
Saturday, September 15, 2012


...he usually gets it wrong. Marquis

Right after we uploaded last week's post, we received another confirmation that the opinions of the rector and his equally clueless pals aren't worth a leaky bucket of warm spit (as the euphemized saying goes): In our mailbox we found the August 2012 MHT Newsletter, where the rector had to walk back the oft-repeated prediction of the SSPX's imminent surrender to Rome. To the rector's chagrin --he confesses to being "overall depressed by the prospect" --  for now, at least, the society hasn't caved in. Even better, it's reserved the right to disavow Vatican II's "novelties ... tainted with errors" and its "reforms."

So it's clear these sede clergy on-the-make are not only busts as theologians, they're also duds as SSPX "kremlinologists." They are utterly and terrifyingly lost in a world they can't possibly understand.

We think the rector is wrong again when he claims this episode is "the final chapter in regard to the negotiations between the Vatican Modernists and the Society of Saint Pius X." Having worked in the real world, the Readers are well aware that the internal power struggle within the SSPX is probably far from over. (Smart men don't give up so easily.) Nevertheless, for the time being, the society is echoing, for all practical purposes, Pistrina's aliquid pravi theory, viz., something went dreadfully wrong in Rome after council. That makes them fellow Catholics in our book. If the SSPX continues to hold the line, they'll be the true leaders of the Catholic Restoration.

Given the rector's lousy track record as a prognosticator, he's surely wrong , too, in his surmise that "[i]t will take many years" before the vested interests in the Vatican Establishment recognize that the council's teachings contradict tradition. Pistrina hereby informs the rector that events are spinning out of the Modernists' control, as the embarrassing recent leaks from the Vatican's inner circle demonstrate.

B16 is an inept and out-of-touch chief executive. Moreover, the criminal convictions of Bp. Finn and Msgr. Lynn in the U.S. are just the beginning of a world-wide effort to bring negligent prelate-cronies to account. That's why there's a better-than-even chance that the unstoppable forces now set in motion will accelerate the scholarly analysis of the council's break from tradition. (The Novus Ordo wants to distance itself from dead ideas as much as Traddies do.)  That research will soon make plain to the world that something indeed went very wrong in the wake of Vatican II. Sooner than we think, the Establishment may have to capitulate in the face of a "Traditional Catholic Spring."

The rector, "One-Hand," and the Blunderer have been as off-base in their ecclesiology as they have been in their ecclesiastical punditry. Accordingly, these laughably trained "Wrong-Way Corrigans" are deserving of no Catholic's attention. Their wild conjectures merit contempt. In fact, real Catholics may give themselves permission to discount anything and everything they say.

The laity and right-minded clergy who simply acknowledge that something's wrong with Rome have much more reliable sources to look toward for assistance and support. It's time to give these clerical dividers of houses the bum's rush. There's no place for segregation in Christ's Church. Show these Roman-collared losers the door, and end all this greed-inspired religious apartheid.

Next week, we'll discuss how aliquid-pravi Catholics can get together to work for the faith.

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