
Saturday, August 23, 2014


Let your alms sweat into your hands, until you know to whom you will give. The Didache

We've had a lot of harsh things to say about the disturbed cult-fanatics in economic bondage to "One-Hand Dan." Over the years, we've called them depraved, perverted, zombies, rite-trash, troglodytes, filth, sub-humans and all manner of other rude, but accurate, descriptors. We hold them in the lowest esteem. To be perfectly honest, we'd prefer the company of plague-carrying sewer rats to theirs.  With frisson we recall how once we sat in the same pews downwind from these foul vermin! In our mind, they're the basest form of life, on a par with the Ebola virus, except deadlier.

Our revulsion notwithstanding, after reading Dubious Dan's August 17 "Bishop's (?) Corner," we were -- believe it or not -- actually moved to pity the beasts. They just managed to pay off "One Hand's" oppressive winter utility bills after he took unnecessary back-to-back trips to sunny climes outside the U.S., and now the swinish cult masters, in a spasm of fund-raising madness, are greedily passing the hat again.

Immediately following Wee Dan's recent pressure to repair the storm-damaged organ, the cultlings face a new, two-pronged assault from the Checkmeister's building fund appeal and Dollar Dan's solicitation for a "separate offering of  $20 a month" to pay for "cost-saving arches...for the cloister"! (Does the wanton panhandling ever end down there in SW Ohio?) All this after rubbing the Gerties' booger-caked noses in his two flunkies' excellent food-and-beverage adventures abroad. It's a sure bet that few of the cult-slaves will ever vacation in France -- or even Paris, Kentucky -- as long as they have to keep Needy Dan and his freeloading entourage fat and happy.

(And that reminds us: if we were a cash-strapped Gertie being hustled to dig deeper, we'd want to know if the two "priests" paid their way 100% or if the cult center is contributing. We would insist on a full, documented audit when the tag team of the McFakers returns.)

It's always been our theory that money is the only thing that matters for the cult masters. However, as the money dries up, they get more desperate. With his two doubtfully ordained gofers living it up as if there were no tomorrow in la belle France, Dannie's got to be hankering for a pampered week at the chic desert Southwest spa he fancies to be his eponymous lodgings. He's also got the urge to splurge in Mexicali, Mexico, this winter. That means he'll have to squeeze the Gertie turnips even harder.

Those poor, exploited, brutish serfs! They must be exhausted at being treated like cash registers. Dirtbag Dan seems to regard them as donating cyborgs, otherwise they'd get some relief from the non-stop hustle. If they were normal, they'd rebel. But since they're scum of the earth, put here to serve Dannie, they'll have to pay and pay and pay. No doubt, they deserve the abuse. But you've got to feel a little sorry for their hollow-cheeked, female chattel and their whimpering, snaggletoothed whelps: the SGG fund-raising juggernaut unmercifully rolls on, crushing families' aspirations as frenzied culties sacrifice their financial weal to keep Doubtful Dan comfy-cozy. The cruel irony is that these victims may not be getting anything in return for their burdensome tribute, if it turns out that Dannie's orders are invalid in virtue of one-handed priestly ordination.

The family fisc in exchange for doubtful sacraments seems a very bad bargain, indeed.

Fundraising is so deeply ingrained in "One Hand's" psyche that whenever you read his missives, you find so many Freudian slips you'd think you were in Kaufhaus Steffl. No matter how hard the cult masters try to repress in public their ungovernable craving for the laity's treasure, they fail.  Last week's message was no exception as Dannie "sadly" noted the loss of the "pious presence" of a former Gertie who retired to help out at a rival sect's minor seminary.

What Wee Dan chose not to mention was that this man, an extraordinarily generous donor, had abandoned Dan's cult in the aftermath of the horrific 2009 SGG School Scandal (the fifth anniversary of which we'll mark in November).  This good-natured soul didn't resume assisting at cult Masses until after the doubtfully ordained "pastor" of his chapel  self-destructed in typical sede fashion. The sadness "One Hand" expresses should not be read as an empty social gesture. We guess our parasitic prelataster is really and truly devastated because this man's uncommon largess -- we think at times it amounted to $25K + per annum -- is now out of his grasp and at the fingertips of Dannie's feared (and despised) rival.

Li'l  Dan's promise to pray for this cheerful giver smells to us like a brazen reminder for more stipends. (Helpless, money-scrounging cult master: he can't conceal his lust for "alms." It will always out!) We trust that, in his new home, this kind gentleman will find so many priests worthy of his monetary support that he won't feel obliged to send Dannie a dime. We're also certain that his new spiritual overseer will firmly counsel him not to squander his generosity on the moribund SW Ohio cult.

Just because "One Hand" targets you in his "Bishop's (?) Corner" doesn't mean you have to write a check. 



  1. "Freudian slips" - Freud was a Jew. Jewish psychology is disinformation.

    Otherwise it's sad to see priests go after filthy lucre, I hope things on Pistrina are exaggerated.

    1. There's no exaggeration. In fact, the clerical greed is understated.

  2. ^Above comment is of another seminarian I guess who was a contemporary of "Pope" Michael. Wouldn't be surprised if it was this blog's author, come to think of it.

    S-Sorry for h-having doubted you, Pistrina. Sorry for having doubted your criticism of these priests who need to clean up their act.

    1. The previous comment to which you referred did not come from this blog, but we certainly agree with it because we have witnessed similar malfeasance.

      Many have criticized us, as is their prerogative. Since our criticisms are always grounded in verifiable facts, many former adversaries have come to agree with us once they corroborate our claims with other sources.

  3. Thanks for the cite. You're so right: The bad actors are still around, just more scattered about under new organizational identities.

  4. I used to enjoy reading this blog, but recently I have noticed several things that bother me, and make me wonder about the author. A few weeks ago this blog had a strange, lurid fictional account of someone at one of these churches being shot by the police. I understand that the author was trying to make a point, but there was something about how he seemed to enjoy telling a story about someone from this church being killed that really didn't sit well with me. I mean, it's one thing to condemn abuses in the handling of money or other areas, but it's quite a different matter to fantasize about people you don't like being shot by the police. It just makes me wonder what kind of person this author is, and why he feels the way he does.

    Now this week I get the same feeling reading how he says these people are "depraved, perverted, zombies, rite-trash, troglodytes, filth, sub-humans, etc," and that they are worse than sewer rats with Ebola. I come to this blog to try to find out what is going on in traditional Catholic churches, and to find some place where my soul can have peace. I am starting to wonder how much peace this author has in his own soul, that he should think and say such things about his fellow man, and whether he can guide me to find the peace I am looking for.

    1. First, let us happily inform you that WE enjoy the greatest peace of soul because we are confident that our warnings will help decent Catholics avoid the grave perils of the sede cult.

      Second, if you re-read our imaginative account of a sede delinquent inflamed by the wrong teaching of lunatic clergy, you'll see that we said nothing directly about the outcome of that fictional miscreant's encounter with law-enforcement. It was YOUR imagination that saw the violent outcome. Others have imagined that the police, observing his grave disabilities, forcefully subdued him without recourse to gun play, but the IAB entered as a result of misplaced advocacy for a criminal youth led astray by psychologically disturbed sede clergy.

      As to our characterization of the cult fanatics, we say and have said such things about the cultlings -- it's never been a secret -- because their unprincipled support of the cult masters enables these grasping clerics to continue disturbing the peace of traditional Catholics with their theological tall-tales and rent-seeking ploys. As a result, until these folks abandon the cult, they cannot claim the esteem of honorable men and women.

      If we knew where you lived, we might be able to suggest to you where to go to find the religious peace you so earnestly seek. (We've recently found superb, and genuinely educated, priests who focus on the faith, and don't invent fairy tales.) But since you're anonymous, we can at least tell you where NOT to go -- and that's the SW Ohio cult and any of its satellites.

      Sure, in your case, our guidance is negative, insofar as we only indicate the quicksand and not the oases. But for most Trads, that's a good start. Many have told us they use our posts to determine whether they should leave or join a chapel. And that has some utility, although it's less than you're seeking. After all, if you were in the market for a new roof, even if we couldn't recommend a reliable contractor but could tell you whom to avoid, that would be useful, wouldn't it? Now if you email us with your location, we just might be able to suggest a chapel so satisfying that you could cease reading this blog forever. That would make both you and us happy.

  5. "No doubt, they deserve the abuse. But you've got to feel a little sorry for their hollow-cheeked, female chattel and their whimpering, snaggletoothed whelps."

    I expect this is irony or parody, but I still feel it is in bad taste. If men and women are being exploited they deserve our prayer, not our ridicule. I'm not familiar with this blog but I gather this haughty genteel attitude is part of your routine; it's amusing but not edifying. I suppose you seek to give your readers and yourself some catharsis through this cynical humor, but there are better methods that attain to better catharsis; God willing you will be given the insight for it, because He is already blessed you with sufficient wit to express yourself.

    1. The more I read this blog the more it seems as though it could have been written by some malevolent genius belonging to the Novus Ordo or some other group that would have an interest in spreading disruption, faction, and discord among those trying to work out their salvation in the wake of contemporary desolation. If there are wounds in "traddieland" I can't see much here that would heal those wounds, only that which would exacerbate them.
      The more obvious account of your identity is that you are a disaffected Catholic who has been wearied in the fight for the Faith and have had recourse to wry commentary to help console your spirit; but I sense more than that: the spirit of malice.

      Well, I hope God sends you graces to heal your sore spirit if you are a battle-weary Catholic; and God convert your soul on the slight chance that you are a malevolent webspinner.

      Love justice, you that are the judges of the earth. Think of the Lord in goodness, and seek him in simplicity of heart. For he is found by them that tempt him not: and he sheweth himself to them that have faith in him. For perverse thoughts separate from God: and his power, when it is tried, reproveth the unwise: For wisdom will not enter into a malicious soul, nor dwell in a body subject to sins. For the Holy Spirit of discipline will flee from the deceitful, and will withdraw himself from thoughts that are without understanding, and he shall not abide when iniquity cometh in.

      For the spirit of wisdom is benevolent, and will not acquit the evil speaker from his lips: for God is witness of his reins, and he is a true searcher of his heart, and a hearer of his tongue. For the spirit of the Lord hath filled the whole world: and that, which containeth all things, hath knowledge of the voice. Therefore he that speaketh unjust things cannot be hid, neither shall the chastising judgment pass him by. For inquisition shall be made into the thoughts of the ungodly: and the hearing of his words shall come to God, to the chastising of his iniquities. For the ear of jealousy heareth all things, and the tumult of murmuring shall not be hid.

      Keep yourselves therefore from murmuring, which profiteth nothing, and refrain your tongue from detraction, for an obscure speech shall not go for nought: and the mouth that belieth, killeth the soul.

    2. We are not disaffected Catholics. Indeed, we are passionate about the faith, and that's why we labor so mightily against its usurpers, the sede cult masters. We speak the truth, not injustice, and we won't rest until the hypocrites and money-changers pack up and leave. Far from being weary, we're invigorated by our work of exposing cant, greed, ignorance, invented teachings, and posturing.

    3. I am the same person as August 29, 8:02 PM — the one who complained about the story of the guy getting shot.

      To September 3rd and 4th, you both expressed my thoughts better than I could, and I am grateful for your comments. This sums up very well what I've been thinking -- that this author may have started out this blog with good intentions to fix what he perceived to be some problem in traditional Catholic chapels, but somewhere along the way he lost his way and it became a bitter, personal vendetta. As I said, you can see that in the hideous things he says about the people he criticizes here, including the story of the imaginary churchgoer being shot by the police, which I found so disturbing. Someone speaking with the spirit of God doesn't say such things, in my opinion.

      Another thing that bothers me is the way this writer always speaks with a forked tongue. He wrote that story in such a way that there was only one outcome that any reasonable reader would get from the story — namely that the churchgoer would end up getting shot — and then, when I objected to that, he tried to pretend he had intended a completely different ending that would be more "politically correct", and that I was the only one that got what is really the obvious interpretation. God is not a liar, and people who are doing God's work don't need to lie about what they said or intended. Rather, it's the Devil who is the Father of Lies, and when people speak in such a disingenuous manner it's obvious who they're working for.

      I'm not saying this person hasn't had some bad experiences with traditional Catholic clergy or chapels or faithful. Who hasn't?? But he clearly isn't dealing with these issues in any productive way, and he is only spreading his own problems to the world on this blog.

      And lastly, people are known by who their friends are. It's telling that this "Watcher" character shows up here so often to defend this blog by pouring torrents of the most vile abuse on anyone who criticizes it. They're two peas in a pod, but they just have different MOs.

    4. We didn't express our intention -- we merely reported another's reading of the same material as you read.

  6. Anon. 9-3,, 11:25 P.M & 9-4, 12:07 A.M. (probably the same person): Instead of criticizing the author’s taste in writing and accusing him of being cynical, haughty, etc., try STICKING TO THE FACTS for a change. Your problem is that the Pistrina blog exposes the truth about the evil men who run SGG, and you can’t stand it. So, the only thing that you can do is to ignore the point in discussion, and FALSELY accuse the author of being “a malevolent genius,” etc.-- and to shower him with baseless name-calling.

    The only “data” that you can provide is baseless speculation on the author’s personality and motives, after which you lather along with passages from scripture to justify your allegations – lots of sanctimonious talk, but – again – NO DATA. Crawl back in your hole, you sanctimonious hypocrite; and don’t come out again until you have something worth saying.
