
Saturday, October 10, 2015


As home his footsteps he hath turn'd/From wandering on a foreign strand! Scott

Pisrina's back and refreshed from our conference-cum-pilgrimage to Spain.  And while we're still experiencing some problems with our new system, we can't wait to get started again exposing the hypocrisy, greed, and self-interest of the malformed cult masters of Tradistan and their toadies.

Despite being very, very busy in September, we always had time to read Li'l Dan's "Corner" aloud to the whole group. While we were away, it looks as though the Gerties have begun to rebel. They're not sending their children to the awful Sunday-school classes and they're opting out of attendance.  Good for them! Plus the pesky vermin are back, and Dan's wearing rags. Ol' "One-Hand" sounded desperate as he cajoled and threatened at the same time.

All the scrutiny he's getting from the outside is working in more ways than simply diminishing attendance and dampening enthusiasm.  We noticed that Dannie was reduced to explaining that the money to fund his current (unnecessary) escape to springtime Mendoza, Argentina, came from donors to his "Bishop's Fund." Now that's a real sign he's feeling the pressure to be more accountable.

It's hard to imagine there are enough fools out there who just want to underwrite "One Hand's" expensive foreign getaways. If we were asked to bet, we'd wager that some of the weekly collection is earmarked for the travel fund. But since we're not gamblers -- and since we don't believe the cult masters possess the business acumen to maintain separate funds --  we'll gamely go along with the Dirtbag's lame "explanation."

And that brings us to this question: With all the mounting expenses at the cult center, why didn't His Selfishness use the accumulated travel funds to help out at the cult center?

There are plenty of bishops in Latin America -- and in the US for that matter -- who could perform the confirmations in Mendoza. (Of course, Deacon Dan may be the only one who'll do it for free and perhaps bring down some good-will stipend money as well!) The couple thousand dollars wasted on this frivolous junket could have gone a long way in providing some financial relief for the collapsing cult center. If not used to rid the center of its filthy pests, the money could have been saved to pay off the coming winter heating bills.

Wee Dan should learn that charity begins at home. We hope the Gerties are learning that lesson for themselves.


  1. It is SO GOOD that you are back from a well deserved break.We have missed your weekly articles and now look forward with eager to future ones.Yes,what a crime of Dolan to waste funds like that.As to the attendance at CMRI Chapels,they are in general decline.It is a wonder how they can keep such a large place like Mt St Michael going.The numbers attending there have gone down for many years.We know several who spilt along with their friends after the Louis Kerfoot scandal came out in 2000.

  2. Thanks for the hearty welcome back.

    Just think of all those personal airline miles Wee Dan earned at the expense of the already overburdened Gerties. (You know he didn't dip into his frequent flyer account to off-set the huge ticket price.)

    We're glad to learn that another cult is shrinking, too. When we visited the sepulcher of St. James at Santiago de Campostela, one of our petitions to the Apostle of Hope was to lead the faithful away from all Catholics cults.

  3. Yes,it is good indeed that you are back.

    Did you know that a number made comments on the scandals of Pivarunas,Gilchrist,CMRI etc on Cathinfro.They said yes,indeed there is TRUTH in all of it.

    In the August Adsum,Piv spoke of his meeting with Gilchrist in Spokane(so much for the person or persons who said he was not in the USA but down in New Zealand) and spoke of his work in Australia.Did he discuss his evil behaviour and his scandals which are well known world-wide.Talk about devious.A FSSP priest advised us that the Archdiocese of Adelaide has issued a pastoral letter to all it's priests,etc and also the other Diocese's about this low life scumbag.It should send a warding to all to have nothing to do with him.We bet he will be back in the USA in December for the Omaha Ordinations.

  4. Thank you for your news about this cult.You spelt warning wrong.Yes,there are many strange,sick,bizarre and devious behaviour going on in Sede Land.Where does this priest get the funds from to keep running back here to the States?We know several hard working independent priests who have not had a holiday in years and have not left their Chapel either.They are too busy helping Souls.Pistrina Liturgica,we are sure you agree that a large number of Sede Clerics are bums.

    1. Yes, we do agree they're bums. In fact, we would say that the MAJORITY are bums. As for ourselves, we can only name about two dozen sede clerics worthy of respect/admiration.

      A question for Anon, Oct 12, 3:12 PM: Can you get a copy of the pastoral letter from Adelaide? If you can, you might want publish a PDF of it on Cathinfo for all to see.

  5. A question-in the recent SGG Sunday bulletin,they are asking for funds for their car.Where is the funds that Cekada took from the bank account atnow defunct St Clares Church,Ohio.

    Yes,indeed Piv never makes no comment about the scandals of his untrained Clerics.SHAME ON HIM.He will answer to God.

    1. The lesson for everyone is NOT to give a dime to these sede beggars.

  6. We agree 100%.

    We bet that the SGG Cult are adding numbers to their Sunday collection amounts in the bulletin.Don't the goofty
    faithful still attending there ask for printouts of all the SGG bank accounts.We are speechless.

    1. We're sure your guess is correct. According to informed sources, these guys used to play the same trick back in NY.

      The cult masters hate accountability, and the only time they reveal figures is when they're trying to convince people to give more. Of course, those figures are not be trusted.

      But that may be changing. There's real rebellion going own in SW Ohio, and people are starting to push back. We have some hope that a number of them are ready to insist on more transparency. In our post this weekend, we'll try to help out by framing questions they should put to Dannie about his expensive trip to Argentina.

  7. Hello Pistrina.It is so good you are back to do more expose of sede land.I have often wondered do those who attend sede Chapels ask where the funds go to and what is in the Chapel bank accounts.Yes,what did Cekada do with the funds he took from that now closed Church in Columbus,Ohio.It has always shocked us at the SGG Sunday bulletin always asking for funds.On the subject of that priest down under in Australia or where ever he is.We were advised in private by several SSPX priest's that it is known indeed world wide about his bizarre behaviour and lack of care for Souls.He will answer to God and so will Bishop Pivarunas for doing nothing.No wonder people have become home alone.Yes,Mt St Michaels has lost many people over the years and now the school of once over 250 students is in massive decline.The SSPX Church at Post Falls has really grown and a large number of former CMRI attend the Church of the FSSP over in Coeur d Alene,Idaho.The CMRI Church in Rathdrum has only about 30 people.The faithful are indeed voting with their feet and leaving.

    1. That's all very good news, and it confirms reports we have received from Idaho. The only way to cure the situation is to starve the beast.

      The constant begging is indeed shocking and unseemly. But it's beginning to wear thin. Even nominal supporters are complaining out loud about the frequency of the requests, and they also doubt the need. The one good thing about all unceasing begging is that it's turning off donors' generosity. People all over are sick of sacrificing so that these sub-educated louts can have a good life.

      If the $4K or so that they report each week is a true figure -- and we have our suspicions -- we bet that they're including the fees they charge their missions. In no way do we see it as part of the Gertie contribution effort. If they're not attending, then they're not giving.

    2. I know someone living in Spokane who told me recently that the school, Mount St. Michael, is so full her kids are on a waiting list.

  8. Maybe if Catholics had more charity and were truly concerned about the person in the pew next to them, it would help. We stopped attending Mass because we've been through all of the chapels, and where is there left to go? But, it would be nice if someone cared enough to inquire "Are you okay?" or just simply "Thinking of you, hoping you are well, and remembering you in prayer."

    This type of "not happy here? Don't let the door hit you on the way out" attitude is across the board - novus ordo, sspx, and sede chapels.

    Pistrina, instead of spinning your wheels in the SGG rut, why don't you just expose everyone? As you may be aware, the universal Church is in bad shape, Catholics are disillusioned, discourage, and honestly have no idea what to do, or where to go, or even if the Church has ever been what it claimed to be.


  9. We really do understand your angst.

    Like you, we don't have an answer, except that the true Church is what it claims to be, but that SGG and all the cults are definitely NOT the true Church.

    That's a crummy response. We know. Sadly, we're willing to say that, for most people, there's probably nowhere else to go nowadays except to stay at home alone. Cults like SGG bring only disappointment and despair, while staying home at least can keep your faith alive, though just barely and with great difficulty.

  10. I would have to agree with your comments about the SGG/CMRI Cults bringing only disappointment and despair.I really find it hard to trust any Trad Cleric now after what I went through.I spent time at Omaha and the Brooksville Pesthouse and it really destroyed me.

    It is a real crime what these self appointed sede "Bishops" do along with their untrained "Clerics" and I bet most,if not all will go to Hell.

    Yes,we can pray they change their ways but we have a DUTY to speak up when we see what is going and do something.God bless and Mary keep you.

    1. It brings disappointment and despair because it's the end of the road. Where does a Catholic go from there but back to the novus ordo? I've known some Catholics who have lost their faith altogether on account of the disillusionment, especially after have made great sacrifices in moving thousands of miles only to find out that the mini-heaven you thought you were moving to is really hell on earth.


    2. The most important work that faces traditional Catholics today is to fashion an alternative to the cults so that the victims of these rotten "bishops" have a place to go.

      We believe that can happen through the lay governance movement. But it will only be successful if, as Anon Oct 15 2:03 AM says, good people speak up to expose the sede scum.

      Exposure will eventually drive all but the most depraved from the cults and thus deprive these monsters of the money that keeps them going. Then the laity everywhere can pick up the pieces and move forward in their faith.

      But make no mistake: unless the money flow is shut off, the sede cult master "bishops" will continue their victimization. Those lay folk who give these "bishops" money are complicit in the harm they wreak.

  11. Reader,well said.

    I believe the Traditional Bishop whom Neville consecrated in South America is doing much good work and one of his priest's is Pastor of Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel in Monroe,CT.I have never heard anything bad about him.He came from the SSPX.

    1. You're absolutely right about this bishop. He is a thoroughly decent man, and he puts Dannie, Donnie, and the Pivster to shame with his learning and pastoral concern. The priests whom he has formed directly at his seminary for his order are good men, too. He even has an American or two there. It's a pity more Americans have not had a chance to get to know him. If they did, they'd abandon all these other scumbags. We think the cult masters live in fear that his influence will spread. We hope it does. Someone needs to save us gringos from our predators.

  12. Reader/Pistrina

    We have to agree with the above comments about the decline in CMRI Chapels.We had been with them for many,many years but left back in 2003.As to the seminary "formation" of Pivarunas,it is nil.He is a self taught priest with no formal training.It shows in the Clerics he has "trained".Yes,it hears the pastor of the Chapel of the Rosary in Monroe is doing fine work and yes lets pray his group expands and takes people away from the Cults.Keep up the good work at exposing the sede scumbags.

  13. We have to comment.Yes,it's all lies about Piv's training on the CMRI infro page about him.We also know that $20'000 was often to Bishop Carmona for consecration.It appear's Bishop Carmona never got it.We know all about this man's back ground and it is not good.Yes,please keep up the expose and people stop funding these cults.We lay people have to fight and not back down

    1. The lack of training is the elephant in the room which the laity must confront head on. And the best way to fight this battle is to keep your wallet closed.

      We can expose ignorance, greed, and repulsive cult behavior, but if the money doesn't stop, these crudballs will keep on doing as they please. Yes, the money flow is slowing down, but until the spigots are turned completely off, the laity won't be safe.

      Good people must keep the pressure on by talking to everyone they know. Blogs like Pistrina help, but nothing works better than face-to-face contact. The bewitched can ignore us and others, but it's hard to ignore a pestering neighbor or friend.

    2. Any proof about the $20,000 allegation or is it just hearsay?

  14. Pistrina Liturgica

    Yes,indeed on the CMRI website about Bishop Pivarunas.It says he received the usual seminary training displaying proficiency in philosophy and dogmatic and moral theology.A pack of straight out lies.My family and I lived in Spokane between 1977-1992 and Pivarunas did not receive the usual seven years seminary education.There was no at the Mount to teach.Bishop Schuckardt was a seminary drop out after one year and Father Denis Chicoine had worked on building sites as a general hand before joining the Fatima Crusade.It's a great deception to hood-wink people world-wide to make people think Pivarunas is a great theological expert.To be honest,he would not cope with even the training in a modern Church seminary.Yes,faithful and readers of this website,don't give a single dime to these cults.These self appointed sede "Bishops" have secret bank accounts full of peoples hard earned cash that they think they can get away with.Don't be fooled.Yes,we hear the Mount is having major cash flow problems and the school is in trouble.To be honest,the nuns that left back in 2007 were the cream of the sisters and were well educated.

    1. That's great news about the cash flow problems. We pray they continue to worsen. It's the only way to close them down.

      After we talked to some European ex-seminarians several years ago, we know that no one out there has had a real formation. Most of the trad world knows it too. It's hard to believe how some web sites still quote the guy.

  15. Do you know anything about a group called Syon Abbey?Are they sede's?How many monks are there?They are located in Copper Hill,Virginia.I believe they were once over in Brookings,OR?

    1. To Anonymous October 12, 2015 at 3.12 AM. Are your initials D F? Whoever you are, it is clear that you need help. I read a good quote the other day ... "Build yourself a cell in your heart and retire there to pray" ... would do you a world of good.

    2. All we know is that the abbey is fairly impressive but there there are just a few monks. The last we heard (several years ago) was there there were four. Several reports said they were sedes. Perhaps someone else knows more.

  16. "To be honest,the nuns that left back in 2007 were the cream of the sisters and were well educated."

    The CMRI sisters that left and are now in Spokane are awful. They've gone from one extreme to another - from sedes to raving liberals. Don't be deceived by their habits.

    They quickly factioned off after they left the CMRI. Out of the original 15, I think six are left in Spokane, two left religious life all together.

    The worst about them is not one of them is interested in helping anyone else that's confused about what to do or where to go. They brushed me right off with some "follow your conscience" Jiminy Cricket nonsense.

    1. Do you know where the other 7 went to?Other Novus Ordo Orders.The whole thing is sad.How could this ever of happened.If there was problems in the Mount Convent,why did Pivarunas allow it to go on years.

  17. One more thing about the former CMRI religious now novus ordo-ites to the max.

    They waste no time in telling you that they were the most intelligent of the bunch. Not very humble of them, and I had to laugh because the one that told me that also told me to take my chapel veil off so as not to scare the novus ordo folks who are afraid of traditionals. I had to laugh because the parish is the home of the most brutal and vicious novus ordo nuts in the diocese, a few of whom were responsible for getting a pastor who dared to mention mortal sin driven out of the parish four years before his term there was up.

    The whole church is crazy. There is no hiding place, and there truly is no where to go.

    1. We completely agree. For many Catholics there is no place else to go. There are nuts on every side and at every level. For every outrage we witness in the Novus Ordo, there's a corresponding horror among the trads of every persuasion.

      There are a few lucky people who have found an oasis, largely due to having a sensible priest. But they are a tiny minority. The large majority of Catholics are between a rock and a hard place.

      Our hope is that one day some one or some group will start a FREE online resource center for Catholics who opt to stay home alone. That would be a worthy apostolate. The idea came up at the September lay governance meeting, and an exploratory committee was formed. Maybe something will come of it.

    2. We have never heard of any scandal with the SSPV Daughters of Mary and they are really growing-over 65 Sisters.

    3. The SSPV violate Catholic communion laws and are most likely in schism from doing this. The nuns obviously don't directly do this, but I have never heard of them speaking out against it.

    4. Yes,we agree with the issue regarding the SSPV Communion laws.What we were saying,there has been no scandal with the SSPV nuns taking part in new age like rekei,etc which the CMRI nuns at the Mount were before departing for the Vatican Two Church.

  18. I would like the specifics regarding this reiki allegation.

    1. Exactly what happened? Did the nuns engage in idol worship? Did the nuns pray to a false god? If not, and they engaged in some other form of activity, name the specific sin or crime that was committed with documentary evidence.

    2. We're the acts in question a widespread practice within CMRI? Was it approved by the superior of the nuns, or by Bp. Pivarunas?

    Until these questions are answered, the allegations appear vague and lack evidence to support a legitimate allegation.

  19. Gene,read the article by Doctor Thomas Drolesky on his website.It is called The Rest Of The Story.He wrote back in 2007.It appear's the sisters learned all this new age from their time at the local Novus Ordo university when they were obtaining their degrees.The major problem we also have is how Novus Ordo priests were allowed into the Mount without the knowledge of Bishop Pivarunas to teach these sisters Novus Ordo ideas.As Doctor Droleskey say's,it was common knowledge when he and his wife went to the Mount in 2006 that some sisters were into new age.A very sad story.

  20. Anon: From what I have read, this dabbling into Reiki was done by some nuns who left CMRI, and does not pertain to the sisters currently there.

    It is unfortunate that abuses happen in congregations, but it does not taint the whole group unless abuses, when they are found out, are supported or tolerated by the authority within they group.

    In this case, it appears to me that the authority, Bp. Pivarunas, was unaware of this problem, and it also seems to me that once made aware he would have ended this practice.

    1. It was common knowledge among a number of lay people including friends who have now left the Mount years before 2006 that some of the sisters were into New Age and as lay people talk,this infro would have been known to Bishop Pivarunas.How do you explain the relationship of Father Louis Kerfoot and one of the sisters that went on also for years.A former sister-Sherri Schettler in her book called Spiritual blackmail,My journey through a Catholic Cult said it was known among the other sisters as they would often hear the car going out after 9pm.We are sure Bishop Pivarunas was aware and did nothing.

  21. Anon: you may be correct in your assumption about what Bishop Pivarunas knew and when he knew it, but then again you may not. There is really no way to know for sure without directly questioning him on the matter,

    I don't know if you have ever been in a position of authority, but if you have, the larger the organization, the more difficult it is to know what goes on. That is why good leaders rely on trusted lieutenants to help them. I have no certainty about this matter. There are disconnected pieces of evidence, but there is no smoking gun, demonstrating the connection to the leadership.
