
Saturday, May 14, 2016


Editor's Note: Our open letter continues with the last part of "Discipline Donnie's" big exam. Next week we'll post his answers. We're sure he'll reply to set the record straight once and for all.

Those essay questions were toughies, weren't they, Don? Take a breath and get ready for the third and final section of your exam. Only five items to go, Big Boy. You can do it!

C. Multiple Choice. In each numbered prompt below, you will find a statement based on reports we received about your "school," after which there follows a series of four choices, identified A, B, C, and D. Select the response that best represents your views. If none matches your opinion, you may write your response in item E.

1. One report alleges that a boy afflicted with ADD and on prescription medication for the disorder was made to stand in the hallway in his boxers after he was unable to change his clothes within the allotted three (3) minutes after recess.

A. This incident never occurred. No one at the "school" has any problems. This is an earthly paradise where no one cheats, and amity abides. In fact, the students and graduates don't even get traffic tickets.

B. ADD is not a genuine malady, and only lazy, selfish slackers and their sob-sister mothers make the claim.

C. Everybody is treated equally in the cult "school"; accordingly, this child was required to get with the program regardless of any impairment or else endure the consequences. The child broke a reasonable rule and hence brought down condign humiliating punishment upon his own head. 

D. If he had been wearing briefs, he would have been removed from the hall and expelled for indecency. In addition, he would have been exorcized for good measure. The devil's everywhere down here in the fetid swampland.

E. _____________________________________________

2.It has been calculated that the cult "school" has experienced more than a 60% turnover rate, with more than 10 families leaving to date.

A. The enrollment has stayed the same and is, in fact, growing at so swift a pace owing to the skyrocketing birth rate that the cult will soon have to demand funds for a larger facility with a more luxuriously appointed teachers' lounge.

B. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

C. A 60% or higher turnover rate is common in high-quality schools.

D. It could be a 100% rate, and the people will still keep paying, so what's the big deal?

E. _____________________________________________

3. Report after report says that the rules have become stricter and more insane over the years.

A. The rules have always been the same, with no increase in severity or scope. The mothers have simply become too permissive, while the fathers need to get their womenfolk in line. Hell beckons to moms and their snot-nosed kids who disobey me and mine.

B. The rules had to be strengthened because the students' behavior and morals had deteriorated to an alarming degree as a result of lax parenting, particularly on the part of the mothers. That's one reason there were no roses or words of recognition for these Jezabels on Mother's Day.

C. The "clergy" and "religious" are so unhappy with their empty lives in the cult that they are obliged to take out their anger and frustration on innocent children. As they discern the disconnect between authentic Catholic practice and the cult's impious absurdities, "clergy" and "religious" must have an appropriate outlet to channel their confused rage.

D. The more unreasonable rules there are in a school and the more draconian the punishments, the easier it is to control and manipulate both children and parents, since the ideal of a Catholic education is to instill groveling fear and inculcate blind obedience.

E. _________________________________________________

4. One common theme gleaned from reports and social media is that many graduates of the "school" lead double lives of hearty-partying, skimpy clothing, rock music, and keeping company with friends who don't belong to the cult, which prohibits associating with non-cult members (unless the people belong to one of the élite families, in which case they're free to associate with anyone they please).

A. All graduates of the "school" adhere to the same strict code of comportment they cheerfully followed when they were under cult supervision. They are models of modest, sober Catholic adulthood, whom everyone should emulate.

B. Whom are you going to believe: your own lying eyes when you examine the graduates' social media pages or the thundering cult "clergy"? And even if your lying eyes do spy boozy shots and snaps of chicks in revealing short-shorts, that just means the devil hacked the account of some paragons of Tradistani virtue.

C. If the graduates come from the Big 3 families, then there's nothing wrong with partying "like it's 1999," jammin' to a hip deejay, rocking revealing fashions, and hanging out with non-traddie friends. "Some animals are more equal than others" down here on the swampland cult farm.

D. The graduates' behavior is demonstrable proof that the crazy "school" rules are held in contempt by the younger generation, which knows the cult is not the Catholic Church and laughs up their sleeveless blouses at the whacky cult "clergy" who come up with nutty, intrusive rules in the first place.

E. _________________________________________________

5. According to first-hand reports, many years ago, a goofy sede "priest," who was a frequent visitor to an Ur-cult-center, had a nasty habit of entering classrooms unannounced to conduct what he smirkingly called "quality control." The chagrined teachers deeply resented the time-wasting disruptions occasioned by this moron's unwelcome, untimely appearances. They, therefore, sought and won approval to deny him entry. During one examination session, a classroom door was locked. When the good-for-nothing misfit came knocking, he was refused admittance. Our sources claim that the despicable weasel then went crying to you, and you, in turn, read the riot act to the supervisor who supported the decision to keep this idiot from annoying teachers and learners.

A. This incident never occurred, and those who reported it are dastardly liars who will burn in hell for eternity, boiling in their own excrement. If they are still connected to my cult, they are going to regret their lie, I kid you not.

B. Nothing of any educational value takes place in a cult "school" anywhere, so a loafing fellow cult "clergyman" should be able to kill some time by interrupting a "class" that didn't have anything better to do anyway.

C. A disciplined focus on teaching and learning is a perverse notion of the godless public schools and has no place in a cult "school," which exists for the financial enrichment of the "clergy" as well as an emotional safety valve for their burning resentments.

D. Women don't have the right to keep malformed cult "clergy" from interrupting their carefully planned lessons; additionally, students have no right to resent the disruption. A visit from bum "clergy" should always be welcome, notwithstanding any negative impact on the classroom environment or the visitor's obnoxiousness. 

E. _____________________________________________

. . . . . . . . . .

OK, Don, time's up. Put your pencil down. Look over your work and check for truthfulness. Then forward your responses to us ASAP. Be assured that we will publish them in toto once we have verified to the best of our ability that they are indeed yours. You need not fear our editing them or removing any denials you profess. All we will do is to make sure that everyone who reported incidents has access to your replies. Then they can take it from there.

With utmost contempt and ill wishes,

Pistrina Liturgica 


  1. What's a "Ur-cult-center'? Or did you mean 'your cult center'? I don't want to miss anything here & want to get things straight.

  2. No, Ur is a German word used in compounds that means "original, primeval." For example, in linguistics an Ursprache is a hypothetical, reconstructed language, like Proto-Indo-European.

    1. Thank you, I had thought it was a reference to Genesis where Abraham was called out of Ur. Although both may be appropriate in this case.

  3. The Ur- (ur-) prefix is now frequently found with English words in scholarly as well as non-scholarly sources. We've seen ur-poem, ur-religion, and even ur-cool.

  4. Well, one learns something new every day! This is the first that I've heard of ur. Thanks for the lesson. Glad I asked.

  5. # One is cause for concern if not alarm. If indeed this boy with ADD was made to stand in the hallway in his boxers, the CPS should be contacted ASAP. If those people force a child to do this, goodness only knows what other abuses they are capable of.

  6. I have a question regarding the boy who had to stand in the hall in his boxers as a punishment. Is this school Co-ed? Were
    young girls privy to this boy's humiliation? Are the nuns responsible for stripping children down to their underwear for minor infractions?

    In my day I was used to the nuns giving us a good dressing down, but it didn't mean this!

    I would love to know how Bp. Sanborn would permit this when he doesn't even allow brothers and sister to swim together.

  7. I'm glad I'm not the only one who was mortified by what happened to that ADD child. Marian-like modesty anyone? I am hoping that such a report is exaggerated. But given the SGG history I doubt it.

    Imagine if you read about something like that at a local public school. There would be ruined careers and prison sentences. In case anyone doubts how serious this is, to force someone (a child)to remove their clothing they are committing sexual abuse. It exposes the child to possible molestation or worse.

    Would they have done this if it were a girl? Was this done to gratify some adult's lascivious interest in that boy? Have that child's parents sued? Were the "teachers" fired?

    This is so disturbing, if true, I'm going to contact the authorities myself.

    1. Please please please report these depraved people. Perhaps I misunderstood your post, but, and forgive me if I am wrong, this is the Sin-born school in Florida where this happened, not SGG. This boy has/will have enough issues to deal with in his young life. Such humiliation and abuse will not help him. Many trads of this ilk do not believe in ADD per se and certainly don't approve of medication for those afflicted. I suppose the parents must get permission from one of the nuns for a child to take medication of any variety.

  8. The boy has ADD which is a recognized cognitive brain disorder. What is their excuse for this vile, and depraved public act of child abuse?

    Reeks of Sanborn and his bully tactics upon the weak, such as Terri Shiavo. This man should be locked up!

  9. I think number one is being misinterpreted. No one said nuns striped the child down to boxers. What it said, is that the child was not allowed to get dressed in the alloted amount of time after recess. I assume this means he was changing from recess clothes, since this is a private school with possible uniform? Still wrong with the boxers.

    1. #1 said the child had to stand in the hallway in his boxers because he was unable to change his clothes in 3 minutes.

  10. No child, no matter what, should have had to stand in public in underwear for even a minute & especially if girls were present. So, how long did he have to stand there? About how much longer would he have needed to change? I'm assuming he only got as far as taking off his clothes & didn't have time to put his other clothes on before the 3 minutes were up thus having to stand in his underwear? If the child had to struggle with buttons or a zipper got stuck, that's a lot of pressure to put on a child & even worse if he has ADD. Talk about cruel & UNUSUAL punishment! What did the parents do about this? Are they still there? I'm just having a hard time believing the teachers would do this with all their talk of modesty. Strange stuff indeed if true.

  11. Just to clarify everything:

    According to a source, " It was after recess where the boy was changing into his school clothes back from his gym clothes. He didn't get dressed in his 3 minutes. The boy is no longer a student at Queen of all Saints."

  12. P.L. Wrote: "The boy is no longer a student at Queen of all Saints."

    Thank God! The ball rests with the parents to file the complaint. If they do not, and they probably will not, under the theory of letting sleeping dogs lie, then these horrible incidences will continue to happen.

    Nobody can fault the parents wanting to protect their child from future abuse, so it is up to the laity.

    STARVE THE BEAST! Give them NO donations!

  13. Point of interest!

    My, how the Times have changed!

    When I was in grammar school back in the late 50's we had a few students that for whatever reason were a little slower than the rest of the students. We were taught to help our neighbor, which in turn taught all to give Charity, and not Cruelty.

  14. I'm guessing these situations are why the turnover rate is 60 percent? Also, if the rules have been made stricter over the years, I'm also thinking this happened over the years if the boy is no longer there.

    ADD is difficult because many people do not recognize it as a problem, let alone do they take the time to know what side effects are caused by medications. Instruction should be given to these teachers so that they are aware of problems like these. What kind of instruction are these teachers and nuns given? Do they take a course in teaching instruction, including discussing things like add, adhd, processing disorders, dyslexia, learning disabilities? If they were trained correctly, they would recognize these problems and help students create strategies to combat the problem.

    The problems I'm seeing from your posts are untrained teachers who use using uncanny methods In teaching and discipline. The rules appear so strict that the kids are forced to lead double lives, so we can't blame the children for partying or doing normal activities that children do (within reason and not sinful.)

    You have listed many contradictions in this school, so the boxer incident doesn't surprise me. Yet, I think that a school made with only a few families, with not even outside teachers, seems like they might be covering up something more.

    I'm curious of why so many families left? There has been one commenter who explained why they recently left, and their feelings about the people in charge were very clear. What about the 9 others?

    What chores are these children made to do other than blackboard cleaning, cleaning out their desks,and sweeping their school rooms?

    I would like to know more about the teachers and their training; how they discipline at the school; how they instruct; and what activities the students participate in besides cleaning, being placed in hallways in boxer shorts, and serving or choir?

  15. This incident happened in 2008.

    1. Since you are in the know, could you also let us know of developments since then.

      Meaning, post-2008 what other atrocities have been perpetrated on students (and their parents) by the cult establishment?

    2. Sorry, I can only attest to the 2008 incident. You would need to ask the 9 families who left or the one who wrote in about just leaving.

  16. I don't believe Sanborn will answer at all. He probably thinks the best thing to do is to ignore this and not dignify it with any response. Or do you have any evidence that he will answer? Has he given any signs?

    1. No, we haven't heard a grunt. We are certain, however, he'll want to have his say either to deny the allegations or to confirm them. The Donster's just got to speak! We want to give him a voice on these questions, somehow, someway.

      We're just as expectant as all of you for this coming Saturday. We have every confidence that we'll get something from the horse's mouth.

    2. I believe he owes his parishioners a response. Whether it's reaffirming that he does indeed endorse these practices or whether he denies they happened. I think he will be worse off in the eyes of his congregation if he says nothing and leaves them all wondering.

    3. I don't think Big Don has the guts to come on here with his written response. Like all bullies, he is a coward. Loud and threatening to those under his thumb, he will back off against anyone one who is NOT intimidated by him and who will stand up to him.

      He will only talk when he can make a point to justify himself. Just don't expect to acknowledge the truth, or admit to his own wrongdoing.

      I wonder who is better at squirming and weaseling, refusing to acknowledge the facts/truth? Big Don or Checkie?

    4. It might be a tie. Big Don, however, is much smarter than Checkie, so he probably beat out the Cheeseball.

    5. "I believe he owes his parishioners a response. "

      The people asking these questions are not parishioners of his.

    6. Actually, Anon. Several of us (the church, not sanborn's paishioners) want to know the answer to these questions. We've been talking and aren't going to support a place like this.

  17. You might want to check the similarities between MHT and SGG, both had Mark Lotarski employed. SGG made him the Principal, but I notice very similar cruel traits in both schools.

  18. I'm wondering if they will ever let anyone else except the main families in this school again? It is apparent that they can't keep anyone else in and that the liability of people leaving and telling what is actually going on at this school is high.

    After the SGG scandal, how many families left and how many stayed? I bet they are more careful at what they do at the school now.

  19. I thought Adolph Hitler was dead!

  20. Hitler had an excuse he was a Pagan. What is Sanborn's?

  21. The Talk among the clergy was Bishop McKenna always lamented over making Sanborn a Bishop. I believe it was his last consecration. Now you know why! Now we have Stalag Brooksville

  22. Bishop Dolan in his "Bishop's Corner" announced that Fr. Cekada has been diagnosed with a rare type of Bladder Cancer. While my prayers are with him for a recovery, I hope his procedure will not entail a FEEDING TUBE.

  23. Sanborn likes total control. If he can't control you, he doesn't want you at HIS church. When will people see this? How many seminarians have left? Do people truly believe it is because they were not smart enough to go through HIS seminary? Look at who stayed? His Argentinians who are glued to his side and his side kick who was promised to be a bishop because his family bought his position. If there is a doubt of unquestioning obedience, then they are shipped to Dolan (if they passed the first tests but missed the final cut.) Who is left at his seminary? On his schedule, it says Fliess, Selway, Desposito. Then, his Arizona church says Palma. Are they all not from Argentina? Do Desposito, Fleiss, and Palma come from money? Why does he only keep the Argentineans? actually, do any of the ones that samborn has ordained (besides Selway) have money? Are only the poor ones kept in because Sanborn knows they will have to rely on him for money or to find them a parish? Does Sanborn get a cut from their wages?

    1. Big Don likes brown-nosers, but he doesn't like stupid ones. Hence, the Skipper from Guadalajara, who's dying to be taken to FL, will always have to stay in the boondocks. He's not good enough. He's a bootlicker, but he doesn't quite measure up. He'll always quake in fear if he ever orders a Taco Bell and Big Don finds out.

  24. Anon May 15, 10:03pm you just beat me to the punch! Not to digress too much from the current test & discussion - but I just read the Bishop's Corner. Yes, indeed, Fr. C has been diagnosed with cancer.
    Also they're losing another family that's moving to Conn.
    But I also want to point out that in the Confirmation picture all the girls are wearing little red beanies instead of veils. I know it's Pentecost but really! Oddest looking Confirmation picture ever. Also - can anyone say 'lock-step'?
    Last but not least - you may not believe this but NO CATS WERE MENTIONED in this Bulletin.

  25. I am very sorry to hear about Fr. Cekada's rare bladder cancer. I hope this is not a result of past inappropriate behavior. Now, who will ONE HAND DAN hide behind?

    1. Cancer? Have you heard of baking soda used to treat cancer? The simple ingredients are in the kitchen. Unless you want to go the conventional way when they administer drugs into the body.

  26. It has been pointed out that the school has become increasingly strict over the years. Perhaps this could be due to change in leadership? When the school was attached to the chapel in Michigan, Sanborn was the principal, and Neville the vice-principal, ultimately succeeding Sanborn as principal. In Florida, however, Selway has been the principal. He himself is a product of the school, and possesses no post-secondary education other than his time at MHT. At least Sanborn and Neville were educated in real Catholic and/or public schools. Selway, however, knowing nothing other than the cult school from which he graduated, could be prone not only to perpetuating but even worsening and intensifying the crazy rules and policies he grew up with. I do not say this to take blame away from Sanborn. He remains the head honcho of Brooksville. But perhaps the young Bishop-Elect has a greater part in this than is being credited? Victims become the next abusers.

    1. Or maybe Selway is trying to prove that he is going to be more powerful than Sanborn. I wonder who the mht parish would choose to be in charge of everything: sanborn or Selway.

    2. The "parish" doesn't have a say say. One man does, and he'll choose the latter candidate. Things will start to change after the consecration.

    3. Hey, Reader

      Since the talk on the street is that the bishop-elect is backed by family money (and assuming this is true) ... wouldn't the upcoming consecration be a simoniacal consecration?

      This would be grave, grievous matter, no? From being a kiddie priest (lacking proper education and formation) to a kiddie bishop (lacking a doctorate in a branch of the sacred sciences)? If this is accurate, then The Kid is jumping from one precipice to another. Just like fools rushing in where angels fear to tread.

    4. You know how the trads justify whatever they want by twisting and turning the facts every which way but loose.

      But like you, to our unenlightened eyes, it certainly appears that spiritual goods have been and are being exchanged for temporal goods.

      The cult masters love to cite canon law, so maybe they should heed Msgr. Palazzini, who wrote, "In the case of simoniacal ordination...both the minister and the subject of the sacrament are suspect of heresy (Can. 2371)".

      The specter of simony of divine law might haunt the co-consecrator, if he still has any conscience left.

    5. Hey, PL

      Referring to your last sentence, above.

      It would appear that Selway the Kid isn't bothered by the frightful possibility of going through a simoniacal consecration.

      Is the Kid so bent on obtaining an undeserved ecclesiastical dignity, that he won't let anything (whether prohibited by divine or ecclesiastical law) stand in his way? Or that he will brave whatever hazards to get what he fancies?

      The Kid must have been struck with spiritual blindness not to see the high probability of simony in the intended consecration? Same goes for Big Don and the whole outfit over there.

    6. Money and power are very blinding

    7. Also, both mentioned seemed to be blinded with pride

    8. Some people can't make their own choices. They have others who make them. They just co-operated.

  27. I want to know why these kids sometimes show up for mass in uniforms? They can't be counting this as a school day, can they? They appear to go to their parents after mass, so maybe the parents are transporting them back to school. If not, would that even be legal to count only mass as a school day because I can't imagine why they would be in their school uniform if they are not counting it.

    1. The cult masters are a law unto themselves. And they are in charge of the record keeping, aren't they? The authorities probably don't give a hoot what happens in a cult "school" anyway.

  28. Have you noticed Sanborn seems to be getting mad in his last two sermons? He is almost yelling in one of them. I guess he's never very nice in his sermons, but I wonder if your last few posts are making him mad.

    1. That's a really interesting point.

      One of the Readers did mention that "Discipline Donnie" was getting more aggressive lately, but we thought it was because of the big showdown that occurred after Mass a few weeks ago.

      We'd love to flatter ourselves that we're getting his goat. But we'd be much happier to learn that our posts are causing defections from his cult.

    2. He yells in pretty much every sermon.

    3. Why is that? Is he just an angry, little man? Our Lord didn't yell at his followers. Are priests not suppose to be His representatives on earth? Maybe his true vocation was to be a monk somewhere, not a parish priest.

    4. I don't know, but it's not very uplifting/encouraging/inspiring one to be better. Death and hell seem to be the most popular sermon topics.

    5. Why would anyone think he's actually a priest? It seems as though he thinks he's more of a protestant minister. They are the ones who shout at you about hell all the time.

      Why does anyone give him money?

    6. That's the $64.000 question. These donors are nuts.

    7. Why do you write a sum of American dollars in a format that is only used in other countries?

      I know you like to pretend you're high-class and European, but a European wouldn't write a figure like that using European notation.

  29. A good leader takes responsibility for their actions, as well as their subordinates. Whether Sanborn is in charge or not of the school, Selway is his subordinate. The nuns are Selway's subordinates. Selway shouldn't be acting so sadistic. The nuns shouldn't be acting like spoiled sorority girls. Sanborn should take responsibility for all and fix it. He should say that mistakes were made, I've reprimanded those who caused them, and I promise to oversee that these students will be treated fairly and provide them with a solid Catholic education in the future. He should be going in unannounced to check and make sure they are doing a responsible job. Selway should be handing over a copy of the written and unwritten rules, and it should be listed on their website. The nuns should stop their childish behavior and grow up. The children are not there to do their chores; they are there to learn. I don't even know what to say about how meals are cooked for them 2-3 times a day. I'm hoping this is exaggerated because someone who dedicated themselves as a bride of Christ wouldn't have servants be cooking for them.

    All need to step back and look at what a poor example they are being to their students and their parish, and then change their ways.

    1. Sadly, none of this is exaggerated. In fact, it's understated.

  30. Has anyone who visited mht notice how cold everyone is? Do they treat everyone this way or just visitors?

  31. They only want the "in" group there. They resent anyone new. In pure cult style, newcomers who wish to stray are assigned guardians from the Big 3.

    1. Why are these 3 loyal to sanborn and not catholic teaching? I assume you mean the big 3 who keep following him across the country?

    2. Some fools think Big Don = Catholic Church

    3. The said fools (who think so highly of themselves) are no better than the Novus Ordo folks who think the Novus Ordo/V2 church = Catholic Church.

  32. There were some Nigerian seminarians here awhile ago, and recently some other seminarians who left. Why do all these seminarians leave? And why do they all look so miserable? Can you get in touch with them to explain why they left? Their names are on newsletters.

    1. One of them was told to leave because he was too independent minded.

    2. PL,

      You mean to say that the Nigerian seminarian was not cult material. Maybe, his brain was not washable, by Big Don's standards.

      The modus operandi in the "seminary" is that all must obey Big Don, even to ignoring or contradicting the approved theologians of the pre-V2 era. I remember reading about an incident where a seminarian was forbidden to read, mention or cite Cardinal Billot as an authority on an issue of ecclesiology. Do you, by any chance, have the details (meaning, a blow by blow account) of that incident?

    3. Anon May 18 8:31 AM

      We blogged about the incident in 2011. The post is available here.

  33. Also, why is the church following apart AGAIN? They are working on fixing more crumbling. I don't believe trained people are the ones fixing it, so we will probably have to pay for repairs again.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You ask, “Why is the church falling apart AGAIN? “ Do you mean SGG or MHT? (Wouldn't surprise me if MHT is also falling apart, figuratively and literally.)
      Assuming you mean SGG, it isn’t falling apart “again.” It was falling apart even before actual construction, when Dolan and Cekada started messing with and changing the original blueprints of that piece of junk.
      No sooner had they opened the place up and the winter rain and melting snow started leaking in through the defective roof, in so many areas they had buckets and containers all over the place catching the water.
      I can’t list in chronological order all of the defects of that place, but, shortly after the leaking roof, moisture started appearing under the floors, some kind of tile floor.
      Some of the walls became death chambers for birds falling through them due to the defective roof.
      The heating and air-conditioning system had to be shut off during Dan’s sermons as the monstrous noise emanating from them distracted Dan.
      Electronic air fresheners were installed all over the place to mask the stench of mold. The men’s room had to be re-arranged due to the urinals being placed in an awkward place.
      When the door would open people could see the urinals and any males using them! The list is endless, and to document it all would require Pistrina starting a new blog to document all of this.
      It wouldn’t surprise me in the least bit if the money spent correcting all of these defects surpasses the actual amount spent to construct this dump in the first place.

    3. MHT has the same structural problems. There are not leaks, but the outside is crumbling due to lack of quality work and Sanborn's vision of what his masterpiece had to be. How many rooms are located in the seminary? 20? How many seminarians? 4? 6? How is that using the parish's money wisely? Oh, that's right: it's sanborn's money, not the parish's money. He can go to his expensive restaurants and play architect and engineer. I bet he can't wait to get access to the arizona parish's money. He will close their church in a heartbeat, claiming they disobeyed him or went against his orders. With his own convent being built, why would they need arizona anymore? He doesn't. He just needs their money and their building to sell to fund his compound and falling apart building, not to mention his cemetary. Convenient that they are getting the cemetery right when his pal is diagnosed with cancer. I wonder which part will be structured first? The part for religious or the part for those who paid for it.

    4. The last time we heard, the AZ people resisted Big Don's demand to take over their chapel lock, stock, and barrel. Back then they had at least million dollars plus a lot of undeveloped acreage. He's been grousing about the rebuff ever since. We hope they hang on and resist his efforts. If not...

    5. I just hope that the AZ folks don't go wobbly on this issue. They must resist Big Don, and continue steadfast.

      If the AZ folks are regular readers of this blog, then they have all they need to make an informed decision.

      As long as they hold their cash tightly in their hands - they have the upper hand over Big Don.

      The moment they surrender their cash and property to Big Don, they lose their human dignity and freedom. They will be enslaved by Big Don: financially, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.

  34. I want to know why every newsletter is based on proving why the Novus Ordo is wrong. If you are reading the newsletter, one must assume that you already believe the novus ordo is wrong. Why can't his newsletter show what he is doing to preserve the faith instead of his constant tearing apart of others. It is sometimes even laden with filth, yet he can't even control his own seminsry and school. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, and it is obvious this man lives in a glass house with open closets that skeletons are bound to escape.

    1. These people have to have someone, or something, to attack, at all times. It detracts their followers from noticing or studying their defects and sicknesses to any intelligent extent. In this case, perhaps the Novus Ordo is starting to look like a viable and appealing alternative to some of their followers. They can’t afford to lose any more donations.
      Say what you want about the establishment church, but, the pedophile crisis has finally made their leaders accountable for their actions and crimes. This is more than can be said about the independent trad clergy.
      They account to no one, absolutely no one.

    2. Who is Sanborn accountable to, Sr. Selway?

  35. I want to know why neville is aligning himself with these men again? Did he not learn the first time around?

    1. I always found it curious and ironic that Neville left SSPX so soon after his ordination to join the ranks of Sin-born. If you recall, after defecting, he publically discussed his reasons for leaving the SSPX in a point by point letter. What happened? He didn’t have serious issues with SSPX prior to ordination, but after, suddenly, his scruples miraculously appeared, so serious he had to leave them? Such issues his post ordination mind came up with didn’t exist before ordination, he didn’t know about them? Interesting, as most of the “Catholic” world, including the Vatican, acknowledge SSPX ordinations as valid. Is it possible he didn’t leave this now awful SSPX prior to ordination because, to be ordained by Dolan or any other of the Thuc bishops would call into question his priestly validity by many sources and make his life difficult?

    2. One day, we promise, the full story will come out about his re-alignment with the cult. (As some of you will recall, he originally supported Ramolla in 2009, and many of his people had a grudge against the Donster.)

      But one thing we can say now is that he would never have allowed "One Hand" to ordain him. Everyone at the Winona seminary had heard the story of one-handed orders.

  36. No one answered any questions about the teachers at Sgg or mht. On mht site there lists only one lay teacher, a 90 year old woman who trained as a nurse. Is she the school nurse? SGG has only talked about Lotarski's. What kind of training do any of these people have to stick a half dressed child in the hallway?

    1. It's our understanding that there's only one teacher at OLQS who holds a credential in his subject area. Maybe someone can fill us in on the details.

  37. Not only that, but what training are the sisters given?

    If they aren't given instructor training, can they at least be given cooking and cleaning lessons so that they can stop relying on others and do for themselves?

    1. It seems that the majority of these "sisters" come from the Big 3 families. 'Nuff said. There is at least one who's an outsider — from the CT chapel, who found refuge in FL after an ugly dust-up out east. She's a very hard worker with amazing practical skills. But she owes Big Don a lot for enabling her to continue her religious vocation when others were so dead set against her.

  38. Do the nuns at SGG have people cooking for them?

    How about the nuns in Arizona?

    What about the Sspv nuns in n.y?

    Do the sspx or novus Ordo nuns have people cooking for them?

    I have to ask? What do these nuns do all day if they have lay teachers teaching, school kids cleaning, and people cooking their meals. Do they do anything or are they there for show?

    1. I think contemplative orders rotate cooking among themselves, but religious who teach/nurse etc. have cooks (sometimes the nuns could actually cook/clean as their main 'work' like those who do for the pope). The 80 year old here might get paid; on the other hand she might volunteer if she's the mother of one of them. In my N.O. parish the school convent had a cook at least for lunch, but it was a widowed parishioner--anyone who went to the nun's dining room was very impressed because set formal w/water glasses etc.
      It could be lunch was their main meal.

      Usually, if kids do cleaning around the school/convent it is because they need a tuition discount.

      Cooking is a full time job for Sr. Gilberta who cooks for three other nuns “so they can serve others”,759796&hl=en

      "Imagine a somewhat wild-child of 15 cooking meals for Good Shepherd sisters at a convent. "It was one of my best jobs," says Kathy. "I ate dinner with the sisters each night and the meal was something they looked forward to all day. I was there almost five years. They were so good to me, they even let me do my homework in the back room and smoke while dinner was cooking." One of the sisters, Sr. Vera Gallagher, wrote one of the first articles about Kathy, published in the Post Intelligencer’s Sunday magazine."

      "One of the best places to eat in New Jersey happens to be at a convent, of all places. Yes, the Benedictine sisters at Saint Walburga are eating in style, thanks to their very own convent cook, Maria Tisdall. Before Maria blessed them with her presence, these nuns lived on the plainest of plain foods—rice, potatoes, absolutely nothing fancy. But with Maria in the kitchen, they’ve started exploring the wonders of pesto, the gastronomic possibilities of couscous, and the joys of balsamic vinegar. Maria has opened the nuns to a whole new world of cooking..."

    2. If the 80 year old is their mother, why is she allowed to cook for them? Are they not suppose to leave their mothers and form a community within themselves? This sounds like some bad leadership.

    3. In any discussion about cult "nuns," it's important to remember that the $GG, B'ville, and AZ communities are NOT part of the Catholic Church. The women can't make public vows and their "orders" have no canonical status. They're like independent sororities that govern themselves and do as they please. In no way do they belong to a religious institute as properly understood in the Roman Catholic Church. Like everything else in Tradistan, it's all a charade.

    4. Actually, Anon May 18 3:01am, in contemplative orders (at least the Carmelites) there were 2 kinds of sisters in the monastery - the Choir nuns and the Lay sisters. The Lay sisters do the cooking, cleaning & gardening leaving the Choir nuns to chant the Divine Office, spend time in Adoration, prayer, meditation & spiritual exercises but also do some manual labor. At least, it was that way back in the day.

    5. These nuns sing on just Sundays, right? Manual work is always done by the students of the school (not them.) According to their website, they are teaching nuns, yet they have just as many lay people helping them teach because they can't even handle that? It sounds like whoever is training them is not doing a good job instructing them to perform their duty. If they need meals cooked for them, other people teaching for them, the kids cleaning for them, etc., how are they living up to their orders? I have to ask: is the school just a farce for children to be these nuns' servants? Possibly even a feeder school for the convent and seminary?

      Someone needs to look into this.

  39. I'm also confused about how everyone already knows sanborn's next bishop?

    Everyone knows bishop McKenna was a very holy man. Is there proof that he regretted ordaining Sanborn? I would like to know this. It isn't right that sanborn can stop riding on a holy priest's coat-tails.

    1. The writing has been on the wall for decades. And when they moved the pesthouse from MI to FL just because of one man's ailment, then all guesswork vanishes.

      For all its secrecy and cultishness, Tradistan is a very simple book to read.

  40. Interesting perspective! Yet, above it says they have 3 meals a day cooked for them, and on the post either last week or this week, I think it says that they give the older lady a menu and then school families take turns cooking for them, including desserts every night.

    Sr. Gilberta (mentioned in the note above) cooked for 3 nuns so they could serve others. Who are these nuns serving except themselves? Do they not have people in that parish that they could be cooking for or visiting as shut-ins? Are they using their free time to serve others since they seem to have so many people serving them?

    I'm glad they eat well though; they have to keep their strength for all that hard work they are doing. Wait! What was that hard work again? It also said they have lay teachers teaching, so it's not like they have work piled on, and how many students? 26, if the report was correct. The same as a public school teacher has in one classroom. So, there are 4 lay teachers plus how many nuns, 4,5,6 and a priest who teaches? The kids do their chore work, they have 3 meals a day made, and they never have to worry about money because their families are rich and give them anything they want.

    The main 3 families have been reported as being very wealthy, so I doubt tuition discount is the reason for work.

    What excuses do they give for so many families disappearing? 10 families in how many years of operating at such a small school is pretty hard to miss.

    1. 10 teachers and 26 students. That's a student-teacher ratio of 2/3 to 1, and they still need a cook? That doesn't make sense. The stats must be off.

    2. Don't look for sense in Tradistan.

      The normal rules of economy and good governance do not apply in this weird universe. If they did, the cults would be out of business.

      But as long as folks keep paying for all this foolishness and believe these cults are the Catholic Church, it will continue.

  41. The queen of all saints website has ensemble listed. Do they give free music lessons for all these instruments listed? Is it part of their tuition and fees? Or are families expected to pay extra for lessons? There is also vocal lessons offered. Are they free or is it a class?

    Their entire academic programs are listed, including protestant programs. Interesting from a traditional catholic school.

  42. If only one is qualified to teach, what will these kids do after graduation? Let me guess: the girls go into the convent and the boys go work for their parents? So, it really doesn't matter what kind of education they receive, since the uneducated kids will go on to teach a new generation of uneducated kids who are robots loyal to the ones in charge: Sanborn and Selway? So, they are not really teaching academics, but they are teaching cult loyalty and how ithey should dedicate their life to the cult?

    1. That's our understanding from all the reports we've received. The real losers are any kids who don't come from the benefactor families. How they will survive in the knowledge economy of the 21st century is a mystery.

    2. These unfortunate kids will be assigned to the lowest level of the pyramid (of the social hierarchy of the cult), where they will work as coolies and menial slaves of the cult society.

      Right-thinking parents should pull their kids out of these cult schools, and pronto! Why sacrifice your kids (body and soul) to these cult? It is pure insanity, and also cruelty, to their offspring.

      Parents/families of the non-Big 3 at Brooksville, WAKE UP!!

  43. Interesting that all the cult abuse signs are laid out very clearly, yet they still have a following at their church.

    What has their collections been since your recent posts?

    1. The B'ville collections are printed in their bulletin, but it doesn't seem to be available online. Maybe someone from FL can fill us in. $GG bulletins with weekly collection stats are available, but we have doubts about their accuracy.

      Correspondents who assist at $GG have told us they don't see how it's possible that the cult masters are reporting sometimes between $4 and $6 K a week. Those reports along with Dannie's perennial demands for more and more money suggest big financial problems. Maybe they're socking it away for their retirement.

      Both Checkie and "One Hand" were born in 1951, so they'll be 65 this year. They've always talked about retirement, and these recent illnesses could give them an excuse to call it quits and take it even easier in some nice, warm climate, while still keeping in touch with $GG to assure a little extra income. The situation bears close watching.

  44. Sanborn would never trust Neville after they started a similar foundation name so that they could cash the church checks and start their own chapel. There is more too this. Is Neville now offering a cut or is Sanborn plotting to take away Neville's chapel. Sanborn went after the families who encouraged Neville to split from him and called them thieves. Sanborn is plotting something, just like how we can all assume he is using Arizona until he can sell their building and take away their funds. I'm sure keeping the nuns in the style they are used to us draining quite a bit of the Arizona funds, with some put aside for the new convent. If I were Arizona, I would be asking for receipts for everything.

    1. There's something strange going on in Highland, but we don't know just what it is. Whatever happened, the chapel's back among the cult cabal's recommended chapels. We wonder how those families who for so long resented Big Don are adjusting to all this cultie kumbaya. One thing's for sure: the Donster's got the upper hand in all this, and he's got some folks eating crow.

      We haven't heard much about AZ for a while. A few years ago there were strong rumors they were looking for a new priest, and earlier the board did resist the Big Don's demand that they turn it all over to him. Maybe that's why he's called back to FL some of the "sisters."

      We hope they can stay strong. It wouldn't be cult style to take no for an answer. There are plenty of priests out there who could take over. And contrary to what the cult says, these guys have valid orders from consecrators with multiple lines. It would be a shame for all those assets to wind up in cult hands. We'd probably see another 10 rooms added to the pesthouse.

  45. It's almost a gurantee Don is hiding money. These priests ask for cash as much as possible. I bet they are turning the Arizona group into smucks by asking for more money than needed and then pocketing it.

    Did they tell their parishioners of their big mess up when the seminary was built? That they hired someone who paid off inspectors and had to go through and redo the work? Who do you think paid for that? Do they really think Big Don took responsibility and paid for it? No, they did!

    Someone needs to ask Big Don for his cemetery and convent plans. I bet those are going to be so decked out that it's going to cost the parishioners a lot of donations for the "poor little sisters." The same sisters who made a boy with add stand in boxers in the hallway. The same sisters who can't lift a finger for themselves and count on everyone else. The same sisters who live in a sorority versus a convent. Will they do fundraisers to raise the money or will they ask for handouts, like usual? And how much is the projected cost of these places?

    Their parishioners better start asking questions before they are drained dry. These people don't even act Catholic. The priests act protestant. The nuns are sorority sisters covered up in pretty habits. Look by people's actions, not by a pretty church, girls who can sing, or wearing a habit. What have these priests done to act like saint like priests of the past? How have the nuns helped others in your church? If they are only helping themselves (because with over 10 families leaving, they are obviously not helping the souls of children), there is a major problem!

    Stop giving these people money! Go to the other masses available. Tell them you aren't going to put up with their actions anymore.

    1. Ditto to everything you wrote.

      We heard the re-do's cost in the tens of thousands of dollars.

    2. rumors were 50,000 to over 100,000, but that can't be confirmed unless Sanborn is willing to release the actual costs.

    3. Yeah, that sounds right. The Big 3 know, though.

  46. I'm sending your posts, including comments, to the news and newspaper outlets in Tampa. Maybe they can run a story on this or at least stop the construction of any new buildings they plan to make with this cult. Tampa doesn't need this.

    1. Thank you for doing this. A local cult might be just the item of interest for the local newspapers. Imagine if some story was run, and curious readers decide to check it out for themselves by attempting to attend Sunday Services. They will be stared at, treated with contempt and suspicion and will know something is rotten in Sin-bornland if indeed they are even permitted into the worship structure.

    2. Hey, Appalled

      May I suggest a change from "Sin-bornland" to "BornInSin-Land".

      Regarding articles to be published in the local newspapers - a better idea would be for the a few journalists to go "undercover" as newcomers, and maybe conduct a sting operation or two, before publishing anything in the media. The journalists might just come up with a real scoop.

    3. Excellent ideas! The only problem going undercover would be how these undercover investigators could get through the doors disguised as trads. They would have to pass the tests that would qualify them as acceptable trads to these BorninSinland culties.
      Oh, and they would have to flash wads of cash, piles of gold, or humongous checks (or money orders) to clergy and ushers to even so much as get spat on.

    4. Hi, Appalled

      I'm the Anon at May 20, 4:39AM.

      The problem is not insurmountable.

      Selected journalists can go through an orientation session with PL/Reader, where they will get up to speed on the history, general background, the lingo used, the dramatis personae, etc. of TradNation (with particular emphasis on BornInSin-Land). To beef up their knowledge and confidence, a reading assignment may help. This would entail reading through this blog, and with this as a benchmark, proceed to critically analyze the writings of Big Don.

      As for $$$ and gold (or the lack of it), this would expose the BornInSin-Land culties for their lack of compassion towards the poor, and their utter disregard for the First Beatitude. How do they observe the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi?

      Properly prepared journalists are in for a real scoop!

  47. Who is on the staff at the "school" and on the staff at "seminary?" How much are they paid? Where does the money come from to pay these people?

    Rumors are that both places only eat organic, gourmet food? How is that possible that religious have such high taste? Do nuns not take a vow of poverty anymore? How are poor seminarians from other countries able to pay for gourmet food? $5000 a year from 4 seminarians is equal to $20,000. Is that enough to pay for all their expenses of gourmet food and living? Or is it the parish and satellite parishes paying for these religious to eat better than they do? It's not a secret that Sanborn, Dolan, and Cekada like the good life, including nice restaurants.

    Why doesn't Sanborn and co. Come out with an expense report to justify his and church expenses?

    1. I forgot to mention, that $20,000 needs to pay for their gourmet food AND cook. How is that even possible?

    2. I have no idea what those people eat per se. But, you can bet their water has something in it to control and stifle independent thinking! Organic foods from reputable sources are most expensive, and many are bogus, as labeling laws are so corrupt in this country. Any vow of poverty these people take is null and void. They can make a “promise” to observe poverty, but, depending on their interpretations, tastes, and moods at any given moment, their definition of poverty and its practical observance can and will change to accommodate their impulses . Promises do not have the same force of law as vows.

    3. I remember one of Big Don's sermons (recorded on Traditional Catholic Sermons) where he inveighed against people who buy "purified foods from health stores" and who "lecture their friends when they put burger to their lips". I think the topic of his sermon was Naturalism. He can be loud in his denunciations, yet he (together with Dolan & Checkie) go for fine dining.

  48. Why did someone object at Selways ordination? Is it true sanborn pushed him into being a priest?

    1. The priest who objected obviously knew something.

    2. As for the priest who objected ... is he still standing, or was he severely dealt with?

  49. How many of these kids are pushed into the seminary and convent?

    1. I don’t know how many of these kids are forced into the seminary or convent. But, it can safely be surmised that the convent has more than 3 or 4 Selway girls. In the old days, days these people are re-creating to their specifications and warped imaginings, would any religious order or community of “nuns” have permitted even 2 girls from the same family, let alone more than 2, to be a part of the same order or community. And, for 2 or more girls from the same family to live under one roof as so-called religious? Would a girl who joins the order or community teaching at her childhood school be assigned to her childhood parish and school, her alma mater, where the local people know her, perhaps in some cases know her really well? Would a teaching sister have been assigned to her parish to teach her younger brothers and sisters?
      Ultimately I feel very sorry for these young women. I can’t possibly believe all of them have a vocation to be a “nun.” Some of them are being deprived of marriage and of bearing children.

    2. 8 sisters are from the 2 of the 3 main families. In one of their convents, 4 of the 5 are from the same family. This is the same convent that refuses to cook for themselves or clean for themselves.

    3. So, this means that the other convent has at least 3 others from the other main family, where of course, a Selway is in charge too. My assumption is that at least at one of these places, they are teaching their siblings. In fact, if Selway is in Brooksville, he is teaching his own family too! Does that mean he hears their confessions or does he just give absolution based on them being family? So, you have priests and nuns from the same families telling their siblings they must go into the convent or seminary? No wonder why the numbers are so high! And if the Selway is in charge of the convent, another is set to be bishop, there are more selways in the convent, and selways are funding everything, can they just start causing that place Selwayville?

    4. I never thought of that – a priest hearing confessions from members of his own family. Imagine the control and guilt factors such a priest could exercise over his family. That topic could open up a whole new kettle of fish regarding these traddie priests and confessions in general. Isn’t the violation of the seal of the confessional cause for immediate, automatic excommunication? Since these clergy have no pope, would it even apply to them? I ask because I am positive some of these clergy have indeed violated the seal over the years. And, I suspect at least one of this group of priests uses knowledge and insight gained in the confessional to seek revenge, mistreat and punish penitents outside of the confessional. The only area that is sacrosanct to these priests is the seal of secrecy of their finances.

    5. Can't believe y'all never heard of that famous 19th century Martin family (NO just declared the parents 'saints'): All 5 of their surviving daughters became nuns (4 in the same convent):
      Marie (February 22, 1860, a Carmelite in Lisieux, in religion, Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart, d. January 19, 1940),
      Pauline (September 7, 1861, in religion, Mother Agnes of Jesus in the Lisieux Carmel, d. July 28, 1951),
      Léonie (June 3, 1863, in religion Sister Françoise-Thérèse, Visitandine at Caen, d. June 16, 1941),
      Céline (April 28, 1869, a Carmelite in Lisieux, in religion, Sister Geneviève of the Holy Face, d. February 25, 1959), and finally Thérèse.

      Then there's also this famous bro/sis pair:

      Not to mention Lefebvre: "Marcel Francois Lefebvre (pronounced luh-FEH-vruh) was born in Tourcoing in northeastern France on Nov. 29, 1905, the son of Rene and Gabrielle Lefebvre. His father, an official in a textile company, was a monarchist and a devout Catholic who said daily prayers in Latin. Of his seven brothers and sisters, four others became priests or nuns."

      And Ratzinger: Ratzinger and his brother Georg entered Saint Michael Seminary in Traunstein in November 1945, later studying at the Ducal Georgianum (Herzogliches Georgianum) of the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich. They were both ordained in Freising on 29 June 1951

    6. Anon May 20 8:24 PM

      And your point is...?

    7. I think the point is that these families are as holy as the Martins and maybe the priest is like her priest:
      "The chaplain of the Carmel, Father Youf insisted a lot on the fear of Hell. The preachers of spiritual retreats at that time did not refrain from stressing sin, the sufferings of purgatory, and those of hell. This did not help Thérèse who in 1891 experienced, great inner trials of all kinds, even wondering sometimes whether heaven existed"

    8. Maybe the difference might be the martin sisters desired to be nuns and their parents didn't buy their positions?

    9. Dear Appalled May 20 6:17 PM,

      You have every reason for concern about the Tradistani confessors. Catholics would be advised to stay away from them except in danger of death. Very soon PL will post the preliminary conclusions of a very bight scholar who has studied in depth the problems attendant to confession with these "priests" who have no real training or a commission from the Church.

      For years, we have known that many savvy traditional Catholics did not trust these men with their most intimate secrets. It's one of those ugly undercurrents in many chapels. One "priest" once told us how some scoundrels he worked with used to make jokes about people's confessions during dinner.

      Catholics have the act of perfect contrition as their recourse in these horrendous times. We should all practice it diligently.

    10. The Benedictan rule is this: "Following the golden rule of Ora et Labora - pray and work, the monks each day devoted eight hours to prayer, eight hours to sleep, and eight hours to manual work, sacred reading, or works of charity."

      Does this sound like the priests and sisters here? The ones so holy to be compared to the Martins or St.Benedict and St. Scholastica?

  50. That's an excellent idea about a journalist going undercover to see what's going on in that church & school. The journalist would have to be a Catholic & preferably even a semi-trad in order to know the lingo. This is the only way that anyone could get the REAL story. I'd love to read that story!

    1. They don't need to go undercover. There are enough people who have left or even still there who can verify any of this. The only ones who won't are the Big 3 families, who will lie and coverup for Sanborn no matter what he does. Anyone who follows a man across the country will not allow for their cult leader to look bad, even if it is the truth. There are too many people he has hurt that will confirm his actions. Actually, just listen to his many sermons, that will tell you the kind of person he is. Contact one or more of the 10 families who have left that school. Contact the 40 parishioners who left and went to one of the Spring Hill Chapels. Contact the other traditional parishes in Spring Hill and Tampa to find out how many have inquired about Sanborn's lunacy. Contact the former members of his Michigan chapel who he dumped in favor of bringing the next Bishop and his loyal 3 to Florida with him. Contact his former missions. Contact the former seminarians who left his "seminary" with no explanation. Go to one mass, assuming they will let you in, and see how cold the priests and parishioners are to outsiders. Watch and see how many children are taken outside for disturbing "his mass." Look into the real estate documents, the permits that were paid off, the trail of paperwork that will lead you to hidden corporations. Inquire to the school about the rules. Inquire with the church about how they feel about cmri. Inquire about everything to find out how transparent they are in everything they do. Inquire about everything and demand an explanation. Flood Neville with emails and letters of how he can reassociate himself with someone who trashed him and his parishioners' good names. Inquire about the finances at MHT. Who pays their cook? How can they afford gourmet meals? Who is doing the reconstruction of the bell tower? Are they qualified or will the parishioners be paying for this when it needs redone again? How much extra did the parishioners have to pay for the first mistakes on the seminary? Who is paying for the cemetery? What is the income requirement for those who want to buy a plot? Is it going to be affordable for just his privileged parishioners? Who is paying for the convent that is going to be right next to a seminary (can you say disaster waiting to happen!)? How are they justifying having two convents, one here and one in arizona? Wake up! This is a story that can answer itself with only a few questions and the right digging. This is the Jim jones cult of this century.

    2. But you need a journalist to write an article (or a series of articles) in the local newspaper.

      And for a professional journalist to do that, he would have to see, hear and experience for himself first-hand (i.e. go undercover).

      Of course, he can interview all those people you mentioned, but that would be second-hand, hearsay.

      As a professional, he still needs to be able to say/write that he has verified the facts for himself. Hence the need to go undercover.

      Add to that, writing as a non-citizen of Trad Nation (or of BornInSin-Land) would lend independence to the views/conclusions expressed. Otherwise, it might appear as axe-grinding by disgruntled ex-members. Defeats the whole purpose, as credibility could be challenged.

  51. Interesting perspective, but to get close in tradland, you need children, and lots of them. You need to infiltrate the church and school. These are families who average close to 10 children, not the average two. Less than 6 stick out like a sore thumb. They are going to be extremely careful who they let into this school now, based on these articles. If they do let any outsiders in, they will be treated with kids' gloves. No one at the church can get close to these families.

    It might be easier to infiltrate the Arizona area. Sanborn is still trying to get their money and building (most likely to sell it and pocket the money for his compound in Brooksville. I gurantee as soon as they hand over the money, and they will because he is planning on yanking the nuns after his convent his built, that place will be sold within two years. It will be considered a drain on finances because there is not enough parishioners to sustain it. They will look at numbers and see if it is growing. How much the average parishioner makes to see if it will ever be profitable, etc. Then he will wait for the time for someone to question or cross him, and sell the place. It's going to be his, and they will have no recourse.)

    People in Brooksville still at the church WILL talk. You just need to find the right ones. Many do not like Sanborn and his pompous attitude. Selway is hands off to most parishioners because of his cockiness. If you see ones waiting to talk to Sanborn after Mass, those are the ones to stay away from because he only talks to those with money and who will be loyal to him. It's the ones who go directly to their car who you target.

  52. One more thing, if one does infilitrate any of these places, there are two things they want: money and your daughters. They want to fill up that convent and that means they want your daughters, vocations or not. If they don't have a vocation, they will pretend that they do or try to convince them that they do. A large convent is great for their image.

    If you don't have daughters, you better have money. A prestigious job title is a must. Don't go in thinking that a salesman or manager is ok. You need a title that gleams money! A lawyer, a doctor, a business owner, titles by your name mean something here.

    How to fit in: $$$$, lots of children (especially daughters), know your Latin (even if they don't), women carry your own veil, men and women need to dress like you have style and money, your children can't turn around or make a noise, your children cannot have ever been to public school (they will not be let around these people if they find this out), and you need to show confidence.

  53. Reading through the above comments, Big Don and his side kicks and enablers will now be paranoid. His Jones town (i.e. Sanborn town) complex will be on red alert.

  54. Arizona needs to start questioning this man. Put your foot down to some of his demands. Show him you are still in charge, and see how he reacts to him not being able to bully you. Give them some money they ask for, not all, and then ask for receipts for what you do give. Start questioning his motives and see how he steams up (no one is allowed to question this man.) Don't allow his sidekicks to bully you either. Take charge and tell them how a Catholic Church is run. Start contacting people who used to have dealings with Sanborn and find out why they no longer do. Contact families from California (why did he leave?), Michigan, and Florida. Ask them about his temper and what he does when people cross him. Find out everything about this man that you are going to turn over your church and money. Find out about the school in Michigan that he used to run. Find out about the school in Brooksville. What is the retention rate of both? Why are 3 families following him around? There is seriously many things wrong here and Arizona can't be naive enough to not look into these things.
