
Monday, June 13, 2011


June Cleaver: Eddie seems to know a lot about the law.

Wally Cleaver: Yeah, he told his father, in three years he’s going over the wall.

Witnessing the antics of the SW Ohio cult masters is like watching an episode of Leave it to Beaver absent the moral rôle models of June and Ward Cleaver, the steady maturity of their elder son Wally, and the transformative repentance of the “Beav.” All that’s left are the failed schemes of three weasels: the conniving but doomed wiseacre Eddie Haskel; the awkward, slow-witted bully Lumpy Rutherford; and the “hydrant-headed” rat Gilbert Bates.

A little while ago, the mischief-maker-in-chief in the SGG-MHT cult’s confederacy of dunces—the laughingly self-styled “canon-law professor” at the rector’s swampland pesthouse—sent out an amateurishly wrong analysis of Fr. Markus Ramolla’s immigration status. It was a patent attempt to unsettle the faithful, whose hopes had been lifted by an announcement in Father’s bulletin. Citing the cult’s immigration lawyer, who has “almost always been right” (Hmmmm), our ill-starred, ill-trained agitator arrogantly reported that

since his [Fr. Ramolla’s] permanent record will also show that he remained in the U.S. for a full year after the removal proceeding began (from Dec 2009-Dec 2010), the Consulate [in Germany, where Father would presumably have to apply for a visa] will inform Fr. Ramolla that U.S. immigration law imposes an automatic 10-year ban on him re-entering the U.S. So, if he'd care to try applying for another visa in connection with ORCM, he would be welcome to come back again in 2021, but not before then.

As for the end result, to our amusement, our doubly jinxed analyst pronounced

because their cases are essentially the same, the outcome for Fr. R. will be the same as it was for Bernie Hall: CIS [Customs and Immigration Service] will "allow" Fr. Ramolla to depart "voluntarily" within a certain period of time -- though perhaps a little more than the 60 days Bernie [Fr. Bernard Hall] got.

As with all this life-long loser’s hoodooed pranks, the nasty caper failed miserably. On May 6, 2011, the government advised the immigration court that it did not oppose the motion to terminate Father’s instant removal proceedings without prejudice. On May 12, the immigration court decided in Father Ramolla’s favor: consequently, no court appearance was necessary.

As a aside, Pistrina notes that the Boy Blunder not only gets the legal analysis dead wrong, but also, in a botched attempt at smarmy sarcasm, he couldn’t spell ‘Zwieback’ correctly:

The visa that he got though (sic!) us until November, 2011 (called an I-94) then immediately became toast -- or Zweiback, if you prefer.

(Let’s not forget: this is the same minimally educated simpleton who offended the world with that shabby museum catalogue of errors and ignorance called Work of Human Hands. No wonder the rector’s completers are such ninnies with such an ignoramus as a mentor.)

As Wally would have said: What a goof! “Creeps Incorporated” were kinda-sorta wrong again. They should not-a started hollerin’ and yellin’.

We’re glad they did, though. Now there’s no doubt about their malevolence and their ineptitude.

Ed. Note: For the text of the Blunderer's analysis and an in-depth examination, see Christ Or Chaos; for the text only, see The Lay Pulpit. We'll add links as more sites come on line.

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