
Saturday, May 27, 2017


Don't never prophesy — onless ye know. Lowell

Events of late in Southwest Ohio beckon us to take a little stroll down memory lane.  It's the perfect occasion to recall how far off the mark Erroneous Antonius always is — and to marvel at the blindness of those souls who still think this ne'er-do-well poseur has anything to offer.

Back on June 14, 2011, gladius_veritatis posted on CathInfo a lengthy article from His post made public a April 6, 2011, e-mail sent to traditional priests by that sower-of-discord Bonehead Tone. In it, the Blunderer outlined his far-fetched predictions about the immigration status of pesthouse completer Markus Ramolla, a.k.a. the Ham Sandwich.*

Below we republish that fanciful missive embellished with the Readers' editorial comments and highlighting for emphasis. (Click here for the CathInfo text and scroll up for the original post.)

Dear Fathers,

I just talked with our immigration lawyer and told him we'd gotten a couple of questions about this. He says that nothing in the recent St. Albert the Great bulletin announcement corresponded with the way U.S. immigration law really works.

Here's a summary of the lawyer's explanation:

• Fr. Ramolla went into "unlawful presence" status as soon as we terminated his R-1 status and after he was put into "removal proceedings" by ICE in December 2009. This was automatic.

(BTW, the next hearing in Fr. Ramolla's removal proceeding is slated for May 19 in Cleveland. His bulletin didn't mention that at all.)

• The visa that he got though [sic] us until November, 2011 (called an I-94) then immediately became toast -- or Zweiback [sic!] if you prefer. It doesn't matter what the expiration date said. The mere existence of an ongoing removal proceeding automatically voided it.

• Once a foreigner is in "unlawful presence" status, the immigration regulations won't allow him to change to legal status while he remains in the U.S(Exceptions: contracting marriage in the U.S., or facing political persecution and/or torture in the Fatherland).

• To apply for an immigrant visa or a non-immigrant visa again (together with R-1 [religious worker] status sponsored by ORCM, say), Fr. Ramolla would have to go back to Germany and try to apply for the visa and religious worker status at the U.S. Consulate.

• However, even assuming ORCM could jump through the regulations minefield of the interminable and expensive INS procedure for admitting religious workers -- will Bishop McKenna, Bishop Neville and the Sisters let the the Federal Customs and Immigration Service "inspect" their facilities at Monroe and Highland, as required? --our friend would be up against another problem.

 Fr. Ramolla's CIS record is now forever stained with the scarlet words "unlawful presence" and subject of "removal proceeding."

• And since his permanent record will also show that he remained in the U.S. for a full year after the removal proceeding began (from Dec 2009-Dec 2010), the Consulate will inform Fr. Ramolla that U.S. immigration law imposes an automatic 10-year ban on him [sic] re-entering the U.S. So, if he'd care to try applying for another visa in connection with ORCM, he would be welcome to come back again in 2021, but not before then.

I looked up the regulation on the 10-year ban. If you're interested in slogging through the legalese, it's discussed on page 8 of this document: 

• On the $3,000 legal fee, the lawyer says that potential deportees will sometimes want to string the proceedings along for as long as possible to stay in the country, even when he's told them that in that in the long run, they'll be deported anyway. He makes them sign a statement saying he's told them they'll finally be deported.

I asked him if he were handling Fr. Ramolla's case himself, what defense would he use? After trying to spin out a couple of ideas, he said he couldn't come up with one that could ultimately work. 

• The lawyer's  conclusion on the rosy claims in the SAG bulletin: No way.

• As regards Fr. Ramolla's trial with CIS on May 19, the lawyer thinks that because their cases are essentially the same, the outcome for Fr. R. will be the same as it was for Bernie Hall: CIS will "allow" Fr. Ramolla to depart "voluntarily" within a certain period of time -- though perhaps a little more than the 60 days Bernie got.

Thus the principal points of how the lawyer reads the situation. He's been handling our immigration work for nearly twenty years now, and he's almost always been right, so I think this is probably the way things will end up.

-- Fr. Cekada

As it turned out, the Cheeseball was close to 100% wrong. Despite his efforts to disrupt the peace at St. Albert's Mass center, the Ham Sandwich was never deported. On May 12, 2011, about a month after Checkie's dead-on-arrival prognosis, the immigration court granted Rammy's motion to terminate removal proceedings. By mid 2012, "The Sammich" was well on his way to receiving his "green card" when, of his own free will, he abandoned St. Albert's for an apparently disappointing Bavarian "apostolate." (He left the U.S. not long after he got himself "consecrated" in the Slupski sublineage.**)

By fall 2015, Rambolicious, a casualty of Deacon Dan's materially deficient 1976 ordinatio unimana, was back in Southwest Ohio, where he currently runs a storefront Mass center — in the same commercial complex as the El Caporal Mexican Bar and Grill and the Salons at Snider Crossing — right smack dab in Dannie's and Checkie's territory (click here). Things appear to be going all right with no meltdowns yet, and from his YouTube channel we see he's been "ordaining" like nobody's business.

As of this writing, PL wouldn't be surprised if Rambozo has his "green card," notwithstanding Cheesy's allegation of a "scarlet" stain on his record, for we found a revealing announcement in the Ramster's bulletins of May 14 and 21. Under the headline "BISHOP RAMOLLA IN EUROPE," we read:
Bishop Markus Ramolla will be traveling to Europe visiting Italy, Spain and Germany. He will leave on May 16th and return on July 6th. Bishop Ramolla will be traveling to Verona, Italy in order to ordain Don Marco Rui Alonso to the Holy Priesthood on May 28th. From June 5th to June 12th Bishop Ramolla will be visiting a group of abandoned Traditional Catholic Faithful in Spain and will administer the Sacraments for them. Later on in June he will be visiting another group in Munich to administer various Sacraments to them as well.
Whatever his immigration status, the Ham Sandwich seems to be able to come and go as he pleases.*** Moreover, in addition to his SW Ohio shopping-center chapel, it looks as though he's picked up another mission at St. John the Baptist Tradtitional Roman Catholic Church in Louisville, KY. (Located in the former Grace Lutheran Church building, St. John's [here] could well become his "see" [LOL] one day. Good-bye strip mall!)

BTW, regarding Bernard Hall, for whom Cheesy forecast the similar dire outcome, he did indeed voluntarily  — no quotation marks needed —leave the U.S. to reside in England, France, and Italy, but received permission to re-enter a short time later. When he got back stateside, he assisted the priest at the Monroe, CT, chapel before he returned to the Cincinnati area to offer the sacraments. Recently, according to first-hand reports, he received his "green card."

The Readers needn't say much more, other than it's Tony Baloney's "rosy" prediction of an "automatic 10-year ban" on the Ramster's re-admission to the U.S. that's "toast." Things ended up proving Checkie wrong as wrong can be —  as wrong as his perverse translation of infallible papal teaching. When you think about it, the Cheeseball couldn't predict gastro-intestinal discomfort at the Texas Chili Cook-Off of online fame.

So the next time you hear that smarmy voice calling out in the bleak Tradistani wilderness, ignore it. Chances are, there's "no way" Checkie is ever right.


* In his 1987 The Bonfire of the Vanities, Tom Wolfe wrote: 

But mainly you used the grand jury to indict people, and in the famous phrase of Sol Wachtler, chief judge of the State Court of Appeals, a grand jury would "indict a ham sandwich," if that's what you wanted.
We've adapted the cliché to the indiscriminate TradWorld practice of consecrating virtually any loser off the street who hankers after the episcopate.

** You might be interested in reading the graceless Ham Sandwich's own 2/26/13 hand-biting mea culpa for his 5/23/12 "consecration" here (not even a full year after the tragi-comedy took place). Be sure to note where our favorite ingrate repents, "...I bitterly regret having been involved with Bishop Slupski...And I regret having accepted to be promoted to the episcopacy through Bishop Slupski." Also don't miss his torturerd thoughts about clandestine consecrations and ordinations:

Many of [Slupski's] consecrations and ordinations are done in secret, i. e., without sufficient public announcement of the fact of the ceremony. Unfortunately in my case it was done the same way and I bitterly regret that I accepted it in such a way.
"The Sammich" has clearly not embraced Édith Piaf's bravely defiant anthem, has he?

*** As a further note of interest for inquiring minds, during the brief sojourn in his native Germany (last half of 2012 until late 2015), it was reported that the hard-to-miss Ham Sandwich was on occasion sighted in the SW Ohio area.


  1. IIRC, Fr. Hall is one of the decent priests in the traditionalist movement?

    1. All of us here have heard nothing bad said of him. From all the correspondence and reports we've received, he seems to be one of the "priests" most respected and admired for his humility, love of evangelical poverty, intelligence, and zeal for souls. We do know he has a Master's Degree from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland (founded 1413), speaks French and Italian at least, has studied Arabic and Russian, reads Latin fluently, plays the organ, and runs the marvelous site.

    2. “Ditto” on what the Reader just said, and more! Fr. Hall runs a small chapel in Liberty Township (in the Cincinnati area), and also serves a congregation in Urbana, Ohio. Unlike the cult freaks, he does not require that one be a “sedevacantist” to come there, nor does he ban the sacraments to “non-sedes” or to people who attended “the wrong chapel” the last time out.. His sermons are excellent, and he is well grounded in Catholic theology (“moral” or otherwise). (You won’t see him condoning watching porn as “boys will be boys,” nor stating that “riding roller coasters” is a mortal sin!) In short, what one gets from Fr. Hall is real Catholicism -- a welcome oasis of sanity in a trad world largely gone mad.

      The Checkmeister tried his best to get Fr. Hall deported (before he became a priest). When Checkie pulled (the then) Mr. Hall’s visa (Mr. Hall was a teacher at SGG at the time), he then reported him to Homeland Security (in an effort to get him deported). (An SGG parishioner actually saw and heard Checkie talking to Homeland Security at the time.) Ironically, it was Phony Tony who was supposed to be taking care of Mr. Hall’s “immigration papers” at the time (which, of course, he never did). Then, when the “2009 school scandals” hit, and Mr. Hall complained to Dannie about the principal’s sons’ mischievous part in it, Dannie fired him from his teaching post, shortly after which, Checkie then “turned in” Mr. Hall to Homeland Security.

      We are happy to confirm that, in spite of Dannie’s and Cheesball’s best efforts to have him deported, Fr. Hall does indeed have his “green card” – so all the underhanded efforts of these two crud-balls’ have been in vain, and the Bonehead’s smarmy boasting about it has turned out to be just another one of his big bags of intestinal methane. We congratulate Fr. Hall on getting his green card, and we issue a big “shame on you” to Serpentus Antonius for his shameless act of arch-treachery. May God forgive this miserable wretch – because we don’t.

    3. Riding roller coasters is a mortal sin?!?

    4. The Watcher might have more info, but we seem to recall that one of the idiot "priests" produced by the pesthouse invented that "sin" when he taught down there. If memory serves, even "The Principal" knew enough to tell the Gertie kids to ignore the pinhead.

    5. Yep, that’s what one of SGG’s “priests” once said to a school class. And one of their “priests” (not sure if it was the same one) also said that wearing a “sport” headband in church was a “mortal sin” as well. (And God only knows what else they labeled a “mortal sin”!) And the Reader’s recollection is probably right: the principal probably did countermand that maniacal assertion. (He had no choice but to do so. The damage to the cult center’s credibility would have otherwise been devastating.) However, some of his notions of what constitutes a “sin” (e.g., taking a drink from a water fountain in the vestibule during a Mass sermon break) are almost as irrational.

  2. Dave P.May 27, 2017 at 12:59 PM


    Fr. Hall is one of the decent priests in the traditionalist movement?

    I would be honored to answer your question Dave. I have known Fr. Hall for over 30 years, and in all that time he has always been, and remained a gentleman to the true definition of what a gentleman is.

    When the Parishioners of SGG in 2009 heard that the then, Mr. Hall,the beloved teacher of the H.S was fired, that is what ignited the great exodus and slow demise of SGG. to this day.

    He is a very humble and decent man, and any parish he has ever gone to since becoming a priest has begged for his return, including in Chambery, France. His humility is only surpassed by his kindness, and his compassion for his fellow brothers in Christ, trying to serve God, in a world that has removed God from everything.

    His sermons once heard are never forgotten, but more important, once met neither is the priest.

    He is an author of an excellent book entitled Holy Rosary, Holy Mass and has dedicated his life to posting "The Breviary" on line. This feat alone took him over 10 years to post in both English and Latin, and is maintained to this day. His Liturgical Calendar is a work of art, and is surpassed by none.

    He is an inspiration to me and so many others on how to accept the Tests given us by GOD,
    by claiming them with love, and thereby destroying the devil with his evil temptations.

    If ever a priest walked among us with true virtue, it is he.

    I am honored to know him, to call him friend, but most of all, to call him Father.

    1. Is Fr. Hall's Liturgical Calendar in the same vein as SGG/MHT in re the Pius XII changes or is his calendar in same vein as CMRI uses?

    2. It's in the same vein as $GG/MHT (i.e., pre-Pius XII). The only difference is that it's accurate and a completely liturgical calendar.

  3. Someone created ANOTHER bloody chapel in SW Ohio/N. Kentucky?! How many are there now, like 95?

    I support the SSPX reunification with Rome BECAUSE of loonies like these. It's time to go back to the Society or FSSP, pray the Mass of Ages and suck it in. Enough with the division - we've become Protestants with a crucifix.

    1. Apparently they've had a chapel in Louisville for a number of years, which has been serviced by variety of Lone-Ranger "clergy." Before the Ham Sandwich left SW Ohio for Germany in 2012, there were reports he would relocate to Louisville. What stopped him, we don't know for sure, although rumors abound. Now that Rammy's got another "priest" working with him in the one-handed Dolanite sub lineage, he can easily take on that mission. He and his sidekick together could probably handle a third and a fourth in the evenings. But they probably won't branch out soon because Rambozo has become Mr. Worldwide with dependent breakaway communities in Europe. We expect more "ordinations" over there in addition to the one on May 28 in Verona. Indeed, look for another trainee in the summer.

      We also can foresee the center of gravity shifting from Mason, OH, to Louisville. The Ham Sandwich likes putting on a show as much as his mentor Dannie, and the KY facility is obviously a better venue for theatrics than a strip mall storefront.

      As Dannie's fortunes decline, watch the Ham Sandwich's increase. He's only just begun: he's got a burning drive to show his former masters up. In other words, he's become a real contender for Tradzilla's territory as the latest and greatest Tradistani kaijū, akin to Destoroyah, the monster that vanquished Godzilla in the 1995 movie. We'll call him King Megaramolah in anticipation of his future dominance.

      We're with Carlos. Time to get out of radioactive trad sewer that spawns these beasts.

    2. Carlos Camejo, composerMay 28, 2017 at 1:33 AM

      Have you considered a third option... Bp. WIlliamson's "SSPX Resistance" in case Francis extracts too many concessions or suppresses the FSSP?

      His Excellency Mgr. Williamson will soon consecrate another bishop, this time for Asia. From the four bishops we have in his line, there should come many new priests who can offer a viable alternative to all these loony chapels and dubious clergy.

    3. Carlos has a point: there are umpteen chapels in SW Ohio (and other places as well), all going in different directions, like so many rudderless little dinghies. This is not a good situation. And the reason that they (supposedly) all go their separate ways is that some of them are afraid that SSPX and/or FSSP might get “hijacked” by Rome and end up “selling us down the river” – and these are genuine fears. However, I submit that these fears have been overblown by self-seekers like Dannie and Big Don, who play on those fears to further their own “agenda” – and that agenda is spelled M-O-N-E-Y.

      And the reason that I added that parenthetical “supposedly” is that perhaps some of them are going in the same direction (i.e., the right direction), but just don’t realize it. And “the right direction” is this: recognize that “something is wrong,” but don’t “abandon the ship.” One of the four marks of the Church is Unity – and “going off in different directions” isn’t going to achieve that. In my opinion, what these “independents” need to do is to unite – and the SSPX and FSSP are, IMO, the only way to do that without “jumping ship.”

      Yes, there is the risk of “hijack” – but there is risk in everything. One thing for sure: “disunity” will not work in the long run (and, IMO, not in the “short run” either). I am not a theologian; and my opinion is only that: an opinion. But I think that the SSPX and FSSP – “when push comes to shove” – will NOT “sell us down the river” if/when that point comes. Again, people like Dolan and Sanborn really don’t care about “what’s right”; their only interest is ”feathering their own nests” at other people’s expense – and they use non-resolvable issues like “una cum” to suck people in.

      Maybe I’m wrong. (And then again, maybe I’m not.) But let me repeat: disunity is “not the answer.” And the other “for sure” thing is that materialistic self-seekers like Dannie and Big Don are “not the answer” either.

  4. Do you know about how many faithful Ramolla has here in the States?

    Do you think he will start another seminary and start to take men again away from Omaha/Pesthouse?

    1. We don't have any idea how many followers he has in Mason, OH, or in Louisville, KY. The OH group must be small.

      If anyone shows interest in the "priesthood," we wouldn't be surprised if he starts up his "seminary" (LOL) again. We suspect that there is at least one young man down there who may be interested. Poor guy!

  5. "History only repeats itself". In this case anybody that would go to Fr. Ramolla??? for anything Catholic deserves what they get. "A PHONY PREDATOR".

  6. Perhaps your blog can answer this question. If One Hand Dan is not a priest, then his Episcopal consecration would also be in grave doubt? So if he is neither priest nor bishop, what does that make Fr. Ramolla?

    1. We affirm with Noldin (Summa Theologiæ Moralis) the more common opinion that "when the priesthood has not yet been conferred, the episcopate cannot be validly conferred (episcopatum, nondum collato sacerdotio, valide conferri non posse"). Thus in our opinion no one "ordained" by "One Hand" holds valid orders.

      Inasmuch as we have not heard that the Ham Sandwich was ordained a priest conditionally before his "consecration" in the Slupski sub lineage, then he is not a priest. If Tradzilla ordained him a deacon, then he is a deacon. If Tradzilla only ordained him a subdeacon and Dannie ordained him a deacon, then he is only a subdeacon. If "One Hand" conferred all major orders, then he is just a plain layman.

    2. That's not true and I know this to be a fact.
      There is a history of Deacons being consecrated to Episcopacy and skipping priestly ordination.
      Look it up for yourselves,its good to learn and not go on word of mouth.

  7. Anonymous May 29, 2017 at 1:11 AM

    Do you know about how many faithful Ramolla has here in the States?

    Do you think he will start another seminary and start to take men again away from Omaha/Pesthouse?

    This he has already done. Back in 2010 under the guise of visiting Bp. Pivarunas he solicited the misfit Moylan and ordained him a priest. God help any chapel that gets him.

    1. Misfit Moylan?What do you know about him.Perhaps PL or The Reader knows this info.

  8. At least Sanborn, got an excellent Catholic School education. He attended an Arch-diocesan Catholic High School, which at the time was very difficult to get into, and graduated with a Regents Diploma. Cekada and Dolan at least tucked in under the wire for a somewhat good education if they were born in 1951-52.
    However, Rammy was only an assistant gardener in the Fatherland, because he never got that certificate from High School that would have made him a Head Gardener one day. So he came to America under the pretense of wanting to serve the faithful. The first chance he gets to serve St. Albert's he runs off complaining of all the work he has to do with no time off. Then he set his goals for the Miter and $taff to finally be the Head Gardener somewhere.

    There are a list of illegal things he has done. However, Sanborn and Dolan are guilty for bring this maniac to America without vetting his credentials.

    1. Sanborn is so intelligent that he is able to convince everyone to give him all their money and follow nonsense rules, such as 2 inch heels (or is it down to 1 inch this week?) and that you need to belong to his new order (all under him and seek permission before you do anything).

      Does anyone else not see this man as the psychotic that he is?

      HIs entire philosophy of everyone belonging to an organization seeking all permissions from him, is basically designating himself as pope. Is he going to make them call him that in private?

    2. Good observations. We think other Tradistanis agree with you, and so they'll never join up. Big Don's going to have egg all over his face. Let's all watch in the next few weeks to see if anyone other than the creeps he controls joins.

  9. I fear all of Traddie-ville is going by way of the dodo bird.People are losing respect all over, and I fear the bigger the hat, the less the respect. Something is radically wrong in Rome, but Traddie-ville is not much better.

    1. Agreed.

      The problem in Traddielandia is that these men don't know that respect must be earned by genuine accomplishments and by exemplary behavior. You can't just sell the sizzle; the steak has to be well-prepared, quality beef.

      How can a knowledgeable Catholic respect these "bishops" or "priests"? First, the majority haven't attended an approved Catholic institution of higher learning. Second, they're all self-elected. Third, they're dogged by their own personal histories, which provoke contempt or anger rather than admiration.

      The 2009 $GG $chool $candal was the watershed for Tradistan. Before that event, Trad Nation could pretend that Sedelandia was superior modernist Rome. But after the tsunami of disclosures that ensued in the scandal's wake, it was impossible to remain blind to trad "clergy's" failings.

      Despite the scandal's massively disruptive impact, Traditional Catholics should be grateful to "One-Hand Dan," Checkie, the "Principal," Big Don, the Jellyfish, and the Ham Sandwich for that crisis. The reaction on the part of the laity brought all the skeletons out of the closet and exposed Traddie-ville in general for what it is — PlaySkool Catholicism in the form of soul-killing cults.

      With the end of decades of self-complacency, committed trads began to examine all the assumptions they once never questioned. Their work, which continues, makes it impossible for men without a mission from the Church to claim the deference and kowtowing they used to command. Today, only the lowest of the low or those with vested interests think these religious adventurers are worthy of respect. (And we suspect that even within the cults, respect for "clergy" and especially the "bishops" is at rock-bottom levels.)

      In life, both secular and religious, respect is everything. It's the glue that holds a community together. For a long time, trads gave it willingly in the hope that it was deserved. But now their hopes have been proved to be vain.

      Henceforth, all trad "clergy" will have to earn respect the hard way: by real achievements in learning, behaving well, and caring for souls.

      That's a good thing. It will do away with the "bishop"-led cults and their money-mad drive to control and manipulate.

    2. Don't forget SGG and mht in your wills. They deserve it, you know!

    3. Actually, a better way to phrase that (instead of “don’t forget SGG and MHT in your “will”) is “don’t forgrt SGG and MHT in your “won’t”!!

    4. Yeah, the cult masters think they're more deserving of your parents' estate than you or your children.

      We strongly advise anyone whose aging parents belong to one of these cults to consult immediately with an attorney about contesting a will that leaves the cult masters anything at all.

      In Ohio, according to LegalZoom, one of the grounds for contesting a will is "if the testator succumbed to outside influence from another beneficiary." A good lawyer will help you file a civil action lawsuit with the probate court and advise you whether to seek a jury trial.

      But do it today.

      Don't let the Beast deprive you (or your children) of one penny of your rightful inheritance.

  10. This web-site is excellent in pointing out all the faults and follies of these ego maniacs who all seem to have come from the same pea pod, however, there are some very good bishops and priests out there. I am happy to say that a very well rounded, highly educated bishop is in the New York area. He is truly a breath of fresh air for those who are trying to follow and Keep the Faith in these times. His understanding and logic bring back the Good Old Days on the way the Church always instructed. Not some made up, fair thee well, devil may care attitude which only lines the pockets of the Money Changers.
    There is hope out there.

    "Seek and ye shall find..."

    1. We agree. There are good men out there. Just look.

  11. My dear Readers:

    As a mother and grandmother, I often wince at your cruel imagery and razor-sharp pens. You too often cut to the quick. If you were members of my family, I would spank you all and send you to bed without supper.

    As a retired lecturer in humanities, however, I am always amazed and delighted at the breadth of your, scholarship, the apt phrase making (even when it is hurtful), your snappy but literate tone, and the ease and range of your allusions from both pop culture and the classics. This week's link to Piaf's Non, je ne regrette rien is almost artistic. I say "almost" because I know you meant to make the "Ham Sandwich" look more ridiculous and self-serving by comparison. (That, by the way, is another thing: your nicknames are masterly. Whenever someone now mentions Bp. Sanborn or Fr. Cekada, I can't help thinking to myself, "Oh, yes, you mean Tradzilla or Erroneous Antonius.")

    Although the softhearted mother in me would wish you bad boys (and girls, I hope) could be nicer, my rational side reluctantly approves of your campaign. Our family learned a hard lesson many years ago when we attended a traditionalist chapel for a short time. That brief experiment was still too long: my gifted eldest daughter left the traditional Catholic faith as a direct result of her experiences with cult behavior.

    As much as I hate to say it, keep up the good work.

  12. This blog is a love hate relationship for me too. The facts cannot be changed, and like you I would love to chastise the Staff of P.L. and then I ask myself,"Why"? The fact is all that they write is true.The sad part of it is, that so many people are not aware of the atrocities that are going on. So like you, I too laugh to myself every Saturday when I read the latest post and remark how talented and accurate the staff at P.L. actually are. If this were a reality show it would be a million dollar winner. The humor, the excellent writing, artwork and intelligence, coupled with the creative names for the cast of characters is in and of itself a show, but it is all frighteningly accurate.

    So as you and I both await our next Saturday Night Post, bear in mind that while the writing is excellent and funny, the material is all true. The staff is trying to to wake up the brain dead who follow these cults blindly, and eventually will wind up as the material for a latter days post, if they do not wake up and smell the coffee.

    So as they say: Starve The Beast!

    1. As someone who as been hurt by these people, I can still say that I don't like the name calling. I can say, however, I can understand the emotions that come out with these groups. Sometimes the criticisms are so harsh, but like one mentioned, very true.

      I wish more people would speak out about their experiences. I truly think it's an act of charity to expose these people for who they are.

    2. We guess we should say "Thanks" to you three. We can't apologize for our voice: it's who we are. We're just happy you all see the truth about these terrible men.

      We're glad 4:08 couldn't send us to bed without dinner. After todays's editorial meeting to decide next week's post, we went out for barbecued chicken and beer. We'd've hated to miss that.

  13. Actually, what PL says about Dannie et al is not so much “name-calling” as it is accurate reporting. To show these scumbags any leniency or “deference” (because of their “Roman collars,” for instance) would only serve to legitimize and enable these worms -- and would be nothing short of hypocrisy. A snake is still a snake, whether his collar is "Roman" or not. (Actually, if his collar is “Roman,” that makes him even more of a snake – for abusing his position so.)

    At one time, we did give them the “benefit of the doubt” and the deference due their “station.” But they have long since forfeited all right to that deference – so we grant it no more. They deserve every bit of “name-calling” that PL (and we) can give them – and then some.

  14. PL and Watcher are on the right track when they call evil by its proper name. They blast the cult leaders based on facts and evidence.

    Those who object to their doing so - please reflect on the verse below:-

    "Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter." (Isaias 05:20)

    Besides, by enabling the cult masters, would not such sheeple become accessories to the sins of the cult masters? Tsk, tsk - one is constrained to ask: where are their minds?

  15. How True! The Reader and the Watcher whether you like it or not, are doing all of us a good service. In all the years of reading P.L. and Laypulpit, I have never read anything that was against a good priest or bishop, as matter of fact, they were complimented for their good works.
    No matter how you slice the cake, whether you agree with the method or not, the facts are still the facts and Tradistan is evil, and needs to be stopped.
    Once the laity realizes the power they hold with their almighty dollar, then the tide will shift, and the abuses will stop, and good priests will be able to do their duty by serving God and man.

    Tradistan wants all the benefits without any of the work. Propaganda Controls The Mind. Then fear is replaced for Free Will. The rest is just an easy take over.

    It is good to fear the Lord God, not the Lord Bishops of Tradistan.

    Keep up the Good Work of Mercy P.L.& LP you might just save more than the Laity with the Truth.

    1. 2:31 & 3:19 have perfectly captured our strategy and the motives behind it.

      To treat self-interested impostors as though they had some legitimacy by referring to them as "Father" or "Bishop" or "His Excellency" would be a disservice — or worse — to faithful Catholics.

      At PL we present the facts about these ecclesiastical adventurers: their malformation, their shocking actions, their relentless self-promotion, their greed and wastefulness, their pretentiousness etc.

      From that, we judge who they are. Were we to treat these scumbags with kid gloves, many people wouldn't see the spiritual danger of continuing to enable them. They would dismiss our factual reports of their misdeeds and failings as mere foibles rather than the grave offenses they are.

      If these men were real Roman Catholic clergy, we might be persuaded to be a little more moderate in our tone, although we'd never be so cowed as to keep entirely silent in the face of wrong. But the truth is, the cult masters are not in the Church, have no mission from her, and therefore have no clerical rights to anything, including the benefit of the doubt or the mitigation of our expression of moral outrage.

      The traditional faith isn't safe until these men have to close up shop for lack of funds. No one should worry about the loss of the sacraments in such an event. Good, humble, soul-loving men with valid orders are around. We often don't know about them because the cult masters do their best to suppress their apostolates. But if you force the cult masters out, the good men will come to meet the laity's demand for the sacraments, the only thing that authorizes them to exercise their orders.

      The Tradistanis consume all the oxygen in TradWorld. Oust them and breathe again.

  16. Have you heard about the shunning these Churches do with anyone who attempts to leave? It's crazy, AND it's encouraged by the religious there.

    1. We have, and it's disgraceful. It's another reason to close down these non-Catholic cults.

  17. How crazy is shunning? Truly who cares if they shun you? They do a great service for you in more ways than one by shunning you.

    Run don't walk out of these centers of evil and hatred, and never go back.

    BTW Thank God for showing you the true colors of these money hungry fakes.

    1. I would have to agree that shunning is just showing the true colors of those people. Churches don't shun you unless they are cults. The fact that the religious condone it is a key example of how they do not possess the True Faith. Kudos to anyone who sees these people for who they really are, leaves them, and warns others to stay away!

    2. The cult's practice of shunning is another example of its PlaySkool Catholicism.

      In the Church, no one could be regarded as a vitandus unless the Holy See excommunicated him by name and declared him such in the decree or sentence of excommunication.

      Since such a decree is impossible to obtain in the sede vacante, even for grave reasons , the faithful are not obliged to refrain from communicating with the "shunned" persons, and the "shunned" have a right to demand the sacraments from the "clergy." If "clergy" deny the sacraments based on their own invented "sentence," they extinguish their authorization to exercise their illicit orders.

      Again, this is another reason to force these cults to close down by withholding all financial support. They are completely detached from the Roman Catholic Church. They're "Jonestown Lite."

    3. I thank God that I was shunned by a Trad cult before I ever got in the door!! I was attending an Indult Latin Mass with a Pre-Vatican Priest and the Priest got sick and had to retire. I called the office of the local Trad Chapel to inquire regarding Mass times and when I told them where I had been attending Latin Mass, I was told I could not receive Holy Communion at the Chapel because the Latin Mass I was attending was una cum. That raised huge red flags and after talking the whole situation over with my husband we figured the place must be a cult. The Trad Cult did me a favor by refusing to let me receive Holy Communion. They showed their true colors. They are NOT Catholics, they are cultists, and wolves in sheeps clothing!!

    4. You and your family were lucky — or better yet, blessed — that the cult revealed itself to you immediately.

      PL has heard many stories like yours, which make us happy that the cult masters are so stupid, unpastoral, and non-Catholic as to turn away souls who may not have been aware of their una-cum shibboleth.

      It's always inspiring to learn that they're using that fiction not only to keep their own culties from leaving but also to keep new people from joining their cult. That kind of stupidity is a great mercy for those with the sense to recognize cult behavior.

    5. Indults with Priests ordained before August 1968 are EXTREMELY rare in 2017/2018.

  18. Has anyone else experienced this one?

    A few years ago I recall how Dolan was elaborating on the importance to TITHE. This was not a one off sermon or term used when he was talking about supporting the parish.Rather, it was a strategic use of the word to introduce into the Catholic world the monetary obligation that Catholics are bound to as per the Bible.
    There is always a reason behind their madne$$, and that is always: $how me the Money!

    Then after the word Tithing was used a few more times from the pulpit, somebody reported that the envelopes had a passage from the Old Testament about Tithing on them.

    I am interested to know that if this is true, what would give Dolan the right to impose a Protestant interpretation of the Bible upon Traditional Catholics, when the Catholic church never did that?

    Whether it is right or wrong, Dolan is wrong for doing something against the Traditions of the Church which he claims to follow completely.

    Beware of any $ede Church implementing this practice, there usually is a nut behind the $cene.

    1. Panhandlin' Dan was certainly trying to $queeze $ome more $hekels out of his cash-strapped cultlings, but Canon 1502 of the 1917 Code of Canon Law prescribes the payment of tithes and first fruits in accordance with each country's particular statutes and praiseworthy customs ( Ad decimarum et primitiarum solutionem quod attinet, peculiaria statuta ac laudabiles consuetudines in unaquaque regione serventur). Of course, under modern circumstances the Church also accepted forms of contribution other than a 10th part of the fruits or income.

      The problem with Dannie is not that tithes are an OT prescription alien to the Church. Charlemagne decreed tithing at the Council of Paderborn in A.D. 785. No, what's wrong with $GG is that they have no mission from the Church and are not in the Church, so no contribution is due to these non-ministers for divine worship and sacred ministry.

      Any support offered is merely at the discretion of the giver, who is under no Scriptural obligation.
