
Saturday, January 27, 2018


The members of the Institute of the Roman Catholic Institute [sic] shall adhere to the Roman Missal of Saint Pius V, the Roman Breviary of Saint Pius V, together with the additions and reforms made up to and including the year 1948, exclusive.  Big Don Sanborn's "Liturgical Directory of the Roman Catholic Institute" (p. 7, #1)

Look closely at this week's graphic (above), a detail from the January 2018 MHT monthly schedule.

First, observe that, for Saturday, January 27, it advertises anticipated Epiphany IV as the Mass of the day.  Next recall how Big Don boasted that the "general liturgical principle" of his apparently dormant — and perhaps dead — "Roman Catholic Institute" was to "preserve the traditional Roman liturgy" (see here, p. 6). Now bear in mind that if a pesthouse completer today celebrated the "Fourth Sunday after Epiphany (anticipated)," he betrayed Don's noble-sounding but (patently) impossible-to-meet objective.

Call us old fashioned or geezers or worm-bait if you will, but we still believe fidelity to the "traditional Roman liturgy" means conforming to the Church's rubrics. Catholics who genuinely love the traditional liturgy will second our affirmation.  If you count yourself as one of them, you'll want to stick with us as we investigate the lawlessness of the MHT schedule entry.

The Roman Missal itself is the best place to start the inquiry. Within our easy reach is a Benziger altar Missal sporting a 1947 approbation from Francis Cardinal Spellman. (Many American "clergy" own old Benzigers.) Immediately beneath our edition's heading for the second Sunday after Epiphany, we find the following rule (our emphasis):
Si hæc Dominica II, vel alia post Epiphaniam, a superveniente Septuagesima impediatur, nec sit ei locus post Pentecosten, juxta Rubricas, anticipatur Sabbato... 
(Lit. "If this second Sunday or another after Epiphany be impeded by the supervenient Septuagesima [Sunday], and there be not a place for it after Pentecost, according to the Rubrics, it is anticipated on Saturday...")
The directive may be more easily understood by reference to §549 in Wuest's Collectio Rerum Liturgicarum (1921), based on S.R.C. 28 Oct. 1913 I, 3:
Si Dominica aliqua ante Dom. Septuag. supersit neque locus sit ante ultimam Dominicam post Pentecosten, talis Dominica anticipanda est in Sabbato ante Dom. Septuag.
In his 1925 Matters Liturgical, the revised edition in English of Fr. Wuest's work, Fr. Mullaney rendered the Latin thus (emphasis ours):
If a Sunday remain over before Septuagesima and there is no place for it before the Last Sunday after Pentecost, this Sunday must be anticipated on the Saturday before Septuagesima. [N.B. Fr. Mullaney retained the same translation in his 1944 sixth edition.]
Inasmuch as Septuagesima Sunday 2018 falls tomorrow, January 28, thus impeding the observance of Epiphany IV, let's see whether there is a place for the Mass of Epiphany IV before the Last Sunday after Pentecost. N.B. Only if there isn't a place before the Last Sunday after Pentecost in 2018 may the Mass of Epiphany IV be lawfully anticipated today, Saturday, January 27.
REMARK. It shouldn't be necessary, but in the event it is, we remind everyone that the Missal contains Mass texts for 24 Sundays after Pentecost. If a given year's calendar contains more than 24 Sundays after Pentecost, the Missal supplies the Mass texts for the additional Sundays after Pentecost from the "left-over" Sundays after Epiphany.
Got it?


Drum roll, if you please, Maestro!

... And the answer is....

Yeeessss, there IS a spot in 2018! 

This ain't rocket science or magic, folks, provided you can read the Paschal Table in the front matter of the Missale Romanum, as pictured in part below.  Here's how to use it:
Determine (a) the year's Sunday Letter (littera Dominicalis) and (b) its epact.* (To save time, we'll simply tell you that the Sunday Letter for A.D. 2018, a common year starting on a Monday, is g, and the epact is xiii.) To find the number of Sundays after Pentecost in 2018, you first go to the cell containing the letter G in column 1; moving to the right to the adjacent cell, locate the number 13 in column 2 (row 2, last number), against which (in the next cell) you'll see 2018's date of Septuagesima Sunday, viz., January 28. Then scan horizontally in a straight line across the row to column 9 (Sundays after Pentecost), where you'll read 27. With a wee bit of easy mental arithmetic, you conclude there's a place for Epiphany IV before the last Sunday after Pentecost.

(It's so simple.  Like reading a bus schedule and counting. Sheesh! Lay people can do it.)

So, then, what else have we learned, besides (a) the number of 2018 Sundays after Pentecost and (b) that there's room for Epiphany IV? Well, since we at once knew there were also places for Epiphany V and VI, we can affirm that, in 2018, the Masses of the 4th, 5th, and 6th Sundays after Epiphany are transferred to the 24th, 25th, and 26th Sundays after Pentecost, respectively. The Mass text for the 27th Sunday is, of course, the Missal's Dominica Vigesima Quarta et ultima post Pentecosten, "Twenty-fourth and Last Sunday after Pentecost." (Real liturgists marvel at the economy of the Roman Missal. Ain't it a cryin' shame cult "clergy" can't appreciate it?)

It's as clear as crystal, therefore, that the Mass for today, Saturday, January 27, 2018, should've been that of St. John Chrysostom, NOT anticipated Epiphany Sunday IV. The malformed preparer of the Swampland's monthly schedule for January flagrantly disobeyed liturgical law, and nobody caught the culprit until now.

Why couldn't Big Don's cult obey lawful rubrics? When we checked last week's bulletins on the Ham Sandwich's and Deficit Dan's websites, both showed the lawful Mass of the day, as you can see here (p. 4) and here (p. 4). The pesthouse monthly schedule seems to have been drafted by a liturgical delinquent, unless the entry was mindlessly transferred from someone else's outlaw ordo or calendar.

Looks like the Boy-"Bishop"-Elect's gonna have a lotta housecleaning when he gets back from London.

When you come right down to it, the non-compliant cult rapscallions are more deplorable than Bugnini and his cronies. At least the deservedly maligned reformers
(a) preserved the rule for the resumption of a Sunday or Sundays impeded by Septuagesima on Sundays occurring between the 23rd and the Last Sunday after Pentecost,
(b) acted in accordance with proper legal procedure by formally abrogating anticipation on the Saturday before Septuagesima Sunday.**
Hamstrung by their malformation, the Swampland gang, ostensibly unwilling to remain obedient to the traditional rule, anticipated Epiphany IV in utter violation of liturgical ordinance.

We remember reading somewhere, maybe in $GG's statement of beliefs, that Catholics "have a right to pure worship." The B'ville bunch seems to echo that sentiment in principle 13 of the Donster's "Liturgical Directory" (p. 7):
The members of the Institute shall conform all liturgical rites and ceremonies to the instructions found the [sic. Read "in"] the Rubricæ Generales of the Roman Missal and Breviary...
According to our upbringing, "pure worship" entails liturgical orthopraxis, not robotic ritualism. We must worship in the way the Church would have us worship, about which she instructs us through her rubrics. Exact and faithful execution of a rite must be mirrored by a persnickety conformance to the entire body of liturgical law, just as Don's principle 13 rightly demands.

But if Big Don, now "the Lowly Worm," really and truly meant what he wrote, then why did he permit flouting both the Missal's clear instruction (reproduced above) and the Breviary's Rubricæ Generales ***? Are they hypocrites or idiots down in the fetid swamp, or simply liturgical lawbreakers?

We assert you've got to talk the talk and walk the walk, but, then again, as we intimated above, we're old fashioned — and Catholics.

If a Swampland "celebrant" illicitly anticipated Epiphany IV today, then any Catholics mired in the bog could not exercise their right to worship purely. Those responsible for the transgression must answer for their outlawry. If the disobedience resulted from consulting a flawed, cult-produced ordo, there's no excuse, for the pesthouse knows there's a very suitable Ordo Recitandi available from the Saint Lawrence Press.

PL thinks America has suffered enough. First fake news, now fake Use of Rome. Scary.

Last year, Jordan Peele directed a brain-swapping-themed horror flick, which turned out to be a box-office smash hit, garnering several Oscar nominations this year. To secular cinemagoers, it satirized liberal arrogance and hypocrisy. Viewed through traditional Catholic eyes, the movie is a terrifying morality play about soul-snatching Tradistani cults. After reading today's post, any genuine Catholic still attached to the SW Ohio/Brooksville cabal ought to take to heart the film's title:


* The Sunday, or Dominical, Letter and the epact of a given year appear in competently edited ordines, like the one published annually by the Saint Lawrence Press in England. You may also use the tables for the appropriate centuries printed in the Missal under De Anno et Ejus Partibus, or you may directly calculate the Sunday Letter and the epact. Another resource would be a Tabella Temporaria Festorum Mobilium available online, such as that prepared by the SSPX under its excellent La Porte Latine.

**Matters Liturgical (1956): §481 a (resumption), §532 d-h (description of order to be followed), and §481 b (abrogation date and cites).

*** The cult masters may wish to clip the following for future reference, assuming they can read it:


  1. Always on point at pistrina:....
    Ave Maria.... on Pride: Find...

    an absolutely B r I l i a n t elucidation of pride which covers all bases in the parables this priest is so skilled and profound at using...

    +++ Tape 13s2 'Who is Right and Who is Wrong' Audio section. +++ the use of a long analogy to ordinary road signs of various sizes, shapes, and capacities - some being electric and capable of passing changing written messages and even pictures, some made of paper and hand-written... in the Audio section.

    This was written at the time just after the speaker left the CMRI and had finished a 30 day retreat with his natural brother. His sacrifice makes his understanding God-given and devoid of pride.

    + Now, from ME what I am permitted by God to say, as is what pistrina writes the same - many do not understand this point.

    - Any problem we confront today on the traditional catholic scene really has to do with individual characters responding to basically the same challenge. Not everyone is capable of making the same response to the challenge. Not everyone has the same kind of destiny. Some seem to have made a mess of their lives but all were created by God and of course we do not see everything clearly except from one stand - we are God's creation and own nothing of our own except our sin.... not our talents, nothing.

    I mean we are God's creations and very few are saved in the end because vast majority go through a wide gate . . .there is no real need to criticize them.

    I read this site for the information. Again the only thing that is each of ours is our own sin in the form of deviating from what God intended us to be: well-known and hugely talented (SEE LINK to Franz Schubert, Luciano Pavarotti, 'Ave Maria,') or homely, simple of intellect, and in no way outstanding. +

    Franz Schubert, Luciano Pavarotti
    'Ave Maria'

    From a born-protestant granddaughter of German Lutheran missionary type who went to Canada from Germany to serve in a seminary.

  2. Hi, I read the newsletter and found this on page 3:

    Winter Soup Supper
    First Friday, February 2
    Please bring your favorite soup to share.
    "Abstinence is dispensed for those who attend the Mass".

    I wonder if the last sentence is a Church law or another of Dolan´s dispensations?

    1. We saw it too. Dannie's getting more and more lawless. Beforehand he weaseled, "you may consider yourselves dispensed." Now he's just declaring it on his lonesome. All the 2018 Catholic calendars we have show that Friday, Feb. 2 is a day of abstinence, so this is all made up by the $GG cult masters.

      But in order to get the Gerties to show up on a Friday, he's got to throw them a bone— a nice, meaty one. Church law means nothing when Dannie's desperate.

    2. In days gone by, wasn't there to be no Masses after noon? Isn't evening Masses a N.O. thing?

    3. While c. 821, 1 sets the celebration of Mass from an hour before dawn until an hour after midday, Pius XII, following up on a 1953 Apostolic Constitution, decreed in a 1957 Motu Proprio concerning evening Masses and the Eucharistic fast (our emphasis):

      "Ordinaries of places, excluding vicars general who are not in possession of a special mandate, may permit Holy Mass to be celebrated every day after midday, should this be necessary for the spiritual welfare of a considerable number of the faithful."

      But, of course, none of these "bishops" are ordinaries, and it is debatable whether their tiny clusters of cult followers constitute a "considerable number."

      We don't know why they offer any evening Masses at $GG. Enthusiasm is so low that it seems Gertries have to be bribed with dispensations from the Friday abstinence to get them to turn out (see Anon. 9:18's report above).

    4. Yes, I should have added the exception. In my day prots married at an evening ceremony but Catholics ALWAYS married in the morning since that was the time of Mass. Of course missionaries who traveled great distances COULD say Mass in the afternoon. But SGG men are neither Catholic nor missionaries, but Protestant in every sense of the word.

    5. Bp.Robert Dymek is thee only cleric I have ever met who taught the after Midnight Holy Communion fast.

  3. Incredible what these charlatans will try in their efforts to part the gullible from their hard earned dollars. The Donster and OneHand will go anything to try and maintain the life style they both believe they deserve. Incompetent liars the pair of them. They both belong stacking the racks in Walmart.

    1. Unfortunately for the cult masters, one can't be incompetent and complacent and keep a job at Walmart. It was incompetent not to know or research the rule and complacent not to verify their work.

  4. I commend what am about to say to the following

    Brooksville and West Chester the areas known though haven't left Hawai'i,

    True Restoration Radio its subscribers and founder Stephen Heiner.

    + Post 1 correction in the 'Who is Right Who is Wrong' series, 13 side 2 not 1.

    Listen to the entire series. It has

    1. the most humble man so humble he turns out to be ordained and you don't learn that really until tape 13/2, Schuckhardt.

    2. The history of the CMRI. Recordings of all characters in 1984 done so humbly that you do not even learn the truth about these men by anything the maker of the tape says ... people become clearly wrong who appear in early June sermons entirely right due to unerring grasp by the tape maker of pre-1958 requirements he backs up in due course with with readings from his sources.

    That plus brilliant analogies is why the series is long.

    There is neither doubt nor ambiguity nor any trace of intellectual pride in the tape maker unlike the traditional bishop Sanborn who presents epikeia as justified and moves on.

    The man with the jmjsite has the courage to be exactly who he is. He would tell you nothing I am nothing of myself.

    He really means that!

    3. Information about CMRI practices more recently leaving aside any other considerations.

    This invalidly ordained priest carries the flag for the standard of behavior. He knew instinctively what he must do once the situation became clear. He didn't attempt to do anything other than revert back to where he belongs and stay there.

    Many will not scruple but it may be kept in mind that they are not 'built' by God as this former priest is.

    He will go to a very very high place after death and the others simply will not.

    I hope Brooksville and West Chester and True Restoration Radio representatives including the founder are each reading this. They all know who I am and how much I valued what they are doing.

    There is no shame in being honest with the people you know must to be told the truth in order to save your own soul.

    It is unfortunate that the farther one strays the more difficult to find one's way back unless all along you had the one most important quality

    h u m I l I t y

    hidden somewhere in your character even though others might laugh to hear the term applied.


    1. What are you talking about specifically?
      Your post is bizarre and doesn't make sense.
      (No offense)

    2. Nadarini33

      Can you please check the link for

      Getting this error:
      Error 404 - Not Found
      The document you are looking for may have been removed or re-named. Please contact the web site owner for further assistance.

      Thanks for putting these tapes up.



    L Pavarotti 3 years before he died, age 80 here. I head the term peccatore which makes me think it Catholic in origin. In that case it fits the situation today with the church. Very very moving ....

  6. I am surprised you wasted your time on this particular article. Seems like making a mountain out of a molehill.

    Yet another nothing burger.

    1. Actually it is a liturgical Everest. Someone unfamiliar with the workings of the liturgical calendar just can't see it.

      The violation of the rubrics here might well result in celebrating wrong Masses on at least three Sundays in November. But that aside, even supposing the cult corrects the November schedule when they get there, it is a very serious matter to celebrate the wrong Mass, as must have happened on Saturday if they followed their schedule.

      More worrisome is the possibility that there is a printed ordo out there where the November Masses are wrongly assigned. Unless the "clergy" who bought it are made aware of the defect in January, they are likely to follow the lawless ordo and say wrong Masses later in the year, thus depriving their supporters of pure worship.

      The cult would be advised to leave these matters to learned professionals like the Englishmen at the SLP. We imagine there are still copies of the MMXVIII Ordo Recitandi available for sale on the SLP website so that any defective product out there can be replaced by a superior one.

  7. So they reject any of the changes in the Missal after 1948, but still have evening Masses and a Pontifical Missa Cantata ?

    1. That's right. And they do it all without blushing. They pick and choose what suits them. As you saw with the Pontifical Sung Mass, even Vatican 2 innovations are eligible for adoption. There are no norms, just whims (like anticipated Epiphany IV in 2018).

    2. So in other words Big Don and Wee Dan criticise their former colleagues still in the SSPX for 'picking and choosing' and 'resisting' whilst the reality is that they do exactly the same thing, in terms of 'principles' but just with different parameters?

    3. After midnight Holy Commnion fast is thee only proper fast.
      As much mud is slung at
      Bp.Robert Dymek (God rest his Soul) he is the only cleric I have ever met that advocated the after Midnight Holy Communion fast.

  8. Anon 9:49PM - getting Masses wrong is no big deal & correcting the wrong info is making a mountain out of a molehill?!! Since when? Since SGG came into existence?

    1. The cult masters are the very ones who characterize themselves as the guardians of the traditional liturgy. Calendaring Epiphany IV was not a minor transposition blunder.

      Either someone misapplied the anticipation rubric owing to faulty understanding/knowledge or someone transferred the error from an existing outlaw calendar or ordo. If the preparer copied from a 2015 source, then he's got more challenges than we can deal with here.

  9. Every day in prayer using St. Louis Marie de Montfort's bead by bead method which can be found in My Treasury of Chaplets, Patricia S. Quintiliani, which I undertook almost two years ago because of being scripturally deprived, and which has made a pivotal difference in my life and which I now have entirely memorized including all introductory prayers and concluding sections...

    I ask for great purity of body and soul in connection with the 4th joyful mystery, per St. Louis's words.

    Having been destroyed and resurrected so many times in my life because of rejecting previously held concepts or because they simply fell away... I was distracted to the max today in prayer because the entire issue affects me so deeply evidently and for other reasons connected with the big change of moving.

    The standard bearer as I call him of behavior did not himself apologize directly to anyone who was misled by his example. He did it VERY effectively in his work, his tapes and writings which do not directly touch on point.

    His example was being a monk and getting ordained as I understand it now from the tapes, in connection with a flawed bishop now deceased.

    Why 'Ave Maria' in the first post? When the standard-bearer priest spoke of having misled people it was done in a few words and immediately followed by an extended and beautiful 'Ave Maria' which set me on the trail at youtube where I found Catholic soul Pavarotti now deceased (2007): asking anyone to consider standing up before an entire congregation is simply unrealistic of course. In my own life I can see that in a smaller scale and what is required is

    T R U S T in God that all is taken care of correctly henceforth.

    Making any sea change requires trust and God is immediately present and will act to help. Each individual knows what to do, the question is, doing it.

    In Bp. Dolan's case in particular, I feel a retreat into monastic life would heal him and that is where he began. . . the times were confusing to say the least, and now certain agendas being in place, what is needed is...

    + a certain optimism, which Pistrina has given but rightly refuses to be specific.

    The standard-bearer priest proves in one of his writings that there will always be valid bishops, so they exist now. See below as one potential avenue to finding them . . .

    Bp. Dolan was very generous and helpful to me to put it mildly, several years ago. I am not just writing this in case he reads it... it's just reality... that is how life works. I have seen no genuine demons but I have seen much. I walk the streets of Honolulu for exercise in addition to swimming, and there is much to see and much illustration of life.

    SO: everyone knows what to do. Bp. Sanborn I see I have always kind of thought he would avail himself after retirement, of retrenching even if it is only in private. I am sure he knows the score about validlty of jurisdiction. He and God look at each other.

    One more thing in closing this time in case anyone has not seen these sites they offer acute illustration of humility and regret.... within limitations of his character this man did his best.

    Please scroll down and look at the picture of the three men.

    Reading the video blurb was enough...

    The shepherd and sailor is Siri. He lived all his life in a seaport town, Genoa.


  10. I am good friends with someone from Arizona, and I have watched this crazy Sanborn situation play out over the years. For one, Sanborn didn't want to have a school there, but he wanted to send the nuns there so that he would get free room and board. You see, he ran out of room in Brooksville, and didn't know where he would put them. So, the church would have been stuck paying for all those nuns without even providing schooling? Sounds pretty fair, don't you think?

    Father Palma has been spreading complete lies and has been recruiting through email lies and slander. He has moved back to Arizona. (Wasn't he in California? Why happened there, P.L.? Maybe you can look into that).

    Let's get one thing straight: Sanborn and his sisters were not "kicked out", "fired", etc. like Sanborn and Palma have been telling parishioners to get sympathy. I can't tell you how many brainwashed families are believing these lies. They were there on a trial basis. If anyone was not happy, either party could leave. Obviously, things were not perfect, and they were given plenty of notice that it wasn't working out anymore. Again, no one was thrown out. Sanborn and Palma keep this charade up that the mean old Arizona church threw them out with no where to go. They want sympathy, but are not telling the truth.

    Before Palma left, he did so many uncharitable things to that poor church. He withheld church services, didn't have an altar of repose, no May crowning, no High Mass on Easter Sunday, told families that they couldn't attend their new school because cmri won't refuse communion to Sspx, and numerous other things. They recruited one family to move to Brooksville and another to join their online school (please remember, before this new money making scheme, the school rules were students were not to be on computers), would not allow a parishioner to say the rosary with novus ordo family (when has it ever been wrong to say the rosary in good faith?), refused the blessing of throats to parishioners, told parishioners they were not to be friends with Protestants (yes, certainly the best way to convert uncharitable. I don't recall Our Lord being unfriendly to anyone, or only wanting Jews to be his followers, but I don't know!)

    You know, come to think of it, the church never grew under Palma. That must be a Sanborn thing, his Brooksville church doesn't seem to grow either.

    Father Palma can't let that church alone. He's STILL recruiting people from that church to create his own church! It's almost like the situation you were talking about with Father Ramolla. Do these men not care about splitting a church apart little by little? Are they so selfish that they are more concerned about revenge instead of just giving the sacraments and spreading the faith?

    Of course, I have a lot more to say, and I will follow up with another post. I just want people to realize how coniving these men can be. If you think it will get any better under Selway, you will be sadly mistaken.

    1. Thank you for corroborating the many other reports we've received. And we look forward to your next post.

      We've been looking into why CA didn't work out for the Toady. One account said the people backed out, so he became redundant. We're sure there's more to it, though.

      It's obvious Big Don doesn't want the Toadster in B'ville, so he dispatched him back to AZ in a vain attempt to alienate members of OLS. Such bad losers! Good luck on a new chapel. It will never have the money to sustain itself and then the Donster — or the Kid, more than likely — will abandon it. Returning to AZ was for pure spite. These curs care only about themselves and their self-enhancement.

    2. Sanborn Sanborn's words were something like,"I've been fired." So, I think he knows he's only a hireling.

    3. And despite his antipathy for lay trustees, he worked under the supervision of a powerful lay board for a number of years.

  11. FYI: An e-mail message we received from abroad:

    "Permit me to inform you that don Francesco Ricossa's 2018 calendar assigns the Mass of s. Giovanni Crisostomo/St Jean Chrysostome to Saturday, 27 January. You may wish to know that mons. Sanborn's unfortunate notation has been a topic of discussion on European blogs.

  12. Seriously? Something which in the scheme of things is clearly an insignificant error has been the topic a topic of discussion on European blogs?
    God help us, if such is really the case.

    1. The Europeans take the liturgy much more seriously than Americans do. Moreover, owing to their profound understanding of the rubrics of the traditional Roman rite, an understanding resulting from years of in-depth study, they know that scheduling Epiphany IV on Saturday, Jan. 27, 2018, was no "insignificant error." It proved American cultists to be liturgical amateurs who have nothing to contribute to TradWorld.

    2. Saying the wrong Mass is insignificant?! God truly needs to help us then.

    3. We agree. The cultists will go to any length to defend their misguided gurus.

    4. Can we see a few links to these blogs where this is supposedly being discussed?

  13. The Reader is correct. In Europe and the Americas traditionalists take liturgiology seriously. To Americans Bp. Sanborns mistake is trivial because they do not grasp the complexity of the rubrics and do not feel the Roman commitment to observe law and correct procedure. I write not out of disrespect or false national pride. American like the big picture. it is natural for them to think to worry about 4 wrong Masses out of 365 is silly. To those who dedicate their lifes to preserve tradition it is unthinkable to have 1 wrong Mass. Excuse me for this -- Anonymous 09:49 and 01:08 sound like the Novus Ordo which criticise the defenders of tradition in my country.

    1. Anon. 09:49 and 01:08 are probably not Novus Ordo, but sede scum who defend whatever Sanborn or Dolan does. If anyone other than those lepers had made such a mistake, they’d be making a big deal out of it; but when it’s one of their own, they try to minimize it. Typical!

    2. The Watcher February 1, 2018 at 1:41 PM

      I am Anon 01:08.

      I am not sede scum.
      And I am NOT a person who defends whatever Bishop Sanborn or Bishop Dolan does.

    3. Does PL have any clergy involved who contribute to this blog by actually posting any comments or posts?
      Or is all laypeople who post and comment from PL?

    4. PL has many contributors to its weekly posts, which often incorporate content submitted by men in orders from around the world. To protect their identities and to maintain the "house voice," we change the style.

      In the comments section, which as you know is usually anonymous, "clergy" of all persuasions register their opinions. On occasion, they have appeared under their real name.

  14. Has anyone seen their Ordo to know if it's four wrong Masses out of 365?
    Or is it one Mass they made a mistake about?

    1. Since nobody replied to Anon. Feb. 1 7:01’s inquiry, we thought we’d say something at this late hour.

      We've asked our moles to try to get us a copy of Dannie’s ordo, but so far, no luck. (We're also trying to land the $GG calendar for this year). Maybe some sympathizer out there who assists at a cult chapel could quietly slip into the sacristy and take a peek at $GG's Ordo 2018, if the “priest” is using it. (We’ve heard some completers don’t like Dannie’s mess.)

      The Mass for Saturday, January 27 might be found perhaps somewhere on pp. 11-13 and is probably identified in the left-hand column as "27 Sabbatum." If Dannie got it right, then the Mass in the next column ought to read something like "S Joannis Chrysostomi, ECD" etc. If incorrect, it might read something like "27 Sabbatum Dom. IV post Epiphaniam anticip,” etc.

      We wouldn't ask the average layman to check the November section because in 2016, “One Hand” didn't print month headers at the top of each page, so it might be difficult to locate the 24th, 25th, and 26th Sundays after Pentecost in a hurry. However, if someone's willing to risk it, here's how the 1st entry on Nov. 4 might look, assuming Dannie kept his 2016 format (maybe on pp. 90-95):

      “4 Dominica Dom. XXIV post Pentecosten (I Nov), sd. [IV Epiph.]”

      Assuming Nov. 4 was right, then the 11th, mutatis mutandis would be similar, i.e., showing "Dom. XXV & [V Epiph.]" etc., while the 18th would be a little different since the feast that day is the Dedication of the Basilicas of SS. Peter & Paul. Still, if they followed 2016 practice, somewhere in the 2nd column you should find something like "Dom. XXVI post Pentecosten" & "[VI Epiph.]."

      Let us admit, in all fairness, that Dannie's Ordo 2018 and calendar may have the right entries since on his web schedule he printed the correct Mass for Jan. 27. Therefore, the Wee One deserves the benefit of the doubt. It is entirely possible that the wrong Mass on the MHT schedule may have been the fault of the Swampland "clergy" belonging to Big Don's (LOL ) "Roman Catholic Institute."

  15. Sanborn has not listed Arizona on his mass site, but he has Palma living there permanently. A wealthy woman pays for him to stay there. This sounds like Ramolla all over again.

    1. Maybe someone who's even MUCH wealthier than Palma's Phoenix woman can pay to resettle him some place like West Chester, Ohio to start a new chapel. I suspect he'd do it if the price were right. What a $pectacle that could be!

    2. Yeah. "One Hand," the Ham Sandwich, and the Toady all fighting for tiny bits of turf. Sounds like the Three Stooges to us.


    No other assumption except this one about what could occur. And lo and behold, it has. This will in the minds of participants seal financial security for all: there seems an open field of likely donors/subscribers. With Stephen's business sense and marketing ability already evident in his close association with Bp. Sanborn the Christmas get together of members in Brooksville presumably went off on schedule.

    Why bother about details when epikeia saves the day and ensures financial support 'in perpetuity.'

    Not all of us are built to condone thi but many are and it seems so sad to eliminate the options for these simpler people in the face of the disaster of VII results particularly when so many are very busy with several jobs and trying to raise children in the wilderness of the culture and public school.

    Few people it appears have the wherewithal to handle uncertainty let alone raise children in it And earn a living....

  17. These thoughts may help another person so I post them:

    + Thoughts on rising at 2:18 am before beginning the day and after thinking, each day can be simple and bearable, life is especially challenging prior to uprooting from here, seeing another chance to look at God and God is looking at me. It is quiet that way as it now is in Honolulu. :)

    Merger of Novus Ordo Watch and True Restoration Radio is corporate merger.

    Prominent household names and the same benefits of corporate merger,

    I have communicated with Stephen Heiner on the subject of 2009 and he and his team know everything that the members may not. Very close to his written words: 'we have confidence in our priests.'

    1. It is unwise to have any confidence in the Tradistani "priests" and "bishops." TRR is nothing but a shill for these religious entrepreneurs.

  18. What is interesting to me is that we do not research our priests as much as we research our doctors or even the car we will drive for the next few years. Yet, we trust these men with our soul.

    Researching the main players would find such disappointment. I realize the situation of giving ones the benefit of the doubt, but seriously, how can you with so much evidence against them?

    Sanborn: covered up for a priest who impregnated a girl he counseled, sought relief with her abortion, and is now involved with him again. Evidence: court documents and pictures of past ordinations.

    Picking up a church and moving it states away for one priests (who he is now declaring bishop) and leaving behind hundreds of parishioners who do not have the funds or the job situation to move. Taking the funds that the parish supported for how many years?

    Palma: continual lies to parishioners about whatever he sees fit. Lies about being kicked out of Arizona. Underhandedly, recruiting people to his new church. Making up his own Catholic rules about who can have Blessing of throats, his parishioners not being able to say the rosary with novus ordinary, holding religious ceremonies hostage, etc.

    Dolan and Cekada: 2009 school scandal. Enough said there.

    Selway: a boy who was destined to be pope by his family, or his dad had enough money to at least make him bishop. His dad Paid Sanborn through the years to ensure he had the highest honor in today's times. It was obvious when he was in school that rules and teachers were especially watchful that no girl was allowed to show interest in him, nor was he allowed to show interest in a girl. Obviously, the priesthood not being his decision but a decision calculated by Sanborn and his father. Even several priests objecting to his orders, which is why the invitation for his episcopal ceremony is by invitation only for clergy.

    Ramolla: a snake in the grass, who keeps cheating parishioners everywhere he goes.

    Neville: obviously wish-washy. He can't decide if he wants to break away from the above big players or be a part of it.

    The other players are smart enough to keep themselves quiet at this time.

  19. Stephen Heiner is an enigma - a true horse of a different color! He's quite intelligent yet seems to do things impulsively or without regard to intelligence or maybe common sense. I think his relationship with Sanborn & Co. is symbiotic as not too many people can put up with Heiner for any length of time, as well as Heiner's own itchy feet. This is the only way I can understand the long relationship.
