
Saturday, February 4, 2017


All men that are ruined are ruined on the side of their natural propensities. Burke

If you're searching for a sign heralding the doom of the decrepit SW Ohio cult, then read what Dannie wrote in last week's "Bishop's (?) Corner":
Easter is late this year, so we have all of February for Lenten planning. I’d be grateful for any suggestions about times or services. Not that many keep even the old Friday evening tradition of Lenten Stations, much less our church suppers and recollections. What would work for you? 
When the cult masters were riding high and mighty, they never asked for lay input. Without a care for the laity's convenience, druthers, or comfort, they imposed the schedule of crypto fund-raising and banqueting events they preferred. Before the 2009 SGG School Scandal, they could count on the culties to schlep their scabies-infested young'uns and a covered dish of greasy victuals to Dannie's Lenten Friday food jamborees, where he and his gluttonous "clergy" would graze for free.

Those halcyon days, as "One Hand" seems to admit, are gone with the wind they all used break after the legume-laden, crucifier-crammed feeds. The victims clearly want no part of the cult's side shows. If we had to guess, we'd say they've already spurned some alternatives Dannie's come up with to fill the Friday-night vacuum. Otherwise, why would the Wee One step out of character to stoop to solicit the groundlings's opinion?

"My-Way-Or-The-Highway" Dan must be worried sick. He's got a clown crew of four hungry mouths to feed and at least one bloated gut to stuff. If the Gerties are having nothing to do with his Lenten schemes to fill his "clergy's" insatiable maws, the "Young Fathers" may defect to Tradzilla's new clerical institute (LOL), where the eatin' is better— and organic. (That is, if the Donster'll have those misfits, one of whom didn't even attend a fake Tradistani "seminary.")

Although we have the utmost contempt for Li'l Dan, we'll never believe he's unaware of the danger staring him in the face. To the contrary. He's terrified by the poor Friday potluck turnouts. He knows it means the Gerties have lost interest in his flyblown operation. That spells certain ruination. For now, they'll assist at the (probably simulated) Sunday Masses, but it may not be for long. There are so many better choices in the Cincinnati area. In fact, he may have heard what we did: during past Lents, furtive Gerties have been spotted at Friday devotions offered by SGG's direct competitors.

This latest appeal won't have any effect. No one's going to tell him what "would work." Not because the cultlings don't know. They do. What "would work" is dismissing the "principal," shuttering crummy SGG "School," and sending Tony Baloney down to the Swampland. Add to that a massive austerity program to reduce expenses at rundown SGG, which would entail getting rid of the idle, resource-consuming "Young Fathers." They could be shunted out of state to depraved chapels that would pay and house them, thus relieving Gerties of the burden.

But that's something Dannie won't and CAN'T do, especially the part about the "principal." His Impotency doesn't dare. That would cause the ship to go down with its captain. Therefore, the Wee One will have to undergo the slow torture of watching his cult rot away leper-like, piece of putrefying flesh by piece. The Dirty Gerties are tired. Physically. Financially. Morally. Five adult male "clergy" do nothing to help with the drudge work. The moldering, vermin-filled cult center is a bottomless money pit. The weekly revelations of bad behavior make even the riffraff cultlings feel unclean.

Under these circumstances, Gerties don't want to stop by the feculent cult center any more than they have to. Furthermore, there's nothing to motivate the Gertie Gals to do all the extra cooking required for assistance at the "Friday evening tradition" of "our church suppers." Remember, if you're a cult zombie, you don't just make the stations and head on back to your shack. No way! His Appetency expects you to tie on his feedbag for him at the obligatory feast following the show.

Actually, the show's the pretext for the food. And you know Dirtbag Dan yearns for more than the "sooooooooop" he's always cooing about (even when he's in Mexico gorging on "copious quantities of meat" in Lent).  If it was flesh-mortifying Lenten soup he wanted, the "clergy" could put on a big pot of water with rank veggies, rip open a couple of boxes of stale saltines, and spread 'em with the rancid margarine from their mouse-ridden fridge. But Li'l Daniel's counting on Gertie gals saying to themselves, "Ah ain't lettin' Pa 'n' the kee-uds jes' have sum nasty, watery soo-oup. Ah'll fix 'em up a broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage 'n' three-bean cass'role with a big ol' slab o' Velveeta!" (Fond memories of youth, no doubt.)

Before Dannie, Checkie, and the "principal" dashed their illusions in 2009, the SW Ohio rite-trash were willing to play the catering game. No more.  From here on out, they're staying put on Friday nights. (At least the air will be somewhat fresher.)

Yet Dannie will resist the message. He'll continue to reach out, and each time he does, it'll mean his predicament's becoming increasingly untenable. With Gertie morale deader than a roadkill dog, something will have to happen soon.

Let's hold our noses and watch as SGG decomposes over this year, shall we?


  1. A very fine article.

    Just finished reading Sanborns Jan newsletter.He makes the claim that the folk in Australia don't want anything to do with the mainstream Church but he holds the position that Francis is half Pope but not the Pope so he must be in communion with him.Also that Gilchrist fellow.It is sad to see those former SSPX folk in Brisbane supporting him.We were told by a FSSP priest about his evil behaviour in NZ three years ago so news travels very fast.He conducted himself in a very effeminate manner and anyone who showed concern about his lack of training and pastoral care for souls he would label troublemakers.A few NZ folk were very generous with funds,etc and he dumped them for greener pastures in Australia.If we are correct a number of folk posted info about him back in July-september 2015 on this website.The NZ SSPX took over his main center and doing well.

  2. How did the religious of the past eat? Did they make their own meals, hire cooks, or have the parishioners donate the meals? The MHT group have a cook for gourmet, organic meals. Their nuns have their meals catered to them by the parishioners 3x a day 6-7 days a week. The SGG group has an online food signup. Is this how the Church did things pre-vatican 2? When I've read about saints of the past, they ate simple food and only to help them survive. I'm curious what the norm is then and even now?

    1. Anonymous February 4, 2017 at 11:08 PM

      From our recollection growing up in the 1950s & early 1960s, the religious ate well but not extravagantly (although on certain feast days the fare was more sumptuous). Parishes often had a cook because the priests were extremely busy, mostly attending to the spiritual needs of the faithful or managing the business affairs of the church, which were considerable in a large parish. Our memory recalls the menus were about the same as those of most American households at the time.

      Practices varied among the orders, but we remember one small community of religious who often prepared their own suppers, which were economical, healthy, moderate, and varied. (They were academic who often ate in a dining room for priests at convent on campus, where they shared the same food prepared for the large community of nuns.) One of those priests, who possessed advanced degrees in theology and patristics, was a very good cook. On the feast day of their founder, the food was more abundant and the cuts of meat choicer with a special treat for dessert.

      When secular priests and religious were invited out to dinner at a restaurant, most had been taught in the seminary to choose the least expensive entrée, unless they were prompted by their host to make a different selection.

      That said, we never witnessed the inordinate emphasis on food that we see among the Tradistanis. And we never saw pleas for catering service in a bulletin. The Tradistanis' fixation on food is an obsession affirming how disordered these cults are.

    2. The Reader is quite right. These men are obsessed with food. Look what Dannie wrote today in his "Bishop's (?) Corner" about Candlemas 2017 at SGG cult center:

      And then there was the supper! Rich, warming soups of all kinds fed the hungry hoards which filled Helfta Hall. Thank you for bringing your offerings.

      Notice the exclamation mark, the lavish descriptions of the soooooooops, the special mention of "hungry hoards" (= the "clergy"). This is disgusting and deeply disturbing. Also note how he uses the language of religion ("offerings") to
      characterize the dishes brought by the Gerties. Shameless. It reminds us of the practices at heathen temples where full meals are set before bloated graven images.

      It's obvious that supper was the highlight of the day, not the Mass. As PL said in the post, the big show is the pretext for a big free feed.

    3. Lets not forget their love for Fine Wine with dinner.They eat and Drink like Kings of old.Their tastes for the best cuts and rich deserts is well known.
      Humility,Kindness,openness,Compassion,and love of God and their Parishioners is non existent.
      Starve the Beast

    4. What we noticed is that they really don't know fine wine from rot-gut or Chianina beef from 'possum meat, but they insist on the best because it makes them feel as though they've arrived. They're really boors, and that makes their extravagance so scandalous: they don't enjoy it and would much rather eat at a fast-food joint. What a waste of people's money.

    5. In the old days, the parish convents would have at least one sister who was housekeeper and cook, allowing the others to focus on their teaching apostolate.

    6. But now at the Swampland "convent," the laity and school kids have to cook and clean while the priory princesses live the high life guzzling designer organic teas and noshing on luxury snacks. How times have changed!

  3. Plenty to choose from? Name one that can't be tarred with the same brush,or is such an unknown entity that one hesitates to even peek in the windows for fear that one will be impressed into another ship of fools.
    It's all bad from this direction.

  4. Anon February 4 at 10:11 PM

    You are the evil one. You sound like the failed seminarian who still cannot find a wife.

    You piss around and fart around with the same old gossip.

  5. Hi, PL,

    It's official. The Jelly fish is part of the cult gang. Dolan mentioned him in the bulletin like he name drops all the clergy working with him. This time he called him "Bishop"!!!! Jelly can't go back now. Next stop: West Chester to kiss b**t.

    "Bishop Sanborn was replacing Bishop Neville in Michigan last week."

    Looks like Sinburn is working overtime to promote his new group. Dolan says Sinburn was at SGG after Highland and discussed "his thoughts on future apostolates." You think Dolan may be trying to muscle in on Big Don's action?

    Boy can you guys make predictions. You should be meteorologists.

    1. Meteorologists have also made wrong predictions.

    2. That's true, they have.

      But we're not meteorologists, are we? We're Readers.

      That's why our record has been unmatched. Just like in this post. We mentioned Dannie's fixation on "sooooooop," and today in his "Corner" he waxed poetic about the soup on Candlemas.

      Now, sometimes our prediction of the time something will occur may not be as we guessed, but the event will never fail to come about.

      For instance, we went out on a limb in December and guessed that Junior could get his miter by June of this year. Our use of the modal, indicates we weren't absolutely certain of the frame, but we fancied a flutter.

      We know we may miss that time frame, but we will never be proved wrong that the Kid is bishop-bound.

  6. Yeah, he's been around here for a long time. Just another crank angry at the world. He keeps repeating the same old stories over and over again, just like this blog.

  7. This blog doesn't repeat the same old stories. It reports new stories based on the same old themes of cult master abuse: greed, stupidity, incompetence, and pride.

  8. AnonymousFebruary 5, 2017 at 10:02 AM


    .."He keeps repeating the same old stories over and over again, just like this blog..."

    Here I personally disagree with Anonymous Feb. 5, 2017 10:02am for the following reasons:

    1. The staff on this blog does not care about the material world, or correcting it. We all know what they are about, or at least we should.
    However, in the land of the Sacrosanct that is a different story. Traddie-ville has many Prelates, and all are declaring, that there is no salvation outside of their own respective turf.

    2. This blog is based on uncovering unfortunately, the same old hackneyed falsehoods coming from these self-righteous prelates claiming to be the One and Only TRUE Bearer of the FAITH. Once they stop slicing the bologna, I imagine this blog will be able to critique the true MEAT of Traddie-Ville, and hopefully ridding us of ever having to ask yet again, "Where's the beef?"

    1. "hopefully ridding us of ever having to ask yet again, 'Where's the beef?'"

      Sadly we still have to ask that. I've been asking that of this blog for a very long time now, and haven't gotten an answer.

      Where's the beef? Where's the true Church? Where should we go to Mass? If these chapels he criticizes are evil, where should we go instead? He has never answered that question. He has given us a constant stream of hate, anger and venom towards people who attend a church he doesn't like, such as we see in this week's post, but doesn't offer anything to replace it.

      That's why I've long since come to the conclusion that he isn't trying to help people find any sort of solution. He's just an angry old man who wants to complain, which is all he does on here.

    2. Anon 3:40, you haven't been reading carefully. We have told you where to go if there's no decent chapel around. Go home alone! That's the best solution there is for these rotten clergy.


  9. To AnonymousFebruary 5, 2017 at 3:40 PM:

    This Blog is full of information, and the venom that you speak of is because so many people like you are seeking a place to worship where they will not be fed the fodder. This staff is tired of hearing the same pleas from the same abuses, from the same abusers on the innocent.
    The fact is, this blog works with a staff and most are trying to find the oasis in the desert that might exist in one part of the world, while leaving another barren.
    This is the dry martyrdom unfortunately that we faithful must endure as predicted.

    Your information that you seek is in these posts, if you read carefully. Like any good detective, it is by a process of elimination that you hone in on the truth. Most of traddie ville is dangerous for the healthy salvation of ones soul. Why? Because most of these priests are malformed in the faith, and drive more people away from the faith than ever to it.

    Sacrament machines without the knowledge of the sacraments is lethal, and unfortunately is what will be found is such organizations as: CMRI, SGG, MHT, and a host of others. Then there are those who have a little bit of knowledge, and they are just as lethal with their misunderstanding of theology as those who never studied it under the right regime.

    Once you get into your head that the institution of the Church as we once knew it, is DEAD, and will not come back until Christ restores it, will you begin the strategy on how to save your soul in these times.

    There are two excellent Catholic web-sites known as:, (prayer of the universal Church, in both English and Latin) with beautiful Gregorian Chant, and the other, The Guild of St. Peter ad Vincula. Both are great sources to begin on the road for your salvation.
    Then as you read and pray on these excellent sites you will be enlightened in many ways and the road will lighten up before you.

    Fear will turn into Faith. anxiety into Hope, and anger into love.
    You will find that inner peace, that insures you, that you are not alone.
    There is a priest who does answer the phone, and does seem to care.

    Try it! It could begin to open so many more doors as you travel down the corridor of Religion and into the arms of the Catholic Faith.

    Hope this helps you out!

    1. Great comment! is the essential tool for those of us at PL who're happy home-aloners. At about $25 a year — it's the best bargain in Traddielandia. And it beats throwing away several thousand per annum on dirtbag Tradistani adventurers, who'll squander it on luxuries for themselves.

    2. Thank You PL for continuing to inform us of the misadventures of these Machiavellian Ring Masters who seek only the comfort of living High on the Hog, on the backs of their Parishioners hard earn $$$
      Starve the Beast


  10. You may have heard of the blog ( It seems to be SSPX-MC, and can be very critical of Bishop Williamson, and hostile to sedevacantists. Our Dannie is a 'so-called bishop' on account of his Thuc line consecration. More relevantly to the blog they have a list of Traditional priests (mostly SSPX and sedevacantists) and there is an assessment of their orders. They reject both the Pauline ordinal and the validity of Thuc line orders. There are some missing names like the Prior of Athlone Fr Leo Boyle, the full name of Fr Gallagher (Francis, same as a Conciliar ordinand, but the details are correct). I have found it helpful - it left me better informed. The link is or

    The FSSP iMass app on Google Play Store and iTunes is cheaper, has a Breviary which can be toggled between pre-Tridentine to post 1962, and has daily Mass which can be toggled from the original Mass codified by St Pius V to the 'transitional Missal of 65-67. It might be a counter-recommendation to note that Fr Cedaka praised the Breviary highly. The $25 a year Breviary is likely better featured, but the FSSP one might be good for those on a really tight budget.

    1. A good suggestion. We're for anything that helps people practice their faith while staying away from the pretend "clergy" who are only after their money.

    2. The FSSP? No thank you!!!

    3. Each individual must follow the counsel of her or his conscience. (But everyone should admit that the FSSP clergy are far better trained than the traddies.)

    4. Wrong the FSSP has to support defend & believe in the Jewish novus ordo. If not that FSSP "priest" is lying!
      Either way its wrong & Antichrist!

  11. Which Breviary did Fr. Cekada recommend?

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Anonymous 11.52

      He praised the Breviary functionality of the iMass app. It allows a person to toggle between a range of Breviary versions from 'pre Trident Monastic' to the last version before the Conciliar Breviary, with all the necessary prayers, psalms and orations for all the liturgical hours. I cannot tell which toggle option covers the Urban VIII revision, though.

      The version he preferred, as best I can tell from my recall of a short comment, was the Roman Breviary of Pope St Pius X. Divino Afflatu did suppress earlier versions of the Roman Breviary, and I think also earlier versions of monastic Breviaries, so to have opted for something earlier would be problematic.

      Fr Cedaka did not indicate a specific print version of the Breviary in his comment (via a link on New Liturgical Movement, I will see if I can find it). I hope that is of some possible help.

    2. Before the 2009 SGG School Scandal, the Cheeseball used to push from the pulpit.


    3. The ReaderFebruary 7, 2017 at 7:47 PM


      "Before the 2009 SGG School Scandal, the Cheeseball used to push from the pulpit."

      Excellent memory Reader!

      Just a small comment on the past!

      Unfortunately, the Rat never changes.

      You see the Breviary that he pushed in 2009 was designed by the same friend, and teacher at SGG that Cekada reported to the Dept of Homeland Security.

      Just a quick reminder of those days!

      Whenever a Rat gets his tail caught in the trap, he bites off his own tail.

      Well, this Rat a/k/a Cheekie Checkie got his tail caught in a Massive Scandal of Child Abuse in 2009, and instead of correcting the issue immediately, CC and the Bogus Bishop decided to bite the friend that went to them to correct the atrocities that were being perpetrated against the children of SGG by their Principal and co-conspirator.

      Then again back in the early'90's this same Rat C.C. reversed his staunch position that was originally against the CMRI to a big supporter of them. WHY?

      Well Rats in need, will always do the dirty deed! And indeed he did!

      He reversed his whole opinion because the Bogus Bishop,a/k/a One Hand Dan, wanted to get a new headdress before Bishop Kelly got his.

      The Rest is History, and The Pied Piper is still playing any tune to have a following of fellow ????

  12. The Thuc line is valid.
    If Thuc orders are invalid,they're all invalid.
    Did Lefevbre,Mendez,Hnilica,or Duarte Costa have a papal order to consecrate Bishops?
    I think every bishop line I just mentioned is valid.(Including the Thuc line)

    1. You'll get no argument from us on the subject of the validity of those lines. However, the licitness of the ensuing consecrations is an entirely different matter.

      The men illicitly consecrated from those lines are not part of the Roman Catholic Church. They run "Catholicoid" sects and are not entitled to any of the rights and privileges that pertain to bishops consecrated with an apostolic mandate.

      The lack of the Church's consent certainly doesn't invalidate their orders in our view (although the Jesuit Fr. Leeming did note that among Roman Catholics "On the ... question of the validity of sacraments performed by ministers who have not received their commission..., there is a divergence of opinion" (Principles of Sacramental Theology, 1956).

    2. The Reader might be interested in the position of Abbé Hervé Belmont, himself a pupil of the learned Dominican Guérard des Lauriers in regards to this question:

      His remarks on the attitude to be held reminded me a lot of what the esteemed authors of this fine blog have written in the past.

      – affirmer et faire tout ce qui est exigé par la foi et son témoignage, car la foi est indivisible ;
      – ne rien affirmer ni faire que ce qui exigé par la foi car le jugement propre, qui prend fatalement
      le relais, est aveugle ; il n’est en rien règle d’action à l’égard de l’Église ; il conduit à l’abandon ou à
      l’aventurisme, qui n’a jamais produit que des injustices et des catastrophes.

    3. Again we owe the über informed Tarquinius so very much for the link. The monograph should be translated into English and printed in full. (Time allowing, we just may do that ourselves and publish it on the web.)

      What's brilliant are Belmont's cognate distinction between the priesthood and the episcopate and his observation that a "diminished episcopate" (like that of the illicitly consecrated American sede cult masters ) would be "deprived of its "royal" relation to the Mystical Body (privé de sa relation « royal » au Corps mystique)."

      More important from a legal standpoint is his argument that a "consecration without an apostolic mandate would be the usurpation of a princely hierarchical function of the Church (un sacre sans mandat apostolique serait l’usurpation d’une fonction hiérarchique princière dans l’Église)."

      This Saturday, PL will post about another related usurpation by these mandate-less "bishops."

      It's time for Americans to end all the ecclesiastical "adventurism that has produced nothing but injustices and catastrophes." Stop calling these men "bishops" and tell 'em to get back into mufti.

      How can traddies do that?


    4. What about Bishop Anthansius Siewert?
      One of your popes,JP2,accepted him into the Novus Ordo without being reordained or reconsecrated! He was a Thuc bishop (Des Lauriers line) and held the title of Bishop during his time in the Novus Ordo.
      Look him up,there is a pic of him on an altar with JP2.
      The FSSP priests "orders" are doubtful by being "ordained" by new rite bishops.
      A doubtful sacrament is to be treated invalid.(basic Catholic knowledge)

    5. Re: your last line:

      That's why Catholics shouldn't assist at the Masses of "One-Hand Dan" and the men he's "ordained" until Dannie is conditionally re-rordained and re-consecrated and then in turn re-ordains the unlucky bums who got the short end of the stick by choosing him as their ordaining "bishop."

    6. The CMRI,for all the good intentions they may have,started with Old Catholic 'Bishop' Schukardt.
      That one point alone keeps me away from them.
      I have no idea if I am wrong or right.In the pre-1960 era that group would not have been able to operate without some serious changes and some serious down time away in a monastery.
      Some have suggested that group would've been suppressed pre-1960.
      (Bishop Sanborn said they should be suppressed in an interview from many years ago)
      Bishop Dolan received his Episcopal orders from Bishop Pivarunas.Once again I could be wrong but I choose to stay from Bishop Dolan for that one reason.


  13. The Reader February 6, 2017 at 4:01 PM


    ..."On the ... question of the validity of sacraments performed by ministers who have not received their commission..., there is a divergence of opinion" (Principles of Sacramental Theology, 1956).

    I would imagine that in 1956 at the time the good Fr. wrote his opinion, he did not foresee the condition of the Church as it is today. Or did he?
    So in principle I would agree with him based on that time, not these times.

    Let us never forget, that the Jesuits of latter years, are the ones most responsible for the crisis in the Church today, including that heretical Jesuit, sitting on the Throne of Peter today.

    1. All true enough.

      Whether Fr. Leeming was one of those Jebbies, we can't say. However, in fairness to the man, it appears as though he was matter-of-factly rehearsing the actuality that there have been differing views about men who did not receive "their commission in the historical succession of the episcopate." On that page, he didn't seem to be arguing either way. But earlier in the book, he cites theologians who argued for the permanence of orders (e.g., Peter Damian on simoniacs and Robert Pullen on the irrevocability of priestly power in suspended or degraded priests). IOHO, he was just being scholarly by suggesting the richness of the question.

      As for us, as long as there is correct matter, form, and intention, the ordinations of these lone-wolf "wandering bishops" cut off from the Church are valid though lawless. Of course, we must make an exception for "One-Hand Dan," whose priestly orders are in doubt owing to the widely reported manner of his sacerdotal ordination: one must be a priest first before one can receive episcopal orders. But if Tradzilla were to confer conditional orders upon him, we would immediately admit thenceforth he would be able to ordain validly. It goes without saying that we would also recognize as valid any conditional re-ordinations of the men who had theretofore been "ordained" by him.

  14. The Reader Wrote:

    ..."The men illicitly consecrated from those lines are not part of the Roman Catholic Church. They run "Catholicoid" sects and are not entitled to any of the rights and privileges that pertain to bishops consecrated with an apostolic mandate"

    This is where I totally agree with the Reader.
    Any Traddie Bishop who is operating without the mandate from Rome should perform all his duties as low key as possible, except where the public is always present such as: Ordinations,Consecrations or Confirmations.

    Truly this is not a Title given them with all the privileges of yesteryear. Nor should they want it, lest they ally themselves with the very enemy they are fighting against.
    It is just a necessary position to fill the void to continue the Faith that is being suppressed, until it is restored.

    1. Very well argued (especially paragraph 3).

      We, too, believe that these commissionless men should operate way under the radar. We would (grudgingly) allow them the use of liturgical vestments because the rites presuppose them. But outside the ceremonies, since they do not belong to the clerical estate, they should dress and comport themselves as laymen (which in fact they are, valid priestly or episcopal character notwithstanding).

    2. There are men who are secret sacramental bishops yet you'd never know it by appearance.
      I know one personally who demands to be called Father (Not Bishop!) & he doesn't wear bishop garb unless its a ordination,confirmation,or Holy Thursday.He dismisses Holy Mass like a priest,not like a Bishop.
      He operates under the radar and isn't doing internet broadcasts.
      Some of these sacramental bishops will never tell strangers they have Episcopal orders.

  15. You have done a great job on this article. It’s very readable and highly intelligent. You have even managed to make it understandable and easy to read. You have some real writing talent. Thank you.
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  16. Hi Reader from Melbourne,Australia.You don't neeed to worry about the situation here.There are plenty of good priests and Masses available without going near CMRI and Sanborn.The arthur family where Sanborn visited are just deluded and so well brainwashed that it would not matter what was said,they would not believe it.We once visited their home and felt something was very wrong.That group have no charity.We attend the FSSP. Our priests know all about Gichrist.The only crankpots he has following him are people who can't think for themselves and would not see the fraud that he is.Interesting Damian's brother is a former SSPX priest now part of the Archdiocese here.He prays daily for his brother to see the errors of his ways.

    1. That's very good news. We had a hunch they were nut cases after reading Big Don's characterization of one of his hosts.

    2. Anon 7:03 from Australia, can you please explain the lack of charity you experienced? I agree, the common thread in these groups tend to be the lack of charity present, especially among the parish.

    3. Anonymous 2/7 7:03, isn't it a little uncharitable for you to be criticizing these people anonymously on the internet? And you attack them for lack of charity?

      Besides, why do you decide whether to attend Mass somewhere based on how "charitable" the people there are? Are you God or something, that you can read their hearts?

      And why are you concerned about anything other than attending a Catholic chapel and receiving the sacraments? Why does it matter how you perceive the souls of the other people in the church?

  17. Anonymous Feb 5th 1.23.My wife and I have been married for 26 years and have 7 children.No failed seminarian.

    Face facts,why hide TRUTH.

  18. Did you notice how the newsletter talked about how much money they spent on him? I'm not sure if that was appropriate to discuss, or possibly he was saying how much the Americans should be spending on him? He seems to be consumed with money.

    I also noticed that he put a photo of him playing with baby in a stroller. Has this man ever been known as kid friendly? That seemed like a huge joke, and anyone who knows this man knows that he is NOT kid-friendly.

    The newsletter seemed more of propaganda than anything else. Maybe he is thinking he will eventually move down under after the seminary is handed over to the new bishop and his dad?

    1. Yes, we did notice his disordered fixation with the money spent on him, even down to the cost of the park ticket. It was more a budget than a narrative! Also, the same thing crossed our minds as yours: he wanted to "generosity-shame" Americans: if distant the Aussies can spend so lavishly on him, then why can't the Yanks, whose land he graces with his residence?

      Your last question is intriguing. He was recently in West Chester discussing "future apostolates" with Dannie Boy.

  19. Hey Anonymous 5th 1.23

    Are you Gilchrist.Fact facts most Traditional Catholics know all about you.We would have to agree with several comments on this posting,the only folk who will follow you are deluded but hopefully once they see what you really are they will leave.

  20. We agree.We are sure Sanborn will either move there or send one of his priests and kick Gilchrist out.

  21. Why is child abuse a theme among these groups? A key that one needs to stay away from these groups.

    1. Absolutely correct. Stay away or, if you're in these groups, get out immediately.

  22. Has anyone noticed that Sanborn has scheduled a subdiaconal ordination for February 24 on St. Matthew's Day ? Actually that should be St. Matthias - he cannot even translate a name !

    1. Bro,no one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes.
      I don't know Bishop Sanborn this is isn't personal for me.

    2. It's true, Anon 2:12, that we all make mistakes, but this one, of Sanborn's, confusing Matthias for Matthew , is inexcusable. It's one more proof that the cult masters definitely are NOT the real thing.

    3. All will be revealed at the Last Judgement.

    4. Reader Feb 5 at 5.15 PM

      Go home alone!

      It sounds like Jerry Metatics.

    5. Anon. 3:54

      You don't need to wait until Judgment Day to know the difference between St. Matthias the Apostle and St. Matthew the Apostle & Evangelist. Just look in your Missal.

    6. I thought "Sanborn" was supposed to be the definition of "perfect".

    7. According to his own P.R., he is. But then we know better, don't we? No educated Catholic gets Matthias and Matthew confused. NO-BODY.

      And please, let no one write in to defend Tradzilla by arguing somebody else prepared the schedule, so he's blameless. He should have checked it over personally if he did delegate the task for an underling.

      All the cult masters simply don't care about getting it right. And that's a good thing, because they couldn't bring it off, even if they tried.

  23. This is the real thing:

    Agenda: transform Pope from a King to a President and the Church from a Monarchy to a democracy. A German clique is behind it. Francis is just its obedient puppet-clown.

    1. Certainly more real than Tradistan.

    2. Reader 6:21 PM

      The reference was more to the real thing.

    3. Tradistan is only a side show.

    4. Anon. 7:17 PM

      Some like to pick on the negative. You see, it is juicy to others.

    5. Good point, 7:01! And it's a very minor side show at that — one that'll be closing down in the near future, we expect.

    6. You've been saying that for eight years now and it hasn't come true. Do you still have your receipt for that crystal ball? You might want to send it in for a warranty repair.

  24. Just another comment to add to what the article said about Dannie’s Friday night Lenten food frenzies. As if Dannie and the rest of his sorry entourage of misfit “clergy” sponging off the parishioners for the freebie meal weren’t bad enough, it’s actually worse than that. After these parishioners have made the sacrifice to come to Dannie’s Friday night “show” (which is a 2-to-3 hour ordeal, depending on how much of the “show” they stay for) and after bringing him his freebie food, Dannie has the unmitigated nerve to TAKE UP A COLLECTION!

    Yes! After packing up the family and then trudging through the usually inclement Lenten weather to get there, the parishioners are expected to PAY – to give “alms”!! (Of course, we have a fair idea of whose pocket those “alms’ end up going into.) But, regardless of whether the “alms” actually go to some worthy cause or not (and we bet on “not”), it takes a mighty heap of GALL for Dannie to expect these people to come, feed him (and his misfits) freebies, and then CHARGE THEM for coming! No wonder the attendance is dwindling!

  25. Anonymous February 8, 2017 at 4:33 PM

    "This is the real thing:

    Agenda: transform Pope from a King to a President and the Church from a Monarchy to a democracy. A German clique is behind it. Francis is just its obedient puppet-clown."

    You Bet It Is!

    This is more accurate than anyone knows. New World Order, Ecumenism, Globalism, One World Government, are all one and the same rhetoric to deny Christ as King and enthrone Lucifer as Lord and Master . Germany never lost the war, only went underground to wait, to rise to a new birth of the fourth Reich.

    1. Catholics take note and read more into it.

    2. Very meaningful, clear and precise.

      No King, no Monarchy, no Peace.

    3. Hence the unholy disturbance of Tradistan.

  26. To the Reader and Staff of P.L.

    With St. Patrick's Day falling on a Friday in Lent this year, was it customary before Vatican II to have a dispensation from Abstinence?

    We rely on your answer as opposed to the Cult Masters of Tradistan.

    We did find in the Penny Catechism Act of the Sacred Congregation May 13, 1919 that, both fasting and abstinence were dispensed. We also heard that, that Act was never reversed.

    We appreciate any input you and your staff could give us.

  27. It is our understanding that the Act of May 13, 1919, applied exclusively to Ireland, as part of the restoration of St. Patrick's Day in that country as a holy day of obligation.

    By canon Law, the ordinary (diocesan bishop) could dispense the people in his territory from abstinence. Moreover, a dispensation on St.Patrick's Day was common, especially in areas of the the U.S. with a large population of Catholics of Irish descent.

    As to your practice, you'll have to let your conscience guide you. If you're a stickler, then you'll have to determine whether the territory you live in habitually observed the dispensation and act accordingly.

  28. Reader:

    Thank you so much for your much informed advice. My family and I being of Irish Descent and from NY, fully intend to accept the dispensations granted us under those Glorious Days of Vatican One, and will offer up the day before St. Pat's Day to abstain from meat, as a penance.

    My Conscience will always be my guide, and St. Patrick will definitely have my heart and conscience on His Glorious Feast Day, as I bite into the Corned Beef.

    Thanks again! Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and your excellent staff.

    1. Reader Feb 10 at 4:00 PM

      Unholy disturbance of the entire world!

  29. Dear Feb. 10, 2017, 10:32

    You cannot go wrong following your conscience in these times when we do not know the mind of the Church. You can, however, go wrong following the cult masters unless you double check them, as you did.

    There's no doubt the true Church would have continued allowing Ordinaries to dispense from abstinence inasmuch as the Novus Ordo still allows the dispensation (see these articles from the Catholic News Agency and the Arlington Catholic Herald).

  30. Thanks so much!

    It just proves once more, "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock it shall be opened unto you..."

    Thanks for a great source of Catholic Information, and proof once again that, "once upon a time" the Church did produce such scholars as yourself, and failed these other idiotic wannabes with a simple entrance test.

    Thanks to you and your staff for being so generous with your time and Catholic information on this blog. I have made it one of my major references IF I cannot find a Catholic answer on my own.
