
Saturday, August 26, 2017


And be these juggling fiends no more believed,/That palter with us in a double sense;/That keep the word of promise to our ear/And break it to our hope. Shakespeare

Have you ever noticed how a big corporation, when it gets into trouble for bad behavior, almost immediately launches a massive public-relations campaign where it claims to exemplify the very principles it so lawlessly violated? In sputtering exasperation, you ask yourself, "How in the world would anyone possessed of common decency and an intact memory fall for such a cynical ploy?"

Unfortunately, the majority of us swallow the deception, so the bad actors are soon back to their nasty, old tricks. A few people, however, those firmly grounded in morality, hold the corporation accountable by refusing to purchase its products or services. They're a distinct minority, without question, and for the most part their resistance has no real impact, unless they organize. Nevertheless, even if they don't band together, and notwithstanding their powerlessness to inflict the just punishment the corporation deserves, they're proud to have stood on their principles.

We're sure many trads would find common cause with this moral minority. They recognize a striking parallel to their own resistance to the modernist Vatican Establishment. Most likely, they'd say they, too, would boycott a hypocritical corporation that refused to admit to wrong-doing and chose to avoid coming clean by hiding  under P.R. spin.  Some of you reading this post may be of a similar disposition. If you are, then we ask you to read and react to the following:

In the August 20 $GG bulletin, an item captioned A TEACHER'S PRAYER began with these lines:
Lord Jesus, Supreme Educator of souls, I thank You for having called me to this wonderful task of education. Make me ever more worthy of the confidence shown me by parents, by entrusting to me what is dearest to them in this world—their children! Teach me to treat these souls with the delicacy and infinite patience of Your Holy Spirit. Grant me Your light, the better to read hearts; Your perspicacity for discerning Your work and penetrating Your designs; Your mercy, for forgiving and healing; Your wisdom for counseling and directing the young lives entrusted to me. May my actions be Your actions, my hands, Your hands; my lips, Your lips; my life, Your life; so that nothing may touch these children that is not divine, and that I may not impede Your action in their souls. 

For those of you familiar with the lurid details of the 2009 $GG "$CHOOL" $CANDAL, the SW Ohio cult's own version of "the Sicilian Vespers," you're probably shaking your head in disgust at $GG's effrontery. In justice to the few remaining decent Gerties, PL is positive they weren't deceived either. They must still painfully remember how children were treated in the many months preceding the 2009 uprising.

But since some of our readership may not be as aware of the horrific scandal as others, we'll briefly remind everyone of just a few of the reported incidents that led to the mass exodus of decency from the cult. The Readers promse it'll be an eye-opening experience to compare the petitioned virtues of the prayer to the shocking practice of the past. (If you'd like the full report published on December 3, 2009, at the height of the $GG "$chool" cri$i$, you'll want to click here.)
👉Less favored students were characterized as retards, spoiled brats, and other derogatory names, and in the case of girls, tarts and even sluts, sometimes in public.  The younger children with learning disabilities were referred to as "retards." 
👉On one occasion, a student's bag was emptied, and all the equipment the child's parents had provided for the beginning of the school year was thrown into the trash. 
👉A seventh grade student was forcibly prevented from leaving church during Mass to go the bathroom, resulting an emotionally traumatizing "accident."
👉A high-school girl received a uniform violation for having her hair in the wrong place, even after she had corrected her hairstyle and had it approved by one of the women teachers.
👉A seventh grader was publicly humiliated for allegedly not cleaning a thurible after Benediction.  The boy's father checked with the head MC, and was told the thurible was cleaned perfectly.
👉A teacher was forcibly prevented from escorting a sick first-grade student out of the chapel on the first day of school.
👉A seventh grade boy was punished corporally in the presence of witnesses, during which punishment the paddle broke.
Undeniably, it's been some eight long years since the outbreak of the $GG "$CHOOL" $CANDAL.  Therefore, it's entirely possible, even plausible, that there's been a change of heart, or at a minimum a change of policy and practice at the "$chool." With grace anyone can change for the better. But, knowing human beings as we do, and realizing the present-day tendency of scapegrace organizations to give lip service to reform rather than change fundamentally, we're naturally suspicious about the appearance of the prayer in the $GG bulletin right before the start of a new "$chool" year.

Li'l Daniel told us in the "Corner" that "school preparation meetings...for our teachers" were set to take place last week. No doubt printing the prayer in the bulletin was meant to suggest to parents that their children —"what is dearest to them in the world" — will be in good hands. Don't you think, though, that in light of what we've just reviewed, Gerties should make double sure that the teachers who invoke this prayer will be able to act in behalf of little ones?

For instance, if teachers receive the gifts prayed for, yet cannot exercise them, how can the teachers' "actions, ... hands, ...  lips, ... life" be those of the "Supreme Educator of souls"? How can they answer our Lord's sacred calling? Moreover, shouldn't both parents and the handful of principled Gerties insist on the $GG "pastor's" written assurance (1) that every staff member at the "$chool" model the behavior for which the prayer begs so that (2) that there will never be a repetition of the horrors that produced the 2009 catastrophe?

That's a no-brainer. Absolutely they should. When you consider all that led up to the 2009 $chool $candal, a flowery bulletin item, soon forgotten by all, is not enough.

Consequently, here's what we recommend: The cult is a small-ltime operation so you can make a difference if you get organized. Flood Dannie's inbox with e-mails demanding he adopt a written action plan to ensure that every staff member be worthy of parents' "confidence" and treat each child with "the delicacy and infinite patience" of the Holy Ghost.

The plan must include specific provisions to guarantee that staff will emulate our Lord's "mercy for forgiving and healing" and behave in such a way that "nothing may touch these children that is not divine." Insist the plan contain explicit provisions for remediation or punishment of any staff member whose behavior does not conform to the prayer's entreaties. Also, require the Wee One to spell out a grievance process for parents and teachers to lodge complaints about the treatment of children.

In other words, force the "$chool" to live up to the promises of the prayer, and if it doesn't ...



  1. Why hasn't anyone sued SGG for breach of fiduciary responsibility? Entire dioceses have been bankrupted because they failed to adequately oversee their workers. So why not SGG?

  2. Don't forget MHT. Now they are doing an online program, at least heads won't be slammed into the wall or kids won't be forced to lay on the floor with their noses to the floor. It's actually genius; no one will discover the cruelty of the place, and they will not have to let outsiders into their school. They can continue the severity without anyone knowing.

  3. The Reader @ 8:10 pm
    Lovely, just lovely.

    So, you want to rally the "depraved" people to flood Bp. Dolan's inbox?
    I think you need to read "How to Win Friends and Influence People."
    This week's post is yet another fail, apart from the dissemination of that nice prayer.

    1. No, we want the few remaining decent Gerties to make sure that "nice prayer" isn't just lip service.

      And with this week's post and it pregnant reminder of the 2009 $GG $chool $candal we know we hit it out of the ball park. The outraged e-mails are pouring in from Catholics who weren't aware of just how bad it was. The Ohio-B'ville cult is going to lose a lot of money with this one.

    2. The “teacher’s prayer” in the SGG bulletin certainly is an embarrassingly ironic example of Dannie’s depraved “S&S” (Syrup & Sanctimony). Given the sad reality of SGG’s “school,” how he had the unmitigated gall to put that in the bulletin is beyond human comprehension. But, being the shameless, arrogant troll that he is, Dannie just keeps on “misrepresenting reality,” and hopes that the gullible will keep on swallowing it.

    3. So are some Gerties depraved, or all of them? Which is it? For the record of course.

  4. Did you want anyone to flood Dannie's email, or just Gerties? If anyone, how can we find his email address?

    On a frivolous note, I like the cartoon hands you used for the bullet points!

    1. We haven't seen an email address on the cult's website, so we had written the line with the Gerties in mind, since they're likely to have the contact info.

      However, others might address their demands to Dannie by snail mail at the following address"

      4900 Rialto Road
      West Chester OH 45069

      According to the $GG bulletin, he and the Cheeseball will be out of town for a couple of weeks, so you have plenty of time to draft a letter and have it waiting for His Complacency when he returns.

  5. SGG bulletin: Dolan and Cekafa are taking a two week vacation. Together? Where? Is there a reason they take one together?

    1. They couldn't have gone to the luxurious Bishop's Lodge in sunny Santa Fe because it's not scheduled to re-open until Summer 2018.

      Interesting, isn't it, that this time they didn't announce their destination? In the past, Dannie used to make a big deal about their vacations, but ever since PL began blogging about their opulent escapes, mum's been the word beforehand.

      Maybe somebody out in cyberspace knows where they headed. If we had to guess, we'd still say it's Santa Fe, New Mexico. Knowing Dannie's taste for religiously named deluxe properties, their lodgings might be at the classic luxury Inn of the Five Graces, the boutique/design Hotel St. Francis, or the Spa and Inn at Loretto built at the end of the historic Old Santa Fe Trail high in the spectacular Sangre de Cristo Mountains.

      Like all of you, we'll be watching for Dannie's travelogue when he returns.

  6. PL's readership may be interested in the following comment received by email, which we post with the correspondent's permission:

    "Much has been written about America's moral decay, but nothing I have seen speaks more damningly of our nation's decline than the fact that Christians remained at SGG after the revelations of 2009. Although SGG's income may be ebbing, as your blog has reported, it taxes my faith in my fellow man to see that so-called Catholics continue to support this disgraceful sect at all. They will have much to answer for. May God have mercy."

  7. I believe that many more people at SGG are realizing that just because something is said, by what appears to be an official, does not make it true. Fake News, is Fake, no matter who says it. In other words a lie is a lie, no matter who tells it. So just continue to pray that people at SGG see the light, and don't kill the messengers in their effort to protect the innocent from the lies.

  8. Has the school been running without issue in the last 8 years since 2009?

    I don’t see anything wrong with this prayer and if a teacher were to pray it I don’t seeing it being a bad thing. If you feel the teachers are so bad I would think you would want them to say a prayer like this often. Seems like the only thing that will make PL happy is if they crawl into a hole and die. PL should focus on legitimate issues and not be so eager to turn EVERYTHING into a scandal.

    1. We do want them to invoke the prayer, and at the same time be able to live up to it. That's why we're suggesting they demand that Dannie assure they will be able to put into practice what they have prayed for.

    2. PL has only reported the scandal. It is Dolan, Cekada, and the “school principal” who have actually committed the scandal.

    3. No known or written issues because the only ones who stay at those places are the people who are loyal to the priests and would put up with anything and protect those involved. The ones who had their right mind to listen, left.

    4. Anon. 4:05 PM’s question -- “Has the school been running without issue in the last 8 years since 2009?” – is at least an admission that before 2009, there were problems at the school before then. But how can one be sure if there weren’t problems since then? There very well could have been – but not reported; and the fact that the “school’s” attendance has been SHRINKING since then is evidence that “something is wrong” there. You know, it’s ironic: Immaculate Conception’s school (in the Cincinnati area, just like SGG) – or any other school (except SGG) -- does not have to resort to such flowery “prayers” to attract students. They (IC) attract them by their own , not by putting up syrupy slop in their bulletin. Only SGG resorts to that kind of crap – and it still doesn’t work!

    5. @Watcher. I was not admitting anything, but since you only focus on 2009 was trying to focus on the time period since then to see if PL has continuing issues or just events of 2009.

  9. Anonymous August 27, 2017 at 4:05 PM

    "Has the school been running without issue in the last 8 years since 2009?..."

    There in lie the problem! The Principal, and the administration have not changed.
    The only things that have changed are the students who have left or graduated.

    These prior issues of 2009 where going on for a long time, until finally one day one parent could not take it any longer and went to the teacher. That teacher in defense of the child went to the principal, Fr. Cekada and Bp. Dolan. He was was ultimately fired, on trumped up lies by Bishop Dolan. That is what lead to the 2009 Scandal in a nut shell.

    So how long will it take for the next straw to break the next camels back?

    That is the million dollar question.

    PL is only keeping a watchful eye on SGG. So that should this happen again, parents do have recourse. Like contacting this site and being directed to the right course of action.

    History only repeats itself, especially when the players in command have not changed.

    Prayer is a good thing. So let's all hope He answers their prayer, and His Will be done.

  10. "When one of the teachers asked him how many more children's souls would be lost before he would act against the Principal, Fr. Cekada merely shrugged his shoulders and replied coldly: "Oh, don't worry about that. People have a way of having more children.""

    (These are the next to last sentences in the complete article at the link you provided:

    (1) Is Cekada implying that souls are not lost but reincarnated into other children?

    (2) What good would prayer do w/a callous mindset like that? Dolan's mindset is no better: (a) animal cruelty stories in one bulletin, prayer in the next. (b) "Boys will be boys" as they corrupt school children w/porn and animal cruelty and threaten teachers, but the teachers will 'pray.'

    3. Re: vacationing together -- is that normal? or do these "clergy" just get away w/whatever they want (since Dolan has bought himself a bishopric and is now a protestant pope)? How could people leave the N.O. to fall for this stinking corruption? [yeah, yeah, I know. It's just like the pharisees who stay in the stinking corrupt N.O.: all we care about is receiving VALID sacraments. No matter how many of our neighbors in the pews right next to us, including children, are being robbed of their souls, we're going to heaven by keeping our eyes wide shut and getting these sacraments.]

    1. We guess they can do whatever the culties allow them to do. That's why lay governance is so desperately needed in Tradistan. There must be supervision.

      None of the traddie "bishops" has a bishopric in the technical sense of the word. As we've explained before, they really can't be called bishops and have no right to the style "Your Excellency" or even the honorific "the most reverend." They have no authority or jurisdiction and are not part of the ecclesia docens. They'll remain in charge of their scattered, little sects as long as there are people who support them, but outside of that, they are nothing in the Catholic Church.

      The funny thing about leaving the N.O. for valid sacraments is that Tradistan itself has its own numerous threats to validity, so no one can ever be really sure. It takes a lot of research to even arrive at a basic level of comfort.

    2. My observation is the more one researches, the more one becomes convinced the problem is deeper, older, and more sinister. Research never has brought me any confort, only doubt, even doubt of the faith itself.

      Lay governance is an idea about as forign to an authentic Catholic disposition as one can imagine. Even non Catholics understand this.

    3. But...Tradistan is not Catholic, so lay governance is absolutely necessary.

    4. @anon 2:45 PM

      1. If he responded as you claim it was clearly a smart alec response to a smart alec question. (i.e. about the children souls)

      2. As a Catholic we are taught that prayer can do a lot, but I suppose as a member of the PL cult you might not believe prayer works on SGGers.

      3. If I were going to vacation and didn’t have a family I would go with a buddy too unless I were a strange loner.

    5. The entire "traditionalist" structure is alien to the structure of the Church.

      It's not about lay governance, it's the fact that no one in this "traditional" situation can legitimately govern.

    6. And, we would add, since men still need to be accountable, those who remain in the very un-divine "'traditional' situation" need lay governance to protect themselves and their assets.

    7. Reader, I agree in principle. For myself, I think it better to say "it's better for laypeople to arrrange the place for mass, and handle all the financial details. There's no need to trouble the censored priest, as his only role is to answer our request for the sacraments and to provide them, if he so chooses. He has no other role."

    8. It should have read "Censured" priest...

    9. Gene,

      Ultimately I think you will have issues either way. A priest may run things well or not. A lay governance may also run things well or not. Maybe a hybrid with a lay board with the priest at the head of the board would be a good compromise.

    10. I do have issues either way, and I have personally witnessed the lay run model, it's a mess.

      It is however more in conformity with the law. Censured priests must be viewed as that, and never confused with ordinary priests who have an office in the Church.

      It is only the request of the laity that gives these men the legal right to use their orders, therefore they are dependent on the laity. They have no other right to act as a priest.

    11. If a censured priest were more competent managerially than the laymen he serves, then we'd have no objection to his managing all the affairs of the chapel, provided that all his actions be transparent and that he be accountable for his decisions. The best overall model is to have (1) a board of trustees to designate who will handle the chapel's business affairs and (2) a set of good bylaws that delineates rights, responsibilities, and accountability measures.

      One thing should be made clear in the case we mentioned: the censured priest is not in charge by virtue of his orders. He serves at the pleasure of the board, which collectively is his organizational superior.

      It's true, as with all human endeavors, that systems alone will not prevent incompetent management. Moreover, if the officers of the corporation are negligent in their duties or incompetent, the worst is to be expected. But that condition applies everywhere in life. We've seen both bad and good boards and bad and good censured priests. However, we can say that when lay boards act responsibly, the assets of the chapel are protected. Our Lady of the Sun is a perfect example of excellent boardsmanship that's been able to preserve the chapel's substantial assets and protect the laity.

    12. Well said! For what it's worth, this was the model of response to the Concilair sect originally. People just banded together and asked priests to come. At that time, however, the priests were legitimate clerics who just would not go along with the Novus Ordo.

      Over time, as the response became more institutionlaized, groups formed and began taking over control of the grassroot chapels, mostly the SSPX, but also others whIch came later.

      I will say one thing here in fairness to CMRI, they are the only group that I know of that does not demand ownership of properties in order to send priests and has several chapels that are lay-owned.

      You will not see that (prrmanent lay control of chapels) with SSPX or SSPV, and other groups.

    13. @Reader, do you know why Our Lady of the Sun switched priests?

    14. OLS naturally never made public the reasons for inviting the CMRI to replace the B'ville cult, but from what we've been able to piece together, lay leadership was more than unhappy with the way things were being run. In the last months, tensions were reported to have run very high. We've also heard that most of the people resisted the cult's recruitment efforts and, in fact, OLS is finally growing.

    15. No place under Sanborn will ever thrive. He's lost it mentally. His draconian rules, his seminarians lack of training (although he declares them the most qualified of seminaries), his letting the 3 families rule his church/school/convent, his obsession with declaring everyone else wrong and him right, his elitist attitude, the obsession with money, his need for the richest cuisine, his expensive taste that the parish pays to keep up with, the nepotism among the Selway clan (who heads his seminary, schools, and convent), his growing number of odd rules with women's clothing, his lack of a parish for anything other than donations, his new schemes of taking over any missions who he feels has slighted him, his attitude of Brooksville being the only place one can get to Heaven and the only place who holds the true faith, his financially draining building, etc.

      There is not only something wrong with this man. He leaves a path of evil everywhere he goes. Just wait what will happen to the Australia and California missions. Time will tell, but I have a feeling Sanborn will be eventually asked to leave once again.

    16. We don't think he'll learn a lesson from his failed experience with OLS. He'll only double down. There are stories out of CA that the mission is not the attraction they thought it would be.

    17. What I don't understand about you guys is this quasi assumption you make that there is a true Catholic church somewhere. I'm not suggesting that dogmatic sede groups are the true church, but I am confident in asserting that 95 percent of the novus ordo hirearchy including priests are invalid. So who's censuring who?

    18. We as a group don't claim to know where the true Church is today. Our only point is that Tradistan is not, and cannot be, the Roman Catholic Church; it's "priests" are not Roman Catholic clergy in the strict sense of the word, and they are wrong to represent themselves as such. The censure was incurred automatically, without the intervention of a superior or judge.

    19. What I have seen is that being intellectual doesn't necessarily make you right. Sanborn is an intellectual. Instead of just following the faith, he has strayed from it and has taught his "seminarians" to use their judgement instead of Catholic teachings, church precedent and facts. His seminarians/priests have gone just as rogue as he has. They make venial sins into mortal ones. Turn actions that aren't sinful into venial. They deny sacramentals to some, deprive people of the sacraments out of revenge, and do not preach Our Lord's teachings (example: breaking open champagne when john Paul 2 died).

      When these men turn more people off the faith than they bring to it, there is something wrong.

  11. I'm still wondering why some irate father hasn't remonstrated with Lotarski a la Dai Bando from How Green Was My Valley ...

    1. Oh, we think many would have liked to ask him to take his measure but they were afraid they would be kicked out of the cult.

  12. Anonymous August 28, 2017 at 8:01 PM
    @anon 2:45 PM

    "1. If he responded as you claim it was clearly a smart alec response to a smart alec question. (i.e. about the children souls)..."

    I take umbrage to this reply to a very clear and concerned question asked by a fellow Catholic.

    To begin with, given all the problems that were going on in SGG school at that time, I would hardly think that the alleged "smart alec" question asked by a concerned teacher warranted such a stupid remark by the pastor of the parish of SGG. His calloused answer doesn't even come close to someone looking to resolve any problems that were going on in SGG's school at that time, especially with the Principal, that they employed at the parishioners expense.
    Fr. Cekada's remark echos of his cavalier cold-hearted remark about Terri Schiavo.

    It only proves the fact how sick they were then, and are now. They are telling you that one will accept what they are doing, no matter what, and should ever one be lost to ("collateral damage), or being lost in the fray of things, more will be produced to be abused, like it or not. THEY WILL NOT CHANGE, BUT THEY WILL ADD A PRAYER.

    What is that prayer for? I think it is that the people remain oblivious to all the atrocities committed so that they can keep on producing and supporting the abusers, in a manner they have grown accustomed to.

    As to point (3) stated by the same @ annon.

    Catholic priests do not do everything together, like a married couple. These two share a house together known as the rectory, while all other priests live in the Convent, on the same premises.
    As far as the "Buddy System" goes for taking a vacation, I don't think that the Bishop's Lodge should be supported by any Catholic Buddy, whether married or not. This establishment has long catered to the advertised and well endorsed "ALTERNATIVE FAMILY VACATIONING", and long before Marriage was redefined.

    Do you really think Catholic Buddies of any kind should be supporting any resort like this, especially if they are priests?

    That is an in your face question!

  13. @anon 5:30 PM

    Regarding you taking umbrage. I have met enough traditional Catholics that love to feign scandal at about anything. They act like they are walking Saints and everything is a monumental imminent threat. I doubt you even truly believe Father C’s remark meant that he literally feels children’s souls don’t matter because more can be made.

    Regarding the buddy system as you call it and your question I suppose you have a problem with how monasteries and convents were run with large groups of men together all the time and large groups of women living together all the time? You probably hate how the army has men shower together, use the bathroom right next to each other, and sleep in a barracks together. Oh my!

    Regarding the bishop’s lodge. If you are correct that they openly advertise as an LGBT friendly place it would be ideal to avoid that location, however one would have to pretty much avoid any major hotel chain, Starbucks, Walmart, and much more so I don’t know how practical that is. But again if in this case they were extra out there on this then I would agree.

  14. This question is off topic, but I am new to Tradition and would like to know why a FSSP Priest at the Parish I am attending is having confession after Mass instead of before? This doesn't seem right to me. Is this even allowed? I have only attended this new FSSP Parish 2 times and I am not impressed at all. This is the only FSSP Parish that I have ever attended so I have no others to compare it to.

    1. Not to worry. Sometimes they hear confession before and after Mass. If there are two priests one will hear confession during Mass.

      Hope this helps you out.

    2. Anon. 3:42 - Thanks!!

  15. This is a lengthy response to Anonymous August 30, 2017 at 12:07AM

    Let me set the record straight, I am NO saint, nor do I feign to be. However, if you care to see how much of a saint I am not, just hurt a child. “Whatever you do unto the lest of these, you do unto me”. Something SGG should bear in mind with that prayer of theirs.
    As far as your assumption based on your individual experience with those who claim to be, “The Holier than thou, Traditional Catholics”, you might be right with them, but you are wrong with me. I do not hold to that title, nor do I want it. I am Catholic!

    I am not a sanctimonious prude that gets scandalized by the length of a skirt etc. I am from the old school, under Vatican I, and I have seen just about everything one could see today, including: monks, brothers, nuns with various styles of living, scandals with priests getting locked up, and convents closing down. You name it, I’ve seen it. Right down to the redefinition of Marriage and having it become a universal law.

    I know what a scandal is, and 2009 meets that definition on so many levels for the Traditional World, and the Faith we are trying to adhere to..
    Your question about me believing what Fr. Cekada really meant with his, “off the cuff” remark about children and their souls is hardly the main issue. His actions reflect his words.

    How does one judge a man? God does it by thought, word, and deed. I am rendered to word and deed. So let me answer your question, based on his actions. I do believe that he said exactly what he meant, and in a sarcastic way, because he was annoyed that the teacher would even dare to challenge the Principal’s authority, and imply abuse, on behalf of a mere child and his whining parents.

    Now let’s examine Fr. Cekada’s words, and deeds to see his character unfold through his actions.
    • His words were used to report to the Dept. of Homeland Security on a teacher he was supposed to be sponsoring for a Visa. His deeds caused the teacher to voluntarily leave the country.
    • Again, his words continue to commend the Principal of SGG from the pulpit for his excellent work. While his deeds keep the Crazed Lunatic in Office as Principal and the abused continue to be abused.

    Obviously, his WORDS were meant, and his DEEDS matched his words. So you decide, did he mean it or not?

  16. Response continued:

    Now onto your diversion of: showers, barracks, men living together under army style conditions, and any other thing you could possibly think to throw into the mix of excuses. This is totally off the topic, and you know it.

    The Fact is, none of these so called men served in the military in any capacity. Perhaps if they did, they would do a better job of saving souls by serving them.

    Now let’s stay focused on the living conditions as per the Church under normal conditions. She had a policy known as ROTATION that was enforced for several reasons. One of which was to avoid the “buddy system” that lasts all year round. The Rotation system, placed the priests in a Rectory for a number of years, and then they got relocated. (Remember Bells of St. Mary’s, with Bing Crosby?) This helped eliminate emotional attachments along with a host of other good reasons to protect the priest, and the parishioners, from a priest that was not a fit for their parish. All priests including visiting ones live in the Rectory, not in another building on the premises. Most priests do not exclusively live together for decades in a Rectory built for two.

    Don’t divert now, just answer that statement.

    SGG is a private corporation playing at being a Traditional Roman Catholic Church, which has neither the magisterium to govern by its own authority, nor any higher authority to which it is subject. Hence, there are no consequences for any of their injustices done to the people who support them.

    They rule supreme, like it, or lump it, or GET OUT.
    As long as you stay, you pay!

    Unlike SGG, all the conciliar church perpetrators were apprehended, and found to be guilty of various degrees of child abuse, and were respectively punished under the law of both church and state. There are no consequences for the men that run SGG. That’s because there is no governing body over them, and the parishioners are willing to submit to their abuses, and then deny they exist. Gosh, talk about being programed!

    Do yourself a favor and research all that I have stated, because it is fact, but most of all research the Bishop’s Lodge. This was on the QT for years, and they were going to it for years. Not because they could not find another 5 star resort, as you implied, but because they were looking for the amenities that the lodge offered at a time.

    Don’t worry about Walmart and Starbucks, they do not offer room service.

    1. Good points about sgg.

      MHT also has issues by moving an entire church/seminary/school from Michigan to the south. They did this for one family and the priest son. Should a priest be allowed to be the family priest of the parish? Should he not be the one rotated on missions in order for there not to be a conflict hearing his family's confession, giving them sacraments, etc. Then again, the entire outfit down there is backwards. Sanborn has allowed this family to be the head of the seminary, church, convent, and the school. They run sanborn. Money talks loudly with sanborn.

      The crazy living arrangements are with Sanborn too. He's building a convent within walking distance of his seminary. His chosen successor also used to live on the same property as the convent. Talk about scandalous situations; I think SGG and MHT have the scandals covered.

    2. It may be worth noting, with respect to hotels for clerical summer vacations, that on July 1, 1926, the Sacred Congregation of the Council decreed that "priests should always choose those lodgings or inns that are not unbecoming of God's assistants" (sacerdotes semper eligant ea diversoria seu hospitia quae Dei administros non dedeceant).

      It's up to the individual trads to research the properties where "clerics" vacation to determine how well they fit or violate the Congregation's ruling. As an aside, we note that the absence of a Latin word allowing spa sojourns (e.g., balnea, thermae) seems to us to preclude such properties as fitting for a stay, even for Tradistani "priests."

      In a week or two, maybe 'One Hand" will tell us the establishment at which he and the Cheeseball vacationed. After that, it shouldn't take too long to vet the place.

  17. You will never get the name, as they are too busy playing Dodge Ball, and with your ball.
    Good Luck!

  18. Perhaps I think Monsieur Le Reader that their new policy is to STARVE THE BEAST, oui?

    1. Si c'est leur politique, nous espérons qu'ils se rendent compte qu'ils sont eux-mêmes la bête,

  19. On dirait que la bête, vous êtes comme la bête, vous l'odeur de la bête, et vous parlez comme la bête. Je pense que c'est vous monsieur qui est indéniablement la bête!
