
Saturday, May 21, 2016


Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. Pope

We're crushed.

"Discipline Donnie" failed to return his test.

Who'd've thunk it?

And we waited all week!

Nonetheless, the Readers aim to be fair. So in lieu of his test answers, we'll post some rules said to be from the swampland "school," glossed with an in-your-face commentary purportedly from the Grand High Panjandrum himself. Credit for making these excerpts available online goes to blogger Tom Droleskey,* who posted  the  (apparently transcribed) rules way back in  2008, the year before Dannie's $GG School Scandal wrecked Sedelandia (

A thousand thanks to a well-read correspondent who sent us the selections and the link.

We're going to keep silent and let Don's text —if indeed it is Don's** speak for itself. Pistrina will simply point out by way of introduction that, in addition to cranking out obsessive, borderline-coprographic injunctions, the lawgiver is a pop-music connoisseur, a cinema critic, and an Internet savant. Of singular note is this 21st-century renaissance man's judgment that country-and-western music "is not very polished" and a "movie in itself is a very low form of recreation." 
PERSONAL EDITORIAL ASIDE: We old timers are inconsolable over this sede Solon's banning the golden "oldies" (see Rule no. 2 below under 1.5.3). The Readers wistfully recall the priests' and the nuns' ensuring the sanctioned abdominal distances between us and our demure partners with their lacquered bouffant hairdos, as we slow-danced to the Platters' timeless "The Great Pretender" at the Cherry Blossom Ball. (It's a crying shame the ban extends to a pop hit that even über-priggish Pat Boone covered: That splendid ballad could be every sede kingpin's theme song.)
Our Tradistani Mrs. Grundy has evidently never listened in admiration to the finished vocals of Emmy Lou Harris or marveled at the awesome perfectionism of Earl Scruggs' three-fingered-banjo-pickin' technique. It's apparent that Dannie and Checkie don't agree with Don's opinion of movies, for $GG just mounted what suspiciously may have been a South-West Ohio Shirley Temple Film Festival disguised as a cult-kiddie-choral recital.***  Nor for that matter would another movie-mad "prelate" of our acquaintance who, with nothing better to do during blue funks, manically produces and packages his own DVDs after ripping them from Turner Classic Movies cablecasts.

Furthermore, if "[i]dle time spent on the Internet is the devil's workshop," then someone better have a serious one-on-one with Tony Baloney as well as with the rector's tweeting wing man, Scut the Prefect — and also with that cinephile, 'Net-surfin', CD-burnin', bone-idle, chicken-hearted episcopus vagans we mentioned.

Sooooooo, while those "clerical" miscreants visit the woodshed to make reparation for their violations of the Tradistani moral code, let's let The Man talk:

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Editor's Note:  Christ or Chaos solemnly introduced the text that follows as what "His Excellency Bishop Donald A. Sanborn, the Rector of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida, the manual for Queen of All Saints Academy":

1.2.8. Modern culture. Modern culture is hostile to Catholic Faith and morals, and to the extent that one embraces it, to that same extent will the virtues of the faith, hope and charity in the soul be weakened. In fact, they will entirely disappear if one should embrace the modern culture totally. Modern culture is based on subjectivism and relativism, which repudiates all notion of fixed and supernatural dogmas. It denies original sin and its effects, and holds out as man's ideal the attainment of merely worldly happiness and some natural virtues. It considers impurity to be a virtue, and encourages the pursuit of sexual pleasure, whether moral or immoral, as one of the most important goals of men. Modern culture is obsessed with sex. Modern culture furthermore encourages worldliness, avarice, and disrespect for authority. It condones and even encourages divorce, adultery, abortion, birth control, fornication, and sodomy. Its music and art are sick and perverted, laden with overtones of sex, morbid violence, and devil worship. In short, the modern culture could be described as the pomps of Satan, which we all forswear as a condition for our baptism. For this reason, Queen of All Saints Academy utterly rejects the modern culture, and seeks not only to protect the children from it, but also to give them a truly Catholic culture. Since the primary sources of exposure to modern culture are the media and bad friends, the Academy insists that its students, even in the environment away from the school, be detached from the modern culture. Parents who fail [to] do so will be asked to remove their children from the Academy. . . .

1.5.3. Conditions which must be observed in the home in order to enroll children in Queen of All Saints Academy. In order to enroll their children in Queen of All Saints Academy, parents or guardians must observe the following rules in the home:

Rule no. 1All broadcast and cable television must be banned from the home.
Explanation of the rule. [italics ours] Television is not intrinsically evil. But since 95% of television programming is morally objectionable, and corrosive of Catholic Faith and morals, it is necessary that families detach themselves from this programming. Since it is nearly impossible to sift the good material from the bad, it becomes necessary to avoid it altogether. It must be banned from the home. The rule does not mean that one can never look at television, but it is saying that it must be out of the home, in order to preserve the children, especially, from its corrosive influence. The rule envisions broadcast TV, i.e., normal programming which comes over the air waves, and cable TV, what you buy from a cable company. It does not ban the watching of clean videotapes. Nor does it ban the recording of decent broadcast and cable television shows, which could be watched later if the indecent commercials could be removed.
Rule no. 2All forms of rock music must be banned from the home and the automobile.
Explanation of the rule. This means that all forms of rock music are banned, not merely the "hard" or "acid" variety, but also what is known as "soft rock" or "light rock" or "oldies." In short, it includes anything which has the unmistakable rock rhythm, and which any average person would call rock music. The ban does not include forms of popular music which are not rock, e.g., folk music, Celtic music, even Broadway shows, provided that they are clean.
Rule no. 3. All impure "Country Western" music and similar types must be banned from the home and the automobile.
Explanation of the rule. While there is some legitimate Country Western music which, if not very polished, is at least clean and culturally acceptable, most modern Country Western music is a serious occasion of sin to the listener, since it very explicitly speaks about sexual escapades. This, of course, is banned. The term "similar types" refers to groups who sing folk music apparently, but whose title is so dirty that you would not listen to them even if they were singing Gregorian Chant.
Rule no. 4. All objectionable video games must be banned from the home, and acceptable video games must be used in moderation.
Explanation of the rule. Video games are not evil in themselves, obviously, and good ones can even be a good source of [re]creation. However, there are many which are bad for one reason or another, either owing to impurity, or occult overtones, or morbidly violent themes, or because they use rock music. Furthermore, the children must not become addicted even to the good ones, and hence there is the rule about moderation.
Rule no. 5School children may not access the Internet except with special permission from the principal.
Explanation of the rule. The Internet is, clearly, not intrinsically good or bad, but becomes good or bad according to what is brought up on it. Since positively the most dreadful pictures can be easily accessed, as well as the most hellish websites and chat rooms, it is necessary that students access the internet for only serious reasons. This rule also holds for e-mail exchanges. Idle time spent on the Internet is the devil's workshop, and in most cases the student can access whatever information he needs in a relatively short amount of time.

Rule no. 6It is forbidden for students to belong to sports leagues, or anything of a similar nature.
Explanation of the rule. Years ago, before Vatican II, Catholic students were never permitted to play sports with public schools. Rather there were the Catholic leagues, like CYO, etc. The reason is that interaction with public school students was considered a danger to faith and morals. If that was true in the 1950's, how much more is it true today? Since we cannot organize our own Catholic leagues, our young people will simply have to forego the possibility of playing sports in that environment. The words "anything of a similar nature" refer to any environment or circumstance in which students, without sufficient reason, are exposed to danger in faith or morals. The school reserves the right to make a determination of these cases.
Rule no. 7It is forbidden that students recreate in places where rock music is played.
Explanation of the rule. This rule specifically excludes skating rinks and sports arenas where rock music is being played. The rule says, "is being played," since it may be possible to get the establishment to turn it off. It is true that it [is] nearly impossible to avoid rock music, since it is heard in rest rooms, restaurants, dentists' offices, etc., but in these cases there is a proportionate reasonsthat is, a necessity of being there. But there is no necessity to be in a skating rink or sports arena.

Rule no. 8It is forbidden that students enter a theater without the permission of the principal.
Explanation of the rule. Owing to the indecent posters and frequent, dirty previews, a student does not have a proportionate reason to enter a theater. A movie in itself is a very low form of recreation and does not qualify as a sufficient reason to expose oneself to such indecency. A proportionate reason would exist, for example, in the case of entering a supermarket which posted dirty magazines. You have a proportionate reason to be at the supermarket owing to the necessity of buying food. But such a necessity does not exist in going to a theater.
. . . . . . . . . .

* We no longer are sure how to address this blogger. Is it Dr., Fr., or Bp.? We hope somebody out in cyberspace can give us a definitive answer. We're sticklers around here for correct forms of address, you know. (It's that good, old-fashioned breeding from the past.)

** Stylometry argues for "Discipline Donnie's" authorship: the turgid prose ("The Internet is, clearly, not intrinsically good or bad, but becomes good or bad according to what is brought up on it."); the lumbering, spastic syntax hobbled by sophomoric hypotheticals ("The term "similar types" refers to groups who sing folk music apparently, but whose title is so dirty that you would not listen to them even if they were singing Gregorian Chant"); and moral-theology buzz words ("proportionate reason") willfully employed to terminate all thought. Yep. If we had to bet, we'd say with confidence this is authentic Donspeak.

*** From the "Bishop's (?) Corner" of May 8, 2016:
 "Our excellent secretary was away in April, and I thus had to write my report of our Spring School Program before the fact [Ed. !!! "report... before the fact"??? How, then, did he know the Forlorn Finn liked 'em all?Clairvoyance?] . How much we enjoyed it! “Cart-loads of charm,” Fr. Cekada denominated our well named Spring Fling. The innocence and enthusiasm of our young choir, little peeping voices like [= "like those of"?, Ed.] fledgling birds from the nest, found an excellent expression in the wholesome entertaining music of yesterday; classic Shirley Temple films. Fr. Cekada’s favorite was “Animal Crackers,” as they are his favorite. I liked the “At the Codfish Ball,” myself. Fr. Lehtoranta loved every single one. [Ed. What did he enjoy? Every single one of the animal crackers? Or "all the fishes still alive" dancing away in "Neptune's Hall"? We need an after-the-fact report from Wee Dan to clear up this mystery.]"
Pistrina wonders how coy Shirley, the dimpled delight of the Depression, might have remonstrated with Tony Baloney, Dirtbag Dan,  and the (incredibly still-employed!) "principal" after hearing all the cruel details of the horrific 2009 $GG School Scandal. Perhaps Curly Top might have reprised the protest she made in Wee WIllie Winkie to the Pathan rebel chieftain Khoda Khan surrounded by his guffawing, beard-stroking entourage: "I hate you! I hate you! I think you're all very, very mean!"


  1. "without the principal's permission" Um, no. I'm the parent and I get to decide what's appropriate for my kids.

    1. Sure you do. But he's the principal, and he gets to decide whose children are appropriate for his school. And those rules are just his guidelines for what sorts of parents are allowed to have their children in his school.

    2. First of all, Sanborn isn't listed as principal. Second, they have let whoever in the school who pays the money, even if they know the signing of the rules won't be followed. Don't be a fool.

    3. How many have been turned away who can pay? And then ask how they have treated anyone who is new.

  2. Sanborn HATES sports. More than one sermon on that topic.

    1. Sin-burn hates sports? Does membership and participation in a health club count as sports? Swimming? Weight lifting? How about jogging on the seminary grounds in tight fitting spandex like shorts?
      What does he think about one of his eminent professors, Cekada, and his activity at a local health club? What about taking school boys there with him and stripping buck naked in front of these shocked boys?
      One of the boys openly discussed the details of what he saw with other boys and at least one faculty member, at that time.

    2. Sanborn hates women, children, sports, music, poor people, etc. You could sum it up as Sanborn hates anything that directly doesn't add to his bank account or academic integrity.

    3. what are you saying Anonymous 6:29 PM - that Sin-burn is not a people person??? LOL

    4. From his online sermons, this guy isn't a people person. He sounds like he doesn't even like himself.

      I've got a question. If there were 9 who left, how is this guy the one in charge and the authority of, well EVERYTHING? He seems to lack personality and charisma.

    5. And I forgot to mention, a lack of common sense!

    6. Actually the total of leavers is much higher. As long as a few families are left to bankroll the guy, he doesn't need anybody else. It's money that calls the shots down there, not the cult master. He's just a figurehead. And he knows which side of the bread is buttered.

    7. I mean 9 who left the society? Sanborn seems to be the one who everyone thinks is the authority on everything.

    8. Hello AnonMay 21, 2016 at 9:25 PM Back in 1983 Sanborn left the North East District of the SSPX (located in Oyster Bay Cove, N Y) along with Dolan, Cekada, and others. Fr. Kelly was at that time the District Superior and of course, he left too. These 9 priests formed the SSPV. Sanborn left that a few years later and became independent. Other than his cult followers, I don’t know who regards him as an authority in anything quite frankly.

    9. Quite right, Appalled.

      Other than the SW Ohio-B'ville cabal and the clueless amateurs at TRR, no one has respect for this angry, embittered bag of wind.

      Once you strip away all the noisy PR and take off the cult blinders, you can see he's not even a big frog in a small pond: Don's just a guppy in a puddle, and a very muddy one at that.

    10. Hi, PL

      What does Pivarunas and the CMRI priests think of Big Don? I'm curious, because Pivarunas and Fr Casimir seem to be impressed by the writings of Checkie. If they treat Checkie as some kind of authority, then Big Don can't fare too badly in the opinion of these men (who themselves don't matter).

      Your thoughts?

    11. I'm not pl, but if Pivarunas has a positive view of these men, the feeling isn't mutual.

    12. Big Don has openly stated that the CMRI should have been disbanded after the big scandal, and Checkie consistently used to badmouth the group. However, since the 2009 $GG School Scandal, the cult and their satellites have been warming up to the CMRI and vice versa. It was laughable how some of these men who used to speak of the CMRI with dripping, venomous contempt suddenly began to associate with the guys they formerly condemned as "awful." One quasi-independent runt who had fiercely decried the infamous transplant decision and who used to shake his head at CMRI formation went into the CD production business with one of their "priests." So much for inviolable sede standards.

      We suspect that Piv knows what the cult masters think of him. However, he and his crew mistakenly believe that the Cheeseball has some kind of expertise, and we'd guess they think Don is some kind of theological prodigy, too. Since they can't judge for themselves, they just buy into the SW Ohio-B'ville cult hype. "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."

      At least the Pivster didn't back down when Dannie pleaded that the Cinci area didn't need another trad chapel: he went ahead with St. Therese's and has visited Wee Dan's back yard.

    13. So, when is cmri coming to tampa to give Sanborn a run for his money? Sanborn has already bad mouthed the tampa and spring hill chapels so bad that some of his "followers" are scared to go to either places. Cmri would at least offer an alternative to Sanborn. Many of his own parishioners want somewhere else to go.

    14. Whoever comes to Tampa with a big name beside them (CMRI, SSPV, SSPX) will take half of Sanborn's congregation. Many of his parishioners want a change. He is not well liked at all and any alternative is better than what he offers.

    15. Anon 5/22, 6:06pm: good post, the only quibble is with the term, "parishioner". None of these chapels have parishioners, just lay people who choose to request the sacraments and go there. There are no parishes, pastors, or parishioners in the "traditional" Catholic world.

      Out of the three groups, you mention, in my view, the only one worth bothering with is CMRI, the others will lead people, "out of the frying pan, into the fire."

      At least as it stands now the CMRI are the only ones who do not assume an authority that they do not have. I think their days as a controlling cult and how badly they see that in themselves and their history has caused them to never want to down that road again, at least with their older members.

      Let's hope the younger ones and those coming late will learn about the dangers of a cult from the originals who are still in the group.

      It's an easy road to go down with any of these groups and even independent priests who are not careful. No one is authoritaively supervising them and many laypeople have no idea about their true status. It's a recipe for disaster.

    16. Does anyone have any info on the group in Spring Hill?

    17. Gene,

      We hope you're right about the CMRI and its reticence to assume authority. We have it from an eyewitness that one of their "professors" (LOL) taught that Piv was a missionary bishop with universal jurisdiction. But maybe they've retracted that nonsense.

      Far better than any organized sacrament-providers are independent priests. If the laypeople would then insist on a governing board, things would be safer.

      The first step, however, is for the laity to de-program themselves and learn not to believe anything Sanborn tells them, especially re: valid orders. There are valid alternatives in the Tampa area, but as an earlier commenter noted, the folks have been frightened by the cult's propaganda.

    18. Well, my opinion about any of the groups or independents is always provisional. We always have to be watching them, and if necessary to retreat from them to protect ourselves and our families,

      Let's face it, all of them take liberties. For example, have you ever heard of any real justification for their giving sermons? This act clearly goes beyond the mere act of providing for the sacraments to those who request it. I could go on.

      Personally, I think that none of them should exist in the first place, so now it's just a matter of managing or fleeing from the chaos.

      Fwiw, I think the independents are a mixed bag. Some are good, some ok, some horrible. There are horror stories that could be told of many of these independent chapels and priests, even those run by lay boards.

      The whole thing is a mess, every solution presents new problems. The reason being that the entire "traditional bishops and priest" system is built on false premises and is not the way the Church is supposed to be. There is no way to fix it. It's a mess.

      Every one of these chapels, whether it's the one in Tampa or elsewhere must always be dealt with provisionally, in my opinion, just as I treat the CMRI. Lay boards can have changes to the composition of the board which change the dynamics, politics and factions in the board can wreak havoc, influential board members and/or the wealthy members of the chapel can gain control, and influential and dangerous priests can gain control through manipulation, etc.

      Even if they start out well, with the laypeople in agreement, things change, there may be deaths, or
      sicknesses, or relocations among some of the good members and then there is a changing of the guard which may bring new dynamics. A good priest may be employed by the board, but if he dies or leaves, division and fights may start as to how to replace him. There are countless issues and problems, I am just scratching the surface.

      I am not by this putting down the independent model, just pointing out that all of the models are flawed, groups and independents. The only way the Church is meant to work is the way that Our Lord set it up, with the legitimate hierarchy ruling over the laity.

      I know you know all of this, so I am more or less saying it for those who don't.

    19. Understood, Gene. As you said, it's a mess.

      We guess all we're saying is that the organized groups under a so -called "bishop" are inherently more dangerous because the structure alone suggests the organization has some kind of parity with the RCC. To us, even the slightest suggestion of association with the RCC is dangerous.

      The hard work is to educate the laity about the reality of TradWorld: As you wrote, "None of these chapels have parishioners, just lay people who choose to request the sacraments and go there. There are no parishes, pastors, or parishioners in the 'traditional' Catholic world." If the people could just internalize that one assertion, things would start to improve.

    20. To: Anonymous May 22, 2016 at 7:19 PM
      Here is, I think, the web page for the Spring Hill, FL chapel, Our Lady of Fatima.
      I dare say, you enter at your own risk. There are no names indicated such as who the priest is, etc.
      There is reference to contacting the ‘curate.” If this isn't the right chapel, someone, please correct this information. Thanks.

    21. Yes, I found the web page but like you mentioned, very little detail.

  3. No, you sign your parental rights away if you enter these schools. You basically sign a contract saying they make not only your children's rules, but the rules of your house, your car, your life. You pay to have your parental rights taken away from you.

  4. Sanborn hates sports, but his Argentinian priests do not. There are exceptions made for their soccer world cups and soccer whatever.

    1. And exceptions are made for in-home TV, as long as you're a donor. Several years ago, a big benefactor insisted he had to have a large-screen TV installed because he needed to relax by watching football games. (Have you seen those half-time shows and the commercials for NFL football?)

      But in the cult, $$$ will get you all a manner of indulgences. The rules are for the "little people." Deep-pocketed laity and all clergy are exempt.

  5. Do these homes have a modem and router? If so, they have kids using the Internet, despite what these parents think. Do they have Netflix, Hulu, you tube, a smart tv? If a school isn't savy enough to put on filters on school computers, do they really think these parents have them? Do their cars have their radios uninstalled? do they have teenage drivers? Do the kids have access to older siblings with smart phones, MP3 players, laptops, places that have television? These people live in a fantasy world if they think these rules will stop teenagers.

    1. From what we've heard, these rules aren't stopping anyone from the Big 3, for all the reasons you cited. It's just the hoi polloi who bear the burden (and we bet many of them just give lip service).

    2. Then there's the well known story of the family that put the TV outside the house in order to watch a sports program and still comply with Big Don's nuthouse rules.

      The laity are as devious as the clergy in this dislocated cult. It's all just a charade. It would be funny if the kids didn't have to suffer.

    3. Has anyone checked into the physical abuse they use to make these kids follow these absurd rules? I'm wondering what kind of punishments are used because, seriously, the school sounds like they took away everything. What more is there to do to the kids besides physically punishing them?

    4. I've seen them take the little ones out to the cars. If they are doing that to babies for making noises, what are they doing to teenagers who listen to rock and roll or get on that forbidden Internet?

    5. Pistrina LiturgicaMay 22, 2016 at 1:32 AM
      I haven’t had such a good laugh since I don’t know when. What a novel solution, to put the television outside the house to comply with Sin-burn’s dictate to have no television in the home!!!
      But, really now, when one has to go to such an extent to obey the law of the cult master, perhaps it is time to move on? If a person can think and act in such a clever manner, they should be able to see the light and abandon the Donster.
      Most of us know many of the half-time offerings and commercials of the Super Bowl, as an example, are morally objectionable at the least. Traddie viewers don’t have the common sense to either shut the tv off when these events happen? Perhaps switch over to DVD and watch a vid of the Donster preaching, just to keep them on the one and only path the Donster mandates?

    6. It's funny, we know.

      It also shows how hollow the whole thing is. The élite put up with the Donster because (1) there's no real sanction for violations as long as they have money and (2) they flatter themselves when they get around the rules on such childish technicalities. In that, they're following the example of their "clergy" who are past masters in the art of mental reservation and half truths. For them, it's always the letter of the law, not the spirit. (And under the Donster, the letter of the law means whatever the Donster wants it to mean, depending on the economic status of the person to whom it may or may not apply.)

      And if you're a very big donor, then you tell Big Don what you're going to do, and he'll sanction it immediately. License and virtue at the same time? Who'd want to leave that?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I think the cult is getting nervous about your site. I'm sure they are scared Arizona will read this and find out who they really are!

    1. It is our most fervent hope that the good people of Our Lady of the Sun find out as much as they can about the cult and send it packing. There are valid priests available who could come in, end the un-Catholic cultism, and work with, not against, the board.

    2. These priests will make excuses for anything that this blog says, so that Arizona is tricked into handing over EVERYTHING. "The authors of the blog are disgruntled former members. The ones who read it or write in are psychologically imbalanced. Anyone who leaves the school is liberal and didn't want to follow rules. The poor sisters need to be showered with meals and cleaning because they are so overwhelmed. The three families are not given special treatment; other families just have jealousy issues. The happenings at the school are just exaggerated for show."

      It's sad, but Arizona will probably believe these men who lie over and over again, and who have even had to move states away, have secret corporations, etc. to cover up their misdeeds.

    3. Another thing they will do, is break the seal of confessional to discredit anyone or blackmail others.

    4. I've got a better one: stay away from anyone who talks bad about us. It's the devil at work there with their evil tongues, calumny, slander, and malicious. Yet, the priests are at free will to spread lies because they have a purpose.

    5. Both of you have hit the nail squarely on the head. We've got to hope that the people in Arizona can see through the cult smokescreen.

  8. PL,Do you know anything about Fr(Bishop?)Terrence Fulham who is in charge of Our Lady of Fatima Church,Spring Hill,FL.We think he was ordained by Pivarunas?

    1. We don't know many details. One source says he was consecrated by a Bp. Simmons of the Duarte Costa line, but we haven't been able to verify the report.

    2. I believe he was ordained by Bp. Pivarunas, and was consecrated a bishop thorough the Duarte-Costa line.

      It's unfortunate that Terrence Boyle stopped updating his page, it was a wealth of information.

    3. Reader,do you accept the Duarte Costa line as valid?

    4. Depending on the specific names in the particular succession, yes, we do. However, our preference is for multiple lineages: D-C, Thuc, Eastern rite, etc. just to be certain. And without paperwork, we withhold our judgment on any "bishop's" validity. Our preference is for "bishops" who can produce a file-folder full of documentation. We don't accept those "family trees" that some draw up: we demand the proof of orders in the various lines, viz. legally executed certificates of consecration, preferably in Latin.

      Some of you may think no such animal exists, but we can tell you otherwise. We have seen the documentation. It's interesting to note the men who possess this paperwork are all guys who "have been through the system," i.e., they were trained in authentic Roman Catholic institutions and worked in the real Church organizations.

      We wonder how many of these sede "bishops" can produce even one certificate of consecration (issued on or near the date of the consecration). We heard that in one case at least, McKenna did not issue a certificate.

  9. The fun thing is that these are two paragraphs out of goodness knows how many (at least 14, but almost certainly many more) in the school manual.

    1. Can someone post the written rules AND unwritten ones? I've heard the kids go over the rules for days and they add some to the main rules so that they can hide the even more ridiculous ones. True or not true? Also, I've also heard they aren't wanting Arizona to know the extent of the rules so that they don't scare away them from handing over the money? True or not true? I've also been told that the kids don't really have to follow the rules of you donate enough money. True or not true?

    2. We've heard that everything you say is true, especially the part about trying to hide the crazy rules from the people in Arizona. If the OLS folks were to find out just how whacko the rules are, the cult's plan to take over the chapel's assets would fall apart.mWe'd like to get a hold of the unwritten rules too. Maybe some child who escaped their clutches can recall some of them.

  10. I saw this at laypulpit and would like to pass it on since it's about these people:
    There was absolutely no provision made in the design of the new SGG for a crying room or a mothers room. This was an intentional oversight. I’ve no idea where nursing mothers are to go at present. In the beginning of the new SGG, the principal was to make sure there was a classroom unlocked and available for the mothers. More often than not he either forgot to make available a classroom, or, he acted on his sadistic tendencies and intentionally didn’t unlock one of the
    classrooms, knowing and probably delighting in the desperation the mothers experienced when they couldn’t find a semi-private place to nurse their hungry, crying babies, away from gawking eyes and busy body church ladies in their granny dresses tisking them. The mothers then had to ask him, and he would rudely and arrogantly unlock a room. Many a time the mothers would have to find an almost impossible to find discreet corner in the social hall to nurse their babies. Children and babies were forbidden to use the little sitting area in the social hall, furnished with decorative carpet, sofa.

    Neither is one at MHT. You can sit in the unairconditioned bathroom in a fold up chair or go to your car. Yet, when they turn school age, you are to pay to turn them over to the school and let the sisters and priests do as they please. Parental authority is no more in existence, except for transportation to and from whatever the religious needs. Until that time, children are to be seen and not heard. After that, they are to be used for chores, servers, choir, and eventually the convent.

    Wake-up, people. Call an end to this cult and stop handing your kids over to be their slaves.

    1. The Biggest problem with Big Don Sanborn and his Cohorts and trained lackeys is HIS inability to Show any Humility or firmness in true Catholic Teachings. He Commands absolute Faithfulness to HIM and if you fail this you are Ostracized and cast from the CULT.

  11. I doubt the rules are really there to follow,if people are watching TV outside their house.

    I bet the rules are for control. Will you sign over control to the school and will your kids obey being controlled by these people.

    Control is the classic sign of a cult.

    1. You're right. Intrusive control is the sign of a cult — and the Soviet state. Both will let you get away with infractions as long as you tow the line, especially if you belong to the nomenklatura. Your sense of guilt makes you easier to manipulate, while you always fear when they'll grab you for re-education.

    2. It's not just control, look at some other signs of cults:
      *Complete, almost unquestioned trust in the leadership.
      *Leaders are often seen as someone close to God.
      *Increased submission to the leadership is rewarded with additional responsibilities and/or roles, and/or praises, increasing the importance of the person within the group

      These people don't question Sanborn like he's a God. They think he is a complete authority on the Catholic Church and can't be wrong. The few wealthy families play a special role in the church. They either entice people or play the cold shoulder.

    3. Exclusivity
      Their group is the only true religious system, or one of the few true remnants of God's people.

      How many people were told that this is the place you and your children will go to Heaven? You need to listen and do all that Sanborn says if you want to go to heaven.

    4. Control and isolation:

      Control of members' actions and thinking through repeated indoctrination and/or threats of loss of salvation, or a place to live, or receiving curses from God, etc.

      Minimizing contact of church members with those outside the group. This facilitates a further control over the thinking and practices of the members by the leadership.

      Hello, Sanborn's sermons almost weekly! School rules of no outside groups or sports!

    5. I guess it would be easier to just name cult signs that are NOT there. That's right, that would be blank. This place has CULT written all over it!

    6. "Control is the classic sign of a cult."

      By this criterion the Catholic Church is a cult, because claims what non-Catholic people would consider an astonishing level of control over the most private and intimate details of people's lives.

    7. This is a classic comment that Sanborn defenders have always used, even though there is absolutely no comparison.

      Sanborn is not the Catholic Church, despite what his cult followers believe. He is more Jim jones type. Stop drinking the kool aid.

  12. PL,You say CMRI formation is poor.In normal seminaries,the staff and professors have the necessary skills and training to discern if the men entering do indeed have a true vocation.How can Pivarunas,etc use knowledge they do not have.Having the laying on of hands,does not give this to them.Even in the Novus Ordo seminaries,they have strict guidelines and some men don't even make it pass the first interview.Is it correct at Mater Dei,so long as you attend the classes,etc Pivarunas will ordain you.Talk about a disaster.We can understand why so many problems.We believe there is also a large number of men who don't make it even in the SSPX seminaries.

  13. Anon 4:13am, while what you say is true - what is even so much worse, in my estimation, is supposedly 'good, holy' trad bishops like McKenna making men like Ryan Scott St. Anne priests!!! Now that's a real disaster! How long, O Lord? How long?

  14. We agree with you.How could someone like Mckenna do that.Yes,Lord,how long.Lets pray for a end to this mess

    1. What McKenna did was reprehensible, but nothing comapred to Slupski and Dymek. They'll ordain/consecrate a ham sandwich! (In one case that's almost literally true.)

      The FSSP and the SSPX both are selective as to who gets in and who stays in their seminaries. It's true we heard the SSPX once hired as a teacher a young man who had just been ordained, but that was in the American seminary. Still, their standards are very much higher than in the sede dumps, and the young man was no doubt far more prepared than the Cheeseball.

      The sede diploma mills should be shut down. That's why it's so important that Our Lady of the Sun in Arizona does not turn over to Big Don all it's considerable assets. They would just be wasted at the pesthouse and would continue to support this sorrowful mess.

    2. This website should be shut down.

    3. I guess someone doesn't like to hear the truth.

    4. In my opinion, SGG and MHT need shut down. There wouldn't be a need for this website if there were not abuses from these places. So, maybe instead of complaining about this website, go to these men and tell them to stop their abuses and taking advantage of innocent Catholics who only want the sacraments.

    5. And another thing, if you don't want to hear about abuses, stop searching for the truth and live in your fantasy world that these men are out to save souls and not line their pockets, keep their bellies full, and use your money to travel around the world. Remember what the saints have said the road to hell are paved with the skulls of prirsts and bishops.

      Also remember what st thomas Aquainas said “It must be observed, however, that if the faith were endangered, a subject ought to rebuke his prelate even publicly.”
      St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica II, II, q. 33, a. 45

    6. St. Thomas also said it's a mortal sin to skip one's Easter Duty, which the guy writing this website denies.

    7. Archbishop Lefebvre ordained (one hand possibly?) a Fr. Juan Fernandez Krohn who attempted to kill John Paul II at Fatima. More dangerous than a ham sandwich? Arch. Lefebvre ordained more than a few who abandoned the priesthood and we won't mention what they are doing now. The Archbishop also ordained Dolan, Sanborn, Cekada. They would seem, in your estimation, to be worse than ham sandwiches. Can you tell us who the ham sandwich (singular or perhaps plural) that Bishop Slupski or Dymek ordained?

  15. I have a problem with Sanborn's intimidation. He uses his main families to either entice or intimidate people. You have money, we will entice you. You have something we want, let me introduce you to so and so. You have no money or nothing we want, we are going to be cold as ice because you are not important.

    When will people learn? Look who he talks to after Mass, if he even chooses to grace the church's parishioners presence. Does he talk to single, elderly, or the poor? No, absolutely not. He knows who lines his pocket book. There are a few of the above that he will make the exception for occasionally because he throws a crumb to the ones who continue to worship him, but little does he know these same people talk behind his back about how much of a stuck up snob he is and how his "excellency" will only settle for the best. They laugh at him behind his back, but kiss up to him as long as he gives them 5 minutes. Everyone at MHT knows where they exist on Sanborn's totem pole.

    1. What's sad is that these people have alternatives within the area. Although they despise Big Don, they still believe all the uninformed propaganda that his competitors are invalid. That's simply not true. Both have Thuc lineage and at least one has multiple successions.

    2. What happened is Sanborn and company checked out their "competitors" when they first came here, in order to say they've talked to them and realized their validity was questioned. When a few of Tampa and Spring Hill's parishioners came here, they were pumped for information and the information was then exaggerated to make both chapels look bad. Anyone who they knew was closer to in proximity or thought of going to another chapel, they were "persuaded" to stay based on questionable validity or rumors, which may or may not be true.

      It's really sad because they would rather people not go to the mass if it isn't their's, instead of saying that those places are just as valid as they are, which according to them, would make them just as questionable.

      This is a business, and nothing more.

  16. Dolan made another plea for cooks and meals in this week's bulletin. It seems to me that it's falling on deaf ears now and that the cult is running on empty.

    1. Did you also see where Checkie virtually told the Gerties they had to prepare special meals for him because the young "Fathers" just know how to reheat and grill a little?

      What gall! It's disgraceful. They're milking the Cheeseball's malady to the fullest. You see how Dannie made sure the cultlings knew they had to feed the other four bums too, didn't you? Look how Grubby Dan makes sure the cult scum know they just can't focus of Tony Baloney:

      "Fr. Cekada will be needing plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in order to regain his health. (I’m sure they wouldn’t hurt the rest of us either!) Can you please use the Cucina Clerical website so you can pace our food deliveries..." (Emphases ours.)

      Woe to the overworked Gertie gal who just delivers one veggie meal to the mouse-infested "priests'" flop house.

    2. I'm wondering if Cekada will end up going to Florida for treatment? If not enough people sign up to care for them or bring food, why wouldn't he go to the seminary, which provides their own cook with organic meals from scratch?

      Or maybe, they will ask for donations to pay to have meals catered for him? He could probably use the building fund from Columbus to pay for meals to be brought to him?

      Why aren't Cincinnati nuns cooking for the priests if they aren't teaching?

    3. All excellent questions. Whatever the outcome, you can be sure they'll use Checkie's condition to squeeze whatever they can out of the Gerties and their Internet following.

      We'll have to pay close attention to future bulletins and "Corners" to tease out their strategy for garnering more catered food, backbreaking labor, and cash under the guise of "reparation." We imagine Bonehead Tone's ailment will have the secondary effect of rendering the other 4 bums completely incapable of lifting a finger. Why, they might not even be able to remove the lid of the grill, let alone fire up the charcoal or turn on the propane. They'll all be very resentful that Erroneous Antonius is on the sick list with nothing to do but write video scripts for his web channel.

      There's sure to be a new twist every week. We wouldn't be surprised if they started a special fundraiser just for the Cheeseball. He may need further treatment in chic Santa Fe, New Mexico, with Wee Dan as his nurse. Probably the only venue suitable will be the Bishop's Lodge when it reopens in the late spring 2017. In the meantime, this year the Duo may have to vacation — er, uh, recuperate — elsewhere. Florida may well be the spot. If we had to guess, we'd say Vero Beach. Those two may be unwelcome at the B'ville pesthouse: the Big 3 are none too happy with what these guys have wrought.

  17. PL,What is the background on Bishop Dymek,who ordained him?

    A member of our family has visited a few CMRI Chapels the past twelve months and to be honest they are not what they were say ten years ago.Most attending are old timers and even some of them have left.The school at Spokane is in massive decline.Even the new missions on the east coast are basically elderly folk.Some CMRI supporters will say this is erroneous but it's true.We hear Derkson is giving a talk at the conference in October,how about a debate with Salza.The Fatima conference in the old days i.e when Bp Musey was the Bishop was around three to four hundred or even more attending.That is in decline too.There has been so many scandals like SGG/MHTS with CMRI too over the years.We are sure many former followers read this website with interest.

    1. Dymek, who was said to be a "hermit," was consecrated by Slupski a few years ago. We haven;t been able to find out too much about him, other than that he was in KY for a while. He "consecrated" Ramolla.

  18. Thank you for the above comments.We can't understand why Piv keeps ordaining men when he must know that people are starting to wake up to know with experience that his priests are undereducated and poorly trained.Yes,there must be many former CMRI folk out there who read this website.Any young man should go to the SSPX.

    1. Our e-mail correspondents with inside info tell us there are big problems in the Omaha cult. Making nice with the SW Ohio-B'ville cult isn't going to improve matters. They'll hang on as long as there are a few dummies to support them, but the writing's on the wall for them too.

    2. I originally thought of the Axis of Evil as consisting only of SW Ohio and Brooksville.

      Now Omaha is also part of the Axis of Evil (i.e. of cults)?

    3. Beforehand they were just the Axis of Asininity, but more and more they seem to be cooperating with the cult masters or their individual "clergy." Big Don might be keeping them at arm's length, but not Wee Dan and some of the "priests."

  19. OK, PL, let's hear the story of the Ham Sandwich, PLEASE!

  20. Yes,we would like to hear that too.

    1. Re: the ham sandwich, see our reply above, date stamped May 25, 4:04 AM. You'll probably recall the story after that ID.

  21. I wonder what more is need to make the Arizona people sit up and take a long, hard look at Big Don and his outfit? Surely some of them must be aware of the many details disclosed in this blog?

    Maybe Big Don's name (and MHT's name) must come up in the Panama Papers before the Arizona people take notice.

    1. There's enough out there now for the people in Arizona to terminate any contract with Big Don and toss out his gofer and the "nuns."

      We think they may have already taken notice, but like most people, they aren't able to act.

      But they'd better before it's too late. Big Don's not going to rest.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. No looking at opposite sex???? How is that even possible? Lol

    2. Who is tallying up these points? Are the parents doing it then reporting to the principal? Ridiculous!

    3. If they are so worried about members of the opposite sex even looking at each other, why do they have a co-ed school?

    4. Editor's Note: An intern accidentally removed the content of the comment by Anon. May 26 1:12 AM above. Sorry about that. Here it is again:

      For those who wanted to know about the unwritten rules -- those you didn't know about until you enrolled and paid in full, here are a few, along with their penalties:

      Conduct at home on days off and vacation:

      All serious occasions of sins must be avoided-5 points
      -no crowded beaches
      -no TV-15 points
      -no internet-15 points
      -no headphones, earpieces, iPods, MP3 players
      -no sports leagues or non-Catholic groups-expulsion
      -it is forbidden to recreate where Rock music is being played
      -no objectional video games-expulsion
      -no bad movies-expulsion
      -no movie theaters-expulsion
      -no cell phones, email, facebook, texting, Twitter, etc
      no looking at opposite sex. Points depend on the situation and the amount of time spent looking)

      Conduct in hallways- do not place your feet on wall or lean on wall

      Modesty and chastity:

      It is forbidden to use foul or impure language, to tell impure stories or jokes, to watch impure TV, movies, videos, video games, to have friends that do any of the fore mentioned, socialize between boys and girls is forbidden


      It is forbidden to listen to rock music

      Obedience is shown to priests and teachers: 5-25 points

      Homework is a matter of obedience and all rules are to be obeyed

      Infractions in faith: expulsion (attending Novus ordo)
      Infractions in hope: expulsion
      Infractions against charity: 10-15 points
      Infractions against prudence: vary
      Infractions against justice 1-25 points
      Infractions against fortitude 1-5 points
      Infractions against temperance

      25 points equal suspension, with principal discretion. This includes uniform and homework violation to as young as kindergarten and first grade

  23. Did the priest get points for being mean to the overweight girl?

    1. If the rule had been fairly enforced across the board ... Big Don and the "priests" would have accumulated the most demerit points.

      Think about it:

      1. setting up and running a cult (the BIGGEST infraction against faith);

      2. inventing mortal sins (this famously happened with the SGG cult) - assuming that MHT does the same as SGG - then this is yet another infraction against the faith;

      3. infraction against justice for following communist China's ONE COUNTRY TWO SYSTEMS mode of governance (oppressive rules for the hoi polloi while the Big 3 families are exempt);

      4. constant, ongoing infractions against charity - institutinalized meanness towards nursing mothers and their infants, etc.

      If the rules were to be applied evenhandedly, the Big Don and his cult clergy must be self-expelled before anyone else is penalized.

    2. The people should expel these men. However, as long as the Big 3 back them, they'll stay as long as their supporters have money in the bank. The best thing is for the non-Big 3 families to walk out and let the others rot in their neighborhood cult.

    3. Hey, Reader

      That's absolutely brilliant. If everyone walks out on the MHT cult complex, there will be NO ONE left to do any of the dirty work, the myriad of menial tasks that are necessary to keep the place humming, and the cult members clothed, fed and cleaned. The cult "priests", "nuns" and the Big 3 families will have to knuckle down and do all the unpleasant, laborious but necessary stuff just to survive from day to day.

      Plus, they will nobody to pick on, to bully, to enslave. They will have nobody to look down upon, nor feel superior to.

      The cult will rapidly deteriorate into an absolute, closed society whose members feed upon each other and then implode.

      Please do excuse me: I'm just getting excited by the possibility of this happening.

  24. It never ceases to amaze me how much these cults share in common. I feel as if I am re-living my past with CMRI with the cultish antics of SGG and MHT. Someone mentioned that CMRI parishes consist of older folks and that the October conference is declining - both are true! I remember when his holiness Francis Konrad Maria Schuckardt started this function there seemed to be hundreds of people. I'll give it to him, he could pack a room. The current bungling baboons are simply not capable of drawing crowds or inspiring the masses. They are so ill-prepared and regurgitate what they have heard. The school is in decline for a few reasons. A reliable contact I have that recently left St Michaels told me that the current school administration is anti-sports. They ended the membership of the sports teams in the local State sanctioned league. Parents pulled their kids and sent them to schools with sports programs. Next, you have the Pivster who felt it necessary to leave St. Michaels in the late 80's to do his own thing. One of those things was to start his own school and compete against St Michaels. It's simply childish! Parents from St Michaels now send their kids to boarding school in Omaha because the school in Spokane is not sufficient. I guess Piv's school is holier or somehow better. Anyway, they are all a scam harboring pedophile priests and nuns while claiming righteousness.

    1. I have noticed that the Mount has become much stricter about many things in the last few years. I know that the education has been subpar since most of the nuns with degrees left. The remaining nuns are stretched extremely thin. The school has hired many lay teachers to work with the children and even has volunteers teach some electives on First Fridays of the month.

      I have several friends who have pulled out their children from the school and have sent them to public schools. One of them did so because she has a daughter who has a learning disability and who would be helped more by the local schools than the nuns who don't really know anything about such things as dyslexia, etc.

  25. "his holiness" Schuckardt? Or are you being sarcastic? If not - it's really a great pity that Schuckardt was drawing large crowds (victims). People are a bit wiser now.

    1. Running school sports programs takes administrative skill, something these cults lack. The parents who removed their children deserve a commendation. May the parents in B'ville, Arizona, and West Chester do the same. These "schools" are harmful to the mind, soul, and body.

    2. Add to that, these "schools" are also harmful to general society. Maybe they should be quarantined like the Jews in Rome (e.g. during the time of St Thomas Aquinas).

    3. Anon May 26 6:46 PM:

      Schuckardt's success at drawing many so many to him was that he was filling a vacuum for Catholics largely abandoned by their legitimate hierarchy.

      It seems that many in the early days of the crisis either forget or misapplied the principles as taught in their catechism and other theology books in regards to who the successors of the Apostles are and how to identify them.

      Some people are wiser and better educated now, but not that many from what I see. There are many who still think that the "traditional bishops" are successors of the apostles or in some way continue the apostolic succession.

      All of these bishops, those consecrated through Lefebvre, Thuc and Mendez, etc. have the same status in the Church as laymen. They possess orders, but are in no way connected to the Divinely established hierarchy.

      Until this point is grasped, Catholics will remain in a dangerous state, completely at the mercy of those who mistakenly think are the hierarchy.

    4. Gene, I get all that. But calling Schuckardt 'his holiness' is too much of a stretch for me. His Fraudulence would be better.

    5. I agree, but I think it was sarcasm, based on Shuckardt's ridiculous claim to the papacy.

    6. Even the highly revered Robert Fidelis McKenna, who should have known better, erred grievously when he claimed he accepted the episcopacy to preserve apostolic succession.

      Perhaps some of these renegades' orders may have an apostolic origin, but they lack legitimate continuity. In effect, these men are hideous carbuncles on the Mystical Body. In no way do they belong to the apostolic college.

    7. Reader,

      I really think these guys don't have a clue what their talking about, sad to say, McKenna included.

      Carmona also thought the same. From his letter of defense of his consecration: "We are also conscious and certain that we would have sinned, if by relying on the letter [of the law] we had rejected the consecrations, there being only one Catholic bishop who can now be found to transmit the episcopal succession."

      The SSPX also err on this point: "The Society’s bishops have their attachment to the Church through the Society of St. Pius X, a legitimately established community of which they are but auxiliary bishops, and through which they receive their entire authority to administer the sacraments of confirmation and holy orders."

    8. Critic, what do you mean that Steven Puskorius is a fraud?

      By the way, Reader, the page seems to have been removed.

  26. With how Sanborn feels about women, I'm surprised he lets girls be educated in his schools, That would solve his proem of girls and boys looking or talking to each other.

  27. Do the parents not see anything wrong with adding rules after tuition is payed? Do they not see anything wrong with suspensions of younger children due to the above infractions? This is lunacy.

    What is an infraction against hope? Do they mean despair and presumption?
    Does presumption not mean the ones in charge should be expelled since they presume all the kids there are going to Heaven? And doesn't Sanborn's sermons add to his parishioners loss of hope and eventual despair?

    What is an infraction against justice? Should not the nuns who sent the boy in the hallway in boxers be suspended for infractions of justice? One of your posters points out the rules are only for some. Is that justice?

    It seems to me that the ones in charge should look a little deeper into their rules and then expell themselves.

  28. Why would anyone pay to send their kids to a school with no qualified teachers, rules like these, releasing your parental authority, a place that uses your kids as slaves, and promise to give up any kind of family entertainment? This doesn't make sense that intelligent people would choose this life.

    One can't say it is for a Catholic education because Catechism and issues of faith can be taught by the parents, since the virtues are obviously not taught at these schools. The only thing I can surmise is for Mass, but why should anyone pay over $3000 for mass?

    And what are these people doing with all this tuition money? Is the school paid off with Sanborn's mindy from Michigan? The sisters are brought all meals, so it's not a good bill. Obviously, the students double duty as janitors, so that's not the case of them paying a janitor. The other teachers are volunteers, correct? So, it's not paid staff. So, at 25 kids, $3000 a student, $75,000 is needed for electricity and water bills? I'm curious if there are additional donations to the teaching sisters.

    Then, we have Sgg. Lotarski is getting paid to teach and be principal of his own children? How does this even make sense to people? Is their school paid off? How can a tuition, with the majority being Lotarski kids, even justify keeping the school open?

    Now, let's go to Arizona. How many families are in that school? What are they going to be doing to the school once the Brooksville convent is finished being built? There has been rumors that Sanborn is only there to gain control and then sell it off like Cekada did; how much truth are there to the rumors?Will those families then move to his Brooksville compound?

    I would like to see an Ariel map of the lots around the needs to be shown if these lots are owned by parishioners so that it is exposed if they are truly building a Jim jones cult.

    1. We don't think it an unreasonable guess to assume that once AZ hands over its assets to the cult that the days of OLS are numbered. The same ploy that was used in MI could be revived to have members move to B'ville. Once most people have left, closing the place and selling off the property would be the next step.

      Speaking frankly, this may be Arizona's last chance to save their chapel. Someone out there should consult with a lawyer to see whether AZ law would allow the chapel members to enjoin the board from turning over everything to an out-of-state entity. At the minimum, anyone interested in saving that lovely chapel must stand up now and be counted. The window of opportunity may be closing.

  29. We were interested to read a recent comment above from the Critic.They make good points.Yes,they are a scam.Can they tell us,did Piv chose to go to Omaha or was he told?The point about them harboring pedophile priests and nuns is very interesting.Do you remember what was written on the rogue bishop website about what when on in the basement of the Mount.Can you recall the comment of a former cleric about Piv coming down the ladder back in 1984.It's a shame this site was closed down.

    Does PL know if MHTS/Omaha does police checks on their "seminarians"We were told at Mater Dei if you turn up and say to Piv smiling you want to be a priest and attend his "formation" he will ordain you.This is beyond words.

    Perhaps PL should start also having a look at the CMRI schools,etc.We know that they don't have science labs,etc at Omaha and they are not qualified teachers.Perhaps others can tell more

    1. Anon May, 27 4:45, Piv was a power hungry teen! He had no interest in anything but power! He saw an opportunity with the homosexuality of Schuckardt. Piv was on his own agenda as a seminarian. He was power hungry. Look at his rise to power. He was a seminarian In 84’ and priest in 86’ and bishop in 91’. He had an opportunity in 88 in Omaha, Ne. He seized it and hasn’t looked back. He has absolute control now. He stole the election for bishop! He is a fraud and a child. Get away! Please for the love of God! Life is better outside the cult.

    2. When we talk about the "election" of so-called traddie bishops, we have to realize that it's nothing like the past. It's mostly self-nomination. We say mostly because it does depend on whether someone is willing to give the orders. (v.g., "One Hand" hasn't consecrated — YET.) But anymore unwillingness to consecrate is not a problem because you can go shopping for a willing consecrator. In no circumstance does "election" indicate worthiness and fitness, for if it did, the the episcopal ranks of Sedelandia would be considerably reduced.

      The difficulty for us re: CMRI investigations is that we don't have the first-hand knowledge of their operations as we do about the SW Ohio-B'ville cult. Maybe one day some people with direct contacts will start a blog of their own dedicated to exposing that corner of Tradistan.

      As for background checks on seminarians, we don't have any specific information, but we doubt it, especially with regard to those who come from abroad. There's probably no professional psychological screening either. All that sounds too professional. No ex-seminarian who has talked to us has ever mentioned OKing an official background investigation.

    3. The next conscecration of a bishop in Brooksville will be a bought position. It is well known that Sanborn agreed to consecrate Selway a Bishop BEFORE he was even a priest. Money talks.

    4. We expect to see that consecration in the near future. The Kid's waited long enough, so it's time he gets his birthright. Tradesman is aging, and it needs a young "bishop" devoted solely to advancing the family cult and the "nuns." The Dannie-Donnie hegemony is coming to an end and all this outreach and empire building has got to stop. It's time to turn inward and send Big Don into retirement.

  30. We don't think they have science labs at Spokane either.

  31. The school rules at Queen of All Saints Academy are utterly ridiculous. When I went to a traditional Catholic high school, the administration did not pry into what kids did at home or with their families because it wasn't their place. We received admonitions not to listen to certain types of music, watch certain movies, or do other things that our teachers found objectionable, but nobody was expelled for going to a movie.

    The things that you could be expelled for included cheating on exams, foul language, bullying another student, intimidating members of the faculty, obscene gestures, and so on.

    1. That's our recollection, too, from the '50s & early '60's. Never was there this frightening reach into home life nor the usurpation of parental rights.

      The expellable offenses you mention don't seem to have sanctions in the cult schools, at least for the élite kids. There was a massive cheating scandal at OLQS. At $GG a student got away with confronting a teacher and using foul language. We've had many reports of the toleration of bullying, and as you may have read elsewhere, there was no sanction for viewing animal torture videos or porn. ("Boys will be boys," said the "clergy.")

    2. Half the church at mht new of the school's cheating scandal. They fired an elderly parishioner who taught there; consequently, she's back teaching according to their site. It's the same one who says she has to make the nuns meals. What a sad situation. In order to let her teach again, did she have to agree to make all their meals?

    3. Maybe she's got $$$ AND a recipe file.

    4. Well, if the nuns needed a recipe file, I guess they wouldn't need so many cooks and servants? My guess is the lady is loaded, and she pays for her position just like everyone else there. Maybe go back and look at big donations after she came back to teaching? They might be looking for someone to cook for all of them when their new convent is built and they pull all the nuns back from Arizona. If the seminarians can have a cook, why can't the nuns?

  32. The issue lies with those who lie! Steven Puskorious and Mark Pivarunas are frauds! They are as the frauds of Dannie, Checkie and Donnie! There is nothing that separates the evil and coniving that perpetrates on the innocent laiy!
    Get out of there and realize the Church is still alive! Search! You will find the truth! Ask and you shall receive!

    1. We see where Puskorius is now billed as a "Very Reverend " (click here. LOL.

    2. I just tried to access this one and I got:404 Page Not Found. Did that cute little blue nun remove it??? Lol :)

    3. If you google it, you will find it.

    4. This reply belongs here. Don't know how it wound up above:
      AnonymousMay 27, 2016 at 10:53 PM

      Critic, what do you mean that Steven Puskorius is a fraud?

      By the way, Reader, the page seems to have been removed.

    5. Thanks. It worked before. The gremlins must be watching.

    6. There is an extra " at the end of the URL. Here's a good one:

  33. If these extreme rules are working, why are there cheating scandals at the schools or boys looking at pornography on school computers? Why are families watching tv "outside" their house, just because " technically" it isn't inside the house? If charity is a concern, why is the priest making fun of overweight children?

    Is Sanborn in charge here or is he just leading the crazy rules?

    On their website, they have no certified teachers listed, just some ninety year old lady. Where are the other 4 and why aren't they listed? How is a ninety year old capable of teaching when she graduated from nursing?

    Extreme anything doesn't work. St. francis De Sales says,"if you would fall to any extreme, let it be on the side of gentleness. The human mind is so constructed that it resists rigor, and yields to softness."

  34. Philip Neri says," If you wish to go to extremes, let it be in sweetness, patience, humility and charity. "

    St. Thomas More said,"justice in the extreme is often unjust."

  35. Awhile ago, there was a related family who left the school. Why would someone related leave?

  36. Another "we are going to hell" sermon this morning!

    Sanborn talked about modesty. Pretty much all of it except one little mention of men at the beach was directed at women. There was a lot of yelling. He touched on the swimming issue and said that only immediate family members can swim together.
