
Saturday, December 12, 2015


If improper bishops be made, that is not the fault of the bishops, but of those who make them. Johnson

Last December 28, we urged Gerties to make a solemn New Year's resolution to leave the cult center in 2015. As we counseled, SGG's cultlings are fortunate in having so many traddie alternatives within easy reach, including the SSPV, SSPX, 
an independent chapel or two and, yes, even the deservedly much maligned CMRI.

If, for some reason, none of the above options is palatable to some of the remaining Gerties anxious to escape "One-Hand's" aggressive panhandling and budget-bustin' travel schedule, we're delighted to announce the arrival of a new alternative in Tradtown:

6011 Tylersville Road, Suite 5, Mason, Ohio 45040
📞 513-668-5951  e-mail:

(Click here to go to what they call the "official information source.")

This upstart sede venue is run by a name well known in the area: "Bishop (?)" Markus Ramolla, who six years ago almost to the day, in the wake of the suicidal SGG School Scandal, led oppressed Gertie bondservants out of Dannie's raccoon-plagued Egypt into a promised land of cult-free Catholicism. Now he's back again roaming his old stomping grounds, chastened and re-mixed for his second act in American life. The Moses-meme is out. This time he's a scrappy lightweight challenging the reigning bantamweight titleholder for the undisputed championship of SW Ohio in a shabby cage match we'll bill as the Battle of the Make-Believe Bishops.

Sure, he's got his critics and detractors. But what out-sized personality in Cultilandia doesn't?  And there's one thing you can bet the farm on: The Kid's got moxie -- and boy-oh-boy can he build chapels! What's more, the cult masters have thrown every low blow those maggots had at him, yet he's still standing on his feet, bolo punchin' and rope-a-dopin'.

He's a real contender, that's for sure. Deacon Dan's afraid of that, you can bet your booties, Granny. (So's Big Don.) The first punch -- and we think it'll be a knock out -- is the Kid's to deliver. We can't wait to be there for the count. Maybe Tony Baloney, Li'l Dan's chief second, will throw in the towel as soon as His Vagrancy returns from Merry Olde England.

(Assuming, that is, the vacation alert we received is accurate. For some strange reason, Travelin' Dan hasn't confirmed it yet. Our sources are usually impeccable, so we ask: Why is "One Hand" being so coy? Is he worried his culties won't be so generous at Xmas time if they learn about a pending, unnecessary escape to sophisticated and super expensive London? Will he stay at Claridge's, or somewhere else in posh Mayfair? Those folks over there aren't "dirt poor," so it'll be fun to know who pays for this shanty Irish-American's junket: cash-strapped, tapped-out, downmarket Gerties or well-heeled, upscale, pukka British swells from the City?)
In the meantime, the Mitered Mauler can prepare to take over the title to Cultilandia by getting himself conditionally ordained and consecrated. He's one of "One-Hand's" ordinati, you know. it might be prudent for him to seek conditional orders ASAP so he can stand tall in the ring when the ref raises his arm in victory.  Our champ's aware there are more trad bishops than a barn dog has flees, so he should have no difficulty finding one to help him out now that he's back in the U.S.A., ready to rumble in the Tradistani jungle.

So what are you waiting for, Gerties?
SW Ohio is your oyster.
Ready ... Set ... Leave!


  1. Those of you who aren't from Ohio may not know the whole history about Bp. Ramolla, but it's common knowledge around SW Ohio that it was actually the author of this blog who was instrumental in having Bp. Ramolla removed from the United States the first time around, about five years ago.

    Bp. Ramolla had to leave the United States after the chapel he was serving refused to renew his immigration visa. And the reason the chapel would not renew his visa was because the author of this blog had enough influence in this chapel to convince the "lay board" not to renew it, and he wanted Bp. Ramolla gone.

    This may surprise those of you who aren't from there, but as I said it's publicly known in the trad community of SW Ohio. Don't take everything on this website at face value; the author has an agenda that he's promoting, and right now it helps his agenda to promote Bp Ramolla. But it wasn't always so, and it certainly won't always be so in the future.

  2. So what's this author's agenda? I'm having a hard time with all this intrigue keeping all the bad guys and the good guys straight!

    1. That's an excellent question, and from reading this blog what I have gathered is that he has issues about resentment to priests in general, especially the priests who served him for so many years, who are the clergy of SGG. Why that's the case, I couldn't say, but it comes out pretty clearly on this website.

      That's why he tells people not to give them money and not to attend their chapels, even going so far as to tell people to deprive themselves of the graces of the Mass and the sacraments rather than go to church.

      He also has control issues, which is why he talks so much about "lay control". What he's talking about is that *he* wants to be in charge of whatever chapel he attends instead of the priest, as though he were a priest himself, which he isn't.

      From what I have heard about him, he is a "spoiled priest" — i.e., someone who wanted to become a priest in his youth and even attended an ecclesiastical academy, but didn't end up getting ordained. People like this sometimes go through life disappointed that they couldn't be a priest, and are jealous of those who did. I'm sorry he didn't get to do what he wanted, and I certainly feel bad for someone who aspired to the priesthood and was disappointed, but to become embittered and hateful towards the clergy on this account is a disastrous manner of coping with it, especially if it includes devoting so many years of one's life attacking traditional Catholic chapels and trying to get people to stop attending Mass.

    2. Absolutely untrue. Fr. Ramolla told the lay board that he preferred to run a seminary than run a chapel. He then resigned of his own accord.

    3. Anyone can verify this story by asking someone in SW Ohio, but just for curiosity sake, if Bp. Ramolla preferred to run a seminary than a chapel, then why did he come back to the United States to open a chapel? It's obvious that he never wanted to leave, and wanted to run a chapel in Ohio, as he is doing now.

    4. Well, he wanted to leave his old chapel. Ask the people at St. Therese's, they'll tell you. He was a bust in Europe so he had to come crawling back.

    5. AnonymousDecember 13, 2015 at 1:30 AM
      ... then why did he come back to the United States to open a chapel? It's obvious that he never wanted to leave, and wanted to run a chapel in Ohio, as he is doing now.

      I suggest this blogger never be a detective, as the deductive reasoning is clearly flawed in more ways than one.

      Marcus Ramolla was the Pastor of St. Albert the Great. It was a very viable and growing Chapel in Ohio until he got greedy and prideful and lazy, and wanted richer pastures, via a Miter and Staff, and then seminary.

      The only obvious reason that he came back to the USA is because he failed grossly in Germany and could not sustain a life befitting his selfish needs. Let's not forget Bishop Sanborn who never wanted to Ordain this man a priest, and warned Bishop Dolan that Ramolla was not to be trusted. Also Marcus Ramolla could not sustain a viable living as the same assistant gardener that he was when he left for the seminary. He does not even have a high school diploma out of the Fatherland, hence assistant gardener then and now, and the main reason for his return to the USA.

      What is it that P T Barnum said about a sucker being born every day? Just come to Traddie-ville they are ripe for the pickings, especially in OHIO.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I can personally say that I know all priests involved in this fight. All have problems. I am glad that the problems are being exposed. I also know Cekada was the one instrumental in having Ramolla thrown out of the country. Ask him!

    I can also say that resentment like this doesn't come from not being a priest. It comes from men taking advantage of their religious status to exploit their parishioners.

    Personally, the above sounds like a cult follower trying to get the spotlight off of those who deserve to be exposed. Why did so many leave sgg? Because the scandals were real! Why do people write this blog? No clue, but I am glad someone is writing it so these priests are held accountable.

    1. I'm not sure how well informed you are on this story, but what happened is that SGG was legally required to terminate Bp. Ramolla's work visa when he left their employment, which gave him one year to find another sponsor for his visa before being deported. He ministered to the people who left SGG during that year, hoping that they would sponsor him for a work visa so he could stay in the United States. It was this author of this blog that convinced the people of that chapel not to sponsor him, with the result that Bp. Ramolla was deported at the end of the year following his termination from SGG.

    2. Nonsense. The lay board wanted Fr. Ramolla to continue as pastor, but he told them he wanted to run a seminary instead of a chapel. He gave notice, and they replaced him.

    3. This is a blatant misrepresentation of the facts. The Reader of this Blog had nothing to do with the deportation of Fr. Ramolla or another teacher. As a matter of fact he did everything in his power to help and offer support for these two men after the treacherous act of betrayal was executed by their alleged respective friends known as: Anthony Cekada, Daniel Dolan and Mark Lotarski, when they called The Dept of Homeland Security and reported, a/k/a Ratted on these two men. Please bear in mind that the teacher did not have any kind of sponsorship from SGG and they all knew it. This was a classic vendetta! So Charitable coming from these two Clergy and Principal of SGG!

    4. I dive in to say like the last sentence or two of the original post that inspired several comments mine being last. Agree; no clue but mahalo nui loa.

  5. But - he does have high regard for good trad priests. It's only these questionably trained, unscrupulous priests that he's going after. So you can't say that he's going after ALL priests. Isn't it good to expose bad priests and even men who pose as priests?

    1. He says he does, but you know what's funny? People have asked him in the comments many, many times over the years to name some priests he recommends, and you know what? He's never in all these years mentioned a single priest by name that he recommends.

    2. Continuing from the previous post at 12:19 AM...

      The fact that a lot of the criticism on this blog is expressed in general terms in such a way that it would apply to all trad priests, combined with the fact that he has never gone on record — despite repeated requests from his own readership — gone on record naming a priest that he recommends, is what makes me believe he has a personal issue with priests in general.

      It's one thing to have a specific grievance against a specific priest, but if someone can't find anything good to say about any priests at all, that indicates a different problem. He has something against the clergy in general.

      And if the author would like to challenge what I said about him not endorsing any specific priest by name, he's certainly welcome to prove me wrong here and now by naming a priest that he endorses.

    3. We do challenge you because we do endorse quite a number of priests and bishops. We are under no obligation to prove it to you. We know what's in our mind.

      However, we will say that the number we endorse far exceeds the number we criticize.

    4. And you still refrain from mentioning a single priest that you endorse by name.

      Prove me wrong!

    5. Why? You seriously must not know the wrath of the cult masters!

    6. Anyone that this site would endorse would already have nothing to lose from those people.

      Besides, if this site is telling people to stay home from Mass rather than go to what you call "cult masters", don't you think it's incumbent on them to provide some alternative?

    7. Personally, I know very good priests, but I wouldn't name them on here. Cekada reads these blogs. Why give him additional names to go after

    8. Go after? What does that mean?

    9. Oh, my, anon 1:33, you have problems! No, it isn't necessary for them to provide an alternative. It is necessary for you, as a good catholic, to seek the truth on your own. It sounds to me that you have been reading this blog for awhile. You claim to know that they haven't endorsed anyone, so you know how to research past articles. Again, are you looking for a good priest or just causing trouble?

    10. I'm looking for a good priest but apparently no one around here is interested in helping me out ...

    11. "Seek, and you shall find: knock, and it shall be opened to you."

    12. Me again. I found also that asking didn't help and I know how I myself am but not saying it's true here: I sometimes hold back. Information, control of it, is control. If information is given up, a certain kind of control seems to be lost. This is just my opinion based on my own foibles. I am not casting aspersions on anyone.

    13. We understand. But there are plenty of people willing to tell you everything for the asking.

  6. I don't recall anyone asking him to name some good priests. Point me to a few examples, please. Perhaps if he doesn't mention them by name is so as not to drag them into this mess. An educated Catholic can generally recognize a good priest anyway and wouldn't have to ask him.

    1. It's been a little while since anyone has asked him to recommend a priest. You'd have to dig through comments of previous posts of about a year ago or so.

      In any case, as I said above, if the author of this blog wants to dispute my claim, he can easily do so by publicly endorsing some priest by name now. But he hasn't before, and I don't think he will now.

      I don't see how it would cause a priest any harm if someone mentioned on a website that they consider him a good priest and recommend people to go to him.

      The fact that any Catholic can recognize a good priest doesn't quite jibe with the fact that many Catholics consider the clergy of SGG and the CMRI to be good priests, even though the author of this blog says they're evil. That's why people have asked him who he endorses, to see what type of priest his ideal is.

      As I said above, the fact that he can't name a specific priest that he considers good indicates he has a general problem with priests. Let me explain by an analogy. Suppose a man had complaints about this woman or that woman, and didn't like them. His complaints might be valid or not, but his position wouldn't necessarily be unreasonable. But suppose some man had complaints about every single woman he knew, and considered all of them to be evil. Anyone could see that he has some sort of issue with womankind as a whole. There's a similar situation on this blog. It's all about complaints about almost all the priests in the trad world, and he can't name a single one that he recommends. Doesn't that indicate there's some other issue behind this? Some reason that he doesn't like the priesthood as a whole, aside from the specific reasons he gives?

    2. No, it doesn't. Are you not reading the comments? The priests go after anyone who they feel is competition! Cekada reads this blog. He reads anything that has his name mentioned. He will go after good priests to discredit them because he feels he is losing parishioners, and he is correct.

    3. Can you please be a little more specific about what you mean when you say "go after"? I don't quite follow what you're saying.

    4. This blog only "goes after" the priests that are generally recognized to be scumbags.

      Not all sede or trad priests are scumbags, as we have noted often. It's irrelevant whom we endorse. Suffice it to say that we endorse -- and are friends with very many -- both inside and outside the USA.

    5. Anonymous 12:25 AM, who wanted some examples of this writer refusing to name any good priests:

      This is what I was talking about. When asked specifically to name a priest he recommends, this writer never does so, as you can see in these answers he has given in this thread.

    6. Look at cathinfo in their crisis of the church section. Do a search of any of these priests and it will give you many examples. Look at a search of the Sgg scandal on Google, and it will give you plenty of examples of their defaming others.

    7. Somewhat more difficult if traveling thousands of miles but not impossible; with guidance from God and Our Lady clues are dropped. I have found several and continue to read the archives with pleasure.

      Pax Cristi+

    8. Happy reading! You'll find a lot out in those back posts.

  7. Maybe because the cult priests will go after the good ones to destroy their credibility of anyone is named? Have you ever noticed that anyone who tries to expose these men are labeled mentally unstable, jealous, etc? Why would these people expose good priests to this form of criticism?

    1. The word "cult" is a meaningless epithet that people use to insult a church they don't like.

      But to answer your question, any priest that this author would consider "good" would already be on the outs with SGG by definition, so what would he have to lose from having his name recommended on this site?

    2. We have nothing to lose by naming those good priests who despise Brooksville-SGG. It's simply not germane. It's sufficient to stipulate that we endorse, and even admire, many sede/trad priests outside the SGG/Brooksville cult. (And there are plenty, believe you us!)

    3. I'm sorry, I wasn't very clear. When I said "what would he have to lose," the "he" I was referring to was the priest himself.

      To rephrase: What would any priest that you consider good have to lose if you mentioned his name on this site, since he would necessarily already be on the outs with the clergy of SGG, or at the very least not care what they think?

    4. Anon 1:28, are you looking for a good priest or are you just trying to cause trouble? It seems to me the last

    5. To ask someone to recommend a priest they should go to is a question that should not require any further explanation.

    6. Why not research a good priest on your own?

    7. It's like this, there are SO many good priests out there, and a handful of bad ones who are generally associated with these cults. This blog tells you what not to go to, it is up to you to research and decide who to go to by process of elimination, association, and your own research. Seems to me that you have already decided to go to the cults though. By definition, these places are cults, not just labeled that way because of jealousy.

    8. Anon Dec 13 1:45 AM has made our argument for us, and brilliantly, too!

  8. Anon 12:27, do you have a connection to these priests? Have you noticed these priests discussed have no reserve to publicly humiliate, to try to discredit, to go after anyone who crosses them? Notice that they not only go after parishioners, but any clergy who they see as competition?

  9. Anon 12:27 & 12:33 - BINGO!

  10. Rather than ask the Reader if Ramolla involuntarily left St. Albert's to establish his apostolate in Europe, why not ask him personally? A "bishop" wouldn't lie, would he?

    He will certainly inform any inquirer that the lay board was prepared to offer him a contract for the permanent pastorship, from he himself had resigned earlier, but he chose to leave of his own accord. (At the time of his departure, he had been serving as pastor pro-tem.) He will also disclose that he was very close to receiving his green card, which he would have secured had he not deliberately elected to leave the sponsoring chapel. Most importantly, he will correct the timeline: He started St. Albert's soon after his removal from SGG in late 2009, and returned to Europe in June 2012. Therefore, he did not exit "at the end of the year following his termination from SGG," as Anon. 12/13 12:46 AM mistakenly alleges.

    The decision to leave was entirely his, and he was never deported, not even as a result of SGG's reporting his termination to the immigration authorities. If he had been deported, he would not have been able to visit the U.S. as he did on several occasions during his 3 years' residence in his native Germany.

    In sum, "Bishop" Ramolla is the author of his own condition and fully in control of his destiny. Pistrina welcomes his return to Tradistan because he offers a real choice to Gerties who have been vacillating over their decision to leave the cult. He has the energy and drive to turn his little storefront chapel into a viable alternative for the faithful who want to escape SGG but cannot bring themselves to affiliating with the SSPV, SSPX, or the CMRI chapels. With enough support, he stands a real chance of helping to close down cult central. If he does, he will have rendered a great service to traditional Catholics in Ohio. This blog only hopes that he will cure the doubts about his orders by seeking conditional re-ordination and re-consecration. Should he finally see the wisdom of this course of action, he will stand a good chance of succeeding in his new apostolate.

    1. I just cannot see Markus Ramolla being the cure for any Catholic Chapel. He is a product of the Pest House, and I happen to believe in the old adage " As The Twig Is Bent So Grows The Tree". His formation is rancid in more ways than one, and as far as him serving any Chapel it is foreign to HIS work ethic,and nature. He only serves God and man when both baskets are full. His breadbasket and the collection basket. Something Germany would never fill, hence his return to the land of good and plenty, and married woman to be exploited. (View Lay Pulpit) for past history, lest history repeat itself.

    2. We absolutely agree that Markus Ramolla is no cure, but he can be a temporary alternative for those cult-addled folks who need to transition from SGG to a better life. The Ramster is indeed from the same cat, but he's been declawed. The cult masters will never let him back, although a few years ago it looks as though he tried mightily to get back in their good graces by simulating a number of Masses in behalf of "One Hand" Dan. By returning and squatting in Dannie's turf, he'll be double cursed by the cult master. And that's why he can serve as a stopping point for ex-culties traveling the traddie underground railroad to find at last the genuine Catholic faith. Sure, Rammy is parlously close to cult central in outlook and affiliation, but he is at least one or two steps removed. And if he attracts Gerties and their wallets, then that's less money for Dannie's luxuries.

    3. This blogger is confused! This web-site is working feverishly to warn the unsuspecting faithful of the countless scoundrels in Traddie-ville, and doing an excellent job so far.

      However, the declawed alley cat as mentioned above has been well compensated with ferocious fangs that are every bit as lethal to the unsuspecting seekers of the Faith as the feline festering friars are in SGG.
      They are one and the same animal!
      As a matter of fact this cat is more dangerous to the passive innocent Catholics seeking soulful solace from the various camps of religious liars from wherever they fled, because he has not been center stage for awhile.

      His Strip Mall Store Front Mass Center in Mason Ohio, advertising the Traditional Latin Mass is bound to snare some poor soul, seeking peace on earth. His sign should read: " Beware, enter at your own risk."
      Honestly, these poor wondering souls deserve to be protected, "From the wild and wicked snares of the devil," as opposed to the Willful supporters of SGG.

      "Water seeks its own level!" So after all this time I would say that the parishioners of SGG are quite content in the bile of the sewer in which they support, as are the supporters of this mitered,maniacal, misfit.

      Let's never forget that the Mitered Markus was spawned and nurtured by the fancy friars of The Pest House and SGG. So why give our dollars to ANY devils? They only produce more devils. Admittedly, their underground railroad journey might be a bit slower, but in the end, they still wind up in the same place, AND RAILROADED.

    4. Watcher, I've lost patience for the phony baloney piety too. Not sure who is worse - the tight lipped women or the arrogant men - but both are a complete turn-off. Give me a salty Catholic who is real and honest any day over the pious fraud.

    5. Bishop Ramolla's recorded audio sermons are long and boring.

  11. How much did his miter cost again? I know it was reported & I was aghast at the cost.

    1. To the original “Anonymous” who stated that “it's common knowledge around SW Ohio that it was actually the author of this blog who was instrumental in having Bp. Ramolla removed from the United States the first time around, about five years ago.” That, sir (or madam) is a BALD_FACED LIE, as are many of the other things you stated. Either you are GROSSLY MISINFORMED, or you yourself are a BALD-FACE LIAR. As Pistrina proved (and PUBLIC RECORD can prove), your time-line for the alleged “deportation” was wrong to begin with (as was the accusation itself).

      Actually, the things you claim have NEVER been “common knowledge around SW Ohio” – just the OPPOSITE, in fact. As can be easily proven from public record, Ramolla was NEVER deported. As Pistrina rightly stated, he left SAG (St. Abbert the Great, where he was pastor) AND left the country – BOTH -- of his own free will. In fact, he had actually RESIGNED as pastor (as a cheap “sympathy-grabbing” ploy); but the church’s board (reluctantly) re-instated him.

      Leading up to that, Ramolla – in a plan to pave the way for him becoming SAG’s “bishoo,” conspired with others to discredit a man – a REAL bishop -- who sponsored” SAG at the time – and whom Ramolla saw as a “rival” for that spot (because “bishop” was always Rmolla’s goal, even back in his seminary days). With the collaboration of others, he trumped up charges of “misconduct” against this bishop, and brought forth false witnesses to that effect. The charges were later shown to be TOTALLY FALSE. But, at the time, a majority of the parishioners believed them; and two board members who supported the accused bishop were (illegally) ousted from the board (by Ramolla’s order)for defending him. (That was their reward” from Ramolla for saving his skin and giving him his job back.) Later, after incurring thousands in legal costs (for which the parish never reimbursed them), those two members got reinstated (only to be “voted out” by other board members still siding with Ramolla.

      Now one would think that Ramolla would have thanked these supporters of his for their loyalty – but he DOUBLE-CROSSED THEM too: he bought himself a miter (for $878.95) AND over $1000 worth of candles (plus perhaps more that we don’t know of), and then ABSCONDED with the loot, leaving his former “supporters” high and dry. THAT is the kind of SCOUNDREL you are supporting. BTW, if anyone wants to get the full story on how this rival bishop was falsely accused (and how the charges were later proved to be false), go to Lay Pulpit’s website, and read the following article, plus three others: “Revisiting Dr. Droleskey’s Diatribe, One Year Later” is the first. The other three are: “Lie No. 1: The ‘Association with Ryan Scott’ Insinuation,” “Lie No. 2: “The ‘Inappropriate Behavior with a Seminarian’ Accusation,” and lastly, “Lie No. 3: ‘Grooming’ of a Seminarian.”

      BTW, There was another Lay Pulpit article prior to those, with a point-by-point refutation of all of Droleskey’s accusations against the accused bishop; but the article is OVER 50 PAGES long (because the Droleskey article that it rebutted was that length too). We don’t recommend anyone reading that one, then -- for obvious reasons.

      But, to get back to the main points of this comment, “Anon’s” charges about “the Reader” are simply LIES. And His (or her) charges about the Reader being “ a priest hater” are downright hilarious! (Actually, the Reader and/or Pistrina HAVE recommended other priests’ operations at times: IC (Immaculate Conception) for one. But it is not Pistrina’s mission to be an “endorser” of priests or Mass centers, etc.; so “Anon’s” ranting and raving about that is irrelevant -- and betrays a VINDICTIVE “agenda.” So, Anon, take your false accusations somewhere else.

  12. So where's Ramolla getting all that money to found yet another church?? Who'd give money to someone who would buy an $878 miter?! And why is he coming back to SW Ohio when it's got all these other churches & where's he going to get parishioners in a land that knows the history? You'd think he's go somewhere where no one knows him. I hear that a tiny 'seminary' in KY is looking for a bishop. Why didn't he try that? What a tangled mess this all is!!

    1. He's got a supporter who has bankrolled him for the last few years. If he wants the money to keep flowing, he's got to come home where the bucks are.

  13. Yeah, he has some fool bankrolling him in SW Ohio for the time being. Ramolla likes to prey on gullible women, and this one’s as gullible as they came. He returned to the U.S. for the simple reason that he bombed out in Germany. Before he became a proiest, he was a gardener’s assistant in Germany, where he had only a “Berufschule” (trade school) education, not “Gymnasium” (high school) education. (That is, he never passed his “Abitur”) He wasn’t smart enough – so he made his way to America and went to Sandborn’s puppy mill in Florida (where one needs only to have a body temperature of 98.6*F. to get by).

    What Markus lacked in brains, however, he made up for in ambition, tenacity, and “nerve.” And, like Dolan, he’s not bothered by such a thing as a conscience.. The commenter who said “ask anyone in SW Ohio” knew full well that people outside of there COULDN’T, so it was a (seemingly) safe boast to make. But actually, it was a STUPID boast to make, for just about EVERYONE in SW Ohio could testify what a scoundrel he was (including most of his former parishioners at St. Albert the Great (now St. Teresa). We’re really surprised that “Anon” would stick his foot in his mouth and lie for Rammy as he did; if he opens his mouth again, this time it just might reach his tonsils.

    1. So why is this blog recommending and supporting such a scumbag? It makes no sense.

    2. I could be entirely off the mark, but the words of Juvenal ever leap to the fore of my increasingly aging and less-than-steel-trap brain: "Difficile est saturam non scribere."

    3. Anon Dec 14 4:40 PM

      In Tradistan, everything is relative, especially scumbaggery. We don't recommend him absolutely, just as an alternative for some Gerties so they can escape the biggest scumbags of all.

      For some of the hardened cultlings, the kind who are still clinging to Cult Central, going "cold turkey" by leaving the influence of scumbag clergy immediately and joining a chapel with a good priest, might be too much of a shock to their system. They might need to gradually accustom themselves to the new atmospherics.

      So just as a diver must go through decompression procedures to avoid the ill effects of the bends, so, too, must some culties slowly reduce the ambient high pressure of cult existence in order to return safely to the lower pressure of normal Catholic life. So our recommendation, you see, is merely to enable a smooth transition. Once people leave the cult, they learn to recognize clerical scum so much more quickly, and when they see one, they leave again. The important thing is to have some kind of decompression chamber, and the new venue may be of assistance to some.

      Please remember that our mission is to promote the shuttering of the SGG-Brooksville cult cabal and free the victims, so we welcome anyone who can contribute to effecting that end.

    4. Dear Anonymous 14 Dec 8:14 PM:

      Perfectly remembered and perfectly apt for the occasion. Allow us to complete the thought with a slight, but prosodically correct, alteration of the succeeding words of the eloquent goad from Aquincum:

      ...nam quis iniquae/tam patiens FAECIS, tam ferreus, ut teneat se [?]

  14. Anyone know much about Fr.Hall and Infant of Prague Catholic Church in the Cincinnati area?

    1. Fr. Hall is an “independent” who has a small chapel in Liberty Township, Ohio (in the greater Cincinnati area). It is called Infant of Prague Chapel. Its website ( gives all the information one needs to know to contact him, etc.

      Fr. Hall’s chapel is truly “independent” in the sense that he does not require people to profess “sedevacantism” (or any of the other shibboleths that cult-masters like Dannie and Tony conjure up) as “prerequisites” for being “Catholic.” He is actually a breath of fresh air in an otherwise toxic traddie atmosphere, where cultists like Dolan, Cekada, and Sanborn try to turn Catholics against one another with their cultish practices and their invented “issues.”

      Fr. Hall’s sermons are especially good; and we invite you to look up the website and see for yourself.

    2. Took your advice and looked into Fr.Hall.Thank you for the advice,he seems to be a good catholic priest.

    3. This was the one I discovered first a week or so ago and I 'love' the music there as well as the mission statement. Fr. Hall in addition to being well-qualified and true priest also has suffered enough for several people, through the actions of .... hmmm. ... with my limited grasp of every single fact from two weeks of reading tlp and pl seems that all the suffering causers are Americans.

  15. Please expand on these places being cults. I would enjoy a post or two on why these qualify as cults.

  16. Where, when & by whom was Ramolla made a bishop? Any pictures?

    1. We have no pictures, but Ramolla once said his consecrator was Dymek, who had been consecrated by Slupski. We think Dymek is/was running a chapel in KY.

    2. I thought the Bishop Dymek address was Wisconsin while sometimes alternating in Iowa?

  17. I believe that Slupski was consecrated by the Dominican, McKenna. Maybe some of that OP learning has rubbed off on him spiritually.

    1. That's correct -- about McKenna's consecrating Slupski, that is.

    2. I sincerely doubt that ANY of the OP learning has rubbed off on Bp. Slupski spiritually. Based on the fact that many men have stated that Bp Slupski solicited them to become priests, and did not care that they were married, and that they had no seminary training. Bp. McKenna,(may he rest in peace), made one big mistake when he consecrated Bp. Slupski.

    3. *De mortuis nil nisi bonum dicendum est*, but the dearly departed made more than one big mistake in consecrating unworthies. Many will be on display at the Saturday funeral Mass.

    4. Many lies and false rumors are circulating about Bishop Slupski.Dont believe everything second hand rumor you hear about Bishop Slupski.I say this in a friendly manner,not being arrogant.

  18. Which ones will be on display Saturday?

  19. From what we hear, Big Don and the "Boy Bishop" Neville. However, we feel certain that Wee Dan won't be able to resist being seen, so that everyone will think he's given his blessing to the occasion. Then there'll be the presence of The Clone, the Rrector's successor, and the Michigan deacon, as well as other assorted clergy. According to informants, there're telling the laity to pray so that there's enough room in the tiny Michigan cult annex to accommodate the visiting ledgy and religious. It's at 10 AM, so if you know anybody, call to get a report.

    1. What if your informants are wrong?

    2. Well if they're wrong, then more laity will be present in the chapel, we guess. However, we've seen an email that appears genuine, and it said that the space was limited to parishioners, family, and clergy. We'll all know soon enough.

  20. Who is paying for all the plane tickets? I hope them out of their stipend money.

    1. We doubt it. This will be considered "official 'Church' business," and hence, no doubt, the laity will no doubt be stuck with the bill.

  21. Why don't you people just go to Mass, attending the unbloody sacrifice of the cross which is of infinite value to God, confess your sins and receive absolution, and nourish your souls with the Flesh and Blood of Our Lord?

    What is more important than those things? And who cares about the history or personal intentions of a priest who provides those things? Surely they are far more important than all this petty speculation and judgment of the clergy? They're going to answer for their personal problems, whatever they are, not the laity. But the laity will burn in hell if they reject the Mass and sacraments that God has provided for them on account of their own anger towards the clergy, whether justified or not.

    You people in the Cincinnati area have received from God such a wealth of access to the means of grace that people in so many other places would give anything to have, with so many priests available to you, and all you care about is silly gossip and mind-reading about clergy and useless speculations about whether Fr. So-and-so is more concerned about himself or the care of souls. Who cares what he's concerned about? How can you possibly know anyway?! Doesn't he consecrate the Body and Blood of Christ on the altar? Isn't that more precious than all the money in the world?

    1. First off, a number of the priests in the Cincinnati area, viz., "One Hand" and those he's "ordained," may not be valid priests and thus may be unable to confect the Body and Blood of our Lord. Second, it's far from certain that some of these "priests" have been sent to the faithful by God. There might be another supernatural actor involved. Third, how priests comport themselves is at the very center of authentic Catholic life: as the Church has always known, unworthy men make the sacraments odious. Fourth, the merciful God has provided the laity with the means to salvation if a priest is unavailable, the act of perfect contrition, so they won't burn in hell for staying away from wolves in sheep's clothing.

    2. I think I would look at it this way: if I had a choice of doctors, why would I go to the doctor with a bunch of malpractice lawsuits against him? Do you research your doctor before having major surgery? Why wouldn't you be that much more careful with someone in charge of your soul?

    3. Very apt analogy. Bravo or brava (as the case may be)!

    4. Response to 1: The question about the validity of the sacraments has been answered long ago, but in any case the vast majority of the content of this site is not about the validity of the sacraments. It's about petty gossip like what they eat for dinner or whether they have rats in their refrigerator. That's about as silly, disgraceful and immature as those publications that obsess over Hollywood personalities and their private lives.

      Response to 2. These priests can confer the sacraments on the faithful. That comes from God.

      3. If you believe that priests' private lives are at the center of Catholic life, then it's obvious you don't know much about the Faith. Catholic life is about knowing, loving and serving God, worshiping Him in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, receiving the Sacraments, keeping the commandments, and keeping up an active union with God in prayer. A good Catholic minds his own business and is concerned with his own behavior and his own soul, and doesn't bother about the actions of others.

      4. Perfect contrition requires the intention to confess one's sins. If someone has a priest available but refuses to confess his sins to him because he doesn't like him, he will go to hell. Furthermore, even in a case where someone has no priest, he has no way to be sure his contrition was sincere enough to merit the forgiveness of his sins. That's why confession exists in the first place. Furthermore, someone who willingly deprives himself of available sacramental graces, because he doesn't like the priests he has, will most likely not have enough grace to avoid sin and save his soul. Again, there's a reason why the sacraments exist: it's because we need them and have a very difficult time saving our souls without them.

    5. To Anon, 12:40 PM, the case of a doctor is quite different in the sense that a doctor heals someone through his own skill and knowledge, while the graces from the sacraments that a priest distributes do not depend on his own holiness, but come straight from God, and are not diminished if they come through the hands of a sinful priest. This is the teaching of the Church.

      Certainly if someone has multiple priests available to him he should choose the man that he thinks is the best — that's obvious. But this author is telling people to stay home rather than go to priests he considers inferior, which would deprive them of sacramental graces that they need for their salvation.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Anon, 9:36, is this site not going after the two priests of Cincinnati? And are there not valid alternatives in Cincinnati? So, the site isn't exactly saying to stay at home (at least in Cinci) are they? Actually, they aren't endorsing Ramolla, but saying he is an additional alternative to these two men.

    1. The author of this blog tells people to stay home in almost every post of this blog.

    2. Anymore the longer I am around the alternative catholic traditional clique,sometimes in certain cities it may be best to stay at home on Sunday,few times a year.We are dealing with priest's who have no oversight or superiors.I myself am subject to a certain priest who has emotional issues toppled with creating drama and denying statements he made weeks earlier.

  24. Anon 9:36, actually, I have been told by many priests that they are like doctors for your soul. The healing gift/ skill of a doctor is not just his own, but given to them through the grace of God.

    Personally, I would not entrust my soul to a tainted priest. “The road to hell is paved with the skulls of erring priests, with bishops as their signposts.”
    St. John Chrysostom

    1. A priest is described sometimes as a doctor of souls, but not in the way that you mean. Even a sinful priest can sanctify people through the sacraments because the sacramental graces don't depend on the holiness of the priest. But someone who deprives himself of the sacraments voluntarily will almost certainly lose his soul.

    2. Is it your position that the faith has been endangered somehow? Can you please explain how.

  25. It is better that scandals arise than the truth be suppressed.--Pope St. Gregory the Great

    1. What is the context of this quote? What truth is he talking about, and what scandals? How do you even know this quote applies to what is going on here?

  26. “It must be observed, however, that if the faith were endangered, a subject ought to rebuke his prelate even publicly.”
    St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica II, II, q. 33, a. 45

  27. There is nothing so tiresome as having some twit (Anon. Dec. 19, 7:27 AM) play “holier than thou” and look down his nose at the rest of us, and sanctimoniously accuse us of gossip (while ignoring everything else that is said on the blog) – as if he never engaged in “gossip” himself. It reminds me of the SGG cultie who called a man “un-Catholic” for using the word “bullsh*t” to describe the lies that Dolan told about the man’s father. These pharisaic hypocrites always dodge the main point and instead pick on (or fabricate) some tangent point. Anonymous, if you don’t care for our discussion, keep it to yourself and mind your own business – and stop sticking your nose into ours?

  28. Is Baptism of Desire/Blood available for anyone or just Catechumens?
    I ask this in sincere curiousity.There are so many varying opinions on the Internet it's staggering.
