
Saturday, May 7, 2016


Editor's Note: Today's post continues our open letter to "Discipline Donnie," with Part B of the exam we introduced last week.

How timely (ironic?) it is that this post occurs on Mother's Day weekend, since, as you'll soon find out, it seems that moms, not children, are the ones to be seen and not heard.

OK, Don. Stop, and put your pencil down. Now, Boy! It's time to move on to the essay section. Write as much as you wish, and take all the time you need.

B. Long Essay. In each numbered item below, you will find typed in bold-face a summary statement of one of the many reports we have about your "school" followed by prompts in plain typewriting, to which you must respond in a well-organized essay. Spelling and grammar count, Don, so do be careful: This isn't the MHT newsletter.

1. It was reported that a young girl's classmates maliciously teased her about her weight. According to the account, the "priest" in charge did not intervene to stop the cruel harassment. Moreover, his unfeeling response was something to the effect that she is fat; she should lose weight if she doesn't want people making fun of her.

(a) If, after investigation, you deny the report, you may say so and then give the reasons for your denial. If you discover that the report is true but that (1) you do not approve of the administration's failure to act and (2) you abhor its callousness, narrate the remedial steps you will take to make sure something so uncharitable never occurs again. Also describe in detail the medicinal and vindictive disciplinary actions you will initiate against the administration.
(b) If the account is accurate, and you do approve of the administration's failure to intervene and the "priest's" stone-hearted observation, explain how his reaction upholds the Church's teachings about charity, in particular the precept to be kind, helpful, and courteous to superiors, equals, and subordinates.   Specifically, be sure to address how his failure to intervene "promotes politeness in which charity flourishes," of which the moral theologians write (Dictionary of Moral Theology, p. 1205). Additionally, be sure to justify why the administration's grave failure to correct the youthful bullies' error should not be considered a violation of the parents' rights with respect to their children's moral education. Finally, cite instances from the Gospels where our Lord modeled similarly cynical, uncaring treatment of afflicted children. (E.g., in your cult copy of the New Testament [perhaps, the Do-I-Ream-'Em-Out-Or-Don't-I! version?], does Jesus tell the motionless 12-year old daughter of Jairus, "Girl, tough luck. If you had wanted to live, you shouldn't have died"?)

2. The "school" is promoted as offering a top-notch education, yet numerous reports insist three lay "teachers" have no formal background in education at all, and one of them is only a high-school "graduate" who began teaching there the summer after her graduation from your "school." (We have no confirmed reports yet on the formal educational background of the "religious" or the "priest" in charge.) As a stern caution, Don, MHT completion doesn't count as formal training for service as an educator — or a big-box-store greeter,for that matter — so don't mention it in your answer.

(a) List all the teachers at the "school," including lay, "religious," and "clerical." Next indicate the (accredited) university degree(s) they possess along with their majors and minors, the subject areas in which they teach, the certification they hold to be able to teach in those areas, and the years of experience they have in teaching children in a formal educational setting under appropriately trained and credentialed supervision. 
(b) Explain how lack of an (accredited) college degree in education and no certificate or license shows that the "teachers" are still endowed with a vocation or calling to teach, a quality that Catholic moral theology demands of a successful teacher.

3. It has been reported from several sources that many mothers have unsettling doubts about your "school," but, under the influence of cult "clergy," the dads insist their kids continue attending despite the moms' serious misgivings. Moreover, the accounts say that cult "clergy" principally target the men in an effort to keep students enrolled and the high tuition rolling in.

(a) In his Handbook of Moral Theology, Prümmer teaches that "the wife is pay careful the education of her children" (463.c). Whether or not you deny the practice of targeting spineless fathers, explain in theory how the deliberate exclusion of the mother in the decision-making process about her child's (children's) education can still enable her to fulfill her peculiar obligation as a Catholic wife and mother?
(b) Would not a one-sided strategy of targeting husbands constitute a tacit admission that there are problems with the "school"? Are you not trying to hide from "mother's intuition"? Furthermore, would not such a divisive practice undermine spousal unity and disrupt the peace of a Catholic family, "the first form of the Church on earth"? Furthermore, does not such a diabolical scheme in fact foment hellish discord in the most basic unit of the Church?
(WARNING: In framing your answers, Don, bear in mind that your cult is NOT part of the Church, while every Catholic family is part of the Church; consequently, every Catholic family is above you and your "clergy," who do not belong to the clerical state. To be brutally candid, Don, your "school" is not Catholic in the strict sense. You are therefore forbidden here to assert in the name of the Church that your cult may assume a total educational rôle or that Catholic parents are bound to send their children to your "school." We will deduct points if you even so much as intimate your cult represents the Church and has rights above those of parents.)
4. A persistent complaint, constantly repeated since your years in Michigan, is that the rules aren't for everyone, that some families and their kids get a pass while others must pay the full penalty for a rules' infraction.

(a) Explain why it is not a sin against justice to show unjust preferences.
(b) What answer do you give to those parents who question why certain students or families receive more favorable treatment than others?

5. One recurring concern coming from different parts of the nation is that parents, especially the dads, are led to believe their children will go to hell if they do not attend a cult school.

(a) If the report is true and you endorse the content of the threat, explain what authority, doctrine, or personal charism allows cult leaders outside the Church to affirm that children who do not attend the cult's "school" will suffer eternal perdition?
(b) If the report is not true, list the reasons cult "clergy" would never tell a parent his child would end up damned if he or she did not attend the cult "school."
(b) If the report is true but you acknowledge that anyone who uttered such an impious asininity is out of line (to say the least), what steps have you undertaken to re-educate and punish these adult offenders under your control?

Editor's Note: The exam will continue next week with the final section, part C, multiple choice.


  1. In response to number 3, that might be because God chose the father, not the mother, to be the head of the family and to make decisions about where the children are sent to school. I guess this also answers number 5.

    This might be news to you in your public-school-oriented world, but over here in the Catholic Church this is what we believe.

    1. Well, of course, St.Paul declares men the head of the house, yet he also has a command for the husband, "husbands, love your your wives, as Christ also loved the church, and delivered himself up for it:

      It seems to me that the cult masters enjoy quoting the first part of St. Paul, without recognizing the second part.

      So, would a Catholic wife submit to her husband, of course! UNLESS it goes against the fairh. This obviously is a case where the wives feel that submitting to the demand to put their children into a "Catholic", in name only, school, would be compromising the children's Catholic faith and physical well-being of their children. A true Catholic husband would listen to his wife's concerns. A True Catholic husband would not send his children to a school like this in the first place.

      I'm guessing this is why SGG has so few students. That the parents realized it wasn't a true Catholic school, one where they would not risk jeopardizing their child's faith.

    2. Well said, Anon. May 7, 11:39 PM.

      There's now no need for us to enlighten Anon. 11:19 with a slew of quotations to show how little he understands Catholic teaching on this matter, which is so much richer than he can imagine.

      We imagine that 11:19 must think that a mother would not be able to gainsay her husband if he decided to put their children's lives recklessly in danger. And obviously 11:19 chose to ignore the citation from Prümmer.

      Anon 11:19 is definitely NOT a citizen of the Catholic world. He's a cave dweller from darkest Cultilandia.

    3. And what about the homes who don't have Catholic fathers? Do the wives still submit to their husbands? Or do they follow their faith and what is right?

      These places don't sound Catholic. I don't think the women should submit to non-Catholic teachings. It seems as though Anon 11:19 is implying to submit even if there is an actual Catholic justification not to submit.

      What are the alternatives for these families? How many men leave their wives and children, due to these cult leaders' advice? How many families at MHT send their children to this school? How many have an alternative form of schooling? What is the retention rate here (school and church)? Are they as scandalous as SGG? What is being done to stop the abuses of the school?

      Please tell me how many parishioners are at this Church? Break that down to how many are families? Break that down to how many are related? Break that down to how many are related to the priests there?

      I want to know more about who is teaching? Three lay teachers and how many nuns teaching how many grades and how many students? Who are these lay people? Are they prirst related too?

      If tuition is asked, where does the money go? How much is tuition? How many students? Let's figure out the profit from the school. How long has this school been in business?

    4. These are good questions that go beyond this one case, and should be asked of all of the groups.

      It seems to me that in many cases of the "traditional" chapels, certain families or individuals get a higher degree of power within the group.

      But, I guess, once people get past the false front of these groups, it will be clearly seen that they are just private organizations which run by their own private rules. No one is governing or overseeing them, they can do what they want as far as they feel they can get away with it.

    5. I should have added to my post above, that as these groups are private organizations, Catholics should be aware that they have no obligation in justice in regards to them: no obligation to support, to attend Mass or receive sacraments at their centers, to be married at their chapels, etc. The precepts of the Church are laws that bind Catholics to the parishes/clergy that are lawfully established/sent by legitimate authority.

    6. "How many men leave their wives and children, due to these cult leaders' advice?"

      Um, zero??

      Actually, I've heard of numerous cases of people receiving the exact opposite advice from this, i.e., to stay with their spouse no matter what.

      Can you please provide an example of this accusation?

    7. Yes, there is currently a former cop who was encouraged to leave his wife and move to Florida because the wife and kids were going to hell. The entire congregation knows the story because he tells everyone himself that Sanborn encouraged him to leave them because they were hopeless cases. He idols sanborn. Does that help?

  2. How does 5 have anything to do with 3? I'm confused.

    1. We had the same question. Beats us. Anon 11:19 pretty much marches to his own non-Catholic drummer.

  3. Anon 11:19 must be a cult enabler. A running dog for Dolan/Cekada/Sanborn.

    The writings/doctrine of the Apostle St Paul is NOT important to him.

    What is important to him? Whether such writings/doctrine can be distorted or abused to serve the nefarious ends of his cult, his false gods. That is what matters to him and his ilk; that is his guiding principle in all his actions.

    1. You have perfectly described that yelping, cult-addled, overcompensating cur 11:19.

      As the Terrible Trio's ignorant lapdog, like his masters, he's unaware that moral theologians (v.g., Tanquerey and Merkelbach) as well as the Roman Catechism use the plural parents, not just the singular "father," when discussing parental educative duties.

      Contrary to what misogynistic trad American psychos have been taught by their malformed, illicit "clergy," the wife is not the husband's slave girl or maidservant (ancilla) but his worthy companion or very deserving sharer (condigna socia). In other words, the male head of the household is not a domestic Caligula, but rather a wise King Ferdinand in partnership with his remarkably able and influential Queen Isabella, who contributed so very much to the success of the Catholic Kings.

      Furthermore, Catholic theology doesn't demand that the wife endure whatever stupidities a reckless, gullible, and misinformed spouse happens to inflict on her and the family. If dear ol' dad gives irrational orders (irrationaliter præcipiat) or manages the household affairs incompetently (gestioni sit ineptus), then good ol' mom incurs no sin if she takes over.

      And in our book, not heeding a mother's sincere concerns about the welfare of the children she bore is the height of irrationality.

    2. The Reader,

      You are right, as always. But we can't expect any rationality (or any human decency) from the cults and their enablers, can we?

      These cults distort and misrepresent Catholic teaching (and pre-V2 practice) at every turn. How can parents, in good conscience, send their children to the cult's supposed "Catholic schools"? There is no surer way to doom the children to the eventual loss of faith.

      They truly have eyes and see not.

    3. You're right: these poor kids are doomed in every respect: educational, social, and religious. We really feel sorry for the frightened mothers, who know their kids are suffering but feel powerless under the oppression of "clergy" and their clueless husbands. If they only knew that by standing up to these bullies, they'd win.

    4. Hi, Reader

      This is where YOU come in. You (together with the members of the editorial board) are sorely needed by the said oppressed mothers.

      Just wondering: do these oppressed mothers know about your website? And more importantly: that they can get true Catholic moral teaching right here; which will enable them to see through the false substitute peddled by the cult "clergy"?

      On a practical level, is it feasible for these mothers to contact some government agency (e.g. Social Services?) to move their children out of harm's way, i.e. get them out from the cult "schools"?

      I don't live in USA; I am living in South East Asia - so I don't know whether there is some government agency that is relevant and could step in, in this particular situation.

    5. Social services is not who to contact. They just cause more trouble.

      My guess it depends on Florida, Ohio, and Arizona laws. What would you be reporting? That the schools are there for their financial benefit and the kids education is suffering? That happens everyday in private and public schools. Would you report it is a cult? Again, cults are everywhere, and they are not against the law. Would you report unusual punishments? Unless abuse, it is Still not against the law. Would you report the finances? Unless you have a trail of paperwork, you can't prove anything.

      These men know what they are doing. They know nothing can be reported with substance. The only thing anyone can do is expose them for the truth.

  4. I am saddened to say that all of these chapels are governed by their own respective Corporate Rules, and CEO's. Some are governed fairly, most are not.
    There is one thing that we should all bear in mind, and that is: anything you take out of your pocket, and put into their deep pockets, is no longer yours.

    You only get the benefit of the tax write off if they have a 501c3. At no time do you have a voice that goes against their establishment, unless you be labeled a TROUBLE MAKER.

    Your job as a good Parishioner is to: Pray, Pay, and Obey.

    However, bear in mind no matter what you PAY, it will never be enough, and it will never buy you any kind of status, unless your Bucks are Big.

    Here is a very simple survival formula to follow in traddie-ville:

    It is their property by virtue of ownership. It is bought by you, but owned by them. Therefore, they make the rules, that you support, until you say. " enough is enough".

    To quote the READER of this Blog, "STARVE THE BEAST", by supporting good humble priests who follow the faith, and not your wallets.

  5. Every other traditional chapel I've been to has wished the parishioners who are mothers a happy Mother's Day both in the bulletin and from the pulpit during the weekly announcements. Nothing from MHT this morning. Is this indicative of how they feel about mothers?

    1. We're sure it is. Even Dannie wished the Gertie gals a happy Mother's Day.

      The pesthouse cult leaders probably don't want the mothers getting too uppity around there. They know that many of the moms are deeply concerned about what's going on at the "school," so they must have decided to snub them all, including those of the Big 3. They may be hoping the kids will get the message that mother doesn't count, even on a day when the whole nation pauses to show its gratitude and love.

    2. Another example of the trad patriarchy's true feelings for women. We hope that Anon May 8, 5:37 PM will report on what the bulletin says on Father's Day. Who wants to bet that there'll be a big announcement for the old boys on June 19?

    3. Sanborn has a sermon online about Mother's Day from years ago (it doesn't list the date.). He wishes mothers a happy mother's day and then spends the next 20 minutes telling them how most women don't act like good mothers anymore. Is it even necessary to go into that since most mother's at mht aren't like the "average" mother. How many moms going there work, are on birth control, do not kneel before their husbands, temptresses of men, etc? Why lay into them about things that don't even apply to them? You can plainly see his sermon wasn't actually wishing mother's a happy mother's day, but showing his disgust of women. Why would he not have said what a joy or influence a mother can be and why we should honor them on not only this day, but many others for all that they do? He's crazy

    4. I agree! Even if he (the priest on Sun) didn't want to do that, how about a sermon on the Blessed Mother?

    5. What was the sermon about on mother's day?

    6. Our tech guru examined the site (click here) and found 2 sermons for May 8:

      "Pentecost, Confirmation, and the Modernists"


      "Spiritual Communions"

    7. Yes, confirmation and Pentecost.

    8. How about simply sticking to the Gospel like the priests used to do back in the day? When was the last time you've heard a sermon on the Holy Ghost? The Gospel was ripe last Sunday for a great sermon about being thrown out of the synagogue, & how we will be persecuted as Christ was persecuted. Isn't that scenario being played out today? He was forewarning us. We could have been so strengthened by a sermon on this Gospel! Mothers' Day is a secular holiday & could have been mentioned but let's stick to the Gospel for the sermon. You can't go wrong there. Well, I guess some priests can manage to mess the message up, but on the whole STICK TO THE GOSPEL and stop going off on tangents. The sermon shouldn't be the person of the priest speaking, it should reflect Christ's words to us.

  6. Let's assume that number one actually happened, for the sake of argument. Why would it be unkind to of anyone? Let's also assume this is a young child and not a high school student. Whose fault would it be for a child being overweight? In my experience, it is either the parents' fault or a medical issue. Kids will be kids (and as Cekada pointed out, boys will be boys); yet, as a parent, educator, or any adult, would it not be the right thing to correct the child or children who are doing the criticism or any misdeeds, instead of justifying it? In addition, what a poor example that these children are being given when the adult participates in this criticism. It is truly not catholic.

  7. That was meant to say: why would anyone be unkind to another.

  8. My original question last week got lost in the shuffle, so let me ask again. This year's group school picture at SGG shows 15 students as opposed to last year's picture with 21. How many of the 15 are Lotarskis and about how many families do the rest represent? It's good to see the decrease - hopefully it will continue.

  9. To the best of my knowledge the Lotarski's have 3 children left in SGG. 6 have graduated, and of them, 3 I believe have gone onto college.
    There is another large family in SGG that are replacing the Lotarski brood. As far as any other families attending SGG, I have no idea.

  10. We are parents who just had issues with Queen of All Saints and MHT with Sandborn and Selway...they are nothing but a pharasiac bunch of uncharitable,controlling freaks. We had our children in their school over the last two years after ling years of Catholic homeschooling...the last two tears was a parent's worst nightmare...they try to usurp all parental authority...We rejected their cultish school and church..they do nothing to help these poor children to practice the 12 Catholic virtues but teach them,materialism, and all sort of nonsense...Sandborn is the meanesr arrogant man and Selway has temper and denial,issues....The vice principal is like Lady Macbeth" look like an innocent flower but be a serpent under it" Most of the false nuns are there...mean and controlling and spoiled. The whole thing is a joke
    Will write a whole article about them soon. They are not Catholic period. Sandborn hates children and indoctrinated the 5 main,families him,and Selway control . Selway told us that only those obeying Sandborn will go to heaven. That includes the family clique and his own . How presumptious!!! Selway would lie to your face all,the time...he favors his family. He is a pathetic daddy's boy who never left his family. So are the false nuns there. They squeeze all the money from good working families to,indulge into fake!!! Selway only drink perrier water! They have no proper school,building,labs,gym,etc,no qualified teachers since, yet they charged tons of money for their controlling uncharitable family run school. Glad and thankful to God to be out of the evil cult!!

    1. Thanks so much for your input. We look forward to reading the article. Maybe some other parents will wake and get their kids out of that rotten place. It is NOT Catholic.

    2. How much do they charge for tuition per year?

    3. Tuition is rumored to be over $3000 per student, not including fees, uniforms, and supplies. This really wouldn't be so bad if it was for a qualified school, with qualified teachers, and an actual curriculum. This is with lack of qualified teachers, no sports, no clubs, no volunteer opportunities (cleaning for the nuns doesn't count), no science lab, no gymnasium, insane rules, giving up parental authority, and no consistency...according to what has been written, if true that is.

      Also, keep in mind that while $3000 is doable for most 2 children families, we aren't talking a traditional catholic family, where families average above 6. So, parents would be giving them 18,000 plus any other fees for a non-Catholic, untrained education. An average family makes how much? Then, they have to turn around and give how much to Sanborn for his Church on Sundays? And how much for second collections for building and seminsry funds? I'm guessing these aren't average families though, correct?

      Yet, the priest is drinking special water? What else kind of luxuries are they given? We realize from your articles that the children are their servants, house cleaners, etc. It is also noted that someone cooks for them. Did they skip a vow of poverty?

      How long as this school been opened and who has been getting this money all these years?

    4. Anon May 9 2:10 PM

      While there are some very well-off families, we don't think everybody down there is rolling in cash. We'd guess that even those with good, middle-to-upper-middle-class incomes must have to sacrifice quite a bit to keep the cult afloat if they have several school-aged children

      We'd appreciate it if someone could confirm the annual tuition per child and how long the place has been in operation.


      Kindergarten 3000
      Grades 1-12 $3500
      Discount on 3rd child of 10 percent

      Book Fees:
      K: 120
      H.s. 175
      Computer lab: 50
      Chemistry lab: 50

      Uniform: dennis uniform

    6. Their site says it began in October 2003. So, that means they have been getting this money for over 10 years

    7. It also lists 4 lay teachers, 2 priests, and 8 sisters as the faculty.

    8. The one lay teacher that they list states she graduated in nursing in 1951,but she has been teaching children since 1953. Is she a teacher or a nurse?

      It states she teaches high school science, middle school spelling (what middle school still has a spelling class?) amd middle school literature.

    9. Excuse me, "and" not amd" typo.

    10. Computer fees for students who are not suppose to be on computers?

      Lab fees for chemistry when it states above there is not a lab?

      A 10 percent discount after third child means a family of 3 is still paying over 10,000 after tuition and fees. How many trad families have only 3 students? How many students are in this school?

      4 lay teachers between arizona and Brooksville or just at Brooksville? So, not only are the nuns needing help with cleaning and cooking, they need help teaching too? Amazing!

    11. I think they may be using the term "teaching children" loosely as in how a parent "teaches" their child. I have been "teaching" my children since the moment they were born.

    12. Ok, I guess every mother is qualified to teach because they have been "teaching" since their children were born. This school isn't needed,correct, since many mothers have been teaching already at home for at least 5 years (kindergarten age) and taking their children to at least SUNDAY Mass, if not more?

      I think that "teaching children" was used to imply she really has been teaching for that long or holds some kind of degree though. Nursing school in the fifties would be what, a 2 year degree? So, they have a 70 year old teaching with recent high school grads and inexperienced nuns. This makes the school qualified and top notched? I can't wait to hear about the school's curriculum if these are the top of the line teachers!

      Another question: why not list the other 3 lay teachers? Or are they just as unqualified or less qualified as this one?

    13. As a mother "teaching my children" I wasn't implying that I was experienced to teach in a school. Sarcasm doesn't come across well on the internet.

    14. I'm sorry, the sarcasm wasn't meant for you. It was meant for the school. I apologize for my lack of clarity.

    15. And for the record, I believe all mothers are able to teach their own children, especially with all the guidance offered today from the homeschool groups, Internet programs, actual curriculums one can buy, tutoring centers, and such. Catholic schools are ideal, but not a school like this, if the descriptions are accurate.

  11. The $elway FAMILY has BIG BIG BUCKS! So BIG, that Bishop $anborn moved to Florida just to keep them happy. They are the main source of $anborn's Revenue, along with a few other Big Contributors.

    Selway is being prepped for a position of power, just because of his powerful family and their funds. Certainly NOT for his priestly credentials.

    Bishop Kelly employed the same tactic when he made A Selway The Mother General of The Daughter's of Mary. She had no experience or credentials, either.
    Her Credentials according to Traddie-Ville $tandards was THE CASH COW that backed her, THE $ELWAY MONEY!

    You always had positions of power being bought and sold within the CHURCH. The difference was the monies were used for the UNIVERSAL GOOD OF HOLY MOTHER CHURCH under the auspicious of ROME.

    Today there is no Rome, no Pope, no Governance, No Good Will for Holy Mother Church. Just the greed of these individual CEO wanna-be's to steal your money for their own respective comfort and control over YOU, by threatening you with "No Salvation outside of their respective Corps."

    It is a Power Game!
    The only thing I know that loves POWER, and always did was that age old enemy of GOD.

    They are bribing the innocent with the Sacraments, which is a grievous sin.

    First step: Recognize your enemy.
    Second step: Take back your Free Will
    Third Step: Have Faith in GOD and not in these Usurpers of God's Blessed Sacrament of Holy Orders.

    Make your mind up not to submit your FREE WILL to anyone, but GOD.

    Fr. Kelly once said to his credit, " Follow the Faith, not the Man." That applied then, and it applies now more than ever, lest we be deceived by the same evil that is destroying the world, as it has destroyed Rome.

    Thank God for this Blog and its noble cause to defend the Faith, and the Faithful through the Truth, which always sets you free.

  12. I would like to see more info on SSPV. The way they revere Bp Kelly, and now Bp Santay, is not right, in my opinion.

  13. Just to back up several commenters’ suspicions, I too suspect that MHT’s “school” is a substandard dung heap, just like SGG’s – and the students’ parents are “paying through the nose” for this crap! What makes it even sadder is that school tuition, unlike weekly donations, is NOT tax deductible. What the families at MHT (and SGG) should do is to “home-school” their kids. Home schooling is not as tough as some might imagine. Firstly, there is much available “on-line” (including classes and curricula) to help one home school. Also, there are home-schooling “networks” to help as well. Lastly, home-schooling is much cheaper than paying the exorbitant tuition that these depraved wretches charge – AND, one’s kids are taught REAL morality, not the warped CARICATURE of it that the cult schools teach.

    And if they don’t think they can manage home-schooling, send the kids to a public school (YES, a PUBLIC school!). At a public school, the kids can at least get a decent ACADEMIC education – from accredited, competent teachers -- and it’s FREE. As for the “religion” part of it (or lack thereof), the parents can (and should) fill in that gap anyway. And from the looks of things, what they’d teach would be better than the warped claptrap they get at the cult schools.

    Lastly – in case someone is worried about “being exposed to ‘bad influences’ at a public school” – public school is available ON-LINE, so that the kids are not physically exposed to it. Also, one has the latitude to take only “academics” on-line, and to “opt out” of anything to which they have “moral objections,” etc. Bottom line: one has many options to tailor things to one’s own individual needs.

    On another subject, just to “piggy-back” on one of the answers given to a question about school enrollment at SGG, the last figures we had were from 2015, when the total enrollment was 25 or 26 students. (Lay Pulpit had an article on it. To access it, key in in the “search” box.) If, as one commenter answered, they have 15 or so students this year, that means that some of those 25 took their kids out. (The enrollment has NEVER been large; and in its early years, over 50% of the students were Lotarskis.) Hope this helps.

  14. Public School may look like an easy solution, but it poses grave dangers to the Faith and morals of the students. The dangers are so serious that Catholics are forbidden to send their children to such schools without permission of the local ordinary (can. 1374).

    I realize that we currently do not have access to a local ordinary, so one must ask oneself whether there are sufficient safeguards in place to protect a Catholic child that would be sufficient in the mind of the bishop if he was here to decide on such a case.

    I think ordinarily, it is highly doubtful that the local ordinary would condone Catholic children to attend almost all modern Public Schools. But, the idea of a virtual public school directly supervised by the parents in the home might be tolerable to the local ordinary, in my opinion, as the risks are very low.

    I think homeschooling would be best, however, if it is possible.

    1. I will agree, public school is not an option for a Catholic. There's too many liberal ideas or mandatory teachings that go against the faith

    2. NEITHER are the cult "schools" of SGG and MHT any better! NEITHER are the cult "schools" an option for Catholic parents/students.

      This much MUST be acknowledged. Otherwise, it looks like a devious way of trying to side with the cult schools.

    3. Gene,

      The cult schools are also a danger to the faith and morals of Catholic students.

      IF a local ordinary exists - the cult "schools" (and the cult "clergy") would NOT exist at all. Whereas the public schools will continue to exist.

      And the cult "clergy" and "schools" would definitely NOT be considered tolerable by any right-thinking Catholic (be he the local ordinary, priest, religious or layman).

      I would not place the cult "schools" above the public schools. Both are evil.

    4. No, with descriptions like what is listed here, these so-called catholic schools should not be an option either. No siding with these schools; I'm just saying unless you can keep your kids out of public schools liberal agenda, sending them (physically) to a public school should be out of the question. I can't say anything about the online option of picking and choosing; that is a fairly new concept of the last 10 years or so.

    5. Anon 5/10 2PM:

      I was not placing one over the other, just saying that Publc Schools are not a good solution. When the Church forbade the use of Public Schools, this was at a time (1917) when they were not even close to as bad as they are now. If the Church was that concerned about problems of indifferentism and other matters in the early 20th century, how much more concerned would the hierarchy be at the widespread breakdown in morality present in the youth of our age?

      The things that kids get exposed to in these schools on a regular basis from their teachers and peers would shock and disgust our ancestors, even just s few generations back.

      In my opinion, I do not see the local ordinaries, if they were here, permitting their subjects to send their children to Public Schools as they are today in America. The moral conditions that children are dealing with in these schools could very well be found in the two ancient cities that God destroyed.

  15. From the looks of Holy Days at MHT, when you see the kids at the seminary, the school has 30 students, give or take. It is difficult to tell though because some of the kids serve. My guess is that more than half are Selway related, but that is only a guess.

    1. More like 25, I think. 14 Selway relations.

    2. In “the old days,” there were plenty of Catholics who sent their children to public schools, and no Church canon stopped them, whether invoked or not. (We not saying that it was right or wrong; we’re just saying that that is the way it was.) That being said, we agree that home-schooling is the best option; but for parents who haven’t the will (or wherewithal) to do it (and who decide on public school), that canon will CERTAINLY not stop them, especially (as Gene pointed out) in these times, with no local ordinary to access. But as Gene also noted, “virtual” public school would be a “low risk” option.

      And it is. That, in our opinion, is the best PRACTICAL option for those who can’t afford anything else and/or who don’t choose to home-school for whatever reason. There are, by the way, MANY traditional Catholics who DO educate their kids via “virtual” public school; and it works very well for them. As we explained previously, they simply pick what they want, and “opt out” of what they don’t want. From where we stand, it’s a good and very workable “compromise.”

      One thing for sure: it (and most anything else) is better than sending one’s children to the cult schools, SGG and MHT.

  16. With the state of today's public schools, physically sending your children there would be a form of child abuse. You have no idea how bad they are!

    1. To be honest; and to be fair - sending your children to the cult "schools" of SGG and MHT must also be a form of child abuse.

  17. I have come to think that it is such a farce to call any of these self-appointed Bishops -be they independent, sede, or SSPX- by formal titles such as "Your Excellency," "His Excellency," "My Lord," etc. None of them have been formally approved by the Church nor do they have any jurisdiction whatsoever.

    Would even calling them "Father" or "Bishop" be right? Maybe only these would be allowable, since before V2, even fake Anglican "bishops" were referred to as "Bishop X" by the hierarchy. This would be the least.

    But "His Excellency Bishop Fellay" or Sanborn or Dolan? Forget it!

    1. For the sake of completeness; and for the sake of fairness: you must also add "His Excellency Bishop Pivarunas" to your list.

      Agreed? Yes or no?

    2. The difference between SSPX and the sede vermin is that they, the SSPX had at one time canonical status. Although they are in an irregular status now, it looks more and more imminent that they will soon have the necessary canonical status they need to be legitimate. I would simply refer to the rest as Mr. Pivarunas or Mr. Dolan if you want proper titles etc. Don't forget, these reprobates sought out their kingdoms on earth by manipulating people in order to start their respective groups - with exception of Piv, he simply saw an opportunity with the power vacuum created by the departure of Schuckardt and quickly rose to power.

    3. Anon. May 10, 1:48 PM

      Oh, how insightful of you to point out the oversight. Indeed, the His Most Reverend Excellency the Missionary-Bishop-with-Universal Jurisdiction a.k.a. the Pivster definitely belongs on that list of upwardly mobile wannabes.

    4. As an old timer who grew up in the 1950's, when I think of the self-important riffraff "bishops" of organized Sedelandia, I'm reminded of Ralph Kramden and Ed Norton of the old sitcom The Honeymooners and their Loyal Order of the Moose Lodge meetings. Click here for a scene of what it must be like when the these sede clowns get together.

  18. Anon 5/10 6:40pm:

    You are are correct, these non-commissioned bishops and priests deserve no title as they hold no office in the Church.

    For myself, I never kiss their ring or use terms such as "your excellency," "your grace," or "your lordship" with them. I simply refer to them as bishop such and such, as they are truly a bishop due to their orders.

    1. Insofar as these men do not belong to the Ecclesia docens, the Teaching Church, theoretically we should never refer to them as bishops at all, since they oversee or rule nothing. Lacking even a titular see, they can't approach the status of an auxiliary bishop or a bishop-in-ordinary who resigns. These rootless ecclesiastical monstrosities are merely men who, depending on the validity of their ordination and consecration, may possess episcopal orders. That's far from being a bishop in the proper sense of the word.

      Moreover, from a point of strict protocol, we should never address anyone — commissioned or not — as "Bishop So-and-so," since the word is not a title, but an office. Out of necessity, we have had to violate willfully that rule because we don't have another practically useful term for direct address of a bishop, like Spanish speakers who use monseñor.(But even that is problematic from a legal standpoint either because they have no jurisdiction in the external form by right of office or because they received no papal recognition and do not belong to the Roman court.) Although "Your Excellency" in normal times is a formally correct but awkward and somewhat uncomfortable (for Americans) alternative, its usage among sedes is definitely wrong because their episcopi vagantes have no standing to merit the honorific. (E.g., The judge of the pie-eating contest at a county fair would never be addressed as "Your Honor" despite the utility of the service he or she renders.)

      For our part, if we had a magic wand, we'd have all these laymen-in-orders addressed only as "Mister," or by their first names, unless they possessed a doctorate from a recognized institution of higher learning. (A fat chance for the vast majority of these non-achievers.)

    2. Gene, Reader, I am in agreement with you on using proper titles, however, I do see SSPX clergy as more legitimate than any other group outside the Church. I will look at their schism as the Eastern Churches not in communion with the Roman Church. All it will take is an act of obedience to the pope and an act of the pope to regularize them. The sede cult trash never at any point had a mission, nor legitimacy. So, although SSPX is in schism, I am leaning more and more to recognize them especially now that regularization is on the horizon. They will be yet another traditional group who will aid in the restoration of what has been lost.

    3. We, too, are leaning more and more to your thesis with each passing day, wise Critic. Making our assent easier are all the reports we see from people who were hurt by sede toilet fish. The solution to the crisis MUST lie elsewhere, because Tradistan is thoroughly degenerate.

    4. Critic,

      The SSPX likes to present this narrative, but they have always been in the same boat. Paul VI expressly forbade the ordinations at Ecône. Their priests never had any mission or canonical approval whatsoever. They are vagrants in the same manner as the others, just much better organized and polished.

      Their upcoming agreement with Francis would only be a good thing if Francis is a Pope, otherwise it is not a good thing.

      I realize that you accept Francis' claim, so that is where you are coming from. I, on the other hand, do not. I will say this, however, the logic of the SSPX position, once consistently followed, could only lead them to the upcoming result.

      There has always only been two possibilities:

      1. Paul VI was the Pope, Vatican II, the Novus Ordo Missae, all of the Pauline sacramental changes, the 1983 Code, ecumenism, religious liberty, etc. are all good and are legitimate and correct teachings/disciplines with no doctrinal error, and in full conformity with the previous magisterium from the Apostles to the death of John XXIII.


      2. It is a break from the past, and is no longer part of the Apostolic doctrine faithfully transmitted, Pope to Pope, until the death of Pope John XXIII.

      The SSPX and all of its theological confusion has only muddied the waters on all of this. In the end, the answer is one of the two above.

    5. Gene, could there be a third position, viz. that there was indeed a break from the past but that a faithful remnant, acting as a fifth columnist, could restore the fissure?

    6. Once the break occurred, by definition, a sect was created, as the Church cannot break into two bodies, and then repair itself of the rift.

      The Church must always remain one in essence, the same Church that existed in the time of the Apostles, that existed in the 1950's, must be the same Church as today.

      When Paul VI introduced new doctrine and rites to the universal Church, there were only two possibilities. He was either the Pope and what he taught and promulgated was safe doctrine and the rites valid and good, or, if they were not, then he could not have been the Pope. If he were the Pope and he, as Pope, promulgated false doctrine or rites that were possibly invalid, or contained error, or were an incentive to impiety, then office has failed.

      The Church cannot give stones instead of bread. If it could, it would be a harlot, and would not be the pillar and foundation of truth. If such were true, then this Church would not be the one founded by Our Lord, and we would need to search for the Church in which the four marks were all present.

    7. The four marks are certainly absent in Tradistan.

    8. It shouldn't exist. What you are witnessing and dealing with on this blog are the effects of misguided efforts to preserve the sacraments through illegally consecrating bishops and ordaining priests. It was a mistake, when it started, and is a mistake today.

      It never "solved" the problem of Apostolic Succession as some pretend, as these orders do not continue the succession,

      The Church exists, as it always has existed with the lawful hierarchy and the laity. The traditional bishops are part of the laity.

  19. Rearing children is a total act of love and Faith between God, the parents and the children. We will all find out how successful we were when we die. Until then, all we can do is to pray, and Keep the Faith, and do God's Will.
    Public school in my opinion is very bad, but Catholic schools run under these maniacs are far worse. Of course you can always try the Novus Ordo Schools who are very liberal now. Religion is not mandatory, so just opt out of the religion course. They still are a grade above the public schools, and hold to a code of discipline. Scholastically they are still well above the average public school.
    Again, your duty as the parent will be to teach the religion, but under these conditions, I think most parents will do a far better job then these self appointed gate keepers of who goes to Heaven and who does not.

    Just some food for thought to help some people to think out of the CONTROL MODE.

    "Ask and you shall receive"....

    1. The problem for many trads, who have large families and not much disposable income (particularly after satisfying the cult masters' outrageous demands to support their high living), is that tuition at a Novus Ordo school, with its well-equipped classrooms, specially dedicated facilities, certificated professional teaching staff, and administrators with advanced degrees, is often much more expensive than these dreadful cult "schools." A good boys' or girls' college-prep high school can sometimes run to over $10+K a year. In a large metropolitan area, the tuition can be even higher.

    2. Another problem is that diocese schools will not let trads in their schools. They will let non-catholics, but not Trads if they attend a non-sanctioned chapel.

      In addition, in a Novus ordo school, they offer tuition help for families who can't afford it. This may be the parents or even students volunteering in the school cafeteria or helping with bingo or casino night. This helps cover tuition costs, not like the cult schools "chores" for paying students. I see nothing wrong, even encourage normal classroom sweeping, wash black boards, etc.

      The chores that the cult schools do, in addition to tuition, seem a bit over the top. How do the kids have time for school with serving practice, choir practice, cleaning, and standing in corners?

      In some states, if a family qualifies, scholarships are given for students who choose private schools. The schools must be accredited to receive this. Do you know if Sgg and MHT are accredited schools?

      Do you also know the shape of their facilities? Was the poster correct about no gymnasium, lab room, etc? How can students have high school science without lab rooms? Are chemistry and biology not lab classes, or are those classes not on a Catholic schedule anymore?

    3. ANONE can check the National Private School Accrediting Association (click here) for SGG and here for Florida.

      Maybe Tradistan has its own accrediting body.

      Maybe someone closer to these awful "schools" can fill you in on their size, shape, and layout.

    4. Didn't see their names, unless I missed something. Doesn't surprise me

    5. "Of course you can always try the Novus Ordo Schools who are very liberal now. Religion is not mandatory, so just opt out of the religion course."

      Are you saying this is the case with Novus ordo schools in the U.S.? Because I know that this is not the case at all in Novus ordo schools in Central America, possibly all of South America too.

      In these schools, novus ordo religion class is mandatory for all, even for non Catholics, and you will fail the year if you fail that single class. Everyone without exception is also FORCED to attend the degenerate "retreats" they do, 1-2 of them every year. These "retreats" are done outside the school and you have to sleep over for a whole weekend in whatever place they choose to do them. They are full of Protestant charismatic nonsense and devilish things have been known to happen at them.

      I would say the sede schools are still a better option because the children will not be as contaminated as they will be in Novus ordo schools. The latter are totally worldly and the children will be constantly exposed to all sorts of immorality, heresy and Protestantism. Attendance to Novus ordo masses is also mandatory in these schools.

      No matter what you say about these sede schools, the "evil" in them doesn't compare to full blown Novus ordo schools.

      Who's to say the children will resist all the worldly temptations they will be exposed to in these degenerate schools? Even Fulton Sheen said they were a degeneration back in his day. Imagine now!

      The hatred towards the cultmasters have blinded all of you who say they are worse than Novus ordo schools because the truth is that they aren't.

    6. According to their site, high school science lists: earth science, biology, anatomy, and chemistry as an option. I may be old, but a college prep program is biology, chemistry, physics, and optional anatomy. Earth science is typically for students not on a college track.

      The math program listed is: algebra 1, algebra 2, geometry, and advanced math as an elective. In my day, kids behind in math take algebra 1. Prep schools have already taken it before high school. Not only that, but prep schools require advanced math, not an elective. Either these kids are behind academically or they are not college bound.

      I haven't had a chance to overlook the rest of the curriculum, but their math and science programs suggest not a very intense program.

    7. Most N. O. schools in the US are what the what the old canonists called mixed, and in fact they are almost "neutral" nowadays. Still they offer a superior academic formation to that of the sede hellholes, and most here do not interfere with traddie kids, unless the urchins persistently proseletyze and disrupt the peace. We know a number of traddie kids that attend these schools, and they are not persecuted. Contrary to what you may believe, the N.O. is not worried at all about any threat from the shattered world of sede Catholicism that devours both its young and itself.

      Children are far better off emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually (as long as their parents see to their correct religious formation at home) in conservative N.O. schools than in the sede reformatories. That's a fact. Attending sede concentration camps will result in a life sentence to second class citizenship in the knowledge economy. American doesn't need too many ditch diggers anymore, but Walmart can always use more minimum wage coolies, we suppose.

    8. I don't disagree with you on a better education, but maybe I should rephrase it to novus Ordo schools near the cult schools typically will not let you enroll. They are very well aware of these crazy men.

      When I was in Novus ordo school, they played "we will rock you" at pep rallies and there was just as much immorality as public schools. In fact, for halloween (yes, the school celebrated Halloween), one girl dressed up as a pregnant nun.

    9. Some NO schools may deny trad kids entry, but not all. We know of several that admit trad kids as long as they don't try to stir up dissent. Of course, the cases we're thinking about are from independent chapels and not the cult satellites.

  20. Soooo, have you heard a peep from Sanborn or anyone at MHT regarding these issues yet?

    1. Not a thing. But we're not concerned.

      We think eager-beaver Don (or the compliant Clone) are waiting for Section C, which we'll administer this Saturday on May 14. These boys are just waiting to finish the test before they come out in the open.

      But we have every expectation that Big Don will send us his test and comments. After all, if he disagrees or denies these reports, he'll want to go public and stick all those unhappy people in the eye, don't you think? And if he doesn't disagree, then he'll be pleased as Punch to stun Traddielandia with a spirited defense of such practices.

      We mean, if he likes to thunder from the pulpit, why not use Pistrina as a forum to shout out his message.

      He has nothing to fear about our editing his remarks. We'll just cut 'n' paste 'em. We won't even correct bad grammar or spelling. Our tech guru has said she's willing to swear on a Bible that nothing was changed.

      Let's wait for May 21 for Discipline Donbo to speak.

    2. Hi, Reader

      Do you think that Big Don really has the guts to put up his written response on this blog?

      Just look at the posts/comments for the last 2 weeks on The Lay Pulpit. These have torn the mask off Big Don's face and shown him for the coward that he is - desperately erasing all evidence of his supporting Checkie on the Schiavo issue.

      Does anyone here think that Big Don is man enough to give straight, honest answers on this blog? Over here - he is not in charge, and people here are not intimidated by him.

    3. A very good question, May 11 4:54 AM. We hope others will join in with an answer.

      As for us, we believe he'll respond, not because he's got the guts to show up but because he'll want a platform for his rage and contempt.

      It's true he may not deny everything since he knows he'd have a lot of folks down there contradicting him to his face, probably right after Mass again. The people are getting bolder, and they're about to act out BIG TIME. (BTW, folks, he'll back down if you just stand up.) We think he may want to embrace it all and tell us we'll go to hell if we don't submit to his monstrous version of faux Catholicism.

    4. My guess is that right now he is running around trying to find your sources and seeing how to discredit them. Isn't that the tactic Cekada uses? They do not have to address any of your questions, no matter how true, if they find out who and find out how to blackmail them or discredit them. Yet, here's the thing: SANBORN doesn't realize how many enemies he has made in his own Church. People do want the mass, but they won't put up with his fire and brimstone scare tactics anymore. He doesn't decide who goes to Heaven or Hell, God does, your actions do, and you certainly don't need to be judged by him. When did he become a saint or God? It's like some people treat him like they treated JP2, declaring him a saint before he's dead. How ridiculous is that?
      And all his tactics to try to keep parishioners from getting together really didn't work, just like they didn't work in Michigan. People have realized that money is what he cares about, not their souls.

  21. The AnonymousMay 11, 2016 at 12:48 AM

    "Are you saying this is the case with Novus ordo schools in the U.S.? Because I know that this is not the case at all in Novus ordo schools in Central America, possibly all of South America too"...

    No! I have no idea the way the Novus Ordo works outside of the USA, and more specifically within the Eastern Standard Time Zone.

    I personally know of a practicing Hindu family that put their child into a Novus Ordo School and she did not have to attend Mass, or religion class. It appears that the great Ecumenical Agenda is forced down the throats of the American Catholics, because of all the Indian money flooding into the areas.

    Acceptance is the Key word with the Novus Ordo except where The True Catholic Faith is concerned, then it turns into hatred.

    The Novus Ordo option would not help anyone under financial pressure or outside of the USA.

    However, Home Study is still a very viable option with the aid of a good Tutor to help with the challenging subjects such as: Math and the Sciences.

    This was the avenue I traveled when I home schooled, and it was very economical and successful for all parties concerned.

    These times are hard, but if you think outside of the box, and trust in Our Lord, you will be surprised at the doors that open.

  22. Being new to this website,can the Critic tell us more about the background on Pivarunas.What was his training.Is it true he was behind ouster of Denis Chicoine and had been behind the scene for years for the position of the group superior.Someone told us years ago that Francis Schuckardt was not going to ordain him.All ears.

  23. Another fine article Pistrina Liturgica.We look foward to part three.Are you aware of the abuses in the Mt St Michaels school back in the days of Schuckardt i.e girls heads being shaved,being locked in the basement,forced to eat rotten food,etc.Perhaps others were there in Spokane during that era who can tell more.

    1. This website stinks! Who farted?

  24. You can't face facts.SHAME ON YOU.Keep up the excellent work Pistrina/Reader.There are some blind misled folk out there.

    1. Yes, Anon 5:56 must be one of those brainwashed cult fanatics who won't acknowledge the rot they smell is actually coming from the cult masters. Alternatively, considering the childishness of the language, 5:56 might even be cult "clergy."

  25. AnonymousMay 11, 2016 at 5:56 AM

    Crudely wrote:
    "This website stinks! Who farted?"

    I would imagine a person of your lower mind set will comprehend this old street saying rather well. " He who smelt it, dealt it."


    1. Great repartee.

      Of course, another explanation may be that Anon 5:56 is commenting from one of of the few computers found in a cult "school."

  26. This began over a child calling another child fat? Wow.

    1. Are you being serious or just trying to minimize what is actually going on? From my understanding of the notations, this isn't about an instance of a child calling another child fat. That was an example of the lack of charity by a priest, but only an example.

    2. There "seems" to be more going on than just Uncharity here. Maybe child labor? Maybe threats to parents? Maybe parental authority being surpassed? Maybe a lack of a quality education? Possibly an unqualified teaching staff? Yet, a reader sees it as a child calling another child a name?

    3. CumExcrementusAllFullaCrappio, perhaps you thought you were being “cute” or subtle with your seemingly “innocuous” comment. But it was a pathetic attempt: it betrays either your ignorance or your hypocrisy. (Actually, it’s the latter.) You know FULL WELL that it’s more than a simple case of “a child calling another child fat.” Actually, your comment is even more of an embarrassment than that of Anon. 5:36 AM, because one can “write off” anon. as some crackpot loony; but you tried to pass yours off as “legitimate” (with your pretentious Latin moniker). (BTW, Anon., 5:36, what you smelled was not gas, but the BS coming from your mouth.)

      But that’s the way it is with you culties: either you’re “ALL trash talk and NO data,” like the brainless anon. -- or, in your case, you try to feign “innocence” (while insinuating that people are “making a mountain out of a mole hill”). Actually, your comment shows your hypocrisy AND your ignorance (AND your arrogance), for only an ARROGANT IGNORAMUS would expect people to take your remark seriously.

      And, you know, perhaps Anon. wasn’t smelling his own BS after all. Perhaps it was YOURS. Actually, there’s an additional reason for your remark being more of an embarrassment than anon.’s: anon. is obviously ignorant, but not arrogant. You, on the other hand, are BOTH. (And, you know what? The more we look at your comment, the more you sound like CHECKIE.)

      We suggest that both you and anon. 5:36 crawl into your respective holes -- and then have them cemented shut.

    4. After reading the entire stream of vitriol and venom above, one would think everyone involved were POWs behind concertina wire who couldn't escape SGG because of 24/7 patrols by armed guards. I have no dog in this race and came upon this blog while searching for a pamphlet on the Act of Contrition. I'm nowhere near SGG and have never been there, nor do I know who you mean when you refer to "Checkie". But the abuse heaped upon SGG appears more like vengeance than wanting justice.

    5. “CumEx, etc.,” please don’t try to take the “moral high ground” by accusing us of vengeance, and by feigning “impartiality” in the matter. If you have “no dog in this race,” then that means you have absolutely no idea of went on at SGG, and therefore have no grounds to judge us as you have done. We assure you that we are about JUSTICE and not vengeance. (And, by the way, we tried the “charitable” approach – SEVERAL times – with the cult masters, and they ignored us.)

      Your reply confirms that you are still trying to feign innocence; but this time, in addition to insinuating that a mountain is being made out of a mole hill, you’re now accusing us of “vengeance.” Your original remark about “a child calling another child fat” still betrays either your ignorance or your hypocrisy, for it is obvious to ANYONE that there is “more to it than that.” That leads us to believe that either you are a MORON, or you are WILLFULLY misinterpreting the facts in the case.

      As we expected, in your reply, you made no attempt to clarify your original position, but chose to accuse us of “vengeance” instead – more “trash talk,” and –again --= “no data.” We suggest that you GET that data, and save your “moralizing” for others. Also, we suggest that you change your moniker to “ImmundusEs” (roughly translated, “holier than thou”), because that more accurately describes you.

      And, oh yes, one last thing: in our original reply to you, we mentioned NOTHING about SGG – so why did you say, “I'm nowhere near SGG and have never been there, nor do I know who you mean when you refer to ‘Checkie’.” (We were talking about MHT, remember?) It’s obvious that you DO know, HYPOCRITE. Next time, proofread your lies before you post them.

    6. CumExApostolatusOfficioMay 12, 2016 at 1:21 AM

      "But the abuse heaped upon SGG appears more like vengeance than wanting justice".

      Glad to see that you used the word "APPEARS". Perhaps if you read the previous articles on this blog, and then Lay Pulpit, you will see the atrocities committed against the faithful, and their children, and the word APPEARS will soon Disappear.

      You will thank God that you live no where near SGG, and never heard of the name "Checkie", so at least your dog will have a chance to run in an honest race.

      "Vengeance is mine," saith The Lord, but Justice comes through the Truth, hence those seeking it through this blog.

      "Seek and you shall find"...

    7. SGG was mentioned and sprinkled throughout the comments above--by "The Shadow", "The Reader", and "The Watcher" and by several anon(s).
      I've purchased written materials from SGG and had Masses offered over the years. And I listen to Restoration Radio. That is the extent of my 'relationship' with SGG.
      And I've been accused above of knowing "FULL WELL" all of this particular post is not just children calling one another 'fat'. For this particular posting, no, I don't know 'full well' that it is more than that. It reads like a lot of piling on, having nothing to do with name calling, but past offenses.
      If you are accusing people of outright physical abuse, or theft, then bring it to the attention of the local police and district attorney. Short of actionable criminality, I don't understand what outcome is expected from the diatribes posted here. All of the angry words aren't going to wrench the 'mea culpa(s)' out of people who either genuinely don't think they're in the wrong or disingenuously take that stance.
      I haven't had the time to wade through all the posts here but it's obvious there is a lot of anger and recrimination. If the dust finally settles, what is it the actors involved here want to have as the outcome? If this blog is solely for the purpose of warning others to stay away from SGG and the seminary in Florida, then say so plainly and list the various reasons. But the shear amount of invective doesn't help the cause.

    8. Yes, I misspelled the word *sheer*.

      And I saw you have a link to "The Scandals at St. Gertrude the Great".
      You may wish to consider putting that link prominently at the top of every posting or some other kind of disclaimer, in order that unsuspecting people will be forewarned.

    9. "And I've been accused above of knowing "FULL WELL" all of this particular post is not just children calling one another 'fat'."

      The post is not about what the CHILD did, it's about what those claiming SPIRITUAL authority did in response: "Moreover, his unfeeling response was something to the effect that she is fat; she should lose weight if she doesn't want people making fun of her."

      Your remedy for YOUR PROBLEM is "You may wish to consider putting that link prominently at the top of every posting or some other kind of disclaimer, in order that unsuspecting people will be forewarned."

      The runners of this blog are doing their best to ensure that unsuspecting parents don't (continue to) harm their children by sending them to MHT or SGG. Why don't you suggest that MHT, True Restoration and SGG put a link to "the Scandals at St. Gertrude the Great" on THEIR websites so that unsuspecting people who patronize them are forewarned. Your selfish concern is for yourself and the vicious, vindictive, greedy & unscrupulous creeps you want to continue patronize. Shame on you!

    10. You wrote: "Your selfish concern is for yourself and the vicious, vindictive, greedy & unscrupulous creeps you want to continue patronize. Shame on you!"

      Excuse me --but HOW do YOU KNOW what I want or don't want to do in regard to my finances and respecting SGG?

      I simply suggested that some type of disclaimer at the top of each posting might be a good way to advise the unsuspecting and uninitiated person as to the long list of complaints associated with SGG, et al. It's doubtful I'm the only person who has ever come across this blog and not been aware of all the details. Thank you.

    11. CumExApostolatusOfficioMay 12, 2016 at 5:56 PM

      "You may wish to consider putting that link prominently at the top of every posting or some other kind of disclaimer, in order that unsuspecting people will be forewarned".

      I am sure the staff at Pistrina Liturgica will read your good suggestion.

      I think that everyone on this blog is trying to help one another out through education, and good references to stop the abuses imposed on the innocent. Unfortunately men of ill will have no restrictions on the age of innocence. The children are not the only innocent where these beasts of prey are concerned.

      For example giving donations in the form of Masses, purchasing books, calendars,etc. via the internet feeds them, so they can continue to exist on the unsuspecting faithful.

      In other word Cash Counts! Don't feed the Beast!

    12. I don't see anything wrong with that story, either. If a child is overweight, the priest in charge of a school should tell the parents to help their child lose weight, which is what he did here.

      Actually, there IS something wrong. The mother making her child unhealthy by poor nutrition.

    13. No, Anon 10:34, the priest isn't in charge of a child's weight. Is there a requirement at this school to be a certain weight? In fact, according to the stories, the priest did not tell the parents to have the child lose weight; instead, he chose to take a part in making fun of the child. It floors me that anyone could stick up with such pettiness from a grown adult. I don't recall Our Lord making fun of a child, do you?


    Names on this list for president, Vice President, treasurer, director: 2 Selway and 2 Walz. Is this a Church or a family run business?


    This says there revenue is 50,000-99,999 a year, yet there are only 1-4 employees making this amount? Not sure the year on this.

    This site says they make $94,000, with 2 employees:,-Inc.-352-799-5044


    Most holy trinity income is 61,000. Is this the actual school or church? Does this mean the sisters make more money? I think someone needs to start following paperwork here


    This is hilarious! See the name: Queen of all states. Located at mht address and income of $217,451. It lists it as an ice cream establishment.

  31. You can find on SGG also:

    1. The cult masters have many corporations. Years ago, an attorney advised to keep everything so confused nobody could untangle the web. There's probably a lot more to be uncovered. Keep digging, everybody!

  32. Does anyone know the real story about the power play between Sister Cabrini and Mother Mary Bosco, and why Sister Cabrini was tossed out?

    1. I'd like the background on that story too.

  33. Are sisters typically listed on the convent organization? Can we assume that there are only 2 families in the convent at MHT? Is that why their are only two last names?

  34. Is there a website to find out all the convent donations? I would like to know how much they make from tuition and how much is made from other donations? Who made the donations, Brooksville and Arizona parishioners, since Ohio has their own nuns?

    How are they funding a new convent? Do you know how many rooms they are expecting? In a past article from st. Pete times, it said the seminary expected 18-20 seminarians. Are they close to that?

    1. Reliable reports say that as of now they have only 4.

  35. Who are these nuns? How many are there? What training do they have? Who is Mother Superior?

  36. What is the status of the Brooksville convent? After it is built, do they have enough nuns to keep them in both Arizona and Brooksville? I would like to hear more about Lady Macbeth, as the other Anon above pointed out in her post. How old are these nuns?


  37. AnonymousMay 11, 2016 at 8:05 PM
    "Does anyone know the real story about the power play between Sister Cabrini and Mother Mary Bosco, and why Sister Cabrini was tossed out?"...

    Yes I do! However it is a very long and complicated story. Far too long for this blog.
    If you are interested in the details leave your email with the Reader, and I will contact the Reader.
    Suffice it to say for now, it was a decided POWER PLAY, and Sr. Mary Cabrini got the Royal Shaft.

    1. I send donations to Sr. Mary Cabrini. I'd like to know.

    2. Since in a comment above you claim request masses from SGG, you might want to read this post since your masses may be farmed out:

      "We have learned about one such completer who failed to pronounce the words of Consecration during Mass. Instead of being recalled to his alma mater (or is it atrox noverca?) for discipline and transfer, he was allowed to remain as pastor. Then, by way of expiation, in a recent sermon, he lambasted the faithful for making him work so hard that he neglected to say the essential words."

      Also may want to research these unscrupulous thieves & worse before you send any more donations their way:

      “You’ll have to trust me on this one. We’ve broken him down and we’ll build him back up again.” Bishop Dolan

      You might also want to inquire about thievery of St. Clare Columbus Ohio before you send any more donations: "Yes, that’s just ONE of the pots of money they could use. Not only did the Columbus parishioners (of St. Clare’s) have their church sold out from under them ($320,000), with Dannie and Tony pocketing the proceeds, but they also had their building fund money confiscated by Dannie and Tony ($123,664)."

      "There was no reason for me to think Fr. Cekada would be concerned about the Church bank accounts because he never mentioned any “problem” or “dispute” nor did we normally discuss the accounts. There was simply no reason to think there was a problem with the bank account. Actually, the collection had been taken at Mass that day and it was deposited into the bank account as normal on Monday, the same day Father Cekada moved to freeze the accounts."

      Why Lotarski can't be fired: "Among the perks that the church provided to the Principal at the parishioners’ expense was membership of the local YMCA, which has a gym and swimming pool. On several occasions, the school chaplain Fr. Cekada invited the teenage sons of the Principal to go swimming with him. When they went with him, according to the account of the boys themselves, they were made to feel very uncomfortable when Fr. Cekada would remain with them while they changed, and even more so when he stripped himself naked, exposing himself in front of them."

    3. Maybe you are from India. If this is where you’re contributing, in 2014 they list $0 for contributions, but $88,348 for “program services” (look at 2nd tab guidestar profile):
      “The Sisters have no insurance, and neither has had any PERSONAL income for a decade prior to the filing of this suit. They live together with another adult in a home in Clarksburg, Ohio, where the Order of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart provides for their needs” (this is suit against the Red Cross for discontinuing them as volunteers (?))
      Some years ago when the two nuns of the "Home Alone" Missionaries of the Sacred Heart visited India, they distributed a small booklet on Perfect Contrition. Maybe they still have some copies to pass around:

      Sister Mary Cabrini
      Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
      P.O. Box 250
      OH 43115

      Tel: (740) 993-2189


    4. Apparently the one Sr mainly does disaster relief for animals; here's an article about Japan earthquake: "Minamisoma and Okuma were like ghost towns. Many buildings were flattened, reduced to rubble. Those still standing were eerily empty. Residents had left in such haste that cars sat in the middle of the streets and bicycles lay on the ground where they’d been dropped.

      Pets and farm animals wandered around, searching for food and for someone familiar. The rescuers were able to see to them, but Sister noticed that other animals hadn’t been so lucky and had already died of starvation and dehydration.

      One woman evacuated from Minamisoma had broken down in tears explaining to Sister how she’d had to leave in such a hurry that she wasn’t able to track down two of her cats. Sister searched the area around the woman’s house without any luck, but she left a live trap with food that might lure the cats out of hiding.

      “Just knowing that someone cared enough to come all the way from the United States to help her pets brought the owner comfort,” Sister says.

      Sadly many of the animals could not be located, but Sister and her team were heartened by those they were able to save such as one black Labrador retriever..."

    5. Here's another story of her rescuing a rabbit- guess they sued because no more free travel on US taxpayer to disaster areas to rescue pets!

    6. I only skimmed the court document but I'm getting they sued the Red Cross for terminating them as volunteers.

      I receive their monthly newsletter and it indicates they visit local shut-ins, prisons and nursing homes and the like.

      Thanks for the other links.

    7. This is more info about how C-D-S treat the priests that they ordain "to save the priesthood" (surely C-D-S are not working for Jesus Christ). "Cekada sends a letter gloating that Fr. Ramolla will be deported (they also had Bernie Hall deported): "However, even assuming ORCM could jump through the regulations minefield of the interminable and expensive INS procedure for admitting religious workers -- will Bishop McKenna [then Sanborn eulogizes him at his funeral], Bishop Neville [this is consecrator #2] and the Sisters let the the Federal Customs and Immigration Service "inspect" their facilities at Monroe and Highland, as required? -- our friend would be up against another problem. Fr. Ramolla's CIS record is now forever stained with the scarlet words "unlawful presence" and subject of "removal proceeding."

      Meanwhile "Bishop" Ramolla is back in Ohio:

      "You have Father Ramolla because the seminary exists and has trained him, and despite his criticism of me, I believe that all would agree that Father was trained rather well. He is trained well because I and Father Cekada, primarily, devoted ourselves relentlessly to the operation of this institution, and have worked very hard to do our best to preserve a high standard."

    8. Taking care of animals is not an act of supernatural charity. These nuns need some kind of direction.

  38. Cumex........, implied in one of the first posts that he is no where near Sgg nor does he know who checkie is. Yet, later on, he says he has bought materials and had masses said at SGG? And he listens to Restoration Radio. There is absolutely no way someone can listen to restoration radio without knowing who Cekada is. Why would you send money for masses to a place you don't really know anything about? None of his information makes sense.

    Why should anyone be warned? Maybe so they don't move to Arizona, Cincinnati, or Brooksville, thinking it is a Catholic school with good, Catholic examples. Maybe so people will know how anyone outside the main family is treated? Maybe to know what hypocrites these people are? Maybe to realize if you still want to move, signing away your parental authority will be the first thing you are asked to do.

    Do you really think brainwashed children or parents will turn these people into the police? That would beat the definition of brainwashed, would it not? If people are being told that only those who follow Sanborn without questioning will go to Heaven, and people are foolish enough to believe it, do you really think they will turn Sanborn or his trained servants into the police? Look at how much had to happen at sgg, before people left the church and school. And even then, no one went to the police.

    I will have to agree that the best thing people can do is to speak the truth about these places so other people will know, withhold money from these men, and not be blinded by false men and their false promises of only through them will you get to heaven.

    1. Yes, I know the name Cekada...I didn't know his apparent nickname around here. Give me a break, please.

      Thank you, but I have no intentions of moving to Ohio, nor would I ever sign away parental authority. Although, at this point, my children are grown.
      Nor would I ever buy the idea that my soul would be in danger if I didn't follow a particular priest's every directive. That is patently absurd.

      I sent money because I wanted Latin Masses offered and where I am, those are difficult to have offered.

    2. CEAO,

      If you want Latin Masses offered, there are a number of good, independent priests who have nothing to do with the Brooksville-SW Ohio cult or the CMRI. The one difficulty is that these priests already have a large backlog of Masses so it may take some time for your Masses to be said.

      Re: $GG, you should not only bear in mind the 2009 school scandal, but you should bear in mind the persistent account of Dannie's one-handed ordination to the priesthood. (Sanborn himself was a signer of the cautionary letter of September 1990 (click here to read it. For a full discussion of the problem and a refutation/rebuttal of Cekada's erroneous defense of one-handed orders, click here. Masses said by Dannie and the malformed men he's "ordained" may be of doubtful validity. Since he has never sought conditional orders, it would also be safer to send your stipends elsewhere.

  39. My point is OTHERS may move to Ohio, Arizona, or florida IF the truth isn't put out there. Do you really think these places will use past schoolers as references? Or will they use their cult followers to pretend how wonderful it is? They won't talk about the family above who left based on their 2 years of hell. They won't talk about a young girl verbally abused by even the priest at the school. If potential families do the research, they will now find info on at least sgg and MHT schools. They can weigh the "info" that is given to them with the info, which is now out there due to this site, and at least make a more educated decision.

    Sgg and MHT will continue to build missions. Do these new places not deserve to be informed of their church and school happenings, which they would potentially associate themselves? Vero beach is a fairly new mission, is it not? Do they not deserve the truth of the men they are giving large donations? Arizona is a reasonably new satellite. Do they not deserve the truth, the truth told by more than just the main family? Does SGG's missions in neighboring places have a right to know about what happened in 2009, and know that it happens anytime you get mixed up with these characters?

    1. Yes, they do, And it's up to us all to make sure these folks get educated about the horrors of $GG and MHT. The constant pressure does work, even when there are so many amoral lay people who won't stand up for what's right. But it's still a hard slog, that's for sure.

      Don't forget that many of the satellites have known all along about the cult masters but haven't had the conviction or the grace to act in accordance with their nagging consciences. The excuse that there are no other priests available holds no water. There are plenty around, and they're willing to serve humbly and selflessly. It just takes a little effort.

      Think about it: if it took so long for the people of $GG to get fed up with Dannie, Checkie, and the "principal," even when they were hearing daily reports of the mistreatment, then it may take just as long to persuade the folks in cult satellites to walk out. But walk many will when it becomes impossible to ignore the facts.

      The more people who help spread the word, the better the chances of shutting down these religious hellholes, or at least leaving them to the few depraved animals who think what's going on is moral and Catholic.

  40. CEAO cited the fact that, since we (and others) previously mentioned SGG in our comments, that justifies his mentioning, “I'm nowhere near SGG and have never been there, nor do I know who you mean when you refer to 'Checkie'. But the abuse heaped upon SGG appears more like vengeance than wanting justice.” But again, CEAO, we were discussing MHT at the time, NOT SGG – so, referring to SGG, in that context, makes no sense. Also, it was clear to everyone else who read the “fat girl” episode that there was more to it than just name-calling. You were the only one who interpreted it as simply a case of name-calling. At best, I find that a bit ODD.

    If you had ever read all the accounts (on Lay Pulpit and Pistrina) of what went on at SGG and MHT (or, better still, if you had actually GONE THROUGH the hell at those two places, you wouldn’t be accusing us of “vengeance”; you’d be THANKING GOD that we took the time and trouble to speak out (and warn others) against these scoundrels. We suggest that you read these two blogs before you accuse us of “piling on” again. We can back up everything we say, either with documented evidence (much of it from Dolan’s, Cekada’s, or Sanborn’s own lips), or by multiple eye-witnesses.

    You mentioned that you listen to “Restoration Radio.” You should know that, since it is allied with the SGG/MHT cult mill, it is little more than a propaganda arm for them. We’d like to “give you the benefit of the doubt” and say that your intentions are sincere – but your interpretation of the name-calling incident gives us much to doubt. And if, after reading our blogs, you still think we’re treating Dolan & Co. unjustly, then we’ll know just how sincere you are. We look forward to hearing what you have to say.

    1. I accidentally arrived at this blog because, as I stated previously, I was looking for the Perfect Act of Contrition pamphlet, which you have as a link at top. (thanks) I meant to buy it from on online book seller, if I could find it. Instead I arrived here.

      I stated I didn't know who "Checkie" was because I didn't take it to mean Fr. Cekada---as I said earlier, I didn't realize that is his nickname here.

      Many comments above brought SGG into the fray--even though you say you were discussing MHT primarily. Unfamiliar as I was (and still am to a great degree) with the topic at hand, I was somewhat taken aback by the ferocity of the attacks. I made a cheeky comment. I apologize. But that doesn't mean I'm a troll, a monster, inhuman and unfeeling. I've been reading some of the material here and will continue to do so as time permits.
      You're correct. I didn't live through anything at SGG--again, I live far removed from there. That doesn't mean I haven't had my own experiences with 'traditional' priests that went bad. In fact, I had a chapel in my house with an independent priest. He left (thankfully) before things went really badly for him--and I could've been dragged down right along with him.

      Let us remember that for years before Vatican II, the seminaries had been infiltrated by those who despise the Church (I'm sure you've heard of Bella Dodd's testimony to Congress in that regard) so many men who went into the seminaries weren't leading Catholic lives and they were there to disrupt and overturn Church teachings.

      So now, what to do about people who abuse their authority? You've chosen this route. I only attempted to say that the ferocity is initially unnerving, and it may put people off rather than lead them to investigate further. I'll keep reading.

    2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. We don't think you're a monster. You're just trying to live a Catholic life while keeping the wolfish "clergy" at bay. In that respect, you're just like us.

      Many have written asking why we're so "ferocious." Our answer is simple: To paraphrase the satirist Juvenal, facit indignatio sæuitiam, indignation make us savage. It's the only moral response to the unspeakable outrages of the cult masters.

      What to do?

      Whatever you and we can, either to shut down the cults or to motivate good people not to support them in any way, not even by assistance at their Masses (all of which may not be valid).

      STARVE THE BEAST. It's our only hope.

    3. CEAO, based on what you have replied, we too do not think you are a “monster.” But you must realize that many of us have been thoroughly victimized by these creeps at SGG and MHT, and we “smell a rat” when someone comes on and seems to defend their actions by treating them lightly. This has happened many times: one of the cult-masters’ supporters coming on and playing “devils advocate” (or sometimes “changing the subject” and then going off on an irrelevant tangent). Coupled with your seemingly contentious comment, subsequently finding out that you listen to Restoration Radio (and that you sometimes send in “Mass money” to SGG) did not give our favorable impression of you. However, your latest comments lead us to believe that you are indeed sincere – and we too apologize for having been so rough on you.

      As we said before, many people have been victimized by these creeps; and if you read our blogs, you will find out. And, believe it or not, we tried dealing with them “charitably” at first (showing them proper deference, etc.); but it didn’t work. They ignored us, and continued their usual “behavior.” As you see, we have (by now) lost all respect for these predators; and we write what we do to warn others not to become their next victims (and also to wake up those who are still there at SGG and MHT – but it’s hard to convince someone, once they’re in “brain-wash” mode).

      As we said earlier too, everything we write is factual, and backed up with real evidence. We think that, when you read what we have to say, you will realize that we are not “piling it on” or being vengeful. We are simply “telling it like it is.” We invite you to read not only Lay Pulpit and Pistrina, but also the “2009 Scandals at SGG” site as well. It contains much information -- by a variety of contributors -- that corroborates and reinforces what we say.
      CEAO, based on what you have replied, we too do not think you are a “monster.” But you must realize that many of us have been thoroughly victimized by these creeps at SGG and MHT, and we “smell a rat” when someone comes on and seems to defend their actions by treating them lightly. This has happened many times: one of the cult-masters’ supporters coming on and playing “devils advocate” (or sometimes “changing the subject” and then going off on an irrelevant tangent). Coupled with your seemingly contentious comment, subsequently finding out that you listen to Restoration Radio (and that you sometimes send in “Mass money” to SGG) did not give our favorable impression of you. However, your latest comments lead us to believe that you are indeed sincere – and we too apologize for having been so rough on you.

      As we said before, many people have been victimized by these creeps; and if you read our blogs, you will find out. And, believe it or not, we tried dealing with them “charitably” at first (showing them proper deference, etc.); but it didn’t work. They ignored us, and continued their usual “behavior.” As you see, we have (by now) lost all respect for these predators; and we write what we do to warn others not to become their next victims (and also to wake up those who are still there at SGG and MHT – but it’s hard to convince someone, once they’re in “brain-wash” mode).

      As we said earlier too, everything we write is factual, and backed up with real evidence. We think that, when you read what we have to say, you will realize that we are not “piling it on” or being vengeful. We are simply “telling it like it is.” We invite you to read not only Lay Pulpit and Pistrina, but also the “2009 Scandals at SGG” site as well. It contains much information -- by a variety of contributors -- that corroborates and reinforces what we say.

    4. CEAO, your initial instincts are correct — you did indeed step into a snakepit in this website. Why do you think they swarmed all over you when you said one little thing they didn't like?

      This site is a home for all the unhappy, angry people of the trad world. In just about every traditional Catholic chapel there's a couple of discontented, miserable people who whine and complain about the place and how it's not run the way they like. The other 99% of the people in the chapel, though, may not be perfectly happy, but are mature enough to realize that nothing is perfect in this world. But they're happy with what they have, even if it's not perfect. They realize that this is the key to happiness and success — not to expect everything to be perfect, but to take what they can get, make the best of what they have, always try to improve it, be grateful for what they have, and do all the above with a smile. This is why they're generally successful with their jobs, their marriages, their families, and their lives in general. Because that approach is what makes them successful.

      But there's always a tiny percentage of disgruntled people who are never happy with anything, and who do nothing but complain about every problem they can find, and try to make everyone around them as miserable as they are.

      And unfortunately there are people who feel that way about the chapel that God provided for them, who usually feel that way about everything else in their lives.

      This site was started by one of these types of people, and it has become a magnet for more of them, though fortunately such people represent only a tiny percentage of the members of most traditional Catholic chapels, and of society in general.

    5. Absolutely wrong, Anon, May 14 10:50 PM.

      It;s not a matter of things being merely imperfect at these sede chapels. It's a matter of the conditions being morally unacceptable, of the "clergy" being utterly un-Catholic.

      Under these circumstances, decent people protest. The reprobate, like you, acquiesce to the horror.

    6. Anon. May 14, 10:50 PM, your response is typical brain-dead cultie: all trash talk, no data. Based on your logic, OUR LORD must have been an “unhappy, angry person” for speaking out against the Pharisees. When will worms like you ever learn to back up your accusations with FACTS? If all you have to offer is baseless accusations, then SHUT UP.

  41. Please tell me the rumors are not true that the "Sisters" meals are made for them. There are rumors at MHT that an 80 year old makes all their lunches, and that the school families are forced to make their dinners, including desserts every night. Why would young nuns need everyone to cook for them and make them lunches and dinners with desserts?

    This, with your reports that their school is a front for the children doing chores and cleaning for them makes me wonder what kind of place this really is.

    I remember when the seminarians' chore list was listed near the bathroom. It stated that one of the jobs of a seminarian was to keep their refrigerator stocked with beer. While I'm no prude, this seems out of place for a seminary. I will have to look and see if that is still up there as their chore.

  42. "More like 25, I think. 14 Selway relations."

    Might get a kick out of this Sanborn/Selway 7/11 math: "Our school finished its academic year. It has about forty-five students, which will hold fast for next academic year as well. However, we are expecting five weddings to take place in our parish during 2012 or 2013. Fr. Selway has determined that just from anticipated offspring, we should have over one
    hundred children in the school by 2017. This figure does not include new additions to the existing members of the parish. So the figure could easily hit 125."

    1. MHT parishioners have decided NOT to send their children to this school. We have heard rumors of all the things going on there, and even those of us without children know what families you need to belong to be in that school. I would say that unless those families with young kids are having triplets, than that school enrollment will remain the same with the older kids graduating in time for the new special families to send their kids. From what I see, no one has triplets. New families who eventually stop in are always warned about the school, despite what these men try to put out as the perfect school and kids.

    2. So, in 2 years, the enrollment at MHT will be possibly 125? How can that happen when no one stays except for the same 25 kids from the same families? In two years, the offsprings from these families are going to produce 100 more school age kids? Are they bunnies? How is this even remotely possible? And this is the man who they are naming bishop? A man who can't keep students in his school? A man who calls his students fat? A man who drinks only Perrier water?

    3. Hi, Anon 2:05AM

      You talking about "a man" who drinks only Perrier water.

      You think he is "a man"?

      He is nothing but a juvenile, a small boy, a kiddie fake "priest". A real man works hard, experiences the hardships of life, and shoulders responsibilities. He ain't the real thing. Just a rich kid living a privileged, charmed life.

      Let's see how he stands on his own 2 feet in the real world outside the cult, and without family money propping him up. IF he can do that, and only then, has he earned my respect.

  43. There were rumors going around about 2-3 years ago, if I recall correctly, that there was a bunch of cheating going on at the school. It was so bad that a new family were scandalized that an entire classroom of students were cheating. They went to the priest to report how shocked they were that a Catholic school would have such dishonest children. Instead of disciplining the students, they decided it was the teacher's fault, and they fired her, and after she learned her lesson, rehired her. The boy was threatened that they were going to kill him by the other students, including the priest's family who were caught in the cheating. The boy reported to his mother that this cheating continued to go on throughout the entire year, even in the nuns' classrooms.

    I would say that if these rumors were true, than this school has more to worry about than just the priest calling a student fat.

    1. Dishonesty is a virtue well known at MHT. I think they use something called "mental reservation" so that it is not considered lies.

  44. And, yes, the commenter 1:22 was correct, according to the rumors, an elderly widow has to make meals for the sisters during the week and even weekend. The poor woman even has a handicapped sticker in her car, but the nuns have her make them meals and even give her a menu! They do not make any meals on their own because the other important families bring the meals to them.

    I was shocked when I heard this, but it is well known around the church that these nuns are given special treatment such as the meals.

    1. I think the elderly lady is their grandma?

  45. Can't, with all of the scandels, someone go to jail, or at least be fined. Would the county come in and put an end to the cult?

  46. AnonymousMay 13, 2016 at 3:49 AM
    "Can't, with all of the scandels, someone go to jail, or at least be fined. Would the county come in and put an end to the cult?"

    To coin a phrase, " Been there, done that" The Police take reports, but until we have just one person to come forward who has been mistreated by one these scoundrels, and willing to testify, nothing will happen to them.

    There are several problems involved, one of which is when children are involved the parents naturally go into defense mode, and don't want their children to have to endure any more pain.

    The Guilt Trip that would be put on the family, and their friends would be unbearable.
    So the old expression enters: "To let sleeping dogs lie" And lie they do!

    That is why this blog is so good! It allows the dirt to be aired, people made aware, and the Beasts of Prey to begin to Pray that they do not get caught.

    Keep up this blog, and before long the Faithful Court will become aware and
    eventually, the Lambs will no longer be Silenced.


  47. The Reader Wrote:

    "Maybe someone closer to these awful "schools" can fill you in on their size, shape, and layout."

    Yeah, they call it "the BLOB"!

  48. Could anything that the cult does be considered illegal?(not crazy)

    1. Somebody down there should get into contact with the news media about wall the craziness going on. They'd love to do a story on a nutty religious cult with a school where most of the teaching staff have no credentials.

    2. I wonder if county commissioners knew all about the alleged crazy dealings of this place, if the new cemetery, convent, and school might have a difficult time getting all their permits? No town wants to be known as a cult center for wackiness. And, their alleged past dealings with allegedly paying off inspectors could certainly be verified with the wackiness?
