
Saturday, June 18, 2011


Years ago Mr. Disraeli called Sir Robert Peel’s Ministry…an ‘organized hypocrisy’, so much did the ideas of its ‘head’ differ from the sensations of its ‘tail.’ Bagehot

By now, most traditional Catholics are familiar with the sordid business of the Blunderer’s attempt to sabotage the ordination of Fr. Bernard Hall by enlisting the services of a Novus-Ordo presbyter and a lay dupe.* Like all the cult’s misadventures, this one ended in tears for “One-Hand” Dan and Tony. There’s no need to comment further on the excellent link cited in the footnote below, save remarking that the Conciliar clergyman, who used the Checkster to help him get even with a sedevacantist prelate, disparagingly characterized Anthony as a “fringe priest.”

Tony gets no respect from anyone, including Modernist bad boys. But then, how could anyone feel anything but contempt for this uneducated poster-child for the Dunning-Kruger effect? The Vatican-II presbyter, for all his faults, at least enjoyed three years of professional graduate school in Rome and is now studying at the University of Athens, Greece. For the hostile Novus Ordite, the educationally disadvantaged Blunderer offered a convenient, though crude, blunt-edged weapon easily tossed aside once the character assassination was in the bag.

All this comes as no surprise to veteran traditional Catholics, who have observed the SGG cult masters for years. What amazes us is how the rector reconciles Anthony’s conduct with the MHT pesthouse’s published mission to train uncompromising priests who “recognize the enemy, condemn and resist him, and protect the flock of Christ from further devouring by wolves. Perhaps we lack the rector’s subtlety (or his cavalier sense of irony), but it doesn’t appear in the best interest of the Catholic Resistance to appeal for help from the Novus-Ordo foe in order to impede the ordination of a traditional priest.

Although the Readers have often recoiled in stomach-turning horror at the absurdly low intellectual quality of the MHT completers, we have never sought to interfere with their ordinations. Even this spring, when “One Hand” ordained a hastily advanced, recent Scandinavian convert to the subdiaconate, we remained silent, in hopes that the forlorn young man won’t forget the Consecration when he becomes a priest in November.

The rector, without doubt, holds himself above any need to be consistent. He’s a law unto himself; moreover, consistency is the virtue of a systematic, not a mercurial intellect. At any rate, he’ll never have to explain Tony’s unseemly behavior to puzzled seminarians. They’re probably too timid, too dull, too threatened to ask the rector to explain why one of their “teachers” conspires with the adversary against fellow traditional Catholic clergy.

In point of fact, these backward, malformed aspirants to the priesthood cannot escape the ruinous effects of Anthony’s example and influence. The lessons learned from this episode are that self-interest matters more than the faith; that settling a score justifies consorting with the Modernist enemy; that no principle is sacrosanct in the furtherance of a personal agenda, no matter how alien that agenda may be to authentic Catholic practice; that the protection of “turf” trumps the spiritual well-being of the faithful. The only sovereign remedy against such “organized hypocrisy” is to withhold all financial assistance and


* See “Removing all Doubt”, beginning with the paragraph The warfare against the pastoral work of Father Ramolla at Saint Albert the Great Roman Catholic Church has included Father Cekada played a behind-the-scenes role…”

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