
Saturday, June 11, 2016


There's a new world coming/And it's just around the bend./There's a new world coming:/This one's coming to an end. Mama Cass Elliot

Tradistan's undergoing a sea change.

On second thought, paradigm shift is the better term.

Mortally wounded by non-stop disclosures following the 2009 $GG "School" Scandal, the sede kingpins, both "clerical" and lay, are worriedly struggling to postpone their cults' certain demise. The rumors of the SSPX's rapprochement with Rome this November have breathed enough hope into the discredited cult to warrant a reboot. But the changes won't be directed toward attracting fresh suckers. Their purpose will be to retain the few they still have.

Quite simply, newcomers will not come flooding into the cult temples, as their old business model predicted. There's far too much on the web about the cult "clergy's" hypocrisy and lunacy. The handful of Catholics who might exit the SSPX will stay away from the weird "bishop-led" cults, preferring in their stead unaffiliated "chapels." They won't want to jump out of the fire and into the frying pan of Tradistani internecine warfare, where malformed "clergy" without jurisdiction viciously squabble over turf like trailer-trash bar girls over the lone paying customer in a roadside honky-tonk.

As thick headed as the cult masters and their vested benefactors are, they sense their troubles are overwhelming. Growth is impossible. Retrenchment is the only option. The violent disruption to Sedelandia wrought by Dannie, Checkie, and the amazingly still-employed "principal" has produced a Damascene moment: Tradistan must take a different direction — a movement inward, not outward. Isolation, not engagement, is what's required.

The Readers note two new developments that suggest to us what can only be called a swiftly nearing revolution in Sedelandia. Viewed through the lens of experience in Tradtown, they lend support, we believe, to a highly plausible theory.

The first development comes from the Florida cult compound. Unconfirmed but reliable reports tell us the Clone has turned over the cult "school" to a "nun"; he's now spending his time exclusively at the "seminary" pesthouse. If true, this is the surest sign of a looming consecration: December will mark the Clone's 15th anniversary as a "priest," so his birth-right miter is long overdue. Besides, by anyone's reckoning, it's time for a new boy bishop in Trad Nation USA: The Ham Sandwich and the Long Island Jellyfish have been real duds.

Over the last month or so, not a few of our correspondents have energetically disputed Pistrina's conjecture of an impending swampland mitering. These writers argue there would then be two "bishops" serving just the one, rapidly depopulating cult compound. Such an arrangement, they insist, is hardly necessary for confirmations and holy orders.

Our answer to that sensible objection brings us to the second development. In the May 2016 pesthouse newsletter (click here), Big Don announced in his wonted ungainly, monotonous prose:
Shortly I will found an organization of traditional Catholic priests. This is something which has been sorely lacking for decades, and accordingly is something which I have desired to do for a long time. The constitutions have been written. I have been working on them since 2004. We are now merely putting the finishing touches upon them. They comprise twenty-eight pages and over 11,000 words.
When the Donster morphs into Tradzilla, he "conveniently" won't have the time to minister to the shrinking swampland culties.  He'll be jetting first-class all over the U.S. and Europe, living large while herding members into his new "order." As an excuse for putting on his travelin' shoes, he'll claim recruits won't necessarily come running just because he sets up a new organization. He'll have to reach out to them. (That's true enough: Most trad "priests" love being independent, with no one to answer to.)

MR. WORLDWIDE will then announce he has to wine-and-dine prospective members, hand out lots of swag, give conferences, establish a headquarters with a staff, and most importantly round up new benefactors. All of which would interfere with his current rôle as the Grand High Panjandrum of the fetid swampland cult along with its amateur "clerical" trade school. With the Kid newly kitted out in Gammarelli pontificals, Big Don can plausibly say he'll be leaving the cult in good hands.  And definitely he'll have to hit the road, chiefly to corral new donors. The Big 3 cult families assuredly won't fund this crazy, money-pit of a scheme.  The Donster's got to look elsewhere.
So you better hold on to your assets, Our Lady of the Sun: We bet you're first on the list!
So there you have it: the founding of the new group furnishes Don with a timely excuse to bow gracefully out of Brooksville after the Clone gets what's due to him. All along Big Don has understood that when that happens, he's toast. With their very own "bishop" — one of them, not a nasally shouting, hellfire-and-brimstone Flushing rat outsider — the élite families in the swamp can unblock their social media accounts and enjoy the good life in public, free at last of the nasty consequences attendant to Discipline Donnie's unsavory (and costly) union with "One-Hand" Dan and Erroneous Antonius. Don't forget: the Big 3 have enough offspring of their own to supply "priests," "nuns," "parishioners," and spankable crumb-crushers for many generations to come. With Big Don on the road, they can go back to flaunting online their privileged lives of scuba diving, swimming, and cycling.

Admittedly, at the moment, all this is pure speculation.  But it's not unwarranted by the circumstances and the evidence. Wee Dannie, with the assistance of Cheeseball Checkie, gutted Tradistan by refusing to right the wrongs at $GG "School." By removing instead staff who protested the ill treatment of children, the duo set in motion events that brought the U.S. sede cults to the ruin they face today. Naked self-preservation requires a new business model, but this time it's one of contraction and disengagement.

Wee Dan and Phony Tony are already out of the picture, so there's nothing to write on that score. They'll play no part in Tradistan 2.0. All that remains for them is to find a pricey retirement bungalow and disappear. Big Don will soon be off on his fool's errand to organize trad "clergy," an effort doomed to disaster in the same way Dannie's "little Salesian Society" failed to launch.

Nobody's going to take orders from Tradzilla except twitching pesthouse completers along with the  lard bucket "Independent-Study" Uneven Steven. (But $GG itself won't last too much longer under "One Hand's" successor, even if Li'l Daniel turns that tub-o'-guts into a "bishop" to spite the Kid and his pa.) In the end, the Donster will alienate anyone new who does sign on. Discipline Donnie's whole enterprise will be an expensive sham aimed at making him seem useful while easing him out of the cult compound. When the money dries up, he'll declare victory and close down the operation as he fades into a bitter retirement. Alone, he'll be left to contemplate the wrenching truth that his career peaked at the 2009 $GG School Scandal, which then felled him along with Wee Dan.

Meanwhile, the Brooksville Big 3 will turn safely in upon themselves, attending to the core families that compose the cult while keeping the outside world at bay. At that point, no longer will grasping "bishops" prowl Traddielandia in search of fresh donors to feed on. Independent, small Mass centers will be the rule, as "clergy" try to keep their flocks from the folds of the FSSP and SSPX by denying any association with the dying "bishop-led" cults. Only the CMRI didn't get the memo, as evidenced when they recently called Erroneous Antonius "one of the foremost traditional theologians and apologists of our times." (LOL) Those perennial losers joined themselves at the hip to the SW Ohio-Swampland cult cabal at the very hour of its disintegration. No one said they were smart. Timing, they say, is everything.

 Oh, well, out with the old, in with the new. We can't wait.



  1. As someone who has spent time looking into Traditionalism online for the past couple years on and off, I always find the posts here interesting, as I get to try to decode things e.g. who the "Ham Sandwich" is

    1. The nickname comes from a remark we made in comments to our post of May 21. There we said that Slupski and Dymek would ordain/consecrate a ham sandwich. Specifically, we refer to Rambozo who shortly after his consecration apologized for it. The Ramster's back in the Cinci area now, although, as of this writing, he hasn't updated his Our Lady of Victory website since May 1.

    2. Bishop Slupski actually was ordained while most, if not all those writing on this page were still in diapers. He worked with Fr. James Wathen for many years providing Mass and the Sacraments for several Chapels and Mass centers. He was also the Chaplain for TAN Books in Rockford. He certainly needs no defenders, but the truth of the matter is those who attend Mass in his Chapels read the funny pages here and thank Heaven for the fact that they need not worry about those desperate unfortunate souls who have not even a ham sandwich (which can't be ordained or consecrated of course) but have the baloney soup supplied by the clergy you heap vitriol on. Keep up the good work unloading so good Catholics can go forward with well-tested men who have served the Church for many years, while others play dress-up.

  2. Someone must know the names of all the ones who run this blog, since they're ex-SGG members.

    Why doesn't anyone come out and say their names?

    The one I have seen mentioned most is "Craig Toth."

    Is there a picture of this man anywhere?

    1. As we have written many times, the identities of the blog contributors are unimportant. Moreover, every post is a collaborative effort. We want readers to evaluate the content on their own. They may accept it or reject it as they please. Authorship is of no consequence.

  3. Anon at 7:58 AM should pay heed to the wise counsel of Thomas a Kempis: "Ask not, who hath said this, but look to what he says." (from The Imitation of Christ, the chapter Of The Reading Of The Holy Scriptures).

    Since Anon at 7:58 AM places such importance and emphasis on personalities (rather than the inherent value of content), then the person of Thomas a Kempis should carry some weight. BUT ONLY IF Anon at 7:58 AM is of good will. If he is nothing more than an enabler of the cult masters, then neither reason, logic nor the Catholic faith can help him attain the truth.

    1. It's not about "placing such importance and emphasis on personalities rather than the inherent value of content," but simply curiosity. I'd like to know who these people are just for the simple fact of knowing and putting a face to the ones who write here.

      I don't dispute what the writers of this blog say about the cultmasters, nor do I defend them (cultmasters).

      So you're just guilty of rash judgment, like so many of the other commenters here.

      Speaking of Contemptus Mundi , YOU are the one who should go ahead and apply what chapter 14 says:

      "TURN your attention upon yourself and beware of judging the deeds of other men, for in judging others a man labors vainly, often makes mistakes, and easily sins; whereas, in judging and taking stock of himself he does something that is always profitable."

    2. "It's not about "placing such importance and emphasis on personalities rather than the inherent value of content," but simply curiosity. I'd like to know who these people are just for the simple fact of knowing and putting a face to the ones who write here. "

      Why are you questioning who the anonymous writers are, but sign in anonymous too? Seems pretty hypocritical.

    3. There is another form of temptation, even more fraught with danger. This is the disease of curiosity. St Augustine

      "...but simple curiosity." Anon June 12 8:20

    4. Burton defined curiosity as "an itching humor or a kind of longing to see that which is not to be seen, to do that which ought not to be done, to know that secret which should not be known, to eat of the forbidden fruit."

      Anatomy of Melancholy

    5. So, Anon June 12 at 8:20 AM has the "disease of curiosity"? and wants "to eat of the forbidden fruit"?

      But why was he curious? Maybe personality was indeed more important than content - otherwise why be curious as to the identity of the blog contributors?

      Notice that most of the commenters here have NO curiosity as to the identity of the blog contributors. Why? Maybe because most of the commenters here care about content not personality'; and don't emphasize personality over content. That's why no curiosity was expressed in this context.

  4. I don't care who the authors of the blog are: truth is truth. I can't say I agree with how it comes across sometimes, but it still speaks volumes to me that someone takes their time to let others know what is truly happening at these places and what they are doing with your money. Especially, it takes a lot of fortitude to unmask these men when they are known to go after anyone's character who dares cross them.

    Arizona, watch out. They want your money. The signs are there. Don't look back and regret the fact that you were warned, you must have doubts (or you would have already handed it over to these men), and that the future of your parish is counting on you. It is obvious, from Sanborn's own newsletters, he's needing your money. He has no intention of providing you with more than he has to in order for you to anti-up your money. The convent will be built soon enough. He won't need you anymore for anything other than your bank account and land sale.

    1. That's right. The assets of Old Lady of the Sun are in danger. If the board surrenders them, that will spell the end of the chapel.

      There are many other independent priests available, and the AZ board should resume the search they initiated a couple years ago.

      In the meantime, there are valid priests who would be willing to fill in for a week or two until a permanent, resident priest can come on board.

      No one should believe any of the cult slander about others' orders. And besides, the incumbent they have now was ordained by "One-Hand" Dan in 2006, so there may be more question about his validity than that of others.

    2. How did Arizona get involved with these crazy groups anyway?

      Time to forget about the loses and kick them out before they take your money and make you look like a fool.

    3. Here's how we understand the situation:

      A number of years ago, the OLS board removed the "pastor," an action that divided the membership. After a lengthy and costly court battle, the board prevailed, resulting in the exit of many supporters. That's when they brought in Big Don's cult. He was so sure he'd get his hands on everything that he wrote in the July 2011 pesthouse newsletter : “we are very hopeful and confident that our relationship to [OLS] will become permanent.”

      Fortunately, the board denied his demand, and he's been stewing over it ever since. Reports say he openly groused about lay people managing the chapel's assets. Interestingly, he didn't leave, and we think he started working behind the seems to muster backing for his plan.

      A couple years ago, there were stories that the board was looking for a replacement, but sadly nothing happened. In our view, Tradzilla will make another attempt to get control of OLS's considerable assets ($$ and real estate), so this is a very dangerous time for the chapel. The beast needs bucks badly.

    4. Praise from a connoisseur is the best!

      May the people a OLS laugh as heartily when he tells them he needs their money to battle MUTO (the SPX).

    5. As an ex-Long Islander, I also enjoyed the "Long Island Jellyfish" moniker...

  5. When you say Most Holy Trinity Clerical Vocational Program, you mean that as a joke right? The italicized part?

    1. Well, we don't mean seminary.

      Actually, calling that joke of a "priest" mill a vocational program does a disservice to vocational training institutions that turn out skilled, competent workers. MHT gave us the MI Skipper and a guy who couldn't perform a graveside service plus any number of sad sacks who say 40-minute Low Masses (not counting a disjointed sermon).

    2. Oh I get it now. I had forgotten that that was the name, "Most Holy Trinity Seminary."

  6. When I evaluate whether or not to believe some statement made on the internet, I give a lot of weight to the source of that information. As they say, "Consider the source." I certainly don't accept at face value the words of someone whose judgment I consider lacking. This is common sense.

    So, in evaluating where I will go to Mass, it's interesting to see that these priests and bishops that are discussed on this blog speak publicly about the Catholic faith in their sermons and publications, opening themselves up to criticism, such as they receive here. That takes guts. It's not easy to go on record saying something that people might disagree with.

    On the other hand, there's this blog here, whose author is afraid to reveal himself. What does that tell me? It says that his words are suspect. How can I believe the statements of someone who won't stand by what he says, who won't go on record, and who hides behind silly gobbledygook names like "Pistrina Liturgica", whatever that means.

    I'm sorry, but as a man of business I do not and cannot believe every jackwagon that comes up to me on the street, nor do I believe every disgruntled loser who can figure out how to use WordPress to crank out a website.

    And as a man I have nothing but contempt for a man who attacks others behind a shield of anonymity.

    1. Says the man who is posting anonymously?

    2. Everything on this blog can be verified independently. Indeed, the posts often contain the proof of truth. Anonymity is not a shield. It's a device to allow people to focus on the facts without the distraction of personality.

    3. Anon 2:07 AM should now "have nothing but contempt for" HIMSELF since he just attacked Pistrina behind a shield of anonymity. Should he, or shouldn't he? That depends. Whether the said man of business (Anon 2:07 AM) will condescend to be logical and consistent.

      Maybe, he should feel contempt for the cult clergy who badmouth others (e.g. the laity who leave their cults) behind the shield of the Roman collar and the pulpit within the cult compound.

    4. Hey, PL

      It looks like your words don't count for much, no matter how much sense you make, or how much evidence there is to back you up.

      Anon 2:07 AM simply prefers the distraction of personality over the content that you write.

      PL, you are required to give your full name, put a photograph of yourself (and maybe disclose your occupation and the town you live in!). Otherwise Anon 2:07 AM will not even deign to evaluate your content on its merits. You are just not credible in his eyes. I know that is not fair to you; but that is the way he judges you. Don't know whether Anon 2:07 AM is a cult enabler; but as a general rule, we can't expect cult enablers to be fair-minded, logical nor consistent, can we?

    5. No, we can't. It will be hard, but we suppose we'll just have to endure Anon 2:07's businesslike disdain. The poor thing is a victim of the Linkedin culture.

      The truth of it is, at PL, we can't fairly assign authorship to posts. Is it, for instance, the person who came up with the idea in the first place? Or, is it the first drafter? Or, on the other hand, is it the reviser? And, if so, which reviser? The first? The last? All of 'em? Then again what about the final copy editor who makes certain it's PL's voice? And finally, what about the Saturday editorial board reviewers?

      Those head-scratching questions are beyond us simple Catholics, who only want to warn our co-religionists about the horrors of the make-believe-Catholic cults of Tradistan. Questions of authorship belong properly to the disciplines of textual criticism, stylometry, and bibliography. We're all content with attributing PL's posts to The Reader, a notional personality who represents us all and is greater than the sum of its parts.

    6. As a former parishioner of Sanborns Chapel in Warren and Fraser Mi. I most say that the information you are posting here is spot on! Thank you for exposing their cult behavior and please continue your efforts!!!!

    7. Will do — and thanks for the corroboration. It will help others get out of the cult.

    8. Anon June 13 4:53,
      Please explain if there are truths to Sanborn allowing three families to rule the church and school in Michigan? Or were there more than 3, less than 3?

      Were there rumors of Selway Jr. becoming bishop, even while he was in the seminary before he became a priest?

      Was Sanborn a bully while he was in Michigan also? And were his extreme dress and socialization rules practiced there also?

  7. I heard rumors that the priests and bishop in Brooksville broke out champagne with the death of JP2.

    Can someone here ask their priests, since obviously there are people on here who go to these places, if they really did this?

    1. And also the logic behind celebrating anyone's death?

    2. As the Brooksville "clergy" celebrate the death of others - others too will one day celebrate the deaths of these Brooksville "clergy".

    3. If true (and, yes, we heard the same rumors), the story shows how pre-adolescent these malformed creeps are.

  8. Confirmation: the school was handed over to Brooksville's head nun and her mother.

    Confirmation: Selway spends most of his time at the seminary.

    Confirmation: money that at one time went to the seminary is now going to a lavish convent with the whole nine yards. No expenses are being spared on this convent.

    Confirmation: the only reason the nuns are still in Arizona is due to lack of living quarters in Brooksville.

    Confirmation: Sanborn is in need of money. The seminary is physically falling apart. He's desperate to gain funds from Arizona and satellite chapels.

    Confirmation: the school's enrollment is under 30, 5 sisters, 5 lay teachers (2 of which began teaching after the summer of their graduation from the school, 1 with an actual teaching degree, and 4 of them being related to either Selway or the head nun.)

    Confirmation: Sanborn is down seminarians to 5, if you include his soon to be priest. Prediction: I think you will see more seminarians in these "intense summer programs" because when they go home for vacation, they don't come back to Brooksville. In addition, most seminarians are poor and can't afford travel. (Side: Sanborn also needs someone to take care of the seminary all summer)

    1. Many thanks for confirming the reports we've received.

      This means the danger to Our Lady of the Sun is even more serious than we had imagined. The beast is starving for cash.

    2. Response to: Anonymous June 13, 2016 at 9:12 AM – you write – “Confirmation: the school was handed over to Brooksville's head nun and her mother.”
      You have an issue with the head nun and her mother running a Catholic school? What kind of a trad are you? Didn’t you know that back in the day Catholic schools were always turned over to the head nun and her mother? This was the universal practice. THIS IS TRADITIONAL, end of discussion. Lol
      But seriously, thanks for the updates.

    3. Gosh, are we embarrassed that we forgot that fact! Our foggy old memories had misled us into thinking that religious life back then discouraged such attachments so as to promote the solidarity of the religious community.

      Thanks for the chuckle. The cults might not see the irony and implement the practice everywhere. Can't you just hear the cult master's sermon?

      "The rule has always been that a weathy mother and her nun-daughter shall be in charge of every Catholic school."

      BTW, when Big Don left MI, he told everyone he was going to found a real, Catholic group of sisters to show how it's done.

      If this is the real thing, then heaven help us all.

    4. I want more info on these "sisters." From all accounts that I have been hearing, these are spoiled nuns who belong to the main three families. Their site claims they take the vow of poverty, but from what I hear, that isn't true. It seems like they have an even more privileged life than Sanborn himself! I'm told by friends at mht that one of their mothers is actually pretending to be mother superior, and Sanborn knows it and let's it happen! That's crazy!

      And for Sanborn to claim these are a real, Catholic group of sisters? Real, Catholic sisters need their moms to take over the convent and feed them meals every day and night? Then, the reports are that these "sisters" can't even teach at a school of less than 30 without having outside help? 5 sisters, 30 kids. So, the sisters can't control a classroom of 6, without having someone bake their meals, clean for them, and have 5 other related lay people teach at the school? Do they have someone dress them in the morning too?

      Sanborn must be the joke of tradland right now because he can't even control a group of women without mommies stepping into help.

    5. Rumors have it that Sanborn's mother lived at the seminary with him. Why shouldn't the mother of the nuns live with them at the convent? If he can have his mom live with him, maybe he's setting the example of how his convent and seminary should run? Each mother should move in with their child and cook, clean, and be in charge. It's the way the Church has always ran.

    6. That must be why they need an expansion to the the seminary and building a new convent: they need room for all the mothers needing to move in with their children!

    7. Right on! It's Momsville USA

      BTW, Sanborn's mommie was so important that he kicked a priest out of his quarters to install her. How's that for priorities? (And, boy, was that guy P.O.'d!)

      He's right about adding on new additions. They need space for all the clergy's mamas.

    8. That's what I don't get. How can this man be such a mommy's boy, allow Desposito, Selway, and the nuns be so dependent on their mommies, but then have such hatred towards women?

    9. Perhaps he does not truly HATE women, but does not respect them as he should.

  9. Anon 6/13 2:07, you said," I certainly don't accept at face value the words of someone whose judgment I consider lacking. This is common sense."

    Common sense would, therefore, find it reasonable to say that if you found PL's judgement lacking, you wouldn't read this site.

    "That takes guts. It's not easy to go on record saying something that people might disagree with." Common sense would also say, looking at history, this isn't true. Many have went on record stating something that someone doesn't agree with, but that doesn't make them an authority or right on the subject, just because they put their name by their statement. In fact, i would say that many authors who do put their names beside things do so for reasons of pride, especially the ones you are claiming have "guts."

    Your last line kills me the most, ANON. "As a man, I have nothing but contempt for a man who attacks others behind the shield of anonymity." I'm sorry, what was your real name again? And were you just attacking another under the shield of anonymity?

    I have to laugh, PL, you can definitely spot a cult follower, by not only lame defenses of their leaders, but by the hypocrisy of their words. I've got to ask though: why do they read your site if they are happy with where they are? Why do they come here seeking the truth, but then refuse to listen to any facts? Do they actually go question their priests and bishops and demand an answer to the questions put forth here, or do they do it for their own ego to feel they have defended their good bishop and priests?

    Sanborn used to have a mission in Virginia. Why did he close that one? Does he drain the finances, and then move onto the next sight to drain? Is that what he's doing to Arizona? How much do they have to give him for him to stay there and how much are the nuns costing them? What kind of income do these nuns have to help pay for their own expenses?

    1. Some of these characters come to this site on a mission from the cult masters, and sometimes it's the cult masters themselves who visit. They cannot refute our facts so they try to impeach the blog with that old anonymity canard.

      Re: the Virginia mission, we have heard an altogether different account. Our sources tell us that Big Don was helping out two other priests who serviced place. According to three accounts, he left the mission when one of the priests refused to deny communion to a woman who wouldn't comply with a demand from the Donster. We have been trying to gather more information on this subject and would welcome any update.

      As for AZ, several years ago we heard that the board was paying him a fee to run the chapel and the convent, the amount of which we do not know. In addition, several members were giving the seminary monthly donations. In 2011, we think, the board rejected his demand for full control, so he must still be playing the hireling. Regarding the "nuns'" income, we can only assume that tuition fees must account for the bulk of their support, although perhaps the board pays the cult a fee for them also. When the new convent is finished in Brooksville, informants tell us they will leave AZ. (See above, Anon June 13, 9:12 AM, 4th "Confirmation.")

  10. Have these people always had trouble with lay boards, schools, and legal troubles? No wonder they are trying to take over Arizona's board. They don't want to answer to anyone.

    FR. Cekada wrote in 2009,"One parent mentioned that, in light of the recent difficulties, it had been suggested that a general meeting of all school parents take place immediately.

    I am sure that this proposal was made with the best of intentions. However, having weathered various school, seminary, parish, priest, nun, lay trustee and legal crises during my more than thirty years as a traditional Catholic priest, I can assure you that such gatherings generally cause more problems than they resolve."

    1. They hate lay governance because they fear accountability, which in their eyes spells trouble. If the Cekada and Dolan had held that general meeting back in 2009 and acted on its resolutions, they might have prevented the walkout that led to their current woes.

      The AZ board has a particularly robust self-perpetuating governance model, but it is only as strong as the members who compose it. Fifth columnists could render it ineffective and then the people will lose everything. One can only hope that AZ statutes provide a remedy.

    2. "They don't want to answer to anyone."

      Could this also be why sedevacantist clergy aren't calling for a Papal election? If you believe that the chair is vacant, shouldn't you do whatever you can to fill it? Maybe they like not having a Pope to whom they would have to answer.

    3. They don't want to answer to anyone. If the Restoration were to happen tomorrow, with all the attendant proofs and divine signs, they would deny it.

  11. I think in the bigger picture, this is just another exapmle of the inherent flaw in the traditionalist "clergy" model itself. It can't be fixed because it was built on a faulty foundation. The most you can have are quick fixes to prop up the faulty structure and make it last longer,

    The only foundation that works is the one constructed by our Lord Himself.

    1. The creaky structure is finally collapsing, Deo gratias.

  12. AnonymousJune 13, 2016 at 11:56 AM
    ..." am sure that this proposal was made with the best of intentions. However, having weathered various school, seminary, parish, priest, nun, lay trustee and legal crises during my more than thirty years as a traditional Catholic priest, I can assure you that such gatherings generally cause more problems than they resolve.""

    Thanks so much for your 30 years of service to preserve the Faith Father, and for your opinion posted on this blog. However, I am a layman of close to 40 years trying to Keep the Faith, and I must disagree with you as far as not having some kind of meeting back in 2009 to rectify the atrocities that were committed against the Parishioners at SGG.

    Hindsight proves our case right!

    Both Dolan and Cekada were guilty of gross injustice to the students, and their parents who suffered at the hands of the Bully Principal, Mark Lotarski. Had they fired him, and expelled his son for the gross improprieties perpetrated against the humble teacher who tried to defend a helpless student, we would not be reading this BLOG now.
    This blog would never have been created were it not for the blatant attitude of Bishop Dolan to continue to FEED THE BEAST at the expense of the innocent teacher who tried to correct a gross abuse against a certain student.
    Instead, Bishop Dolan Lied in his email that he sent to the humble teacher when he fired him. He rewarded the student by allowing him to stay in the school, and of course the Principal was allowed to stay on as Principal, and the continuance of free tuition for the remainder of his 10 children, at the expense of the abused Parishioners.

    TALK ABOUT FEEDING THE BEAST! Now I ask you Father in the name of Justice, was not some kind of meeting demanded to correct what was done to the students and their families, and the unjust firing of an innocent man?

    Bear in mind not only did they fire him, but when the great exodus started to take place from SGG to St. Albert's they then called the department of Home Land Security on their 30 year friend. Not only did they fire him with a lie, but they went out of their way to Crucify him with revenge.

    Talk about good old Catholic Charity!

    Think you have a different opinion now Father?

    1. As the deflated Blunderer stares in terror at the wreckage of Tradistan, how can he not wish he had acted differently? His image is in tatters, and the days of $GG are coming to a close. He's the joke of TradWorld, reduced to begging people to fix his meals. What a life of ignominious failure!

    2. Was the Lotarski boy not expelled from the school for looking at pornography on the school computer or doing drugs? You have got to be kidding me!

      And this school is considered a better alternative to a public school? It seems like they are getting more sex Ed from SGG than they would by opting out of health class.

    3. Sex Ed? Sex ed is given in Sanborn's seminary newsletters at least a few times a year. Then, he brings up things in his sermons that no child should have to hear at a church. Parents are forced to have talks with their children on not only sex, but homsexuality, beastality, sodomy, etc.

      What kind of priest says these things or leaves seminary newsletters in the front of church for kids to hear and see? He's obviously a very sick person. He knows young children are listening to his sick sermons, yet he continues to spew this stuff, but then make condemnations about how people expose their children to the rotten, dirty, sinful world?

      If you want to protect your children's innocence, don't take them to mass at most holy Trinity seminary in Brooksville, Florida.

      By the way, maybe at the bottom of your posts, you could put keywords so that when people are searching for the truth about these places (especially before moving there), it is more likely to come up in a quick search. I'm not sure exactly how that works though. For instance, keywords: donald Sanborn, most holy trinity seminary, mht seminary, cult, sgg, saint gertrude the great, anthony cekada, Daniel dolan, evil,

    4. This sermons and newsletters are very disturbing. In fact, we think they make the young people even more curious to pluck forbidden fruit. Quite honestly, we can't imagine how parents with impressionable children can sit through all that salaciousness. However, if they're callous enough to send them to that "school," then they probably don't mind all that "dirt and filth" that flows from the pulpit.

    5. How many kids are left in his school? I think the prediction of over 100, and then so many leave and don't stay, speaks volumes about what people think of his school and church.

      Is the church growing by his predicted numbers too? How about his "seminary"?

      If he were in charge of investing, I wouldn't trust my money with someone so off in his numbers.

    6. The last report we had was something like 30 kids, and 5 "seminarians" if you count the one whom Big Don will "ordain" on June 29.

      The cult lost a lot of people to Spring Hill several years ago, but the folks really don't welcome newcomers. Sources say it's become a cult for just a few, interconnected families. When the Kid takes over, we surmise it will become even more insular.

      Some of the non-Big 3 attendees really don't like him or Junior at all. They just go for the sacraments. If the SSPV came to town, they'd empty the dump of all but the Big 3. (The same is true at $GG.)

    7. I think that the people would be willing to accept anything, not just sspv. Another independent Thuc priest would fare well too. The problem with spring hill and tampa are that they lean on more the liberal side of things, comparably with MHT. Mht has used this to their advantage stating that their orders must not be valid and they are more Novus ordo. On tampa's website, they have pictures of women in strapless dresses. If you are used to Sanborn, you automatically assume this is evil and a reflection of the church's immorality. Remember, his view is to have sleeves to elbows. Then, he and his follower will then go into validity and convince otherwise.

      Only the main three and the wanna be friends of the main three, tend to think sanborn doesn't have psychological issues. When a good number of your parishioners find you crazy, and your sermons are constantly yelling at people, you might need psychological help.

  13. Not one Lotarski was expelled from school for anything including getting a girl pregnant.

    How's that for a good old Catholic education?

  14. ...nor for viewing animal-torture videos either. But as Checkie said, "Boys will be boys" — especially if they belong to a "privileged" family.

    Man O Man, what is it that the "principal" knows!

  15. So, arizona kids get kicked out for Lord of The rings, but cincinnati kids can watch porn and animal torture? And the logic behind this is what? These places are nuts!

  16. I have a theory: Sanborn is aligning with Neville because he's trying to distance himself from Cincinnati and their scandals. He still needs future american seminarians sent to him, and he sees more possibility of getting them from Michigan than Cincinnati.

    Cekada/Dolan are aligning with cmri because they know once Sanborn makes Selway Jr. Bishop, there will be no need for them in Sanborn's new scheme and Selway doesn't want them. They will still need future priests, and Sanborn is tired of providing Cincinnati his priest "graduates." CMRI will start lending them their "graduates" in return for an alliance.

    1. Makes a lot of sense. The Long Island Jellyfish did send him one seminarian (who like most didn't stay).

      As for $SGG staff, we can't see where the CMRI yokels would be any worse than "Independent-Study" Uneven Steven.

    2. Between Big Don and One-Hand" Dan and Erroneous Antonius the Traditional Latin Mass movement has become a comedy and sadly dangerous ( if you support them)! If Big Don makes Selway Jr. Bishop it will be game over for them. Truly for Selway Jr. is clearly not capable or qualified. He will be a Bishop bought and paid for by his Dad. Just the thought of this happening makes me Ill.
      These people have truly lost their faith! All Traditionalist should stop funding this obvious CULT!

    3. There is no "if" Selway jr will be made bishop. It is only "when" that is in question.

    4. That's right. His time has finally come. If we had to bet, we'd say it will happen before the year's out. A lot more will be known after Tradzilla reveals plans for his new organization of priests, which he promised in the last newsletter would occur "shortly."

      We're asking observers in the B'ville area to report if Junior has made a trips to Rome recently. That could signal a shopping spree at clerical tailors for pontificals. He's not going to let the Long Island Jellyfish outshine him.

      To be honest, we can't see how he's waited this long for his birthright. How old is he now? 37? 38? He'll need his new orders soon enough to be able to dedicate the new convent and consecrate its chapel.

    5. His dad's biz took a trip to Italy in October, according to their website. Maybe they picked up his vestments?

    6. Would the upcoming consecration make The Kid the youngest ever "bishop" in the history of TradNation?

    7. We're not sure because we don't know his birth date. The Long Island Jellyfish could still hold the record, but who really knows? As we've said before, TradNation has more "bishops" that days-old roadkill has maggots.

  17. Maybe Sanborn is trying to get Neville's nuns, since he needs to fill up the new Brooksville convent?

    1. Possibly, but the last time we looked, they despised Big Don for how they were treated when he was in MI.

  18. Since he's promised to send The Big 3 nuns home to Brooksville, maybe he's looking for Arizona replacements. That way, he can still get Arizona's money until he finds a way to sell it?

    1. Maybe the big 3 has promised more money to the newly built convent, with the clause that they need to bring the nuns home to Brooksville.

      Think about it, the school would look more credible if it was run by all sisters snd no lay people. Right now, to have a ninety year old teacher, 2 high school graduates,and the nuns mom as teachers doesn't make an appealing staff (or else maybe they would have those teachers listed on their site.)

      In addition, with no one else at the school, the sisters are left to create whatever cruelty they want to the students without having credibility. I've heard these "sisters" are physically and mentally cruel to the students, a good example is the boxer shorts in the hallway, breaking a stick over a first grader, banging kids heads into walls as punishment, punishing a young girl for her family not saying the rosary, etc.

      Their current staff can now cook them even nicer gourmet meals and do all their errands! How lovely will that be! The kids can continue to practice choir half the day and do the nuns chores the other half! No accountability, just like the priests now.

      Yet, they still need Arizona's money. They can't leave them without a school because then they can't control the families or take their children for the convent, seminary, and big companies in Brooksville. They would lose power with their money.

      If they send the Michigan sisters, they can still have control, still collect money, but now neville will also be under Sanborn again. Win-win for Sanborn.

    2. Without having "accountability", not credibility.

    3. Now that's a theory with some legs on it!

      The Long Island Jelly Fish sends out its surplus "sisters" as placeholders for its Master's crew. Then the Jellyfish wouldn't have to feed them on what must be declining revenue in MI. And if they refuse to go, it can shame them for disobedience and have them make tearful reparations. Better yet, how about a public apology. Anybody remember the case of the poor "nun" who had to beg forgiveness for playing the organ too loud, or something like that?

      Tradzilla knew what he was doing when he jerked the Jellyfish's chain and reminded it who was the reigning beast in Tradistan. We'll bet it is the first one to join the Donster's new organization.

    4. Oh, I bet they will still suck money out of the Arizona bank account. Sanborn needs money to fund his seminary, cemetary, convent, and new project. They are going to look for new fund raising activities (fund raising isn't really the word. I think the word is "indulgences" to fund his schemes)

  19. PL I believe that you pointed out how frequent his Royal Highness delights in the effects of his feline hunting sprees. Either it is a bird that has been ripped apart, or a bunny that hopped along the wrong bunny trail, that is reported in the Bishop's Corner with all the gory details of the recent blood thirsty kill.

    Is it any wonder why the Boys of the Lotarski Tribe wouldn't delight in the video courses offered at SGG via the internet and graded by their dad the Principal? After all boys will be boys!

    Sanborn is another KIT KAT Kuddle Kreep. I wonder how many Kritters his Karnivorous KITTY KATS KILLED? We only know of the seminarians that were kicked out for not Karing for his Krazy Kats.

    1. The underkurrent of kruelty in Dannie's weekly Kitty Korner is kolossal , isn't it? The whole krew down there must be kraving karnage.

  20. We find it very hard to believe how people could deny the truth out of fear of these scum men(Sanborn,etc) or the lies these scum men tell is beyond all comprehesion.It's very interesting to note that Gilchrist fellow was present at the recent Omaha ordinations.It just proves that Pivarunas does not care what his clerics do to Souls.We bet most CMRI clerics lie to Pivarunas to cover their backs too.Its beyond words.Do you agree when a priest starts to lose faithful in large numbers,there must be something very wrong.

    1. Yes, we do agree. The people are voting with their feet, and their mass exit is a sign of grave disorder in leadership.

      But it's useless to expect any cult master to behave rationally and intervene in such situations. And besides, they may approve of the behavior that results in people's leaving en masse.

      All this shows that these scumbag "bishops" would never make it in the real world of business. But as long as the laity continue to support them in spite of all the truth that's out there, the cults will keep limping along. The few people with a conscience must walk out.

      As for "covering their backs," maybe the "clergy" don't need to. It could be that all this is considered OK, and G's appearance in the US was intended to reinforce the message of no accountability to anyone.

  21. I commend the readers of this blog especially those who inform the staff of the horrid conditions they have endured at the hands of these fortune $eekers. I wish these $actimonious $oul $natchers $ought to $ave $ouls as much as they $eek to $teal the poor $ouls $avings.

    I commend and thank all the good priests who are truly serving God by laboring in His Vineyard, and helping His children to save their souls by Honoring God, and not them.
    May God Bless You All.

    And I condemn all those prideful priests and prelates who are in the Vineyard trying to further burden the backs of the laborers with pangs of guilt if they don't $erve God Their Way.
    May God Have Mercy On You All.

    Keep up the good work Pistrina Liturgica you are greatly appreciated by me and many others. To quote a modern day song, "You Are Like A Candle In The Wind."

    They will Huffff and Puffff, but they will never blow out the TRUTH!


    1. And $ave Our Lady of the Sun in Arizona from Tradzilla!

  22. What happened with the girl the Lotarski boy impregnated? Was the child born? It must be 4-5 years old already. Was the Lotarski forced to marry the girl?

  23. No, they never married and are estranged. The child was born, and lives with the mother, and the maternal grandparents. To date the father has never seen the child. It is a very sad story, and a reason why one does not send their children to SGG or MHT.

    1. How old were they both when she came out pregnant?

  24. PL.Is it correct that before big Don took overcare for OLS,the priest there was ordained by Pivarunas.If we remember he was ordained in Omaha back in 1999.Is it correct he had major alcohol problems and that is why he was removed.Just proves Pivarunas does not care who he lays his hands on.

    On the SGG website,they say they are a parish of over six hundred.Don't believe it.Friends said at the evening Mass there is usually a handful and very poor during the week.Immaculate Conception Church over at Norwood is packed as well as the SSPX Church at Walton which is growing.

    1. No way does sgg have 600, Another one of there exaggerations/lies.

    2. Anon. June 17 2:14 AM

      Nothing we have contradicts your information.

      Anon June 17 2:42 AM

      We don't believe the figure either. All reports say $GG is on the down turn, while Norwood and Walton are thriving. But that's hardly surprising.

  25. PL/Reader

    Can you please answer the question above from Anon June 17 2:14 about that priest who was once at OLS.Is it correct he had a drinking problem.Just interested.

    1. Our understanding is that alcohol use was involved in the removal decision.

    2. It is my understanding that the Brooksville priests have alcohol issues also. Our Lady of the Sun needs to be careful. Several of the priests, including the Bishop, have been reportedly seen at different functions quite intoxicated.

  26. Neville was born in 72, consecrated bishop in 2005. He would still be younger than Selway. Depending on the birthdate, it would have made neville around 33. Selway is in his late 30's.

    1. Online it says Selway jr was born 1/16/78. If he's consecrated in 2016, he would be 38.

    2. Excellent information. As we'd said in a comment, we thought Junior was about 37 or 38. That means the Long Island Jellyfish is the youngest. We don't see how the Clone & Pop allowed this to happen. Time to remedy the injustice.

    3. Why it wasn't done before this was because Sanborn still had his seminary, convent, cemetery, and "organization" to fund and build. If Sanborn made him a bishop before now, Selway wouldn't be obligated to give him money.

    4. But we've heard that money has dried up.

    5. Word is that a new company has been formed. Looking at the old company's splendor of Italy pics, business appears to be doing well. On the other hand, we all know that place is for appearances.

    6. The Italian connection certainly makes it possible for them to have ordered Junior's pontificals in preparation for the big event. It looks as though one of the business partners is an Italian national, so there would be ample opportunity to get properly outfitted.
