
Saturday, March 5, 2016


Misera est servitus ubi jus est vagum aut incertum. ("wretched is the bondage where the law is fickle or uncertain"). Latin Legal Maxim

After last week's post, some emailers asked, "Where, along the path to the ruin, did Big Don and Co. lose their way?" Our correspondents, you see, were at a loss to explain how anyone who had attended Écône under the archbishop would dare to claim in public he could divine the intention of John XXIII, who's been dead for well over 50 years.*

Did the Swami of Sedelandia hold a séance to commune with the deceased in the spirit world?

Did he pull out a well-used pack of occult tarot cards?

Or, perhaps his cat is a spirit guide capable of channeling Roncalli at will?

OUR answer to the query is that all these sede ecclesiastical freebooters never changed. They're the same now as they were back in the day, only a little more shaken, a little more prone to wild fantasies since they scattered like cockroaches back to their grimy holes, scurrying from the lamp of scrutiny. We mean, the situation's pretty bleak when Wee Dan has to sneak off in the shadows to Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, for his 2016 Lenten run to the border.

The passing years have only ossified the lawless habits of thought ingrained many decades ago, habits never eradicated by enlightened study of authentic Catholic sources. So, return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear, as we bring to light a telling anecdote recently shared with us:
Long, long ago (the very early 1980s, in fact), when The Nine were yet nestling cozily in the ample bosom of the SSPX, the archbishop ordained to the subdiaconate a man trained at its American seminary. A short time thereafter (so our source assures us) the authorities, for reasons never disclosed, decided to "dispense" the young Levite, who left the institution and was told he was free to marry. 
This simple, apparently innocuous, reminiscence from the murky past is worth pausing over, for in it we see, with the appropriate illumination, the same inconsistency and usurpation of authority that characterizes TradWorld's scofflaw "clergy" to this very day.

For some background, let's consult the Jesuit T. Lincoln Bouscaren, who notes, "the canonical obligation [to celibacy] begins with major orders, of which the subdiaconate is the lowest." Although the vow of celibacy is "no longer express" in the ordination of subdeacons, the vow, according to the more common teaching, "is implied." Moreover, "if the ordinand expressly declines the vow he is bound by the law" of celibacy. (Emphasis in the original.)

If all that's true, then where, you might well ask, did the guys in charge get the authority to reduce our subdeacon to the lay state? Was it "by rescript of the Holy See" or "by judicial decree in accordance with canon 214"? There's no evidence of that, and it's highly unlikely anyway, given the tensions at the time between the society, the archbishop, and Rome. How, good Catholics demand to know, could any well-formed churchman of good conscience and in a position of responsibility have agreed to "dispense" the subdeacon?

Even if the questionable decision came from higher-ups, why didn't some principled soul involved protest, or even resign if necessary? Such a reaction wasn't unheard of in the American SSPX. Earlier an SSPX official resigned after the archbishop ordained a candidate to the priesthood in spite of the official's strenuous objection.

Probably everybody went along at the time because they thought that by taking the law into their own hands they could mold it to their liking in the traddie gloom. Such is the way of slothful autocrats, who imitate others' bad example. For these clerical prison wardens, the law is a coercive weapon of convenience. They wield it like a scourge to impose on the prostrate laity cooperation or submission, but hang it out of sight when they want to have their own way. Consistency means nothing; expediency is everything.

Sanctioning the unspeakably cruel death of Terri Schiavo, illicitly suppressing the Leonine Prayers, inventing new mortal sins, implying canonical status, fabricating liturgical innovations like the "pontifical Missa cantata," selectively adopting or repudiating Pius XII's legislation, perversely mistranslating infallible papal teaching, etc., etc., are all of a piece with the Donster's retrospective reading of a dead man's mind. It's all part of ruling by will rather than by law. Why bother with reflection grounded in theological or canonical reality when you can imagine an answer that suits you?

In a nutshell, these "clerical" renegades are baldly making it all up as they go along. It's far easier — and more unjustly advantageous — to be arbitrary than to be subject to the same rules that bind other Catholics. There can be no messy challenge when the law is what the cult masters say it is, or when that law can be different tomorrow, if it so pleases these down-market despots. That's doubly true if the authentic interpreter of the law is also a spirit medium.

By now, we're sure some of you cult victims out there are hopping-mad at this post. So, why not go ahead and test us? Ask your cult Caligula the following questions:
(1) Today, if a pesthouse subdeacon wanted to walk away from his vow of celibacy, would it be a mortal sin?  And,
(2) if a subdeacon can be "dispensed," how could a sede "bishop" dispense him, seeing that, as Bouscaren says, "dispensation is an act of jurisdiction"?
Be sure to send us the replies ( We're waiting with bated breath for the light to shine on what they have to say.

* (Click here to refresh your memory.)


  1. I don't know these clergy nor ever met any of them.This is a pure guess and I'm probably wrong.
    Could it possibly be they were young,inexperienced,and not in possession of canon law knowledge?
    Again,not saying I'm right but it's possible.
    It's sad our current situation has such bad blood and history. (All the way around for everyone involved)
    I will pray for you all tonight!
    G-d bless you all Dominus Vobiscum
    Deo Gratias foe our blessings and gifts in life,Blessed Lord Jesus Christ.

    1. Certainly it goes without saying that they were and still are ignorant of canon law as well as of theology and philosophy. But why didn't they look it up? There must have been a basic library at the seminary that contained something useful. And if not, they could have gone over to NY and visited a real seminary library.

  2. Seems to me these men make their own rules when it benefits them.

    Does Cekada really think that people cared about his lowly opinion of Schiavo? The only thing he accomplished was alienating his own parish. His opinion matters to no one else.

    His smirky YouTube videos are laughable, and like normal, he thinks he is a somebody. He's a nobody, trying to pretend he is more intelligent than he is and that people actually respect his opinion.

    The days of SGG being able to live the high life is over...what did Sanborn's letter say? People won't be happy until they are stocking shelves at Kroger? Maybe people would just be happy if they cared for souls as much as they cared for notoriety and vacations to lodges.

  3. Cekada is finished. He produces those dumb videos because he cannot answer S & S in continuous, coherent, academic prose. They have beaten him completely, and all he can do is play to the peanut gallery.

    It's time for him to move out. He was wrong on Schiavo and wrong on everything else. Not even Kroger wants him.

    1. Not yet - although we hope it may be soon.

      Cekada is still wanted: by the Perverse Remnant of SGG, and by the disgustingly wilfully blind of CMRI - the scum who support/defend the doings or sayings of Dolan/Cekeda.

    2. Thanks for the correction. We should have been more specific, adding "in the normal world."The dysfunctional SGG family does seem to still tolerate him, don't they?

      At least we know there are some who assist at SGG and at the depraved satellites who recognize he's toast. After S & S get through, only the most degraded Gerties and pesthouse knuckle-draggers will be left to defend and admire him. We'll wager that now even the lumpen CMRI "clergy" no longer believe all that BS about his being a theologian and a scholar.

  4. Parishioners talk amongst themselves about these misguided priests. The constant asking for more money is too much for parishioners to deal with anymore, especially seeing vacation trips, trips to Mexico and Europe, and misuse of funds. When are these men going to wake up and see it is THEM who are causing their parishioners to leave?

    If we are suppose to be there for just the Mass and not pay attention to anything else, than why can't these men JUST be there to give us the Mass and stop playing celebrity YouTube actors, running around giving talks to 5 people in Europe, or planning trips to Mexico every Lent?

    These cult centers are jokes, and their behavior is ridiculous.

    1. We have every reason to believe that the trips are going to increase. We'll post about it next week.

  5. These clerics can't hold a candle to a certain priest of the official church who somehow gets the brain dead laity to send him donations every month. He reaps so much that he can travel to faraway places. Presently he's in the City and evidently is consuming lots of meat during this Lenten season. Your Danny boy looks like Fr. Benson, the founder of the Cowley chill, compared to this rascal.

  6. Remember that the rogue you know was formed under the "system" and hence is a professional. Wee Dan, Big Don, Phony Tony, and the rest of the gang are rank amateurs at everything they undertake -- theology, philosophy, church administration, and money grubbing.

    Furthermore, they're so dysfunctional they can't hold on the their donors for very long. Your guy sounds like he can keep his marks giving and giving and giving. We'd also guess he can afford to dine out frequently, while Dannie has to plead with the rite trash low life for the occasional gut-busting casserole.

    We imagine there's also a marked difference in destinations. Dannie's pretty much confined now to a few small spots in Mexico and an occasional pit stop in Argentina when he has enough cash to inspire the local clergy to extend an invitation. Your boy, on the other hand, probably travels the world in style without having to spend as much as 50p of his own.

  7. I think they're talkin' about this "faux" trad 'priest':

    They surely do form professional thieves in the N.O.:

    Not to mention this one who gave sacks of cash to St JP2:

    To me the main reason your boyz collect less money is not their formation, but because they still make some demands. Fr Z definitely doesn't want ANYONE coming to his house (anymore than Corapi) nor is he building/running a church (let alone a school), it's just blog (eat) beg, blog (eat) beg, blog (eat) beg...

    Here's another one (though no cleric):

    Surprised you all are not seeking donations for your important apostolate--also surprised you haven't mentioned that "We are happy to announce that there is now available for purchase a gorgeous commemorative coin of Saint Pius X, minted exclusively at the request of the traditional Catholic True Restoration apostolate, and not available elsewhere. Made of a composite metal (not silver or platinum)..."

  8. Anon., Mar. 7, 10:35 PM

    No, these characters don't really demand anything if you're a big donor. Principal benefactors get all sorts of perks and "indults" from the rules that enslave the other culties. These guys lose their donors by picking stupid fights and insulting people.

    BTW, you're mistaken if you think we're part of the sede promotional circus.

  9. We have just watched the last video of Checkie.It is just trash.Why can't he answer the questions that S and S ask in their outstanding book.We once believed most of what he taught but no longer.Pivarunas will not answer either because he will be made mincemeat too and that is what will be worrying him.We stopped supporting CMRI a long time ago.He never takes any action on certain priest's he has ordained who cause untold damage to Souls.Keep up the fine work.We look forward to next week's article.God bless and keep you.

    1. We'll also include the link to the S&S post that tears that stupid video to pieces.

      S & S are practically begging the Cheeseburger for a written response, but we all know he can't do it. Although we don't care for the CMRI, they do provide Checkie with a good example in this case: duck and keep your mouth shut!

  10. Hi there Reader.Our extended family have also watched those video's of Cekada and yes they are indeed garbage.

    The people above are right Piv will not answer because John and Robert will smash his writings.We know that Piv doe's not want his little empire like the SGG cult center to go.Ha,Ha

    1. Piv doesn't know much, but he does understand that discretion is the better part of valor. No one can go wrong by taking "Dirty Harry's" advice: "A man's got to know his limitations."

      Piv knows his. Checkie's too dim to acknowledge his own. He's going to keep letting S & S skewer him! We look forward to many more months of fun watching them roast the Checkmeister.

  11. "Gene's exposed the stupidity of all the arguments that the liturgy [ sic ] Pian liturgy was mythically contaminated."

    In Carusi's work, which you have linked to and cited here before, we find the following:

    "Father Carlo Braga, the right arm of Annibale Bugnini and for years at the helm of the authoritative review Ephemerides Liturgicae, defined the reform of Holy Saturday in bold terms, calling it "the head of the battering-ram which pierced the fortress of our hitherto static liturgy.""

    There are other bad quotes and changes themselves which make one think that the Pian liturgy was indeed contaminated.

    1. Flawed from a structural point of view and hastily cobbled together? Yes, definitely, as Carusi shows. But contaminated? Hardly! That's way over stretching the metaphor to the point of superstition. A significant part of the older generation living today grew up under the Pian rite, including the trad "clergy" who condemn it.

      Braga's words are nothing but spin and hyperbole. He could have said the same things about the changes Pius X introduced.

    2. Fr. Carusi had his opinion, and I think his opinion should be sent to a future Pope. Whatever a future Pope decides on this matter of discipline is up to him, it is our duty to adhere to the laws up until the death of the last Pope.

      With that said, there are facts about the 1955 rite that cannot be ignored:

      1. It could only have been good, with no evil, error, or incentive to impiety contained in it. The rite was protected by secondary infallibility, so there could never be a reason for a Catholic to have any criticism of the rite itself.

      2. The Pope (Pius XII) also gave an opinion about it, stating, "the new decree on Holy Week, dated November 16, 1955,(3) which has helped the faithful to achieve a better understanding and fuller participation in the love, sufferings and triumph of our Savior." (Sept. 22, 1956 Address)

      3. A Catholic's duty is to trust the Pope, and this revised rite was what the Pope willed for the Church.
      There is no holiness where there is dissent from the Pope. (St. Pius X)

      4. It is a rash assumption that the Pope was somehow, knowingly or not, complicit with the modernists in promulgating a rite that was a stepping stone to the Novus Ordo Missae. It does not matter what Bugnini or some other litugists, whether conservative or liberal, think. It matters what the Pope thought, and the direction he was taking the Church in this age. Catholics trust the judgement of St. Peter's successor and distrust their own private judgements.

      A Catholic should view the liturgical laws of the 1950's, (in accordance with the principles taught by St. Pius X) as good laws that were leading the Church where it needed to be in this age, that were derailed by a heretical antipope.

    3. Were clerics like Leon Gromier who boldly attacked the post 1950's new holy week wrong?
      Have you read his writings?If not check it out when you have time.

  12. I see that your friend Piv has recently disturbed the Protestant tranquillity of New Hampshire.

    1. We hadn't noticed.

      Once those New England Congregationalists meet the malformed "Catholic clergy" they'll laugh their heads off while giving thanks to heaven for the Reformation.

    2. Maybe you, they, S&S and Fellay can all join Francis at the Halloween celebration of Luther! Beware that you don't leap out of the frying pan into the fire...

    3. For heaven's sake, Anon. Mar 8 10:07 PM, grow up!

      Acknowledging the patently obvious faults of Piv and Checkie is not a confession of Protestantism or an oath of fealty to Bergie. Actually, by supporting such characters like the Pivster and Tony Baloney, you make it easier for others to join the modernist revolution.

      If we traditional Catholics want the world to see our position, we've got to rid ourselves of all this malformed "clerical" baggage.

    4. The history of CMRI is a complete and utter disgrace. If you look at their web page under history, you will notice an absence of anything historical regarding its origins. This is a topic for another time and place.
      As to the Boston "mission," one only needs to look back at the sexual abuse explosion in the early 2000's. It was so bad that every group, Catholic or not was in a frenzy to cover their fanny's. CMRI would be no exception.
      The first resident CMRI operative in Boston would be a woman by the name of Sr. Bernadette. A foul woman by nature, she was one of the first Schuckardt adorers to invest themselves in the group. She was a power hungry woman, who headed up the "Singing Nags," who was a staple in the inferior school (St. Michael's Academy) as a teacher. But how could someone so invested in the operations of the cult be immediately sent to an outpost on the other side of the country? Inquiring minds want to know!
      Well, she isn't the saint she claims to be. Being the constant gossiper and divider she is, she has a dirty little secret. Sometime in the late 70's or early 80's she sexually molested a young girl in the school. In fine traddy fashion, they covered it up, that is, until the mainstream media exposed the issues in the Catholic Church.
      So, Pivy Pepperoni, being the calculating control freak that he is abruptly removed her and banished her from traddiland Spokane to a miserable existence in Boston. She is up to her old antics dividing people and lying about other trad groups that pose a threat to their newly established empire. Marky Mark knows what he is doing when it comes to power, so don't underestimate him. Although he couldn't even compete with the Cheesburger, he know how to manipulate and garner support for his ill conceived ideas. I'll expound later.
      The Critic

  13. Well said Reader.We have been wondering what Father Michael Oswalt must be thinking.He must know now that there are major problems with sedeland and his "bishop".It would be good if he broke with CMRI.

    1. Absolutely correct! He should get out as soon as possible. He can easily make it as an independent priest.

    2. If Fr Oswalt could see through the Novus Ordo during his earlier years, there is NO REASON for him (by now) not to see through the CMRI and Piv for what they are. His only concerns might be (a) where to go? (b) who to work with and work under?

    3. Reader, I usually always agree with you, but in this case about Fr. Oswalt going independent, I have to strenuously disagree. He's too young & inexperienced to go it alone & therefore it would be too dangerous and also add yet another faction, which is the last thing we need right now. We need to work together and stop splintering off into groups like Prots. He needs to be under some wise bishop. Please don't suggest yet another priest starting yet another 'path'. All these splinter groups cause too much confusion & animosity. I do agree though, that he needs to get out of the CMRI. I'd say to look into the SSPX. Unfortunately I think he probably heard people bad-mouthing it when he was searching for a place to land after leaving the NO. I wish him well.

    4. We would thoroughly agree with you, except the standard of a "wise bishop" seems impossible to meet. Besides, none of these wandering bishops has jurisdiction, and only a few have ever been through the "system" like Father.

      It seems to us that a wise lay board could do just as good a job of keeping him from falling into the worst habits of the divisive cult masters. Furthermore, we don't think an independent priest necessarily equates to splintering. And splintering is not so bad if it means breaking away from malformed, cult-made "bishops" who have no authority at all from the Church.

      Your point is well taken that in a ideal world, young priests should have lawful superiors to guide them. Sadly that can only occur when the Church is restored.

    5. Why would Fr.Oswalt leave the Novus Ordo only to land right back in their hands via the SSPX?

  14. You say that cult-made bishops have no authority at all from the Church. I am curious as to what you mean by the Church. Is it the people of God, in sixties' lingo?Is it the pope in union with his bishops? Is it synods of bishops? Is it that nebulous concept of eternal Rome? Is it an independent bishop?

    1. We mean the whole visible society known as the Church of Christ, the kingdom of God on earth governed by apostolic authority.

    2. Perhaps Anon. 10 March, 5:07 PM, is unfamiliar with the "authoritative" position Don Sanborn holds among the traddies. But if he is, then he should take note of what the rector wrote in a letter dated May 18, 2004, to the late Robert McKenna:

      "... there is no bishop or priest who has jurisdiction in the traditional movement...I am not a canonical rector of the seminary, and I have no ecclesiastical power to command these seminarians to do anything...To me it is a dangerous fiction to give the impression to anyone, parishioners, seminarians, or religious, that they are submitted to clergy or superiors who are true ecclesiastical superiors. They are not. There is no substitute for the authority of the Church." (Emphasis in the original.)

      So, you see, Sir, even the Grand Panjandrum of the cult-made bishops agrees with Pistrina's affirmation that he and his fellow wandering bishops have no ecclesiastical authority or jurisdiction.

    3. "governed by apostolic authority"

      Can you please name some of the people by whose apostolic authority you consider yourself to be governed?

  15. In the abstract your explanation is quite correct, but from whom do your clergy receive their documented faculties?

    1. They're not "our" clergy. If you mean the cult masters, then they have no "documented faculties" whatsoever. What's more, the "documents" we've seen are written in bad Latin.

  16. Dear Reader

    As to Piv staying quiet,he will not be able to forever.What is going to happen in October at the Fatima Conference,people will be asking questions and he will not be able to run for cover.

    Last years Conference gave false numbers attending.There may of been several hunded but they were all Mount people except about 18-20 outsiders.There was no pictures of the food served on Saturday night at the so-called banquet.

    1. Let's hope the people who do attend this year make a lot of trouble for him. That's the only way to rid ourselves of these scum.

    2. well said,they are scum

  17. If we recall the so called banquet was usually salad with flavoured water while the blue nuns boss walks around with his over weight stomach like checkie and one hand dan. Pistrina,the meals at Mater Dei "seminary" are shocking from what we have heard.

    1. So we've heard. It's time the folks stand up for themselves and speak up.

  18. Well, they can't be as bad as some of the more recent Old Catholic declarations at Anglican consecrations. I hear that the Latin was cut and pasted from earlier protocols.

    1. Oh, really? You should see the bad Latin in the sede's certificates of ordination. We have one example of minor orders from the CMRI that's a hoot. They couldn't even cut and paste right.

      And have you read in this blog about Cekada's perverse translation from Pius XII's Sacramentum ordinis as well as his other Latin errors? Believe us: they're bad.

  19. Well, the Anglicans have no excuse in that they had more opportunities for excellent classical educations than your sede clerics. ... Lacrimae rerum!

    1. True, though we wonder about today's Anglicans. An English acquaintance told us that the educational standards for C of E clergy have fallen dramatically in recent years. A pity. O tempora! O mores! (But we'd wager they're still several orders of magnitude better than the sede completers.)

    2. Aut possit lacrimis aequare labores?

    3. ...ubique pavor et plurima mortis imago.

  20. Well, an Episcopalian priest translated the 1979 Book of Common Prayer into Latin several years ago, and this book is used for Latin services in a church in SF. Latin Evensong is celebrated a few times a year at Stanford.
    So there is a glimmer of hope for the Anglicans.

    1. For those interested in a Latin translation of the 1662 BCP rather than Roderick Thompson's based on the modernist 1979 Prayer Book, click here.

      What's sad about the sedes is that they cannot even translate from Latin to English correctly, let alone translate from English to Latin. In fact, as Dannie's ORDO 2016 proves, they can't even transcribe it correctly.

  21. 1662 is a lot more Proddy than 1979. Nonetheless Bright & Medd made a concerted effort to return to the medieval sources, and thus avoided the Classical Latinity of earlier translations. Medd of course is famous for his ' Priest To The Altar ' which was an early altar missal. Some editions of this included both the Latin and English forms of the venerable Canon Missae.

    1. In the wreck that is the Anglican communion today, at least a handful of properly educated men remains. The same cannot be said of the jungle terrorized by the American "bishop"-led, pseudo-Catholic cults.
