
Saturday, March 18, 2017

THE "BISHOP'S (?)" BESTIARY, Chapter 1

bestiaries. Books very popular in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries, concerning accounts of the supposed habits and peculiarities of animals, which, with the legendary lore connected with them, served as texts for devotional homilies. They were founded on the old Physiologi...[which featured] allegories concerning animals....  Benét's The Reader's Encyclopedia (1948)

Editor's Note: For years we've been mocking Hoodoo Dan's obsession with the cult's familiar spirits Caravaggio, Puccini, and Vivavldi (the red cat that mysteriously went M.I.A. in 2009). Until recently, we had attributed to bad taste or poor formation his grotesque "kitty chronicles" of gore and savagery.

That all changed in late February when a commenter let us in on a little secret he or she had learned long ago: His Circumambiency is
not really talking about his cats [;] he uses them as stand-ins for people he's targeting...He explained it to me once but I cannot recall after more than 15 years. He either said a saint did the same or somebody else in the Trad world. 
So, what the Readers thought was loony, cat-fancier babbling is in actuality a kind of fable or exemplum.

Since PL has an English-lit major on the editorial team, the Readers thought it would be great fun to interpret Dannie's creature capers in light of this eye-opening revelation of the method behind what seemed like simple madness (or Tourette's). 

You, too, can join in the fun. In each post of this new series, we'll quote verbatim a couple of "One-Hand's" accounts, each followed by our re-wording. Then you can register your own interpretation(s) in the COMMENTS section. Everybody'll have a rousing good time, and maybe Trad Nation might learn what's really on the Mitered Maggot's narrow mind.

Animal Story I

Let's begin with a fable narrated on the feast of Christ the King in 2016:
Caravaggio prudently decamped to the roof on Monday, prognosticating coyotes on the prowl. We always fear lest they go after the cats, but that night they contented themselves with the contents of a garbage can instead. The beasts fell to fighting over its offerings, screaming in their high pitched way, right outside my window. Rather unworthy to be squabbling over trash, I thought. But they are scavengers. It was a frightful noise. Fr. Cekada at first thought they were raccoons. But Fr. McGuire, an Ohio boy, recognized their bark. The garbage cans are now secured, and the cats have gone back to mousing. Caravaggio just now presented me a juicy one, but Puccini had most of his for breakfast. He couldn’t resist.
Oh, boy, what a menagerie Dannie has! Feral cats, marauding coyotes, transgressive raccoons, and bloody mouse-prey assembled amid reeking mounds of $GG garbage. It's an exterminator's nightmare, that's for sure.

But what can it all mean?

In our view, the dislocated Caravaggio represents a beleaguered Wee Dan yearning to be left alone so he can feed with impunity upon the helpless mice, which stand for the few bamboozled Gerties still under his complete control. Obviously, the vocalizing coyotes are his critics, in particular PL, while the trespassing raccoons symbolize the opportunistic, disloyal traddies who sometimes assist at $GG "Ma$$e$" but refuse to swallow the una-cum lie — and won't fill up the collection bucket.

Here, then, is our  re-write of the paragraph:
Dannie went into protection mode as PL and other blogs threatened to drive more victims out of the tumbledown SW Ohio cult center. Investigative bloggers and tell-all posters have dug up a lot of dirt about the cult masters. What they've found is all over the internet for TradWorld to see. Their posts have grown so loud, in fact, that Dannie can't ignore them any longer, particularly since some originate so close to home.  As the blogs feed off the now-dead cult in their crusade to warn decent Catholics to stay away, "One Hand" is frightened out of his half-wit. At first, Tony Baloney thought all the criticism was coming from the many tight-fisted attendees who quietly assist on occasion at the area's SSPX and FSSP chapels. However, Lurch, who heard all the complaints about Dannie and Checkie when he was just a whippersnapper, assured him the revelations were coming from the outside. Insofar as only the depraved clung to His Malevolency after the 2009 $GG $chool $candal, he mistakenly supposes the criticism will have no impact on his enablers. Therefore, in a fit of self-delusion, he's resolved to keep on preying upon the Gerties for everything they've got until the last one runs off screaming. He can't resist Checkie's demands for more frivolous, expensive goodies, like a rectory basement video-production studio.
Animal Story II

Our second fable comes from the Dirtbag's Advent II 2016 "Corner":
Last week Puccini was in a bad way, moaning in the bushes after Thanksgiving. But he’s a Zen cat, and never complains, so I knew something was wrong. Katie kindly took him to the vet, and it turns out he was thrice bitten (a church-invading raccoon, perhaps?) and required stiches, a partial anesthetic and an antibiotic. He’s pretty much back to normal, but is prudently sleeping quite a bit to speed his recovery. So, like Blessed Martin de Porres, I was operating a double clinic over Advent Sunday. Caravaggio visited Puccini once, but otherwise kept up his patrols. Especially in the kitchen.
As noted above, Erroneous Antonius is "Zen cat" Puccini, while the "church-invading" raccoons are the cult's occasional visitors who come for the show but refuse to drink the tainted una-cum Kool-Aid. We think this is what the Wee One wants to tell us:
Malformed Checkie's undeserved renown as a "scholar and theologian" has been thoroughly debunked. He's crying the blues about the exposure of his shocking blunders, in particular his perverse translation of infallible papal teaching: It's all out there on Front Street for Traddielandia to ridicule. Three different groups have made his ignorance public: university-credentialed bloggers, fellow trad clergy, and skilled opponents who write books and articles in academic prose (rather than grind out chintzy, amateur videos like the Cheeseball does). For the time being, Tony Baloney's been lying low, vainly hoping traddies will forget how wrong he's been (and how bad his Latin is). Seeing that Bonehead Tone incompetently defended one-handed priestly orders, Deacon Dan feels obliged to coddle him. He can't do it often, though, for his real job is policing Gertie Gals to make sure they keep on catering free meals to the bone-idle $GG "Fathers."
. . . . . . . . . .

Well, folks, that's PL's take on the meaning of "Doctor Dolittle Dan's" critter code for these two cat tales. But others out there in cyberspace, who've known His Inscrutability longer than the Readers, may be better equipped to tease out his messages. Why not sharpen your hermeneutical blades and take a stab at an interpretation of your own? You can post it in our COMMENTS section below. Everyone here agrees there's more than one way to skin a cat.


  1. I think your exposition this week is simply brilliant and probably closer to the truth than Dan would want. Here's another tidbit of which your piece reminded me:

    When Abbot Leonard Giardina was alive his Easter bulletin used to attack the phony intellectualism of Dan and Tony - I recall he once wrote that "there are places where some Catholics have to wear hard hats in order to attend Mass". Dan's Easter letter was always an attack on those Catholics who put "syrupy sentimentalism over theology".

    Both these guys did this year after year and I doubt very many of their readers ever knew this was an "Easter gift" to the other "camp". It was Dan who told me this personally - so he gave me the clue to the code they were both using.

    1. Thanks for another great insight. Henceforth, we'll be reading all the "Corners" and bulletins with a lot more care as to the real meaning. The fact that they sent their jabs to each other in cipher is yet another sign of Tradistan's spiritual disorder.

      We got a good laugh out of Dan's "attack on those Catholics who put 'syrupy sentimentalism over theology.'" He's the worst offender of them all! when it comes to pouring on the religious treacle.

    2. They would trade barbs but as this link shows:

      One Hand acted as MC to Giardina's Abbatial Blessing - but then that's nothing new; Piv told Dan to stay on "His side of the river" after Dan gave a retreat to the "Mountie Nuns"in the '90s (right after he wined and dined a seminarian away from Piv having scheduled the priestly ordination before Piv had scheduled the diaconal one) - what a tangled web !

    3. Indeed it is a tangled web. We heard that "One Hand" invited himself to Giardina's blessing. According to the story, Bp.McKenna didn't object because he knew Dannie needed to pretend he gave his approval for the ceremony. How pathetic!

    4. Maybe Bishop McKenna was being humble & and kept quiet so everyone could enjoy peace that day.(instead of a Goodfellas type argument)


  2. Another great article and laugh again.

    Being new to this site and reading past articles,it would also seem you don't support Pivarunas/CMRI either.Just finished listening to the talks of Pivarunas at the October conference.He brought up in defense of the CMRI position on sedevacantism,his article-common objections to the sedevacantist position.Siscoe and Salsa have already taken that to pieces.Why not answer their book.The folk there should have raised this with him.Also does anyone know who the priest(?) was at Tacoma,WA before CMRI took it over in 1990?

    1. Pivvy, Checkie, Dannie, and Donnie are not capable of answering S & S in expository form. They haven't the education.

    2. Right on the money Reader.Piv made the comment at his Saturday night talk at last years conference that he may not be as qualified as he should be to address certain issues.The trouble is he has no qualifications to begin with and never been to a true seminary.

    3. Salza and Siscoe have seen their work under attack from Aussie sede John Lane. On one forum (Suspice Domine or whatever) he opens endless threads, throwing out this or that attack. The trick is that he puts out so much that when someone points out that a claim isn't true (accusations of doctored quotes and the like), his response is either to move on, throwing out another attack, and if he has to respond, he engages in burden shifting, that others have to disprove his extraordinary claims rather than he support what he says, if cornered, he engages in vituperative personal attacks. John Lane really is the stereotypical sede, full of anger and utterly self righteous. He's angrier still now that one of the authors or someone they know, is meeting John Lane or Nazienzen, point by point. Sede cult bosses rely on moderately intelligent laymen like John Lane - who could imagine Chuckie or Dannie going through a book in detail. However, these laymen tend to have something a bit tone deaf or autistic about them. They harm the sede case.

    4. Agreed. Strange about Lane, though. We thought he was SSPX.

    5. The priest at Tacoma was Fr Mario Blanco now dead.Google him.He had sexually abused a number.

    6. PL 8:08 PM

      I understand Lane goes to es es pee ex Mass but writes about sedes.

      In any case there are sedes in es es pee ex.

    7. Salza the freemasonic tax Atty doesn't intimidate me.
      I could care less what he says or writes.
      Funny how everyone speaks of him & His buddy
      Good or bad everyone (sede R&R Noahide novus ordo) talks about them as if they are something other than laymen with am opinion.

  3. The folk at the Mount are brain dead imbeciles and don't ever question their "bishop"This is how cults work like SGG/MHTS.Anyone with a enquiring mind wakes up and leaves.Reader,are you aware that CMRI are opening another church in Minnesota?Pax

    1. Is that the chapel they're opening in response to the mess at Dannie's SS. Processus and Martinian? We heard the people there invited Piv. Any info you have would be appreciated. Our sources tell us CMRI went in as a result the problems that surfaced.

  4. Reader what were those problems that surfaced with Dan?It would seem CMRI are taking over more of his missions.

  5. Brooksville wants cmri. If they came, Brooksville would be left with the big 3 and extension.

  6. Anonymous March 18th,2017 7.34PM

    Do you know if many have left for Father Fulhams Church at Spring Hill,don't think he is sede anymore.

    1. Dear 7:17,

      We hear there were problems in MN that resulted in many ill feelings. That's why we asked 6:50 to confirm if CMRI was taking over the group that formerly belonged to Dannie's Processus and Martinian. From earlier reports, we think it may be, but we need confirmation.

      From all the stories coming in, it looks as though the CMRI will be reaping the benefits from mass defections from the B'ville-SW Ohio cabal.

      We hope someone out there has some solid info about the MN venture.

    2. Having encountered this website a few months ago I have been appalled by much of what I have read (because it is true - and I know it to be true from personal experience.)

      No I am not a sede and haven't been since 1998 - I'm not exactly championing Francesco's Pizzeria either.

      Frankly with all the lobotomies that have been performed in Sanborn's Cult - I would want them to stay where they are generally speaking. If it's taken this length of time to see a cult writ large - I don't fancy debriefing a flux of people from Tradistan.

      A large group came over 2 years ago but they weren't sedes and were normal head-on-straight Catholics and adjusted well to our chapel.

      As a former sede I know what militatnt nutcases look like - but I was never one of them.

      20 years of hearing a New York accent snarling "Ratzinger" and "Bergoglio" every week isn't my idea of sane (= healthy in Latin) Catholicism.

    3. Very well said. There may be a few normal people left in the Swampland cult, but not too many, we're sure. It's far better that the Sanbornites stay under their Svengali so "head-on-straight Catholics" — great term, BTW! — can worship in peace.

      Tradzilla's compulsive new -rule-making streak, however, may threaten the peace of other area chapels by inducing the brainwashed to leave his disordered cult for less oppressive environments. As history teaches, a police state can endure as long as it leaves most of the people alone.

      But Big Don's ever-changing, increasingly petty, ever-more-oppressive regulations in the name of "modesty" are beginning to affect everyone in his cult. All that has to happen is for the Flushing Rat to publicly embarrass and ban some family for violating one of these injudicious, trivial regulations. Then there'll be another exodus like that of several years ago, only this time much smaller. (Membership's down.) Unfortunately, the new exiles will carry with them all the crackpot fictions they've absorbed over the years, so they're likely to start trouble wherever they find refuge. It would be too challenging a task to deprogram them.

    4. Well, as for animal story I, we thought we’d take a crack at it with this explanation: Perhaps the “coyotes” that Dannie heard represent the principal’s sons, and the “garbage cans” are the school computer, with the “frightful noise” being those sons “screaming in their high-pitched way” while they were watching porn and animal torture flicks on it. But after word of that leaked got out, an embarrassed Dannie, clumsily explaining it away as “boys will be,” hastily made sure that the “garbage cans are now secured,” i.e., the computer is now being “policed” (to avert a recurrence of that mortifying revelation “leaking out” again). And as for whom the “cats” represent, they are probably the SGG school girls on whom the coyotes prey -- one of whom fell prey to a “coyote” before that particular “garbage can” was “secured.” And the “raccoons”? Well, that one’s a stumper. Perhaps they are coyote “wannabes” who would like to do what the “coyotes” do, but haven’t the nerve to do it flagrantly and openly – so they just lurk “in the rafters,” (i.e., do it in secret).

      As for Animal Story II, we’ll just roll with PL’s explanation – at least for the time being. Perhaps someone else can “fill in the blanks” with some Freudian symbolism. Oh yeah, one more thing: we too had a good laugh about what was reported in the very first comment: Dannie’s ridiculing those who put “syrupy sentimentalism over theology.” Whoa, gag me with a six-pack of spoons! Dannie has the MARKET CORNERED on “syrupy sentimentalism”!!

    5. Oh no they're catholics who disagree that noahides and Jews aren't Catholic Popes!!
      Shock horror surprise we aren't head straight.
      Go kiss a Quran or menorah,pray for St.John the Baptist to protect Islam,light Hannakuh candles,and stop bitching Terrance.

  7. Do you all realize that Bishops Dolan Piv & Sanborn aren't the only sedevacantist chapels/clergy?
    I attend 2 sede chapels and 1 sspx-resistance type chapel.
    Sermons are about the epistle,gospel,saints,catechism,
    living a Catholic life,preparing for extreme unction,being selfless,etc..
    I haven't had explosive arguments,scandals,and fights that you all talk about.
    Another point is the sede position and novus ordo noahides are rarely ever discussed because our priests realize we don't need to learn what we already know.
    One issue that is mentioned frequently are the Priests/Bishop's who don't enforce the after midnight holy Communion fast and how Pius XII was very destructive yet his behind externals.
    Other than that we don't hear about Bergoglio,Fellay,etc..

    1. Oh, yes, indeed, we know there are many, many more SV clergy than Sanborn, Piv, and Dolan. Moreover, we are personally acquainted with and even admire a great many. And we know they all aren't troublemakers like the cult masters. That's why we so often urge their victims to seek out other chapels in their area. The people in SW Ohio in particular have a wealth of alternatives, which they should take advantage of to save their souls and their savings.

    2. Well said and I apologize if my message seemed rude or patronizing.
      Text messages can easily be misinterpreted and I didn't want you all to think I was being arrogant.
      Thank you
      Dominus Vobiscum

    3. No offense taken at all. To tell the truth, we welcomed your message because it makes others aware that there's a true Catholic life outside Tradistan, if only they'd look.

      We appreciate your taking the time to comment. Best wishes.

    4. Anon, your duty as a Catholic is to trust the laws of Pius XII. Anyone who thinks ill of the Church's laws, is not thinking as a Catholic. This goes for the Holy Week, the 3 hour Communion fast, and any law of the Catholic Church for that matter.

    5. I will rightfully disobey anything after Dec.1950
      You're a funny guy acting as if you have authority.
      Have a wonderful week Big Chief.

  8. A) Don't sedevacantists realize that there's 2 Pius XII bishops left, they're both centenarians and none of them have probably said a Mass in 30+ years? What happens when those die? You need bishops with papal missions.

    B) More than likely, the people ordained by
    Abp. Pierre Martin Ngô Đình Thục are not validly ordained. This makes a lot of sede clergy doubtful, if not invalid.

    1. The Thuc line is valid.

    2. Saint Joseph, Protector of Holy Church, pray for us.

    3. Dear Carlos,

      Even if those two were willing to lay on hands, they probably wouldn't do so for the sede cultists, whom they're sure to characterize as unfit/unworthy.

      The one consolation we all have is that Providence doesn't need the sede kingpins to preserve holy orders. They could all vanish tomorrow without any danger to the continuing mission of the Church. The biggest fabrication of their part is that they are preserving the hierarchy and the validity of orders. In point of fact, they are entirely irrelevant.

    4. Sir,

      You presume that we only rely on the Pius XII bishops to continue the apostolic succession. In reality, the succession continues through all pre-Pauline Latin rite bishops, and many eastern rite ordinaries.

    5. I agree, Reader. The illicitly consecrated "traditional" bishops do not continue the apostolic succession, and the Church has never had need of them from the start. The successors of the apostles will continue to exist until the end of the world.

    6. Gene,

      You cannot imagine how funny it is when one of these malformed, non-entitites says with a straight face, "I only accepted episccopal election to preserve apostolic succession." Their sense of self-importance is staggering. To claim that the likes of "One Hand," the Jellyfish, Tradzilla, or the Pivmeister were illicitly "commissioned" by Divine Providence to save the Catholic hierarchy borders on the blasphemous.

    7. We disagree Gene.You're entitled to your opinion but until we have a Catholic pope I will take my chances receiving sacraments from traditional clergy with traditional holy orders.
      Go ahead and say and do whatever you want.Call me heretic stupid etc..knock yourself out buddy.
      Have a blessed day.

    8. I just re-read your comment Gene.
      When did I say anything about NOT recognizing holy orders outside Thuc Mendez Lefebvre Hnilica Duarte-Costa?
      Oh yeah I didn't say anything! Yet you,in your presumed authority and great wisdom ASSUMED I disregarded eastern rites and Bishops/Priests pre-1968.
      Dude slow it down you're on a pedastal.Stop pretending you know what is inside someone else's mind and soul.
      I say this to help you as you are most likely a smart,chill,type fella.
      Chill out on being the great OZ know what I mean?
      Have a blessed day.

    9. Anon, I didn't mention holy orders, so I am not sure to what your are referring.

  9. Hi PL

    This is Julie again, one of the "heretic chicks" your crazy culties love to hate. I know this is off track but I have a quick question. What does the writing say on the illustration? We can tell its Latin and we can read some of the words. Ahuva called our teacher when you posted, but she couldn't figure everything out either. She said you guys would know. Hope you can answer by tonight :)

    1. Hey, girls, good to hear from you. Hope Latin III's going well. Don't worry about the sede trash who weigh in. They're just angry that their offspring are so backward.

      We understand your difficulty. Not only do medieval scripts present readability challenges, but the abbreviations can really stump you. The illustration looks as though it's written in an English Protogothic bookhand, but, we confess, it's been many decades since we took a course in paleography and codicology, so we could be wrong.

      Here's our transcription of the page; there's obviously some text not visible, so ellipses will have to do:

      ... partus creari, ut mulus et burdo, de pantera.; Est animal quod dicitur pantera varium, quidem colorem habens, et est speciossimum nimis et mansuetum. Physi....

      We translate it it as "...the young are brought forth, like the mule and the hinny. Concerning the panther: The panther is an animal that is said to be pied, having color indeed, and it is very beautiful and tame. The Natu[uralist says {?}]...."

      Hope this helps.

    2. "This is Julie again, one of the "heretic chicks" your crazy culties love to hate."

      IIRC, you're a Protestant and a Jew, are you not?

    3. If you're interested, there is a neat online version of a bestiary. The article on the panther can be found here:

      The Latin seems late medieval, with the spellings and usages which would be expected, but I think it is very approachable and can be a bit of fun.

    4. Dear 11:24,

      Thanks for the great link. It's a wonderful site, which also contains the version in our MS illustration. We hope Julie and Ahuva read your comment.

  10. PL/Reader,That new CMRI church is about a hour south of Rochester,MN so it must be Dans former group.

    1. Much obliged. We expected as much. It certainly explains why lately Dannie hasn't been making direct reference to Uneven-Steven's MN missions. All we've seen is the general compass direction of the north, which may only refer to North Dakota. (We hope the SSPX or another group runs the cult out of there soon.)

      Last summer we heard reports about two disagreements between the MN folks and the cult masters. One of the disagreements was apparently very serious. Unfortunately our source would not go into greater detail, without which we could not post anything. We wish we could. The info might open some eyes in Tradistan.

      We do know that the folks up in that part of the country had the resources to buy property for the mission, so they may well have invited the CMRI to replace the cult. Someone sent us a link showing that the CMRI had blessed a "church" in Harmony, MN. If that's an hour away from Rochester, then it's an indication that the SW Ohio cult lost another mission to its nemesis.

  11. Terence Fulham March 18th 11.15PM

    Are you not the one who was made a bishop from someone called bp Simmons of the sect called the Holy Catholic Church which is a mix of new age,etc.How could you do that.If I remember you started your own seminary after St Michael(2002) but had no seminarians or several who had come from Big Don and then left.That is the major joke about the sede movement,all these self proclaimed bishops.

  12. Correction-Holy Celtic Church,not Holy Catholic Church

  13. +Simmons was ordained the first time in the Holy Celtic Church but was reordained sub conditione through the Duarte line. He was consecrated through the same Duarte line.

    As I understand it Bishop Simmons was a devout Old Catholic prelate who is said only to have used the Tridentine formularies.

    1. You emailed me anonymously the other night to which I replied "Self-righteousness parading as piety - oh brother !"

      Simmons was (like me an Anglican) he converted to Roman Catholicism and spent some time in a RC religious house before being turned off by the changes and returned to secular life and supported himself by vestment-making amongst other things. He made a couple of copes for the visit of JP 2 to England in 1982.

      He maintained a desire to be a priest but with the official church going crazy there were few options. He was no great Sacramental theologian (who is these days?) so he concluded an ordination is an ordination if it is valid - this was the thinking of the CMRI back in the early 70s. He approached one Iltyd Thomas for ordination to the priesthood and received that ordination. However, Thomas had received consecration in bed because he was too ill to get up for the ceremony so Simmons concluded there was something strange here.

      After much soul searching he contacted the ICAB group (Duarte Costa) and was eventually subconditionally ordained a deacon and priest and made a Bishop by Harold Norwood who was a convert to Catholicism andd did a stint at Econe before moving in quasi-Thuc worlds in France but he then had recourse to ICAB where they made him a Deacon Priest and Bishop.

      When I first spoke to Simmons by telephone my very first question to him was "What Faith do you profess ?" His reply was immediate: "The same as you - I am a Roman Catholic". I took him at his word.

      The reason you choose to call him an "Old Catholic" is perhaps based on the corporate name he used to describe his entity: "The Independent Catholic Church of Great Britain". In Britain religious corporations are trade marked with the government's charity agency regulating the matter so if you use the term "Roman Catholic" the official church will sue the pants off you.

      Simmons came to understand that his really only Catholic lineage descended via Duarte Costa, Castillo Mendez and Harold Norwood.

      I extensively researched this line because I was extremely skeptical and knew that the Thuc Trads would crucify me when I came back (as they want you to believe) and Old Catholic Schismatic Bishop. I made it very clear to Simmons and he was equally clear in response that this was a Catholic ordination for the Roman Catholic Church.

      You know amongst Trads (and I wrote a long letter to + Pivarunas about this which I may publish here sometime) the best way to tarnish a person is say he's a Non-Catholic or drop the Nuclear Bomb of Homosexuality either explicitly or hinted at. When those games are played people should ask the source for the real dope as to what's going on.

      The seminary in '02 - yes 1 of Sanborn's sems. was kicked out because as the son of parishioners of mine he supported the consecration to Sanborn's chagrin. He joined me for a year and we built the housing but the young men who came to us were not yet mature enough to take upon themselves the burdens of studying for the Priesthood - after that experience I shelved the idea - permanently.

      I arrived at the decision to become a bishop this way: in 2002 I had a conversation with Fr. Neville who never really convinced me he had truly converted to Sede-ism. The next day he called up all the "clergy" regulars of this site to announce I wasn't a Sede. Dolan contacted me wanting to come to only 2 of my 3 chapels at the time to make a "visit". Smelling a rat and needing confirmations in Spring Hill I accompanied him to all 3 locations. Needless to say he shared his Gospel according to S-Vism in all 3 locations causing considerable scandal and the following week I pacified the people by informing them that was Dolan's view but not mine.

    2. [Continuation of the above] After that I needed a replacement Bishop for Confirmation and I asked Bp. McKenna but he was willing to help but old age had caught up with him.

      Casting around for options a priest friend suggested to me that I should do the job myself - which had not crossed my mind and he was in touch with Simmons.

      Finally I looked at the question of the reception of Sacraments from unfit ministers (you can find the sermon in the Traditional Breviary for the Octave of the Epiphany - if my dull mind is correct) but anyhow St. Augustine reminds us that the efficacy of a Sacrament depends upon not the personal worthiness of the minister but upon Christ who is the real minister acting through him. This was the clinching argument for me - it matters not the moral probity of the minister but upon the validity of the Sacrament that is conferred - and that Sacrament was not (in my case) being sought for personal glory - but for the spiritual needs of my people.

      I post in my own name - I do not hide behind anonymity - I welcome critiques - but re-hashes of polemics fed to you by the cult masters have already been dealt by me with several articles that I have available which I wrote 14 years ago, fully aware that they would try to smash me. I would be happy to share them with one and all if there is a sufficient interest.

    3. I couldn't figure out how to delete the below - could you please do so ? Thank you !

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Could you please delete the above - and I couldn't figure out how to do it myself.

    2. Did Sanborn choose Brooksville because he knew he could steal away your parishioners in Springhill?

      What exactly did Dolan tell those 3 chapels?

    3. What would Blessed Charles The Martyr say?

    4. Immaculate Conception in Tampa,FL is an excellent chapel.
      I have been to their holy mass and it was edifying,peaceful,and Catholic.
      If I lived in central Fl I would definitely attend that chapel.
      They treated me with complete hospitality even though I am a total stranger.

    5. Yes, it seems to me that the churches are discussed here lack charity, are unkind/ignore newcomers, and use control tactics.

    6. There are so many alternatives to MHT in that area. It's a pity so many people believe all Tradzilla's trash-talk about those chapels. A syou all may know, the cult masters' speciality is to impugn the others' orders. The irony is that the MHT line is only Thục, whereas many of the clergy in the other chapels can cite multiple lines, including Thục lineage. Therefore, their orders would seem less vulnerable to attack than the cult's.

      We guess it doesn't make much difference, since Tradzilla's nutty rules are bound to drive off more people. Then they'll get a chance to visit the other chapels and see what they've been missing.

    7. I hold the sedevacantist position but its not in their authority to call Una cum masses "mortal sin".
      I emailed them asking where they received the authority to create a new dogma.
      The answer was less than convincing.(I'm being nice)
      Can't remember the priest's name @Immaculate Conception but he was very down to earth, normal,and stable.(was on vacation)
      He reminded me of a stable diocesan priest pre-1965.

  15. AnonymousMarch 21, 2017 at 12:38 AM


    "Did Sanborn choose Brooksville because he knew he could steal away your parishioners in Springhill?"

    That might have been an added benefit after the fact, However, he built solely in Brooksville to accommodate Selway and all his money and family.

    1. And why is that? And why is it that the Selways run everything? SSPV, Sanborn group, the Sspx school in California?

    2. It takes two to tango!

    3. Right.

      But somebody has to pay la orquesta. And he's the one who not only decides whether they'll play A Media Luz or La Cumparsita, but also determines who gets to tango in the first place.

  16. Thank you so much Bp Terence Fulham for having the courage to come onto this website and explain in great detail your position and your experence in the sede cult of CMRI.

    We never really knew the reasons why you left Mt St Michael.The only thing was scandal that you had run off with a CMRI sister to FL.It would be very interesting to know our you came to see the sede thesis is wrong and yes a number would we sure be interested to read your articles including if you don't mind the letter to Bp Pivarunas.Again,thank you for coming on to explain things.

    1. I don't believe I have said anything about Mount St. Michael or Bp. Pivarunas and CMRI in any great detail.

      It has been mentioned by others in comments to other posts that I packed up and left after 6 months of being at the Mount. That is partly true but I joined + Pivarunas in March 1995 and left July 14 1996. I spent almost a year at the Mount from August 1995 to July 1996. My intimate experience of the Mount really began after ordination Feb 2nd. I found the place to be worldly and had the veneer of Tradition. Recall that I came from an SSPX background during the time of Archbishop Lefebvre.

      One experience that was particularly harrowing was to have to correct advice given during a marriage class to a prospective couple by the current pastor with whose (liberal) views I was almost always at variance.

      At my last Mass which was the 5.00 pm on Sunday I explained in great detail why I was leaving - I delayed the sermon until the Mass was over because as I expected some might leave and not fulfill their Mass obligation had the sermon been preached during the Mass as usual.

      I had been asked shortly after ordination to persuade the nun you mention to see a psychiatrist because (the superiors claimed) they thought she had emotional problems after the death of Fr. Denis Chicoine a previous superior general for whom she had cared during his final year long battle with Cancer. When I got to know her I could readily see if she was mentally ill then I was also.

      At the same time an invitation to dinner by a husband and wife produced and encounter with another CMRI nun I had never met before since she was sick and living at home with her parents. After dinner we had a long conversation about the Mount and its problems. I mentioned the existence of the nun I had be asked to get to see a psychiatrist and suggested the 2 of them should talk to each other - which they did on Corpus Christi afternoon.

      Meanwhile I went to talk to Fr. Kevin Vaillancourt a former CMRI priest in Spokane valley. He and I shared notes and he mentioned the Church in Spring Hill of which he was then Vice President and that they needed a priest. Subsequently over dinner, the 2 nuns, Fr. Vaillancourt and myself discussed a plan for each of us detach ourselves from the Mount but at different times not all together since it wasn't our intention to cause a major stir. Each priest would take 1 nun and I would go to Spring Hill. Eventually I wound up in Spring Hill and have been here going on 21 years.

      Yes I am aware of what was circulated at the Mount after I left - as I said to Fr. Louis on the steps of Mount St. Michael one morning after the 1st departure had taken place and mine was looming next - "How is it so many people have left CMRI over the years and always they had the problem and never CMRI ? That doesn't wash !"

      A cult always has to come up smelling of roses - they're never at fault.

      As to S-vism - I read a line from Ratzinger in 1998: "If individual Popes have been a skandalon (stumbling block) one shouldn't take them for the whole church." I stopped and thought (ironically with a Bergoglian moment) "In regards to JP2 who am I to judge?" And there it remained. Additionally the Church infallibly teaches since Vatican I there will be an unbroken succession in the primacy of Peter until the end of time. If there's no Pope since '58 how and whence do we get another one? That's where I stand. For me the issue of the current crisis is a diabolical disorientation and so where confusion abounds nobody can claim absolute certainty on issues that are far from clear theologically speaking.

    2. Terrance Fulham, are you the Church where 40 parishioners went after they left Sanborn? According to one of the parishioners who left, Sanborn refused to even give the first communion or baptismal certificates over to these parishioners.

    3. Yes they came over here and they did have a hard time getting documentation.

  17. Yes,we agree with Anonymous March 11.33pm.Thank you very very much bishop for coming onto this site.We would like your comments on your thoughts on the standard of "trainng" at Mater Dei when you were there.Having been a sede cleric you must know much detail.Did you read the book by a former CMRI sister published several years ago called My journey through a Catholic cult.It was quite eye opening.One horror was when she and another sister went to bp Pivarunas to get his help concerning major problems in the group and at Mt St Michaels and his answer was there was nothing he could do as his hands were tied.They asked how could this be,he was supposed to be the highest authority in their order.

    Have just starting watching your video sermons.They are great.Thank you.Pax Vobiscum

    1. Ironically I know practically every person discussed on these columns personally.

      I do have my opinions on the "training" you speak but there are 2 difficulties: 1) I offered an apology to + Pivarunas for the manner of my departure (using his pulpit to attack him) - to repeat my opinion again would be to renege on my assurances to him given previously and 2) My association with his group ended 21 years ago so my perspective would be more historical rather than actual - I couldn't speak to the present and there are legal issues as well if I make deleterious claims I cannot substantiate.

      Yes I read Sherri's book and spoke with her at great length about it. I spent a little over 1 year with the group - she spent the majority of her life with them with all the horrors she describes.

      It's true to say that you can walk the corridors of the same building and not know the suffering of another human being.

      If you wish further information the church e-mail address can be found by clicking on the link under my name at the beginning of this post. I do not wish to clog up the pages of this excellent website with my ramblings and I commend the moderators for their indulgence.

    2. You are welcome to comment any time. We're very glad people can learn the truth from you personally. It's difficult for some traditional Catholics to believe everything we write, so when someone else can affirm all the wrongs in Tradistan, we're more than happy to to oblige. Catholics who still remain in these cults must open their eyes and get out. Your calm and measured voice will help. Perhaps one day you might like to be a "Guest Reader" and author a post. Feel free to contact us via our email address.

    3. You are most kind - thank you for your comments. As a young seminarian I once looked up to these men as pinnacles of the Faith and read their early articles, but as the years passed and the questions about their pat "theology" began to rack up and their shifting theological positions didn't add up and my own research I found myself wondering if their closed theological outlook isn't actually a dead-end.

      Finding this blog and the "Lay Pulpit" was an eye-opener. I never knew that so many people were so arbitrarily and cavalierly treated.

      In that same conversation with Fr. Neville in '02 I referenced Fr. Sanborn's article which critiqued Archbishop Lefebvre: "The Crux of the Matter". In it Sanborn stated that the SSPX had all the elements of a cult: The Superior General was the Archbishop, the Rector was the Archbishop, the decider of vocations was the Archbishop, indeed the chief cook and bottle washer was the Archbishop. I told Neville that with Sanborn's impending consecration he had all the earmark's in place of a "monkey-see-monkey-do" repetition of the Lefebvre experiment. Neville duly reported the conversation as: "Fulham says we are a cult." I actually said it had all the "makings" of a cult. It was Lord Acton the Catholic and English historian and political commentator who wisely observed: "All power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." There's nothing like a miter for it all to go to your head !

      Sanborn used to call his operation "Catholic Restoration" - I always wondered what he was restoring - what indeed are any of us restoring ? Bp. Williamson used to use the analogy that the SSPX (a fortiori Traditionalism in general" is only a pilot light - the Church hierarchy must turn on the stove - specifically the Pope.

      For some there is no hierarchy, there is no stove and there is no pilot light (and most importantly no Pope) - which would lead one to ask a pertinent question: Where, then, is the Church ?

      The Profession of Faith at Mass says: "I believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church" Where are these marks to be found ? Is it reduced, now, to "you in your small corner, and I in mine ?"

      Charles Stuart I couldn't say anything now - he lost his head - and so have many others !

    4. These men have neither the will nor the intellect to restrain themselves, so it's natural that their little groups become more cultlike as they coöpt additional unmerited dignities.

      You might be interested to know that at one time, say, around 2009-early 2010, the Jellyfish briefly had a very different opinion about MHT cult status. But then that's typical of the creature, isn't it?

  18. Great article

  19. Yes, the blessed martyr did lose his head but is now in heavenly glory interceding for the whole state of Christ's church here in earth. We are not alone.

  20. "...Militant..." - 1662 not 1549! One is never alone if his sisters, and his cousins (whom he reckons up by their dozens) and his aunts" follow his every move.

  21. It was so good that bp Fulham came onto this website.Infact,his sound advice could help draw other faithful away from CMRI.We had been at the Mount since 1987 and knew him.After his sound sermon at that Sunday evening Mass back in 1996,it made us stand up and starting thinking.We left a month later and have never been back.My family are now over at the FSSP parish here in Idaho.One thing Bp Fulham will know is over the years and many know this,there has been many,many sisters and brothers leave CMRI and the sad fact is some have given the Catholic Faith away.We know many sad stories that we can not repeat.Again bp Fulham,your kind words are VERY much appreciated.In our prayers.

    1. Well you are most kind. That afternoon was quite nerve-racking I can assure you leading up to that sermon. However, I didn't publish under my name to try and convince anybody of anything - someone asked a question about me and I thought I would answer it for them and explain several misconceptions that I have seen in comments through the years as I read the "back issues" if you will.

      I am saddened when I see priests look at their priesthood as some kind of "entitlement program" and forget the meaning of the words of the antiphon that is sung at the second imposition of hands the so-called "Iam non dicam" where they are exhorted as the ceremony winds up to serve (the People of God) as Christ served the Apostles by washing their feet. The term "People of God' is one that Pope Benedict particularly dislikes but I use it advisedly with this intention - one might say to serve the Church, but that conveys the idea of "Institution" and blurs the reality that without the baptized there is no Church. Hence a priest serves people and not an "Institution". If he thinks he serves an Institution he becomes a bureaucrat and bureaucracy serves the bureaucrat and not the other way around. Hence in the mind of that kind of priest the laity exist to serve him.

      To THE READER's point above about the "Jellyfish" - you might be surprised to learn that I knew him from day 1 in the seminary - we were classmates and very good friends. I can assure you he once was a compassionate, sincere and charitable young man - however, the years are not always kind on people and so it was reported to me that by his diaconal year he had become somewhat of an elitist. To have spent so much time in the circles of arrogance has only magnified it. I am convinced the zeal of his youth could easily be sparked again but we must pray for him.

    2. Pace, but the Tradzilla casts too long a shadow, from under which the Jelllyfish will never see daylight again. If you don't object, we'll have an acquaintance contact you by e-mail re: some telling events in late 2009, early 2010.

    3. I respectfully ask "how useful, beneficial is the reverse gear, so to speak"?

      Cast all aside, let us just pray.

    4. The FSSP are obligated to tell you the Anglican Ordinariate satisfies your Sunday obligation.
      Why did the English Catholic martyr's die willingly for the Catholic faith only to have the noahide novus ordo consent to protestant worship on their "altars" every Saturday night and Sunday?
      Secondly not every Catholic organization consists of Dolan Pivarunas and Sanborn.
      I belonged to a traditional Catholic chapel that is served by valid priests.We don't have the problems Terrance the noahide speaks about.

    5. We also know of many traditionalists chapels outside the reach of Pivvy, Tradzilla, and One-Hand Dan, which are oases of religious peace and competent clergy. Our point is that trads often have options, and if they do, they should exercise them to escape the cult masters.

  22. The Reader,info has just come to hand that a CMRI cleric has also been visiting those two South Dakota missions of uneven Steven.It would appear that Dan has lost these as well.Someone might know more.

  23. As regards Mater Dei "seminary" I only spend a brief amount of time there and found it quite soul destroying.Your readers may be interested to know the following

    *Substandard food while the "rector" looked well-fed

    *During classes,at the drop of a hat,the "rector" would give the annoucement the afternoon was to go out and pick apples or do manual work.

    *A day before the so called end of year exams,the exam papers would be presented to the seminarians to read.Can you believe it.

    I left there in total disgust and left the CMRI chapel my family had been attending.

    It would be good if others came forward who had seen what I saw.

    1. As a former "seminarian" myself who stayed at Mater Dei for a longer time, having received Minor Orders, I can attest to the truth of these statements. Nevertheless, I did notice much of a special treatment of "the Bishop", as he is called, in regards to food. If you eat a lot of the crap they serve there, you'll surely get fat.

    2. What's wrong with fasting?

    3. Nothing. I did lose a few pounds at MD and gained an unhealthy pale and skullish appearance.
      During my time, the seminarians used to cook on weekends. Sometimes, we went out to get some ingredients from the store to prepare a meal that was a little better then the usual diet of freezer burned and rotten meat and potatoes. At some point, I started to go the supermarket to buy fruits once a week, since we would never ever see those apart for the annual apple picking. I hope seminarians there right now don't suffer from scurvy.

    4. Grow your own, learn how to cook from fresh ingredients. Bingo!

    5. You were forced to eat rotten meat & rotten potatoes?!?!

    6. The man who stated he was forced to eat rotten meat & potatoes needs to verify and stand by his statement.
      If he is lying about this,what else is he lying about in his comments?

  24. You looked for negatives. Is it any wonder you left in total disgust. There are two sides to the coin.

  25. I left a priest - yet everything these guys said is absolutely true - go figure !

    1. Thus there is only one side to the coin it bears the head of "Marcus Antonius"

    2. Thank you Anonymous March 26,2017 11.38PM.It was good to hear the info from a priest who went to MD.Did you think it was wrong that Piv was eating other food in private(we have heard this)Rotten meat and potatoes.Shame on you Piv.

    3. As a grown man I find it hard to believe these fellas were "forced to eat rotten meat & potatoes"
      No one,especially a weak old seminary rector is forcing me me to eat rotten expired food.
      Either he is lying or stupid.
      We don't any more lying stupid priests.
      I'm glad he left the seminary.

    4. The attackers still have the hangover. They should try the raw juices therapy.

    5. You lost me Mate.

    6. Where is your watering hole?

    7. Mate you and your Vatican 2 new order friends on this blog are becoming incromphensible.

  26. I agree with 1:26 PM. If the seminarian put the food in his own mouth, that was his problem. Why didn't he walk away? Either lying or exaggeration. Why bring it up now? It is all unnecessary attack.

  27. This is Monsignor Thomas Sebastian: I am not sure if any of you know but poor Bishop Fulham passed away on the 19th of November. He was a young man, only 50 years old. Please pray for his soul.

    He and I share the same Apostolic Succession. When I was Consecrated in 1997 by Bishop +Simmons dear Bp. (then still Father)Fulham was highly skeptical, but his arduous study of the matter brought him to see the Validity of these Holy Orders. After his own Consecration we remained very friendly.

    May he rest in peace.

    1. We were saddened when we learned of his passing. He stood heads and shoulders above the cult scum buckets. All of us will continue to remember him in our prayers.

      Do you know who will take over his chapel?

  28. Terence was a kind human being, a gentleman indeed. I am still shocked by his untimely death. Recently he was diagnosed with early Alzheimer’s and he was very worried about the future. God spared him the slow agony and took him at the best possible moment.

    Let me say to the previous poster that Terence was not at all convinced of the validity of the Englishman’s lineage and this was in part the reason why he did not present himself or acted as a bishop in recent years. He was particularly concerned to learn that one of the alleged bishops of the lineage had lied when he presented himself as having studied six years in Econe when in fact he had not even been allowed to receive the cassock and left after four months. The very same who discovered the invalidity of his own consecration in the Duarte Costa schismatic church and went to a renegade archbishop to be reordained and reconsecrated in a hotel room. So please let nobody use Terence’s loving memory to foster one’s claims.
