
Saturday, July 18, 2015


At mihi, qui quondam, semper asellus eris ("But to me, you'll always be the ass who you once were"). Avianus, "Fable of the Ass in the Lion's Skin." 

Some followers of this blog have gotten the wrong idea. We're not opposed in principle to admiring the clergy.

As a matter of fact, there are many traditional priests -- and a few bishops -- whom we steadfastly admire: Properly educated priests with a zeal for souls, and bishops who lovingly "feed the flock of God...not for filthy lucre's sake, but voluntarily: neither as lording it over the clergy." 

But those good men live far away from the mean streets of dystopic Tradistan, U.S.A. The "clergy" who malignantly cruise those fearful byways -- particularly the "bishops," instantaneously transformed from low-life gutter trash to "men of God" simply by dressing the part -- merit nothing but contempt. But, then, you already know that. You remember we told you about the ridiculous self-styled "missionary bishop with universal jurisdiction" as well as the yellow-livered, quaking troll frightened of his own shadow who surfs the 'net all day long locked away in his office.

You also recall last summer's popular series "Travelers' Tribunal," which acquainted our audience with a gag-inducing smögåsbord of clerical misbehavior ranging from the grossly stupid to the emetically reprehensible. Anyone with a conscience and a sense of decency who read through those posts would find himself empty of admiration for the puny riffraff who pass themselves off as Catholic "priests" or as high-and-mighty "prelates of the S.R.E."

However, insofar as human beings are prone to forget, Pistrina would like to remind everybody again how unworthy of respect Tradistani "clergy" are. So, for your vacation displeasure, here's a little anecdote we heard from sources abroad:
When a member of the traddie nomenklatura made a little tour on the Continent, a couple originally from mainland Southeast Asia, as a gesture of humble gratitude for his visit, generously invited him to a local Indochinese restaurant. In a churlish rebuke to their kindness, it's reported the ill-bred, uncouth jackass badly disguised in clericals boorishly sneered that he definitely would not join them, cruelly adding, "you people only eat cats and dogs."
Any further comment on our part is superfluous. Like the Europeans who learned of this grim episode, American traditional Catholics, presented with such arrogance and incivility, must stand aghast in wincing horror. This piece of rotting sede garbage could buy everything Gammarelli's has in stock, but he'd still remain the gob of spit he was fated to be at his ill-starred birth. Doesn't this graceless cur realize how badly he reflects upon the mother and father who reared him? Probably not. That would require self-awareness and a rudimentary sense of decency.

The only suitable response is revulsion-- and a firm resolution to get out of the cult immediately. It's more than O.K. to stay away when such monsters of uncharity, masquerading as Catholic clergy, creep over the fetid wastelands of Tradistan.

If you consider yourself a Catholic, you have an affirmative duty to get out of any of the traddie cults now.


  1. Excellent comments.As far as we are aware there has never been any real scandal with the SSPV/CSPV.Bishop Kelly has strict standards to who he ordains and Bishop Santay seems to be a good man.

    We can't believe the news in the comments over the last two weeks about a certain priest called Father Gilchrist.How could someone claiming to be a Man of God do that to well-meaning Souls.A total scumbag and for his so called "Bishop" to take his word and not listen to the comments of the people he has hurt is the lowest of the low.We always knew there was something wrong with Pivarunas and to hear the comments of some former seminarians about food,conditions,etc at Omaha is shocking.Yes,most cult leaders always give their followers a starvation diet to control them while they live like Kings.

    People in Australia need to contact that family in Kersbrook,SA and warn them so they can know the truth about this fraud and thief.

  2. People should also advise the followers of the SSPX/SSPX Resistance in Australia about him so they don't fall for his deceptions.

  3. For those who have seriously considered leaving their traddie parishes for all the reasons you cite in your blog, what does one do when they want receive the sacraments? Confession in particular?

    1. If you cannot find a decent independent priest, we suggest making a daily act of perfect contrition until you do find a suitable confessor. (We understand from experience that it might be a very long time before one comes around.)

      At the top of this page, just under the blog's header information, you will see a link titled ACT OF PERFECT CONTRITION, which contains a monograph on the subject, which we translated from the French precisely so that the faithful can leave the cults without leaving the Faith and losing sanctifying grace. We and others like us around the world have found this wonderful and practical tract to be of inestimable spiritual value and comfort in these terrible times.

      In the absence of decent or valid priests, those of us who choose to stay home and avoid the rotten cults and their "bishops" can have our souls washed clean by God's forgiveness. The act is truly the golden key to paradise.

    2. I'd rather go to confession a priest who's not decent, and receive absolution from him so I know I'm in the state of grace, rather than go for such a long time without even knowing if I would go to heaven or hell if I died that moment. Even a priest in a "rotten cult", as you put it, can give a perfectly valid absolution, one just as good as a priest you consider good.

      I'm more worried about my own salvation than about the personal merit of the priest who gives me the sacraments I need to save my soul.

    3. That all depends if he's a VALID priest. We don't care either if the priest is a scumbag, but if he's invalid, or doubtful like Dannie and his priests are, that's another matter. BTW. if you make an act of perfect contrition, you're in a state of grace.

    4. Well, let's presume he's a valid priest, since the only priests whose validity you question are Bp. Dolan and those priests ordained by him. That leaves all the CMRI priests, and those ordained by Bp. Sanborn, among others. So should someone avoid those priests too, even at the cost of depriving themselves of the sacrament of confession?

      Besides, how can someone really be sure he has made a sincere act of perfect contrition that has restored him to sanctifying grace? It's a lot easier and a huge amount more certain to go to confession and hear the priest saying the words of absolution.

    5. If one were to go to these priests only for the sacrament of penance and not support their chapels or their "bishops," then we would have no objection to employing them as sacrament machines. We would offer a couple of caveats:

      1. Be prepared, in some cases, to be denied absolution or have it postponed.

      2. Under no circumstances reveal your identity.

      3. Do not expect sound spiritual counseling and deep insight from such confessors.

      We would suggest that the penitent confess only number and species of sin and refrain from too many unnecessary particulars that might give cause to cult priests to withhold absolution for some ridiculous reason.

      There is one problem with Sanbornite priests: not all were ordained by him, and some of those he ordained may have been ordained to the diaconate by Dannie. We don't know how the faithful could determine the ordaining bishop without revealing their intentions and risk the wrath of these flows. Therefore, in spite of reservations, we would say someone is better off going to a CMRI priest for the sacrament, unless you know for certain who the ordaining bishop was.

  4. Yes, and what about the Easter duty?

    1. Although the question of Easter Duty in the sedevacante is complex (e.g., in Traddielandia there are no parishes and in the N.O. they are occupied by heretics), a practical solution for many home-aloners is to plan a yearly trip during the prescribed time to a valid priest unaffiliated with cult "bishops." Whom or if one visits may depend on his ecclesiology and estimation of the priest's validity.

      If that is not practicable for some, moral theology teaches that if one cannot fulfill the duty during the prescribed time, he must fulfill it at the earliest POSSIBLE time thereafter.

  5. Reader,what are your views regarding the SSPV/CSPV ?
    We don't think Bishop Kelly would just lay his hands on anyone?

    1. We agree, and of the SSPV priests we have heard of, all have sterling reputations, and one apparently attended the Angelicum years ago. We've also heard good things about Bp. Santay. We must confess we don't know much about the seminary.

    2. Actually, the SSPV or CSPV priests are the champion sacrament-refusers. While one might be able to get most sedevacantist priests to give them the sacraments if they give the right answers, the SSPV has an explicit, flat-out sacramental denial policy for people who attend just about anyone except them and the SSPX.

      And it's enforced ruthlessly. I know someone who was visiting some friends in Kentucky, who was shocked to hear the priest say in the announcements before the sermon that if he didn't know who you were, you shouldn't come up to the communion rail because he wouldn't give you communion. That's worse than just about anything that has ever been mentioned on this blog.

  6. Does anyone have knowledge as regards who the professors of Moral, Dogmatic, Canon Law at the Shuckardt Seminary where Pivarunas studied? After all, Fr. C penned "Untridentine" as regards those who did not have the classical seminary training and we are to avoid such clergy. Pivarunas consecrated Dolan and so are we just to assume that Pivarunas had a top notch training under one-man Seminary of Francis Shuckardt?

    1. In Sedelandia, it's the blind leading the blind. What's funny is that now that Dannie is in such hot water, he's making nice with the CMRI, which he and the Blunderer once characterized as "awful."

      Kind of like with Thuc: before Dannie got his so-called orders, Checkie used to blast the archbishop, even calling into question his mental competence. Now it's all sweetness and light.

      We don't have first-hand knowledge of these "professors'" credentials, but we do have a report from a former seminarian about the "phylosophy" materials he received. (He had been told not to gotthere because they couldn't even spell "philosophy," but he went anyway and learned the truth from experience. Fortunately, he soon left and is now on his way to what we hope will be a successful academic career in real universities.)

  7. Who are the degreed Professors of Moral, Dogmatic and Canon Law at the current CMRI operation in Omaha? Did Pivarunas even attend College?

  8. From his Wikipedia bio, he was 16 when he entered CMRI. The article does not mention college training. Perhaps others who know more about the CMRI can supply more info about him and the other "professors" (LOL).

  9. Thanks. Seems he would not meet the "standards" of Fr. C.

    1. Absolutely not.

      Yet he was OK to give Dannie the "episcopacy."

  10. No, he absolutely doesn't (and neither does Checklie, for that matter, especially in the Latin department). But as you know, standards are elastic in Tradistan. While Dannie and Cheesy would tell others to shun such ill-trained men, it's OK for them to hang out them if they want something like episcopal orders or need some allies.

  11. That's exactly what I thought. And with all the apparent many thousands of readers on this page, including supporters of Fr. Dolan and CMRI, it is noted that none of them apparently can either provide info on the "trainers" at CMRI seminary, nor attempt to discuss the hypocrite Fr. C and his flip flop as needed writing abilities. Thanks

  12. You're welcome!

    These creeps are always changing their standards, while they demand that others adhere to the teachings that they themselves have abandoned.

    1. Schuckardt was a seminary drop out after one year and Denis Chicoine was a builder's labourer
      before joining him.How could they give what they don't have.On the CMRI website on Pivarunas,it says he received the usual seminary training displaying proficiency in philosophy and dogmatic and moral theology.What a pack of lies.A number of former CMRI supporters who were at Mt St Michael back in 1978 said the "religious" and "seminarians" had to teach themselves from what books they thought were suitable.

    2. Good grief! These guys are a joke. No wonder TradWorl is the mess that it is.

      Thanks for the info.

    3. Yes,these guys are a joke.Cekada should remove his goofy untrained article.

    4. Can you understand now why the SSPX warn their faithful to keep away from CMRI,Dolan,etc.We also know a young man who was at Omaha back in 1998 and said he knew more on various subjects then Pivarunas,etc.He undertook education at a well known university earning a doctorate and has made a better life for himself.

    5. Further embellishing the joke is that Cekada won't even correct the errors in his articles, let alone withdraw them.

      We do understand the SSPX's warnings, and we know them to be spot-on accurate. We've also heard stories like yours about former seminarians who have left these dreadful diploma mills to go on to academic success. Only the dumb ones stay. The bright get out.

  13. You are quite right, Pistrina, in your advice. If you can't get to a valid Mass, then it's best to stay home & pray in your closet than to sit through a mass that really glorifies Man. God has withdrawn His Face from us and we need to accept this and not erect false worship centers to fill the void. We need to stop running around seeking 'signs & wonders' or pseudo prophets to assuage our emptiness. We know what the true Church is (& isn't!), and surely we know that this has all been foretold. Watch and pray and wait, for God loves us & is still in control. He never promised us a rose garden here.

  14. Excellent comments.Reader,what we can't understand reading the recent comments about CMRI and Pivarunas is how they claim to be a Traditional Order and allowed new age practices,etc to be among the Sisters.The behaviour of Pivarunas and his priests are barbarian and should warn the well meaning faithful to run a mile.Thank the good God that this infromation has come out in the open and lets pray that no young men are hood-winked by deception to enter Mater Dei.

    1. We join you in your prayer. If the faithful would run, none of these bishops would have the money that keeps them in business.


    The chief editor removed two posts not by way of censorship but because the content, although free from vulgar terminology, was found by some parents to be too difficult for the young people who read this blog. It was at their written request we deleted the messages.

    We would ask commenters who wish to share certain grave kinds of information to do so by sending us an e-mail at

    We know the original contributors meant no harm, and they did not use vulgar language. We also know that far worse can be found on the web. However, in that we want all traditional Catholics, young and old, to read this blog, we acceded to the parents' request to keep such frank conversations among adults.

    We hope our contributors will understand our decision and will continue commenting.

    1. We understand and accept your decision.It's good that parents are showing the excellent articles and advice on your websiteto their young.Parents,do not send your sons near those Cult "seminaries".

    2. Thanks for your understanding. The cults and their "seminaries" are dreadful places. The people must run away as fast as they can.
