
Saturday, December 19, 2015


No one is so rich that he does not need another's help. Pope Leo XIII

FLASH! TRADDIE TRAVEL AND VAGUS VACATION ALERT! We  interrupt today's post to bring you news that Big Don will be vacationing in London at the end of December. Does this mean that there'll be TWO (count 'em, two!) wandering bishops wandering through London Town at year's end? Or was the invitation to "One Hand" rescinded? Or maybe our informant was misinformed.  We're thoroughly baffled. We'll just have to keep visiting the befouled "Bishop's (?) Corner" until we get an answer. Now back to this week's topic...

A recent comment about Tony Baloney's second edition of his painfully amateurish Work of Human Hands prompted this post. "One-Hand Dan" is pushing that piece of ill-written trash on his website (click here for the page) with an advert that suggests to us it may not be available on Amazon. A visit to Amazon's site uncovered nothing to indicate a new edition there. It seems, then, that Li'l Dan's cult center and bizarre bazaar could be the sole source.

That means it may be a while before we can get our (latex-gloved) hands on a copy. Therefore, we need some assistance from any of you out there who may have access to this second edition. We want to find out two things before we purchase a book that rightly should be banned for its incompetent execution and shop-worn content:
1. Did Checkie correct the blunders that Pistrina exposed in 2010 (and later)? and
2. In his preface to the second edition, did the Cheeseburger give Pistrina due credit?
The second question will be the easier to answer. If anybody out in cyberspace has a copy -- or can borrow a copy -- of this second edition, could you read the new preface (if there is one) to determine whether Tony Baloney did or did not acknowledge our hard work? If he did, then please email us at or notify us on the comments page for this post.

If he didn't publicly recognize our scholarly efforts to set him straight, we ask you to look at the body of the text to see if he made corrections. Given that Phony Tony made tons of blunders of all types, it wouldn't be realistic to ask you to read through our 2010 posts to see whether he made all the corrections. So, as an alternative to such drudgery, we've chosen one error in particular, which he certainly would (should?) have corrected, if he in fact corrected anything at all.
(We hedge a little here because the cult masters usually don't admit or fix their many goofs, as you all know, so he may not have corrected any of the blunders we highlighted. He may, however, have corrected the flaws Dr. Hull pointed out so as to ingratiate himself with the man who called for a second edition soon after the first was published.)
The botch we have in mind is found on page 320 of the first edition, right under the caption "FOR YOU AND FOR — ALL." We suspect that most of the pagination will have remained the same, but it may be off by a page or so. At the beginning of that section, Checkie was prattling about "tampering with the Words of the Consecratiion themselves." Right after that, he quoted the central text for the traditional Catholic argument against the Novus Ordo Missae and therein made a huge blunder: qui pro vobis et pro multis effundeter (!!). So, then, if he corrected his original, you should now see the word spelled as effundetur.

As we observed back in 2010, this was a very grave, perhaps unpardonable, boo-boo: Erroneous Antonius reads these words every time he consecrates at Mass. What's more, they are at the heart of the trad insistence on the invalidity of the New Mass. "How on earth," we asked at the time in head-shaking amazement, "did he miss that error." Accordingly, it stands to reason that if the Blunderer were going to correct anything, he'd fix that wailing howler first. Don't you agree?

Whatever help any of you can give will be welcome. If you find the change, we'll move heaven and earth to get our own copy of WHH 2.0 in order to check out all the corrections we offered. If it turns out he adopted them without acknowledging our invaluable assistance (as a honorable and real scholar would do), then we'll demand public recognition from him. (But we won't hold our breath.)


  1. You really are insane if you think Checkie will mention any of you or this blog - that would mean siucide for him.

    For all we know he's never once read any of this blogs' entries.

    1. Booklet "Thoughts Of The Cure D'Ars For Every Day" [my copy is dated 1930]: December 17th "One ought to pray earnestly, especially at the Ember Seasons, that God will give us good Priests. If they are Saints, what good they are able to do! But, whatever they are, never speak against them."

    2. Anon Dec. 20 3:33 AM:
      Of course we don't *think* he will acknowledge this blog's contribution. However, if he did make the corrections we proposed, he is obligated in justice to acknowledge the source of his enlightenment.

      We are morally certain that not only has he read our blog but he also continues to read it weekly.

      Anon Dec. 20 3:55 AM:

      Please see the two comments of Anon Dec. 20 4:35 AM.

    3. "We are morally certain that not only has he read our blog but he also continues to read it weekly."

      What's your evidence for this?

    4. Among the many indicators, both direct and indirect, are reliable reports that he has complained to others about the content of this blog. Moreover, if he didn't read this blog, he would be more of a fool than we had thought. We won't go into greater detail about all the indicators because it could compromise some individuals.

    5. To anonymous 5:08, as you can see from the response you got to your question, he doesn't have any evidence for such a ridiculous assertion. All this website has is unfounded rumors and gossip.

    6. To anon 10:25, type Cekada's name in any Google search engine. Cekada trolls many blogs. I wonder if he spends as much time trolling as he does administering to his parishioners?

    7. That doesn't prove that he reads this blog. Anonymous at 5:08 asked how this man knows Fr. Cekada reads this blog, and all he got in response was basically, "People tell me he does but I can't tell you who they are." That's called gossip and unfounded assertion.

    8. Anon. Dec. 20, 10:25 PM: I know for a fact that Dannie and Tony DO read this blog (and ours, Lay Pulpit); but why do we have to provide evidence of that to you, bird-brain? You claim that “all this website has is unfounded rumors and gossip.” Where is your proof of that? Actually, the main strength of this blog (and ours) is that it only prints the TRUTH (and backs it up with FACTS). And actually, it is YOUR assertion, backed up with NO EVIDENCE, that is “unfounded rumors and gossip.”

    9. That's right, Watcher. We told the pinhead that we had other indicators (which we wouldn't share with him), but he thinks he has a right to our private affairs. Let him ask Checkie Cheese-Master if he wants an answer (but don't expect transparency). Or, better still, he should check out the "Corner" and see for himself how often the cult masters "answer" us.

    10. I used to think very negative about this blog.To this day I still disagree roughly 40% of the time with the author's.
      With that said,many of the author's are educated and disagree with the stranglehold certain self proclaimed "authorities" have on the non-ecumenical Roman Catholic Church.Many of the issues and problems they shine light on are legitimate.I think it shocks people at first to see "the Big 3" not being treated like Urban II.
      Simultaneously,they (Big 3) don't shy away from acting like or being treated like the unofficial magisterium.
      Recently,a man asked about our local Catholic Chapel.
      One of thee first questions he asked was "Are you all on good terms with Sanborn,Dolan,and Cekada?" Keep in mind he lived 400-800 miles from the "Big 3".
      We have no problem with these fellas.At the same time hypothetically what would it matter if we were on bad terms?
      This attitude among the laity is encouraged by certain self appointed "authorities". (Or so it seems)

  2. “It must be observed, however, that if the faith were endangered, a subject ought to rebuke his prelate even publicly.”
    St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica II, II, q. 33, a. 45

    1. How is the faith being endangered?

  3. It is better that scandals arise than the truth be suppressed.--Pope St. Gregory the Great

  4. What is Arizona going to do when the new convent is built in Brooksville? According to their website pics, they don't have enough nuns to keep at both chapels.

    1. It's our hope that the people of Arizona are seriously looking for a new priest, because it won't be too long before they're left high and dry. They were actively searching a couple years ago. It's time to pull out those résumés they received and start interviewing. There are plenty of valid priests out there who'd welcome an offer, especially groups in Argentina.

  5. Who is the benefactor for the convent and cemetery? Where did they get the money for it? Permits are made for both a convent and cemetery?

  6. We heard there was a fund raising campaign that brought in the money for the convent.

    The cemetery probably didn't need too much upfront capital since they already had the land. That place will be able to pay for itself with all the traddies lining up to buy a plot. We're betting the fees will be HUGE. There'll probably be nothing left for the heirs.

    Wee Dan is probably green with envy at that money-making project. How much better is a cemetery than running a boarding school: no one will be able to leave and the cult'll get all the money up front! And just think of all the guilt-trip fundraising they can do for upkeep and maintenance!

    The idea is sheer capitalistic genius. We can't wait to see the prices.

    The question is, will "One Hand" demand a canonical portion of the funeral taxes/fees for Gerties who buy a plot? And will the Gerties have to pay for Dannie's own plot in the segregated section for the clergy?

  7. Take a look at hernando'so property website. According to the article above, the land is on Rosecrans street. Sisters of St. Thomas bought 4.25 acres for $67,500. Look at the plots around them! Mount pleasant missionary is a cemetery (seems no relation since the land was bought in 99). Brockman LLC(a parishioner with relations to the Selway priest in Brooksville) bought two plots of 4.25 and 4.25 acres for 67,500 and 110,000 on the same day as the Sisters of St. thomas! The Sisters of St. thomas bought another plot of 4.25 for $60,000. Wow... That is a lot of land these people are buying!

    1. It sure is. What does it all mean?

    2. I'm seeing two more plots by Queen of All Saints and St. Thomas. I also see a plot of land owned by the parishioner who testified in that article. The main contributor of that seminary also has a plot of land!

    3. One looming question for any prospectives buyers of plots is, Who's going to keep up the cemetery in the years to come? Do they have a perpetual maintenance foundation, r does it all depend on the continued operation the the cult. When Big Don's personality is no longer around, we don't think the successors will be capable of generating the same level of support.

    4. If Don's take on things ends up being correct with the passage of time his successor won't have trouble finding people to continue the upkeep. That's why Don has his April 2017 Important Announcement. Some people agree with it 100%. He is setting up the situation as best he can before he dies. That's how it looks to me, someone who will not be among those in the Brooksville cemetery.

  8. Why did they break up the land in 4.25 parcels? Yet, the article says 16 acres? How many more acres are they going to buy up? Are they expanding this land to have the families of that church make a compound so no one knows what is happening in that place? This all sounds like the fundamentalist Mormons buying up a town in order to do what they want and to follow their own laws.

    1. That's a very good insight: they're going underground like Jonestown. Who knows what headlines we'll read someday?

  9. What fundraising campaign? They have a convent in Arizona, but they need one in Florida too? Who is stupid enough to build a second convent for less than 15 nuns?

    1. We think they're going to bring all the nuns back to the Brooksville Compound and leave Arizona hung out to dry. They can't afford two convents: it's got to be one, seated at the cult's heart.

    2. Sources tell us the fundraising campaign was conducted quietly among the cultlings as well as among anonymous supporters in other states (NY, VA, etc.).

    3. Yes to VA; know a parishioiner at the Carrolton VA chapel who almost certainly did - their view of Don = 'he's 100%' Carrolton is a satellite church.

  10. Pistrina Liturgica.

    Someone made the comment to pray for priests but never speak about them.What planet are these people on.As you and others have said many times,we have a moral and God given duty to speak up when we see so called bishops and priests do untold damage to well meaning souls.We are in disgust at someone trying to turn a blind eye and say nothing.Why don't they ask the souls who have been hood winked in deception and been hurt.As someone said before,the law of detraction doe's not apply if there is a grave risk of damage to the public.We are truly amazed at such garbage people write.They deserve our prayers to wake up.

    Have a great Christmas.

    1. Good thoughts. Thanks.

      We think these people are afraid to look too deeply into these priests' and bishops' records. Their faith must already be weak, otherwise they would not be so vested in mere men. They haven't your strength -- the strength to recognize and speak out in defense of the faith against terrible clerical behavior. Therefore, these weak souls bury their heads in the sand, pretend nothing has happened, and condemn those who make it hard for them to ignore the truth about their unworthy clergy. They're the ones who keep tradition Catholicism in the grips of the self-interested cult masters.

      A happy and holy Christmas to you, too.

    2. Pistrina Liturgica is so right! What planet are these people from? Traddie-ville has no problem tearing apart all of the Novus Ordo clergy, including the head of that rancid institution in Rome.

      Perhaps if the now Novus Ordo had Criticized more, we would not be in the boat we are in today.

      Think about it!

      St. Thomas Aquinas is right! Far better to correct an erring priest in public than to ever lose the FAITH for the sake of not criticizing the erring Priest. Don't say it cannot happen! We are living proof of the devil's plot against Holy Mother Church, and the stealing of Our Universal Faith from within.

      Keep up the good work Pistrina Liturgica. I for one am grateful for all your efforts to keep an eye on some of the erring priests who answer to no Ecclesiastical Law, for there is no Juridical Power,so they make it up as they go.

      Have a Blessed Christmas.

    3. How right you are on every count!

      What we find hypocritical is that all the Traddies love to blame the people in the '60s, '70s, and '80s for not standing up to the evil that surrounded them. But now that they have the chance to speak out against wrongheaded clergy, they clam up and quote St. John Vianney that no one can criticize a priest.

      They can't have it both ways. Either shut up about the past or condemn these maggots today.

    4. I know a man who made his first communion in 1949.Catholic to the core up until 2 or so year's ago.He is currently in process of slowly losing his faith.
      Our Era is rough/tough on the average layman in various ways.
      Please pray and go easy on the ones in your life.We seem to be a shoe string away from landing in this man's station in life if we let the garbage and gossip take center stage in our iives.

  11. I have contacts at Sgg and Brooksville centers. They run things like cults. There are the chosen few that they include in decision making because they donate big money. Don't question the priests or mess with the main families or watch out for what is to come!

    I have been told the nuns and clergy are spoiled and have their chores done and meals made for them.

    You have reported that at both schools there are only a handful of families. Why is this? Is it academic? Do they only let certain families in? Is it bizarre rules? Is it because attendance is so low at these churches that no children are available to attend? Why?

    I think a congregation has to question the priests because there is no authority anymore. If a congregation doesn't question, who will hold these people to the moral standards that they are suppose to be upholding and giving the example to the people who follow?

    1. Yes, people have to understand that there is no accountability in the trad movement. It's interesting how the cult masters, in their efforts to mimic the Church of yesteryear, consciously choose not to emulate the structures that held priests accountable for their actions.

      The only way to hold these men to the straight and narrow is for the laity to stop giving these adventurers money. Money's the only language they understand.

      These guys wouldn't have the life they live now if they just had to rely on the big donors. Since the main benefactors won't demand good behavior because they'd lose their special privileges and exemptions from the rules, it's up to the rank and file to insist the cult clergy change their ways by withdrawing financial support.

  12. You are full of surprises with the recent news about (?)bishop Ramolla.Do you have any idea how many are supporting his new chapel.It is interesting that Dolan and Checkie have made no comment.A blessed Christmas to you too from a very supported family of your fine expose of sedeland.

    1. We've been looking into the new chapel, but we have no firm figures to report. We hear it's less than 10 people, with one person footing most of the bill right now. But we can confirm nothing. Dannie and Checkie won't say anything as of yet, but we're sure "one Hand" won't be able to resist a comment soon. They say the phone lines are humming with "missionary" activity! There's been radio silence from Rammy's site, with no updates since caudate Sunday. Trying to fly under the cult radar?

  13. Since the St. John Vianney quote is legit, what is one to make of it? Or is it only about PRIVATE things?

    Or actually one should not quote it at all, since the Saint was supposing normal times and AUTHORITY were there to begin with.

    1. The St. John Vianny quote may have been “legit” in that it was actually made, but that doesn’t mean that he was universally applicable – nor does it mean that he was infallible. On the contrary: saints have often been wrong – in some cases, even on doctrinal issues. To claim that absolutely NOTHING can be said against bad clergy is NONSENSE (and against Catholic teaching). Besides, one can “prove” whatever he wants, depending upon which saint he selectively quotes.

      Common sense (and Catholic teaching) tell us that one who is doing spiritual harm must be exposed, no matter what kind of collar he is wearing. And as for St. John’s quote, there are many more quotes from other saints (including those from St. Thomas Aquinas, who is considered the GREATEST doctrinal authority of the Church) that trump whatever St. John said – not to mention, what several popes said on the subject).

      Many of the culties who invoke St. John’s quote (in order to squelch any criticism of their favorite scoundrel) conveniently FORGET about the OVERWHELMING preponderance of quotes (and Catholic teaching) that supersede what the Curé had to say. He may have been a saint, but he was not God, nor was he a pope – which means that he’s not infallible. He undoubtedly meant (in his quote) not to engage in UNDUE criticism of clergy (who otherwise did good) – but not as a universal “blanket” stricture against any and all criticism – and those who claim that he did are simply WRONG.

    2. Perhaps the curé was so good and innocent that he found it impossible to imagine that truly despicable men could ever attain the Roman Catholic priesthood.

  14. Excellent comments Watcher.It has been amazing how some faithful have sat back in the past and done nothing about bad clerics in sedeland.It appears this could be changing and it is the fine work of this website that is leading the expose.It truly shocks us how certain clerics have done damage(which they will have to make account for before God)even destroying these well meaning souls faith and finally giving the whole thing away and their so called ordaining bishops don't even say one word.Silence speaks volumes and is really has a don't care attitude.Our family saw numbers of problems with Mt St Michael/CMRI in recent years and is was just basically ignored by bishop p.A utter disgrace.

  15. We too know a number of good people who were hurt by some sede clerics and stay home now.It would be good if more would come forward and tell their experience's.

    1. More people must come forward. Their testimony, like yours, will help others to leave these disgraceful "clergy." Their witness will serve as a warning to all "priests" that they must clean up their acts or starve.

  16. People will not come forward due to the retaliation of these priests. Cekada kicking parishioners out of sgg for not backing up Lotarski. Sgg selling Columbus' chapel and taking their funds. The retaliation shows true christian charity, right? These men and their hold they have on their followers are a disgrace to Catholics. People are so desperate for the sacraments (and rightfully so), that these men are able to hold it over their heads. How sad

  17. You are absolutely, 100% correct. And the cult masters know it and bank bank on their fears.

  18. This reminds me of a line in Trinity by Uris to the effect that all this makes a man want to return to the holy roman church.

    1. Very apt!

      The Restoration of the Church will involve her rescue (1) from the depredations of the Novus Ordites and (2) from the disgraceful horrors of the traddie cults.
