
Saturday, December 30, 2017


The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose, new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Chesterton

Editor's Note: For this our final— and purposely brief — post of the 2017, we thought we'd pose a few questions rather than send up the customary end-of-year prognostications. We've already made enough predictions to last the whole of 2018. Today it's time to sit back, relax, and ponder satisfying, new possibilities.

In his December newsletter, "The Lowly Worm," the b.s. artist formerly known as Tradzilla, announced the date of the Kid's "consecration," with a promise of more information in the January issue. We can hardly wait to read what he has to tell us.

For instance, will we learn the names of the all-star cast? More importantly, will there be a co-consecrator or two?  And, if yes, who will he or they be? Whom will we find among the gawking spectators? Does Tony Baloney dare show up? Will we spy Dennis the Menace  in the pews? The reply to that last question will tell us much about cult policy under the new Boy "Bishop."

Earlier in the newsletter, the recovering Donster declared he expects to get clearance to fly internationally in late March.  (The cult masters do love their foreign junkets, don't they?) That's really interesting news! With the Kid as the headline act for the Holy-Week show, where in the world might "The Lowly Worm" be planning to go?

Merrie Olde England comes to mind. (Doesn't he owe some clueless Londoners a visit?)  Maybe he'll arrive in the Big Smoke for Easter Sunday. April 1, you know, is All Fools' DayHowever, dear old Blighty isn't necessarily the only imaginable landing place for a mobile miter.

La Belle France is a strong competitor for his benefactors' travel dollars, particularly when you consider we haven't heard a peep about the "Roman Catholic Institute" for an awfully long spell.  Why, it's been radio silence since the big roll-out last spring.

Is the "Institute" dead in the stagnant swamp wateror will Don try to resuscitate it on the Continent? We've noticed his yammering about an "ordination" on French soil next summer, and he's shared with his readership that pipe dream to found a "seminary" (LOL) there. Could, therefore, "The Lowly Worm" be ready to move on to Europe, seeing that he's been made redundant in the Home of the Brave?

If he targets l'Hexagone, can we expect the B'ville retrenchment to begin before summer? And then can we hope to see the pesthouse shut down, the distressed building being put to other purposes, such as a school or convent? That would spare a lot of the élite's capital.

But enough of the Donster and the Swampland! Let's switch focus. PL doesn't want you to think we're ignoring the SW Ohio cult.

The nagging question we have here is whether "One-Hand Dan" might be penciling-in a tour to lusciously sunny México lindo around the middle of frigid February. The winter escape would occasion the perfect excuse to account for his absence from the B'ville sanctuary.  Think about it: How humiliating would it be to squat in the teeming peanut gallery while other, younger prelatasters, adorned with sound holy orders, pranced around in bespoke pontificals as Assistant Bishops!

But beyond the matter of his attendance, a much larger question looms: With Big Don effectively benched, how long, we ask, can $GG stay afloat in 2018? Last week's bulletin again reported a collection of under $4K (specifically, $3,351), not enough at any time of the year, but positively calamitous during the continuing arctic temperatures.

Insightfully, "One Hand" has been grousing about "part time Catholics" as well as the Gerties' cutting out before Benediction. (What pious Catholic wants to risk adoring bread?)  Furthermore, not a week passes without sob stories of ailing, dying, or croaked cultlings: To hear the Wee One tell it, they're dropping like dung flies in a noxious cloud of industrial pesticide. On one thing you can bet the farm: the dump can't continue as-is in the face of disappearing income coupled with the Grim Reaper's aggressive harvest.

Will the coming year see a major re-organization or some serious downsizing?

Be still our hearts!
. . . . . . . . . .

Well, that should be grist to the comment-section's mill until next week. If the answers to our questions turn out as we hope, 2018 will prove to be a very happy year, for the gold-digging SW Ohio-B'ville cult will fall flat on its misshapen face.  Meanwhile, guided by your renewed spirit, open your eyes, hear not the sect's cant, sniff the cultic stink, then bravely stand up straight on your new feet and make your resolution to




    Wait! What? Now you've got my attention! Where are you going?

    1. Haven't you noticed? We said good-bye and good riddance to the cult years ago. Now it's others' turn.

      Don't worry. We'll be right here as usual, waiting for the post mortem.

    2. Hello Reader,
      You just admitted (above) that you were once members of a cult. Recently you dangled the promise of a solution, with properly trained, valid clergy. But the question I have is, how can we place our hopes and trust in you? You are by your own admission individuals that are susceptible to being inducted into cults. How do we know you are not getting involved with yet another cult?

      Turk 182~

    3. Yes, it's true that many years ago, a few of us assisted at one or more of the cult satellites. (Some here have always been SSPX, others conservative NO). We can never say we really "belonged" because we very soon recognized the sham. It took a few years to be absolutely certain, and we tried hard to be fair. But the signs were too obvious. Hence, our good sense to see through it all is the reason you should put your hopes and trust in us. We've been there, and we got out. You can, too.

    4. To actually be in a "cult" and not to know it for weeks, months and years?? Sorry, but Turk makes good sense about questioning your judgment. It's a bad sign when one suddenly and "coincidentally" wakes up only after he feels he has lost money to someone else....that's supposed to show sudden good judgment? I don't buy it.

      In my experience, I noticed that there are people who follow cultishly, even when there is no cult. They go whole hog in getting involved and trying to be near the elite inner core of the clergy, and when the priest sees a person is willing to give, he accepts it all, because he needs help and funding. And after the person spends himself slavishly by his own free will, and feels slighted at some juncture, he gets angry and starts pointing the finger at the priest rather than himself. He should realize when scandal is taken and not given. And he should realize he should point at himself for the cult-following, not at the priest for leading a cult. You see, good judgment says that a cult-leading produces cult members, and when you see bunches of parishioners who don't have the characteristics as cult-followers, logic tells us that there exists cult-followers by their own making, not by the priest. This isn't merely theoretical, I have experience first hand with both the normal people and cult-followers in the same parish.

    5. But we didn't lose money.

      We lost respect when we saw these "priests" weren't the men they represented themselves to be.

      There was no coincidence involved. Just watchful prudence. And when the evidence told us it wasn't for real, we bailed.

    6. Your so-called "staffers" must be cringing right now! You just blatantly revised the history of it. It was quite public, and granularly detailed what happened with SGG. It started out with an email campaign around Christmas 2008 where the prime complain was Fr. Cekada allowing some high school boys to smoke on the school property. It was a bunch of petty complaints and rash judgments and it took about two years before you miscreants started to talk about mission and validity after it all fell through with Bp. Pivarunas stepping in and the disasters of Hall, Ramolla and Neville. Boo-hoo, lost respect! Now talk that wasn't even a part of the original complaints. It took time to develop it to give your complaints an "semblance" of an air of respectability to the unwary and ignorant.

    7. Completely off the mark.

      We lost respect for them completely by 2003, although our disillusionment began much, much earlier. Moreover, the reasons were far more serious than allowing boys to smoke on school property.

    8. Hello Anonymous at 2:24 pm,
      Could you please give more detail re: the un-organic development of The miscreant's stance on mission and validity? In the interests of equity I'd like to hear some history apart from The Readers' "alternative facts."

      Turk 182~

    9. Sounds like you're thinking about this for the first time.

    10. Again, far wide of the mark.

      We've thought about this for almost two decades. We simply revealed some of our thinking in response to a recent commenter. Granted, over the years we've refined our thoughts, particularly with regard to the dubiety of certain Tradistani orders, but the process has been on-going, almost from the beginning of our acquaintance with the sedes.

    11. Anon 1:37,
      "To actually be in a "cult" and not to know it for weeks, months and years"

      Have you actually researched cults? If you do, this is quite common. They draw you in little by little and use spiritual blackmail to keep you. I t appears you need to educate yourself so that you can one day realize that you have been taken in by this cult too.

    12. Dave P,

      Let's just say that by 2003 the accumulated evidence was too persuasive to ignore. Those of us who assisted at the cult's satellites had tried to give these men every benefit of the doubt in the years leading up to the final decision to write them off. But when you learn and see what we did, there was no other choice: the documentation, the insiders' testimony, and our personal experience were overwhelming. The 2009 $GG $chool $candal simply confirmed the soundness of our decision six years before.

    13. Anon 10:25 PM. Cults don’t allow you to leave, try to keep you there, require financial assistance, don’t allow you to go elsewhere, etc, etc. None of those things is true of SGG & friends.

    14. Wrong. You are exactly describing the sede cults!

    15. The Reader: "Wrong. You are exactly describing the sede cults!"
      This is an ipse dixit!
      Give us one example of where, for example, SGG prevented someone from leaving. That is, physically restrained someone, like true cults are wont to do.

    16. If you read deeply into the sociological literature about cults, you'll see that not all of them actually try to physically block someone from leaving. That's really inefficient. Most are more subtle, using psychological and social restraints, which in the long run are far more effective than trying to lock up or chain an unwilling participant.

    17. And SGG doesn't fit that bill either. I don't know any SGG parishioner that attends for any other reason than to receive valid sacraments from good and devout ministers. If you mention Pistrina they, without exception, disregard you as a bunch of fantasy-revisionists with a major ax to grind (the ones who've actually heard of you, that is). You haven't convinced me otherwise. And they scoff at your suggestion that SGG or MHT is a cult.
      And the previous message was from your friendly neighborhood...

      Turk 182~

    18. Oh, indeed, it does. Think "weaponized sacraments," and how about that fellow who was hounded for assisting at an SSPX chapel? You know, the "priest's" brother. The cult masters didn't want to "confuse" the cultlings. Also, we can tell you for a fact that there are members who don't like the "clergy" there and who supply us with insider information.

  2. Hello Reader,
    You've confirmed that in your own mind you recognize that your propaganda is not hitting the mark with sedevacantists. You couldn't bear to publish my previous post made circa 24 hours ago. But there's more bad news for you - Francis' intensifying shenanigans will drive SSPX-goers, Indults, Novus Ordites straight to the sedevacantist clergy in droves over the coming years. MHT, SGG, CMRI will absolutely thrive. You will probably still be on this site with zero influence in the sede Catholic sphere.

    1. We publish only comments worthy of a reply.

      As for your prediction about the flood of Francis-refugees joining the cults, we've answered that several times in earlier posts.

      We agree they'll be leaving but they won't be going to MHT, $GG, or CMRI. There are many sounder alternatives out there, and they will be the ones that thrive, not the collapsing sede cults, which are on their way out. No new folks will be fooled. The cults have been exposed.

      Insofar as we think the sede cults will be retrenching and downsizing in the near future, we won't even try to influence them. There'll be no need: we'll have achieved our end. We'll then be able to concentrate on assisting decent traditional Catholics grow their lay-governed chapels.

    2. P.S.
      You won't be around to assist anyone. From what I've deduced the vast majority of you will be six feet underground sooner rather than later, and/or, possibly in the case of your NO compadres, cremated.

      Btw, your admission that Novus Ordites are among your ranks is problematic. But you probably can't see that.

    3. No one knows her/his allotted time on earth, but the collapse of Tradistan is sure to occur before all of us shuffle off this mortal coil. You are already in Tradistani end times; you just don't want to see it.

      As for the N.O. traditionalists on our team, there's no problem at all. We're Aliquid Pravists here at PL, so their participation is perfectly consistent — and welcome.

    4. Numerous times the claim has been made that the aforementioned body of people will join Sedelandia by the dozens, yet nothing of the sort ever happened.
      If anyone is changing club membership at all, they'll be going to well established and respected groups, none of them being MHT, $GG, or CMRI.

      By now everyone with half a brain can see those cults for what they are, as the esteemed Reader said: they have been exposed. Most people with a serious background, i.e. those who have seen the system at work do know that nothing can be gained, nothing is to be expected from them. From N.O. Rome to Westchester, O.H. it's just a downward road.

    5. Vapid "observations" of a simpleton named Simplicius.

    6. Not at all, Jan 3, 10:45. It's a brilliantly simple observation of the cult's death spiral downwards. Name-calling and denying the collapse will not stop it from coming.

    7. Anonymous 1/1/18, 1:26, The person likely to be "six feet underground sooner rather than later" is the Donster when his heart packs up for good. Let's hope he repents of the crimes of his life before then.

  3. The Reader - I liked the posts of Turk. I think its based on a character Timothy Hutton played in a movie, and I can see your not allowing all Turk's comments on the board. Please let the comments on the board. I want to see them. Thanks. J. Eastman

    1. Sure, we'll post the comments that advance the discussion, as we did today. But that's no guarantee that every comment will make it to the board. It's up to the Turk.

  4. Regarding cults, I am beginning to think the FSSP is a cult. I was excited that the FSSP came to the City where I live, but I am now having my doubts about them, or at least this particular one. I have only attended this particular FSSP so I have no others to compare it to. The Priest is offering to light a candle which will burn for 7 days and 7 nights for a “minimum donation of $20.00”. The Priest speaks more about the FSSP and their growth in the surrounding area than about the gospel in the Homily. I can no longer attend this particular FSSP.

    1. Don't worry. The reader and watcher have given the FSSP the green light, also the SSPV, without the slighest bit of first hand experience with either group, which is immediately obvious to anyone who does. It falls on deaf ears, anon.

    2. I attend a Thuc chapel & there is nothing wrong with the SSPV.
      I HAVE ATTENDED THE SSPV before & there is absolutely nothing wrong with them.

  5. The Reader January 1, 2018 at 2:46 PM

    You mean you will post comments which "advance the discussion" in the direction you want it to take.


    1. Yes, that's more or less right. Our readership has certain expectations, and we would be remiss in not shaping the interchange to fit our objectives. That's why the Readers often end threads that our screeners deem unproductive and why the same screeners don't allow others to begin. It's much more rational and less time consuming.

  6. N.B. Comment slightly edited — Ed.

    I have a difficult time believing that many will be attracted to mht... more people are speaking out.... Everyone who speaks, of course, prays for him to change his ways, but his behavior has been quite erratic since before leaving Michigan. His church isn't growing, in fact, it has decreased over the years. The numbers are very non-telling because any pretend stability in numbers is actually from the many children that his Big 3 families and offspring produce. Yes, he is back associating with the Michigan crowd, but that doesn't mean he has been accepted by the parish, only the Bishop. In fact, the attitude is not wanting him here. We all know what he is capable, and it certainly isn't anything we want to be a part of

  7. Anonymous January 1, 2018 at 1:37 PM

    "To actually be in a "cult" and not to know it for weeks, months and years??..."

    To quote another excellent American Writer.

    " Being fooled is a great deal easier than convincing one he has been fooled"

    Mark Twain

    The Reader though faster then most to discover the perils of being a "Wandering Jew" looking for an Oasis in the desert, is kind enough to offer warning signs to those inexperienced travelers so they can avoid the dreaded Mirage, and not think it a Miracle.

    Everyone who has walked away from Rome, must accept the responsibility that caution at all cost should now be our motto, lest we be fooled again.

    Thank you Reader, as this site is an Oasis of knowledge to guide us around some of the many pitfalls that have led so many other good willed Catholics to the slaughter of Traddie-Ville.

    1. Thanks for the kind words. Unless we had walked in others' moccasins, we wouldn't have standing to post against the perils of following the cult masters.

    2. There was a man at one of Sanborn's chapels years ago who was essentially given the cold shoulder by the cult. (If he reads this, maybe he could collaborate.). He went to one of the priests extremely upset because the main families were taking their kids out and beating them, if their kids made any noise. He told the priest that he would go to authorities if he saw it again. Instead of stopping it, it was told to beat your kids in the car instead (until he leaves) and to "get rid of" the man. He was then given the cold shoulder. He finally left.

      The cult is known as the "cold shoulder" cult because you are essentially shunned or treated poorly if you go against them in anyway.


    It is here that Sanborn discusses an institute, The Institue of our mother of Good Counsel.

    Is this when he decided to create his own Institute? He couldn't have just joined there's with like minded goals? He has to be the head of everything because he doesn't like taking orders from anyone? Sounds quite prideful.

    "Our school finished its academic year. It has about forty-five students, which will hold fast for next academic year as well. However, we are expecting five weddings to take place in our parish during 2012 or 2013. Fr. Selway has determined that just from anticipated offspring, we should have over one hundred children in the school by 2017. This figure does not include new additions to the existing members of the parish. So the figure could easily hit 125."

    "We have also terminated our academic year at Our Lady of the Sun in Phoenix. Our four nuns there operate a small school, which we hope will grow with time. The number of parishioners is steadily increasing. The facility has a tremendous potential for growth.............. Although our relationship to the facility is for the moment temporary, we are very hopeful and confident that in a relatively short period of time this relationship will become permanent. The people of Our Lady of the Sun wanted to become acquainted with our clergy before entering into a permanent bond. We have been there for over two years and I can say joyfully that priests, nuns, and laity are happy with the outcome."

    My question is this: how many children are currently in his brooksville school? 45? 100? 125? It should be more than 125 based on this being 2018, correct? And there should be growth in the parish and the school?

    Did Our Lady of the Sun grow while he was there? He said for himself that it had "tremendous potential for growth". If everyone was happy with the outcome, then how or why was the relationship cut? And why is Palma trying to take people away from their current church situation?

    1. Oh, I see, either the kids have not been producing the offspring that they were expecting or people have left that place? It could easily hit 125, but it couldn't even keep the numbers at 45? What a great predictor this man is.....! He actually said they "should have over 100," which leads me to believe that either the education is poor, no one stays for other reasons, or the offspring are not having kids?

      Dolan isn't doing any better. What a poor turnout for his all saints day production this year? Were there even a dozen kids who showed up to his event? Compare this to years of the past? These men are washed up has-beens who everyone is realizing that are not there for the sacraments, but for indulgences in the pocketbooks for European vacations and spa vacations out in New Mexico.

      As for Arizona, he's ,"confident that in a relatively short time, this relationship will become permanent." This is a 2011 newsletter, and they are no longer there? So, who was happy?


      It says 28 students: Far off from his estimate of over 100. This would mean they lost families.

  10. One thing I would like to know is how are Sanborn and Dolan able to keep these foreign priests over here? Sanborn has how many foreign priests? 3-4 Argentinian priests? Dolan has how many 1-2, a Finn and a Mexican?

    I thought his newsletters have said they come on temporary student visas?

    1. Build the Wall!!!
      LOL Joking...


    Look at the top left corner. RSVP to Selway's ordination. Clergy is by invitation only in bold letters.

    I guess they don't want a repeat of clergy standing up and saying he shouldn't be consecrated?

    1. We think you're right. We happen to know that there are many objections to the "elevation."

    2. Anon 10:30

      Did something happen in the past where clergy stood up to object? Can you explain what you are talking about or possibly the reader knows?

    3. The way we heard it was that at the subdiaconate a "priest" objected and was promptly expelled.

    4. Do you know why they objected?

    5. There are several stories. We're not sure which is true.

  12. You're NOT sure which is true, but you SURELY will be a gossip-monger. You are a bunch of gossipy old women.
