
Saturday, March 19, 2016


A fool, unless he knows Latin, is never a great fool. Spanish Proverb

Editor's Note: Here's the March installment of our monthly feature publicizing the gross errors of Dannie's ORDO 2016. Think of all the money wasted on this vain effort of frustrated self-promotion, money that could have been used for the gaspingly expensive new HVAC system the cult masters want.

If you were looking in Dannie's ORDO 2016 for one example of breathtaking incompetence and ignorance, look no further than the Palm Sunday entry (p. 31). The Latin flubs there are so horrendous that we're devoting one entire post to their exposure. We ask you to bear with us as we lay the blunders bare. Have no fear: we'll explain all the Latin for you.

As is our practice, we won't focus on petty typographical errors like Dannie's printing Passonis instead of Passionis, or even possible typos like his benedicuntur Palmas rather than benedicuntur palmæ.*  (After all, the e and the s are close to each other on a keyboard, aren't they?) Accordingly, we'll stick to the monster muffs, starting with the following bungled copying job made worse by the cult "priests'" inability to navigate Latin (errors in red):**
Hodie et in Feriis III et IV in Missis privatis, itemque in Missa cantu sine Ministris Sacris, legitur Passionem in cornu Evangelii. In Missis vero solemnibus usque ad Munda cor meum in cornu Epististolæ.
You needn't be a literary critic to infer that Dannie took as —let's euphemistically call it —"inspiration" the following text from the reliable Saint Lawrence Press (SLP) ordo, where we find under Palm Sunday the following notation (the bracketed words in purple indicating our expansion of the original's abbreviations):
Hodie et Fer[ia] iii et Fer[ia] iv in M[issa] priv[ata] itemque in M[issa] cant[ata] sine Ministris Sacris legitur Passio in cornu Evangelii; in M[issa] vero solemn[i] usque ad Munda cor meum in cornu Epistolæ.
A child can see that Dannie's ORDO 2016 is heavily dependent on the SLP text. (Some of the almost negligible differences are perhaps attributable to an unsuccessful effort to avoid the label of copy-cat.) A close look at the errors printed in red will reveal the cult "clergy's" utter inability to fathom liturgical Latin. Now hang on with us here as we briefly gloss each one. Cross our hearts, we promise we'll keep it as straightforward as possible:
Cantu: It's obvious that Dannie's compiler(s) stumbled badly because he/they couldn't understand the abbreviated SLP text, "in M[issa] cant," which stands for cantata, "in a sung Mass." If they wanted to alter the original to conceal their dependence on the SLP text, they should have written in cantu. 
Passionem: The problem is that Passionem is accusative (direct object), and as such it cannot be the subject of the finite passive verb legitur. For the subject, we must use the nominative form, Passio, as does the SLP ordo. Dannie's text would translate something like "it is read the Passion" rather than "the Passion is read," as the SLP's Latin gives. Now this error really puzzled us. Even the woefully uneducated cult "priests" should know that the nominative is the subject case. Furthermore, last year's SLP version printed the correct legitur Passio, they had a correct model at hand.
So, then, how did Daniel the Schlemiel manage to produce this screaming howler? 
We think we know the answer, at least partially. We looked at back editions of the SLP and found that, before 2006, the text read lege Passionem, the imperative or command form — "read the Passion!" We hypothesize that the compiler(s) may have started with an older version of the SLP instruction, then modified the verb based on a newer edition, but neglected to change Passionem to Passio. And since they're such bad Latinists, they didn't spot the goof at proofreading because the words made sense to their English-only mindset. 
Epististolæ: "Whoa!" the traddie rite-trash out there are going to holler in their characteristic twang. "That's just a typographical error! You lying hell-fodder swore you wouldn't nitpick typos." Yes, we did promise to skip the small stuff. But we're not drawing attention to this blunder out of pettiness. 
It's symptomatic of how careless the compiler(s) is/are and how hastily he/they cobbled together this shameful piece of junk in insolent defiance of Catholic tradition and best practice. The error isn't merely a simple one-letter transposition, omission, substitution, or addition. Three whole letters added to a word that "priests" supposedly see every day should never have been overlooked, not even by these malformed slackers! The error's survival betrays a profound disrespect for the buyers of ORDO 2016 and thus deserves a memorial here. 
Moving on to the sentence that follows the failures we catalogued above, we find not only another instance of shocking incompetence in Latin but also of the cult's contempt for the law.

Let's compare the following sentence in Dannie's ORDO 2016,
Quando sacerdos duas Missas legit, potest legendi una tantum Passionem (lit., "When a priest reads two Masses, he can of reading in one only the Passion" — Huh?? THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE IN DANNIE'S TOPSY-TURVY CULTILANDIA!) 
to the corresponding SLP text:
Si quis ex speciali facultate binas Missas hodie celebret, potest in una legere ex Ev[angelio] de Pass[ione] Dñi [= Domini] postrem[am] tantum partem (lit., "If anyone by reason of a special faculty celebrates two Masses today, in one he can read the last part only from the Gospel of the Lord's Passion" — NOW THAT MAKES SENSE!)
The differences are substantial. We don't know whether the cult "clergy" composed it themselves or took it from another source. Apart from (1) the egregious boner of printing legendi, a gerund, instead of the complementary infinitive with potest (as correctly shown in the SLP ordo); and (2) the low-brow substitution of the cardinal numeral duas for the distributive binas,*** the Latin here and in the subsequent sentence referring to the pars Evangelii is OK, something we wouldn't expect from cult "priests." Consequently, we conclude they took it from another source, but, owing to their bad Latin, they botched the transcription.

The question we must ask is, Why did the cult compilers deviate so extremely from their SLP model (and, BTW, from the old Cincinnati archdiocese models they possess, as well)?  The answer may have to do with the "special faculty" to binate on these days. In the rudderless Sede Vacante, there is no ordinary to grant permission to a binating priest (who would have obtained the faculty in advance) to recite in one Mass the last few verses of the Gospel text rather than read (or chant) the entire lengthy Passion narrative for a second time on the same day.

Inasmuch as the cult masters find it inconvenient to follow the old rules (except when doing so is to their benefit), these usurpers pretend it's hunky-dory for any trad priest to skip reading the entire Passion in one of his Masses when he binates. Like everything else they do, from ordination to bination, they do so on their own and outside the Church. Such practices may be necessary, and even warranted in order to continue the Church's saving mission in these terrible times. Just don't pretend they're licit or, what's worse, that "Bishop (?)" Dannie's slyly granting the privilege to the suckers who bought his disastrous ORDO 2016.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

By hawking such a mess, His Idiocy announced to Trad Nation that he really doesn't care about the classic Roman liturgy at all. To this pipsqueak fool, his ORDO 2016 was nothing more than bait to lure witless donors with a view to separating them from their savings. Worried, no doubt, by all the bad publicity Pistrina's exposure occasioned, he pulled his aborted attempt to impress Trad Nation off the market. 
Too late. He never should have embarked on the project. He hasn't the right stuff... and never will have.

The truth is, Dubious Dan is no liturgist, and the briskly decaying SGG cult center is not the Roman liturgy's last stand. Tomorrow, the only palm that'll mean anything to "One Hand" will be is own grimy, little palm itching for the Gerties' Easter cash.

In pious memory of the late Nancy Reagan, when the Dirtbag greedily reaches for his next handout...


* We only called this blooper a typo out of charity. The real reason, we suspect, is the "clergy's" dismal knowledge of Latin: when they were transcribing the text, they must've substituted the accusative plural for the nominative plural because they didn't understand the elementary syntax of the passive voice.
** Although you need only to focus on the errors in red, for the boldly curious, here are literal translations for Dannie's hot mess and the correct SLP text printed shortly after:
Dannie: "Today and on Ferias III and IV in private Masses, and likewise in a Mass [in] song without sacred ministers it is read the Passion [direct object!] in the Gospel Corner. But in solemn Masses in the Epistle corner up to the Munda cor meum."
SLP: "Today and on Feria III and Feria IV in a private Mass and likewise in a sung Mass without sacred ministers the Passion is read in the Gospel Corner; but in a solemn Mass in the Epistle corner 
up to the Munda cor meum."
*** In choicer Latin diction, the distributive (binas in the SLP) is used of a pair rather than the cardinal (duas in Dannie's ORDO 2016), the pair being the two Masses allowed to a priest binating on these days.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. We hope more people will see through the cult's pretense.

  2. Once again, Catholics are indebted to Pistrina/Reader for shining the spotlight of truth on the works and pomps of the SGG cult.

    Yet, there are those turn their heads away and shut their eyes to the truth. We know who these scum are, the enablers of the cult leaders.

    1. Genuinely pious Catholics can take some comfort in knowing that the lowlife enablers of the SGG cult are far removed from participating in authentic worship, if they think Dannie's over-the-top extravaganzas constitute liturgy.

      In fact, Wee Dan's big, expensive, theatrical production numbers are liturgically meaningless in that the malformed pantomimists who stage them cannot possess a deep understanding of the genius of the Roman rite.

      With their proven ignorance of Latin, the SGG "clergy" must of necessity lack the substance to inform their ritual actions. (What you don't know can and does hurt you.)

      Hence the cult "clergy's" liturgical practice is shallow performance art, no more religiously significant than if the cult-crazed Gerties hired a troupe of monolingual Taiwanese ballroom dancers to put on a "really big show" every Sunday.

      And performance art, no matter how luxuriously costumed, tirelessly rehearsed, or carefully choreographed, is NOT Catholicism.

  3. I really don't like that use of ' quando ' up above. I seem to recall Reggie telling us that it was an import from the Italian. On the other hand that practice is understandable since Italians probably wrote those rubrics.

    1. We certainly agree with the great Fr. Foster. It approaches dog Latin and, indeed, in our first draft, we had added a footnote of criticism.

      When quando means "when" outside an interrogative sentence, it is in the sense of "at which time." In Dannie's failed effort, the sense is clearly "in circumstances when" (cum) or "whenever" (quandocumque).

      We deleted the criticism for the reasons similar to those you suggest: the poor diction was probably in the original from which they copied, and so it would be unfair to call them out for something not of their making and which they are educationally impeded from correcting.

    2. Although nothing can be determined, short of an admission from a compiler, no one should dismiss out of hand the possibility that cult "clergy" composed the inelegant clause.

      If one hypothesizes the cult illiterates wanted to alter SLP text so as to skirt the inconvenient fact that a binating priest needs the previously granted faculty from the ordinary to recite only Altera autem die, then it's very possible these guys just looked up the words they needed in an English-Latin dictionary. After all, the substitution When a priests reads two Masses is but six English words in length. Moreover, a quick inspection of popular English-Latin dictionaries (e.g., Cassell's, Langenscheidt) shows that the first word usually given is quando.

  4. Another excellent post again.In todays SGG bulletin more funds needed again for the hvac system.Where is the funds from the former St Clares Church that Checkie took.Almost every week Dolan is asking for funds.What is wrong with the few remaining cult members,they are well brainwashed.Do you know if the SSPV are fund hungry too?

    1. From what people tell us, the SSPV has nowhere near as many fund-raising appeals as the SGG cult. And when they do ask for money, they are hugely successful because their people trust them to do right by their gifts.

      The remaining Gerties must be braindead. No live human beings would put up with the beggars' cavalcade.

    2. This just goes to show that the SSPV (whom Dannie and Checkie criticize) have better leadership, management and stewardship. And that the people at SSPV are sane, normal folks.

      As for the Gerties: are they sub-human or what?

    3. The Gerties who remain blindly loyal to their incompetent masters are truly missing something needed for full participation in what we call human life. They are sociopaths at the very least, with a depraved indifference to their family's welfare.

      Still, even these severely dislocated beasts must have a limit to how much of their own money they can waste on Dannie's frivolities. Surely they must be asking themselves, in their own inarticulate way, why there is so much mismanagement and why the cult masters can't save money for a rainy day.

      They may only be capable of the most rudimentary kind of thought, but that doesn't exclude questioning Dannie's Mexican holiday, Uneven-Steven's Ecuadoran romp, and Checkie's monthly getaways to the fetid swampland pesthouse in tropical Florida. Eventually the disconnect will become manifest and they'll grunt in protest, "If we have so much here at SGG, how come you guys can't save for emergencies like we have to do?"

      Nothing will come of it, of course. Dannie will keep on spending and then asking for more bailout money when the next "pressing current need" threatens to interrupt his vacation plans. The Gertie sub-humans will cough up the cash to their detriment until there's no more to give.

      The poorly constructed cult center is falling apart, and the "pressing needs" will only grow in the coming months and years. Dannie's appetite for travel can only increase as resources diminish. At some point, there stress will be too much for all parties involved.


    1. No, we don't know anything concrete, except that the CMRI cult must be saving on postage by not sending flyers to people smart enough not to hand them over any money. We have, however, heard many rumors about money problems and declining attendance for that rotten group.

      A blessed Easter to you, too.

    2. Hi, Reader

      In what egregious way is CMRI a rotten group?

      My impression is that CMRI (when compared to SGG) is still somewhat decent. Or are they on par with SGG in terms of nastiness and nuttiness?

    3. No, it's not the same, and they do tend to be more pastorally oriented. Furthermore, they tend to keep out of the nutty disputes. However, beneath that veneer, they are many concerns, as many of the commenters have revealed here (clerical supervision, formation, etc.).

      All "bishop"-led cults are rotten in one way or another. Perhaps later today, those with more experience with the CMRI will provide you with concrete examples.

  6. The Reader made a great point when he said, “Beneath that veneer,” a phrase that competently describes the disorder church of sedevacantism. I remember some years ago a web site called the Rogue Bishop, chronicling the dysfunctional and incompetent leadership of CMRI. It opened my eyes to the ineptitude of its leaders and lengths they will go through to keep membership.
    One of the tactics a good cult leader will employ is called equivocation – a use of words concealing the truth in order to make you think with favor on a particular issue. It’s a lie peddled on the cult-goers to satisfy them into giving money. CMRI has seen its fair share of “pastoral” bungles, leading to the exodus of people and straining the purses. For instance, look at the sisters who left in the late 2000’s, they brought with them a great number of lay people. My sources tell me that there are a few stalwarts that will always remain, but the majority of people attending their productions of the Latin Mass are by and large new suckers who want the pageantry of the TLM. But, they too will be disenchanted with the lack of charity, lack of scholarly knowledge, and the bungling of its leaders.
    Marky Mark is nothing than a power hungry imbecile. He has no education, as he attended the cult from the age of 15. He was trained by Francis Schuckardt. He saw an opportunity after the ouster of Schuckardt and moved fast to become a “bishop.” One Hand Dan also saw the opportunity to have Marky Mark consecrate him, but to his dismay, One Hand did what he does best – bite the hand that feeds him. He quickly distanced himself from Pivy and engaged in “stealing” seminarians over the years. Buffoonery at its finest, rogue traditionalist claiming they are the saviors of the Church, dismissing the fact Jesus would be with His Church till the end of time. There can be no greater pride than to claim this position.
    There is so much more to add, maybe for another day…

    1. Hope that day comes soon! We really want to hear more.

      You've got these guys pegged perfectly.

      Thanks much.

    2. Hey,thanks so much for your excellent posting.Yes,a friend of ours printed off all that material from the now defunct rogue bishop website and is very interesting to read.Do you have any idea how many lay folk went when the 15-17 sisters left back in 2007?Did you read the articles that Father Terence Fulham wrote in his church column,one of called MSM-fountain of tradition?

      Yes,please tell us more

  7. It was brought to my attention by a former "cleric" from CMRI that at one of the "priest" meetings they were interpreting canon law from Latin to English on a various topic, and he was taken aback at what he saw – every “priest” pulled out their Latin to English dictionaries and hacked their way through the text. Contrast that to Theologians and scholars in the Church who can hold texts side by side reading fluently the Latin, Aramaic, and Greek. This just goes to show that any fraudster can put on a miter, hold a crosier and bend his finger like the Infant of Prague while blessing the mindless cultlings in the pews. Their intellectual acumen whether it is in the realm of life or theology is seriously lacking any and all logic.
    As far as money is concerned, I don’t think they (CMRI) are struggling nearly as bad as Dolan. In fact, in one of his ADSUM’s they gloated about purchasing a little country church from the Catholic Church. So, Cultlandia West to the chagrin of many is moving along. It is kind of interesting to see how Peppy Piv manages to keep a low profile.
    Have any of you heard the Cultlandia community at large excoriate the Catholic Church over the sexual abuse issue? This is CMRI Achilles heel…

    1. The cult "clergy" are abysmally ignorant of the sacred languages, as we have demonstrated over and over again (and will continue to demonstrate in the months to come).

      One of the Readers recalled for us an anecdote about one of his teachers back in the '60s. When studying at Rome in one of the pontifical universities after WWII, other seminarians remembered that after full dinner of pasta and wine, they would pass this great man's room where they would see him lying on his bed contentedly reading ancient Aramaic texts, without a lexicon in sight.

      And now we have scum who cannot read Latin easily (or at all) and who, like Checkie, perversely translate it.

      This is a farce.

    2. As far as that church in NE that CMRI brought.They paid $16,000 but Piv never told his followers that in his newsletter.He also told the farce that there were Novus Ordo priests at the auction bidding for the church items.Why would they bid,if they wanted the church items they belonged to their diocese so they would take them.What woke us up was the straight out lies and dishonesty of Marky Mark.Yes,we would love to hear more from the Critic.

  8. Better yet, have you ever noticed these clowns (especially the Cheeseburger) being taped in front of their vast libraries? Mind you, they have all the old Latin text antique looking books that they NEVER use or read. It's all a façade. I knew a "priest" once that Dickering Dan stole from Pivy who had one of these libraries and he could barely write a coherent sentence. Frauds! Every last one of them!

    1. LOL -- Yes, we have noticed those props. Everything in Tradistan is just for show. Part of the marketing plan, we guess.

      Anyone who gets to know these guys soon becomes aware of their massive limitations.

      Now that the Cheeseball has been called out for his ignorance of Latin, theology, and canon law, all that background decoration is useless. The world sees him for the sub-educated featherbrain he is. At last, he's not fooling anybody outside the cult, and even inside there is a growing number of folks who see his deficits and despise him for pretending to be otherwise. Why, even the CMRI louts smirk when his name comes up. And when you're the butt of those nincompoops' jokes, it's time to hang it all up, assume the fetal position, and hope people forget you.

  9. Gentlemen, thank you for your work here at Pistrina over the past several years. I know you've endured slander and detraction at various "Catholic" sites which I will not mention for, what I believe to be, righteous indignation at the behavior of various Sede personae and organizations. Fortunately I live a significant distance away from the Sede paludes you have noted (perhaps stagnum would be more appropriate, I'm not much of a Latinist) so I never became involved with these 'rite trash' as you so aptly dubbed them.

    Some of the grammar and syntax issues you've highlighted remind me of high school level Latin class where one student referred to a corpulent cleric as "Italian fatso profugus" after doing a reading of Book I of Aeneid except the HS students knew that they were mutilating the language for comic effect.

    1. Both words well describe sedelandia uliginosa, where stunted souls die of spiritual starvation. How we envy the privileged who have never encountered the non-sentient cultlings or their imbecilic American clergy.

      The problem with the illiterate sede cult masters is that they could never appreciate the wit of your far more gifted schoolmate. (We doubt if they could even divine the original of our old classroom Lenten jest of "Parsnips on a stormy day.") In truth, the majority of the traddie "priests" over here have never set eyes on the Mantuan's masterpiece (in the original Latin or in English translation).

    2. I don't recall the "Parsnips on a stormy day" jest you mentioned. Then again I went to a Novus Ordo "Catholic" High School. While I'm grateful for attending since it was worlds better than the local cloaca maxima Publik High Skoool (strong emphasis on High since some teachers were ex-hippie Woodstock attendees) there were significant lacunae in my education, especially on matters of pre-1965 Catholicism. All that Aggiornamento was Yves Congar and company moving towards Calvin rather than Augustine, but I digress.

      At least it wasn't a complete theological Modernist institution. The Catholic faith subsisted (pun intended) in many of the older teachers and clergy.

      Did you hear the one about Orestes taking a torn pair of pants to the tailor?
      The tailor says .. hey, Euripedes?
      Orestes replies .. yeah, Eumenides!

    3. It looks to us as though you received a pretty good education from that N.O. institution. You can be sure it's several orders of magnitude better than the miserable schooling sede kids get from those rotten cult "schools." We've heard eyewitness accounts, and they're terrifying.

      The "parsnips etc." was one wag's reading of parve nobis, Domine, which used to infuriate nun in charge of the choir. (It earned the offender a nice rap on the knuckles from her pointer, as we tried to stifle our laughter.)

      And yes, we've heard that classics-class vaudevillian schtick -- from our Greek II teacher, no less. (He was born in Bologna, so he delivered the lines perfectly.) Fond memories of better days. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

  10. Say what you will, but the CMRI sisters did help promote Gregorian chant at ACL conferences. Actually they may have spearheaded the current revolution in Latin teaching amongst the younger teachers.

    1. I wholeheartedly agree with “The Critic’s” comment about the cult-masters using “props” to make themselves look “studious.” When Dannie (allegedly) became “bishop,” he had some portraits of himself commissioned (and then had “holy-card size” pictures of it printed to hand out to the culties. One such picture had him sitting in front of a bookcase (in all his Episcopal regalia, of course), and with an open book in his hands. After his “consecration,” these full-color “commemorative pictures” were handed out to the parishioners as “keepsakes.” The problem is that he was NOT looking at the book, but was staring off into the sunset, with a (supposedly) contemplative look on his face. But actually, it was more of a wistful, whimsical look (as if he were “contemplating” Caravaggio or Puccini “munching out” on a baby bunny). Lucky for him, the picture was cropped, so that the crayons (for the book) were out of sight.

    2. Anon. Mar. 24, 3:06 PM

      Could you tell us to which younger teachers you are referring? We know quite a few teachers of Latin, both in public and private schools, who are part of the resurgence in classical studies at the high-school level. None of them has ever mentioned these CMRI sisters as contributing anything to the current enthusiasm.

      Before we wrote this reply, we texted several of the best, and they had no idea at all about the contribution you suggest. Furthermore, among the professionals we know, no one gives any credence to traddie "Latinity". Of course, we're referring to teachers with credentials who teach in real schools. They know that trads, sede in particular have no Latin to speak of.

  11. I can assure you, there is no one in the CMRI coo coo's nest that possesses the necessary credentialing in the noble language of Latin. Don't know what anon is talking about, but I can assure you that he is parroting the mindless infidels that comprise the order of buffoonery known as CMRI.
    I think it is such dishonesty and boobery on their parts to assume they were actually responsible for anything intellectual in any arena and promoting it, no less. Latin is still a major field of study, just do google search and you will see that the language is still being taught properly by professors who are fluent.
    O naivete of naivete! Or rather, bunglers of truth.

    1. We, too, find it hard to believe that these so-called nuns' appearances at American Classical League conferences have had much of an impact on promoting either chant or the study of Latin.

      At conferences of such professional associations, there are usually many exhibitors riding their hobbie horses. They were merely one among many, perhaps attracting some attention owing to their habits, but having very little if any influence on curriculum policy.

      The resurgence of classical studies today is being driven by factors other than chant (which, at best, is a novelty for most classics teachers). Asserting that these "nuns" are having a national or even a regional impact is, as you say, naïve in the extreme.

  12. You evidently did not take account of my use of the subjunctive. I did not assert anything other than the fact that the sisters did promote Gregorian chant at ACL. Their workshops were standing room only. I remember colleagues telling me how edified they were by the sisters' advocacy of music.

    Please! Those ridiculous habits were not at all an attraction for anyone as far as I remember. They're as bad as the habits of those blue boy canons.

    1. In point of fact, we did note carefully the potential subjunctive usage of the remark, and that notice directly inspired our reply. In English, the potential subjunctive in the present tense form represents a statement as "probably conforming to fact or reality" or as "likely, probable" (Curme, vol. two, sect. 41).

      In our view, it is inconceivable that these so-called nuns "spearheaded the current revolution in Latin teaching amongst the younger teachers," as Anon. Mar. 24, 3:06 PM affirmed.

      On the other hand, enthusiastic advocacy of a revered art form is an altogether different matter. We can readily see how its bright manifestation in a conference workshop would draw admiration along with favorable comment from professionals in attendance.

      That, however, is not the same thing as spearheading the current revolution, which the commenter's mood choice suggested as conceivable. It's not, except perhaps in the minds of untutored traddies.

  13. Thus ends another interesting lesson on the need to be precise in our writing so that things are made clear. Some people can write things in support of their own cause in such a way as to make a believer of us, until we really THINK about the words used.

    1. How right you are. Not being mind readers, we must rely on actual text and its syntax to discern meaning. If that yields an utterance other than the writer's original intent, then the writer should amend the original message, after first acknowledging the miscue.

  14. My senses zeroed in on the use of equivocation. As The Reader pointed out, "spearheaded the current revolution in Latin teaching amongst the younger teachers," misleads the feeble mushy minds of trads to believe these blue clad heroines of ineptness has something to do with something not in any way assigned to them. Equivocation, my friends, know it and understand it.

    1. And equivocation is at the heart of the "bishop"-led cults.

  15. No equivocation intended, simply caution; I really have no iron in this fire.

    Actually, I thought you would be pleased to hear positive comments about those sisters since most of the Sede clergy seem to be less than perfect, and have disappointed you in many ways.

    1. We appreciate the thought, we really do. But everything about Sedelandia is inauthentic, and these "nuns," despite their obvious good intentions, which we don't despise, are part of this awful pantomime. Nice as they no doubt are, they do not belong in the company of real educators.

  16. There is nothing positive in any group founded to splinter the Body of Christ, no matter how well intentioned. CMRI has hurt too many people by their arrogant/ignorant approach to religion and by the all the abuse mental, physical and sexual.

  17. Speaking of abuse - I finally bought the book written by that ex-CMRI nun, Sherri Schettler, "Spiritual Blackmail -My Journey Through a Catholic Cult". An interesting read. She left in 2000. I suggest Anon 12:44AM read it.

  18. You poor little fellers,yall still bellyachin & moaning all these years later?
    haha I am kidding with yall lighten up.
