
Saturday, January 14, 2017


There are very few so foolish that they had not rather govern themselves than be governed by others. Hobbes

In 2017, liberty's blessings will rain down upon any cult chapel that hands Wee Dan and Big Don their walking papers: freedom from endless fundraising; freedom from the money-motivated una-cum boogeyman; freedom from sectarian strife hatched by greedy troublemakers; and freedom from hypocrisy. But these four freedoms, precious as they may be, are as nothing in comparison with 
Letting "One Hand," Tradzilla, or their surrogates run your chapel is to (1) surrender its assets to the  civil corporations they and their cronies operate and (2) simultaneously invite their sharp-elbowed intrusion into your intimate, private affairs. Unless you belong to one of the wealthy, élite clans, then no detail of your life will escape their uncontrollable drive to regulate. The friends with whom the faithful may associate, one's choice of clothing and footwear, the children's upbringing, kids' career choices, a wife's rôle in household decision-making, everyone's political opinions, a family's choice of entertainment or swimming companions, and a multitude of other unspeakable encroachments are all fair game for their unbridled meddling.

What's yours is fated to be theirs; we imagine they resent your keeping any of your family treasure.

Perhaps if these men were bona-fide Catholic clergy, some of these infringements on privacy might be tolerated (to be sure, at a more restrained degree of invasiveness): real Catholic priests formed in approved seminaries are sensitive to boundaries. However, the truth is, the Tradistani ecclesiastical buccaneers are not Catholic clergy at all. In search of booty, they sail without an ecclesiastical mission the clannish main far outside the Church's territorial waters.

At their core, the cult masters are acquisitive totalists who brook no limits to their unrighteously arrogated authority over the people who affiliate with them. The chief means to preserve their brutal regime is religious terror, where the thought-terminating cliché "mortally sinful!" is supposed to silence anyone who objects to their tyranny. To extend their control, they weaponize the sacraments, while requiring their followers to lay aside their individual personalities and submit to the "clergy's" soul-killing interference.

Aside from their missing credentials and unholy intrusiveness, these factious busybodies are just plain contemptible. Every day brings fresh examples of pettifoggery and mean spirit. Ironically, it's often through their own efforts to tighten their grip over our minds and pocketbooks that we learn of their flaws. Take, for instance, this item from the "Bishop's (?) Corner" of January 8, 2017:
As Fr. McGuire wisely wrote in a recent St. Hugh Bulletin: 
The Heart of the Matter  
 If we let the liturgy mold us, forming our days and weeks and years, not dragging it into the turmoil of our superficial emotions, but letting it, gently and firmly, draw us into its own rhythm, then we will find in it a true school of Christian living, a source of wisdom and inspiration, and more and more we shall find that it is not just an interruption of the day, but its very heart.
As we interpret Dim-Bulb Dan's introduction, by choosing the verb "wrote," modified by the adverb "wisely," His Dominancy appears to suggest that Lurch himself authored the elegant meditation. That is to say, if Lurch had quoted the reflection, "One Hand," Sedelandia's  premier littérateur, would certainly have used a more accurate verb — with a different adverb as well — so as not to impute originality of authorship. Right?  For instance, something quite simple, say, "As Fr. McGuire appositely quoted in a recent St. Hugh Bulletin," would have telegraphed to all that the wise thoughts "One Hand" passed on to the Gerties belonged to someone other than his forlorn protégé.

But no, Deacon Dan typed "wisely wrote," so it's not unjustified to conclude he thought the sage observation came from Lurch's very own crayon. And, to be fair to His Errancy, if you consult the Wisconsin chapel's bulletin of 1-1-17 (click here), you'll find those gracefully cadenced lines printed without attribution just below the childish prose* of Lurch's Note from Father.

To be honest, if the Readers had seen St. Hugh's bulletin before reading the "Corner," like Dannie, we, too, would've inferred that Lurch had become the unexpected beneficiary of divinely infused wisdom (together with a mature writing style!). As every schoolboy and schoolgirl can tell you, the rules of civilized society require us to give credit to others if we use their words verbatim; in addition, clergy (even pretend "clergy") should be scrupulous with regard to others' property, especially others' intellectual property. We're sure you'll agree.

Being skeptics, however, when it comes to anything we get from the Wee One, the Readers found it impossible to believe cult "clergy" capable of such noble, well-crafted sentiments.  (That metaphor "true school of Christian living" is too fine a pearl to come from those swine.) Accordingly, we fired up our search engine and, as we'd expected, found 99% of the quotation here** — only this time, there appeared the following detailed attribution:
"Fr. Simon Tugwell, O.P. Quoted In Magnificat, January 2011, Vol. 12, No. 11 p 265"
The credit to Fr. Tugwell, a prolific British writer and historian who last year celebrated his golden jubilee as a Dominican priest, certainly explains the lovely writing. (The Ohio cultists do have a habit of plundering Old Blighty, don't they? First the SLP Ordo Recitandi and now this.) What we can't explain is why Lurch himself didn't credit Fr. Tugwell in his bulletin. Two other bulletin features are attributed to their authors, so why didn't this fine snippet merit the same scrupulous attention? Was he frightened to cite a Novus-Ordo writer, no matter how orthodox the opinion? And if Lurch didn't know the writer's identity, as a matter of intellectual honesty he should have subjoined "author unknown." That way Grand Poobah Dan, who would've realized the lofty thoughts didn't originate in his underling, could have dodged PL's condemnation.

Of course, you can always argue it's simply a matter of the cult masters' habitual carelessness. No one meant to deceive anybody. As all TradWorld is aware, rite-trash "clerical" cult clowns haven't the "write" stuff to put together such expressive words. Dashing off his "Corner" in haste, Dannie was just trying to give his lackey a public "attaboy" in hopes the Gerties might soften their scorn for this much disparaged bumpkin.

Okay. We'll buy that. They're slouches, and everything in Tradistan is either propaganda or spin anyway, so who cares about persnickety niceties like avoiding plagiary? Yet, if that's true, then why should anyone allow these malformed slackers to have so much control over their personal lives?

Start the year off right. Break free of their baneful spider's web. Get control of these uncontrolled control-freaks. If your chapel is currently attached in any way to the SW-Ohio-Brooksville cabal, wipe that smirk of self-congratulation off the cult kingpins' overfed faces:


*The Dale-Chall readability score for Lurch's awkwardly composed message is 6.14, meaning a 7th or 8th grader can understand it. The Dale-Chall readability score for Fr. Tugwell's writerly passage is 10.3, meaning it can be easily read by a college graduate. As you can see, Fr. Tugwell's penetrating insight was crying out for attribution.We'll leave it to others to explain why no credit was given.

**There is a difference of but one word: the linked webpage reads "Spiritual living," not "Christian living" as in Lurch's bulletin. If we had to guess, we'd say "Christian" is the original word, unless somebody thought one change was enough to evade the burden of attribution. Maybe someone can verify by checking the specific issue of "Magnificat."


  1. P.L. Wrote:

    "Okay. We'll buy that. They're slouches, and everything in Tradistan is either propaganda or spin anyway, so who cares about persnickety niceties like avoiding plagiary? Yet, if that's true, then why should anyone allow these malformed slackers to have so much control over their personal lives?"

    Why Indeed?

    It does not matter what topic you choose, they are idiots. I am sure Danny will be berating Fr. McGuire for his mistake, but what about the Massive Idiotic Mistake Danny made by not realizing this was not Fr. Mc's own work?

    Talk about compounding an error. Now who reprimands Dirty Dan's Devious Deeds?

    Somebody had better correct this blatant PLAGRISIM by adding a few ("), or many should take away a few ($$).

    "Quote The Raven Nevermore"

  2. Yes, as a former cult member, I see the control issues with this group. Slowly, but surely, they try to make you depend on them for all your decisions. You begin to doubt yourself, and then you are constantly grateful that they were there to help you and guide you. They make you feel inferior so that you go to them or one of their pals to help you in deciding even the most minute detail of your life. It's so subtle, at first, that you don't see it happening. You stop trusting yourself, those around you, and anyone of the world (the horrible non-catholics who don't attend their church) and look to them for ALL your decisions.

    When people join this place, they don't realize they will eventually be owned by these people. Those who think they are going "just for the sacraments" are actually being pulled in on a slower scale. They listen to their sermons, read their newsletters, and give them their money, while at the same time, they do not realize they are being slowly brainwashed.

  3. AnonymousJanuary 14, 2017 at 9:15 AM
    "They listen to their sermons, read their newsletters, and give them their money, while at the same time, they do not realize they are being slowly brainwashed."

    And they talk about the Scientology Cult. At least these maniacs do not solicit the True Sacraments.

    Get Away from MIND CONTROL Organizations who have big overhead which means Big Bucks, from you for them.

    Seek the humble priests who are about God and not self. They are out there!

    Thank God that you have come back to the land of Free Will to Serve God.

    1. Dear Anonymous January 14, 2017 at 9:03 AM:

      How we'd like to be a fly on the wall — or one of the many raccoons or mice nesting in the wall — when Dannie takes Lurch to task for exposing His Gullibility to ridicule. But as you say, he should have known Lurch was incapable of such powerful self-expression. It was sheer stupidity on "One Hand's" part not to check it out for himself. You're so right: these guys are idiots.

      Dear Anonymous January 14, 2017 at 9:15 AM:

      Thank you an thousand times over for this poignant testimony. You have perfectly captured the malign psychology of domination they use. We hope that many who read these comments will cut and paste your eloquent confession into an email and send it to their friends and relatives who still remain in Dannie's and Big Don's cult. Everyone should ponder the truth of your sober words:

      "It's so subtle, at first, that you don't see it happening. You stop trusting yourself, those around you, and anyone of the world (the horrible non-catholics who don't attend their church) and look to them for ALL your decisions."

      Right now there is a family about ready to pack up and move to the Swampland all because the father, who frequently travels, has surrendered his will to Big Don. He blindly thinks Tradzilla is Oz the Great and the Powerful. The mother especially needs to read what you have written: she will suffer the most as the husband won't be there all the time to see what the cult is really like. Maybe she can rescue her children and her family's income, if it's not already too late.

  4. I'm curious why Sanborn always puts down other masses, as though he's the only one who has a legitimate mass? Is it a power thing? Or possibly just a moneymaking thing?

    1. We believe it has to do with money, for he really has very little power, except in the "seminary" proper and over his four or five minions. His lay benefactor wields the real power in the Swampland cult compound.

      By disparaging other Masses, he aims to keep the folks in the chapels he controls. A large number of those people don't like him at all, especially in Fraser and in Highland, MI (where, BTW, he'll be on January 29). The only thing he has to anchor them and their money is to cast doubts on the validity of the Masses in competing chapels. That keeps his very discontented flocks from straying.

      If these people did some research on their own, they'd discover those Masses were just as valid, and perhaps more so, than the ones his cult offers. (His flunky in AZ was ordained by "One-Hand Dan," and that's problematic from a validity standpoint.) However, since he brainwashed them into thinking that he knows it all, they won't jump ship, despite their antipathy to him.

      Luckily, some of those poor souls are starting to wake up. Once they do, they'll go elsewhere, and others will follow them. When Junior gets his miter, then it's all over for Tradzilla. That's why we suspect he'll be heading to France to start a new seminary. He won't get any money from the Swampland, so probably it'll be up to Fraser and Highland to keep him afloat in his new venture.

  5. PL/Reader

    Any info about Sanborns trip downunder?

    1. All we know so far is that he was Down Under on January 1 and January 8. We're hoping some of our contacts can find out more details.

  6. Interesting enough, Bishop Dolan will be in Florida this week for a retreat. On MHT's schedule, Fr Selway will conveniently not be there. He's on their schedule for Arizona instead of attending the yearly retreat from Dolan. Coincidence? I doubt it, seeing if you look back on MHT's past retreats, he never is in any of the pictures (at least in the ones I have found.).

    I wonder if the Arizona trip was planned as a coverup so he didn't have association with Bishop Dolan once again?

    1. We'd have to agree with you. Junior seems to consistently avoid being present when Dannie's around. That's why we don't believe he'll be a co-consecrator when Junior gets his miter.

      All signs indicate the Jelllyfish will take on that rôle. As we noted, Tradzilla heads to Highland, MI, on Jan. 29 to say Mass. That's the surest sign that he now owns the Jellyfish, which means he'll do Junior's and Papa's bidding. The Beanpole's presence there a few months ago could have been attributed to the fact that many of the Highlanders once knew him and his family. But with the hated Tradzilla going there in person, there's no doubt Highland is a satellite of the Swampland cult.

  7. Who are these people that attend holy mass,do spiritual reading and praying together?
    I would love to meet a fellow Roman Catholic!I could care less what chapel they attend.
    You all are spoiled by living in Catholic cities.Not knocking you all its natural to take friends and good situations for granted after many many years.

    1. You are so right, Anon! If only these places were truly Catholic, it would be so nice to be near other Catholics to pray and worship. Instead, these men destroy what could be a Catholic society by preaching their opinion as doctrine, perverting the Catholic faith, and turning these places of worship into a money making scheme for vacations and a life of luxury. How sad it is for these men to do these things to people who are trying to lead a Catholic life and be blessed to be by other Catholics!

      And you are so right on these men in charge of these places taking their congregation and their faith for granted for all these years! What a shame, especially that they have all these people who desire the Catholoc faith, yet they refuse to give them the real faith. Instead, they give them a show. I'm so saddened that other people don't see it like we do, Anon 1:18. Please pray for These hypocritical leaders (Sanborn and co) who are spreading a perverted view of Catholicism in their churches for personal gain!

    2. Anon 1:18

      We understand your point of view as one who would like to have a traditional Mass in town. However, you must realize that these men are not Catholic. What they offer is pretend Catholicism, a veneer only. In fact, these cults are a perversion of Catholicism with their crazy rules, invented dogmas, and dreamed-up mortal sins.

      You are far more fortunate NOT to live in a city where they have a chapel. At least then you can preserve your faith.

      Please know that many of us who live in a city where there is a traditional chapel do not assist there because the "priest" is affiliated with these dreadful adventurers. Home alone is far better for your soul than the big show.

      It's worth noting that only at the cult headquarters sites do you actually get the really big show. The billing at the missions is often only low Mass or Missa cantata, and a few years ago one of the cult "priests" actually forgot to consecrate the elements at Mass. At another chapel, a "priest" who is loosely affiliated with the cabal barely reads Latin and, despite saying Mass for many decades, is still unsure of himself at the altar. (Years ago one of the kingpins "permitted" him to read his Breviary in English, too.) This same man, whom they suffer to say the supposedly anathematized, Bugnini-inspired Pius XII liturgy, couldn't even read the correct Gospels for Palm Sunday. Topping it off, he's a petty tyrant who has outbursts, denies/postpones absolution (so he can think about it), makes up rules on the spot, and sometimes plays recordings of Tradzilla instead of delivering a sermon.

      Take it from us: you want nothing to do with this dog-and-pony show.

    3. Anonymous 1:18 AM, you seem like a good soul. You don't need to take these people's word for anything. Why don't you go to a traditional Catholic chapel near you and make your own decision?

  8. I'm a "conservative Novus Ordo" from Milwaukee who has followed the Traditionalist Movement for many years. First time commenting here.

    This is not the first time I've seen Dolan quote from "Novus Ordo" sources. Occasionally he will disclose his source as such, but more often he'll just cite the source without mentioning their affiliation. I've seen passages from Magnificat, Crisis, and other publications; or from individuals such as Rev. Robert Barron. Do his parishioners know where these are coming from? I find it all a bit strange, considering that SGG is so "traditional", it rejects liturgical reforms enacted by a Pope universally acknowledged as legitimate.

    1. If you know these guys, it's even stranger than you can imagine, Dave.

      Quite honestly, we don't think his followers are aware of what he's doing. They just take it on blind faith that he's the final word on all things Catholic, even after we've presented hard evidence of his glaring deficits.

      The most startling contradiction is that the cult accepts Piux XII as a legitimate pope, practices his mitigation of the communion fast, and yet, hiding behind a shaky appeal to epieikeia, condemns the liturgy he lawfully promulgated, when in large part it tracks the so-called Pius XII rite. This, mind you, is the same liturgy they grew up with as boys in the 1950s, yet suddenly it's unholy.

      We've never been able to understand how right reason indicates the legislator, Pius XII, did not want his liturgical law to bind. How, we ask, is the difficulty of obeying his legislation now disproportionate to the end in view (the decent worship and praise of God, our sanctification etc.)? Checkie's "Bugnini contamination" hypothesis doesn't cut the mustard.

      If they had argued that the Pius XII liturgy was too hastily revised and therefore has many liturgical discontinuities, then we might give it a hearing. Likewise if they had simply declared that Pius XII was not a legitimate pope, we'd have disagreed but given them credit for consistency.

      But the "infection" theory is just too primitive to dignify with our attention.

    2. One theory I have come across is Pius XII lost his office upon destroying Holy Saturday 1951.
      Council of Trent damns to Hell anyone who calls into question or changes approved apostolic rites and liturgical traditions.
      Its very possible if you read session 7 canon 13.

    3. Perhaps so. And if one believes that, then openly declare it. What bothers us is how the SGG crew wants to have their cake and eat it too.

    4. I did come across them, thirty years ago. I was a senior in high school, and St. Hugh's had just opened in Milwaukee. Fr. Mahoney (the one who was involved in a very scandalous affair some years later) said the Mass. I spoke to him before and after, and found him...interesting. I also remember him as a long-winded and disorganized preacher. There was also one other family visiting - I knew them from my grade school. Apparently, they were not impressed either, as I came across them at a conservative NO parish some years later.

  9. One reason (its a major reason) its hard to find a good holy Roman Catholic chapel is the holy communion fast of 3 hours is not what Catholics did before 1957.
    The after midnight holy communion fast (and pre-1951 holy week) is why housewives,blue/white collar workers,and senior citizens would attend the holy sacrifice of the mass on weekdays & Saturdays before the day started.
    I'm not making judgment calls on anyone or any chapel for its not my job or my business.
    Feel free to disagree but our sedevacantist chapel obeys these rules & I have noticed we don't have these problems you all mention weekly.
    These 2 issues are centuries old apostolic tradition.Abandon the traditions of the faith and the faith will slowly abandon you.(metaphorically speaking not individually)

    1. A thought-provoking observation.

      What bothers us is that the SGG/B'ville cult loves to pick and choose. Maybe that's why there're so many problems.

      One of the things we've noticed about the 1957 Motu Proprio on the Eucharistic fast is the striking similarity of its language (e.g., "abundant fruits," pastoral concern for the faithful etc.) to that of the reformers of V2. Yet the cult masters have no problem with this mitigation of discipline because it suits them.

      The cultists should draw a bright line if they want to be taken seriously. But, then, that would require consistency.

    2. You are 100% correct.
      As time goes on,Pius XII and his "alterations" from 51-58 will be relegated to the dustbin.It was this era when literally everything started to unravel erode and collapse.
      Plus,it set the stage for the Novus Ordo & accustomed Catholics to constant never ending change for the next 19 years.

  10. The second time I've seen the phrase 'thought-provoking' on this holiday morning. Earlier I saw it in connection with your buddy's book, "Work of Human Hands", on the NLM blog. Referenced by a professor in regard to his posting on the Vatican II lectionary.

    1. The professor was obviously out of sorts. We bet he meant to write "laugh-provoking."

  11. Dr Peter Kwasniewski has on a few other occasions favourably quoted or referenced Fr Checkie on this or that. While his career as a childish Youtube polemicist doesn't cover him in glory, Fr does have some skill in networking among some of the academics, hence the reviews. The reality when compared, to say, Dr Lauren Pistras' 'Collects of the Roman Missal' is that WOHH is a pedestrian piece of polemic, not really academic, a sort of extended blog post.

    1. Well put. And we say that while we acknowledge that Dr. Pristas's work suffers from a number of scholarly errors too. The difference is that her work survives once the errors are corrected. Checkie's, even when corrected, will remain an adolescent screed, for his level of analysis is so banal.

  12. AnonymousJanuary 15, 2017 at 9:29 PM

    "One theory I have come across is Pius XII lost his office upon destroying Holy Saturday 1951."
    "Council of Trent damns to Hell anyone who calls into question or changes approved apostolic rites and liturgical traditions.
    Its very possible if you read session 7 canon 13."

    Thank you so much for this post.

    This is exactly what I could not put my finger on when I was trying to explain to someone why I considered Pius XII a legitimate Pope, and yet at the same time the one who sacrificed Christ again when he surrendered the most holiest time of our Faith.
    Yes, some of us were reared under Pius XII, but so was the devil waiting to rear his ugly head, and so he did. The truth is, that one unsuspecting move by Pius XII, created the fall of the House of Cards, or should I say, the House of The Lord.

    Thank you again, and I will read the Council of Trent, session 7 canon 13.

    1. You're welcome.
      Our priest taught me this 2 years ago.He is also responsible for teaching me to fast after midnight for holy Communion.
      This blog host nailed it when he stated Pius XII used psychological & academic terms in apostolic exhortation's. "The consciousness of the church" "Pastoral needs of the Laity"
      Novus Ordo Watch blog is very inconsistent in praising Pius XII as the last true Pope yet bashes mocks and ridicules subsequent "popes" for making drastic changes.

    2. If the cult masters are afraid to denounce P12 for fear of losing paying customers, why don't they just draw a bright line at some year beyond which they will not accept any of the innovations?

      But, you see, they won't, because they like to pick and choose. Besides, they'd lose too many slackers if they insisted on the jejunum naturale.

      Pure hypocrisy.

  13. AnonymousJanuary 15, 2017 at 9:26 PM

    ..."Abandon the traditions of the faith and the faith will slowly abandon you.(metaphorically speaking not individually)

    How right your are!

    Metaphorically speaking or individually, the results were the same, Modernism through Gradualism, and WE are all trying to survive in the same boat.
    Let's just hope and pray that this boat is the Ark, and not the Titanic.

  14. AnonymousJanuary 15, 2017 at 6:19 AM


    "...If only these places were truly Catholic, it would be so nice to be near other Catholics to pray and worship. Instead, these men destroy what could be a Catholic society by preaching their opinion as doctrine, perverting the Catholic faith, and turning these places of worship into a money making scheme for vacations and a life of luxury. How sad it is for these men to do these things to people who are trying to lead a Catholic life and be blessed to be by other Catholics! ..."

    How sad indeed!

    These days certainly seem to be the times referred to as: "Dry Martyrdom."

    It seems like we have everything to quench our thirst, and yet, nothing, because Rome Lost the Faith.

    Charlatans are crawling out of the woodwork, and sheep are being led to slaughter because they trust the Judas Goat. I could go on and on, but lamenting about what was, will not change what is, unless we not allow History to repeat itself. We must correct the mote in our eye, before the one in our neighbors, lest we lose our ultimate goal of saving our own soul.

    The Kindred Spirit you seek will not be found in these various money making chapels.
    Their sign is not the Sign Of The Cross, rather it is the sign of the dollar $$, where money talks and nobody walks.

    Humility will not be found in these chapels!

    For me I found a source of peace in the Guild of St. Peter ad Vincula. It brings all souls seeking to serve God under a blanket of Catholicism which brings a universal understanding and truth for our very existence, which is to know, love and serve God. Simple, but that is it, and so many are finding their way to this Oasis of Faith.

    No agenda, just to serve God!

    Try it, you might like it!

    1. "Humility will not be found in these chapels!"

      If you attend Mass in order to judge the virtue or lack thereof of the other people there, you're better off just staying home. :/

  15. Thanks anon 2:08. I think it a worthwhile response to the crisis. No one can be really sure of how to get out of the crisis, but it could be a good way to get through the crisis.

    One downside is the calendar on the site is a year out of date (

  16. Thank you so much for telling me about the outdated Calendar on that site. I personally buy the Excellent Catholic Calendar from the Guild's online book store, which is:

    I know you will be happy when you get on this site. You might like to also go to breviary. mobi where a small fee is charged of $2.50 a month or a yearly payment of $24.00. This takes the edge off the daily expense to run the website. It is well worth the effort to join for one month and get the universal prayers of the Church in both Latin and English along with beautiful music.

    This apostolate is worth its weight in gold especially in these times of trying to keep the Faith.

    I hope this helps you out! Pass it on!

    1. We hope the site's operators read these comments and update their online calendar.

  17. Thanks, I've a deadline for tomorrow, but I can look soon enough. I think the site has the 1945 St Andrew Missal. Unless it's vastly different from the 1940 one I own, it has plenty of content, including detailed explanatory accounts by Dom Gaspar Lefebvre preceding the propers and Sundays for each day of the year. The paper is a little fragile, but then mine is 77 years old, and the copies sold on the site would be reprints.

  18. AnonymousJanuary 18, 2017 at 4:10 PM


    "If you attend Mass in order to judge the virtue or lack thereof of the other people there, you're better off just staying home. :/:"
    Your right, IF people like me went to Mass in order to judge others. That is not the case! It is not the people who are at fault in most cases. It is the blatant malformed clergy that exploit these innocent souls.

    A fish goes rotten from the head down!

    " By their fruits you shall know them."

    Well the fruits I have seen and witnessed over the past 30 years has made me seek, until I found a place of peace that holds the Faith, without the contempt, or the extortion fee $$$.

    Rome has lost the Faith! That is not a judgement. I think that is rather obvious to those that can see, and are trying to keep the Faith.

    Think about it!

    1. So if you don't go to church to judge others, why do you pay so much attention to their virtue or lack of it? Your posts only discuss whether the people there are humble or not, and whether the clergy are malformed or whatever else.

      Why don't you just worry about your own soul and stop making such uncharitable comments about the clergy or people at this or that chapel?

  19. It seems to me the convent that everyone talks about has some major flaws, especially with the vow of poverty, it's like these girls are entering with the wrong idea of serving God and others before yourself. I guess it is just another example of why these churches can't be the remanent of the true Catholic Church. I think when peoole go to these places, they need to ask themselves if this place "IS" Christ-like? Not does this place "look" Christ-like. A wolf can dress up in sheep's clothing; it doesn't make him a sheep. In the same manner, these places tend to look the part, but they are not the true church. I'm not saying we are not all sinners, but the clergy and religious should not be blatant about how they are better than you or live like queens and Kings. I find that so strange.

    For instance, Dolan and his ceremonies. As lavish as they are, that doesn't make him the true church. Anyone can put on a play.

    For Sanborn and his "convent" and "seminary", anyone can dess a group of people up in football uniforms, it doesn't make them football players, Just like having his convent doesn't make these girls nuns. If they are living a lavious lifestyle, how is that taking a vow of poverty? Ask not what the nuns can do for others, but what you can do for them!

    1. Well said! Our thoughts entirely.

    2. Edit: That was suppose to say "it's like these girls are entering with the wrong idea: instead of serving God and others before yourself, they serve themselves and everyone else is secondary."

  20. AnonymousJanuary 20, 2017 at 10:47 AM


    "Ask not what the nuns can do for others, but what you can do for them!"

    Simple! Don't support them.
