
Saturday, August 27, 2016


Do not try to teach a fool; as well try to cure the dead. Russian Proverb

For our last DISORDERED ORDO post of the summer season, we'll make it as brief as possible. Everyone, including the Readers, is trying to squeeze in one, last mini-vacatiion before Labor Day, so we'll keep our focus on just three of the serious flaws that render foolish Dan's ORDO 2016 dead on arrival.


In our July post, we promised to consider in the ensuing months, in addition to morbid problems with the Latin language, some of the liturgical flaws of grinning Dannie's and Silly Sal's* ORDO 2016. Although many trads mistakenly believe the cult's gaudy shows are indicators of liturgical expertise, nothing could be further from the truth. Without a mastery of the minute details that lie beneath and undergird praxis, Dannie's extravaganzas barely rise to the level of lifeless performance art.

Here's proof in one of the liturgical fine points missed by that pair of fools; by all means, it's subtle, but the liturgy is all about sweating the small stuff: As we've mentioned on other occasions, Dannie's so-called universal ordo irrationally insists on recording a number of local feasts. (Seemingly he doesn't understand the meaning of "universal.") Thus on August 13 (p. 73), Dannie and Silly Sal note the following under the Vigil of the Assumption:
BMV Refugium Peccatorum
While wall calendars may print in English O[our] L[ady] Refuge of Sinners, where the epithet stands in apposition to the informal, endearing equivalent of "Blessed Virgin Mary," according to the Roman Missal, the liturgically correct Latin form is "B[eatae] M[ariae] V[irginis] titulo Refugium Peccatorum," viz. ["the feast] of the B[lessed] V[irgin] M[ary] with the title Refuge of Sinners." If Dannie were the hyper-correct connoisseur of the Roman liturgy that he advertises, we would have at least seen an abbreviation ( to wit, tit.) to indicate he knew the proper Latin form. But, once again, His Insouciancy's ignorance of formalities betrays him for the fool he is.

For Wee Dan, accuracy is a dead letter.


As a rule, PL has avoided mentioning the merely typographical errors we've found throughout $GG's ORDO 2016. They're to be expected in such an amateurishly prepared work. Besides, there are so many deadly errors resulting from Dannie's and Silly Sal's colossal incompetence that we don't need typos to impeach the cult masters' efforts.

However, for this post, we'll make an exception, because the example we offer virtually proves the absence of any editorial oversight whatsoever. You may be able to forgive Dannie's ignorance of Latin or his arm's-length relationship with good order, but no one should tolerate an editor missing in action.

On page 43 at April 16, we find "cum sui ℞℞." Now, we're sure this is a mere typo for two reasons. First, our tiresome twosome gets the phrase right on p. 110 at December 31: "cum suis ℞℞." Second, although those two zanies know very little Latin, the Readers believe that even they, illiterate as they are, had to know that the preposition cum takes the ablative, not the genitive singular or nominative plural. (You see, we can give these double zeroes some credit: they must have at least attended the first week of a Latin class, no matter how badly taught.)

So, then, if it's just a typo, and the clown couple got it right once, what's PL's problem?

The problem is ... the same blunder appears again on page 47 at May 2!

Like anyone else, we can understand missing an extremely elementary boo-boo once. But twice? Look, folks, this is one of those dead-wrong blunders that leaps off the page at you when you see it. So overlooking it a second time is hard to imagine. We can only conclude that nobody at the cult took time to read over the ordo once it was completed.

 "Dannie don't care."


We would be remiss if we were to omit mention of at least one grave error in the Latin language, one that can't be explained away as a typo. In a note on April 16, page 43, Dannie and Silly Sal printed the following:
Cras permittitur Solemnitas externa S Joseph in Missis. Omnes Missae, etiam lectis, dici possunt de S Joseph ("Tomorrow the external Solemnity of St. Joseph is permitted in Masses. All Masses, even to or in [?] Low [Masses], can be said of St. Joseph")
The fundamental rules of agreement demand that the participial adjective be nominative feminine plural (to wit,  lectae) in order to modify Missae. It definitely should not be in the dative or ablative plural, as our brace of blunderers printed. A curious soul might easily ask, "How did Dannie and his sidekick fatally foul it up so simple a sentence?"

PL's pretty sure we've got the answer.

If you compare Dannie's note to the notation found in some older American ordines, say, for instance, those of the archdioceses of St. Paul, MN, in 1948, or Cincinnati in 1954, you'll find the following boilerplate on Saturdays following the Solemnity of St. Joseph:
Cras permitt[itur] Solemnitas externa S Ioseph in Miss[is], etiam lectis... ("Tomorrow the  external Solemnity of St. Joseph is permitted in Masses, even Low [Masses]")
Now it's as plain as day how Dannie and Silly Sal blew it. They decided they'd gild the lily by adding a further explanation about the permissibility of the Solemnity's Mass-text for all the Sunday Masses. However, when the dumb duo refashioned the older notation into two sentences,** they didn't have enough Latin to get it right. Insofar as the original boilerplate actually read in Miss, etiam lectis," (i.e., used an abbreviation thus obscuring the fact for Latin-less dunces that lectis modifies Missis, an ablative plural), Dannie and Sal must've reproduced the phrase in the new sentence blissfully unaware that a grammatical change was necessary now that the antecedent Missae was a nominative plural.

This seemingly small but mortal mistake, then, is yet one more infallible sign that Dannie and Co. have no business producing ordines for the traditional liturgy. It's also another warning for Catholics not to buy moribund $GG's ordo or calendar for 2017. Furthermore, it should tell everyone to avoid anything the cult offers or tells you about the faith. Anybody this ignorant of Latin must not be trusted in matters Catholic.

It's spiritual and liturgical death. Get out today.

* We call Dannie's as yet unmasked and equally ignorant collaborator "Silly Sal" after Umberto Eco's babbling beast-like character Salvatore de Montferrat in the novel The Name of the Rose. (For full details, see our July post here.) To get an idea an idea of Salvatore's gibberish, click here for a clip from the movie.

** Another lethal boo-boo. Latin, even Church Latin, prefers to combine very closely-related information into one sentence, as did some American ordines from the 1930s, e.g., Cras poterit celebrari Solemnitas externa S Joseph, universal Eccl Patroni, de qua permitt Miss omnes etc. But style is something far beyond twin air-heads who can't manage to get rudimentary Latin grammar straight.


  1. This is disappointing, but as expected. A competent bluffer who knows little Latin, but wants to give an impression of expertise, could do far better. A mixture of text books, online tools or just emailing/talking to someone with a minimum of Latin, would suffice. This really is worthy of the 'Dannie Doesn't Care' prize.

    1. I’m surprised that one of Dannie’s brain-dead bootlickers hasn’t written in to say something like, “Well, so what if he [Dannie] got it wrong; at least he’s trying” (or some such BS as that). But the point of Pistrina’s article is to point out Dannie’s (and his “shadow,” “Silly Sal’s”) TOTAL INCOMPETENCE with the Latin language – and, hence, why are they even ATTEMPTING to publish an “Ordo” (or anything else “Latin”). Pistrina, by the way, did a masterful job of taking a “dry” subject and writing an interesting and informative article about it. I hope that this article AT LONG LAST convinces some of “Dannie’s die-hards” that their “scholarly HERO” is a scholarly ZERO.

    2. Dear Anon 8/28 8:46

      If Wee Dan had just stuck to the text as printed in the old ordines he used to help him produce his "mess"-terpiece, he'd have been far better off. Then the only errors would have been transcription blunders resulting from misunderstood Latin. But for some inexplicable reason he decided to improvise. As you note, the only explanation is DANNIE DON'T CARE.

  2. I am sorry to to say that Dannie Doesn't Care about the Faithful, BUT he does care about $$$. He needs $$$ and anyway he can get $$$, he will. The sad thing about this on going saga is, I CAN understand the likes of Dannie and his wants of $$$, but I cannot understand the idiots who pay him their hard earned $$$ to buy trash.

    This is the same mind set that says, "It is only a white lie"... Good luck, telling that one to God!

    1. You've gotten to the essence of the problem: the fools who hand over their cash when they know they're buyin' trash.

      No one today can ever offer the excuse that he wasn't told the truth about "One-Hand Dan." It's all over the web, and everyone talks about it. We can only infer that these people are social deviants bent on impoverishing their families.

  3. I notice that when you devote an entry to the Ordo very few comments are offered about Latin. What does this indicate? Are the people who attend these services Latin literate?

    Years ago I made the mistake of talking to the local fellow who ran the Latin mass bypost for the Pius X society. He asked me what I did for a living. I replied that I was a Latin teacher. His question still astounds me until this very day, to wit, "Why would you want to do that?"

    1. Your anecdote exposes the underbelly of ignorance among traddies. They cling to the Latin Mass like some totem, but they have no respect for the language and culture in which it is written. Their "priests" are the same. While proudly boasting they celebrate the Latin Mass, they do nothing to honor the language by assiduous study. If Dannie, Checkie, and Silly Sal had an ounce of care, they never would have made all the gross errors we've exposed over the years.

      The truth of the matter is, most traddies haven't the slightest respect for Latin and therefore don't demand that their "clergy" really know the language. It's good enough to bask in its hallowed aura without having to do the work that mastery requires.

      We understand that most people haven't had either the opportunity or the perseverance to master Latin. In this day of cultural decay, we don't even expect them to admire the work it takes to become proficient. What we do hope is that some of them will see that Dannie, Checkie and all their buddies haven't a clue and therefore should be ignored when they speak of matters that require a mastery of Latin. We may be hoping for too much.

    2. Well said Reader.

      Many years ago, I made a mention to a friend about Econe: "If Latin is the language of the Mass, why not use it throughout in the seminary, instead of French?

      She could not answer.

    3. You asked the $64,000 question.

      And if the archbishop had insisted on running a Latin seminary, there's no way "One Hand" could have matriculated. He had to use the awful Waldo Sweet series just to meet Écône's low entry standards. In our day, Latin was the way to weed out the undesirables: If you couldn't hack it in high school, then you never got to the front door of the seminary. How times have changed!

    4. I suppose it was to be expected that Écône opted for the easy Francophone direction. Creating the SSPX and Écône was awesomely complicated. +Lefebvre refused the path of least resistance of saying the occasional Novus Ordo Missae while mostly saying the 1964 Mass via Indult. Paul VI offered him something like that. Later, the need to expand in all directions made it impossible to give the time to making Écône properly Latin. That said, it is likely the SSG crew would not get through Écône now. They are fussy. Seminarians who start there, often are asked to leave, as they don't have what it takes. An easy facility with Latin, the sort where the impoverished Albanian Archbishop Bruni (his already poor archdiocese of Bar had to support the retired Archbishop too) could speak on any topic in Latin to the Fathers of the Council of Trent, was the essence of Latin Christianity. Immersion is the only really reliable way to learn a language. If a priest doesn't understand Latin, how can the faithful be sure the Mass is properly said?

    5. SGG not SSG obviously, pardon my error.

    6. Based on what we've learned, your analysis is right on the money. The archbishop had much more to worry about in those days than a candidate's command of Latin. He needed bodies, not trained minds, to grow his society. When the Threesome rebelled and left, the average IQ of the American SSPX probably went up.

      Our own acquaintance with priests and seminarians who entered Écône after 1976 confirms that academic standards dramatically improved when the archbishop no longer had to scrape the bottom of the barrel for candidates.

      It would be the best of all worlds if priests could speak and comprehend oral Latin, but absent that, they should at least have a command of the written language, and never should they make the kind of errors we've exposed in Dannie's ORDO 2016. The errors we've uncovered truly suggest that the cult crew may not understand the Missal when they say Mass. Moreover, it suggests that they cannot read and comprehend with ease theological books written in Latin. With complex, subtle texts, it's often not enough to get the gist of a passage. You've got to have mastery of the language to interpret correctly. Without it, you're like Checkie who perversely translated infallible papal teaching.

  4. In my day the Catholic Institutions of Learning were one of the best throughout the Civilized World. Today unfortunately, they have fallen from grace in all areas of serving God and the faithful.

    However, when one purports to be following the Church prior to Vatican II, then see to it that you are qualified in all areas of the Faith to practice what you preach especially when it comes to TEACHING and collecting $$$$ for tuition.

    Latin was always one of the major subjects in Catholic High Schools, and some even had it in grammar schools. So how does SGG, and the one-handed bandit boast of a good Catholic education when they do not even teach the Language of the Universal Church they claim to follow?

    Liar, Liar Pants on Fire!

    1. Or they pretend to teach it with uncredentialed "teachers." If we've guessed right about Silly Sal, he's one of the teachers. How could a guy like that who's made so many errors in Latin ever teach the language to young people? From the errors we've exposed, he's not fit to teach Latin I if they do offer it.

  5. Just a simple question.

    How many students from SGG have gone into the real world, via scholarships for academic achievement, and have attained their respective professional goals from accredited Universities? I know that IC has produced several scholars and professionals.

    Other than the basic biology course on procreation, the gentlemanly art of fencing, a/k/a/ artful dodgers, exactly what does SGG'S school have to offer?

    If I did not know better I would think it was some kind of an internet scam to make the faithful believe that a well organized Catholic Institution, in need of SSS, is persevering for the love of the Faith.

    Would I be wrong in this perception of SGG?

    1. All of us at PL would agree your perception is correct: $GG "School" is a sham in every respect. Pity those poor kids.

    2. Yet, it looks good to have a school and nuns in their weekly bulletin. Does it not? It looks aristocratic to have fencing, yes? It looks good to have uniformed students posing for their weekly pictures and the young organ player using the "newer" organ that Cekada had to acquire "for the church."

      This is all show.

    3. And that organ still sounds 'tinny'! I love the sound of an organ, but not this one.

    4. Perhaps it needs to be tuned, and given the culture of shoddiness in Gertieland, perhaps it was a 'Donnie Don't Care' moment.

      The organ made noise, and looked okay. What did it matter if it sounded bad? It's not as if the plebs here would know.

      Pardon my effort at trying to get inside the head of Bishop One Hand or whoever is the supreme bossman there. Still leaving the organ sounding bad sounds (literally) like something One Hand would do.

    5. That's true, but Cheesy Checkie needed a new toy, so Wee Dan splurged on the peons' money. (We never did learn for sure whether their collection campaign covered the full expense.)

  6. What is the status of the Arizona Church that Sanborn wants control? Is he selling it to fund his new convent and cemetery? Have they broke land yet on his new projects?

    Also, please report on whether it is true he is recruiting families from Ohio (families from Dolan's church), Michigan (including families from Neville's parish), Arizona (the wealthier families from his own church), and his California chapel to add to his school and church in Florida. There are rumors that he is recruiting the wealthier families from all 4 states to bring his numbers up with the promise of a complete convent staffed school, a brand new school on the seminary property, and a possible separated male and female school, like the good ole days.

    1. We haven't heard about the final fate of OLS in AZ (there's some resistance to a takeover), but we can confirm that we have good reports that Tradzilla is actively — frenetically — recruiting those out-of-state families for the Swampland. He's got to get in fresh meat to keep up the giving. Plus, if he can drain off the AZ families, he stands a better chance of getting hold of the chapel assets.

      We're waiting to see about his promised formation of a new group of trad priests. If that doesn't materialize, and we now have doubts jot will, he'll likely stay in FL. But to do so, he'll need new allies to fight off a move from the Old Guard to install the Boy-Bishop-Elect in his place.

      This fall will offer plenty of suspense as Tradzilla's fortunes hang in the balance.

    2. Has Sanborn, Dolan, or Neville consecrated anyone a Bishop yet? Or are they afraid to lose their status? I can understand why Sanborn won't consecrate Selway yet; he knows they would no longer need or want him since the Selway family owns the Church. Dolan would have too many questions on whoever he consecrates. Yet, what about the other one?

    3. Neville, "the Long Island Jellyfish," consecrated Andrés Morello in Guadalajara, Mexico. Originally, Bp. McKenna had planned to consecrate the two of them at the same time but had to change plans owing to ill health. As part of the arrangement, the Jellyfish consecrated Morello afterward at a time and place of the latter's choosing.

    4. So, the one consecrated the least amount of time has already consecrated another Bishop, BUT the two others refuse to because they would lose power?

    5. The ReaderAugust 31, 2016 at 3:46 AM

      You write: “We're waiting to see about his promised formation of a new group of trad priests”.
      I still can’t figure out the meaning of this “organization” of trad priests. What purpose is it to serve? Is it to be fraternal, or really, more social, so Sinburn can travel around Europe visiting his members and dining at the finest restaurants and staying at the best hotels? Is it to be more of a Sinburn as superior type affair, with member priests submitting to him as a secular priest or religious order priest would submit to his bishop superior?
      And then, who could possibly qualify for membership with Sinburn’s exacting standards? What about the origins of their ordinations? Will CMRI be accepted? Will independent member priests be forced to turn over properties and assets of their respective chapels to Sinburn? What if they don’t agree with his sede position? What if they don’t agree with him that Terri Schiavo was rightly killed? And lastly, will this organization offer medical and life insurance to its members? Will it include psychiatric coverage?

    6. Maybe it is to elect him the active Pope?

    7. Anon August 31, 2016 at 7:01 PM,

      All your questions are germane. That's why we're breathlessly awaiting his promised announcement. Big Don wrote that he had a constitution written, so all that remains, we suppose, is the roll out and the recruitment effort, which we're sure will involve lots of Sinburnian travel to nice locales.

      We're especially eager to learn the details because that's when we'll know whether he'll be leaving B'ville or not. If the effort to organize is serious, you'd think the Donster would have to spend most of his time trying to get the fledgling venture off the ground. And that would mean the elevation of the Boy-Bishop-Elect as early as this year.

      Of course, this threat of a new organization could be like the Big 30K Fundraising Plan of a few years ago: it was announced but never mentioned again. (It must have flopped as a result of the revenue drop resulting from the 2009 $GG School Scandal). Maybe he tested the waters and found out nobody wanted to join up for fear of the price they and their chapels would have to pay for membership.

    8. Was the $30,000 going to come from the acquisition of the Arizona chapel, but then, they didn't turn it over to him?

      Of course his new organization will require loyalty to him. Anyone who knows him, knows that will be the number one requirement. Then, he will request a second collection at least once a month, from each priest who joins, for his new organization, as well as his original once a month collection for the seminary fund.

      Desposito will be in charge of his seminary, but have to report to Selway. Selway in charge of his convent, while being the active Bishop. Sanborn will be able to travel (aka: take vacations, eating at the most expensive restaurants, and staying at the finest hotels) the world with his "numerous" following.

      All of his ideas are just a curtain for what is really going on in his chapels. Someone should take a closer look at the finances and the other abuses he has been able to run away from at his churches.

    9. n his April 2011 newsletter, Tradzilla wrote:

      "The seminary will need to raise an extra $30,000 per academic year in order to continue functioning. For the past sixteen years of its existence, it has received large supplementary donations in addition to those which come to us on a regular basis from this newsletter...Our supplementary donations, owing to the general downturn of the economy, have dried up, and we must find a way to make up for the shortfall. Therefore next month I will propose a way in which to accomplish this task.

      That proposal never materialized, probably because the sheep refused to be shorn, and it may have increased his resolve to get hold of the Arizona assets, which mercifully they haven't turned over yet. In our view Tradzilla was looking for the cash from all the cult affiliates at the time, not just AZ.

      We thoroughly agree with your astute analysis of what his new organization will entail. Like everything he's done, it will be a money pit and a Donnie-admiration society. It will likely divert funds from the "seminary," if he ever really does start it up. It's always possible that he's heard back from his targets, who've told him they won't have anything to do with his scheme. They know they'll get the dirty end of the stick, and he'll be the only winner, living large on their treasure.

  7. Someone mentioned electing a Pope. Fr Checkie suppressed the Leonine Prayers, a beautiful and necessary 'appendix' (if that is a suitable word) to the Mass, for reasons. We need the prayer to the Archangel Michael now more than ever. Perhaps, the SGG Cult modus operandi is 'do as thou wilt' provided Bishops One Hand or Sinburn are not too bothered. Pope for the day maybe for every cult priest who behaves himself, or gets the best collection total.

    1. We know your remark is tongue in cheek, but those guys might just take you seriously. After all, didn't Checkie lead the way when he perversely mistranslated infallible papal teaching? Tradzilla and "One Hand" certainly didn't object.

      We reallydo need a defense against the wickedness and snares of the Enemy who's given us this non-Catholic cult.

    2. Yes. Giving them ideas might be a bad idea. Nearly everyone would read my comment as a sarcastic dig at them, but some of the people there don't appear to have normal mental processes, or cult membership have scrambled their mental faculties.

    3. And when the Swampland cult finally crawls into its shell, isolated from the whole world, it'll be Looney Tunes for sure.

  8. I'm curious of Sanborn's rules of marrying in HIS church. I was told if even one of the couple has not attended HIS church for at least two years, than they would have to fulfill that two year requirement before marrying in any of HIS churches. This would include novus ordo converts, anyone attending another trad church he did not recognize as legitimate, and anyone else. Although, I realize that both must be Catholic to marry, is this two year requirement a pre-vatican 2 rule or another one of his made-up Sanborn rules?

    1. The idea that the Donster might have such “requirements” (for marrying in “HIS” church) is PROOF POSITIVE that he is a MANIACAL MANIPULATOR – and certainly NOT CATHOLIC. It’s great that you brought that up. Maybe – JUST MAYBE – that might start to convince some of his followers that he is a total SHAM.

    2. I'd be very interested to know if this is indeed true.

  9. None of us ever lived in a diocese with a 2-year parish attendance rule for marriage (we suspect nobody has), and we found no mention of it in our canon law commentary. We expect Tradzilla is using that time to monitor the contributions. Or perhaps he simply wishes to discourage matrimony. Either way, it's repulsive.

  10. Maybe (in Big Don's estimation) it normally takes 2 years for an average brain to be sufficiently "washed" by MHTS propaganda and the average personality to be moulded into that of a cultling.

    If so, this motive would be more repulsive, wouldn't it?

    1. It sure would be.

      But whatever the motive, it's un-Catholic.

  11. I've been doing some research. It says 2002-2003 is when this place opened. From what I have been told, there have been 9 weddings in 13-14 years. 7 of them being weddings of the "big 3", and the other 2 being personal friends with one of the "big 3". Maybe only the elite are allowed to get married in this place? For a growing church to only have 9 weddings in such a wide span seems odd, but the entire Brooksville situation appears off.

    1. B'ville is really the private domain of the Big 3 families. It's our guess they really don't want any newcomers. Therefore, Big Don's recent recruitment of AZ families could be a source of unrest from those with vested interests who won't want to share resources, religious perks, and access.

      We know for certain the élite are unhappy with all the notoriety Tradzilla has brought down upon them, and no one's overjoyed about having to shut down social media accounts with all those pix of beach parties, wet tee-shirts, and privilege. That's why we suppose a new bishop will soon be installed down there — one who comes from the biggest of the Big 3 families and who can get the cult out of the spotlight's glare.

      These folks may be disappointed if Tradzilla can't get his new organization up and running. That was their best hope of easing the Donster out the door and making B'ville safe for the in-crowd only. They've been burned badly by disgruntled outsiders who threaten to go to the authorities, so it's time to head for the bunker.

    2. How about this scenario (admittedly unthinkable) happening:-

      Big Don somehow gets enough funds to do his own project on his own terms, and decides to shaft the Big 3 families. He just goes off to wherever he wants, and decides NOT to consecrate Selway the Kid. And tells the Jellyfish not to do it, either. All this happening at the eleventh hour, just before the scheduled Grand Event. What then? This would make for an interesting, suspenseful development in the soap opera of Traddie Land.

    3. We don't think your scenario is all that unthinkable: The cult masters are a vicious and vindictive lot.

      We guess Papa Moneybags would just have to hire another wandering bishop to finish the job. There's an extra one in B'ville, so he wouldn't have to look too far. And it wouldn't be too hard to round up a willing co-consecrator or two, just to show Tradzilla and the Long Island Jellyfish that they're of no consequence..

      Whatever the final outcome, the whole thing would be made for reality TV: "The Unreal Prelates of Tampa-St. Pete."

  12. I can attest to "not being on the inside". There is never any mention of the school in the bulletin or elsewhere that I've heard. No info as to where it is, how to register your child(ren), when it starts, etc.... It's like they don't want you to know it even exists. Also, confirmations were done recently with only an announcement the week prior. How is that supposed to give one enough to time to prepare to take the test beforehand?! It's like they don't want anyone who isn't on the inside to be confirmed.

    The marriage thing is very concerning to me as an "outsider". We all know it's hard enough to find a traditional catholic to marry and mixed marriages aren't ideal, but to deny marrying them??? What are these young people supposed to do?

    1. To the "outsider":
      As everyone knows, you need an "in" to belong or be a part of anything at this church. If you have money, it will help but not guarantee. You still need that "in" with one of the main families.

      Many people inquire about a possible school, but they tend to make it difficult for new families to actually register. Like the other posters have mentioned, the school is very careful because they have been burnt by outsiders. With reportedly over 10 families who have left, the numbers do not look good.

      Recently, the blow-up outside the Church in front of the congregation by school parents who faced the nepotism that overshadows the teaching at the school made many parishioners see the light and stop giving donations and actively seek a church elsewhere. Kids tend to talk, and the talk at the lunch table of physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse has led outside families to become "enlightened" of the true intentions of the school. It has been noted that the girls have to live as though they are nuns because that is what their vocation is, true or not. The priest in charge tells every girl her vocation is to be a nun, and that they receive whatever they want when they become one. If you do not go into the convent, you are to work for the nuns in someway. This is by servitude or becoming one of their teachers at 18 years old. The boys have more opportunity, but are expected to serve the bishop throughout their elementary and high school lives. If you are one of the select, the main families will offer you a job. This informatiom is out there to be verified, you just need to find the right people to confirm it.

    2. How would one find the people to verify this?

    3. I wasn't aware of any recent "blow up". When did it happen?

    4. I think the reference is to the end of the school year blow-up (May maybe?) with one of the outsider families who left the school after being mistreated. The parents were confronted in front of the Seminary by the nuns, Selway, and part of the Selway family for "a disrespectful note", which entailed not being able to replace a shirt with a stain on the sleeve, until other bills were paid. It was written about in the comments section on the pistrinaliturgica's posts about the Brooksville school.

    5. To verify, contact families who have left the school or church or even look for the information online. There are over 10 families who left that place, according to reports. Some are obviously willing to talk about it, but others still fear Sanborn and company's wrath.

  13. The ironic thing is that the main family is the one who brought all of this down on themselves. Sanborn is an incredible misogynist and has obvious mental problems, but it is his successor who is more extreme than him. Sanborn's successor thinks he can do as he pleases because of his family's money and power. His obvious push into the religious life has led him to demand it from others, despite any vocation. His arrogance is shown by his lying and manupulative ways. His school is run by the nun's mom, a group of spoiled nuns, and 18 year old high school graduates; yet, it is estimated to reach over 100 in just a few years. Maybe Sanborn is the one with common sense because he is putting a new priest in the school so he can educate his successor.

  14. " It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven" So said Our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Well in Sanborn's world the sign should read: "Only the rich need apply"

    How anti-Christ can they possibly be?

    1. Leave that to Christ Himself.

    2. How does that old ABBA song go?

      Money, money, money —
      Must be funny
      In the rich man's world.
      Money, money, money:
      Always sunny
      In the rich man's world.
      All the things I could do,
      If I had a little money:
      It's a rich man's world!

  15. Sorry for the long absence. I recently ran into a few CMRI cultlings and i'm here to tell ya that I just about called the mental institute! You think you have it bad in Ohio, CMRI land is in no way a bastion of normalcy. I found out that after a recent boys camp hosted at the North Idaho compound, a young high school kid hung himself on the trip home. they were able to resuscitate him, but all that is know is one of the CMRI "priests" were involved. I am seriously contemplating creating a blog similar to PL to expose the evil happenings at the CMRI compounds. It is time to starve the beasts that prey on the innocent!

    1. The One World Religion is about to be inaugurated later this month, so I hear. Any news from your end?

      Others will end up hanging themselves then.

    2. Dear Critic,

      Welcome back. We hope you do blog about the CMRI. People need to know about these cults.

      That's terrible news about the young man. All this pseudo-Catholicism is noxious.

    3. Yes welcome back Critic.The "priest" was not that effeminate Gilchrist?We don't trust any of them Esp Pivvy and B Hughes.

    4. Critic, I don't understand. A young boy hung himself after attending the Rathdrum camp? He hung himself on account of the priest?


  16. This reeks of a rancid undercurrent from the days of Schuckhardt.

    Any blog that informs the parents so they can protect their children from the clutches of these Beasts of Prey, is welcomed by me.


  17. Have you ever thought that Sanborn's $30,000 is going to come from the "bonus" he's going to get to make Selway Jr. A bishop? There is obviously money that will be exchanged for that ordination. My bet is all of the big 3 families will contribute since all have something riding on him becoming the next visit. It will be a great deal more than $30,000 and enough to fund Sanborn's European adventure. $30,000 is nothing for those families.


  18. AnonymousSeptember 2, 2016 at 8:25 PM
    "... Sanborn is an incredible misogynist and has obvious mental problems, but it is his successor who is more extreme than him. Sanborn's successor thinks he can do as he pleases because of his family's money and power..."

    He can, and he will!

    Selway money bought Sanborn. Sanborn supplied Selway with a Bishop to run the Family Funny Farm. Both $anborn and $elway were bought by $elway Inc. That produces exactly what you have now, "Power Hungry Money Maniacs".

    And what was that about rich men getting into Heaven?

  19. You do realize Selway's daughter is mother superior of the convent too? So, when the convent is built in Brooksville, you have a Selway running both the convent and the soon to be Bishop Selway running all the other operations. It will be a Selway monopoly in Brooksville, and all rules and new parishioners will have to be approved by that family. I wonder if their school parents will have to sign a loyalty oath that if your children are enrolled, you will be indentured servants to the convent, seminary, or Selway Inc. I'm half kidding, of course.

    1. Talk about having a hard time squeezing through the eye of a needle!

      It'll be almost impossible for most outsiders to get into the B'ville cult once they've installed one of their own as "bishop" and Tradzilla is safely out of the way jaunting around the world drumming up business for an organization that'll go nowhere.

      Social media pages, here they come! Tap those kegs and whip out the bikinis & halter tops! Parrrrrr-teeeee!

  20. AnonymousSeptember 3, 2016 at 6:04 PM

    "You do realize Selway's daughter is mother superior of the convent too?..."

    I believe that The Mother Superior you are referring to belongs to Bishop Kelly's "Daughters of Mary", Corp. up in Round Top New York, $&$.
    Now unless there is another Daughter who has entered the convent as a Novice, and got catapulted to the rank of Mother Superior as fast as Sr. Mary Bosco, (Selway) did. I am not aware of that lovely creature of the habit, a/k/a another Mother Money Making Machine.

    A Hand in every pot! Reminds me of the Rothchilds.

    AnonymousSeptember 3, 2016 at 6:04 PM
    Wrote Further:

    ..." I'm half kidding, of course."

    "Half in jest, whole in earnest"

    I am not kidding! This operation is as Frightening to me as the Pope and Hillary in charge. God help us all!

  21. The Mother in charge up in Round Top (SSPV) is a Selway. I believe she would be the aunt of Fr. Selway in FL. SSPV had a different Fr. Selway as well.

    1. That would be the aunt of the Brooksville priest at sspv. The Brooksville priest's sister, Sister Mary John, is in charge of the Brooksville/Arizona convent. So, I believe that is not a mistake to say the Selways are in charge everywhere.

    2. The convent is currently in Arizona until they build the Brooksville convent on Sanborn's compound. Then, they will bring the sisters back to Brooksville unless Arizona turns over their land and finances. The nun in charge is Mother Mary John. She is the Brooksville Sr. Selway's daughter/ the Brooksville priests sisters.

      I'm sure there will be more Selways from that family who will join the ranks. Eventually, they can be put in charge of the convent, seminary, school, and church in Brooksville. It is my understanding that they have at least 4 girls in the convent and two boys who are being encouraged to go into the seminary. After that, they have plenty of grandkids who can join too. It will always be a Selway operation.

    3. We heard a boy was going to enter the pesthouse this fall. Ol' Scut the Prefect better watch out! His successor is already lined up.

      No doubt, he'll be "accelerated" so he can start serving the spiritual needs of La Famiglia and assisting the new "bishop" when he gets his birth-right miter.

    4. Just as Spain has its Palmarian Church, so will Tradistan USA have its Selwayan Church.

      It things go as planned, at this rate the Selway Family will far outstrip the other 2 main families in terms of influence and power.

      Possible future developments:

      (1) the Selway family continues to grow in size, power, etc.

      (2) everyone outside of the 3 main families will leave this cult compound/complex;

      (3) the entire membership of this cult will comprise only the 3 main families, and no other persons;

      (4) given the wide disparity in power, the Selway family will subjugate the other 2 families (since the Selways have no other targets to bully!)

      and then ... what do you all think #(5) will be?

    5. In our opinion, your scenario is more than possible: it's very likely.

      We hope #5 is that the cult will someday disappear as a result of both inbreeding and most members' becoming celibate priests and nuns.

    6. The under 2 of the 3 have always bowed down to the Selway family. They know their place and will never try to step out of line. They are loyal Sanbornites and Selwayites.

      In addition, there will always be the few families or elderly who cannot or will not drive to go to another church. Sanborn and/or Selway have convinced them that the Tampa church is liberal or invalid and the Spring Hill church is invalid. The 40 or so who left to go to Spring Hill were the exception, but unless a big group bands together, they will always have their scattered few (many who give big donations.)

      Of course the Selway family grows in power, the more of them there are, the higher positions they are given within the compound. How many children are in that family? And those children are having children.

      Sanborn consults with Selway about everything. One is the puppet and one the puppet master.

      Which one

    7. That's a no-brainer, from everything we've learned. Moneybags shouts, "Frog!" and Tradzilla asks, "How high?"
