
Saturday, September 3, 2011


Ed. Note: Below is a continuation of the Marathon of Weirdness chronicled in a 2009 e-mail message plucked from oblivion, which we introduced in the Aug. 21 post MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE? You'll recall that we interrupted this series upon learning that our priestly messenger was on vacation and therefore wouldn't be in SW Ohio to answer in person to "One-Hand" Dan when he convened the Rialto-Road star chamber. Oh, how sharp will be the thorns of the cruel trilemma upon which our diffident and epistolary informer will sit, for he seemingly has no courage to screw to the sticking place.

The first two following excerpts expose the creepy-crawly mind-control games these cult masters play; the third attests to how they game-played in micromanaging the life of a priest who, at the time, wasn't going to enter into indentured servitude to them.
"Recently [the re-admitted Russian seminarian] told me that [the rector] told him he would be expelled if he had any communication with [a French former seminarian] or [a German former seminarian]. I can understand to some extent that [the rector] would disapprove of [the Russian] talking to them, but to threaten him with expulsion just for talking to them is pretty outrageous. I mean, these guys weren’t expelled for being heretics or for immorality; they were basically expelled because they didn’t observe the rule of silence perfectly, and they didn’t clean the kitchen as well as they should have*.
Another incident was that [a then-current seminarian] asked [the rector] if he could get a ride from [an American ex-seminarian] from Cincinnati to Chicago after Easter, so his brother [name withheld] could pick him up in Chicago and take him toMilwaukee. [The rector] said no, because he said [the ex-seminarian] had a bad attitude when he was in the seminary. I don’t even know what [the rector] was referring to. It might be that [the ex-seminarian] would not give up his silly idea that geocentrism is a dogma of faith; and he also clung stubbornly to some other ideas that were wrong, though not as serious as the geocentrism thing. But [theex-seminarian] and I were good buddies, and I never got even the smallest suggestion from him that he had what would be a bad attitude; and his moral character was above reproach. So whatever disagreement happened between [the ex-seminarian] and [the rector], it remained behind closed doors. I don’t know, maybe since he has been in Cincinnati he has been speaking out against the seminary or something, but if he has I haven’t heard about it. So to forbid [the current seminarian] to get a ride from him to Chicago is disturbing.
And on another occasion recently I suggested to [the Blunderer] that I could work with [the smurf], since it doesn’t seem like there is anywhere else for me to work. He just said, “No, don’t go to him.” I asked him why not, and he said, “There’s so much baggage there… well, transeat ["Let it pass," Ed.].” And he wouldn’t say anymore or even give me an explanation. If [the Blunderer] doesn’t like [the smurf] or doesn’t want to work with him, I don’t care; but how does it hurt [the Blunderer] if I work with [the smurf], especially when he is practically the only option I have left?"
* For the true story with all the facts, read our post from January 23, 2011.

Ed. Note: Some Kool-Aid anyone? We'll be back soon with more weird tales from the pesthouse as we continue to share our intrepid narrator's further reflections on the strange and unnatural. The next post, we promise, will be positively surreal!

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