
Saturday, September 22, 2012


The union of hands and hearts. Bp. Taylor

Catholics who have matured beyond the divisive boys'-club strategies of "One-Hand" Dan and the rector can become a real force in the return to traditiion. Leadership doesn't have to come from these self-serving wandering bishops. (God forbid!) Whether they know it or not, aliquid-pravi Catholics possess all the resources they need to start moving finally in the right direction -- on the path to unity.

There are some good and decent clergy who abhor the ravages wreaked on the cause of tradition by swashbuckling clerical buccaneers. Many laymen have acquired theological knowledge that far surpasses the mediocre attainments of the miserably formed clergy who have set themselves up as "the real thing." (Why, they can't even tell the difference between a noun and an adjective!) Lay professionals are more than willing to lend their expertise to erecting chapels free from money-mad, mitered mountebanks. There are now fully developed plans to establish training programs for new priests, and there is the will to escape from the deadly embrace of men more intrerested in keeping Catholics apart than in uniting them. Most importantly, real Catholics who know that something's wrong with Rome want to stand together with anyone who feels the same. Forget everything else!

So, how do we throw out the bums and get together? How do we make sure that Catholicism isn't hijacked ever again?

The answer's simple. We form a union. A union of Catholics who admit that something went wrong in the wake of Vatican II. A union of Catholics for whom solidarity means more than sophomoric hairsplitting and half-baked theorizing.

Over the next few weeks Pistrina will talk about this union -- how to get it going and how to organize it. The posts will be short and sweet. Then we'll leave it up to you to act.

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