
Saturday, October 21, 2017


Profred servyse stynketh. Chaucer

The existential threat of the onrushing collapse of the SW Ohio/Brooksville syndicate seems to have afflicted the Wee One with a tic, where he involuntarily discloses what's really got his goat.  Take this astonishingly frank paragraph from the cult's autumn 2017 newsletter:
[Name], one of St. Gertrude’s “founding mothers,” was called into eternity on September 3. For many years she was the one who did anything that needed to be done for St. Gertrude the Great and its clergy, from cleaning to chauffeuring to cooking (especially cooking!) to secretarial work to art, for she was a talented artist as well. Oh, and she did the laundry, too. God reward her many, many years of loving and faithful service. How I wish He would bless us with other...souls so deeply devoted to the Holy Mass and the Faith it perfectly expresses. Her keen never failing love of these things both inspires and reproaches our Catholics of today.
Although at paragraph's end there's a perfunctory and rather vague boilerplate reference to the departed's devotion to the Mass and the Catholic faith, the "virtues" he enumerates have to do more with groveling service to the $GG "clergy" than with piety: cleaning, chauffeuring, cooking, laundry, and clerical work. And you can bet that what really "reproaches our Catholics of today" is that no Gertling chick has been willing to step into the role of the "clergy's" charwoman.

Today's Gertie gal won't be fooled into mistaking a scullery maid's grimy kerchief for a heavenly crown. Nor would she find fulfillment in hurriedly and harriedly rushing to answer the tinkling of a bell when the bone-idle ringer, just ten feet away, could have gotten off his keister to speak to her — or simply performed the task himself.

Normally, even if only a matter of good taste, you'd expect a eulogy to underscore the specific and repeated instances of the deceased's holiness, with but a brief, perchance discreetly oblique, mention of servile work. We should've read of her regular Mass attendance, almsgiving, visits to the Blessed Sacrament, concrete examples of charity to others, faithful membership in a confraternity, ardor for our Lady, etc. Instead we're shocked to find a job description for a domestic.

All the emphasis is upon her bondage to workaday, menial tasks for the sole benefit of the "clergy," who themselves should've been capable of doing their own laundry, cleaning their own quarters, and transporting themselves. There's only the most general reference to the departed's fidelity to religion (which as practiced in the cult is sadly but a para-Catholic boondoggle: so much good-hearted effort for naught!). That makes it seem as though the reproof of today's Catholics isn't aimed at lukewarm faith but at their steadfast refusal to assume a servant's burden.

From the looks of it, the ever-gauche cult master couldn't manage to conceal his resentment over the fact that no one has volunteered to take this long-suffering soul's place. Her passing seems to be the occasion for him to wear his resentment on his sleeve, to lash out at others for not putting His Self-Importancy before their own and their family's good.

What gives us hope is that PL's not the only one who could detect Dannie's peevishness. Gerties see it, too. And we're sure many a cultie crone cackled to herself when she read his rueful words, "Spit in one hand, Bee-uh-shup,  'n' wish in the other, 'n' see which one fills up first."


  1. Pretty funny: one of 'sgg's founding mothers' yet nothing about raising children or being a wife; nothing about doing anything for "St. Gertrude the Great" either--just its (infantile) "clergy."

    1. Indeed, he certainly let us — and the woman's family — know where his priorities lie.

  2. Well you called it right again: "On a more natural note, we have been taking care of some repair/replacement projects which have come due, or have long been delayed. A small crew has been working on one of the roof leaks, right over the vestibule. It seems there are some new techniques available, and the lower price of oil somehow now facilitates things. The parking lot asphalt repair has been scheduled, finally, for next month. 3 ½ heating/air conditioning units have been replaced and seem at last to be functioning well.
    How Fr. Cekada manages to pay for all of this remains a mystery to me, for like the Hebrews, he is always making bricks without straw. But I do know that more bills will be coming in, and more work needs done. Many of you, when you do come, con-tribute nothing, not even a token amount. How’s about it? If not for justice sake, at least for charity. Contribute your fair share to your church each week or each month. You know God will reward or punish you accordingly. As with forgiveness, we get to write our own ticket.
    Goodness, generosity, are their own reward. But when done for love of God, the merit is tremendous. You see and hear about you in church today—and every Sunday—the fruit of great love and devotion for Jesus Our King and Mary Our Queen. Such beauty, such care! Will you alone come without a gift? God is never outdone in generosity but men are always outdoing each other in cold-hearted cheapness, whether in support or service. “Freely you have received. Freely give.”
    Have your own miracle of the sun today. Let a ray of God’s grace touch you, melt you, remake you. God bless you. See you this afternoon for adoration, this evening for closing ceremonies.
    – Bishop Dolan

    And then the animal "antics": This guy's a psycho !
    P.S. Oh yes, Caravaggio. He came bounding in the other evening with his “special needs” meow, and deposited a freshly slain baby mouse in my room. I picked him up to dissuade him from his nighttime snack, but as I did so he swallowed his mouse meal in three gulps. And this from a cat who shies away from solid food.

    1. How right you are! That's the most barf-inducing cat-tale we've ever read. Think of the bloody mess!

      It's clear that the ever-shrinking contributions are really getting to "One-Hand." He's losing it. Last week's collection amounted to a pathetic $3,121 — no wonder he's furious with the Gerties enough to threaten them with eternal punishment for their "cheapness" and withholding "service." (We all know what that means!)

    2. It’s amazing how transparent Dannie is. Every time he opens his mouth, it’s like a Freudian slip on steroids. Doesn’t he realize how blatantly mercenary he sounds? And who does he think he’s going to get to swallow his guilt-tripping crap, after having just got back from a two-week binge in trendy Santa Fe? And, -- surprise, surprise! -- Dannie confirms our suspicions (and predictions) that the cult center is falling apart.

    3. Does SGG publish a yearly financial report or on some other interval?

    4. We've never seen one. They keep their finances close to the vest.

    5. Is there any pre VII precedence for financial reporting of a Catholic parishes finances to the parishioners. Was it a standard thing to do or not done at all?

    6. Remember that in pre-V2 days, the diocese had its own finance arm, and parish priests had to be accountable to higher ups. Many a pastor was removed, albeit quietly, for failure to live up to his fiduciary responsibilities. Any official who refused to show the books to one who had a right to inspect them was subject to privation of office, suspension, or a fine (c. 2406.2).

    7. My father recalled that fiduciary "abilities" where what furthered a priest's career, not holiness or devotion to parishioners, in those days.

    8. The last thing a chancellor needed to hear was a complaint about malfeasance from the laity, so, sure, competent, straight-arrow money managers were rewarded.

      Contrary to sede myths, at most parishes the people had a pretty good idea of how their money was being used, even if there were no annual reports of expenditures. In the old days, priests knew they had to earn the laity's trust if they were to run a parish successfully, so they stayed on the straight and narrow. But of course, in the real Catholic Church, frugality is a virtue, whereas spend-thriftiness is the hallmark of the faux-Catholic cults.

    9. Yea, they knew where the money was spent. The Churches were masterpieces of quality arichitecture, the priests were driven about in Cadillacs, and they drank the finest Brandies (only on Sunday perhaps). I know are not from Chicago, but if you are stopping by, head over to Queen of All Saints Basillica near Cicero and Devon and see the fidicuiary abilities of 1950s priests with your own eyes!

  3. Psychopaths. That is the term to describe these men. From all the mighty "Bishops" to the lowest, rinky-dink, loutish boar of the independent priest. Psychopaths the lot.
    Somebody needs to start a site exposing these not well known creatures of the Sede world.

    1. Surely not all psychopaths - interesting study on the matter:

      If you can laugh (presumably at yourself also) you may not be one.

    2. But these guys don't laugh at themselves. The only laughing they do is on the way to the bank.

    3. Time was... dear Reader, now Dannie's crying and fulminating and Don's thinking up scheme after scheme to pay himself back for what he already owned. The heyday is over now.

    4. How very right you are, 10:31 PM! The party's over, as we'll discuss in our post to appear later today. Dannie's outburst last week ("Many of you... contribute nothing....You know God...will punish you...") is the clearest sign yet that the endgame is upon them.

  4. Relative to the 10/21, 10:25 AM comment, we'd like to go out on a limb and make a predication:

    Next week the $GG cult leader won't excoriate the Gerties for their stinginess but instead will report a large influx of contributions.

    There's already been outraged backlash against Dannie's vicious jeremiad, and the kingpins know they've gone too far this time. If the attacks against the contributors continue, the fear is funds will dry up altogether. That's why we think next week will be a kiss-and-make-up opportunity for the cult.

    Now, of course, we're not 100% certain. Why, Dannie may be so angry at the reluctance to support his misadventures that he'll whip the Gertlings all the more furiously. Still, there's a greater than 50% chance that our call will be realized in some form or another.

    1. Well, whatever happens, Dannie will put his “interpretive spin” on it. If the Gerties give more (or “reportedly” give more), Dannie will claim it as another “miracle of the sun” (or some such sanctimonious balderdash as that); and if they don’t, he may foist some more guilt-tripping on them. Whatever he does, you can bet that he’ll find some “supernatural” justification for it. As for that roof leak in the vestibule, I’m surprised that he’s getting it fixed. After all, if those mothers with small babies can withstand a cold vestibule in winter and a sweltering one in summer, they can put up with a little water dripping on their heads. (Perhaps Dannie can ask them to bring their umbrellas with them from now on.)

  5. "...How Fr. Cekada manages to pay for all of this remains a mystery to me, for like the Hebrews, he is always making bricks without straw..."

    The Great Houdini you might call him, in more ways than one. Now you see it, now you don't!
