
Saturday, November 7, 2015


To puff and to get one's self puffed have become different branches of a new profession. Trollope

Our post on the cult center's privileged altar  (October 24, "Dead Reckoning") didn't attract many comments, but it sure as heck brought in a ton of e-mail traffic, mostly inquisitive or supportive. The cultie nasty-grams we received were the usual illiterate assortment of holier-than-thou recriminations, but one in particular does deserve a public answer.

Here's part of what the hysterical, pants-loathing Gertie gal spat:
You lie, Piss-trina! His Excellency Bishop Dolan has NEVER said there is a privileged altar at SGG. Before God I swear it...Produce the name of the woman you quoted or retract your accusation...Heed the voice of the faithful telling you to attack the Novus Ordo, or else take your calumnious web site down!
Well, to begin with, we'll never disclose the identity of our informants, so our outraged -- and forsworn -- fan of Dan can forget her first demand. However, since she was thoughtful enough to send us hate mail, we provided her with unassailable evidence of the truth of our report so she could change her testimony and take back her charge of calumny (unless a providential lightning bolt had already found its mark).

All of you out in cyberspace will also want to take a look at the evidence, too. It's found in middle of the 2nd page, column 3, of the SGG bulletin dated November 11, 2012 (Pentecost XXIV), under the heading WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT MASS STIPENDS

Any altar used by a Bishop for a departed soul becomes a privileged altar as that Mass is being offered. You may request the Bishop to offer your Mass for the deceased. 
(Oh, dear me! Look at those vanity caps -- and the attention-grabbing italics! Li'l Dan really wanted you to think he was something Big, didn't he? He also wanted you to know that he was open for business that November! For those in the chorus of cult-crazed creeps shrieking that we made it all up, click here to see the smoking gun.)

So now that that's settled (and settled for good), permit us briefly to explain why Dannie -- or any other sede bishop -- cannot enjoy a personal daily privileged altar as did cardinals and bishops in the good ol' days. (And it's not because of "One Hand's" possibly dubious sacerdotal ordination, either.)

Sede consecrations are, as sedes themselves admit, unlawful: sede bishops are never appointed by the Roman Pontiff. Their fitness is never proved in a manner determined by the Holy See. Insofar as they're consecrated without an Apostolic mandate, they're suspended according to the 1917 canon law by which sede cult masters insist everybody but themselves be bound. As a result, they're outside the institutional Church that concedes the privilege to its licit hierarchy. To put it simply, they're ineligible. It's like a belonging to country club: only dues-paying members have rights and privileges; anybody else making a claim is a trespasser.

From the way that 2012 SGG bulletin spins it, you'd think a bishop's enjoyment of a daily privileged altar is one of the degrees of power received in orders. It's not.  As the name implies, it's a privilege -- a favorable private law. It's acquired by direct grant, communication, legitimate custom, or prescription. However, in virtue of sede bishops'  outsider status, there's no way they can acquire the privilege, valid orders notwithstanding. In fact, they can't even steal the privilege. 

Cheeky usurpation of privileges always occurs when the self-aggrandizing ambition of narcissistic, untutored gutter trash exceeds the limits of their less-than-meager capacities. They're like a maggot that proclaims itself a horsefly and then tries to make the animal kingdom believe it's an eagle: The higher forms of life won't buy the laughable proposition, but the biting midges, anopheles mosquitoes, and dung flies do.

Why not advance a few more links up on the Great Chain of Being and stop believing all the ego-stroking absurdities hatched by the puffed-up (and puffy)  Bishop (?) of the squalid SW Ohio cult?

The added bonus is, there'll be a lot more money for your 401(k) -- or the kids' college fund (assuming, that is, you don't believe some sedes' article of faith that a college-education is demonic.)


  1. Wow, what a scam! Didn't the Cheeseball, self-professed professor of Canon Law at the pesthouse ... teach His (pseudo-)prelatial Priviligedness about c. 349? (I'd like to see his authentica notitia, official notice of election).
    But this might explain the matter discussed in your article from October 24th. If ol' One-Hand fancies himself to be something of a residential Bishop (and no, this doesn't mean living in a cozy residence, sinking into a La-Z-Boy recliner) ... then no wonder this bishop nullius can attach a privilege to any altar in his "cathedral" church. And maybe Dannie removed the privilege from one and attached it to another altar on a whim, you know how erratic these people are ... so, it might not even be that big of a surprise when "Young Fathers" can be a little confused at times.

    1. Yes, indeed, we'd like to see that notice, too.

      With or without it, His Whimsicality is capable of doing any and all of what you suggested. After all, since he and Phony Tony are just "playing Church," they can do whatever strikes their unbridled fancy. They're performance artists and thereby have the right to invent anything dramatically necessary to make the show a paying attraction without regard for consistency, legitimacy, or common sense. The laity and the malformed "Young Fathers" are expected to exercise the "willing suspension of disbelief," just as they do when they watch sci-fi flicks. No one's going to tell the Godzilla and Mothra of SW Ohio that they're fake.

    2. I wonder if this wench who “before God” swore that Dannie never had a privileged altar is the same wretch who called Bernie Brueggemann’s son “un-Catholic” for referring to Dannie’s BALD-FACED lies about his father as “bullsh_t.” If so, she’s guilty of violating her own warped “moral code” by her use of ANOTHER “bad word” in saying “You lie, PISS-trina.” If so, that’s no surprise. After all, brain-dead culties, like Dannie, are ALLOWED to break their own rules. Well, now that she’s PERJURED herself for Dannie, she should go to confession – however, not to that maggot, but to a LEGITIMATE priest.

  2. I will go the extra mile. Since "piss" hurts your delicate ears, notice how your scumbag choir are the only ones who care to comment on your "crappy" column. There is not a foul word that has been invented that can adequately describe your narcissistic cabal. Looking down your proboscidean noses at us uneducated scum be careful you don't choke on your snot.

    1. f we were looking down upon depraved trash like you, our trunk-like snouts would be pointed downward, aimed at you, right?

      That means all that slimy snot of ours would drip down onto your empty head. We'd then be grateful to you for providing the opportunity to clear our sinuses and davie ourselves the expense of using a tissue.

      If you'd had a rudimentary education, you'd have learned to make your invective conform to the trope you've chosen. But then if you'd been properly schooled, you wouldn't be defending the repulsive cult masters and thinking nasty thoughts about us truth-tellers.

  3. Did u see the picture of deacon dan on the sgg website today? Couldnt be more awkward or overwight. I think you should dedicate a missive to danny boy and how he puts pictures of himself everywhere- often to his detriment.

    1. Yes, we certainly did. He looked like a skid-row Santa at a honky tonk. Doesn't anybody there edit those snaps? We mean, there must've been a ton of pix to choose from (Dannie loves the camera even if it doesn't love him back).

      Is it possible that his "secret enemies" down there are purposefully trying to make him look bad? Time to call in the Checkmeister and the Principal for a new purge. It's November, you know: housecleaning month.

    2. Anon. Nov. 8, 5:38 p.m.

      We will draft something for him right away. He is too easy a target with all those unscreened photos. It's like shooting fish in a barrel, er, rather, an elephant in a circus cage. This blog prefers to ridicule him out of his own mouth, not from goofy pictures.

      The deacon truly does look "puffed up and puffy," as the Readers presciently observed in the text of this post. "Puff-Daddy Dan" looks as though he has been eating his way through the weekly collection receipts. When we re-balance our portfolio this month, our broker may have to give serious consideration to buying some shares in Taco Bell: The Mitered Maggot's patronage alone could drive the stock value through the ceiling.

    3. To the anonymous IDIOT (Anon. Nov. 8, 4:09 PM) who replied that “piss” “hurts your delicate ears”: Actually, it DOESN’T, bird-brain. My point was just the OPPOSITE: that such words are “bad” ONLY for brain-dead PRUDES who completely IGNORE the fact that Dolan LIED, but condemned a man for using a harmless “expletive” when he was JUSTLY angry. But what else can one expect from the cerebrally impaired?

      By the way, I too was amused (and surprised) at how “puffed up” Dannie looks these days. If he gets any bigger, he’ll be able to get his own ZIP CODE (or, as an alternate, pursue a new career as the GOODYEAR BLIMP). Wouldn’t it be really ironic: Dannie – who cared so little for a starving (and dehydrating) Terri Schiavo – dying of OVER-INDULGENCE??!!

    4. Oh, yeah! Dannie's getting as big as the Stay Puft marshmallow man in Ghostbusters. His double chin has morphed into what looks like Santa's sack or a double-sized barf bag. It appears he'll explode at any minute. He must've really loaded up on the sausages and meat when he was in Argentina. He'll get even bigger now that he's returned to Gertie-gal cooking, with all the grease and empty-calorie starchy food. Pretty soon, the Gerties will have to pay double fare just to cram His Corpulency into a plane seat when he heads off on another apostolic adventure and grazing fest.

  4. How come I have seen portraits of Marie Antoinette where her neckline is very low? Was this fashion not sinful during those times? Because I know that if women had had such low necklines from say 1910-1950, it would certainly have been deemed immodest, but how come before it wasn't? Or was it actually immodest even during the 18th century and such things were bad example?

    I can't imagine a portrait of any female Saint who lived in the world having such a low neckline, it just seems something a female Saint would deem sinful.

    I'm just wondering, that's all; if in those times, showing cleavage and plunging necklines were "A-OK" but somewhere down the line they suddenly became immodest.

    1. The Catholic notion of modesty "allows of variations in customs according to particular times, places, and individual temperaments. Excess for one may not be so for another; immodest garb in one place may not be considered so in another" (C. Damen in Roberti's "Dictionary of Moral Theology").

      We suppose it would take a book to answer your question satisfactorily. We confess to no knowledge of the history of décolletage and the Church's response to the fashion over the centuries.

      Just off the top of our heads, we would note that the French court enjoyed greater privileges than the mass of the French nation. Perhaps the urbane, sophisticated, and aristocratic churchmen of the day turned a blind eye to such garments out of self-interest and the hope for preferment. Belonging to the upper crust themselves, it may be that they saw no difficulty with a décolleté dress as long as the wearer was a nobel belle.

      The same thing occurs in today's Tradistan. Members of families that bankroll cults often receive special treatment and are excused from the harsh rules that bind lesser (and poorer) souls.

      For instance, we recall one cult that banned wearing demin of any kind, including skirts and jackets. Yet the womenfolk belonging to the chief benefactor could wear denim without so much as a tsk-tsk from the cult prelate and moralizer-in-chief.

      You know how it is: RHIP and "some animals are more equal than others."


  5. I have a Novus Ordo family member who makes religious songs. He uses a guitar in all of them, and I can't help but find them all repulsive and Protestant-like.

    Is this all Novus Ordo crap that didn't exist before Vatican 2?

    I want to tell him something about it because I can't take it anymore but I'd like to have something more than just "they sound Protestant, have a "pop" tune and beat to them, sound worldly and I don't like them"; I'd like to have something more solid than that.

    What do you think? What would you say against such "music"?

    1. While there is some "junk" music in the Novus Ordo church, there is also a very real effort to return to traditional forms and style. Try Googling "Corpus Christi Watershed" and check out the music of Dr. Kevin Allen--very beautiful music with Latin and English lyrics. A lot of chant pieces on the website as well. Our Bishop celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving at our parish recently and he remarked to our pastor (who then told me), that he was happy NOT to have heard "Gather Us In" or "All Are Welcome"--both are examples of crummy composition and banal lyrics.

    2. I'm suspect of the Latin mixed with English "chants" that have come out of the Novus Ordo, for some reason I just don't like them, or the ones mixed with Spanish as well for that matter. They just don't seem to have the same tone as the real ones and seem to be a cheapened copy of the real thing.

      But what do you think about the songs I mentioned which are made with guitars? The lyrics aren't as banal and bland as some others but the thing is they use guitars and the tone and beat is just like worldly, pop and Protestant, as I said.

    3. Unfortunately, in the late '50s some U.S. Catholic churches and chapels, particularly on some college campuses, were experimenting with the Protestant-like sacred songs accompanied by guitar, although at the time, if our memory serves, the musical idiom was more like folk than rock 'n' roll. We consulted our collective memories here at Pirstrina and concurred that overwhelmingly the majority of churches then featured the tried-and-true standards of Catholic and, at times, Anglo-Catholic hymnody. To hear something other than the usual hymns found in the popular hymnals of the day was very uncommon.

      We're no experts on church music (and our personal tastes lie, for the most part in the 19th century, and before), but we can offer some direction: the clear guide to proper Catholic church music is found in Pius X's *motu proprio,* which defined official church music and established guidelines for introducing into the liturgy music more modern than plainsong and polyphony.

      Now, regarding the adoption of newly composed hymns set to theologically sound texts, we would argue that the proportion of new to old hymns sung at Mass or on other church occasions be very low, perhaps one new piece per quarter, the rest of the selections coming from the standard repertoire. Our reasoning -- which to some formaly-trained musicians may sound boorish in the extreme -- is based on the notion that we must never lose our connection to preceding generations of Catholics. That's also why we would also argue for the continued use of some of the very popular but aesthetically impoverished hymns from the past -- the kind at which gifted Anglican choirmasters used to sneer.

      Now if you are asking about non-liturgical devotional songs, the kind that might be sung at a retreat or at home or among friends and NOT as an adjunct to Mass, Benediction, processions etc., then we would have no objection to any kind of instrumentation or musical idiom, PROVIDED THAT THE LYRICS DID NOT OFFEND CATHOLIC DOCTRINE IN ANY WAY. (N.B. Having no objection doesn't mean we'd listen to it: we fear our aged ears do not find the rhythms, harmonies, and phrasing of pop music pleasing -- *de gustibus...* you know.)

      That theological criterion is harder to achieve that it appears, for it requires that the composer be a well-formed Catholic and that formally trained theologians evaluate the content. So if a young trad of today were to compose a lyric, to whom could he go for a professionally informed appraisal of the content? Certainly not to any of the malformed, uneducated cult clergy! You could never have confidence in either their approval or disapproval.

    4. I'm the one who asked about the music. To know what we're talking about, this is actually what I'm talking about:

      That is actually the family member I talked about, the one singing. He's posted many on YouTube.

      Also, as I'm sure you know, this is now the "liturgical music" they use in the Novus Ordo. This person almost always brings his guitar to the new mess and sings songs just like that one.

    5. Well, the tune is catchy in a cheap way, and not altogether unpleasing, and we didn't hear anything outright heretical (though we didn't listen with too much attention after the first few chords). It reminded us of the emotionally manipulative folk-style music we heard with displeasure in our youth.

      That said, we'd have to say that it stunk to high heaven of Protestant evangelicalism with its syrupy sentimentalism. (The accompanying cloying artwork -- cutesy lambs and a movie -star-cool Jesus -- reinforced our impression: right out of the numerous non-denominational Protestant publishing houses' youth-ministry departments.)

      This is Bambi's forest Christianity, squidgy and weepy -- the kind we mocked when we were young as the pap upon which the vapid Protestant kids fed. Frankly, we find it repulsive because our well-formed priests taught us that the Gospel is never sentimental.

      Yes, we know that this kind of junk passes for religion in the mainstream N.O. and is meant to supplant true religious feeling with superficial emotionality. (All we really need is just a big hug, and it'll all be better!) And that's why it won't really last. Once these young folks grow up, they'll have nothing to hold on to because there is no substantive content here.

    6. I think the same.

      Just one question: when you said "Once these young folks grow up," were you referring to the one that made the song or the young people in the novus ordo? Because the one that made the song was born in 1956 and at least had a glimpse of what it was like before it all crumbled down and disappeared.

    7. No, we were referring to the large number of young adults of our acquaintance who now know nothing else except such claptrap. That's not to say that there aren't plenty of more mature people who take that stuff for genuine religious expression, too -- many born well before the composer/singer you'e referring to. Believe us, we know the type well! As for them, they're caught in some weird time warp where it's always 1968. They'll never grow up spiritually. But many of the young in search of authentic spirituality will come recoil at the tawdry emotionalism and spiritual poverty inherent in such music and the "worship" it accompanies.

    8. I see. Im one of those young persons who always felt there was something bad with the new mess and something just wasn't right with the whole thing.

      This person though, the music one, he's supposedly against Protestantism and sometimes attacks it etc. but he's so blind that he's been protestantized himself and doesn't even realize it, it's unbelievable.

      I just can't understand how he can be in all that Novus Ordo filth and not realize he's been duped and its all wrong.

      The worst thing is that he likes to think of himself as a know-it-all when it comes to religion.

    9. The protestantization of the Catholic Church was one of the intended effects of Vatican II. Remember that this person was born in 1956. He came of reason probably during the second or third session.By that time, the "spirit" of V II had begun to poison Catholic schools and the churches themselves. (We know: we lived through it.) In his formative years, say '63-'73, most of the American Catholic world had become thoroughly conciliarized. Everything was justified as the will of the Council Fathers. The poor man won't see your arguments because he can't. He's like the cult followers of Dolan and Sanborn. You can prove to them that their cult masters' behavior and practices are not Catholic, and they'll still cling to these contemptible "bishops." Only the strongest people can overcome systematic brainwashing.

    10. In this area I am at an advantage: when I entered the building, and attended for a while Our Lady of Peace Cathedral here in Honolulu - the flagship for the state's fleet of islands' Catholic Churches - the scene and the service were more protestant than the ('low') Episcopal Church in which I grew up.

      RCIA preparation I had in another part of Hawaii was too familiar, too protestant and so flawed, though I couldn't say exactly why at the time.

  6. An interesting website which we have just been told about.A number of good articles and comments.In our view,we don't condemn all clerics that were "trained" by CMRI.There are several who despite poor "training" are very hardworking and go that extra mile to help a lost Soul.They must feel be very angry to know about other clerics in their group are just bums and give them also a bad name.News has just come to light via some SSPX friends that those two CMRI groups of faithful for almost a decade in the Fiji Island's were so shocked and disgusted at the lack of care for them by that sede priest in Australia,they have all abandoned Catholicism and joined the Seventh Day Adventist Sect.How sad.It is just beyond words how someone claiming to be a priest can do such much damage and get away with it.Does Bishop P care or just accepts whatever his scumbag tells him.We feel sad for the CMRI priest who would visit them once a year and had baptised a number of children and to see his good work undone within a year or two.We could never see the SSPX or even the Novus Ordo FSSP behaving like this.The best thing this priest can do is return to the lay state.He is going to be answerable to God .

    By the way,do you know if the SSPX Church at Walton contains many ex SGG faithful?It look's to be a very nice building.Keep up the fine work.

    1. Our own experience has shown that you are certainly right: some of those men, despite their miserable formation, have a true love for souls. If only there were some place in the English-speaking world where they could be properly re-trained and then returned to a deserving laity. There is a crown in heaven awaiting the generous trad millionaire who underwrites a St. Jude's Sede Clerical Rehabilitation Center and Sanatorium.

      Your remarks about the tragedy in Fiji underscore our principal theme: the organized traddie cults under these malformed "bishops" must be replaced by independent priests supervised by lay governing boards. Laymen would never have permitted that scum bucket to cause the loss of so many Catholic souls.

      We have heard that OLA in Walton, KY, has a number of former Gerties and that one of SGG's ex-benefactors -- a big one -- bankrolled almost the whole thing after he left Dannie's obscene cult in disgust. The building is lovely -- within and without -- and puts to shame that ill-designed, ill-constructed eyesore and heap of rubble that mars the landscape of West Chester. The SSPX hired a real architect, and it shows: they got a church, while the Gerties ended up with a crappy, decaying auditorium-cum-downmarket motel situated in an industrial park.

    2. To Anonymous November 10, 2015 at 3.49 AM. You have swallowed the gossip of your SSPX friends. Two CMRI groups of faithful in Fiji? Untrue. Why not travel to Fiji to see for yourself? Please report accurately in future. The situation you have stated is not sad. You are the sad party in this case.

    3. Go to the CMRI Mass directory and look under Fiji.The two Missions have been removed.You are trying to do damage control.Nice try.We have also had infro from a SSPX Priest down under about this.Why don't you wake up and see you are the sad party.

    4. I don't attend CMRI nor have I been to anything related to CMRI.(Honestly I have zero desire to attend CMRI due to borderline Pius XII worship and their post 1955 holy week rule)
      I remember reading about SSPX priest in Australia (recently) and ensuing/disaster fallout in his parish.Bad things happen everywhere and bad people inhabit even the best institutions.(Not saying CMRI is "the best" please do not misunderstand)

  7. So you think singing/composing religious songs for private use that are always accompanied by a guitar is alright? I don't know but I don't like the use of the guitar for anything religious at all, it just seems like hippie and profane.

    1. For "private use," we don't care if you use an ocarina, harmonica, flutophone, comb, hum, or just pucker your lips.

    2. Yes, the guitar is perfectly okay for private use. After all, the greatest Christmas hymn of all time, Stille Nacht (Silent Night), when first performed, was accompanied by a GUITAR – and I think we’d all agree that it was not “profane.” Yes, an organ is certainly the appropriate instrument for church music; but for “private use,” there is nothing wrong with ANY instrument.

    3. To Anonymous November 15, 2015 at 1:36 AM. A good number of individuals who have commented on this site, under different headings, have one thing in common. That is to attack a Priest. You all would do well if you went to Paris.

    4. You've got it all wrong: what we all have in common is a love for truth. We don't attack anyone: we expose incompetence, buffoonery, and un-Catholic practices in order to rescue the faithful and their family fisc from the cult masters' fanaticism.

    5. How do you do Pistrina! Absolutely no need to expose incompetence, etc. How competent are we and competent in what? Something wrong with a Priest? Pray for him and leave the rest to God. If we all have a love for truth, then let us form an army wearing the Scapular and saying the Rosary daily. The rescue belongs to Our Lady.

    6. Also Pistrina, people forget their own sins and faults. They are quick to call a Priest "scumbag, low life, despicable" which express anger and hate. This is un-Catholic. Some past comments sound like verbal diarrhoea. They should use the sign language.

    7. Calling these ridiculous charlatans "scumbag, low life, despicable" is not an expression of hate or anger. It's simply an accurate description of who they are, devoid of any untoward emotion or un-Catholic motivation.

    8. "but for “private use,” there is nothing wrong with ANY instrument."

      Not even the electric guitar, drums or a saxophone?

    9. Nope! Not even bongos or a harmonica for private use, IOHO.

  8. Well said Reader.They are ridiculous charlatans.

    1. Almighty God is the Judge. I will pray for The Reader.

    2. Thank you for your prayers. As God, indeed, is our judge, we will persevere in our efforts to to show Catholics that all these mountebanks offer is pure humbug. The sooner they fold up their tents and not-so-silently steal away, the better off we all will be. It's a difficult task, we know, but it's a holy one, and that keeps us going.

    3. To the IDIOT who said, “You all would do well if you went to Paris,” etc.: if you want to blame someone for ISIS et al, blame self-seeking parasites like Dolan and Cekada – and YOURSELF for supporting them. The plain truth is that these scumbags have really done NOTHING to combat Islam, but instead only pursue their own self-seeking agenda. Their “track record” would make a RASPUTIN blush! To defend these two worms, you have to be blind, stupid, evil, or ALL OF THE ABOVE. So, take your phony self-righteous and CRAM it, Hypocrite!

    4. Thanks, Watcher. To tell the truth, we couldn't figure out what the events in Paris have to do with our apostolate of exposing sleaze-bucket "priests."

    5. Pistrina Liturgica.Evils need to be talked about for the greater good.The law of detraction does not apply if there is a public danger about which Souls need to be warned about.

      For a superior(i.e Pivarunas,Dolan,etc) of a group to say nothing about the evil behaviour of one of their clerics and actually praise them is a very serious state of affairs indeed.Silence is actually giving approval or has a don't care attitude.A normal Bishop would hear alarm bell's ringing and be very concerned for the welfare of all the Souls concerned.They would send another cleric to start asking questions about why have all these Souls left.We have heard in the past various Souls emailing these sede Bishops and never getting a reply.We are wondering if these clerics are taught in their "seminaries" not to answer to the lay-people and also to use scare tactics.

      Various Souls who turn their heads away or who will not listen to see the wolfs in sheeps clothing are very goofy indeed.They deserve our prayers for the scales to removed from their eyes.

    6. Beautifully expressed. We'd only add that they deserve our prayers for their immediate retirement.

      Of course, these wandering bishops are not normal in any sense of the word: no authority, no jurisdiction, no apostolic mandate, no formation, no advanced education, and only material apostolic succession.

      They're worthless for all practical purposes. And if the Church were to be restored tomorrow, they'd never be allowed to return even as lay-brother toilet cleaners. They really aren't even necessary to preserve valid orders: better men took care of that eventuality years ago. These duds are only playing Church.

  9. Excellent reply Reader.We can tell you know your stuff.God bless

    1. "We complain when we suffer. We have much more reason to complain when we do not suffer, since nothing so likens us to our Lord as the bearing of his Cross." Someone departed in 2009 from whatever chapels. I departed from the SSPX in 2008. We are all carrying our share of the Cross.

  10. Yes,I would also have to agree with the above comments.We bet Dolan,etc are reeling at the infro on this website.THANK GOD FOR YOUR WEBSITE.Someone has to expose the damage that is being done to Souls.Reader,it would be very interesting to know how many young men have had a possible call to either the Priesthood or Religious life and as a result of what they have seen have given the whole thing away.They also deserve our prayers.

    1. The damage that is being done to souls is already known to God who does not need the internet. Keep exposing ... for whose benefit? United in prayers.

    2. We know of at least 7 young men who abandoned all thought of becoming a traditional Catholic priest based on their experiences with the cult masters. They didn't want them as their bosses and they didn't want to associate with the scum these guys ordained.

  11. The benefit to save more Souls being hoodwinked and falling into deception and in the end being hurt.Faithful need to be warned.Do you suggest say nothing.A large corporation or business would not sit back and allow their staff to cause untold damage.We have heard horror stories of sede priests refusing to help lost and confused Souls.Can you imagine a medical doctor refusing to see a sick person.

    1. Everyone MUST speak out against these sede sleaze bags. Our voice is simply not enough. People need to hear a roaring chorus if they're to stand a chance of escaping these noxious cults.

      The cult masters think they're the bosses, but they aren't. The faithful are. If the faithful wouldn't stand for this kind of behavior by withdrawing all their financial support, then the bad actors would either have to change, retire, or starve.

      We don't have chanceries or ecclesiastical courts where we can seek remedies. There's no Traddie equivalent to a medical board from which we could obtain relief. The only recourse is to keep the money out of the cult masters' hands. And that means getting the message out to everybody we know -- and keep repeating the message -- so that maybe, just maybe, we'll get through to them and they'll stop donating.

      We're certain that if many people really knew what these guys were doing, they'd tighten up their purse strings immediately. Many donors, particularly those who don't belong to the cult chapels, would be shocked to learn what their money was supporting. When they confront the cult masters with what we've written, they just say we're lying and disgruntled (even though there's the ring of substantiated truth in every syllable). But if more and more people were to speak up, then the message would be hard to ignore. Then the others would stop donating. Sure, some people will keep giving. But if we can get enough to just say NO, then Tradistan will collapse.

    2. Are you voicing it to Heaven? Do not underestimate prayers which can change things. It will be God's way and time. We seek remedies by turning to Our Lady. All efforts can be a waste if She is left out.

  12. Thank you for your advice. Be assured that every day in our prayers we beg Heaven to open the mouths of the wounded faithful to expose the horrors of the cult masters.

    We know we haven't the strength to do it ourselves. We are moved that after each importuning we receive emails from wounded souls who are sick of the cult and are willing to work toward its collapse.

    We have every confidence that the heavenly powers will someday heed our supplications.

    1. Not knowing any of these groups or individuals in OH/FL,I have the freedom to enjoy Fr.Vili's sermons.Do you all have negative feelings on Fr.Vili from Finland.From his Internet sermons,he sounds like a decent priest who,with time,will develop into a solid grounded priest.

    2. I agree with you.
