
Saturday, September 3, 2016


Those games in which the gain serves as a recompense for the...industry...of the mind...are recreations in themselves good and lawful. St. Francis de Sales.

It's the long, leisurely 2016 Labor Day weekend.

Whaddya say about playing a fast, spine-tingling parlor game before we all fire-up the grill?

First, carefully read the following statements:
Soon he was commanding the faithful not to wear jeans, or watch television, or read newspapers, or have any relationship with former members. To break the rules was to invite excommunications from this one true (albeit rather small) Catholic Church. 
Several former members of the sect claim that they have been separated from their families, who are supposedly forbidden to speak or have thrown them out of their homes. All report that the most painful aspect of church discipline is the way children are brought up, allegedly forbidden even to speak with other children at school who do not belong to the sect.    
Thus far [the sect] has failed to shoot down scandals... But, in fact, some people still keep the faith... and fork over the money. 

Then came the million-dollar donations, the followers around the world, the monks and nuns of his order, the construction of the imposing basilica...

He would be borne aloft on the shoulders of the faithful...amid clouds of incense and the music of organs through the halls... even as he demanded of his followers “humility.”   
Young people, when they get out, are completely disoriented, with brutal problems of identity, emotional abuse... 
If this were a parody, and fiction, it could be a great comedy, but...
All righty, then. Ready to play? Great! Here we go...

PL: (quizzically) Where, do you think, did these little gems come from?

YOU: (hesitantly) Could it be "CathInfo"?

PL: (nonchalantly) Unh-uh.

YOU: (searchingly) Or, maybe, Pistrina's archives?

PL: (matter-of-factly) The Readers don't think so.

YOU: (hopefully) How about, say, "The Lay Pulpit"?

PL: (helpfully) Haven't seen 'em there.

YOU: (pensively) Hmmmmm! Could it be e-mails from disgruntled Gerties, fed-up Swamplanders, or CMRI-survivors?

PL: (teasingly) Nooo-ope.

YOU: (anxiously) Then, what about sundry blog comments?

PL: (tauntingly) Not even lukewarm, pal.

YOU: (resolvedly) Darn! O.K.... so how about, ummmmm ...

(then triumphantly)  BY GOSH, I'VE GOT IT! They're from newspaper clippings out of Brooksville, West Chester, Highland, Spokane or any of the other unlucky communities where sede "bishop"-led enterprises have set up lucrative franchises! All of 'em have a very familiar ring, don't they? Why, with some imagination, you could I.D. a specific sede nest. After all, the first one sure sounds an awful lot like the Swampland, right?

PL: (impatiently) Enough already!!! You'll never guess in a million years.

Believe it or not, these quotes are not about the American sede gang at all. No, sirree, Bob! You see, we've taken them from a "Daily Beast" article about the Palmarian Church in Spain, one of the wildest and craziest religious scams in the whole of TradWorld. You can read the full article about this sect's shady "popes" here, so there's no need for us to rehearse its abuses today.

Besides, our brief (and our beef) is with Tradistan, U.S.A. — "One-Hand Dan," Tradzilla, Tony Baloney, the Long-Island Jellyfish, the Boy-Bishop-Elect, and to a lesser extent the Pivmeister (lesser only because we've not had much direct contact).

The simple point we want to make is this: the bowel-twisting possibility that these quotations could describe our Tradistani ecclesiastical buccaneers ought to bring traditional Catholics to their senses. Even a morally impaired Gertie knows (way down deep, that is) these excerpts do not characterize anything remotely Catholic.
 They document the sick behavior of a virulent cult.
A number of you who visit this blog are not opposed to the cult masters. Some of you, to be truthful, are their enablers, either by way of occasional donations/encouragement or by active collusion in a degenerate cult center. But if, while reading the above selections, one or more of the American sede kingpins came to mind, then your awareness has condemned Tradistan's warped leadership far more harshly than PL ever has.

Congratulations. You've won the game!

Winners may collect their cash prizes as soon as they begin to



  1. Totally thought you were talking about Brooksville.

  2. PL,

    You're my favorite hate blog. You really are.

    You're funny, erudite, mean as the dickens, and I love the way you integrate your epigraphs and illustrations into your posts. It's very subtle. Like a puzzle.

    You excelled yourselves today, you bad boys (and, I hope, girls). That old Victorian parlor séance and your reference to "firing up the grill" had me and my husband in stitches. Bravo. I like it when someone can mix a little mordant wit with their bile. Or were you trying to insulate yourselves against the outraged cries of the Gerties?

    1. We'll take your compliments at face value, except that we fancy ourselves a "truth blog, and nothing but the truth."

      No, we didn't consider that Dannie's demon-crazed Gerties would howl at the image of that Victorian parlor game. We chose it both for the game-theme and for the BBQ-like light. But now that you bring it up, we hope they do.

  3. Gotcha!

    Thought there were only American Trad Nuts out there right? Wrong!

    The Americans are the Copy Cat Cons.
    So, stay tuned there is more to come.

    1. Yeah, you know the American trads are itching for a "pope" of their own. It's just a short leap from a "missionary bishop with universal jurisdiction" to a "Sovereign Traddie Pontiff" naming his own College of Cardinals. (Wouldn't Dannie love to be called "Your Eminence"? Yes, but he'd hate calling the Donster "Your Holiness.")

      It looks to us as though Tradzilla's new organization will set him up as some kind of "Super Wandering Bishop," which might be almost the same thing as a "pope" but without the title. With his outsized ego and sense of entitlement, surely he doesn't want to be only a primus inter pares. Would he ever consider himself merely on the same level as the Long-Island Jellyfish, "One Hand," the Boy-BIshop-Elect, or Pivarino? They'll no doubt form his court, but it's reasonable to assume he'll have to distinguish himself from the other episcopi vagantes in some way, if only to make sure the clerical and lay peons know who's boss.

  4. "Doubtless this comes as shock to the estimated 5,000 believers in this secretive cult, who were accustomed to hear Gregory intone fire-and-brimstone sermons that railed against communists, Freemasons, and Vatican Council II"

    They said he was consecrated by a Vietnamese archbishop. This man was consecrated by Thuc?

    The above quote sounds like someone talking about Sanborn's sermons.

    Is this why Sanborn wants to expand his following over to Europe? More gullible followers of this church to join him?

    1. According to Terence Boyle's unfortunately out-of-date site, the Palmarians are Thuc lineage (click here.)

  5. How many priests in Tradistan or the SSPX are like this Palmarian "Pope"? Tired of the farce and longing for a normal life. I'm not the best Fatima scholar but supposedly the BVM said at Fatima there were a lot of bad marriages. If that's the case with bad marriages then how many bad vocations are there?

    I have to wonder whether Cekada, Dolan and Sanborn became priests due to the inordinate longings of their families (mothers in particular). Imagine a world where these men had never been ordained. Imagine if Abp Lefebvre had listened to the counsel of his colleagues who supposedly counseled him not to ordain these men. My point is that these men are dragging souls to hell with them because of their lackadaisical exercise of their priestly apostolate.

    That's why Pristina is performing yeoman's work in urging people to starve the beast. Sign me an appalled former Gertie who left before the worst happened.

    1. We've all been in the same boat. These clergy are a scourge, and for all the good he did, the abp.'s reputation will always suffer for having ordained these men. Our wish is that a few more Gerties and Swamplanders will follow your example.

  6. hey pl got a question for you. i googled the title of your post. the wikipeda says it comes from a poem called VITAI LAMPADA w/2 dots over the I & means THE TORCH OF LIFE. when i studied latin i learned the genitive was AE not AI. did danny write the wiki piece heheh

  7. Vitaï is correct, so Dimwit Dan definitely did not write the Wikipedia entry. The -ai is an old Latin gen. sg. for the 1st declension. The dieresis over the second vowel indicates that the i is pronounced separatetly as a syllable, i.e., -ai = "ah ee," as opposed to the diphthong -ae, which is pronounced as one syllable ("eye"). Lucretius, from whose De Rerum Natura the title of the English verse comes, often uses the old gen. sg. ending for metrical advantage, in this case to get a trisyllable. He also used the archaic form to add solemnity.

  8. I'm having a hard time with the name Omlar associated with SGG.

    1. I don't know whether THE original Omlor (i.e. Patrick Henry Omlor) was ever associated with or supported SGG. Maybe, he thought that SGG presented the best (in comparison with other trad chapels) in terms of aesthetics.

      But as for the descendants of PH Omlor, you shouldn't expect too much of them. Apparently, one of his (PH's) unworthy relatives misled Fr Martin Stepanich about the SGG school scandal.

    2. Dannie and Checkie treat the patriarch like some Aquinas redux so it's not hard to see how flattered family pride will keep the clan loyal to the cult.

  9. The Palmarians have surpassed Fr Checkie in one notable way. Whereas he just impiously suppressed the Leonine Prayers, the Palmarians rewrote the Bible and the savagely edited the Mass (leaving aside the Pope thing). Perhaps that might be more obviously wrong than than a run of the mill SGG Mass with blundered liturgical Latin, but neither will avail a person anything, if a person has any sense of how a Mass should be said (correct me if I'm wrong).

    1. All these cults think they have the right to tinker with the sacred in one way or another.

  10. Just to mention that Fr Checkie has been answered by the True or False Pope authors or one of them:

    Their 'the most important article we have written' has a typographical error on the last bullet point at the start of 'pubic heretic.' It is a typo, but a bit annoying. Internet comments have typos, 'most important articles' shouldn't.

  11. 'polemical pros' later, and likely more besides. Nearly all those errors would be shown by the laziest of proofing (pasting into MS Word and checking spelling and grammar). Now a good case is being made, but those errors are annoying.

    1. Unfortunately, there are a few more typos than the one 7:15 referenced, and we intend to send S & S our notes. The article is far too important to be spoiled by such easily corrected flaws.

      Nevertheless, they have thoroughly skewered Cheesy and exposed all his ducking and weaving. If he replies with another loopy video, then he'll discredit himself even more. To be sure, he's not capable of a written response on S & S's level, so the best thing for him to do is to throw in the towel. It will only get worse: the ref has started the count, and it's all over.

  12. Hope they correct it, if they haven't now. Two errors in less than two minutes of reading a small part of it, is too much for a serious article. Fr Checkie might try the lofty 'not worth my time' and outsource the textual response to Mario Derksen, but that won't work. Typos need to vanish, if S&S don't want to be answered with another breezy dodge.

    1. Yes, we agree. There are several problems that need to be addressed soon. Most aren't horrible, but they could prove vexing.

  13. I’m sure everyone here knows Fr Martin Stepanich died in 2012, age 97. One of Patrick Henry Omlor’s daughters lived in Cincinnati for a while, attended SGG, and periodically visited Fr. S and Sister Olive (apparently Father S and Sister O took care of each other). PHO also has a son living in Cincinnati, married, with a son, and I believe the son attends SGG school.

    The good Father S wrote some letter type articles that appeared in the SGG bulletin over the years, the topics I don’t recall nor have any desire to recall. When the Terri Schiavo controversy escalated, he wrote a rather ambiguous letter/article, I imagine requested by Dolan or Cekada. He did not outright support Cekada’s position (that Terri should be murdered in such a savage manner) but didn’t outright condemn the position either. No real conclusions could be discerned from this article, except maybe to leave Cekada and Sinburn. The good father apparently didn’t take into consideration there are and will be any number of Catholics who will be in the position of having to make such a decision about a loved one – discontinue the feeding tube and let the patient die a horrible death, or don’t discontinue the feeding tube. I’m sure this letter is available somewhere on-line and perhaps some other reader will interpret it differently and thus possibly more accurately than me. Regardless, I didn’t find any solvent answers to what to do in a case like Terri’s, and I’ve been in that position.

    When the 2009 scandal mutated, Fr. S wrote a letter attempting to calm and comfort the members of SGG. The basic message was: put up, put out, and don’t ask questions, just pray.
    So very old school, the way Catholic priests and bishops handled and in some cases still handle the immoral actions & behaviors of its clergy, pretty much put up and put out and of course, pray, and continue to pay. We don’t want to cause scandal,or cause harm to our parish. No real validation of the issues were espoused, nor was there any direct denial there are problems at SGG. I guess, if you had children in that cesspool of a school you must trust the clergy of SGG and of course Lotarski, and don’t ask questions. Many of us have learned that the old school mentality of total 100% trust in the priests and nuns and significant laypeople just doesn’t hold any water anymore.

    May the good Father rest in peace. He lead a long life and had, what, over 65 years in the priesthood? I’m sure he was a good man, just mislead by the influences of SGG. I dislike citing age, but, perhaps, in his declining years, he became more vulnerable to specific influences. I’ve no idea what role, if any, the Omler’s played in his understanding of the SGG scandal. I’m sure though that the Mass stipends he received from SGG were most beneficial for his upkeep in his later years.

    1. The sentence leave Cekada and Sinburn should have read: Leave Cekada and Sinburn alone, let this topic disappear.

    2. Once and for all.

    3. A thoughtful and generous analysis. Obviously Fr. S wasn't the man he once had been. A pity.

    4. Stepanich was definitely a coward in not calling out Checkscrement on his dastardly treatment of Schiavo (and for not seeking out the truth on the 2009 school scandals as well). Stepanich should have had the courage (and decency) to “call it like it is” – but he didn’t. For that, SHAME ON YOU, Martin! The Omlors, I’m sure, had a hand in covering up all the SGG dung (and probably misrepresenting all of it to Stepanich and others), so they too deserve an even BIGGER “shame on you.” They traded in their principles and their integrity just so they could "get the sacraments" from the human scum who run SGG.

    5. The Watcher:

      Totally agree with you!!

      Stepanich did NOT stand up for truth and justice! He was OH, SO NICE to Dolan and Checkie. Yet lashing out angrily on the VICTIMS who spoke up. Where's his sense of right and wrong? I am living in South East Asia (where even Novus Ordo folks are a tiny minority), surrounded by many pagans, Buddhists, Taoists, Muslims, etc. Yet these people (not all of them, but a good number of them) without the true faith ... actually have a sense of right and wrong! The cult-minded can put Stepanich on a pedestal and worship him for all I care ... but right-thinking people face facts and face reality. Right is right; and wrong is wrong!

  14. The extremist Sanborn and company just need to be shut down permanently. Then, everyone can leave him and his group alone, after he stops harming souls.

    1. Almighty God will shut down everything and everyone, according to His plan.

    2. True, Anon 12:58 AM, but He also expects us to do our part & not just sit on our thumbs for Him to do all the work. Didn't Confirmation make us soldiers of Christ? We are expected to not only pray but WORK. And also to be truthful - come what may.

    3. Maybe that is why Sanborn didn't make the announcement about Confirmation in time for others to study, so that others outside his group wouldn't be able to be confirmed. He didn't want Soldiers of Christ who would work for God and not him.

  15. Just read some of S & S's articles on their website. Are there 2 Fr. Paul Kramers? This new Fr. Kramer with the longer beard and a gripe against Fr. Gruner doesn't look like the 'old' Fr. Kramer who is more rotund, has a shorter beard& really doesn't look anything like the new Fr. Kramer even if he had lost weight. PS. Yes, all the typos are a problem & really detract from the message. I hope that they heed your notes.

    1. We believe they will. They're not like Checkie of Big Don. We'll forward your observation of the Kramer pic, too, and any others you send in that we may have missed in our haste.

    2. There surely seems to be two Fr Kramers, the affable padre with the slight beard and well fed, and a leaner, Gruner-phobic, long bearded fanatic.

  16. Thanks, Anon Sept.5,11:09 PM, for the post about the Omlors. I was having trouble putting the Omlor name with SGG. Years ago I read some of PH's things & was impressed so couldn't see how an Omlor would be at SGG now.

    1. Anon Sept 6 at 3:26 AM.

      Can you please explain the second half of your first sentence?

      Him (God) to do all the work ???

    2. Response to Anonymous September 6, 2016 at 4:01 AM, you write:
      “Thanks, Anon Sept.5,11:09 PM, for the post about the Omlors.”

      You’re welcome! I don’t remember specific dates, but the daughter of PHO, when at SGG, was a very active and well liked young lady. She was the leader of the “Holy Helpers,” a volunteer group mainly of young people who helped out at SGG, mostly on Saturdays, by cleaning, sacristy work and ironing, decorating, etc. Her numerous good deeds and her good will are now remembered with fondness. She had a certain something about her and accomplished much good at SGG and was still there in 2005.

      She was good with people, a rarity in the trad church not only with clergy but laity. She seemed to get along with everyone, and was known for her charity and kindness. At some point she had an altercation with Lotarski and he allegedly laid his hands on her in an attack modem. She was advised by certain laypeople in the know to report this assault to the police. The clergy talked her out of it and she left shortly after the assault. You know the drill, keep silent about this, don’t tell anyone, it will cause scandal and hurt the parish, etc. It will be your fault if anything bad happens to the parish because you were attacked by our resident bully. I don’t think she was injured per se, but the underground account is that he did indeed physically lay his hands on her while in a rage over probably some stupid, asinine traddie chapel crud.

      As I said before, I don’t know what role, if any, the Omlor’s played in influencing Fr. S. The scandal happened in 2009 and he died, at age 97, in 2012. So, he would’ve been what, around 94 when he rendered his opinion on the matter.

      Certainly the old man formed his judgment and opinion based on accounts by SGG supporters there is no doubt. These would’ve been people he knew and trusted, people who helped him out and assisted at his Masses, at least on occasion.

      I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but, at his age, I tend to think he was vulnerable, and we don’t know what ailments and medical conditions he would’ve had at that age. I know people one-half his age who are in miserable physical condition, and it affects their memory and judgments, at the bare minimum. By the time he entered his dog in the fight sides were well established, and the majority of people who intended to leave SGG were gone by the time his missive was issued. His missive was taken about as seriously as Sinburn’s missive. Had Fr. S been able to investigate the matter objectively and realize the truth, I highly doubt a missive by him admonishing people to leave SGG would have been any more effective than his admonishment to people to stay.

      I realize the truth of the matter is the essence of this discussion, and regardless, he should’ve done more investigating and listened to the “other” side. Apparently he didn’t listen to the other side, and I am aware of at least two people who attempted to inform him of the true state of affairs at SGG. Regardless, I really don’t think he would’ve been able to influence anyone, either pro or con.

    3. I thought I already explained it by the sentence, "We are expected to not only pray, but WORK". Aren't we put on this earth to DO something as well as pray?

    4. " ... & not just sit on our thumbs for Him to do all the work".

      What kind of talk is that?

    5. Thanks, Anon 5:59AM, for the additional info. I wasn't there but your account sounds reasonable, fair & truthful. What a mess! I hope more people read PL & leave so Sinborn & crew can get an honest job and there's not more damage to the Faith.

    6. Anon 6:21AM, what do you mean - "What kind of talk is that". I suppose it means that if you're merely sitting you could be also doing something like sewing or knitting, but if you're sitting on your thumbs you aren't or can't do anything. You've never heard that expression before?!

    7. Him is God and He does not work.

      Is the sentence badly constructed?

    8. Regarding Anon‘s (Sept. 6, 5:59 AM) comment about how “good” the daughter of “PHO” is, she is (by many of us) NOT “remembered with fondness.” Yes, she organized the “holy helpers,” etc.; but that’s because she was a dyed-in-the-wool cult slave to Dolan and Cekada. Even when she was man-handled by Lotarski, she did her best to “cover it up.” And, in fact, when one of her fellow parishioners mentioned (in a letter to fellow SGG parishioners) how she was so victimized by Lotarski, she called that parishioner -- by LONG DISTNCE FROM AUSTRALIA – to castigate him for mentioning it. (She even threatened legal action against him.)

      Her one brother, BTW, reportedly still attends SGG. Like her, he also trieds to “cover up” many of the nasty things that had been going on at SGG (including squelching some rumors circulating about “immoral behavior” by the SGG “clergy”). The “bottom line” on this family is that they tried their BEST to make Dannie and Tony look good (and to “hide” their many flaws) – because the latter “sold their daddy’s [PHO’s) books in their bookstore. “Covering up” for scum like Dannie and Tony for such MERCENARY reasons is both despicable and SINFUL. Again, we emphatically say: Shame on you, Omlors!

    9. Hey, Watcher:

      Thanks a MILLION for exposing such scum and telling the TRUTH.

    10. Anon. Sept. 7, 4:52 AM, you are very welcome indeed! And, believe me, there is MUCH MORE TRUTH that could be told about her (and her family); but let’s just say that Anon. Sept. 6, 5:59 AM. was GROSSLY MISINFORMED about how “good” she was. Perhaps, one day, we’ll write a full-blown article about that clan – and it should be a real eye-opener.

    11. Isn't Omlor's daughter John Lane's wife?

    12. Response to The Watcher September 7, 2016 at 12:35 AM, you write:

      “And, in fact, when one of her fellow parishioners mentioned (in a letter to fellow SGG parishioners) how she was so victimized by Lotarski...”

      Is there any on-line source where this letter could be found? I’d no idea this assault was so widely known; I thought Cekada/Dolan had pretty much squelched it. Since this assault occurred 3 or 4 years before the 2009 scandal, possibly, had legal action been taken at the time of the assault, reforms might have had to be implemented in that place, firstly by removing Lotarski from any position what so ever in that church/school. Regardless, even had Lotarski been evicted from that organization and sent away never to be seen again, totally, the place still would’ve been tainted by the influences of Dolan/Cekada. Had he assaulted me he would’ve gotten the whooping of his life, been reported to the police, and arrested. The SGG clergy wouldn't have entered into the decision making process what so ever.

      I also had no idea this Omlor woman was not remembered fondly by many. I still learn something new almost every day. Any “good” she did at SGG immediately dissolved once she left, if that’s any consolation. I should've been more specific in my comments as I only speak for myself when I say she is remembered fondly. Is there no layperson in traddieland who sets the good example I thought of Miss Omler? Is there no layperson who is highly regarded and respected? So sad if there isn’t.

      I’ve no idea why she and her brother didn’t speak out and chose instead to defend and support SGG. I hope it wasn’t for mercenary reasons as I can’t imagine these trad books make any significant amount of money to merit a cover-up of scandal just to retain sales. Perhaps it was a convoluted concept of protecting their dad’s honor since SGG sells his books and he is loosely associated with SGG. PHO did deliver a lecture at SGG in the late 90s. Cekada sat through the entire ordeal for damage control when the Q/A session took place. Her brother’s wife taught at that school under Lotarski that first year Lotarski took over. She certainly witnessed some vulgar behavior from him at the least. Miss Omlor certainly would’ve “been in the know” about some of his nastiness and behaviors, and other issues, prior to the attack.

      I can speak for no one but myself, but, there was not/is not any lay person at SGG, CMRI, SSPX, SSPV, MHT or any other trad organization who could influence me to either stay or leave their respective entities. I’ve never read any of PHO’s works and don’t intend to. I’ve a difficult enough time reading the junk some of these trad priests write when it comes to the various issues, theological, moral, liturgical, pope, that are the heart of the entire reason there is a trad “church”. Listening to many of them preach a sermon has to gain one some “time off”in Purgatory. And there is always that nagging doubt as to how and where these priests got their training and credentials. I hope, at the barest minimum, all of the participants and readers here at least pray for everyone discussed here.
      Whether she is/was a brainwashed minion of Dolan/Cekada or not, I still regard Miss O fondly. We can only hope her good actions might become a part of the process where she realizes the truth and acts upon it accordingly.

  17. Doubt that Fr. Cheeseball can answer Siscoe & Salza this time. Looks like he met his Waterloo. Now we trads can move forward without his backpedaling and prevarications. R & R is the right answer. SSPX here we come, personal prelature and all. Only way to fight back to fight from within. Francis is rotten but he is the pope.

    1. Yeah, that's what Jesus Christ, St. John the Baptist, St. Paul and ALL the apostles did. Believe me if you open your mouth in the N.O., they will beat you, persecute you, place you under house arrest (like Fr. Manelli) and kick you out. You can sit at the table w/the incestuous man sleeping w/his father's wife, but St. Paul said, Expel him from your midst.

      It's like all the democrats (and republicans like Paul Ryan) who need a seat at the table to go along w/sodomy and baby murder.

      Fight the North Vietnamese by joining them! Fight the Communists by joining them! Fight the Slave holders by joining them! Fight the King by joining him!

      You make about as much sense as the devil.

  18. Francis is rotten indeed when you look into the Catholic faith. In the new religion, Francis is gold because he is moving the mass to embrace the One World Religion.

    1. Checkie will never be able to respond in the appropriate written format to the recent S & S article: He hasn't the intellectual wherewithal. And when the second part appears, he'll be finished in the eyes of everyone as an apologist. The fool kicked over a hornets' nest when he provoked S & S with his name-calling and nastiness. They will never relent, no matter how many misleading and revisionist amateur videos the cult cranks out.

      It's about time to end the laughable fiction of the Checkmeister as "canonist" and "theologian." Sedes should admit they have been ill-championed by a malformed ignoramus whose distemper has discredited their cause. They must look elsewhere for a champion, preferably among the ranks of the better-educated laity, since the "clergy" are so inept.

    2. PL - well said!

      And yet the deluded CMRI considers Checkie to be a "theologian"?? CMRI must be wilfully blind to continue holding this opinion.

  19. AnonymousSeptember 5, 2016 at 11:09 PM
    “…Regardless, I didn’t find any solvent answers to what to do in a case like Terri’s, and I’ve been in that position...”

    With all due respect, I personally do not think you, or anybody else has been, or will be in Terri Schiavo’s position. You see the Law has been established now that will enable them to Euthanize without any notoriety.

    Let me explain:

    This was a nightmare that I personally will never forget, and neither will our Church or Country. I personally witnessed the murder of a girl who was victimized by her Bigamist husband, betrayed by her Church, and deprived her basic human rights under OUR Government. It was an outrage before God and man, and one which will never be forgotten. The one priest with whom I became very friendly, and defended, during this horrible ordeal was Fr. Malinowski. He was one of the two Novus Ordo priests who assisted Terri and her family. He personally brought her the Species of the Holy Eucharist that she received by mouth with no problems. He was a hero in my eyes with all he endured while trying to preserve her life, from the lying Liberal press, and His equally lying Liberal Church that were in league with the devil calling for the blood of Terri, in order to promote their barbaric agenda to establish their new law.

    After I made Bishop Sanborn aware of the testimony by the good Fr. Malinowski, I proceeded to ask him in light of this information would Fr. Cekada’s emphatic statement endorsing the husband’s right to end her life, still be supported by him? Bishop Sanborn admitted that, “If she received the species by mouth, then extraordinary means would cease to exist, and then, yes it would be murder”.
    And what a murder it was!

    They employed the most barbaric torturous means known to any civilized world, let alone a then, Christian America. To this day Bishop Sanborn has never made a statement against Fr. Cekada , and his error for not investigating in detail, the very Case he choose to pontificate, and then write about in SGG’s Bulletin, a/k/a The Tablet of Trash. Sanborn, Cekada, and Dolan are all guilty of the sin of Pride, Arrogance and Gross Negligence. I pray that God spare them the horrific death they placed upon Terri, and the future generations under the Law of Euthanasia.

    The face behind the mask:

    You see the real devil behind the evil agenda perpetrated by the Liberals, was to have the symbolic Catholic family betrayed by their One World Catholic Church. Who in turn endorsed the blatant Catholic public sinner, Terri's bigamist husband, who was supported by the New One World Order Government, which set the precedent under Roe v. Wade to establish the Law that is now in effect known as Euthanasia.

    A law that will kill every bit as many souls in the future, that is has murdered babies in the past.
    This is a law that will go across the spectrum of life, and it will break down to the government’s decision on who should live, and who should die.

    And they say Hitler is dead!

    You might not have seen the resolve based on the bias news that was coming out of Florida that year, but I can assure you, the devil made his mark on all of us the day Terri Schiavo was murdered before God and the world.

    Take a good look at where we are today as a Church and a Country, and then tell me that we are not descending lower into the pits of hell, while our Creator is permitting it. Evil begets evil!

    As Our Lady of LaSalette said, “As the Church goes, so goes the world”

    I think we are in A FREE FALL!

    1. PL has always suspected that the Cheeseburger really didn't put too much thought into the whole matter to begin with. We believe he wanted to make a big canonical splash but ended up in a theological Davy Jones's locker. The cult will never recover from his rash entry into a subject for which he possessed no real training or temperament.

      This is just a guess, mind you, but we surmise he obtained most of his material second-hand by reading Fr. Juan-Carlos Iscara's thoughtful article "To Live and Let Die" (here).

      Our grounds for so thinking are a first-hand report from someone whom he had asked — when the outcry against his abhorrent opinion had become deafening — to locate a copy of the theologian Vitoria's book, upon which he supposedly based his savage "argument." Now one might be led to think that he would already have the book before he ventured to opine. (It was out of print at the publisher then and still is, we think.) And why couldn't he have searched online for the volume himself?

      An interesting footnote is that his Wikipedia bio used to tout Dannie's and Donnie's support for his unspeakable position, but that's been deleted for some time. Things got a little too hot it seems.

  20. Gone are the men, that made good priests like Fr. Coughlin.


    1. The Second Vatican Council may have played its part, but the cult-master scum played an even BIGGER part – and they continue to play that part with the human excrement that is extruded out from Sanborn’s DDS (dung delivery system) down in Florida. So, to single out the V2 council (as the reason for there no longer being any “good” priests) is both inaccurate and naïve -- because there have been (and ARE) many Novus Ordo priests who put traddie priests to shame (the two priests who stood up for Terri Schiavo, for instance).

    2. Let's see these priests stand up for Jesus Christ (that's their first job). Also why don't you call out your NO priests for not criticizing Bishop Lynch and the Vatican/Curia/ (JP2 was being murdered himself at the time)? Schiavo's husband was under Bishop Lynch who supported him vs her parents and was directly responsible for her death (AND the death of the husband's soul). While Fr. Cekada showed remarkable lack of judgment and sensitivity, to mislead people that the NO is not completely in the thrall of the government due to greed and is murdering those under their care left and right (not only in the US, but in Europe & exporting to third world whenever they can) and also encouraging the kin to murder is gravely irresponsible and shows remarkable lack of integrity on your part.

    3. By standing up for Terri, these two priests DID “stand up for Jesus Christ.” And we are not insinuating that all NO priests are good; but we ARE saying that, at times, a “Samaritan” is better than a “Pharisee.” So, we are NOT “misleading” ANYONE, but you, Anon. ARE – by twisting the meaning of what we are saying. And that -- to use your own words -- “shows remarkable lack of integrity on your part.”

    4. Hey, Watcher:

      You hit the nail on the head.

      I smell something: a particular stench that is quite familiar.

      Anon 9:13PM's "remarkable lack of integrity" somehow reminds me of the same coming from cult-supporters of SGG/CMRI.

  22. I would have to say that I don't see why Sanborn teaches so much hate. Of course Catholics need to know what the consequences of sin are and be reminded of the fires of hell, but what about a loving God? Does he not know one exists? It's such a shame; he seems intelligent enough, but also seems off balanced.

    1. I have a feeling that if anyone truly went and listened to this man, he could be charged with instigating hate.

      I also think the schools' associated with both Sgg and mht (and these men) should be investigated. Not only for a lack of education, but for brainwashing and possible abuse.

    2. We have always detected in him an undercurrent of anger.

      As for investigating these schools, the authorities may be powerless unless some parent or child comes forward. An inferior education and bad instruction won't be enough. Unfortunately, cultlings often dissuade victims from lodging formal complaints, citing the need to keep quiet for the "good of the Church." They also bring a lot of pressure to bear on other family members. Too bad the zombies don't realize these are sects, not the Catholic Church, and deserve to be put out of business.

  23. Those of you who think you will find better in an SSPX chapel/school had better do your homework.

    1. There are certainly scandals, but where scandal arises in an SSPX school or chapel, resolution is far easier. A closed, almost hermetically sealed operation like SGG makes appropriate outside legal or regulatory intervention impossible. We only hear of SSPX scandals because this intervention is possible, relatively soon after it happened.. It is far better than the Novus Ordo situation where a scandal is only resolved or just revealed a decade later.

  24. AnonymousSeptember 7, 2016 at 6:22 PM

    "Those of you who think you will find better in an SSPX chapel/school had better do your homework."

    After thirty years in this Trad Movement, I have come to the conclusion that there are more than "Wondering Bishops"out there. Since Rome has lost the Faith, this is our punishment in these times for our forefathers lack of vigilance. So we are left to ROAM the earth seeking the truth, and will find it no where, but in the Faith. So keep it the best way you can, and do not get absorbed into minutiae of the cultie propaganda. If you can attend the The MASS, be thankful. Pray your Rosary, Keep the Faith and Trust in God. And...May God have mercy on us all!

  25. Anon@ 1:15am "Only way to fight back to fight from within." Tell that to PL et al who encourage all to leave SGG & MHT! Guess by joining VC2 and feeding the beast, SSPX is going to join (and fight) the Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Protestants, Buddhists, Animists, Atheists etc. etc.etc. How stupid of JC to give a great commission to his apostles when the only way to fight back is to join the other religions and fight from within! Join the Prince of this World and fight from within! Join Satan and conquer hell from within!

    "Be subject therefore to God, but resist the devil, and he will fly from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you." James 4:7-8

    1. If you cannot beat them, then join them and fight from within.

    2. Dear Anon 10:59 PM,

      Staying with the pseudo-Catholic cults will not help fight the Modernists one whit. $GG, the $wampland, and the CMRI threaten no one and are the object of ridicule with their malformed clergy , weirdo ways, and their dwindling numbers. They've got no credibility, except among their severely challenged members. The cults won't last after the current group of kingpin "bishops" is sent packing — and that's coming soon.

    3. Why is S&S wasting so much time fighting sedevacantists/Checkie? Why don't S&S (or Fellay instead of selling his "deal" w/the devil) preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and expose the heresies of the VC2 sect?

      VC2 has no credibility. SSPX has no credibility if they want to join those advocating fornication, adultery, sodomy, sodomite marriage, sodomite "parents," abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, animal-human chimeras; worshiping w/Muslims, Jews, Martin Luther... You have no credibility (supernatural belief in Jesus Christ) if you want to join VC2.

  26. "If you cannot beat them, then join them and fight from within."

    Do you know the Gospel at all? Jesus Christ was arrested, falsely accused, scourged and crucified and all throughout His friends deserted Him and everyone else mocked Him. Did He join them because He could not beat them so that He could fight from inside (is that His example or Judas' example? Whose disciple are you?)? Did St. Peter or St. Paul join the Romans and Jews so that they could "fight" on the inside or were they martyrs? What about St. John the Baptist? Or even in the Old Testament--Moses, David (why didn't he join Saul)? Do you believe in God or do you have faith in your flesh?

    Psalm 1: Blessed is the man who hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat in the chair of pestilence. But his will is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he shall meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree which is planted near the running waters, which shall bring forth its fruit, in due season. And his leaf shall not fall off: and all whatsoever he shall do shall prosper. Not so the wicked, not so: but like the dust, which the wind driveth from the face of the earth. Therefore the wicked shall not rise again in judgment: nor sinners in the council of the just. For the Lord knoweth the way of the just: and the way of the wicked shall perish."

    Psalm 26: The psalm of David before he was anointed. The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the protector of my life: of whom shall I be afraid? Whilst the wicked draw near against me, to eat my flesh. My enemies that trouble me, have themselves been weakened, and have fallen. If armies in camp should stand together against me, my heart shall not fear. If a battle should rise up against me, in this will I be confident.

    Same story in Proverbs 1.

  27. "If you cannot beat them, then join them and fight from within."

    "And these likewise are they that are sown on the stony ground: who when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with joy. And they have no root in themselves, but are only for a time: and then when tribulation and persecution ariseth for the word they are presently scandalized. And others there are who are sown among thorns: these are they that hear the word, And the cares of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts after other things entering in choke the word, and it is made fruitless. And these are they who are sown upon the good ground, who hear the word, and receive it, and yield fruit, the one thirty, another sixty, and another a hundred.

    "And he said to them: Doth a candle come in to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? and not to be set on a candlestick? For there is nothing hid, which shall not be made manifest: neither was it made secret, but that it may come abroad. If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. And he said to them: Take heed what you hear. In what measure you shall mete, it shall be measured to you again, and more shall be given to you. For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, that also which he hath shall be taken away from him." Mark 4:16-25

    Fellay has no light and has never preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ (unlike Lefebvre) or he wouldn't be wanting to hide it under the VC2 bushel when they are giving holy communion to sodomites, holding sodomite marriages and baptisms and giving sacraments to adulterers. He who can't denounce from without, how could he denounce from within? By going further underground--that's what he will start selling to his flock (you don't know what's going on underground--we are making tunnels like termites--and where is the candlestick? Where is the light that Jesus spoke of? The fire and two edged sword?

    Fellay creeps around like a whipped cur whispering and making deals and gossiping to his "flock" about what goes on in Rome (he reminds me of Dolan w/out the simper). Just as Dolan's deal w/Lotarski stinks of the hiding of grave misdeeds; Fellay's deals w/Vatican 2 clergy stinks of some cover up of grave misdeeds.

    1. In the last 2 weeks Fellay was in New Zealand. His Conference was about the relationship between SSPX & Rome ... & Pope Francis!

    2. Exactly: in terms of wolves taking care of innocent lambs, Pope Francis=Lotarski. What does VC2 have on leaders of SSPX/Fellay?

    3. To the “bible thumpers” who inundated us with your biblical quotes: save your “holier-than-thou” sanctimony for your fellow culties. You DELIBERATELY misconstrued “fighting from within” (and took it out of context). You are simply latter-day Pharisees – “letter-of-the-law” HYPOCRIRES -- who try to twist peoples’ words to suit your own bankrupt purposes. Crawl back into your respective holes, and stop embarrassing us (and yourselves) with your brain-dead narrow-mindedness.

    4. "R & R is the right answer. SSPX here we come, personal prelature and all. Only way to fight back to fight from within. Francis is rotten but he is the pope." Anon 9/7/16 @ 1:51 am

      How did I deliberately misconstrue? Seems to me you should take your own advice and crawl back to SGG & MHT--you fight the same way they do--surely you can beat them at their own game: pop off irresponsibly (or have another (double) standard for yourselves and what you want to do (join the R&R, get knighted by the CMRI (then stab them in the back from WITHIN), run off w/checkie & dolan, then w/checkie's deportation, then whatever (no) 'bishop' is your latest hobby horse)) and if anybody calls you on your double standard: respond w/intimidation, ad hominem attacks, name calling: you're stupid, you're excommunicated, you come from a hole (have a job at walmart!), you're really, really stupid!

      P.S. w/the pharisee, narrow mindedness & bankrupt name calling can only conclude you're practicing to get on w/rotten Francis as you "fight (him-the (rotten) vicar of Christ on earth) from within."

    5. Please forgive me, Anon. (Sept. 9, 3:25 AM); I mistakenly took you to be a RATIONAL person. Next time, I’ll be more careful! (Actually, next time, I won’t WASTE my time “dignifying” your nonsense by responding to you.)

  28. We are either Goats or Lambs! The fence sitter gets vomited out. Christ is the Truth, so follow the Faith and not the men. He is our light, and our sword of truth.


    1. Anon.Sept.6,2016 @8:28AM, I don't know you or what your problem is & I don't intend to get into a debate with you, but if God doesn't work, then how did He create heaven and earth? Also, if He doesn't work what did He rest from on the 7th day? Several places in the Bible speaks of the wondrous works of God. That's what I was referring to.

    2. "But Jesus answered them: My Father worketh until now; and I work." John 5:17 (even on the Sabbath)

    3. 11:35PM - I totally get what you're getting at with the fence sitters. It's one of the reasons why we're at where we are now - God has turned His Face from us & is leaving us to our own devices. The light is dim.

  29. To all on this blog!

    I would like to find out the Catholic definition of A Sinner, and what is a Catholic's role to a fellow sinner, who asks forgiveness?

  30. A sinner is someone who has transgressed the law of God in thought, word, deed, or omission.

    (I stand to be corrected).

    I leave the 2nd part to be answered by someone with more knowledge.

  31. The second part of your question as a Catholic would be to follow the prayer Our Lord gave us.
    ..." Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us..."

    Matthew 6:15
    When Our Lord taught us the Lord's Prayer He empathized you must forgive, admonishing us that quote.

    "If ye forgive not man their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your

    I hope this helps to answer the second part to your question pertaining to what Catholics should do regarding forgiveness of one who asks.

    Unfortunately I think this act is sorely neglected as we slip further away from the virtue of humility.

    1. All we would interject in this thread is that forgiveness does not perforce entail the remission of punishment on the part of someone who has the right to inflict it. A mom can forgive her kid for a misdeed but still punish him.

  32. Thank you P.L. and both Anonymous for answering my twofold question.

    I asked it because of letter I received from an inmate who said he all but begged his CMRI priest to hear his confession. This CATHOLIC priest not only denied this imprisoned person A Corporal Work Of Mercy, but also his duty as a Catholic priest to hear his confession.

    What kind of pastors are these that abandon the lost sheep that cries to them for help.

    A Confused Catholic

    1. Dear Confused,

      The point is, these un-trained lowlife are NOT pastors. A story like this should tell everyone to stay away from any of the sede cults, no matter what. These "priests" haven't the slightest idea of what their duties are.

    2. I had my own experience: At the advice of the District Superior, I rang a Priest for Holy Communion in the evening before my emergency surgery the next morning. I even offered the Priest to pay for the taxi. The hospital & Priory are in the same borough. No, some excuse was given & that he would not be able to visit me. I had my son 4 months pre-term, he is now in his mid 20's. That was in our time with the SSPX.

    3. The sede priests at these two places prioritize their sick calls to those of wealthy parishioners. If you have $, you could have sick calls weekly or even daily. If you don't, they are denied or given once a month.

  33. Money talks no matter where you go. It has replaced Latin as the universal church language. It's not just the sedes.

    1. So, because $ talks universally, we should just accept it? No, thank you. I expect more from any Church I'm going to support

    2. Carry on with prayers as well as good spiritual reading, observe the Ten Commandments.

      Hang tight for the raging storm.
