
Saturday, August 16, 2014


Two types of blindness easily happen at the same time, such that those individuals who do not see what exists in reality seem to see what doesn't exist. Tertullian

The SGG cult center's website posted a revealing sermon of Tony Baloney's, oddly and awkwardly titled "A Brief Biography of Myself and Traditionalism in Milwaukee."  What's significant is not the bald and needy narcissism -- that's typical of anything the SW Ohio cult masters flush out, for whatever those cretins preach about always focuses on them.

What's of real interest is Checkie's disjointed narration about how, way back in his seminary days in Wisconsin, he used to attend a "traditional" Mass offered by a priest who had resisted his lawful superiors. (N.B. the cult masters themselves won't brook any conscience-driven resistance -- witness the 2009 SGG School firings.) From the Bonehead's account, we gather that the Mass at which he assisted served as a source of strength and encouragement for him and his fractious chums.

Now, if we just apply a little bit of thought, we have to conclude that the Mass attended by callow, young Checkmeister was surely the Mass of John XXIII, which the Cheeseball characterized in his dreadfully written, error-filled Work of Human Hands as "a radical break with tradition." That's par for the course, isn't it? When, for lack of a proper sermon topic, Phony Tony wants to strut his Trad credentials before the cultlings, it was O.K. for him to have attended the '62 rite. But when he needs to keep those faithful from straying to another Traddie sect embracing that rite, he condemns it.

(Question: How do you say "chameleon" in Tradistani? Answer: "chekkee".)

The hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty take your breath away. And this isn't the only example, as regular followers of this blog will recall.  Hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty are unmistakable signs not only of mental disorderliness but also of a full-blown cult mentality. The cult masters' opinions are always in flux whenever they see an advantage. Therefore, it's easy for them to thumb their noses at consistency but at the same time insist that things have never changed.

You could almost ignore these clerical shape-shifters' malformation, howling errors in scholarship, unmerited arrogance, pack-rat acquisitiveness, and self-absorption if they didn't compound their offenses with naked Pharisaism.  What's humorous is they think no one notices. Oh, sure, the cultie zombies remain bewitched, but, then, decent Catholic women and men know better than to value the superstitions of the morally blind and the psychically perverted.

Every week the same whipsaw shifts are on display in Daniel the Weasel's "Bishop's (?) Corner." Take a look at what he wrote on August 10:
The main sacrilege of our day is surely the N.O. itself, and Masses offered “one with”* the wicked antichrist occupying Rome.
Hypocritically he accuses the Novus Ordo of sacrilege, albeit he and the Unfortunate 14 he's "ordained" may be committing equally monstrous acts of sacrilege daily if his one-handed ordination is invalid. "One Hand" could dispel all doubt in an instant if he were to seek conditional orders and then re-ordain at least 13 of the 14 luckless souls who inauspiciously chose him as their ordaining "bishop." But pride keeps him from getting fixed. (BTW, his failure to remedy the doubt is something altogether alien to Catholic practice.)

"One Hand's" hypocrisy is only outdone by his promotion of the grandly over simplistic, intellectually dishonest "una-cum" fantasy. Even Li'l Dan knows it's an opinion invented fairly recently by the rent-seeking Big Don and his familiar, the Blunderer. He knows -- or ought to know -- the Church has never entertained their thesis, yet he presents it as though it were an article of faith, which he is brash enough to pretend to teach. Horse feathers! His Vagrancy has no such brief. At best, he can recommend established doctrine as a private person (not as a teacher). He has no business saying anything about unsettled issues without a disclaimer. 

Behind the septic hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty lies the wrongful lemma that Dannie's cult somehow represents -- or embodies --the true Church, and therefore he has the authority to convince others of sin. There's nothing immediately self-evident about that sede fiction. Indeed, the opposite is true. The behavior of the cult's clerics and the failure of "One Hand's" apostolate lead us to affirm the falseness of his avouchment.  His cult is just one of many factions asserting without warrant a claim on Catholicity. We don't have a problem with an individual priest's suppressing the una cum phrase in the Canon in his Mass. That's a matter of conscience. Our problem is with the cult fabulists who insist that those who in their good conscience do recite the phrase are sinners. At this time, given our imperfect knowledge, no one knows -- and no one can affirm -- what's the authentic Catholic teaching on the issue!

The truth of it is that Dannie's cult is a garish simulacrum, a low-brow parody, of the Church. Behind the empty pageantry and meretricious performance art of the "pontifical" big shows, where towering minions fuss over a wee, proletarian Dannie as he comically plays the aristocrat, there lies the harsh reality of untrained (and possibly invalid) clergy, savage self-interest, and the nagging fear of eventual exposure. Nothing is substantial. It's all make-believe: make-believe bishop and priests, make believe scholars and theologians, make-believe piety, make-believe 1950's Catholicism. All that's real is the fast friendship with the mammon of iniquity.

If you're not a cult slave, you know the Church doesn't reside in Tradistan. What poobah Dan and panjandrum Don have on offer -- non-stop fundraising, protean teachings, and theological legends -- bears only a superficial but misleading resemblance to the authentic Roman Catholic Church. On closer inspection, the sighted recognize it's a mirage.


* "One with" is Dannie's translation of una cum. He's trying to be poetic with this supposedly hyper literal rendering. The trouble is, he's wrong. The una of una cum is really unā, an adverb from the feminine ablative singular form. The literal meaning, then, of unā  is in one and the same action or process, hence together, in company, at the same time. Like Cheeseball Checkie, he has no understanding of the way the Latin language operates. He's forever thinking like a very backward, linguistically challenged first-year student. As usual, he's trying to show off, and he falls flat on his face. One more reason not to click on the DONATE button if ever you're cyber-slumming at

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