
Saturday, January 2, 2016


The fatality of good resolutions is that they are always too late. Wilde

It's a new year.

Some of you who didn't keep your 2015 resolution to leave the SW Ohio cult may be looking for a fresh reason to renew the vow in 2016. Obviously all the hair-raising stories of un-Catholic behavior, cupidity, and stupidity haven't worked. So we looked around for something different, something more concrete to revive your will power.

We knew it had to be simple and direct, because all our grand, elaborate arguments were, perhaps, too ethereal. Furthermore, it had to be something small, for as experience teaches, it's usually the little stuff that brings down the whole structure. So we searched and searched and searched for precisely the right-sized straw to break the irresolute camel's back. Then, lo and behold, as we read last week's "Bishop's (?) Corner," we knew we'd found it, when Wee Dan whispered:
The F sharp on our organ has been coaxed back in time for Midnight Mass.
This, we remind you, is the new organ —well, old-new at any rate— that Deacon Dan just bought for Checkie in early 2015 to replace an older instrument that could've been repaired. They haven't owned the $5K-$6K instrument for a year, and it's broken already! In the midst of high heating bills, they button-holed the laity for thousands of dollars to pay for Tony's new toy, and it almost wasn't ready for His Extravagancy's biggest, gaudiest, bling-laden show of 2015.

What in the blazes is going on there?

Dirtbag Dan's seemingly insignificant disclosure should convince everyone that the cult masters cannot do anything right. The itch to spend the Gerties' money on unnecessary acquisitions must be so intense that these madcap spendthrifts throw all caution to the whirlwind when they're on a shopping spree.  Maybe they're careless because they expect the laity to bail them out when their impulsive choices prove ill-considered. Whatever the motive, "One Hand's" miniature revelation furnishes the perfect incentive for you to leave the cult this year.

The key broken so soon after the organ's unnecessary purchase condemns these men as unwise stewards of the resources of the faithful. It's another sad episode in their unbroken record of failures large and small. When they built the steadily crumbling cult center, the roof they put on proved a disaster. Now they can't find an exterminator capable of ridding them of a dangerous raccoon infestation, which seems to be getting worse with each issue of "Bishop's (?) Corner." A couple of years ago, the heating bills were so high they had to hustle special donations to cover a bill for which they should have budgeted. Yet there's always money-to-burn for luxury foreign travel, which doesn't end after they undergo the inevitable falling-out with their fed-up hosts. His Recrudescency always seems to find another far-away nest of calculating trads eager to take advantage of Dannie's irresponsible largesse (funded, of course, by you).

The need to repair the organ so soon after its reckless purchase tells you Dannie's got the wrong priorities. As many chastened former cultlings have learned, these "clergy" are not there to serve the faithful. In fact, the situation is quite the opposite. The faithful are there to supply the cash to satisfy the wastrels' "champagne wishes and caviar dreams."All the over-the-top seasonal spectacles with their meretricious glitter and shop-window tinsel are mounted primarily for the clerical scavengers' love of tacky theatrics and hearty self-congratulation. Any spiritual reward for the faithful is merely an inducement to surrender more money, to be wasted, in turn, on brutal whims and imprudent purchases, which wind up costing you yet more money.

Don't you think it's time to stop being played for a sucker? These heedless men-children cannot husband the resources you so selflessly provide. In addition, you may not be receiving valid sacraments in exchange for your financial sacrifice. If you stay at SGG, you'll only encourage more bad decision-making and waste, like the old-new organ that came within a gnat's whisker of embarrassing silence on "One-Hand" Dan's last holiday lollapalooza for 2015. Why not make it your last one, too?



  1. In the Bishop's (?) Column for this Sunday, Deacon Dan reported that Fr. Cekada's organ "has gone out" and needs to be repaired. A few weeks ago, it was one key and it's the entire ball of wax now. I'm starting to wonder whether they're going to waste even more money now that the "new" old organ is out of commission to make themselves a real one with pipes, console, and all. If it's broke, after all, why bother fixing it at all?

    1. Whoever sold them that lemon must be rolling on the floor with laughter at those gullible clerical yokels. The old adage is true: "There's a sucker born every minute." And to think the cult masters got rid of an old instrument that at least worked and could have been upgraded at a very reasonable cost. On Lent III , Dannie presciently note dthat "[t]he difference in tone and sound [between the old and the old-new organs] is remarkable." We guess it is: It's the difference between sound and silence.

      Cheesy and Dannie just had to spend the big bucks for what Dannie characterized last Lent I as an "excellent second-hand instrument." It was so "excellent" that now the Cheeseburger can't "blast away... at the console" nor will he be "shaking the rafters," as Li'l Dan once so proudly boasted.

      At least they appear have some extra money to pay for what should be a costly repair, if we are to believe all the recent collection reports. No way should they ask the faithful to underwrite service fee. They're loaded.

      Perhaps one of you readers in cyberspace could comment on what it might cost to fix this piece of electronic junk.

  2. What I noticed was that he complained all through the bulletin. If a parishioner complained, he would be told to be grateful for his many blessings.

    What I noticed was the complaint of illness instead of excepting it quietly as your cross.

    Nobody coming to church on the Octave? Another complaint.

    Of course, one can't go a week without complimenting the Lotarski family.

    Several years with only a trickle of warm water....I guess that is why he needs his annual bishop retreat that could have paid for the water fix.

    The need for a lounge microwave...a plea for money, a thank you for giving the priests whatever they desire, or a plea for people to make meals that they don't have to heat up in a microwave.

    The stupid cat comments are driving me crazy! Do we really need to hear about stupid cats every week? Parents are not suppose to overly praise their children, but a priest can go on and on about a stupid cat? Hypocrisy!

    All these priests complaining about their backaches and allergies, yet supposably not complaining. If they aren't complaining, then how does anyone know about it? "The rest of us are okay with just allergies and colds. No complaints!" When there are parishioners with cancer, diabetes, heart problems, etc., allergies and a back ache seems petty. Quite frankly, that does appear complaining, does it not?

    Another complaint about the wonderful organ. I guess more money is needed!

    1. What can we add? You have described the whole mess perfectly. All they care about is their own comfort. Truth be told, they don't want to comfort the faithful; they want the faithful to comfort them.

      Actually, the cat comments should provide a better reason to leave the cult than the jinxed organ. The constant reference to the felines is truly bizarre, and should frighten off everyone who has a lick of sense.

    2. I think Dannie is “losing it,” what with his deranged drivel about Caravaggio. And his pathetic play on words (“Cat’lic” for “Catholic”): if that was an attempt at humor – well -- hand me my barf bag! Dannie, I think it’s time that they sign you in – to a worthy asylum, that is. And Tony’s “timely video exploring why Catholics are afraid of Sedevacantism”: are you serious, Antonius? After your other “landmark works,” aren’t YOU afraid that this will be another landmark FLOP? Give it up, Antonius!

      How about, instead, you and Dannie starring in a video on how NOT to get suckered by a “used organ salesman’ – with you and Dannie as the star-crossed suckers -- and Bombastic Don Sanborn as the salesman? (Actually, the REAL suckers in this drama are SGG’s parishioners, who will undoubtedly pick up the tab).

      Wow! Wasn’t it positively PROVIDENTIAL how Dannie’s ’Corner confirmed all the suspicions in Pistrina’s article? Bad luck, Dannie! BTW, Dannie, from which imaginary pot of money will you be telling them the repairs are coming – the “Bishop’s Fund” (as you so claimed for your trips)? Or will you tell them that it’s from a special fund for “organ donors”? Whatever you claim, Dannie, we all know the truth. (One thing for sure: those who swallow your line of swill THIS time around should get this year’s GULLIBILITY AWARD!!)

  3. The sedes complain, and the SSPX asks for money nonstop from already financially strapped families due to the fact that they have a multitude of children.

    Somehow, I don't think these chapels are the answer. After decades of their existence, their flaws and drawbacks are becoming more and more obvious.

    1. They are definitely not the right answer for the faithful. They're money pits that drain working families of the treasure just to give clerics and other religious a nice life. The saddest part is that these clerical leeches don't spend the money wisely, as we can see with the broken old-new SGG organ.

      These husbands and wives who sacrifice so much to keep the clergy in clover would never allow their own children to waste the family money on hare-brained projects, yet when the cult masters ask for more and more cash, they hand it over without so much as a question.

      People need to get out of these places, even if they've nowhere else to go. Home alone is a much safer space than the mean streets of Tradistan.

  4. I will have to agree with asking for money. Either they are asking for money from families with many children or taking it from the elderly, but they always have a hand out! What fund raising do they do OUTSIDE of their own parish? Do they do car washes, have charity events to raise money for extra expenses, etc? The money can't keep coming from families with 5 or more children while these men go on trips to the Bishop's Lodge and European "Conferences." The elderly can't be giving their last dimes to these men, when they don't know what kind of health problems they may have and might need the money. $130-$279 a night is the standard room at this place. At the very least, that would pay for an entire month worth of groceries for a family. A ticket to Rome, without lodging, would be about $1000.

    What exactly is a "Bishop's fund" anyway? Money they can spend however they want? Isn't that what their salary is used for? They get room and board paid, right? Sanborn has a cook. So, they use a Bishop's fund for luxury?

    I'm baffled how these men justify spending money. They sound like the Novus ordo bishop's who are renovating their retirement homes for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Wasteful! Maybe they are more Novus Ordo than I thought!

    Sanborn's new cemetery for a special place for religious? Another part Unconsecrated for babies not baptized? Just what grieving parents need, to know their babies can't even be next to their family in a cemetery, even though it is obvious that the parents had the desire to baptize them.

    1. We agree entirely. Don't forget that these men also work hard to get people to leave money to the cult, thereby further dispossessing the cash-strapped heirs. Thank goodness that many of the offspring get lawyers and successfully fight these vultures.

      That new cemetery is going to really be a cash vacuum. The price of a plot will have to be really high to pay for the maintenance etc. We'll wager that the survivors will be dogged to death for more donations to keep the place from going to seed, even if the deceased had signed over a large portion of their estate or purchased a life insurance policy with the cult as beneficiary.

    2. "Thank goodness that many of the offspring get lawyers and successfully fight these vultures."

      How many cases have there been?

    3. We don't know the exact number, but there have been more than a few. Checkie once wrote a ballad against lawyers after one incident of family resistance, and Dannie occasionally bitterly laments how families don't allow their dearly departed to be buried by the cult. Recently, the family of a nonagenarian who had attended the cult's chapels was buried at a conservative N.O. church because her son knew the cult masters were "scum." They wanted nothing to do them. Additionally, we have many emails from followers who tell us how they've made certain their parents leave nothing to the cult cabal, going so far as to instruct their attorneys to sue if any money is bequeathed. They've said they'd rather deplete the estate than see a dime go to these ecclesiastical entrepreneurs.

  5. "Another part Unconsecrated for babies not baptized? Just what grieving parents need, to know their babies can't even be next to their family in a cemetery, even though it is obvious that the parents had the desire to baptize them."

    Just goes to show how affected by novus ordo thinking traditionals are. Before VII, every Catholic cemetery had an unconsecrated plot of land for unbaptized babies. No Catholic parent ever thought it harsh or unfeeling back then to bury their baby there.

    Also, better that trads buy their plots in regular Catholic cemeteries. These independent chapels aren't going to last much longer, and then your deceased will be stuck in overgrown final resting places.

    1. Well actually, do your research, it is tradition based and up to the parish, and not Church doctrine. Many parents were distraught about it, and there are books and videos to prove you are wrong.

      "NO Catholic parent" ...I guess you have talked to every Catholic parent this happened to, right?

      Seriously, you make me sick!

    2. Which books and videos?

      Btw I'm not the one you responded to.


    This is just one, but if you google or YouTube it, you will find more.

    1. You're not the author of that article are you?

      I read all the comments on that article and it looks like the people had no idea about original sin and limbo. How was that possible if they were Irish, the most Catholic country before V2?

      All the comments are pure emotion and no reason. Just look at what Isabel Sinton said:

      "A good question to ask is 'What is wrong with this church that doesn't believe innocent babies should be allowed into heaven?' What kind of god is this religion worshiping?' and ultimately: 'Do I want to be part of this religion?'"

      And the follow up to that comment was this:

      "I'm a neonatology nurse and a mother and I believe ALL babies go to heaven, regardless of any church theology or how they come into the world, dead or alive. No one has been to heaven and come back to report who is and who isn't there. The poor treatment of innocent dead babies, because some church officials have judged them as "unworthy" to go to heaven, is offensive to me. God is the final authority. Although I believe in infant baptism, the God I believe in loves and welcomes these little ones into heaven unconditionally because they are His children."

      Is this the sort of thing you believe in, Anonymous? This is where what you said leads you to.

      Here are 2 last comments:

      "With all due respect Nora,, why would any intelligent human being want to be part of such an organization (RC Church) If any other organization/corporation brought half as much pain to fellow human beings they would be held accountable and sued out of business. GUILT by way of brainwashing sure is a powerful thing."

      "Good point, James. And yes, how does the church reverse its course when it seems they are very reluctant to admit "their" past sins? It won't be easy."

  7. In the 1917 Code of Canon Law, Canon 1239 prescribes that those who die without baptism must be denied Catholic burial.

    I'm sorry if you or the writer of that article find that offensive, but what's even more offensive is to criticize the laws of the Church and pretend they have to be subordinated to people's feelings and emotions, instead of vice versa.

  8. Anon 3:35: This is what Vat II and the N.O. has done -- everything is now man -centered instead of God-centered. Most people's mindset has been completely turned around and really without them noticing or being aware of it. Hence this crisis in the church. They are making God in their own image instead of the other way around.

  9. 'Have' not has! It wouldn't allow me to edit. Sorry.

  10. I'm not a canon law expert, so I guess I was going on Cannon Law 1183, which may possibly be after the changes. The articles I have read have said it is up to the particular parish because the parent had the desire for the child to be baptized. I apologize for any misinformation.

    I'm sure that Cekada, since he reads this blog, can clarify the legal aspect.

    BUT, please do not say parents are not hurt by this tradition or law. That is simply not true.

    It is also not true that EVERY cemetery had an "Unconsecrated" place. Some places, even before Vatican ii, still allowed burial in the cemetery.

    EVERY and NO catholic parent are complete lies.

    1. We really have no dog in this fight (we're just hosting the skirmish), but no one should count on Checkie Cheeseball the Blunderer for a reliable answer. He is no canon lawyer.

      We suggest the disputants consult an old edition of Bouscaren, Ellis, and Korth, "Canon Law: A Text and Commentary," in chapter on "Sacred Places," at the article on "The Right of Ecclesiastical Burial (cc. 1239-1242)" for a nuanced and expert, as well as humane, discussion of the issue here in contention.

  11. No, not the author of the blog. I wasn't using them as a canon or church source, only a source pointing out that some families were upset by the practice.

    The other anon said that NO parent was upset about this practice.

    1. We understand. It would be nice if people would look into what was actually taught in the old days before pontificating. Even the great Cappello was cited as a source for the following statement in a well-known canon-law textbook we've cited: "...burial [of infants who died without baptism] even in consecrated ground would not violate the cemetery, notwithstanding cc. 1172, § 1, 4°, and1207; nor would the penalty of canon 2339 be incurred by ordering their burial there."

      These are very complex, serious issues that require study and sensitivity. All of us amateurs, including the malformed sede clergy, should hold our peace until after a thorough investigation.

      No matter what the answer is, anyone with any sense would be well advised to stay away from the fetid swampland cemetery, whether the ground is consecrated or not. The cult will not last much beyond the lifetimes of the current adult membership, so who knows what will happen to the property? With the all the violent hurricanes and tropical storms in the area, Floridians may experience a ghoulish preview of the Judgment when, as it says in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, "the earth and the sea shall give up their dead."

    2. Well, as I said, it seems as if those particular Irish people didn't know anything about limbo or original sin and secretly questioned Church teaching.

      What about suicides then? Notorious and public sinners? Those were denied ecclesiastical burial as well. Were they also upset about that?

  12. "as it says in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer"

    Why are you quoting from that Protestant book?

  13. The Reader is obviously a literate person who has drunk freely from the fountains of English literature.

    The Prayer Book and the KJV are essential reading for a decent English style.

    Reading them no more indicates the acceptation of their doctrines than does the reading of Homer implies the worship of his lying gods.

    1. He directly QUOTED the heretical book, as if approving of it, and not only that but the quote is a MISTRANSLATION of Apocalypse 20:13. Why do you mention he has read them when we're talking about QUOTING a heretical book as if with approval?

      What Catholic would prefer to quote a biblical mistranslation from a heretical book instead of the correct Catholic translation?

    2. The BCP may be a book used by heretics, but much of its content is not heretical. (Some of it is a direct translation from Roman Catholic sources.) Likewise, the line is not a mistranslation of the verse from The Apocalypse but rather an allusion to it. There's quite a difference. The change in tense from the past (aorist in the Greek original) and the additional words are by no means errors, but deliberate adaptations to changed rhetorical intentionality. (But thanks for the comment: you've demonstrated far better than we the barbarity of you close loyalists of Dannie.)

      As to why we quoted from a book used by heretics, the answer's simple: ALL literatiure -- and the BCP, as Anon. Jan. 6, 5:03 AM rightly observes, is literature of the highest caliber -- is a source to which we unashamedly appeal and from which we openly draw to make a point.

      BTW, part of that particular line should be familiar to many people who have never read a syllable of the BCP, for it is often heard in old films featuring scenes of burial at sea.

    3. You definitely lost on every point, for, to borrow from the BCP again, you have "erred, and [a] lost sheep ...[and] followed too too much the devices and desires of [your own unschooled, little] heart..."

      Declaring victory in the face of so enormous a defeat inspires nothing contemptuous laughter. Your certain reply to this response will provoke further amusement at your expense.

    4. "...[and] followed too too[SIC!] much..."

      "...inspires nothing [BUT] contemptuous laughter."

      LOL fail! I win again!

    5. Yes, entering text from a smartphone has its disadvantages. But those two slips are nothing compared to Anon Jan. 6 8:12's failure to insert a comma after "no" at Jan. 6, 5:39. We ignore typos in the comments section, but since you brought ours up, turnabout is fair play.

      BTW, you only "won" this time, and that just by a point. You lost completely on your original observation: Only a loser would have characterized the BCP text as a mistranslation.

    6. The absence of the comma there was DELIBERATE, but yours was a true gaffe.


      How does a taste of your own medicine feel like?

    7. And that's TWO points, not one; one point for each boo boo.

    8. Well, at least we don't mistranslate infallible papal teaching, and we don't characterize as a mistranslation something that clearly wasn't.

      Besides, we're never overly concerned about typographical additions/omissions in the comments section, ours or anybody else's. These are observations written on the fly and often under less than ideal compositional conditions. We're so relaxed about this section that none of us goes in and edits them if we notice a typo.

      The PUBLISHED errors of the cult are a far different matter. There is the expectation of editing, whereas in these comments, spontaneity rules, warts and all.

    9. In one recent post one of you readers said something about "rebalancing their portfolios", something along those lines. Are any of you stockbrokers? As far as I know The Reader is a public school editor or something like that.

    10. Don't believe everything the cult puts out. As to verbal imagery, we use metaphors from all disciplines to make our points more vivid.

    11. Are you saying you didn't work in Columbus public schools?

    12. Are you serious? Who cares where someone works? Truth is the truth, no matter where it comes from.....and the cult leaders will try anything to cover up the truth as long as it lines their pocketbooks.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.


    14. This argument with anon 11:20, seems very petty. It is obvious it is Cekada or a loyal cult follower, which confuses me because I don't think the cult leaders like their followers to read anything against them due to the fact it will make them question. Cekada's answers would be "That is rubbish," "That is hogwash," or anything to slander or discredit the truth teller.

      It seems to me that the only ones who have to follow the 10 commandments are their parishioners, because it is obvious the 10 commandments don't apply to them. They consistently slander, steal, and give false witness. Personally, I am glad to finally know the truth.

    15. Ah yes, everytime someone wants to know if it's true that Toth worked in public schools, they HAVE to be either Cekada or one of his followers. I am anon. 1:42 and 7:00 and I tell you I am not Checkie and don't even live in the states.

      If "nobody cares" what one does for a living, they why doesn't he ever give a straight answer about it? I've read all the comments for every single post here and he has been asked about it several times and he never addresses it.

      And what does wanting to know if what they say is true regarding Toth has to do with the truth about the cultmasters? NOTHING. I personally agree with this blog's position against the cultmasters.

      And who is "arguing"? I was simply asking.

      So yes, you've VERY confused because you got every single assumption you made WRONG.

    16. By the way, how did you remove comments?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I work in the public schools. So? I don't care if you're a coal miner or a Doctor - if you're truthful & intelligent & are passionate about the truth, I'm on your side & want to hear what you have to say.

  16. Stephen Heiner, Sanborn's Restoration org, lives out of the States, but still has a stake in things? But assumptions can be wrong.

    I still don't understand why people's occupation matters.

    1. You know, while you're staying home alone, you might as well watch that movie. You'd find out that occupations matter a great deal. It matters very much, for example, whether this man is a policeman or a burglar:

    2. Oh, and one other thing. You might also find out that being home alone didn't work out so well for that kid. He thought it was great at first, but he found out pretty quickly it's not a good way to live. I expect you'll have a similar experience.

  17. I still don't get the fascination with jobs. Does the truth from a janitor differ from the truth of a doctor? Or is the truth the truth?

    1. Actually, what you don't understand is that simply ASKING about one's former occupation is not a "fascination" or "getting into an argument" or "making it matter more than the truth" and whatnot. That's all a bunch of nonsense.

    2. So, are you saying you are not Stephen Heiner?

    3. When did i ever say I was Heiner? And why would I?

      You seem like a real maniac with all these wild assumptions simply because I asked whether it was true Toth vetted public school textbooks or not.

    4. Just a question... Yet, you didn't say you were and didn't say you weren't. Yet, you avoided answering the question, same thing you are accusing the writers of doing.

      You said you were living in a different country. You said you don't have a stake in this, but then again, why read a blog that has nothing to do with anything you don't have a stake in? You say you work in public schools.

      Fyi: the cult is known for mental reservation: Aka: lying

    5. You're all over the place. What question did I avoid answering?

      I read it because I find it entertaining and funny, and because I like keeping up with what the cultmasters come up with.

    6. Anon, when people disagree with what is written in this blog, you have a bizarre preoccupation with who they are, repeatedly claiming all of us are Fr. Cekada. Then when someone asks a few questions about the identity or occupation of the author of this blog, all of a sudden it's completely irrelevant who someone is.

      Can you please explain this anomaly. Thank you.

      (P.S. I'm a different person from 1/9/2016 3:18)

    7. That's right 3:37; he doesn't want anyone to divulge the truth about Toth & co. but he's always asking who it is who's asking and making all kinds of wild assumptions.

    8. Yes. I know.

  18. 1. I did think twice about the D in doctor when not using the name but let it go. Next time I'll think thrice!!
    2. I really don't think that Stephen Heiner is writing here. It just doesn't sound like something he would do. The pettiness of it would be beneath his dignity.

    1. The Anon. of. Jan. 6, 4:03 AM (and later) EPITOMIZES a cultie’s brain-dead preoccupation with petty concerns, whether they be 1) condemning someone for “quoting from a heretical source” (BCP); or 2) worrying about someone’s identity (as if that has any bearing on that “someone’s” credibility). It was obvious that it was this same Anon. who childishly (and vaingloriously) bellowed, “I win!” (Jan.6, 5:39 PM), and “LOL fail! I win again!” (Jan. 6, 8:12 PM), in claiming “victory” over correcting what were merely TYPOGRAPHICAL errors. How INFANTILE! Are you for real, moron?

      Anonymous, you obviously have nothing better to do than to IGNORE the article’s subject matter, and then to go off on several irrelevant tangents, WASTING everyone’s time with your aimless drivel -- a typical, TEXTBOOK example of (among other things) the “ad hominem” tactic. Please go back to the DUNCE CORNER from which you came, and/or write one the blackboard, “I will not make a fool out of myself” at least 100 times. This may not teach you anything, but it will at least “keep you out of our hair” for a while.


    3. "Please go back to the DUNCE CORNER from which you came, and/or write one the blackboard, “I will not make a fool out of myself” at least 100 times."

      How does one "write ONE the blackboard"?

    4. Thank you, Anonymous 12:45. I was trying to find an image that would correspond to the level of thoughtfulness and maturity that the "Watcher" shared with us in his comment, and that image of Taylor Swift was the closest I could come, though it doesn't quite capture the subtlety I was looking for. I'll keep looking.

      I like your image too. It's definitely how I imagine the Watcher, except a bit more jolly.

    5. That Nicholson gif has to be one of the ultimate LOL gifs out there.

    6. I want to thank you two bozos for taking my bait (planting the typo “one” instead of ‘on”). It proves my point: that you pick on “typos” to ridicule those with whom you disagree, instead of addressing the subject matter of what they actually had to say. Thank you for reinforcing my point. By your previous comments, you’ve already exposed your stupidity to the world. The only thing I’d like to add now is that you write “I will not make a fool out of myself” on the blackboard one THOUSAND times instead of one HUNDRED. Then maybe it will sink in.

    7. I like this LOL image of Tom Cruise. I think he just read this most recent quote of our "Watcher".

    8. LOL nice excuse more like non-"Watcher"!

      This is the SECOND time now that the owners here commit grammatical boo boos whilst doing their darn best to humiliate me. Ironic! Hahaha! Priceless.

      You must feel like such morons for screwing up so badly eh? It STINGS right? To fumble up with such do doos?

      Man. Scarred for life!

    9. Wait? What? Cekada is now on this site?

      Um, you do enough to humiliate your own self,Cekada, and grammatical errors have nothing to do with it.

      Anyone defending you with current pop star pics really needs help.


      You just objected above when someone started talking about the identity and occupation of this blogger. Yet, when anyone disagrees with you, you start talking about who they are as if it did matter.

      And if you think Fr. Cekada would post GIFs of rock stars and Hollywood actors on a discussion forum then you need a bit of help yourself.

    11. "This is the SECOND time now that the owners here commit grammatical boo boos whilst doing their darn best to humiliate me. "

      Um, I think this person tried pointing who they were, does that not?

      Reread,"Anyone defending you," would indicate that someone else, not Cekada, is using current popstar pics.

      You don't make sense.

    12. Anon. 8:47 and 2:58, no I am not Cekada.

    13. I am not the previous poster ...

      Anon, why are you so concerned with saying that people writing in these comments are Fr. Cekada? We've already told you we're not him.

      And you said earlier that it doesn't matter who someone is.

      Can you please just let this go, and stop trying to guess who we are.

  19. When did Laurel and Hardy (anons above) start reading this blog? Every time I read one of their comments, it's as though I am back in elementary school listening to two class clowns making stupid jokes because they don't have anything important or even relevant to say.


  20. Our local priest and I got into a screaming match very recently..we disagreed and we almost were ready to fist fight.
    Eventually we calmed down he heard my confession and now it's fine.
    Damn we're lucky some of these clerics sound like a cut rate flying trapeze act.My point is our priest is down to earth,lives like a hermit with no T.V. or computer.We are very blessed not to have a pompous greedy leech like the self proclaimed Vatican in exile of OH/FL.

    1. What was the fight about?

    2. He was showing me that I had anger built up and not love.
      Second,to make me understand what people say about me is pointless.Long as I am living right and making good decisions,what men say about me is pointless.
      It's what the Lord knows that matters.
      It was a valuable lesson.
