laity's disgust. What we have learned in some detail is that membership in a number of the chapels is in steep decline.

      It's obvious that no one can depend on any of the American cult "bishops" to furnish the priests the faithful need. You could write these mountebanks a thousand, detailed letters chronicling the inadequacy of their creatures and never get a just response.

      There is only one way to end this plague: stop giving these men money. And that means we all must continue to expose their repulsive behavior in hopes that little by little their lay-enablers come to see the light. The constant barrage of bad news DOES work. In our own experience of blogging against Dolan and Sanborn, we know of cases where people have left or are carrying on underground resistance work. Dolan's got real attendance problems, and his money problems are mounting. We suspect that it's not going all that well for Sanborn either. From what you're telling us, the same thing is happening with the CMRI. We must all keep putting the pressure on.

    9. Yes Reader, I can also give verification about the shocking standards and food at Mater Dei.

      When I was there,most evening meals were cooked in one pot and the contents had to feed all the "priests""seminarians" and 16-20 boarding boys.Myself and others always felt hungry and we are sure the young boys did too.Lunch was always cold small leftovers(up to a week old)and breakfast was usually a piece of homemade oily oat slice and yes that foul fermenting apple juice.No morning or afternoon coffee and cookies.

      Pivarunas was we were sure eating other food in the rectory and he used to go out often at night.Our parents said he is cruel,sadistic and has hoodwinked a number of people.He has no formal training as a "priest" so how can he give what he does not have.It's beyond words.

      We are sure people are waking up.The annual Fatima Conference at Mt St Michael is in steady decline and the Saturday night so called banquet is usually salad(can you believe it) served with flavoured water.

      Mater Dei is a cesspool and the behaviour of Gilchrist comes as no surprise.We bet while he is over here in the USA,he will be lying between his teeth.

      In the classroom at Mater Dei,Pivarunas had a habit of clicking his fingers if he did not get a answer straight away from someone.

      Reader,what we cannot understand is how Michael Oswalt has been duped by CMRI.We believe when he was at Mt St Michael,he started to voice his concerns to a number of people about strange things going on there(he even said the Evil one was working there)Pivarunas gets wind of this and moves him.

      It comes as no surprise as the former Parish priest there had been having a relationship with one of the nuns for a number of years before they left in 2000 and married in the mainstream Church.It was common knowledge among the nuns at the Mount as they would hear the car going out at 9pm at night and Pivarunas did nothing.

      We are sure that other former "seminarians" at Mater Dei would also tell their horror stories when they were there over the years but it's like when someone is sexually abused,people take a long time to believe and most parents would say to their children,how dare you speak about our "holy""Bishop" like that.

    10. Well said.In the 8th September letter of Pivarunas to Father(?) Ramolla,he said the former "seminarians" had raised concerns that the food was inadequate and they had to eat bread and water was calumny.It's not,it's true.I saw it with my own eye's.There were bags of bread in the kitchen under the Church at Omaha that always had mould on them and we were forced to eat them or go without anything.Yes,the whole thing is a cesspool of sewage and Pivarunas is cruel.The whole place should be shut down.My dad and mom are glad people are coming forward now and it brings tears to our eyes about what a scumbag Gilchrist is.We are telling more and more people about this website.

    11. Thank God for these parents who refused to be duped. These American "seminaries" need to be closed down, both MD and MHT. How sad that so-called religious adults allow such things to happen. Every lay member who supports these cults has a huge burden on his conscience.

      Why don't the poor victims of such maltreatment get together and establish a website to expose all this? We'd be glad to give advice and to help in any way possible. We promise we've had success against Dolan and Sanborn. You, too, can make an impact.

  14. Hi I request a contribution award (for fun) for arguing this up to a new level:
    Antipope Pius XIII argued that as a pope-priest he had the powers to consecrate BISHOPS from his priestly status; apparently Pius XII allowed priests to do this in communist Poland?:
    See also maybe:

    I can't find the exact article on there, but one stated something of an analogy that the pope was allowed to act as a jumpstart for the Church which is like a car battery - I think they were even arguing this for if a lay pope was elected and that he could consecrate validly. Antipope Pius XIII, as a priest-antipope, consecrated a man who in turn consecrated him as "bishop", I believe. So yes, this route has already been considered in the desert land of "Tradistan".

    Of course, echoing the [hardline/uncharitable?] words of Feeneyite Antipope Boniface X against sedevacantism: "it is extremely dangerous to your soul to be stubbornly sedevacantist (i.e. believing that we are in the Great Apostasy, but holding that the Church has no valid pope at this time). Sedevacantism is contrary to the desire of Christ in His positive Divine commandment to the entire Church (and thus to every Catholic) to establish a papacy in every age as defined at Vatican I ..., and is fundamentally schismatic and diabolical insofar as its adherents do almost nothing to obtain a true Pontiff, as shown in their behavior over almost half a century."

    So, I'd say don't multiply sede priests. Just get under pope Michael/square away the papacy and we have bishops to ordain and consecrate.


    P.S. To reign in the chaos of Tradistan, I think maybe some study should be done on "Epikeia", which seems to be one of the fundamental dogmas for freedom for various trad leaders to do whatever they want. I might argue that "Epikeia" here is at the root of the proposition of this Pistrina post - that since there aren't ordinary bishops to consecrate, "extraordinary" means are being considered - technical settings aside of the law. There's a book on Amazon about Epikeia and I imagine it's online somewhere but I can't find it: "The History, Nature, And Use Of Epikeia In Moral Theology"

    Repost of Pope Michael video on Epikeia:

  15. For anon 6:19am

    Everything goes back to the Utrecht Church which separated from Rome due more to politics than theology. Later they consecrated a dreamer, Arnold Harris Matthew, from whom the Old Roman Catholic Church derived as well as the Liberal Catholics and a host of others.

    You think your Sedes are nuts! You should check out the rest of the ecclesiastical underworld. Mind you, there are some very decent clerics but they are few and far between.

    1. Thanks for your hint. We did check some of them out. Although they are as bad as the sede scum, they seem more colorful. At least Matthew had been validly ordained a priest and apparently held a D.D. from Pius IX. And like another sede priest out there, he was married.

      BTW, great phrase "ecclesiastical underworld." It perfectly describes all these unsavory characters who offend religion.

  16. This rabbit hole has many more chambers than I thought!!
    And Anon 10:57AM - I really don't think that anyone here is the least bit interested in "pope Mikey".

  17. We don't need to look any farther than Canon Law, which is only in Latin, and which guides us exclusively in these extraordinary times, which we all follow and are in and you know it.

    It's simple. In the Canons regarding the minister of Holy Orders we read:

    Can. 951. Sacrae ordinationis minister ordinarius est Episcopus consecratus; extraordinarius, qui, licet charactere episcopali careat, a iure vel a Sede Apostolica per peculiare indultum potestatem acceperit aliquos ordines conferendi.

    Which means, "The sacred ordination minister ordinarily is the Bishop being consecrated; [in] extraordinary [times], which, like unto a character who cares about bishops, BY LAW or by the HOLY SEE, through a peculiar way he will receive the INDULT POWER to confer ALL (aliquos) ORDERS!"

    It's right there in black and white, infallibly decreed, ANATHEMA ipso facto.

    I don't see why there's such an impassé on the question. The argument is actually so simple that My Uneducated Great Aunt Hortense certainly could understand it. This proves you don't have the education necessary to pronounce on such matters.


    1. You, Sir, are a Latinless idiot.

      Even your uneducated Great-Aunt Hortense would be able to recognize your translation as utter gibberish. What did you do, use Google translate? Or did you consult one of the moron sede priests for help?

      Here's a correct, literal translation of the canon:

      "The ordinary minister of sacred ordination is a consecrated Bishop; the extraordinary [minister is one] who, although he lack episcopal character, has received from the law or from the Apostolic See through a special indult the power of conferring some orders."

      BTW, you must be a disciple of Uneven-Steven McFaker: the word "impasse" neither in French nor in English bears a diacritical mark, and it is pronounced "im-PASS."

      Why don't you crawl back into your hole at the cult center? You're not fit to discourse with serious people.

    2. Ach. You know, for the fear that it might be considered as a genuine attempt at discourse, I seriously considered adding some sort of or tag to the post when I wrote it, but decided against it.

      For that lack, I truly apologize! Satire does fail when it too closely approaches the plausible. Mea culpa!

    3. It edited out my "tags" from the previous post. Read it: "...some sort of [total sarcasm] or [tradistani lunacy] tag to the post.."

    4. We'll have to admit that for a second, we did suspect some satire. However, if you would ever read the emails we get from Tradistanis, you'd understand why we had to reply as we did.

      You have no idea at how many such attempts we receive in the defense of Dannie, Checkie, and Donnie. You perfectly mimicked both the voice and their content on some of the culties who have written us this week.

      We suspected something with "impasse," but we had received so many criticisms for calling out Big-Boy Steve McKenna on that one, we couldn't be sure if it was a joke.

      Thanks for the laugh -- and congratulations on your dead-on imitation of cult "scholarship." Actually, we were tempted to think that Erroneous Antonius himself had written the comment.

    5. Why is it that every time someone writes a criticism on here, you and Jim always answer that it was written by Fr. Cekada?

    6. In fact, we did not say it was written by the Blunderer. It's just that whenever we see a bad translation, he comes to mind. You can't blame us for that. After all, he's the one who perversely translated the infallible teaching of Pius XII -- an error from which he can never recover.

  18. Ho, Ho! Looks like not only does Cekada have comprehension problems, but his followers as well?

    1. Absolutely right! It's hard to know why they keep defending the jerk. He's toast outside of Tradistan.

  19. Regarding Fr. Michael Oswalt: I do not know the man & have never met him & have only read a little bit about him but the little I know I do believe that he is a good & sincere man. Remember that he grew up in the NO & became a NO priest, therefore he really knew nothing of authentic tradition. He probably choose CMRI because there's an independent priest who bad-mouths the SSPX (yet uses their Bishops for Confirmation!) and Fr. Oswalt may have believed that CMRI was his only option. He would have had no basis for comparison. Even so, he saw something wrong & was brave enough to speak up. Actually this is the first that I've heard anything bad about CMRI. I went to only one of Pivarunas's Masses, which was in a private home, & only saw him briefly after Mass & saw nothing wrong, so this is all a revelation to me. (Yes, I'm aware of the terrible beginning of CMRI but I thought that was all behind them.) What a mess we are in!!

    1. Yes, we are in a frightful mess. "Organized" Sedelandia, i.e. the several group of "priests" run by "bishops" as opposed to individual, independent priests, is the abomination of desolation. No matter how tempting, Catholics should stay away -- no, correction, run away -- from them.

      All you need to do is scratch the surface and you'll find it's rotten underneath. Catholics would be better off just to find a priest unaffiliated with any of these "bishops." The best priests we know will have nothing with these self-elected sleaze balls.

      Unfortunately, too many laymen keep giving these lowlife the money they need to keep going. The way to stop all these terrible events is to deprive the ecclesiastical adventurers of their lifeblood -- money.

      We hope you can get out now.

    2. The trouble is Pivarunas comes across as a Angel of Light but is a lying deceitful sleaze.PLEASE PEOPLE WAKE UP.We know of several former CMRI priests who know what Pivarunas is doing but don't say anything as they fear for their lifes(do I need to say any more)One of them said Pivarunas had the habit of denouncing priests infront of other priests at priest meetings and if they did not do what he said,he would bad-mouth them from the pulpit on Sunday.Yes,please former "seminarians" of Mater Dei come forward.

      Are you aware Mt St Michael is in peoples view the largest parish of CMRI but they have not had any vocations from there for years.Between 1987-2000,they lost over 50 nuns plus 17 in 2007.There was 3 graduations from the High School this year,can you believe it.Yes,we knew all about the relationship of Father Kerfoot with one of the nuns.It was common knowledge and yes the nuns would hear the car go out after 9pm.They left in 2001 and within several weeks were married in the mainstream Church.

    3. We visited the Mount at Spokane back in 2003 and were told by a concerned lady that the nuns were into new age Satanic practices called Reiki and the Enneagram.She said that Pivarunas knew this and about the long relationship of Father Kerfoot and one of the nuns and did nothing.We were shocked as were claiming to be Traditional Catholic Nuns.Why would they be taking part in the worship of Satan.People don't be shocked what is being said on this website about CMRI,its true.We left and attend the FSSP.There are a number of faithful who were once part of the CMRI at Omaha who are now at the FSSP Parish there and the same at Rathdrum in Idaho who attend the FSSP Church in Coeur d Alene.

    4. Can any sane person deny that these organizations are cults? All this fits the classic profile: fear, shaming, control, unregulated behavior of key players, heterodox practices etc.

      At least from these reports it appears as though the laity -- at least some -- are waking up and getting out of the mess. They're lucky to have an alternative.

      It's no wonder there are no vocations from MSM. Just like at SGG, the kids can see the horrors of the cult. And like SGG, even the parents who stay must not want their children to attend these "schools."

      What's sad about the SGG cultlings is that they've got options down there, yet they persist with the cult masters. At least the folks you talk about have taken their money elsewhere. That's the only way to put an end to all these horrors.

      We can understand that many people don't want to leave their faith community, and they wouldn't have to if they put pressure on all these "bishops" to clean up their act or suffer the consequences of not having a dime. But that would mean that the laity would have to get organized themselves and speak with one voice if they want reform.

  20. Why did you believe this bizarre story about their nuns practicing satanic worship? Were you offered any proof of this outlandish claim?

  21. Doctor Thomas Drolesky confirmed this in his 2007 article.Get your head out of the sand and get real.

    1. I am real. You made a strange claim and I asked for proof. Is there something wrong with that?

      And you still haven't provided a link to the story.

  22. To those who have named and commented about Fr Julian Gilchrist, may I remind you all to read the page on Criticism of Priests, you will find it in the Pieta booklet.
    There is also a beautiful prayer for Priests, you will find it in the booklet Favourite Prayers to St Joseph and My Sunday Missal by Fr Stedman.

  23. It is interesting to note that many of the posts attacking the various religious have posted anonymously. Could it be that they fear being sued for libel or slander?
    I will give you my name as I don't have anything to fear it is George O'Leary. If you are going to attack someone at least have the courage to give your name, and be willing to provide concrete proof to back up your statements.

  24. We the faithful have a duty to make a comment on a priest who does spiritual damage to souls.The worse problem is these men are not trained right and they can't handle problems.In the pre-Vatican Two days,these men would never have been ordained to the Priesthood.

    As to the above comment about concrete proof,there must be truth in these matters if the SSPX,etc know about these problems and warn good Souls to keep away.The problem is most in the sede groups are brainwashed into thinking their Bishops and priests can't do anything wrong.Look what happened at SGG.Please God may this mess end soon.

  25. The spiritual damage to souls is from the top. Vatican II remember? If you have a duty to make a comment, you have a higher duty to pray. Your future comment may be better directed to Francis Bergoglio. You could even receive a phone call from him.

  26. So the main source to benefit from the stories started about priests is the one to be believed; namely the SSPX. If this is the "concrete" proof you have, that is not good enough for me. Anonymous tips is at best scandalous. Give us the facts, time and dates. Not Fr So and So said. Speak up.
