In his October pesthouse newsletter, Tradzilla pontificated:
The Protestant churches are organized from below, that is, protestants of like mind come together and form a community or “church” where they worship in common. This “church,” however, is the product of human beings, and not of God. It has no authority to teach, rule, or sanctify the faithful.
If you substitute traddie(s) for Protestant/protestants, the rector's words eerily characterize independent traditional "Catholic" Mass centers inside and outside Tradistan U.S.A. Following the model of Nonconformist conventicles, these chapels were not erected by the Church but by rebel adventurers operating without her warrant as they organized their revolutionary cells "from below."
Behind a scrim of menacingly re-imagined Catholicism, stinking of brimstone and malediction, each TradWorld enclave peevishly clings to its own brand of earthly "identity politics": una-cum, non-una-cum, recognize-and-resist, materialiter sedevanctism, absolute sedevacantism, conclavism, Feeneyism, and so on. Their uncommissioned, scapegrace "clergy" have no authority or jurisdiction, and those among them who might happen to possess the power to sanctify may only exercise their orders upon demand of the laity.
Like their hot-gospeler fellow-travelers in non-Catholic America, these fragmented, rootless trad sects boast wantonly eccentric liturgical practices. One faction espouses the Pius XII rite, another the so-called Pius X, and yet another the '62 iteration. One troupe of dissenters abolished the Leonine Prayers, replacing them with sundry theater pieces recited by a hammy "pastor." Another outlandish coterie embraces the reformed Holy Week liturgy of the mid-'50s yet can't manage to get through Palm Sunday Mass in accordance with its rubrics.
Several vie with each other in publishing different calendars, some with partial abstinence on the Vigil of All Saints, others with full abstinence, and one with "optional [!] feasts" throughout the year. On occasion, there are horrors like "votive Vespers." Infamously, the sleaziest gang produced an ordo filled with Latin errors and at odds with pre-conciliar praxis. In many of these rings, malformed "priests" from unapproved "clerical" certificate mills either race or stumble through Low Masses riddled with sinful defects.
These wildcat, human enterprises purporting to be "Catholic" are no better than the mainline Protestant or the offbeat non-denominational "churches" the Donster condemns as not of divine origin. If he were really the head of the "A-Team," he would've kept his pie-hole shut lest his own jabbing, accusatory finger point back to him. But he's not. Don's but a noisy marketeer for an all-too-human civil corporation. And in order to keep the dying business out of threatening bankruptcy, folks have to be tricked into thinking the SW Ohio-Swampland Cult Cabal is the same as the Roman Catholic Church.
The blasphemous marketing strategy has its pay-off. Once foolish culties buy into the fiction, manipulative cult masters can pass off as genuine Church teaching any fabrication they please. Hence the lurid, lunatic, on-the-fly prohibitions regarding women's footwear and clothing, popular music, or the kind of people with whom you may associate (unless, that is, you belong to the untouchable élite). If you do believe the "clergy's" tall tales, then you'll surely agree you're bound under pain of sin to contribute generously to the support of bone-lazy, renegade "clergy," won't you?
No one, not even a congenitally "slow" cultie child, should be taken in by Sinburn's frequent riffs on the superiority of the Catholic Church. Their purpose is to make you (incorrectly) infer that she is to be found whole in Donnie's man-centered enterprise. The reality is, however, that the family-owned sect he runs for now is a splintered, hideously distorted reflection of Christ's immaculate Bride.
But those of you who grasp the difference between Catholic and "Catholicoid" won't fall for deceptive, image-twisting language games. Hee and haw and kick as Big Don might, graced Catholic faithful can't mistake the worldly traits of divisiveness, greed, self-interest, and materialism for the divine marks of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.