
Saturday, November 5, 2016


East or West, home is best. Bohn's Handbook of Proverbs

Well, folks, Pistina's staff is finally back from the 2016 Lay Governance Conference. It was a resounding success, although we were sickened when we heard all new reports of the cult-clergy's misbehavior, especially the instances of punishing the laity by withholding the sacraments.

While we were away, some of you asked for the audio of the keynote speaker's address. Unfortunately, the conference directorate nixed our request because Father, who lives in a diocesan home for retired priests, could be in jeopardy of losing benefits. He has no means of support other than his pension. The Novus Ordo is just as vicious as the cult masters when it comes to silencing criticism. Moreover, inasmuch as Father's address contained many anecdotes that would identify him, when we summarize his remarks in a future post, we'll have to edit them carefully so as not to put him at risk.

Likewise, in the Q-and-A session that followed, conference attendees identified themselves by name and city. Many of those individuals still have relatives in cult-copntrolled chapels, and they feared that publication of their attendance would subject family members to the "bishops'" vengeance. Just like many of you, these individuals despise Wee Dan, Tradzilla, the Pivmeister, and the Long-Island Jellyfish, but they want to leave the cult on their own terms and not be drummed out.  In the "bishop"-led cults, we hear the paranoia now stands at an all-time high, so no one is safe.

Seeing that it will take several days for the word to get around that we're back online, we'll hold off posting new material until next week. And in answer to three correspondents, yes, that post will be another installment of DISORDERED ORDO, which we forewent in October owing to our participation in the conference. Dirtbag Dan is already hawking his 2017 calendar with another error-encrusted ordo sure to follow. The post will provide a timely warning not to buy either.*
Before closing, however, we must note that when we returned, we found Dannie still making awful linguistic errors. In his October newsletter, he wrote:

September 24 is the feast of Our Lady of Ransom or of Mercy (“Merced” in Spanish)... 

Although in Spanish the feast is called Nuestra Señora de la Merced, the English word "mercy" comes from the (Old ) French merci, not from the Spanish (as "One Hand" seems to be suggesting). Both the French and the Spanish words are derived from the Latin merces, whence the Missal's title B. M. V de Mercede (which, BTW, is why we translate it as "ransom" and not "mercy").

He'd just rather make it all up as he goes along, wouldn't he? Don't believe a word Dannie writes, whether it's about etymology or theology.

** FYI, we noted a big boo-boo on the July 2017 sample page Dannie posted: for July 29, he prints "St Felix II, PM, Ss Simplicius and Companions, Mm" instead of "SFelix, P,  Simplicius and Companions, Mm." The commemoration in the Latin Missal includes Pope Felix with Simplicius, Faustinus, and Beatrice although the pontiff wasn't martyred with the others, so the "Mm" makes the M after P superfluous. By joining the named martyrs, Roman style only requires Ss, at the beginning. If Dannie had wanted to indicate that Simplicius etc. endured a separate martyrdom, then he should have written "St Simplicius and Companions," since in English the title "Saint" must precede a proper noun.


  1. "Father, who lives in a diocesan home for retired priests, could be in jeopardy of losing benefits."

    Another hireling. Flush this loser. These were the priests who let the people be led astray by the Novus Ordo, and who said the new "Mass" even though they knew it was wrong, because they had traded their birthright for the mess of pottage of health care and food. Unfortunately, those "benefits" only last until death, and then you have to deal with the consequences of selling out to the new religion.

    I'm not saying I'm better than they were, but just because I might not have the courage to do the right thing doesn't mean what these losers did was ok. They sold their souls to the devil with both eyes open.

    1. True, but this man has seen the error of his choice and is trying to make reparations. A large portion of his keynote address was concerned with his own attitude at the time of the introduction of the N.O. and how a cult mentality of the time led him and others to accept the New Mass. We should tell you the decision to protect Father came from the conference directorate and not from him.

  2. In lieu of the audio, I'd really appreciate a good report on how he addressed the "una cum" controversy.

    1. We'll put that together in the future from the notes several people took. We found nothing really new in his critique, but he does second many of the objections heard before.

  3. Anyone see MHT's facebook page and the pictures people have posted? Quite interesting

  4. When it comes to videos, my personal opinion is that seminaries look much better horizontal than vertical.

    1. The facebook page has a seminarian/family member taking photos of the living quarters at the seminary. In one photo, Sanborn is even smiling (rare occurrence, unless alcohol is involved.). Other photos show people just hanging out taking pictures out front. I wonder if he knew women had bare bellies on his property, pants, etc., since his bulletin now states women can't even wear heals higher than 3 inches.

    2. That's sick. We'll bet the elite don't have to adhere to the new rule.

    3. Sorry, typo: heels.

      Do the elite ever have to follow the rules? When you give the most money, an exception is always made.

    4. I find it sick that sanborn has so little interest in living a Catholic life vs. what clothing/shoes people wear. This is typical of these men though, as long as it looks good on the outside. It's all about the show.

      I can only imagine what kind of show and expert he pretends to be in Europe. I would like to know his plans and financial backing for his expanded seminary. I would also like to know confirmed interest in his seminary to support an expanded one? Seems to me that the majority of the seminarians leave or are kicked out of there after they realize the sanborn truth. How many have left so far this year? Please tell us the number after the seminarians return home for Christmas too.

      Also, keep us updated on the Arizona situation. If they don't turn it over, he can't sell it for profit and fund his new convent, cemetery, and expansion.

    5. Why 3 inch heels? Why not 2 or 4? What makes 3 "sinful" and 2.5 okay? So stupid.

    6. Nov. 6, 8:10

      We've heard that a seminarian has already left, so there's plenty of room now. As for AZ, at the Lay Governance Conference, it was reported that attendance is low and the people are displeased with the minimum services they're getting. When we hear more, we'll let everybody know.

      Nov 6, 10:30

      Exactly right. It's so stupid. Furthermore, who's going to monitor the situation? Will the clergy be eyeballing ladies' feet and getting down on their hands and knees to measure the height of the heels? That would be pervy.

      Sick! Sick!

    7. Are they really not going to let them inside the church because their heels are "too high?" Turn someone away from the Mass and sacraments because of their shoes?

      Who is even complaining about this anyway? How are the priests even noticing what shoes women may be wearing as they as saying Mass?

    8. They're probably checking out the tootsies before Mass starts. The whole mess sounds like podophilia to us. It's amazing how concerned traditional clergy are with women's footwear. The Wikipedia article on foot-fetishism states in part, "For a foot fetishist, points of attraction include ... state of dress (barefoot, sandals, flip flops, high heels, socked feet, hosiery, etc.)..."

      We'd say this clerical female foot obsession is getting far too weird for even the culties.

    9. Anonymous November 6, 2016 at 6:28 PM - women can't even wear heals higher than 3 inches.

      Welcome back Pistrina!

      I had to stop reading the rest of this blog when I read this little vignette.
      Does anyone know the process Sinburn employed when determining heels can not be more than 3 inches high? Who are these women challenging or provoking his perverted, twisted, do I dare state the truth, libido?

      I can’t read anymore of this drek about Sinburn today and probably tomorrow. Such a sick, twisted psychopath he is.

      Thanks for all of your work. It is appreciated. These men honestly make me sick.

    10. Glad to be back. Don't worry about this week's post. It'll be about Dannie's messed-up ordo. We need a break for Tradzilla, too.

      We have no idea where Sinburn got his standard of 3" heels. Maybe he saw an ad for a dominatrix's Hallowe'en costume with 6" heels and was so disturbed he decided 3" were the limit. Or maybe a woman wearing 4" heels stood taller than he, so he issued this latest fatwa. It's all so perverted, it's impossible to guess what inspired his wrath.

      There's one thing we're sure of: the injunction won't apply to the élites: those unltra-cool chicks will continue to rock their 6", open-toed, slingback or strappy heels all they want as they shake their booty to the latest Beyoncé hit.

    11. What have you been watching on YouTube lately?

  5. It's very common for people to leave seminary and convent studies.
    Religious life is not for everyone and many leave after 6 months - 3 years.
    I know a man who was in seminary from 1966-1968 and ended up married with children.
    It has always been this way and it will never change.
    I don't know any of these people and not defending them personally.

  6. What you say is very true. When we were in high school and college, many young men returned from the seminary and many young wommen left the convent when they realized they didn't have a vocation.

    What's different now is that many often leave trad seminaries because of the awful conditions. These places are not like the seminaries of the past. And as for MHT, the natural attrition rate, which you correctly note, should make people stop before giving money for grandiose and costly expansion plans. A temporary blip in matriculation is no indicator of a stable growth in seminary population. In our opinion, it has flatlined or will soon be diminishing.

    1. From what I have heard, there have been several who have left the convent and then the mother of the girls went to Selway and begged them to be let back into the convent a second time. She (the mother) supposably treated them horribly until they relented and went back into where she thought their vocation should be, and Selway gladly obliged.

      As far as the seminary, again, from what has been said, some leave because they realize it isn't their vocation. Others have left because Sanborn's cats were treated better than the seminarians. Others left because they were constantly doing outside work versus studies. If one isn't in line with Sanborn's way of thinking, it isn't too difficult to see that they won't last long at that place. Did I mention he is rumored to tell some they are too stupid to be priests?

    2. We would think that the last remark applies to ALL the completers, at least when we consider the standards of the 1950s.

    3. If one reads the back issues of MHT newsletter - each year they have the greatest intake EVER necessitating the greatest increase in donations of benefactors EVER so they can build new wings. The actual building was constructed for 40 seminarians so what is going on when 12 (now 11) max out the place ? Cross my palm with much more silver (and preferably Gold)?

    4. As to girls being forced into the convent - their vows would certainly be invalid. No vow under duress is valid according to Canon Law. At this point we should raise the issue of Joey's own subdiaconate where Fr. Joseph Collins was informed that Joey had expressed severe doubts about being a priest and actually interrupted the ordination ceremony to inform One Hand - Checkie "man"-handled him out before a further issue might develop. Fr. Collins told me the story years later.

    5. Has he told any of them they are too stupid to be bishops ?

    6. If it comes to that - has anyone told him ....?

    7. Who is Joey the Diaconate?

  7. If you will look into it,the European Thuc bishops consecrated 2 or 3 bishops or no one at all.(1980's-1990's)
    This was due to not having worthy candidates.I know this is true as it was relayed to me by a valid catholic priest who knows these groups in Europe.
    I hope Bishops Sanborn & Dolan have the same thoughts and do not consecrate an unworthy candidate just to keep the line going!!!
    The SSPX Bishops are elderly and need a few new Bishops.
    Fellay is so obsessed with becoming Lord Baron Bishop in the Novus Ordo,its doubtful he will consecrate anyone unless Jorge gives the go ahead.With that in mind,Jorge will demand a 'Novus Ordo bishop' to be principal consecrator.(I hope this doesn't happen even though I do not belong to the SSPX)

    1. As far as Sanborn and Dolan, do You mean someone who had a father who payed for him to become bishop? His qualifications include family money?

      Many say that Sanborn chose his successor before he was even a priest because it was bought and paid for by Sr. Selway. Dolan looks as though he will consecrate McKenna. I don't believe McKenna even attended a seminary, but he was trained specifically by Dolan.

    2. I know nothing about Bishop Sanborn or Dolan.
      Fr.Vili from his recorded sermons I've heard sounds like a decent educated well intentioned priest who would possibly make a good bishop.
