
Saturday, April 16, 2016


There is the instance of that woman (the Lord is my witness) who went to the theater and returned from it with a demon. And so, in the exorcism when the unclean spirit was being resolutely harassed  for having dared to assail one of the faithful, it said: "And indeed I did it quite justly, for I found her on my territory." Tertullian

Editor's Note: Here's a little missive just for those doubters who don't think our cyber apostolate has had an impact.
Thanks to Pistrina Liturgica I am a former SGG "rite-trash" dupe, who now happily belongs to an SSPX chapel. I did not attend SGG regularly, only on important Feasts and Sundays for the "Big Show". You are correct when you say that SGG only appears Catholic. If you scratch the surface, it looks a lot like any Protestant or Conciliar church...When Dolan preaches he sounds like a Methodist minister... [and]  Cekada's breezy sermons are just like what you hear from a Novus Ordo presbyter... [T]he ongoing fundraising reminds me of a televangelist.... Everything they do feels "produced." In my humble opinion, this is as bad as their ignorance of theology, philosophy, and Latin...
We couldn't agree more.

Beneath the theatrical veneer, the whole SGG freak show is foreign to authentic Catholic sensibility and culture. It's expressive home lies somewhere between non-denominational and mainline American Protestantism. With all the flashy-but-trashy staging, the weekly cult spectacle reminds us of one of those battlefield re-enactments so admired by pot-bellied, goateed losers in their vain search for a meaningful life. The same spirit drives evangelicals with their birthday parties for Jesus on Christmas or their melodramatic Easter costume pageants. Mise-en-scène triumphs over ritual substance.

Dannie's Palm-Sunday donkey is a low-rent manifestation of vulgar, hyper realistic theater that upends the Latin liturgy's exquisite reductionism, where historical and religious content is compressed into minimal gesture and spare text. Brother Ass's starring rôle in SGG's campy parade of the animals is evidence that His Ostentatiousness has no affection for the Roman rite, which he seemingly believes to be in need of assistance from literalist special effects. (N.B. In poncing the liturgy up with another jackass, the Dirtbag doesn't gild the lily: that would demand a rudimentary esthetic instinct. Philistine that he is, Dannie just laminates it in plastic.)

Although "One-Hand Dan's" attachment to the histrionic locates his religious sentiments squarely within the non-denominational Protestant ethos, the liturgical anomy of establishment Protestantism supplies the morbid inspiration for his over-the-top practice. Recall only a few of the obscene innovations practiced at run-down SGG, to wit:
●The impious suppression of the Leonine prayers;
●Their replacement with faux-liturgical shout-outs to the saint du jour;
●The imposition of alien devotions, like the quasi-pagan "Baby Doctor Jesus";
●Dubious Dan's subversive revival of the reformers' "pontifical Missa cantata." 
Then, consider the following line from the 1932 "Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church":
Every particular church may ordain, change, or abolish rites and ceremonies...
Now you see why we say the informing spirit of SGG is definitely not Roman Catholic — unless you happen to think similar practices by Novus-Ordo parish liturgical committees render such irreverent novelties legitimate. The only distinguishing difference is that SGG prefers a nostalgic theme while the Modernists aim at being hip. The outward shape or coloring of "worship" is mere decoration for these people. Underlying the gimmicks of both SGG's superficial traditional Catholicism and Novus Ordite/Protestant revolutionary vandalism is the garish impressario's itch to be "creative," to stage, to entertain, to dazzle the senses, to generate box-office receipts.

Limelight Lovin' Daniel's spiritual affiliation with Protestant-inspired Novus Ordite showmen also betrays itself in his disregard for Latin, where it's trotted out with a wink and a nod for theatrical effect alone. Insofar as Deacon Dan thinks of himself as the patriarch of Tradistan, it's instructive to compare him in this regard to Bergie, his N.O. exhibitionist counterpart, who's also notorious for his indifference to the Church's sacred tongue.

At the time when Bergie and Donald Trump were talking' trash at the Mexican border (where Travelin' Dan frequently vacations), on the flight back to Rome, Frankie gave an interview where he tried to put The Donald in his place with an intellectual witticism tricked out with a Latin tag:
But thank God he [Trump] said that I'm political, because Aristotle defines the human person as "animal polticus." At least I'm [a] human person.*
Setting aside the fact that Aristotle wrote in Greek (so technically he defines man as a ζῷον πολιτικόν)  the problem is, in Latin, animal is neuter, not masculine. Bumbling Bergie should have said politicum.** As we've observed in the past, the sede cult masters have the same trouble with the super elementary notion of concord in Latin, viz., adjectives, adjective pronouns, and participles agree with their nouns in number, gender, and case. (For a fresh example of Dannie's persistent inability to grasp this fundamental concept of Latin grammar,  go to page 32 of his error-laced ORDO 2016, where at the bottom of the page he oafishly prints "in privato recitatione" rather than privata.)

Upon reflection, it's plain that the Bergomeister could just as well have trumped the Trumpster in the vernacular (either in Spanish or Italian or in his characteristic mixture of the two), without having to stumble on a faulty Latin calque of the Greek original. But, you see, he wanted to impress the supine news media with the appearance of a rare education.  Li'l Daniel puts on the same airs, and does so with the same immunity from criticism on the part of his cult followers. The difference is the secular Italian press knows Bergie's faking it, but out of convenience or connivance the journalists let him get away with his act. The star-struck Gerties, on the other hand, haven't a clue that Flamboyant Dan the Drama Man is only winging it.

Our correspondent's right: Once you sit in the front row of the beggars' opera sacrilegiously billed as SGG "Catholicism," you know it's an illusion — all smoke 'n' mirrors, props, costuming, lighting, greasepaint, and hammy grandstanding rooted in an alien creed on alien turf. Whatever lies behind that showy exterior, your soul's in danger.

Better get out before you're possessed.

* We transcribe Frankie's original remarks as follows:  "Ma grazie a Dio che ha detto che io sono politico, porque [Sic! The corresponding Italian word is perché] Aristoteles [Sic! The Italian form is Aristotele] define [Sic! The corresponding Italian verb is definisce] la persona umana come  'animal politicus.'  Al meno sono persona umana." Click here for the video.

** Begie's error is HUGE. The famous Aristotelian definition of man as by nature a political animal (Politica, 1253a3) is so very common in Catholic theologians and philosophers (for instance, St. Thomas Aquinas,  ST I-II, 72.4: ...homo est naturaliter animal politicum...) that getting the grammatical gender wrong is virtually another proof of his alienation from tradition as well of his ignorance of basic Latin, defects he shares with another transparent poseur, "One-Hand Dan."


  1. Weren't the Jesuits still using Latin when the Holy Father joined them in the fifties?

  2. Bergoglio entered the Jesuits as a novice in 1958, by which time things had begun to steadily decline in the society. (See Malachi Martin's history of the order for a good summary.) Still, he should have had enough Latin to know that animal was neuter and so the adjective should have been politicum. After all, he studied in Argentina, a country with a very high standard of education in its seminaries. His error is an indication of his contempt for Latin, something that has been noted in Rome.

    1. Perhaps the ravages of age and years away from the Church's Latin culture may be responsible for Bergoglio's embarrassing slip of the tongue (embarrassing when we remember that beforehand Roman pontiffs were fluent in the sacred language. Even B16 was capable of understanding spoken Latin and could write it freely, albeit with an occasional error, witness his resignation. But don't we all make a boo-boo once in a while in our native language?).

      As for Dolan's gross mistakes, we have to remember that he had to get up to speed with the repugnant Waldo Sweet "programmed" learning method found in Artes Latinae so he could get into Écône. Hardly an auspicious sign of preparedness, and a real black mark against Lefebvre for allowing someone without a proper grounding in Latin to matriculate.

  3. I really don't think the writer is any better off in the SSPX than SGG. They are both problematic, but for different reasons.

    1. But at least the educational level of the "clergy" at the SSPX is several orders of magnitude above that of the SGG louts.

    2. In my view, all of the "traditionalist" priests are gravely lacking.

      Compare any of them, SSPX, FSSP, SSPV, CMRI, SGG, etc. with the priests lawfully trained in legitimate seminaries of the Church, and you will see my point.

      Keep in mind that the very priests that brought this blog into existence were former SSPX, fully trained in their seminary, and this at the time when the Archbishop himself was overseeing things.

    3. Well, it doesn't seem the pope is trained any better at the N.O. so seems severely lacking all around. I know for sure haven't heard heaven, hell, death or judgment mentioned at the N.O. nor sin (mortal or venial) nor "rosary" mentioned in 40 years of faithful attendance. Lot of rot about how many Isaiah's scholars suppose there are (3), how the Catholics & Prots used to have rival marches in DC around feast of Christ the King, what different Greek words meant, how an uncle (believe he was referring to McCarrick) bought one of the new priests a cappuchino maker so he could have a real barrista experience like at Starbucks in the rectory... but no mention of my soul. EVER.

    4. It goes without saying that modernists cannot be trusted. The priests with the proper training are those trained in seminaries approved by the Church before the changes took hold.

      Many of us remember these great heroes of our Faith that rejected the Novus Ordo in the 70's and 80's. These priests were irreplaceable, and now most of them are no longer with us.

    5. I will back Gene up in what he is saying. The old timer priests knew their stuff. No one today, not even the SSPX, can hold a candle to any one of them. Something essential is missing in all of them.

      The SSPX chapels are no haven. Whatever you do, don't send your children to any of their summer camps unless and until you thoroughly check the background of their counselors.

  4. Gentlemen:

    May I add that even the FSSP is better than the SGG cult clergy. That is as far as training and formation go.

    At least the writer and his family will get more reliable advice in the confessional.

    Outside the confessional, they will get a more accurate rendition of Catholic moral teaching. At the very least, they will never be fed a man-made, cultish religion that passes for Catholicism.

    Ultimately, whether the writer (and his family) are really better off in SSPX than SGG - that is not for us to say. Only the writer himself can decide. Because he has personally been through both SGG and SSPX.

    The writer does not in a blind, ostrich-like manner defend the cultish SGG. For that I respect him.

    1. Anon. Apr. 17, 9:37 AM

      We concur with you 100%, especially in the matter of penance. Our correspondent and his family are much better off.

    2. That being so, let us all congratulate him (and his family).

      Question for Pistrina: in your opinion, do you consider the chapel of the late Bp McKenna to be normal/sane, or cultish, or (for want of a better term) cult-lite?

      I know that Bp McKenna consecrated Big Don, and might have some connections (friendly, cordial, whatever) with CMRI, SGG. But Bp McKenna had been ordained a priest in the good old days before Vatican II. Your thoughts?

    3. From what we had heard, Bp. McKenna had become estranged from Big Don in the early years of the 21st century, around the time when the Donster was packing up to go to FL. (We ourselves read several harsh written exchanges between tge two.) He also had no illusions about the SGG Dynamic Duo, but he never, to our knowledge, formally severed all connections. That kind of scorched earth tactic didn't seem to be his style. (One of the funniest stories he ever told was about Wee Dan's efforts to scrounge an invitation to Abbot Giardina's blessing.)

      In our handful of meetings with him, he appeared well balanced and level headed, even disapproving of, in his own gentle way, the antics of the cult masters. He also worked constructively with a very strong lay board, and from what we have heard, he did not practice the naked cultism of the Terrible Trio. In our contacts with him he showed himself to be a humble and learned priest who was strongly attached to the cure of souls.

      He did, indeed, make many mistakes in selecting the wrong men for episcopal orders. We can think of only one who is worthy of the dignity. However, we know he did so out of his heartfelt desire to assure that valid orders not die out. (We, of course, don't agree with his premise, but we understand his point of view.) He himself said on many an occasion that he would resign his episcopacy immediately upon the Restoration, something we doubt the other wandering bishops would do.

      Bp. McKenna was really the only one at the time who had been through "the system," and he knew the weaknesses of all these Johnny-come-latelies. But he accepted the evil as a necessity in these terrible times. (And he knew every nasty detail about all them, believe us!)

      We'd like to share something about him that perhaps many people do not know. As a young priest, he was sufficiently well regarded by his Dominican superiors that he was sent to Rome to assist with a new Latin edition of the works of St. Thomas Aquinas and even studied paleography for a while in France. It was a tragedy that the Modernist revolution cut short the career of so promising a priest. What a contrast to the ignoramuses running Tradistan today!

    4. Anon 4/17, 9:37am:

      The FSSP has formally placed itself in the clutches of a sect governed by a public heretic claiming to be Pope.

      The FSSP priests are ordained by bishops of the Paul VI rite, which may be invalid. The Church has not yet made a decision on this novel and potentially invalid rite, and until such time, one is taking a grave risk by assuming its validity.

      For those aware of these facts, it is easy to see the grave dangers in having anything to do with the FSSP and other such groups.

    5. McKenna was taken care of by Nevillle in the end, correct? And Neville was on the outs with Sanborn until Mckenna's funeral. What made Sanborn forgive Neville from supposably opening a foundation with a similar name with other Michigan parishioners and cashing the checks with the intent of opening his own church? Or was the rift solved before Mckenna's death?

  5. Of course you cannot put Bishop McKenna in the same category as Dolan, Cekada, and Sanborn. There is a quality that distinguishes them completely; it is called humility. Bishop McKenna had more humility in one finger than the three of these men put together.

    Look at how they live: which priests live in luxury with fine dining and visits to lodges and expensive hotels? I think Dolan, Cekada, and Sanborn fit into this category. Which priest socialize with the rich and poor alike? And which priests decide to mainly associate with the ones who can keep them in the life of luxury or those who will withhold their secrets? Which priest would never boast about his life or accomplishments and which priest liked to hear himself talk on YouTube or put himself in whatever controversies happen to be the topic of the day?

    Then, compare their parishes? You have the parish run by the Lotarski family and the parish run by the Selway family. Have you heard of a certain family who runs Connecticut? I haven't. But the two names above are known among the trad world. So, you have 2 parishes who run and cater to two families. Then, you have the 1 who is run for the people.

    Then, how many times has Connecticut been associated with a cult vs SGG and MHT? Sorry, but cult comes out every time I hear about these two places. Yes, CMRI comes up in occassion, but nothing like the Sanborn, Dolan, Cekada trio.

    1. Anon 4/17, 6:07pm:

      The first and readily noticeable difference between Bp. McKenna and the others is that he was trained by the Church in an approved seminary and his fitness to be a priest was judged by the Church.

      Many people wrongly assume that seminary training is just academics, it's much more than that. It is a period of formation of the soul, a place to root out faults, both external and hidden, and to be carefully nurtured into a priest.

      It is also a time for the Church to evaluate one's vocation, and to root out those who are not meant for the priesthood.

      Even after seminary life, the new priest continues his training by being supervised in his initial assignment by his lawful pastor who will continue to form him, train him, guide him, and teach him.

      All of this is missing with the "traditional" priests. Their seminaries are not real seminaries, just training centers, their training is not approved, and generally follows the ideas of the "group" who trains the priest, and they never get the benefit of being taught, trained and formed by lawful rectors, professors, and pastors.

      It's a mess and it shows for those with eyes to see.

  6. I need to clarify: "run for God, with the people's salvation in mind."

    1. What's funny about SGG is they have to pay Lotarski to run the dump, while in FL, at least the families that call the shots keep the place afloat with their money.

      Seems like Dannie got the whole thing twisted.

  7. In the trad world, we all assume Lotarski is being payed hush money.

    And in Fl, the main families keep the school afloat because those are the only families in the school. All other families leave!

    1. That sounds right.

      The FL situation is unique. Those people don't want any new families coming in, and newcomers are given the hairy eyeball. The two kingpin families want to keep the whole thing entre nous. It's a real cult, even worse than SGG.

  8. You do realize why people stay in Cekada and Sanborn's churches right? I have talked to several current and former parishioners. The priests tell the husband and wives that their family will end up in hell if they leave that place. If one doesn't agree, they work on the one who they know won't doubt them. Divide and conquer, right? Once you hear over and over again that you will end up in hell, who is going to go against them? If that isn't spiritual blackmail, I don't know what is! These places are nothing but cults!

    1. Those poor souls aren't sufficiently Catholic to realize that such spiritual blackmail is a sure sign that they must leave the blackmailers immediately. The cult masters victimize the feebleminded. We must all have confidence that when these charlatans' time comes, the hell they threatened others with will be their eternal abode.

    2. This is precisely the same tactic employed by the CMRI cult. That is why you see old parishioners and a heavy turnover of new parishioners. The younger generation is able to see through the lies and deceit.

    3. Not for nothing, but the Catholic Church tells us the same thing - if you leave us, you go to hell.
      I've often wondered if the Church itself isn't one big cult.

    4. The Catholic Church teaches one true religion, not one true church located in Concinnati or Brooksville. I guess these men have a monopoly on Heaven though because it is only their parishioners who have any chance on making it.

  9. Ok, found your blog. This is B.S. about these men. I have family who pulled their kids from the Brooksville school. The rules were out of hand and ridiculous.
    1. No tv in the home, no movie theaters, no internet unless the nuns gave permission, no associating with non-Catholics, no looking at the opposite sex, no swimming with the opposite sex (even within same family), no sleepovers if there is any opposite sex in the school, no sports outside the school (yet none offered in the school), no outside clubs or organizations, quartatining kids who break any of the school rules where no one is allowed to talk to them, shaming kids with offenses put above their heads as they stood against the wall for the entire day, etc.

    I can't imagine what these kids endured day in and day out at this school. From what I've been told, at least 7 other families left that school but didn't give them the real reason because they knew they would be shunned.

    The majority of girls are forced into the convent by their parents and pastor.

    These rules didn't apply to all families, btw. I'm happy they took them out of the school. The kids are finally happy and have learned to smile.

    1. Sounds like a repeat of the Schuckardt years! These maggots are damaging young minds who will in turn hate the Church. I know, I've seen many cases of it through the years at CMRI. Time to financially dry up these cult masters!

    2. Thank you very much, Anon. Apr. 18, 4:00 PM. We've heard reports of these insane rules, but you have confirmed them with specifics. Those poor, little children need everyone's prayers. Thank heaven there are a few parents who know their duty to their offspring.

      The Critic is right. The time has come for all Catholics who believe in a code of decency to stop giving these men money.

    3. Also, these rules are pretty similar to what the nuns who run the SSPV school in MN enforce. (Specifically the no internet thing AND I heard that each family had to bring in their computer so the nuns could "check it." Whatever that means. I didn't know these nuns were tech savvy now. Um, NO WAY!

    4. Are these school rules the same as pre-vatican 2 rules?

    5. There was a post a little bit ago about what families fund this place. Didn't a group of people follow Sanborn to Florida from Michigan? Do parishioners typically pack up and move to a different state following a priest? Did sanborn leave the Michigan people without a priest? Is that why they followed him down there?

    6. Apparently, Big Don expected that most people would follow him. Many didn't, although cult stalwarts packed up and went. When they thought the Fraser chapel would be closed, they formed a new chapel and school in Highland, which infuriated the Donster. He then kept OLQM open and staffed it with a very popular priest. Later he recalled the priest to FL (after he took off for a couple weeks to Mexico) and sent them the Skipper. For years, people from the new chapel were unwelcome at the old. It seems that now, however, after the fall out from 2009 SGG School Scandal calamity, both sides have kissed and made up, witness the funeral Mass for Bp. McKenna where Big Don was in charge.

    7. So, a man decides everyone in his parish need to get news jobs, sell their houses, leave family and friends, and move states away because he decides he wants to be in Florida?

      I've heard two stories with this reasoning: a. His main donor was having business trouble and moved to Florida because the state protects assets? And 2. The future bishop (aka the big donor's son) needed to move to Florida for health reasons.

      So, which one is it? Or none of the above?

    8. And, the crazy thing is that his cult followers did it and followed him!

    9. I would like to hear more about the families that fund MHT.

    10. The seminaries are typically funded by their own chapel and the sister chapels, are they not? Does MHT not have a published record of what churches give what to him? Doesn't SGG have an additional collection for the seminary? I would think that anyone who uses the "bishop's services" also contributes to the General seminary fund for future priests? Also, do the seminarians not have to pay tuition? If not, wouldn't their own home chapel or a sponsor pick up their expenses? And who gets that money? How much does Cekada make off his teaching at the seminary? Does it justify his plane tickets to Florida every month? Why isn't his teaching done through Skype or the many other social media now accessible? He seems to like technology, so why not save money and transportation costs? What kind of salary are all these people getting to live the high life that is talked about all the time on here and other blogs? Who pays their cook? Who pays for the Bishop Lodge vacations? Do they produce a running log of expenses justifying their donations vs. expenses to their parishes? Why isn't their accountability among these bishops? Who would be the ones holding them accountable since there is no authority in the Church? Can a congregation hold their prirsts accountable or are the priests able to do whatever without the need to answer to parishioners?

    11. Probablly it's a little of both, Anon, Apr. 21, 6:48 PM, but mostly (a). Apparently the Clone does suffer from an ailment that makes him hyper sensitive to the cold, yet just before the big move, he was spotted at one of the big parties plunging his hands into buckets of ice to chill the wine.

      Anon. Apr. 21 7:44 PM

      We don't think the two families fund MHT so much as they do the chapel and the convent. Maybe someone else has better information. We had once heard a rumor about 6 years ago that one of the benefactors had decided to focus less on the seminary. From what we can tell, there's a big emphasis on building the new convent, which seems to be getting the lion's share of the resources.

  10. No doubt about it being a cult if they tell you that if you go to another church of the same faith, same religion, etc., you will lose your soul. Who says those things except people who know they are in danger of losing you without this blackmail.

    1. They are desperate, from what we've heard. They're coming apart at the seams. The Brooksville cult may survive longer than SGG because two families bankroll the horror and aren't likely to leave, as long as they enjoy their special privileges. Moreoever, these folks don't welcome newcomers, so it's a closed society. They'll keep going even after Big Don heads off to Vero Beach, as long as they've got their anointed bishop. We don't think they'll care if MHT goers belly up.

    2. SGG and MHT both have their shows now, correct? With nuns in full attire, children's choirs, servers galore for their processions, and their own schools, I'm sure it is appealing for those wanting to escape the Novus Ordo mess. News is that they are taking the nuns from Arizona and moving them to the cult center they are building at MHT's neighboring property. Will they keep any nuns in Arizona? Or did the lay board come to their senses and decide to not fork over their money and property to Sanborn because they know he will eventually sell and run? What will happen to all the people in Arizona counting on a parish priest and nuns? How many times does it take for people to google these names and come up with scandal after scandal? Sure, they can have their junkies Heiner and Soeder trump up their reviews on yelp or their radio shows, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out these places are full of trouble and scandals. Where these men go, trouble follows.

    3. All we know is that the Arizona group is aware of the problems. A couple years ago they were actively searching for a replacement, but we haven't heard anything else. Maybe they're trying to get the incumbent to jump the MHT sinking ship. It would be an offer a sane man couldn't refuse. Of course, the guy was ordained by "One Hand," so they'd have to get conditional orders for him if he were to stay. But that shouldn't be a problem.

  11. Anonymous April 18, 2016 at 5:10 AM

    "Well, it doesn't seem the pope is trained any better at the N.O. so seems severely lacking all around".

    I beg to differ! The pope was trained perfectly. He was part of the Master Plan. A Plant then, and a Destroyer now. All things, In Time!

    " As the Church goes, so goes the world."

  12. In this Sunday's bulletin, there was the following from Panhandlin' Dan:

    "Last Sunday we had a record low attendance. I am grieved at so many missing Mass, but cheered that our actual faithful are always here, in number about 250."

    It seems that the cult is truly collapsing now and more people are seeing the light.

    1. Yes, we noticed that, too. We also noted the subsequent plea for money:

      "The fire of your charity burns bright. The rest are part-timers or visitors, welcome of course, but not to be counted on. Our faithful faithfully support our Mass and the collection each Sunday in a very regular fashion. "

  13. As the Critic knows much about CMRI.Can they tell us what were the numbers in the school at the Mount going back say 1985-1987?Looking at recent pictures,it looks to be in large decline i.e 1 class in K12.A friend told us some years ago(2006)that the daily Mass attendance was also very low with no young people.All hears and many thanks for the infro.

  14. We should of said all ears,sorry for mistake.If others know more,very interested.God bless

  15. All we know is in the hey day there was over 250 in the Mount St Michaels school.We are sure Bp Pivarunas is worried about the decline.Perhaps the Reader will know more.

  16. Pivarunas reaps what he sows. Ditto for Dolan/Cekada. This is an inescapable law. What else can they reasonably expect?

    Sure, they might look good for a while - hijacking the beauties of the Sacred Liturgy (and the heritage, traditions and pious customs of our holy Catholic faith) - using these things as a cloak to cover up their unCatholic, cultish behaviours and practices.

  17. Yes,we agree too.Piv is just as bad as Dolan/Cekada and power hungary.We too would like to know how many are in the CMRI Schools?We did hear that some former students followed the Sisters who left back in 2007 to the mainstream Church.

    1. The mere fact that a group of Sisters left CMRI for the Novus Ordo is very telling, isn't it?

      I am certainly NOT saying that the Novus Ordo is OK or good, or anything positive (in fact, faithful Catholics must forcefully reject its modernism, ecumenism and wholesale apostasy).

      But the fact that a group of sisters (knowing CMRI from the inside) left join the Novus Ordo publicizes in no uncertain terms that they consider CMRI to be worse than the Novus Ordo.

      All that Pivarunas and CMRI have done is to give Catholics (who are faithful to Tradition) a bad name.

    2. How does the mere fact that a group left CMRI prove anything? Did more leave than stay (no 1/3 left; 2/3 stayed)? Why did 1/3 leave (because Benedict was ‘a conservative—what are they doing now that Francis is a liberal)?
      Teresa of Calcutta whose god was her belly, patron saint of sodomites and pedophiles that’s who’s on these former CMRI’s website:
      “When I asked her whether she converted, she answered, ‘Yes, I convert. I convert you to be a better Hindu, or a better Muslim, or a better Protestant, or a better Catholic, or a better Parsee, or a better Sikh, or a better Buddhist. And after you have found God, it is for you to do what God wants you to do.’ ” She wanted people to come closer to God (however they understood Him) and believed that in this way they would also come closer to each other, love one another, and ultimately create a world (Who is the creator? God or us?) that is better for everyone to live in. The Constitutions of the Missionaries of Charity state: “We shall not impose our Catholic Faith on anyone, but have profound respect for all religion
      “All that Pivarunas and CMRI have done is to give Catholics (who are faithful to Tradition) a bad name.” Think all who stay in the N.O. while claiming to be “forcefully rejecting...wholesale apostasy” have done way more to give Jesus Christ’s church a bad name and create a world where Satan reigns than Pivaranus and CMRI will ever do, but Jesus Christ is the judge. Hope your “proof” satisfies Him—your eternal destination depends on it.

  18. Hey The Critic.

    Is it true there were a number of lay brothers up at Mt St Michaels even after the Schuckardt era?

  19. The odd thing about the nouus ordo is that it offers more examples of Latinity than the uetus. My eight volumes of the Solesmes lectionary, full of scriptural and patristic lections, attests to that. Alas, there are some Vatican II spoilers!

    The hymns have been somewhat restored to their pristine forms although there are some questionable changes along with new compositions of dubious value.

    1. Anon. Apr. 20 2:16 PM underscores a crucial point. For all the American sedes say, Latin is better handled in the N.O. than in Trad Nation.

      You would think that the trad "clergy" would have made it their mission to honor the Church's language through a mastery of it. But they didn't. As we have shown, and will continue to show, they abuse that language at every opportunity they have. Their carelessness is actually a form of contempt, worse than Bergoglio's.

      The cult masters' empty boasts about being guardians of the Church's Latin culture are hypocritical lies. This coming Saturday, we've got another shocking example of the cult kingpins' profound ignorance, which makes us wonder whether these guys can possibly know what they're reading when they simulate Mass.

    2. "For all the American sedes say, Latin is better handled in the N.O. than in Trad Nation."

      -This PL post on bergoglio's misuse of Latin certainly doesn't corroborate your statement
      -Only thing Latin about last two papal docs "Laudato Si" and "Amoris Laetitia" are the titles (probably to fool all those N.O. neoconned)--otherwise would be a pleasure to have PL eviscerate the TRANSLATIONS.

      -You might be interested in this article on the man who broke the story of B16s resignation--only one in a roomful of N.O. clerics who understood: "But he worries for the future of the language in the Church. He estimates the number of fluent Latin speakers as no more than 100. And he does not see things getting better....In Europe Latin was still important in the 16th and 17th Century but by the 18th it was already on the wane. It fell out of use first in France and England. "Isaac Newton's Principia Mathematica (1687) was the last major work in England to be published in Latin," says Ostler. In northern and eastern Europe Latin carried on as a language for scholarship and to some extent government even into the 19th Century."

      -Bergog & DD are w/in 15 years of each other. Both grew up in the N.O.and in the Americas so their Latin training was probably the same.

      -Benedict "revived" Latin study to make anyone who wanted to attend the mass think they had to study Latin!

      -Surely NO has more resources and more personnel, but if going to put profession of Latin over profession of Christianity--that's your call. I'd rather save my soul.
      In early days, church docs were in Greek. I think it is important to keep the Latin mass & common language for universal church--thus study of Latin for priests and Catholics. Also docs published in Latin should be accurate, but on the other hand probably not w/in scope of all the priests to be expert in Latin as PL staff (and should not in my opinion be an impediment to becoming a priest). Not sure exactly where the cutoff should be, but believe PL would state at peril of their soul that DD & Cekada are above it. Whatever's happening on Saturday cannot be blamed on their ignorance of Latin--however shocking it may be.

    3. What do you mean whatever's happening on Saturday?

    4. "This coming Saturday, we've got another shocking example of the cult kingpins' profound ignorance,"

    5. Anon. Apr. 20 6:52 PM

      Pace, but DLD & AJC could have helped their ignorance by studying Latin carefully over the years. It only takes 10 years of assiduous study to become a disciplinary master. (And how does Checkie teach scripture at the pesthouse without any Greek or Hebrew?)

      As for not every priest needing scholarly expertise and oral fluency in Latin, we'd agree with you, with the stipulation that every priest must be highly proficient in reading Latin and basically proficient in writing it with communicative competence.

      Many priests whom we knew in the good old days used to say they weren't Latinists, but those men never had trouble reading it with ease, even if they couldn't construe it grammatically. None of them would have made Checkie's blunders (even the liberal "cool" ones).

      Let us share a personal anecdote. In undergraduate school in the freshman Latin course on Horace's Odes, one of the lesser lights in the class protested his low grade on an exam by telling the disapproving prof that St. John Vianney didn't know Latin either, and look how well he turned out.

      The professor then gave us a lecture on the standards of seminary Latin during the saint's time (they were awesome and put some of us smart alecks to shame when we heard the entrance requirements). He then concluded that the saint was being held to the sky-high standards of his time, when students were expected to be able compose in verse and chat among themselves; in reality, the prof noted, his Latin was adequate, otherwise he couldn't have learned a thing about theology.

  20. The odd thing to me is there is an obvious cult situation arising in Florida. Yet, no one is comparing this to the obvious Jim Jones situation or fundamentalist mormons. This man has already written that he wants a compound, in so many words. He is controlling the convent, seminary, and school. The crazy rules have been listed above, yet no one thinks this is odd? And if these are rules which someone wrote here from an outside party, what is truly going on in that School? Yes, it is obvious that there are some donors keeping that place in business, and I do mean business. Trad Catholic Churches seem to be big businesses, and the ones you talk about here: Corrupt businesses!

    1. We agree. The PL editorial board has agreed to raise this discussion to the level of a post on April 30. Other people who might be tempted to donate to the FL cult complex should be aware of the reports and should demand that Sanborn confirm or disconfirm them before they send him another dime. If they are true, he will confirm them because he believes he's right to institute these strange practices. If he disconfirms them, then the discussion will take on a wider dimension as rebuttals come to the surface.


    Someone asked about if you have any idea how many in total are in the CMRI Schools?They are right as regards Mt St Michaels.The School there once had over 250 students and a number of lay brothers in the "Seminary"

  22. I pull up your site by typing in "lay pulpit", but no longer brings you up as of today. Are your 'friends' trying to block you?

  23. You must be bringing up the mobile view. I pulled up the "web version" at the bottom, and this site is still under recommended links. Maybe you should look more before you make such an assertion, anon 2:42?

    1. i'm not too computer savvy, but tried several times & just wanted to bring it to your attention. It is now back the way it was-btw meant your mutual 'friends'.

  24. Hey there. The theologian Merkelbach teaches that if "notable spiritual harm" would result from one going to a valid, truly catholic Mass, then one is excused from the Sunday obligation.

    I have only seen this mentioned by Checkie so I don't know just what the theologian says would be "notable spiritual harm"; I didn't see any examples of this from approved theologians.

    I'm very interested in this. What did the theologian mean by this?

    1. One example given by writers is the case of a woman who knows her presence at Mass may be a cause of sin for a particular man.

    2. Anon Apr. 22 6:26 PM

      You may wish to obtain Fr. Guiniven's book on the precept of hearing Mass: click here.
