
Saturday, June 18, 2016


...Ex ore infantium... ["out of the mouth of babes"]. St. Matthew

Editor's Note: In May, you'll recall, a high-school Latin II class wrote in about the DISORDERED ORDO series.  We Readers were so impressed with the interest that we invited the teacher to provide a "guest Reader" for the June posting. (Hence the feature's earlier-than-usual appearance this month.)

Seeing that our youthful fans attend a real, accredited school with a certificated, degree-holding teaching staff and not a paddle-happy Tradistani train wreck, we expected —and received — good work. As you'll see in their efforts below, Checkie has officially become a high-school punchline.

N.B. Last names and school name have been withheld. We've also entered a few editorial explanations as well as altered the order of the e-mails, which we stitched together for ease of reading. We'll let our readership decode the teenspeak for themselves. (We had to ask relatives.)

Hi PL!!

Julie and Ahuva here. The "mean girls" from Ms. [X's] Latin II class. Thanks for letting us Guest Reader your blog. If we do a good job our teacher will give extra credit. PLEASE PLEASE get back to her before you guys post this!!! The school year is almost over. The kids in our class are high achievers... A 90 around here is like a  C+😜...

We don't understand all that Catholic stuff but the Latin posts rock. Ahuva is Jewish and my family is Unitarian Universalist... Nobody in class gets emo over your "ferocity" like those wimps [in the comments section, Ed.]...  You old dudes are dope and your posts are gnarly... Both of us plan to take the AP [Advanced Placement, Ed.]. Latin Course and Exam later on and study some Classics in college...

Our teacher didn't tell you we created the ERRONEOUS ANTONIUS AWARD for dumb mistakes. Ahuva's brother drew this sketch from creepy web images and printed out 100s of stickers.

When we correct our work in class we put a sticker on the paper if there's a "howler" as you guys call it. Then we throw shade on the guilty kid, point and sing "er-RON-e-ous an-TON-i-us!!!"😏 It's like ROTFL.

Our school is super competitive which is why other classes want the stickers. The "bro club" in Latin IV made T-shirts that say: STUDY OR END UP LIKE with the "Erroneous Antonius" face underneath. On the back it says DON'T BE A N00B...

For our DISORDERED ORDO we each picked out two errors from "Moneyman Dan's" ORDO 2016... 

From Ahuva:

Pax and שָׁלוֹם, All Knowing Readers: Dumb Dan doesn't know much about subject-verb agreement.  3rd graders know plural nouns take plural verbs and in Latin I like in the 1st week we learned plural subjects of plural verbs are nominative plural.

Uncanny Dannie must never have gone to school or else why did he say [on page 49, Ed.]  "Si plures Missas habetur." If his parents sent him to a real school, he would have written "Si plures Missae habentur." Goyim trash hate education.😵 [N.B. Dannie meant to say in Latin "If several Masses are held," but instead of writing the nominative plural Missæ + the 3rd. person plural verb habentur, His Deficiency used the accusative plural noun and the 3rd person singular. Wee Dan's crazy Latin translates something like "If it is had several Masses." Huh? Very, very illiterate. Ed.]

Also Little Endorphn Dannie can't decline 3rd declension nouns.  The tool wrote [on p. 94, Ed.] "cum unica oratio", the nominative instead of the ablative "oratione![N.B. There's no period after "oratio" in "One Hand's" ordo, so it's clearly not an abbreviation. The Wee One's key to abbreviations lists "or" for "oratio." Ahuva nailed Dim Dan fair and square. You go, girl! Ed.] 

Reader didn't they have special ed classes back in the 1950's? In public school he could have gotten help...

All "One Hand" can make is mistakes. When we get back for Latin III in Sept., we want to start a new "award" for students that don't make an effort. It's called the DANNIE DON'T CARE PRIZE. People like him bring down our school test scores. We have to drag those kind to the ground.👎

My brother printed tons of stickersNobody wants to be an ERRONEOUS ANTONIUS and nobody will want to win the DANNIE DON'T CARE PRIZE.

BTW my brother asked what you think about the Latin [inscription written on the caricature, Ed.]. He bet Julie and me you "ole timers" know where he got it from...

From Julie:

I want to back Ahuva. "One Hand Dan" is clueless about the 3rd declension. Did he flunk  Latin I? [On p. 74 next to 18 Feria V, Ed.] I found "de Assumptionis". It should be "de Assumptione" [ablative singular, Ed.]. Did he think "is" is ablative plural? Can some body tell him "Assumptionis" is genitive singular. 

The next error is [on page 34 next to 25 Feria VI, Ed.] where Dimwit Dan wrote "Crux Altartegitur" for "The Cross of the Altar is covered". I looked it up, there is no such word as "altarus, -i" in Latin [i.e., a second declension form, Ed.]. Webster says "altar" is from "altare" and my teacher says it's 3rd declension. That means Lame Dan should write "Crux Altaris tegitur". It weirds me out when a priest cannot decline the Catholic word for "altar." Our new name for the Dirtbag is DECLENSION DEPRIVED DANNIE 👿...

Thanks for making Latin way live. Here is a totally savage drawing of DISCIPLINE DONNIE. We can't think of an award to use it on. Our school is upper middle class so we don't have all the acting out the low class cult "schools" do. All of us are college bound... Our parents are top professionals with degrees. Julie's dad is an MBA and her mom is a PhD psychologist. My stepfather is a podiatrist and my mom is a lawyer. We know how to act in school. If you want you can give it to the priest or nun who hands out the most whacks. The cults can hold the "Paddle Games" for the national championship. LOL

Nicely done, ladies. Full marks, we'd say. We concur: it's a disgrace that a "priest" can't write the correct genitive singular of the later Latin word for the Christian altar. But then, "One Hand" may not be a priest. 😱

Before closing, we think our DISORDERED ORDO series must be making Dannie self-conscious. In the June 5 $GG bulletin, we came across what may be a new feature called "KNOW YOUR LATIN." It's clearly an attempt to convince the Gerties that Dannie and his clown crew are true Latin experts despite all our solid evidence that they aren't.

As usual, Li'l Daniel only succeeds in showing how much he doesn't know. Take the following, for example (our emphases):
With its conjugations and declensions, Latin can seem intimidating to learn. But it’s as simple as two plus two equals four. No, really: Plus is a Latin preposition. It means “more.” 
Sorry, Dumbo Dan, but plus is not a preposition in Latin: it's either a noun or an adverb. It's in English where plus is used as a preposition — and sometimes as an adjective or, depending on the register, as a noun or even as a conjunction. (And if Latin is so simple, why didn't Your Inaccuracy and Checkie learn it?)

In another example of ignorance of both English and Latin, we read (emphases ours):
Like plus, minus was used for subtraction starting in the Middle Ages. It means “less” in Latin and is formed on the comparative adjective, minor ...
No, again, Dannie... plus was never "used for subtraction": plus, meaning "increased by," is used for addition. Therefore, minus, meaning "decreased by, less," is not "like" plus in the way His Incompetency's sloppy writing suggests. The word minus is like plus in the sense that it's a Latin word, become an English preposition, used to indicate an arithmetic operation.

In addition, minus is not "formed on the comparative adjective." It IS a comparative adjective*: minor is the nominative singular masculine and feminine comparative used for parvus -a -um, and minus is the neuter nominative and accusative singular comparative used for parvus -a -um. In its English usage as a preposition (or in Latin as an adverb or a noun), it's like plus.

Deficient Dan and Bonehead Tone have got to stop talking about Latin altogether. Not even the Gerties are impressed. The Beevis and Butthead of Tradilandia will never know their Latin. Like most other things in their shallow lives, it's beyond their limited capacities. Latin should be left to real Catholics — and to bright, educated young people from other dispensations.

*Actually, as Palmer explains, "minus is, properly speaking, not a comparative at all, but a neuter substantive..." (The Latin Language, p. 253), and both plus and minus as adverbs are "fossilized...[a]ccusatives" of nouns (p. 282). But if His Insufficiency can't get the 3rd. declension right, how could we expect him to be conversant with Latin philology? C'mon, folks: don't fall for anything this ignoramus tells you: chances are, it'll be wrong.


  1. My Jewish and Unitarian students always made my Latin classes pure pleasure. Alas, it was always difficult with the Papists until Summorum Pontificum since they believed that Latin had been condemned by Vatican II and acted accordingly.

    1. Yes, the Catholic kids now are always the most ignorant. Let us assure you that in the past it wasn't this way. In college, we Catholics won the Latin prose composition prize.

      We hope you haven't experienced the grosser stupidity of trad kids: their "priests" insist on Latin but since their clergy are so ignorant, the little monsters don't have a clue. To be sure, they come from the worst genetic stock imaginable, so they didn't have much of a chance in the first place.

    2. "(W)orst genetic stock imaginable"? What do you mean by that?

    3. NCTrad,

      You've told us you're not a sede, so you haven't had the frightening experience of walking into one of these crumbling Mass centers and eying some of the creatures in the pews.

      If you did, you'd have to ask yourself if you hadn't stumbled into a time warp and wound up at a 19th century freak show.

      It explains why so many of these unfortunates don't leave the cult masters.

    4. Hmmmm. Given the near 100% abortion rate of Down syndrome children, I would expect to see a higher proportion of deformed children in trad chapels than in the rest of our child hating culture. As for the adults, maybe some West Virginia style cousin marriage is in play? Hopefully that's not what you referring to. In any case, that's quite sad for those people.

      For my part, I feel like I'm entering a freak show every time I shop at our health food store in Chapel Hill (regarding which, the late great Jesse Helms allegedly said, "Why do we need another zoo in North Carolina? Why don't they just put a fence around Chapel Hill?"). Between the employees and the customers, yikes!!

    5. I don't think they are talking about down syndrome.

      I think just that some people are extreme in dress and attitude.

    6. That's right — and the empty looks in the scowling blank faces, just waiting to swallow one of cult master's latest fictions.

      BTW, from the reports we have about how they treat kids in the cults, they're no child-loving cultures either. Paddles broken on backsides, constant spanking, knocking school supplies from students' hands, denying permission to use the restroom, slamming kids' heads against the wall, making fun of the overweight, forcing a child to stand in his underwear for being slow to change, and exhortations from angry "clergy" to be tough, really tough don't suggest a real love for the crumb crushers. Looks to us like they're punching bags.

    7. We must say that when we've visited cult sites, we've been taken aback at the horrific physical specimens we've encountered. And that's only the clergy! God forbid we see the laity.

  2. Reader/PL,

    You certainly have, by now, thoroughly convinced your readership that Checkie and Dannie are illiterate in Latin. You have assembled more than enough evidence.

    Now, how about shining the spotlight on CMRI? The cultlings of CMRI need to be disabused of any illusions they have regarding Pivarunas' "competence".

    1. We're ready to do that since they've joined themselves to the SW OH/B'ville cult. Our problem is we have no direct contact with the CMRI cult, so we haven't much material.

      We need the assistance of of others in cyberspace to forward us concrete examples of their ineptitude. Really helpful would be anecdotes such as the "missionary bishop with universal jurisdiction" claim, which we have referenced several times. However, we'll start looking at their online newsletter and hope that those who know about the cult will send in tips we can use.

    2. Another sign of the union of the cults may be found in today's "Bishop's (?) Corner," where the cult master announced "Father" Oswalt's visit last week to $GG. How disappointing it was to learn that this man, of whom so many had written good things in this section, does not have the discernment to avoid associating with the SW Ohio clowns. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since April 2009, when Dannie announced his leaving the N.O.

      Or is Oswalt's appearance in West Chester a sign of impending disunity? Could there be something sneaky going on here?

      PL wonders whether "One Hand" may have made an effort to recruit this man to his "little Salesian Society." Rumors from south of the border say that Dannie has now lost his Mexican "missions," so perhaps Alabama may be an acceptable substitute: even the cult-mad Gerties would revolt if he started junketing to distant Ecuador on a regular basis.

      The basis for our suspicion is that Wee Dan made no reference at all to Oswalt's affiliation with the CMRI. That certainly wasn't an oversight. In the past, "One Hand" has mentioned the rival cult when visited by its "clergy."

      Could it be that Dannie knows something we don't, for admittedly we aren't up to date on all the workings of the Omaha cult.

      Has Oswalt bolted?

      If anyone knows something, we would welcome the information.

    3. Well said Anon June 19,7.35.
      The competence of Piv is zilch.Look at all the goofty men he has ordained.Piv is both a child and power hungary.Please for the love of God get away from these cults.

    4. Father Oswalt is a validly ordained priest who was "conditionally" re-ordained by the Pivster. I find it interesting because he chose such an illiterate group whose sole purpose is sedevacantism. I met him St. Mikes years ago and he was "studying" for the priesthood under "Fr. Casimir Puskorious" who is a complete moron to say the least. After his "ordination," he was assistant pastor at St. Mikes. He was subsequently moved after he called the "parish" out on their lack of charity and unbridled gossip. You see, St. Mikes cultmongers are some of the most arrogant and strange people on the face of the earth. I spoke with a member the other day, and he was so far gone with the “worship” of Mary and apparitions pertaining to the end of the world and that she has chosen CMRI as her new church that I simply got in my car and drove off. I thank God every day I left the clutches of these cult freaks. Poor Fr. Oswalt, we must pray for him! As far as I know he is still with CMRI and is more than likely being courted by Dannie since his "theologian" is dying of cancer.

    5. Great profile of the cultlings. His removal dos suggest that Dannie may be trying to capture him, perhaps as his successor. Uneven Steven may not have what it takes in the formation department, and besides he may join Tradzilla's group.

  3. PL,

    When you mentioned Mexico - someone just popped into my mind! I am referring to Fr Jaime Siordia.

    Is Fr Siordia still officially with (i.e. working under) Wee Dan, or has he gone independent? What surprises me is that someone of his caliber would have fraternized with the likes of the SGG/MHT crowd. Even if he doesn't read this blog, his level of discernment should enable him to see through the rottenness of the whole SGG/MHT organization.

    1. No, we do not believe Fr. Siordia is still associated with Dannie. According to a report from someone who knew him well, after the 2009 $GG School Scandal Father had a prophetic dream and warned the cult masters that their souls were in danger. Later, according to this person, when Dannie went to Mexico, Father allowed him to stay at his residence but that's it. He wanted him to repent. We're pretty sure he has nothing to do with Wee Dan nowadays, and that's probably why Dan shifted to Baja and Mexicali. But if our sources are accurate, the new chapels want nothing to do with him now that they have learned who they're dealing with.

      Inasmuch as France and Mexico have given him the cold shoulder, he's got to look elsewhere, hence that recent reference to possibly serving a small sede group in Quito, Ecuador. They'll dump him soon if he dares to start going there. As for Argentina, we don't think $GG has the money to keep buying the loyalty of that splinter group he visited last year. No one else down there wants him. He'll have to stay put in West Chester until retirement, unless he can get Huntsville, AL.

    2. Hey, Reader

      Fr Siordia should have, there and then, offered to do an exorcism (a minor exorcism) on Wee Dan to free him from a highly likely obsession. Ditto for Checkie, if Fr Siordia had met up with Checkie.

      Was there any info on the details of Fr Siordia's prohetic dream?

    3. From the report, he dreamed that the Gerties were circling the cult center, heads sadly bowed. He then interpreted the dream and warned the cult masters of the danger to their salvation. He was ordered not to say anything about it. Fr. Siordia knows the truth about these guys.

    4. There were rumors going around in 2009/2010 thst other sede clergy were trying to back away from sgg (especially dolan and Cekada) because they feared the devil was at work. Maybe that is why Sanborn is trying to align himself with neville? He is well aware that the sgg scandals and affiliation are affecting his donations. He's already milked sgg out of seminary donations, and it's time to move on to Michigan to get more for his organization.

      Maybe the devil is actually at work at both of these places? They seem sadistic with children.

    5. Big Don's supporters must certainly be getting tired of all the scrutiny he's brought upon them owing to his affiliation with the SW Ohio cult. That's why we surmise his tenure down there is at an end. They've got be be sick at being under the microscope.

      As for the Long Island Jellyfish, we don't think that's a matter of Big Don aligning himself. He doesn't need to. He calls the shots with the Jellyfish, who just obeys. We think he needs the Jellyfish as the 2nd co-consecrator for the Kid.

    6. Hey, Reader

      What IF the Jellyfish suddenly decided to do a "Carlos Ercoli" on Big Don? (I mean, similar to what Fr Ercoli did to Dannie by not turning up for Dannie's Christmas Big Show, and leaving Dannie high and dry.)

      That would be a real anti-climax for Big Don and The Kid. But probably the opposite effect for you and yours.

    7. Unfortunately the Jellyfish does not have Ércoli's backbone. (That's why it's a jellyfish, right?) It's too worried about what the Donster knows and too wary of the Donster himself, its personal bête noire.

      If Big Don and Junior's pop command, the Jellyfish will have to appear in those swampy waters. Originally, you know, Bp. McK had announced he'd have a co-consecrator for Big Don's ceremony, and he even invited other "bishops" to volunteer. (We don't think any showed up, however, but maybe someone else knows for certain.)

      Now for his consecration, the Kid will want to make certain there's at least one co-consecrator, in order to make his big occasion the best day ever in dying Tradistan. Accordingly, as far as we can see, the Jellyfish is It. By then, maybe, it'll be a member of Tradzilla's new organization.

      The real question will be what the MI folks will think of all this, if it occurs. Back before 2009, they almost universally loathed Tradzilla, who had barred them and their children from stepping on the OLQM property in Fraser. (Tradzilla was a frequent topic of bitterly sarcastic conversation.) One young man even got a letter ordering him to keep off the premises, and relatives of Brookville inmates complained that communications with family members were cut off. The "sisters" were especially aggrieved. You might say that Sin-Burn contempt was the tie that bound them all together.

      We guess we'll see how strong a cult the Jellyfish has should it participate in the consecration of a new boy bishop in the fetid swampland. If they put up with it, then we'll know they're genuine cultlings along the lines of the groveling Gerties and the bewitched Brooksvillites. (We'll have to think up a good nickname for them if they roll over and take it without a word of protest.)

    8. Suggested nickname: how about mousy Michiganians? or mindless Michiganians?

    9. Very good possibilities, especially the latter.

    10. The Reader asked: "We don't think any showed up, however, but maybe someone else knows for certain"

      I know it for certain, since I was present there... in the sanctuary. No other Bishop showed up there, but McK.

    11. Thanks very much for the confirmation. We have McKenna's letter where he said that the Belgian "bishop" would co-consecrate but we were pretty sure he didn't.

      Then for sure the Kid's going to have at least one co-consecrator. (We think it may be the Long Island Jellyfish, but that's only a guess based on the Kid and Tradzilla's doing McK's funeral Mass in Highland.)

  4. PL wrote:

    ..."But then, "One Hand" may not be a priest. ��

    How right you are PL. I sincerely think that he might not be a Christian either, after reading all the anti-Christian behavior coming from his Parish. He might have a few "screws loose" to boot.

    Always a pleasure to read this blog!

    1. Thanks for the pat on the back!

      The cult clergy's anti-Christian shenanigans are another indication of the absence of the charism of the priesthood.

    2. PL & the Reader talking about anti-Christian shenanigans when you're featuring a post from a Unitarian (deny the divinity of Jesus) and a Jew (deny the divinity of Jesus)? Plus you're attacking the physical attractiveness of the laity at cult chapels? God very well may forbid you seeing anyone--in heaven that is.

      P.S. wouldn't care to post some pics of you ancient mariners so people could take a vote on whether you all should be allowed out of your homes, would you? Because, of course, physical attractiveness is a sign of intelligence(?!) Not $ure what ha$ your $odomite Kat tendencie$ $howing, but they're $howing.

    3. Well, at least our non-Christian friends know more Latin than Dannie and his Krew.

    4. That's right: let's see what these genetically superior "Readers" look like eh? Since they continually bring up this supposed genetical inferiority issue, let them put their money where their mouths are and dazzle us with some pictures of themselves.

      These "Readers" sound like pure racists and I don't understand how they can think the things they write here are worthy of a true Christian.

      And, given how pleased and delighted those Jewish and Unitarian girls are with them, it shows they must keep their supposed Catholicism to themselves, for the world hates true Catholics.

    5. These "Readers" are worldly elitists - two things which Catholicism condemns.

    6. ...ex vultu animi arcana cognoscas...Vultus enim est imago cordis, oculi sunt speculum mentis...

      Cornelius à Lapide, Commentaria in Ecclesiasticum, xix, 27.

    7. "These "Readers" are worldly elitists - two things which Catholicism condemns. "

      Are we talking about the Sanborn group here? I'm confused. It indicates them, especially the part above that about these people being racist and how they are worldly elitist. Yet, the Anon author said reader.

    8. True Catholics know it isn't elitist to demand the highest standards from the clergy in every respect — moral, intellectual, and social. The malformed sedes make the priesthood contemptible.

      We think the Anon author is so confused he can't express himself well.

    9. I have always suspected the author of this blog of being a secret Jew, and this post kind of confirms my suspicions. Jews have been infiltrating Catholic chapels for 2,000 years.

  5. Congratulations to Julie and Ahuva for this delightful post!

    1. They certainly deserve kudos. Pistrina sent the class a donation for their trip to Rome this summer.

  6. What makes jr bishop material? Other than his dad's money

    1. Nothing but daddy's money, I believe.

      But wait a minute, does anyone know anything about The Kid's facility in Latin?

    2. Big Don had him teaching Latin in MI.

      The only report we've heard was from someone who many years ago had casually spoken to him about clauses of fearing.

      Although he knew that in such clauses ne is affirmative and ut negative, he didn't know that the reason for the reversal of the usual meanings was owing to original parataxis wherein they were particles of wish.

      Not impressive. Latin should be taught by professionals who have earned academic degrees from accredited institutions of higher learning.

    3. I guess what I'm asking is what qualities of his personality make him bishop material? From reading about him, he seems he doesn't possess the qualities of a true bishop (or the standards they used to have.)

      And what makes him above any of the other priests Sanborn had ordained?

    4. The only thing that The Kid has (which the other "priests" don't) is family money. Nothing more.

    5. Then why aren't more people outraged that people are buying their positions?

    6. Agreed, but let's admit that none of the trad bishops has any real qualifications. They're all virtually self-selected. In some cases, all they did was say yes when offered. In authors, they actively lobbied.

  7. What do the Readers think of Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass?

  8. What does Lotarski have on cekada and dolan? He seems very unfit to run that school. There is no logical answer to ruin a church and school for someone like him.

    According to this source, there is enough to turn them into the district for at least an evaluation.

    1. Since 2009, we have speculated that he must have something on them. He once told a teacher there that they could never get rid of him because of what he knew. Even back then it seemed incomprehensible that Dannie would have risked everything to defend him, which was so out of character. We still can't believe it today after all the money he has cost them that he is still employed. More than principles or loyalty must be involved.

    2. This involves a BIG cupboard (or 2, or even 3) of skeletons belonging to Dannie & Checkie. That somehow Lotarski (and no one else) knows about. A raw, blatant, naked display of the saying "knowledge is power".

      Maybe, someday - when Lotarski has squeezed the last drop out of Dannie & Checkie and there is no more incentive to keep quiet - Lotarski might just spill the beans after all. THAT is when Dannie & Checkie get their comeuppance.

  9. What does Lotarski have on Dannie and Checkie.A moral issue,need we say more.

    A pleasure to read your website.

    1. We're looking forward to the day when Dannie and Cheeseball try to retire. Like a cornered rat, the "principal" understands that if they go, he'll be entirely at risk of landing on the street. Any successor will have no reason to keep him since he and his spouse are major consumers of $GG's shrinking capital resources. Moreover, there is a backlog of resentment among the Gerties for what he caused and for their having to make so many sacrifices in order to pay his salary. The "school" cannot produce the revenue needed. Remember, without him, they could easily have paid off the expensive new HVAC system.

      A perfect storm is brewing. It's our guess the "principal" will force the Gruesome Twosome to delay their retirement as long as possible in order to keep the gravy-train rolling for himself. There's no way he could find a comparable salary outside the SW Ohio cult. Perhaps Wee Dan will try to ensure somehow that the "principal's" employment continues, but if he's absent from the scene, he'll be unable to shield the leech from certain retribution. Besides, Dannie's the glue for the SW cult, so without his physical presence at the ugly industrial park, things will come undone quickly down there. The pressure to rid the cult of this worthless burden will be intense.

      Therefore, in our opinion, the "principal" cannot allow Li'l Dan to drift off into the sunset. It's probable that the Wee One has figured out the "principal's" position, and it must chafe him to no end. However, he can do nothing. Under any retirement scenario, he can't afford to alienate the man responsible for the disaster that ruined $GG and its sister cults because he won't be able to afford the ignominy of exposure: he'll still have to ply his faux-Catholic wares for some extra income. And that means Dannie's stuck: His anger and frustration at being in such a dilemma must be overwhelming.

  10. Any photos of Sanborn's consecration?

    1. There was a video, which one of us saw in 2005. The viewer doesn't remember seeing a co-consecrator. He just remembers the Kid making the old man repeat a formula.

    2. Are you saying that Sanborn may have a possible nvalid ordination too? So, not only is Dolan possibly note legite, but Sanborn too?

    3. No, not at all.

      Co-consecrators are not necessary for validity. The Kid's making McK repeat the formula was just a bit of over-zealous grandstanding. The old man later assured others he had pronounced the words correctly, and even if he hadn't, the repetition would have cured any defect. (We did learn from McK that at the time he did not issue a written certificate of consecration. The Donster probably thought the video was good enough.)

      The point of one or, better still,l two consecrators is that it would look impressive, more like something from the good old days. When it's Junior's time for his long-promised miter, it'll be the grandest consecration Tradistan has seen. No expense will be spared and no detail left out.

      That's why we're almost certain there will be at least one co-consecrator, and we wouldn't be surprised if there weren't two (we'd guess the Belgian "bishop" whom Tradzilla said he hoped to see this summer. Click here and go to page 3 under "Summer travel.")

  11. It is always a pleasure to read the Critics comments on CMRI.

    PL.Do you accept the so-called "vows" of the CMRI "sisters" invalid.Where is their authority to receive them.

    We were told that Pivarunas started another "order" based in Omaha to steal vocations from Mt St Michael.We have to agree that Pivarunas is very power hungry and has a mind of a child.We were told of some of the childish garbage he has his "seminarians" doing at his "seminary"

    We would love to know what secret funds Pivarunas has like Dannie and big Don.

    Yes,please for the love of God get away from these Cults.

    1. No, they cannot make public religious vows, for there is no lawful superior to accept them.

      If Pivvy is rustling vocations from St. Mike's, it sounds like there's internal unrest in the cult.

    2. Pivvy started the CMD sisters because the CMRI sisters were stretched too thin and was trying to send them all over the country. Pivvy has a knack of lying and promising what he cannot deliver, such as a promising girls what they want to hear – a more contemplative order. He runs his female "religious" to death. He is a number driven tyrant! Many have left through the years very sick and worn out only to find that life is better outside the cult. The CMRI sisters actually stood up to his nonsense and it caused a rift for years, that is, until the 15 left for the Diocese of Spokane. BTW, all the intellectual ones who were educated left. He tried so hard to be their superior and it didn't happen and now he is the Mother Superior of the CMD women. So, to put bluntly, he is consumed with a childish rivalry trying to out-best every aspect of St. Mikes. It goes deep and someone could write volumes on this petty garbage. Piv is known for making childish comments and trying to one up the competition. Their "priests" are nothing but boys masquerading as clergy. They too are incompetent in all matters of religion. At best, they had to watch Thomas a Becket over and over in order to find some semblance of liturgy. There is much dysfunction amongst them whether it is socially, theologically, or mentally. I so want this group to implode and be just a bad afterthought. Their numbers are stagnant only replacing the many that leave. There is but one truth, and they are not it! It’s time to go on the offensive and shine the light of truth so bright that they have no choice but see it. Starve the beast and it will die.

    3. We've seen some of their clergy, current and former, at Low Mass and were scandalized by the inattention to the basic rubrics. Some of the gestures were downright bizarre. One weirdo, who was "trained" under them but now independent, slides the paten under the corporal twice! The ones we've observed always seem so unsure of themselves.

      If Piverino wants to keep these women in line, he might have to have to take a page from the swampland's playbook and start coddling them.

    4. "BTW, all the intellectual ones who were educated left. "
      Oh, please. I've heard that line too, too many times to count. Who was the first boob to tell them that? The humble former CMRI sister waste no time in letting you know that too. One of your great intelligentsia former CMRI religious and her blood sister don't have a combined IQ of 100.
      And before the knee-jerk reactions begin, I am not a sede. In fact, I left all of the trad cults years ago.

      The former CMRI religious went to the other religious extreme. The only "traditional" thing about them is their habit. It's deceptive and, if they had any honesty, they'd get rid of it lest others think they are what they are not.

  12. Hey,PL

    In one of the Adsum newsletters of Pivarunas that covered them buying that church in Rockville,NE back in late 2014.He made the comment at the auction of the church items that there were mainstream priests there competing with him to obtain them.Why would they be taking part in a auction for items their diocese owned.You would have to be very gullible to believe such garbage.It is very sad how faithful could be so duped to believe such lies.How does Pivarunas sleep at night.

    1. Nothing from any of these "bishop" led cults can be trusted.

  13. I once asked Checkie about the following case:

    A woman who lived before Vatican 2, in the 50's, sold a piece of land to some Protestants. The Protestants subsequently proceeded to build a conventicle. The woman was then excommunicated and the Church refused to baptise her child.

    The Checkmeister said that if this indeed happen, that it was wrong because the woman should never have been excommunicated, even if she knew beforehand that the Protestants would use the land to build a conventicle.

    Is Checkie right?

    1. Just like Checkie, we're not canonists or or theologians, but we'd have to agree with him on the basis of the owner's right of property. If the story is true, our guess is that it was the action of a misguided priest acting on his own.

      What's interesting to us is that we hear stories like this coming out of Tradistan, especially the part about refusing to baptize. In one fairly recent case, a sede "priest" threatened not to baptize a child because a young, non-Catholic bystander's dress was too short in his opinion.

  14. I was wondering if you guys knew about this: I have read that before Vatican II, good Catholics would shun public sinners, like adulterers and those living in fornication. Parents would kick out children who were living in fornication and things like that. Big Don even said that if a man became a public adulterer, and he was currently living in a catholic town, that he would be forced to move out of town because everyone would shun him.

    Shunning people for public sins such as these in today's world seems insane, and something that no one does anymore. I'm not saying this to try to justify it, because i don't agree with not shunning, but i just mean to say that, given how things are now, it seems unbelievable things were ever different and that such things actually happened.

    Given all the emotionalism and false charity going around, you would even be tempted to think that shunning is actually a bad thing to do and shouldn't be done. I mean, how would you even do business if you go around shunning people?

    1. Such extreme, Mormon-like shunning may have occurred, but none of us here remembers such a case, and none of us remembers when a person had to leave town. But then, most of us come from either big cities or fairly large towns. We all remembered cases where some men or women had been public sinners, but they were never run out. In one case, a business owner having an affair with his Protestant secretary assisted at Mass with his children. Some people avoided him, but not everybody, especially those who did business with him. It probably wouldn't have mattered since there were always enough non-Catholic customers to keep his business thriving. The treatment in a small town may have been different. As for children living in sin, we all recalled instances where some parents would not allow them into their homes until they married, but by no means did all parents refuse to associate with their offspring. In matters of family, people are often very tolerant.

    2. In Sanborn's sermons, he suggests parents cut off all ties with their public sinning kids. He says this is the charitable thing to do.

      Sanborn has become a law of his own. He tells people what to think, how to live, etc., and it is not necessarily based on catholic doctrine, but his interpretation of it. He also thinks he has the authority of giving out exceptions in exemptions to his laws of his congregation.

      It is really quite sick, if you think about it. He had a good amount of power in Michigan, but when he moved down to Florida, he became a supreme ruler. His compound has increased in size with the convent, cemetary, and future expansion of his new organization. He has parishioners propping up his ego by all but calling him king, and some declaring him a saint. You have second and third generation followers now thinking that he, and he alone, is the Catholic Church.

    3. What you say is thought provoking, but we think they're tiring of Sin-Burn down in the swampland. Look at all the negative scrutiny he's brought upon the Kid, who's the cult's future. A lot of Tradzilla's cult charisma will be transferred to Junior when Big Don saunters off: Pop will make sure of it once the Kid gets his miter.

      The Big 3 must hate all this exposure, and they've got to resent the fact that they've had to block all their cool social media accounts. If you've got money, you need to flaunt it, especially in Tradistann with all its low class scum. All this public attention to their special privileges is not what they signed up for. And their kids never thought others would find the "green lagoon" pix with the wet tee-shirts. Restrictions are for the little people, not the élite benefactors.

      No, we think Tradzilla "busted the deal" and they're ready for a change. He'll have to face the wheel of misfortune as he embarks on his bound-to-fail mission to fill the proposed organization's ranks. The rest of the cultlings will go along with Big Don's eclipse. Pop will make sure they do.

    4. I'm going to offer another perspective: everyone is tired of seeing Sr. buy his way through everything. He did it in Michigan. Everyone knew you had to go through him to get anything approved by Sanborn. Either he supported it, or it was a no go for Sanborn. I can't imagine things being any different for Florida.

      Jr. has never had any charisma. He isn't like his dad. He's arrogant, monotonic, and full of himself. Listen to any online sermon by him. There is nothing there. He avoids people. He just doesn't have what it takes to be a head of any church.

      People have to be tired of the Selway rule. It was tiring in Michigan. It is probably tiring in Florida. It will be tiring wherever they go.

      He may have his dad's money, but once he becomes head of the Brooksville cult, they will lose more than is gained.

    5. That's what we think, too. The Big 3 will stay and cocoon with Junior as their head. Since they can apparently afford it, they won't care how many "others" they lose.

      If Tradzilla wants to keep the seminary, he'll have to find money elsewhere.

  15. The critic,what was the gossip that Father Michael Oswalt found out that was going on at Mt St Mikes.Yes,Casimir is a moron and spineless coward.The more one reads about these so called groups,the more rotten they are.It is correct that the sisters who left there back in 2007 took a number of folk with them and things at Mt St Mikes have never been the same.Yes,Piv has started that other group of "sisters" in Omaha to compete with the "sisters" at Mt St Mikes.An amusement park.Father Fulham(Spring Hill,FL) after being ordained by Piv was made assistant priest there.After 3 months he packed up and walked out never to return disgusted.

  16. I don't think that people actually shunned public sinners back in the day, but they certainly didn't think much of them. Public sins were considered shameful & not something to be paraded around & proud of. As for me, I'm civil to them but they wouldn't be my best buds. Back then people had a better sense of right & wrong. It was clearly black & white & not 50 shades of grey. To be discriminating was actually a virtue, meaning that you had good taste, and being gay was being happy. Now the powers-that-be want everyone to be homogenized so to speak & we have this push to 'be tolerant' & accepting of some terrible vices. All that being said - I never heard of people having to move out of town because of shunning. Some moved I suppose because of a sense of shame & wanting to start a new life.

  17. What's a conventicle??

    1. That's what the original 1582 Douay Rheims New Testament calls the gatherings of heretics/Protestants in the commentaries.

      I'm not sure if that is what their actual "churches" are called as well, the buildings themselves, but I like to call them that.

  18. Sanborn is known for his public shunning. He had his parishioners do it to people in Michigan and still has them do it in Florida. It isn't for public sins though; it is for not doing what he wants or for crossing him.

    We don't live in the 1950's anymore. If you started shunning every type of public sin imaginable, people wouldn't be able to run a business and you would lose your job. In today's age, you would end up being sued and lose everything you had and not be able to provide for yourself or family. Common sense says you live in the world, but you aren't to live of the world.

  19. "We would love to know what secret funds Pivarunas has like Dannie and big Don."

    If everyone knows dolan and Sanborn have secret funds, I guess they aren't too secret. I've heard they open dummy type corporations so that their funds can't be traced (possibly with similar names to cover up any wrong doings) and that they actually have them in different states so it is more difficult to track them. I don't think they are honest with their parishioners about their true funds. Maybe this is their savings for a very nice retirement.

    1. One story we have often repeated is that back in the '80s, a lawyer told cult masters to open as many corporations as possible to make it difficult to track their activities. They seem to have taken that advice. We've heard from some people that they were surprised at the address they were given to send fees: in one case, it was to a different state from where the cultmaster had his current HQ.

  20. According to their schedule, they have a seminarian being ordained next week. Is there any news out there about whether the seminarian will stay in Florida or go to Ohio? He's not an Argentinian, and Sanborn has only kept the ones from Argentina and jr from Michigan.

    1. The Beanpole's from Michigan, so we imagine he'll be sent back there to OLQM in Fraser. Those people need a break from the Skipper: at least now once in a while they'll hear an intelligible sermon.

      Tradzilla keeps the Argentinians because they're the only ones who had a real education when they entered the pesthouse. (High school in Argentina is equivalent to many US undergraduate institutions.) Only one other gringo had a college degree, but he and Tradzilla apparently didn't get along too well. The Argentinians may not have liked him: we hear he didn't do too well in Mariology!

  21. As a matter of interest,can the Critic tell us how many "religious brothers" were with CMRI before scumbag Pivy booted "Father" Denis and took over.We heard stories that Pivy had a letter go round all the CMRI "clerics" back in 89 to sign so he could boot him and send in exile Down Under."Father" Denis only lived for several years after that dying with cancer.It appears there is only one "brother" at the Mount and one at Omaha.
