
Saturday, March 3, 2018


We are very disturbed since this consecration [Joey's] perpetuate[s] the cult-like and the sectarian attitude of Most Holy Trinity Seminary and the last-year newly founded priestly institute — Roman Catholic Institute — of Bishop Sanborn. Markus "The Ham Sandwich" Ramolla*

The Readers stood at the ready — fully loaded they were for bear.

It occurred early last Wednesday evening. The 4K UHD TV stretched across the west end of the well-appointed, custom-installed home theater. Latter-day amanuenses manned their MacBooks. In her tailored, designer jeans accented by Manolo peep-toe mules, our fragrant, dark-eyed techie was pertly stationed at the console, fetchingly poised to work her digital magic on state-of-the-art video software.

At her left, jauntily astride a high swivel chair, rockin' the Sennheisers, waited our play-by-play, color-commentary announcer, an occasional consultant who'd emceed two "episcopal consecrations." Close at hand lay a Pontificale Romanum along with a hand-annotated copy of Nabuco's Pontificalis Romani Expositio Iuridico-Practica. Splashed across the monitor to his left were side-by-side scanned images from Moretti and Martinucci.

In the deluxe Barcaloungers deployed before the gargantuan 65" screen sat the Reader-in-Chief flanked by top PL execs, notebooks in hand. Lining the paneled back wall were empty chairs for the next day's guests. Within the fridge cuddled bottles of bubbly for Sanguigno-blood-orange mimosas laced with Grand Marnier to wash down the Panera's brioche breakfast sandwiches and sweet rolls on order. **  Stored in the humidor next to the Breville cappuccino machine beckoned a fresh box of robustos (El Rey del Mundo Choix Supreme, to be specific); atop the immaculate white box awaited a half dozen Romeo y Julieta Julietas for the team's distaff side.

The mood was buoyant as staff braced for the test.  Before returning to their homes on Friday, the Readers knew they'd barely have 12-15 hours after the Sacrilege in the Swamp to draft copy for a special Saturday-morning post. There'd be no time for troubleshooting come Thursday A.M.!

At the press of the power button, the television chimed to life. Then the Internet connection was established. Laptops flickered as a dainty French-manicured manita clicked on the link to the YouTube channel promising to livestream the Bash in the Bog. But within microseconds, the distinguished assembly groaned in worldly-wise dismay as on the screen flashed this dark message.

Curses! Foiled again! The cult took down its own channel!

Making lemonade out of the disappointing lemon handed us, staff set to work. But first our host fixed mimosas as the Reader-in-Chief passed around the Cuban treasures. (It's never too late for mimosas.) After alerting contacts in the swamp and elsewhere, we hatched a plan for gathering all the intelligence available the next day.

By 1:00 P.M. on Thursday, the pix, scans, and hot tips started flooding in (including a droll social-media shot of the new "Bishop" as Sarong Boy).  It wasn't all we'd hoped for, but then again the cult prohibited snaps inside the Big Tent. The first visuals came from Scutty's candid shots of the Wednesday practice session, from which we learned Dubious Dan had been admitted as a co-consecrator. (Later stills from outside the pesthouse confirmed the foolish decision.)

Although on several occasions we had hedged our bet about Dannie's exclusion from the ceremony, we were still mildly surprised. Based on what we know about the Swamplanders' contempt for the Wee One, we surmised the Long-Island Jellyfish must have bailed out, thus forcing the élite to call up the over-eager but validity-challenged pinch hitter from the bench. Seeing it was necessary for the Kid to have the most over-the-top, three-"bishop" extravaganza Tradistan's ever seen, we concluded theatrical considerations had trumped prudence. (The Show is what Tradistan's all about anyway.)

Informants in Michigan earlier passed the word that another "priest" had filled in for Jelly on Sunday, February 18 (reportedly a Mexican national). Although other sources, which got their scoop directly, insisted that no Highlander had planned to attend the Display near the Bay, we still thought the Jellyfish would've surfaced in the peanut gallery for what was in reality a command to dance attendance on Junior. We honestly couldn't imagine Jelly the Nervous Nelly not jumping whenever Big Don nasally bellows, "Frog!" But apparently Its Gelatinacy was a no-show. Perhaps it couldn't abide its fellow scum buckets, so Its Invertebracy pulsed back to home waters to recover. (There have been recent sightings on Long Island.)

When you think about the Big Show dispassionately, apart from the grating presence of His Humpty-Dumptyship on stage before rancor-wracked Swampland culties who despise him, no harm was done to the Kid's validity. The participation of Geert Stuyver, whose priestly and episcopal "orders" come from the Thục-des Lauriers line directly through McKenna, surely counteracted the major threat from Dubious Dan and the far lesser, but still real, hazard of Big Don's Liénart liability. Junior and Jelly now constitute the only relatively certain "episcopal" lineages in Tradistan U.S.A. (Of course, outside that wasteland, there are dozens of valid "bishops" with multiple valid lineages.)

But moving to something more significant, the Readers are most puzzled by all the secrecy. Big Don promised to update us in January but didn't. We could never find the "special schedule" for the "consecration," which was supposed to follow the regular February schedule. Uncharacteristically, Dannie never once blabbed he was to be a co-consecrator, not even to taunt PL. During the three-ring circus itself, photos (you'll recall) were proscribed. And, as we noted above, at almost the last minute, the webcast was suppressed.

All this hush-hush hardly squares with the raucous fanfare that originally advertised the Blast in the Morass.  First there was the big announcement-cum-sheepish-justification in the November 2017 pesthouse newsletter, followed by a comically elaborate e-invitation on the website. Then, with the exception of Gabby Dannie's "Corner," we heard zilch until the February 2018 newsletter, which only gave us a snooty, looking-down-one's-nose clerical fashion review.

What happened? Why the blackout until Scutty's tweet about the practice?

There may be many answers to our questions, but one in particular argues for strong consideration:

  The cult masters were frightened of the scrutiny. 

Discretion, they must have reasoned, was better than worldwide praxis-shaming. Not without foundation would there be a fear that Europe, North America, and Latin America were watching closely for foul ups. Better to put out a heavily edited video later. Furthermore, had Dannie and Checkie's participation been made known too early, Big Don may have faced savage internal opposition from his cult benefactors with a mighty big bone to pick with the Cincy Gruesome Twosome.

The blackout, withal, wasn't disastrous. In the days and weeks to come, there'll be more reports and photos to help us piece together who attended and who didn't. (We may even get a good audience headcount: early dispatches assure us that far fewer than the anticipated 300 showed up.) Since social-media chatter leads us to believe the Swampland will produce a commemorative video, our experts may be able to tease out the liturgical snafus, despite the cult's best endeavors to erase them.  Our expectation is based on the supposition that if the Skipper — the "clerical" clown completer who once omitted the consecration at Mass — acted as the Assistant Priest, it's not unreasonable to infer that gross missteps occurred.

Let's all wait 'n' see.

* Transcribed from his allocution on the episcopal "consecration" of the new Boy "Bishop," the audio of which was made public on the Sammich's website. Click here to listen, but do it fast, for we don't think it will remain there for very long.

**To the extent that the work of Thursday was expected to extend into the wee hours of Friday morning, the younger Readers would've needed their sustenance early. They don't associate with any lawless "bishop," Tradistani or otherwise, who would dispense them from the Lenten fast.


  1. Hello. I couldn't quite get the sense of what this part meant so need some help:


    The participation of Geert Stuyver, whose priestly and episcopal "orders" come from the Thục-des Lauriers line directly through McKenna, surely counteracted the major threat from Dubious Dan and the far lesser, but still real, hazard of Big Don's Liénart liability. Junior and Jelly now constitute the only relatively certain "episcopal" lineages in Tradistan U.S.A. (Of course, outside that wasteland, there are dozens of valid "bishops" with multiple valid lineages.)

    + Thuc isn't held by all to be valid: pardon me if I misunderstood what you wrote; I guess I could say am sure you know that.

    And several "______" were puzzling ...

    'bishops' is in quotes but valid isn't - what exactly are TRs saying here, I wondered.

    The word 'valid' is used without quotes twice I think, and 'orders' appears with quotes.

    I'm sleep deficient due to the hours in middle of night that I am up trading London and NY during the week - I am always super tired on Saturdays because never recoup the sleep during the day so wondered feebly what am I not seeing here ?

    TRs writing is unusually tasty so hats off to you (!)

    1. Nandarani 9:20:

      Here’s quick summary of explanations/positions we've posted in the past:

      As to the Thục lineage's validity, we're aware it's not universally admitted, which is precisely why we said Jelly & Junior possess "the only relatively certain 'episcopal' lineages in Tradistan U.S.A." Our editorial position tentatively accepts the lineage through des Lauriers as valid. We have some doubts about its transmission through Carmona. Other sublineages we believe to be vitiated.

      The quotation marks around bishop, priest etc. have been our convention for quite a long time. Inasmuch as these men have received their holy orders illicitly, they are not members of the RC Church and do not belong to her clergy. Hence, they have no right to titles, ranks, protections, or dignities that belong to authentic Catholic churchmen exclusively.

      However, we do recognize that in a number of instances illicit orders were validly conferred (e.g., Méndez → Kelly, Thục → des Lauriers). Hence, no quotation marks surrounding valid.

      We surround orders with quotation marks because when illicitly received they do not really order the recipient to the society established by the Church's hierarchical constitution.

      Since too much confusion would result if we chose other words for these commonly used terms, we let the punctuation signal our conviction that they are not really applicable to the crudballs under discussion.

    2. You accept self-called des lauriers by his own witness but doubt caromona (as one commenter put it recently: "He says we can't trust Bp.Des Lauriers or Bp.Carmona as witnesses to their own consecrations") and consider others vitiated--based on what criteria? How catholic is your position?

      Those who claim to accept des lauriers self-called consecration by his own 81 year old witness surely don't need to watch the 'show' (and playback) on a huge screen of the consecration of someone far down the line looking for errors so that you can nit pick it in their blog to yank sanborn's (already demented) chain while really for the sake of continuing ad nauseam the tradistan controversies accepting it as valid. Surely just accept Sanborn's 'witness' because that's whose 'witness' you're taking for des lauriers. Also if it's worth a mimosa, it should be worth a few prayers on your knees. Neither Dolan nor Sanborn could have ever gone as far astray as they did w/out people like you supporting them in the 1st place. Constant refrain here is that Dolan just wants to put on a show. Seems they're you're favorite kind of 'clergy'--unless you're poking fun at yourselves. While these blogs could be considered some (heavy) penance, you might consider doing some prayerful penance for those souls who were harmed and are continuing to be harmed by SGG & MHT and will be in the future (like the children in their schools).

      "Accordingly, after long (self-called) consideration, on 7 May 1981, des Lauriers was consecrated bishop by Ngo Dinh Thuc in Toulon, France. Shortly after, des Lauriers reiterated his Sedeprivationism and commenced a polemical war with the Sedevacantists, including Ngô Đình Thuc and Drs. Heller and Hiller.

    3. GdL's superior training and career as a real Catholic theologian give us more faith in his witness.

      As for Big Don, we have watched the video of his "consecration" by McKenna and have no problem with it. The Liénart liability in his priestly orders makes us somewhat uncomfortable. As the Dominican Royo Marín wrote, "the validity of the episcopal consecration in one who may not be previously a priest is very doubtful."

    4. Thank you. I wanted to be sure I was understanding correctly and didn't want to assume anything. :)

    5. You are not handling ordinations/consecrations without a Catholic mind-frame. One doesn't have to be a superiorly trained theologian to follow rubrics. Most of the early Church was not trained even half as well as the Tridentine stipulations and nobody questions them on that score. Today we having excellent books and excellent lighting, and less physical threats and distractions to perform these. Archbishop Lefebvre and Archbishop Thuc were trained superbly better, and they knew what method and books to use. Donald Sanborn had the normal training and knew well how to perpetuate it. This really is a no-brainer.

    6. 5:48

      We don't dispute, and never have disputed, that Big Don can follow the instructions. And we know there are many books written in easy Latin, which supply all the details. (We own quite a few ourselves.) Our problem is his Liénart liability. If he had received conditional orders before his consecration, then we would have no doubt at all about his validity. (But we would still not consider him a Roman Catholic bishop.)

      However, we can assure you that there are "bishops" out there who have trouble conferring orders. During one "consecration," the "consecrator" held the book in one hand while he imposed the other. We also know of "consecrations" where the "consecrator" had immense problems reading the Pontificale. At other "consecrations," printouts of Internet transcriptions from the Pontificale were used. We've even heard of guys' having the rite retyped so they could read it more easily. We have even learned that one clown "consecrates" in English.

    7. Bp.Neville was ordained by SSPX Bp.Willianson.
      I hold the sedevacantist opinion and do not consider the Lienart line problematic.

    8. Many do not, we know. One of our sedes isn't bothered in the least. But to some, it is a concern, even if slight. Anyone in the Liénart line would be advised to seek ordination sub conditione, just to be on the safe side.

      In spite of his ordination by Williamson, the Jellyfish has been entirely free of any Liénart smudge for quite some time now.

  2. What a fascinating word image you drew. Like something out of a Bond film. The latest technology, a sexy female "assistant", cigars, booze. I could almost see you petting a furry white cat.

    1. Actually you should see us as M. Dannie and Big Don are the cat lovers.

    2. No, I definitely see you as Ernst Stavro Blofeld.

    3. 1:20 AM

      Then you're wrong.

      We are definitely, unmistakably the good guys and gals. We rightfully oppose the dark forces behind the Sordid Piratical Enclave of Cult-mad Tradistani Renegade "Ecclesiastics."

    4. But, it's okay for the two day consecration celebrations? The excess of alcohol? And the two men who actually do have cats that they treat as humans?

  3. So Ramolla welcomes it, but he is disturbed about it.
    Ramolla makes no sense.
    Sanborn did not claim jurisdiction.
    Clergy may freely join his institute, or not.
    If they join, they freely agree to abide by its rules.
    Many organizations have rules and heads, members must obey them,that does not mean the heads claim jurisdiction.

    1. Whoa!

      The Ham Sandwich is a pesthouse completer and a "bee-ship" in the Slupski line with an international apostolate more inclusive than MHT's (The USA, Spain, Germany, and Italy it seems).

      He knows the Lowly Worm well, so his condemnation should not be dismissed so readily.

    2. True Reader, but it takes one to know one, and Ramolla is hardly a good source for what is right. If he were, he would still be in St.Albert's parish doing the right thing, with not enough time to be plotting the wrong.

    3. Oh, so when Ramolla, whom you think is disaster, says thing against MHT, then he is credible?
      No, I listened to his rant, and his rhetoric does not have validity.
      Sanborn is not claiming jurisdiction or implying he has it.

    4. I listened to Bishop Ramolla's brief talk.
      What he (Bp.R) stated was very simple,brief,easy to grasp and to the point.
      He wasn't bashing or insulting anyone per say rather the potential practices and rules.
      "The Devil is in the details."

  4. What I noted is the FACT that during Lent you are drinking alcohol, smoking Cuban cigars and consuming fancy foods. Have you given up anything at all for Lent?

    1. Reader, Why the question mark? Did you give it up or not?

    2. 8:34

      We wondered what kind of backward shut-in would consider Panera's takeout fare "fancy." It's tasty, true, but hardly fancy in our book.

      Fancy was the six-course dégustation we enjoyed last night in a very elegant restaurant. Just as at "One-Hand Dan's" Lenten banquet in Mexico City a few years ago, there were "copious quantities of meat."

    3. AnonymousMarch 4, 2018 at 1:15 AM
      What I noted is the FACT that during Lent you are drinking alcohol, smoking Cuban cigars and consuming fancy foods. Have you given up anything at all for Lent?

      How do I state this delicately and with an attempt at charity? Let’s try this: It really is none of your business, or mine, what, if anything, anyone has given up for Lent. While it is laudable and edifying during Lent for one to give up drinking alcohol, smoking Cuban cigars and consuming fancy foods, it’s not mandatory. If you have no social scruples about asking inappropriate questions, ask the traddie priests you know if they give up alcohol for Lent. Start there.

      Ask them what are the circumstances and conditions for them to dispense themselves from fast and abstinence when an opportunity presents itself, like an all expense paid trip to France and Italy during Lent? Imagine the sacrifices of passing up excellent cuisine during Lent because he is observing the traditional laws of fast and abstinence? Are there other occasions during Lent trad clergy dispense themselves? There are any number of trad priests that will indulge in that which they have given up for Lent at the drop of a hat or biretta.

      Giving up certain foods, especially sweets and fancy cuisine, smoking, and alcohol, is not mandatory and, correct me someone if I am wrong, was never mandatory for Lent, at least in the last century or two, that I know of. Giving up such things is highly recommended, and something should be sacrificed during Lent, but, not necessarily the things you have listed. As to the definition of fancy foods, what might be fancy for one person is dog food for another. Throughout the ages I wonder how frugal the Lenten menus were for Catholic royalty and aristocrats? What about the Princes of the Church?

      It is no Lenten sacrifice for me to eat seafood at a restaurant or at a church fish fry on Fridays. Some people don’t consume alcohol, or smoke, or eat fancy foods at all. Some don’t like sweets. What should they give up?

      Believe it or not, one can give up other “things” for Lent. Perhaps the lottery, television and movies, video games, gossiping, recreation, cards, concerts. Married couples have a most special sacrifice they can make during Lent, and I might add, this form of sacrifice has been discreetly suggested to the laity by priests . One can also attend daily Mass as often as possible, say an extra Rosary, etc. Almsgiving is a viable option as well as helping the needy.

      One doesn’t have to give up only that which goes into the mouth. I questioned the prudence of P L for going into such detail, but only due to the potential responses coming from those who don’t understand the variances of Lenten sacrifice, however interpreted by the many flavors of traditional Catholicism. Thanks for the entertainment P L!

  5. Anonymous March 4, 2018 at 1:15 AM
    No fasting or abstinence required for the SSPX-ers in the group.

    1. AnonymousMarch 4, 2018 at 6:38 AM

      It wasn't fasting and abstinence to which I referred. I was talking about giving up things like alcohol, tobacco, sweets, soft drinks, luxurious foidstuffs etc.

  6. What I find quite ironic is that Selway is in charge of a parish of mainly his own family. How can one be partial? How can one put his efforts into his parish, if the attachment to his family comes first? He's in charge of a convent of mostly his own siblings and former next door neighbors. Seeing your siblings, parents, nieces and nephews on a daily basis doesn't seem like one would be able to also take care of pastoral duties.

  7. Who is the "Jellyfish" and the " Ham Sandwich" ? I read both of the blogs, which I started doing so the past several weeks.

    1. You can find the key to all the nicknames by clicking on the page titled MIMI PERSONAE, right under the PL banner at the top.

  8. Oh... just to clarify something. The very fact that Paneera's was featuring alongside your Cuban cigars and Grand Marnier etc. TELLS us you DO consider it "fancy" and worthy to be in company with the other luxuries you were so eager to partake of DURING LENT. Again, you are very effing stupid, hypocritical, transparent imbeciles.

    1. Not at all. Your inference machine is broken.

      Had we wanted "fancy," we'd have prepared Eggs Mornay. Our bubbly was a cava purchased at a ridiculously low price point, and the Cubans are just our daily preference. As for the Grand Marnier, doesn't everybody stock a couple bottles?

      Here's the scoop: we ordered from Panera because it was quick, tasty, and offered home delivery.

      So, sorry, but it was just another regular staff breakfast.

  9. Only having pictures of the recent consecration to go on,
    Bp.Dolan seemed stoic & somewhat quiet.
    Having never met Bp.Dolan and not knowing his personality,I could be completely wrong.

    1. On the contrary, you read him right. He was witnessing the end of his time, hence the face.

  10. Anonymous March 4, 2018 at 1:15 AM


    "What I noted is the FACT that during Lent you are drinking alcohol, smoking Cuban cigars and consuming fancy foods. Have you given up anything at all for Lent?"

    The beauty of Lent is that it is supposed to be a personal sacrifice for Christ. Giving up is not the only way to embrace the Season of Penance. One could choose to give more for the welfare of others, as an example of living ones Lent for God.

    Then again, I guess the Charity nuns were wrong when they taught that to my class back in 1949.

    1. No, the nuns weren't wrong in '49. The culties of '18 are just too superficial.


  11. Anonymous March 4, 2018 at 11:48 AM


    ..."Again, you are very effing stupid, hypocritical, transparent imbeciles."

    Ouch! Now that remark seems to be a bit uncharitable especially During Lent, wouldn't you say?

    1. Yes, we would. And the filthy language behind the sentiment is quite un-Catholic. These culties are beyond the pale.

    2. Well Reader, what do you expect from a pig other than a grunt?

      However I would like to compliment your site, and for the most part the bloggers who comment. They seem to be intelligent enough to want to know what is going on, lest they be exploited and deceived again.

  12. The Reader @ 6:17 pm.

    I wouldn't. I'd just say you're very angry because it has been clearly shown that you are given over to luxuries; your entire group is drinking alcohol and or smoking Cuban cigars and or going out to 5 star restaurants during Lent. Yes, it is beyond the pale how your coven is treating the tradtional Catholic clergy, you insufferable jackasses. Publish this if you aren't too chicken-hearted as usual, suppressing posts you have no answer to.

    1. You're stupid, but since you aren't as filthy-mouthed as you friends, we posted your nonsense.

    2. Calm down everybody.
      It is LENT.

  13. The Reader March 4, 2018 at 6:20 PM
    No, the nuns weren't wrong in '49. The culties of '18 are just too superficial.

    ......Please elaborate, especially in regard to the Lenten penance aspect.


  14. Anonymous March 4, 2018 at 7:03 PM

    "I'd just say you're very angry because..."

    Then he continues with his charitable rant by calling the writers of P.L."insufferable jackasses," and accusing them of belonging to a coven.

    Well if this is a perfect case of the kettle calling the pot black.

  15. Was there no feast after the Florida consecration? All the participants wore sackcloth and ashes, and fed upon locusts which they consumed meekly kneeling upon their knees?

    1. "I love the taste of locusts in the morning. Tastes like... victory."

    2. 8:34

      In his "Corner," One-Hand wrote, "Afterwards there was a proper sit down luncheon outside, under a tent." Apparently all the "bishops" were clad "in their billowing purple" finery.

  16. Does an informal get together of some layfolk to conduct some business compare to a formal Reception after an episcopal consecration?

    1. If you are referring to the shindig in B'ville, then any reception they had, formal or informal, was a reception of laymen. The only difference between theirs and ours is that some of the laymen in attendance have illicit orders. Even if some of those orders are valid, the individuals involved are not in the Roman Catholic clerical state.

  17. Ramolla seems to have been invited to become a member of Sanborn's Catholic Restoration Institute. Perhaps reason Neville wasn't a co-consecrator is because he refused to join.

    Sanborn may be clinging to Cekada and Dolan as a counterweight to Selway & Selway.

    1. The news of the invitation is astonishing! Big Don must be desperate.

      Thanks for the info.

      None of these guys wants to take orders from Big Don.

      Your last observation may well be true. He's outmanned and outgunned down there now. It's a matter of time before the exit.

    2. I am curious. What evidence do you have that Bp. Sanborn invited Ramolla to become part of the RCI? Did you hear this from Ramolla?

    3. Anonymous March 5, 2018 at 11:54 AM

      Please substantiate your claim. It seems to be baseless.

    4. I agree with Anon. 3/5/ 7:25PM. This sounds exactly like the kind of lie Rammy would perpetrate about his own self proclaimed importance. He turned down Sanborn? Yeah right! Anyone who wants to restore or preserve anything, would never invite The Destroyer into their camp.

    5. Guaranteed if one could kill the messenger on this bogus message, you would get the Stuffed Cabbage Head himself, and perhaps his side kick too.

    6. 12:08

      Your reasoning is sound. What motive would the Donster have for inviting the Ham Sandwich, whose 2009 coup d'audace sorely damaged MHT as well as $GG?

      Could it be possible that the Sammich is peeved because he was not invited and hence decided to squish the Lowly Worm through Joey?

    7. "Seems" was based on sermon clip attached to this post: i.e., unless invited to join, how would ramolla know what institute's superior required of subordinate clergy?

      "Anyone who wants to restore or preserve anything, would never invite The Destroyer into their camp."

      Yeah - Sanborn invited him into his seminary and then claimed ramolla as a credit to the 'relentless' priestly training ability of cekada and himself (and the thuc-CMRI consecration powers of Dolan). Don't pick a beef w/me - maybe sanborn's trying to clean up the mess he's made b4 he goes to meet His maker.

      "You have Father Ramolla because the seminary exists and has trained him, and despite his criticism of me, I believe that all would agree that Father was trained rather well. He is trained well because I and Father Cekada, primarily, devoted ourselves relentlessly to the operation of this institution, and have worked very hard to do our best to preserve a high standard."

    8. Let's be honest and give the devil his due. At least Sanborn had the education, the breeding, and worked over 30 years to achieve a mini trad empire.

      Rammy wants to come in and steal it. His credentials are: no German High School Diploma from the Cabbage Patch, in which he was unable to elevate himself above the rank of assistant gardener. His motto is... I came, I saw, I stole it.

    9. Perhaps if there's any truth to last year's stories about what happened in Verona, his motto should be veni, vidi, vendidi. All we know is that some Italians were pretty upset.

      But what about his "international apostolate" in Spain, Germany, and Italy, which he wrote about in his bulletin last week? From the looks of it, in a few years this Hinterwäldler will far surpass anything Tradzilla achieved over his rocky 30.

      We hate to say it, but Rambozo looks to be the big sede player in Europe now. Big Don's losing ground fast. He was booted out of AZ, and now the Kid's going to take over the Swampland. Sure, he's got that tiny outpost in Australia, but for how long? If the Sammich decides to head Down Under and "ordain" some native-born Aussies, that mission might disappear too.

    10. AnonymousMarch 6, 2018 at 11:28 AM
      "Seems" was based on sermon clip attached to this post: i.e., unless invited to join, how would ramolla know what institute's superior required of subordinate clergy?

      --By reading it online like anyone can!

    11. I read Bp.Sanborn's institute rules online.
      His list of invited clergy was attached to the official document.
      Bp.Ramolla was on the list of invited clergy.
      (As was Fr.Marcellus Moylon)

    12. Not sure why Sanborn wouldn't invite ramolla to join since he & Cekada taught him in the seminary & Cekada & Dolan w/whom Dolan just consecrated Selway ordained him.

      "You have Father Ramolla because the seminary exists and has trained him, and despite his criticism of me, I believe that all would agree that Father was trained rather well. He is trained well because I and Father Cekada, primarily, devoted ourselves relentlessly to the operation of this institution, and have worked very hard to do our best to preserve a high standard."

      Give the link where can "read online"

  18. I take the liberty of posting here a notice from last week’s blog. If this is not acceptable, I understand you not publishing it.

    I was just wondering if anyone has any more information on this lawyer? Is he still at SGG?

    AnonymousFebruary 27, 2018 at 11:12 PM
    A parishioner just made the news:

  19. Dear "Readers",

    I'm one of those whom you are constantly berating, calling "stupid" and the like. Precisely because I'm so stupid is exactly why you need to prick up your ears, for if someone so incurably stupid can make the following observations, so much more the intelligent readers of your diatribes.

    1) It is clear you have a very large axe of your own contrivance to grind.

    2) You grasp at any straw no matter how flimsy to attack the clergy in question. This shows you are very unsure of yourselves.

    3) Your analyses and beliefs regarding the clergy in question were tailor made to your new found animosity and prejudices towards the clergy in question.

    4) In your eagerness to draw souls away from the sacraments you propose unviable alternatives such as attendance of eastern rites and staying home alone.

    5) Your boorish, puerile name calling of the clergy in question betrays your surety of your position. In other words, it showcases your massive insecurity about everything you're doing.

    6) You come across as being elitist, but with zero to justify this status. Being obviously disgruntled and having harebrained ideas does not thrust you into a Hall of Fame in any category.

    7) You appear to have many elderly persons among your ranks. This is apparent in so many ways. You remind me of movies where old people get up to dance to rock 'n'roll. One word springs to mind insofar your attempts to appear youthful,"cringe-worthy."

    8) Valuable time in your twilight years is being wasted, for surely you understand that your blog is low man on the totem pole as far as the Internet goes? It defines the term "junk gossip." it can't even be accorded the dignity of "gossip." It has no power to influence or bring about change. Nine years of fruitless pursuit bear witness to this fact.

    My analysis will continue later.

    1. 1. The men whom we criticize are absolutely not Roman Catholic clergy.

      2. Our years of operation have been extraordinarily fruitful. No one can ever regard these men as they did before 2009, not even their strongest supporters. Pandora's box is open. Just take a look at $GG's average collection. The cults are on their last legs. Many have left, and virtually only a cadre of degenerates remains.

      BTW, You may spare us and our readership of your low-powered analysis. We are very secure and 100% certain that we are right and righteous. FYI, we're not concerned with our ranking on the 'Net: ours is a very select audience.

    2. Anon. Mar. 6, 2:15 AM, you are pathetic: “My analysis will continue later”(!) Your “analysis”? You conceited wretch! The only analysis that should continue later is an analysis of you -- a psychoanalysis, that is – by a qualified psychiatrist. It is you who are insecure – and you try to assuage your insecurity simply by trying to shout down your opposition. [Typical ploy of the timorous.] Everything you said is baseless supposition – because, being the empty vessel that you are, you have nothing else to offer.

      And, guess what, you conceited blowhard? We don’t care for any more of your “analysis”! If you don’t like what this blog says, then just keep your pompous nothingness to yourself -- and stay away. In your fruitless efforts to belittle (and intimidate) the writer of this blog, you have only belittled yourself – and exposed your ignorance and ill will. So, in your “twilight years,” stop wasting our time!

  20. The Reader stated:

    ..."But what about his "international apostolate" in Spain, Germany, and Italy, which he wrote about in his bulletin last week? From the looks of it, in a few years this Hinterwäldler will far surpass anything Tradzilla achieved over his rocky 30"...

    I really think that you know better than anyone what a good campaign of Propaganda is. Need I say Goebbels himself could not have done a better job of creating the Grand Illusion that SGG puts forth on the internet each week. One would think they are a thriving campus of academic excellence.

    BTW: What is the difference between a European rat and a USA rat?
    Answer: NOTHING! A rat is rat is a....

  21. AnonymousMarch 7, 2018 at 11:47 AM

    "I read Bp.Sanborn's institute rules online.
    His list of invited clergy was attached to the official document.
    Bp.Ramolla was on the list of invited clergy.
    (As was Fr.Marcellus Moylon)"

    Is there a way that you can direct us to this official site and list?

    If this is true then, I stand corrected for trying to defend Sanborn for having given him more character then what he deserves.

    However, it does fortify everything P.L. has accused these money hungry mongrels of doing to attain power.

    They cannot be servants of God. How can they serve God and Mammon?

    1. The list I am referring to (invited would be members)
      was online when Bp.Sanborn first published the 'RCI.'
      It's no longer online far as I can tell.
      I looked at the
      "RCI" liturgical rules & discipline.
      It's a freaking mess & all over the map from 1945-58 i.e. extremely inconsistent.

  22. AnonymousMarch 7, 2018 at 12:39 PM

    Quoted Bishop Sanborn:
    ..."You have Father Ramolla because the seminary exists and has trained him, and despite his criticism of me, I believe that all would agree that Father was trained rather well. He is trained well because I and Father Cekada, primarily, devoted ourselves relentlessly to the operation of this institution, and have worked very hard to do our best to preserve a high standard."

    This is Sanborn under damage control back in 2009.

    This is the same man, that wanted Ramolla out of the seminary and did not want to ordain him. Bp. Dolan saw a so called bull worker for SGG, and interceded for Rammy to Sanborn to allow him to complete his seminary training.
    Ironically, Dolan could not see what Sanborn saw in the character of the Ram-Rod. Sanborn granted the request of Dolan, and then Sanborn got the Judas Kiss from Rammy when Rammy requested Dolan to ordain him.
    He had already started his insatiable plot to overthrow the reigning Bishop of SGG by sewing his seeds of venom among the weakest link;the parents of the school children, who were already ripe for anybody that would defy the Lotarski regime.
    Now bear in mind this wrecker ran like a coward into the home of the teacher, (who did defend the abused children, and was fired) when the raging Lotarski tribe arrived at SGG and confronted Cekada.

    One might conclude that Sanborn was right about Rammy then, and wrong now, if indeed he did invite him for his institute.

    However, desperate people do desperate things, and both players here desperately want POWER.

    Rammy has proven himself a thief in America and Italy. He has doubtful orders from one hand Dan, and his consecration is one big farce of doubt. Therefore, based upon his fruits, and the fruits of his teachers from the so called coveted institution of MHT. I think his indelible mark of the priesthood is nothing more then the mark of another hungry BEAST to beware of.

  23. AnonymousMarch 7, 2018 at 11:47 AM
    "I read Bp.Sanborn's institute rules online.
    His list of invited clergy was attached to the official document.
    Bp.Ramolla was on the list of invited clergy.
    (As was Fr.Marcellus Moylon)"

    Would you please direct us to the site where you found the above information.

    Thank you! I believe this is the second request.
